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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1921)
iHE liiiE: OliiAitA, 'liiUlvSDAY, IJIKUAUY 10, -1921.. 10 Clitsifiti Advertisini Rates 1S pr line (count word to nne I da 14 per Una per day, I consecutive days lie par Una par day, T conaecutlva days 14a par liar par day, 8 oonsacutlva days No ads taktn (or lass thaa a total or 34c. These ratra apply either ta tha Dally or Sunday Baa. All advirtlaamants P near lu both morning and avcnlng dally pauere for tha one charts. r CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Want ads accepted at tha following of- IrAIN OFFICII.... ..Htb and Farnam i Bja South Slda "i? it- Council Bluffs Scott 8t- WANT AOS RECEIVED BT PHONal AT TTLb.Fl 1O00. , THB BED will not ba responsible for mors than ona Incorrect tnartlon of i advertisement ardarsd for mors thao ooa ''closing hours roR want ads. Nvenlng Edition' ii Morning Ed I lio . . . . Bunday Edition ..... r. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES SMITH Mrs. J. P? B.. aged 83 year, billow of th. lute Rev. Joseph Smith, former pastor of lubllst churches, at Gibbon. Consd. Gothenburg1. Neb. r'unerai services i v --. day from home of her son. W. Hoy d Smith. . 3307 So. Hind Ave. Burial at SHnnnl Spriniia m, . A.V-X ESS Ralph II.. aged 64 'rJ- , funeral. Thursday. a try residence of ! 'r- .llrs',,"m,.; cuslc-k, 110 Grace -trcet. Interment I'urest Lawn wwwn X BVI I.I.n-Jamc. "ed February S. Funeral services will bt private Sal- iinluv nt 10 ti. ra.. from Iho chapel ai - Korea! Lawn cemetery. CARD OF THANKS. "Ve wl.Hh't".) t'nnk our many friends and neighbor, ths feeding jlcpar men and relief dn.inmc.iit of the l-"'"" Htok Yards, and the W. A. I. club for their klmli.ers, sympathy and autlful flower offerlnnf, shown us during the lii-r..- and dcuth of our beloved husband snd father and Knnofther. MKS. OnlOltGR KINCKI.ES, 1 MR. ANU MKS. J. A. KLINE .V I) OitA.M" tllLINlOA Wo wish to. express our heartfelt thanks-ami appreciation for the klnd ue:s Bntl beautiful floral offerings re cived during the sickness and death oi our beloved wife and mother. t'UAS.' FRAGKR AND FAMILT. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER O M ATI A'H ft f S'C SSAMBULANCE ffi? Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN HONKER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. S..ulh lath St. PouglSMMB. 701 S.u HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Mnibslmers. I'lt.m. H. 2f.. Office 211 Karnam. if'oR AMBULANCK call South . Korlsko Funeral Home, Zfi ana kt q. FLORISTS. LeelTlarmon focv': 114 Doualas 6t. Douirloa IJM4. JOHN BATH. th sad Farnam. I SflOQ. K Henderson. 15H Farnam. I ualaa 124. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. . ... . . jllrths. Roy and I.llllan Ooodall. hoapUal. boy. Francis and Kva Atkiaeon. hospital rl. Arthur and Peffla Smith, 05 South Twenty-seventh street, Klrl. , Kuaena and Justine rhllllps, hospital. ' Frank' and touia( Steppatt, hospital, ""Adolph and Una fl' ln. hospital, girl. ' John and Francis Dunn; S4l Seward wfoVoa'and Christine Pappas, 8J8 South Twenty-sevt nth street boy. ; Francesco and Rosa , Bono. 2114 Clark "'Affl'o'snd Marlsnna Alessandro, 01 South Sixth streot, strl, a-.ti. Claude and Mary Colllior. . 133 South Twenty-fifth street boy. - . Howard and Eleanor Peck, 4263 Wirt "wa'l'ter'and Blanch Baltser, SB11 King venue boy. Arnold and Flyen Nelson, hospital, boy. Richard and sfcella Olscn 232 FranUr Un street, ajirl. " " Wltmar and Matilda Sahdatedt, hospital, ' ooy. -i'-' ' ''V' " '"; . -." . Deaths.. 1 ;i Christina H. Br-hn, It, 1811 Van Camp Andrew Nadoli.a 0, 1548 Siuth Twenty-fourth street. ' . Louts O. Barr. 3S, S48 Larlmore street. l.ucile M. Roberts J, -iorence, Neb. Jean Z, Porter St, J315 North Twenty fifth avenue.- Carrol B.- Pennington, Infant hospital. Henrietta Fraaer. 81. 1410 Ohio street. Fldon Wayne Antic. Infant, hospital. Harold wmfnmark. infant, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Kdward Glass 4 Omaha, and .Wna Hotferkamp. 4, La Parte. Ind. F.dward J. Kuse),-2. Denlson, Is. an Kathryn Chrlstensen, 33, Denlson, la. Conrad Anderson 3, Omaha and Blsa, K. Nelson, 1, Omaha. . ' , ' William H. Rlson 84. Gainesville, Tex., and Vera Keith, 24, Omaha. William L. 'Haaedorn, over 21, Irving ton Neb. and Anna Ehlers over 18, Xrv ington. Neb. William M. Boyer, 2!, Omaha, and Mil dreth 11. Street, 21, Omaha. John Howes, 35 Omaha, and Eula Hen tfrix 1. Omaha. James A. Kaspar, 24. Prarue Neb., and Louisa Petrus, 20, Trague, Neb. Lester D. Billings, over 21, Ashland Neb. and Celia E. Raymond,, over 18, Omaha. i . , v . Albert Muntluglnn! 43 Winferd S, D. and Sarah E. Moore. 41, BlocUton la. ' LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. . FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. COMPANY. LOST Pocketbook containing 860 and railroad paases. Liberal urard for re turn to B. M. Cathcrs, R7n. 318. . P. - Bids-. - BETWEEN Saanders school; 130 N. 30th, . knife, two blades, opens by. spring .de vice. Reward. Har. S714. , ' BOSTON- Bull Terrier, black and whits; children mourn loss;, named "Pet." Re ward. Wal. 62S. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE funeral of Ralph O. Van-Xesa IS postponed until t a. m. Thursday, on account of the . arrival of his Bister from Indiana. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Induatrial home sotlcita your old clothing, furniture, magazines. V collect. Ws distribute Phone Doug 4136 and our waaon will " rail. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. A W. MARTIN, patent atty 1714 Dodge. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AOENCT. Incorporated. Douslas HOT. Suit 308. Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. SHAMPOOING, massaging and scalp treatments. Kenuent work; references. wenster 4745. SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS SVVOBOPA. 141ft FARNAM STREET. SWEDISH massage by masseurs. Dg. 6877, RENT, vacuum cleaner, $1 up. WsL 147, WEAV1XQ. old rugs remade. Ty. 143$. ELECTRO maasaga. 318 Neville Blk. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeen! St, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEPS HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Sp olal attention to children. Satisfaction assureo. ug. iti. Har. 270J. - IfpLPiTtO School for Dancing, 2424 Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway . . ttiqg. uoag. xoes. rnignt toi. niz. JAMK8 ALLAN, tit Neville Blk. Evidence - seenrea in an cases. Tyler list. Miscellaneous Announcements. ACCORDION, eld'., knife, sunburst box -. pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and sryiea; nemeiiicmng, picot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 201 grown oik, uougisa itis. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses mads sivar In new ticks at half price of aw beda PHlowa renovated and made up la saw feather-proof ticking.- liOI cumins vtreeu vougiss 14S7. DIAMONDS ZU ta birr back at small profit. GROSS - JEWELRY CO, N. 16tb Bt Doug la 34. Csaaha lawal Supply. MI'S. lltk. f. tZI. BRINGING UP 11 r II A. v HE MAY BP. PLAXIN - 5 v BOT BELIEVE. ME 'T-a WORK TO - LnTEN to HiMV ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Anrnuncements. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 2Jlh and llsrtba 8ta.. Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze.' aluminum and machine gray iron casunga. SAFETY rasor blades sharpened, new ra sors, rsaor blades sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. 1S23H Dodge. 103 N. 16. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. ' Massage, not packs. " CONCANNON BROS.,- TYLER 6731. WE do all kinds remodeling, pairing See our book of plana on bungal'-ws, ga. rases, Dickson A Newman. So. 8794. FILMS developed; printing aad enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co.. lt1 Howard 8L BELL'S MENTHOL -OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlslto Drug Stor. Ittb and Douglas eta. umana. neo. CLIFTON Hill Transfer ro.. moving, pack ing handling and shipping. -Wal, 11(4, Wal. 6665. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 15th and Jackson. D. 437. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent, 100 N. 16th St.. John Feldman. u. 31JS, Neb. Pleating A Button Co.. 1806 Farnam 1-1. unus. on, v. I'APKRHANOINil and painting. Ty. 4303. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your attic, don't you find a lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and ether artlclea that you have no further use fnr? And have you aver stopped to think, that someone might be only too glad to l-ive them? Then why not 1st the publlo know you have those articles usvless to you through a little want ad In The Bee? It couta very little and a 3-day ad would almost be. sure to sell It for you. Try' it Call Tyler 1000 and ask for tha Want Ad Dept. ' 3-piere mahogany bedroom suite. H. 6322. Pianos and Musical Instruments. BIOOEST phonograph . bargains in town; :IG also. 117.50; $130 size, 165: 1200 size, $96; $1 records, 45c. Records ex changed, 16c. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 1444 Dodae St. Doug. 2147. A. HOSPE CO. LWXJK Pianos for rent UPRIGHT, mahogany -caso piano. Llva tone, good as new,1 $225.. Dg. 8058. Clothing. Lady's tailored suit. 36, $20. Web. 6870., Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sola Brents for the CORONA. Get . our price before you buy. , Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Douglas 4129. ' 1012 Farnam. FOR HALE -One each, Elliott-Fisher-bookkeeping and billing machine; also one-tlnis clock. K.OPAC BROS.. ' 2037'Farnam. Phone Doug. 6464. PROTECTbORAPHS, F. E.'a; bargains. 618 Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard seals, $ "4x314 foot platform, also 2S-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam Sta. Phone Tyler looo. ....... ,SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell needles and parts. ; . MIUKEL'S 15th and Horney. Douglas 1972. SURE and aata investment, city warrants to pay you in per cent interest, siov, $600 and $1,000 amounta. K O. Solomon. 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. WE boy. sll safes, make desks, show- oases, etc. uroana f ixture & supply t-O. & W Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. Q A T?T?Q BARGAINS, 12th & Farnam. OIXX CjO j. j. Darigbt Safe Co. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS - New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. u. ana, WANTED Three . 48-inch oak. roll top deans, musi UV up-iu-uaio l,u u..i i; new; also small oak cabinet. Ohm, 337 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone Tyler 0037. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and "urniture. ry. xgbs. a. aavetu n. t USED reed baby carriage. H. 4008. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. COLORED man warns cleaning work, private houses and offices. Web. 0247. FOR wall paper cleaning, . floors waxed, varnishing, etc., call Colfax 1116. Painting, pprhg., plastering. Wal. 4667. Female. WANTED By young lady to learn X-ray, 6 months' experience, . t all wal. uzea between 6-T p. m. Box W-162, Bee. v GRADUATE nurse will care for paralyzed. mental or chronf ratient In my come. 412 S. 48th St. Wal. 4231. DAT work, while, bundle washing. Web- ....... a.-A . - DAYWORK by colored woman. .-Web. 4744. CATEREgS work. -Best of ref. Web. 456 DRE8SMAKINQ by day. Web. 0697. Laundry and Day Work. PHONE your ad In to The Bee, It aavas time. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the . want Ad Dept. ' HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the bnmestio column of The Bee. Lota of good places are always aavercisea. - Don t miss them. CLEANING- laundry daywork. Web. 383 EXP, laundress; daywork. Web. 6182. LACE curtains and blankets. 8. 4367. CLEAXINO and day work, Web. 453. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. TWO high-grade secretarial positions must Da. -T.k.l . tS ,.,, . vs..-! ub a.uci uniiiBr iuajf, ail DKV mug. if yon have had several years of office aiici,mivc uu aiau are a capaoieieD Ogranfcey. Professions and Trades. . LEARN VULCANIZING. and atart a business of your own. We ' teach tha famoua Anderson method and " suftimnm every siuaeni comp.ei.ina the 10-day course will be caoable of do. ing' any -class-of tire repairing. New class starts February 14. ANDERSON VULCANIZING SCHOOL. . - 1218 Harney St., Omaha TOUNG married man. mechanically in clined, for work on electric pianos; must be able to get bond. Aoolv Noli itinmM : San ford hotel, after J:30 p. m. Thurs- EXPERIENCED sootter and rln.r. mn.t ba A-l. I-eavenworth Cleaners A Dyers, 4-1 iMiMnvnrtk C. MOLER BARBER: COLLEGB. 110 8a. '4th. -Write for ciuim,. Bee Want Ads Are Let Business Getters, FATHER I NOTICED YOO "WERE. HTENINci, TO MP CLEF PLAfiN;- DON'T TOO THINK. HE HA A DELICATE TOUCH? , HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALES representative for Kohler Enameled Plumb ing "Yare and Kohler Automatic Power ana Light, an electric unit for farms. Qualifications Age 25 . to 35 ; married man preferred ; good ed ucation with some knowl edge of gas engines and electricity; capable of de veloping into branch manager. Write fully first letter. KOHLER CO., Kohler, Wis. OPPORTUNITY for an experienced auto mohlle niechunlc who can show proof of ability, to travel Nebraska represent ing one of the strongest and best known manufacturers In the east. Permanent , connection. Salory and expenses. Single man preferred, in reply, state experience. Bee, Box W.-160. WANTED Experienced oil mop and pol ish salesman to represent the nunkott Chemical Co., 2H20 So. Park AvcChl ragn. III., selling the retail trade. Ter- ;- ritory open, Iowa, Nebraska. Commis sion haul, jn tirst letter state age, past employers and any other Information, WANTED Salesmen who call on the banks in the state of Nebraska to sell lihe of leather check covers. Unques tionably -the best lino on the market P. t). Box 128, Nocona Tex. LIBERAL commission and bonus to A-l salesman, exclusive territory, fast sell ing proposition. 330 Leflang Bldg. THREE good houe to house men, steady worn, good commissions, c. F. Adams Co. 623 South 16th St. - Miscellaneous. ' WANTED Night Watchman Wanted at once, night watchman. Must have references. . Chicago Lumber Co., , 14th and Marcy St?., , . '"' '" ..'V ' Apply at office, KOENIG LABOR AGENCY. 1030 Douglas St. Phone Dg. 6678. Help or an Minus xurnisnea rree. MAN to mop tile floors. Evening work. Apply room zzo. New Telephone Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. YOUN WOMEN OF AMBITION . 8EEK1NO EMPLOYMENT ' AT OOOD WAGES WITH OPPORTUNITIES FOR RAPID ADVANCEMENT WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO IN VESTIGATE THE OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYMENT WITH OUR COMPANY OFFERS. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE. COMPANY. -EMPLOYMENT OFFICE , NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING HOOM C14. WANTED -Some one to take charge of waist linings that can cut and prepare linings for fittings. JESSIE F. FOX, 774 Saunders-Kennedy Building. Household and Domestic. I WANT a housekeeper from the age of 20 to 85 years of age. I am a widower 35 years of age and have two children, 6 and 7 years old. I have no objection to one child. Address to Havens, Neb., Box 2. - . GIRLS Watch tha Domestic Column of Tha Bea Want Ada. Good, wall-paid and homelike places always advertised. WANTED White girl for general house- work. References l squired. Tel. wal. ' 5179. ,- - HOUSEKEEPER wanted at once. Refer ences required, Apply 4935 S. 24th St. WANTED "White girl , for housework. small family. Harney 0633. COOK at once. Phone 3671, Council Bluffs. COMPETENT rook, phone Harney 0674, Hotels and Restaurants. TWO nice appearing girls wanted. Olym- pia ianoy Ritciien, 1515 Harney St.- HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand: wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St.- Trt-Clty Barber Collega EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, dim chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire lens teleKtaphy, - civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated catalog. Addresa BOYLES COLLEGE, ' Boylcs Bldg.Omaha. Neb. :, Van 8ant School of Business. , Day and Evening Schools. ' 12$ Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. business chances: GOOD blacksmith - shop electrically enulnned. Invoices ." nearly 31.000. Lo cated In Mlnatare. Neb. $800 cash or part cash and good paper will taka it. H. A. Hagel, Owner, Mlnatare, Neb. MANICURE AND BEAUTY PARLOR very latest equipment, clears 1300 monin net. Price 42,ouo, nair casn. LEWIS CO... 411 McCasue Bldg. TO GET !n or out of business, sea LEWIS A Co.. 411 McCagne Bldg. RESTAURANT for sale, a good proposi tion. 307 North lth St. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE tWU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making ehane-a. which will ba more convenient for you? If ao. then call Tha Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000. and wa wfll not only furnish you with a complete room list of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our "Want to Rent,f list for further refer nr In esse vou wanted to make an other, change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of Tha Omaha Bea and puonanea solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad uept. SINGLE rooms, running hot and cold ivatep mma romriletetv vfurnlnhrd 2 or 3- " room r.partmcnt; for men onifc steam bent; within walking distance, fjrown Bachelor Apts., f 08 N. 21sL Doug. 6644, Registered U. S. Patent Office. J IP TOU CV.L THAT A TOUC H . I'O HATE, TO HAVE HIM r HIT me; FOR AENT ROOMS. i Furnished Rooms. NICE furnished southwest room, suitable for man ar.d wife or business persons; breakfast If desired. 703 8. 31st Ave. LARGE well furnished room, suitable for two; walking distance. Tyler 6026. 2111 St. Marys. - 2061 PACIFIC; nicely furnished room suitable for 2, gentlemen preferred. H. 1590. CLEAN, comfortable room. Close In. 212 Paxton Court. Phone Har. 7119. 614 So.' 2th Two 2-room suites, clean and desirable, "team neat. SLEEPING -room, modern home. Kountze place. Web. 4007. FURNISHED rooms, 1814 Webster, D. 3971. 1139 SO. 28th, room, private family, lady preferred, references. Har. -1613. ROOM for 1 or 3 girls. Trivate home, meals if desired. Harney 4314. PLEASANT front room. Apply 220 No. 83. 2 ROOMS walking distance. 617- Park Ave. ROOM for 2, private home. H. 4111. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST QF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLEK 1000. WANT AD - TWO connecting, furnished, housekeeping rooms, with alooe, strictly modern, light, heat, gas furnished. Garage room for one car If desired; no children. 2032 N. lth. Webster 3979. 1 VERY nice largo front rooms for light housekeeping In private home. 1911 Cass Jit., Ty. 6489 LIGHT housekeeping rooms In private home for young couple, references. 704 No. 30 St. liar. 2494. CR08STOWN. 24 th snd Davenport, 2 rooms, heat, electric lights. 220'A N. 23d. TWO well-furnished rooms for housekeep ing. Modern. 636 S. 28th Bt. - 623 So. 16th nice Buite ot rooms, steam heat, water, gos. range. 614 So. 29th Two 2-room . Suites, clean and desirable, steam-heat. - JBoard and Rooms. FCR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT. ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OK ROOMS. FRONT room, furnished or unfurnished, on Sherman ave. car line, 2 young men. Meals If desired. Web. 1612. BEAUTIFUL south room two young men or couple employed;- excellent board. Har. 4604. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, 7 room, aeml-bungalovr. Hot water heat, oak floors, one block from street car. Immediate possession. Call Col. 2576 or Col. 0797. Unfurnished. 108 StanfdTd Circle. 13th and Vinton St; 6-roora house, modern ex. heat, rent $2,700. -v - BIRKETT & CO., r 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 0638. ' 3331 PINE, six-rooms snd sleeping porch, . strictly up-to-date; paved street, $90. , AMOS GRANT COMPANY, Realtors. Douglas 8380. 330-2-4 Brartdets Th. Bldg. 3-ROOM house and two acres, South Oma ha. L. L. Johnson Douglas 1603. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. "r Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. THREE-ROOM apt.,, modern homo, Kountze Place. Web. 4097. 3 rooms; heat, bath, $10. Wal. 6257. Unfurnished. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. No. 8 Montlcello, 6 rooms, $105. No. 15 Mount Vernon, 6 rooms, $140. PETERS TRUST COMPANY.' 17th and Farnam Sts. - Tyler 0544. 114 SO. 38TH AVE. Very . desirable three-room apartment, large rooms; fine location; garage; rent reasonable. Be jure and see this. WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1536. 33 Securities Bldg. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses FOR rent, modern 4-rooin apartment Web. 6397. FOR RENT Business Property. 2016 FARNAM ST.; sfore with full ce ment basement,- auto row; steam heat furnished. Suitable for any retail busL aess or offices. I WALSH-ELMER CO.. Tyler 1536. - 333 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT One building, 46x110, garage. March 1: one building, 20x80; also 00 pairs roller skates In good shape for sale. J. P. Johnson, Geneva, Neb. S-ROOM office suite, apply 400 1st Nal'l Bank Bldg. BEE F. D. WEAD. 310 8. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room. EXCELLENT office space with use of desk and telephone. 327 Securities Bldg. DESIRABLE rooms for a dnntlst. Call Dg. 6370, between 2 and 6 o'clock. HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness. SALE ON HARNESS AND SADDLES. We make them ourselves and sell hem ' direct to the farmers. You get the best that can be made at first cost, you don't have to pay any middleman's profit, And then get poor harness. We are making a big reduction In prices nearly pre-war prices. Harness from 640 to $100 per sot. . Our goods are guaranteed. The store Is (2 years old and the oldest saddelery store In the west. Alfred Cornish A Co.. Successors to Collins & Morrison, 1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab. LIVE STOCK. FRESH cow and calf, cheap. Tyler 3357. "Onward Omaha" Bee Want Ads. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST Ol' ROUSES AND APARTMENTS. lth and Jackson 8's Douglas 0283. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. ; -. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE Co.. lot, South 16th. . Doug. 4161. v .... ; SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN . FULL . " PACE OF COLORS' IN THE SUNDAY BEE . HE PLAT MQRNINC NOON AND rsiHT UU"ST TO KILL Ct 7 TIME ! ' t MOVING AND STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. ' Tyler 400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let a estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1606 Davenport Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHITE Wyandotte hatching eggs. Col 0S89 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Today . is the time. Right .today, to in spect our quite unusual display of RE-NEW-ED Cadillacs. Type 57, 7-passengcr with Art craft top." A beautiful job. Type 57 Touring. Newly paint ed. RE-NEVV-ED througliout. Type 57 Phaeton. Will paint to suit purchaser if sold at once. Type 55 Victoria. RE-NEW-ED and repainted. - Type 55 Touring. Special paint. Looks like a new car. Type 55 Phaeton. Just newly painted. In wonderful condition. Type 53 Roadster. RE-NEW-ED, repainted. A wonderful buy, i Type 51 Touring. In good con dition. Good tires. ' Not in many months have we had such a complete display of sizes, types and models, and if you will give the matter serious thought NOW is the only logical time to buy from the standpoint of price and delivery, two matters of great importance in April and May. ' To buy now is to save time, money and disappointment, v. ' A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Harney 0710. Farnam at 26th. We have some sptendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. Reo Speed Wagon for $1,300 Reo Speed Wagon. One of the best commercial motor cars ever constructed, and this one is in mighty good condition. It will earn . its own way. Reasonable terms' to responsible party. If thinking of buying a truck or speed wagon, be sure to look at i this one. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam at 26"th. Harney 0710. 1917 Buick Six Touring Rebuilt, repainted, new tires, $676. , .AUTO EXCHANGE CO.. 2204 . Farnam. Nash Touring, $1,200. A' dandy Nash Touring car. in good condition. Being revamished. Wh you see it you will know that it is a great bargain at the price. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Harney 0710. Farnam at 26th. SOME bargalna in used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford ' Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Doug las 360. V For $500 . . A' dandy small Studebaker. Good ' tires, beautiful paint. Mechanical condition O. K. This car will sell . for more money in the spring when everybody wants good used cars. You can buv now at this remarkable price. , t J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam at 26th. Harney 0710. ONE DODGE sedan Ilk new or will trade for Dodge roadster, 1920. Call Web. 0540. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH -OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney 8ts. '19 OVERLAND "90," like new, $355 cash or terms. Twenty other snaps. Traw ver Auto Co. 2210 Farnbm. v ONE-TON Maxwell truck, $360. will trade for Ford. Doug. 6211. , Repairing and Painting. AUTO PAINTING 276$ Burt. Harn-y 6811. Tire Repairing. TIRE REPAIRING Export work guaran teed for life of casing. Write or phone , for price list. Express or Parcel post paid both ways. EVERREADY TIRb SERVICE CO.. "314 So. 19th St. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor It. Roos. 27th and I-caven worth. Dept. B. Omaha. Neb. FARM LANDS. For Rent FOR RENT 160-scra farm, 90 plowed, balance hay and pasture. $400 .rent, one mile to town. R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Neb. Arkansas Lands. FOR SALE In North Arkansas, many valley and river farms, all size tracts, good producers from $5 to $50 per acre. Free lists and Information. Leonard and Tevebangh. Mtn. Home. Arkansas. Washingon Lands. WASHINGTON state needs settlers; cheap land, excellent soli. Ideal climate; raise berries, fruits, vegetables, grain; best markets, good roads; rail and w-ater transportation. Write J. Grant Hlnkle, Sec, of State. Dept. F. Olympia, Wash. Wisconsin Lands. mm 1 ANDOLOGY special number Just out, containing 1921 facts of clover land Is Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or aa an Investment you are thinking of buying goad farm lands where farmera grow rich, send nt once for this special number of Landology It Is free on request. Address Skid- 4 more-niehlo Land Co.. 483 Skldmote lllelil Bldg.. Marinette, Wla . - - -, . .' -a, ; " v iNTk FCATuiti Sis vice. Inc. FARM LANDS. T New York Lands. $25,000 BUYS Judge Hooker Homestead, consisting of 439 acres, rich dark loam soil, 40 acres, very valuable timber, bal ance tile drained rieios, woven wire fences. Abundance fruit; modern build ings; cow barn. 44x118; horse barn, 30x90; 3 sllo. other buildings. Includ ing 80 head of cattle, 12 hogs, 3 mules, tractor and complete farm equipment. The same imprownssnts and producing power in eastern Nebraska would bring $150,000. Free list. Ellis Bros. Inc., Sprlngvllle, N. T. - FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC.. 638 Recline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101$ Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. For Farm ioans In eastern Nebraska see Paul Peterson, 3C4 Brandeia theater bldg. Omaha, v - $100 to $10,000 mads promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 810 43. 18th St PROMPT aervice. reasonable ratea, private money. Garvin Broa. 345 Omaha Nat REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Trackage. WE HAVE an unusually well located piece of traclcsge, 31x132; tracks on both sides. Alfred Thomas A Son, (04 1st Nat. Bank. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST., $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK. 400 Petera Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST homes and Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418 1st Nat Bk. Doug. 1966. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1426. WANTED to buy, six or aoven-room mod ern "home in good location, about $5,000, or $5,500. Have $2,000 rash. Must have place by Marah 1, Box H-87. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO.. , City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. P.J. TEBBENSrniA.W.A?at. COS Omaha Nut I Bk. Bid. Douglas IHJ vu huh your property i lisi u Willi i-. -n.. vtrniiiiipi. 'mana mail &k, At 1 a if. WANTED TO BUY Four or 6-room hou, luiaiian ana pay uu down, 130. 135 month. Box H-45. Omaha Be. M tAUUli IJNVtiMMKNi CO., 1500 Dodge 8t Douglas 1141. W. G. SHRIVERfpTATB 104T-S Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Dong. 163 RTT? KF.TT.11181' ESTATE; J,XVJ.iA 1 "Sella. Rente. Insures. 360. Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 0633. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co., 412 Karbach Big. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. SMALL store with flat above,. on car line, modern, rent $720 year: price. $4,600! easy terms. Douglas 1734 dsys. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtors. Real . Estate, Investment, Insurance, Rentals. Tyler 1536. 332 Securltlea Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. CLEAR lot. So. Omaha for car. Benjamin & Frankenburg, Doug. 0722. WANTED To exchange, good house for automobile. Box F-14S6, Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee -BUILT FOR A HOME Located at 6005 Webster St., utl two story kellnstone aud brick; attractive living room: large dining room; up-to-date kitchen with breaKfast room; four corner , bedrooms, one with three , exposures; large closet in each room, also linen closet and extra closet In hall; tiled bathroom with built-in tub nnd pedestal lavatory: extra toilet and lavatory between two bedrooms; nice basement with laundry tubs, toilet, coal bin, fruit room, etc. Beautiful lighting fixtures, and artistic decorations. Lot 60x128, with taved alley. Just built; Immediate possession. - Look this over :' and see me for prloe and terms. . . '' C. A. GRIMMEL, REALTOR. -Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Phone, P. 1615. Florence. NETHAWAY, Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1409. South Side. i FDR SALE 7-room house, all modern, n. e. cor. 2110 J St., possession given mediately. Tel. call So. 0123. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West Immediate Possession 4232 DOUGLAS STREET Seven rooms, strictly modern, four rooms on first floor; oak finish, newly decorated; attractive new lighting fixtures; second floor has three nice bedrooms and bath. a-U newly decorated; fulf cemented basement, nice south front lot, paved street. Payne & Carnaby Co., REALTOR SERVICE, 616 Om. Nat'l Bank-BIdg. Call '. Mr. Reed, -Douglas 1016. WEST FARNAM . , . -, ... $8,S00 8-room, modem home.- with den and aun parlor; three bedrooms and sleeping porch; oak and white enamel finish. Located , on south -front lot About half cash. $9.500 A very attractive home handy to cathedral; largo living room arrange ment with fireplace; three nice bed rooms and sleeping porch; tile bath room. Cement driveway with garage for two cars. Laccdry tubs, floor drain, Ruud heater.., A very good home for the money. " . GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 28i0. 918-20 City Nat'l WTEST FARNAM BUNGALOW Six fine rooms. Fireplace In living room. Oak floors throughout Oak finish living nnd dining room. 'Large basement. Stationary , tubs. Garage, cement drive. Fine location, near 41st and Dewey. For further Information call Grant Bencon. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 l'AMon Block. Evgs. Wal. 1580. Tyler 3:. Oiuaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, $21 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4319. . Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright, ;tl International Mews Service CERTAINLY MA a cooo weapon: REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. West Farnam District. ' Choice aix-room. odk finished, strictly modern home; garage; cast front corner lot; paving all paid; 2 blocks to New Yates school. Owner leaving for Call forn'a snd must seM st once. Built for home and couldn't be duplicated for tha price, $6,500. Call ' Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 2282. FOR SALE By owner, good three-room house, full basement, two lots, hen house, garage and fruit. Price $1,800. $700 cash. Call Wal. 6157. North. MINNE LUSA-OWNER LEAVING CITY Will sell furniture wilh hoiise. Large living room with, fireplace, attractive dining room, breakfast room and kitchen, first floor; two large bedronmo, heated sleeping porch and tiled bath room, second floor. Built-in buffet, oak and white enamel finish, tastily dec orated, furnace heat, laundry tubs, . full brick basement: 1-car garuge.. Here Is an opportunity to buy a well-built home, Priced right. GEORGE & CO., NEAR MILLER PARK OWNER LEAVING CITY . MUST BE SOLD Ns-r, strictly modern flvo-room stucco bungalow on Curtis avenue, overlooking Miller park. - All rooms on one floor, tiled bath; tiled kitchen, with all built in features; best of plumbing; nicely decorated: dandy basement. Owner Is leaving city and has cut price to $6,560 for quick sale on reasonable terms. Look this over and make us an offer. Possession at once. J. L. HI ATT CO.. BETTER VALUES. . Hlatt Bldg.. 1914-16 Douglas St . Tyler 0063. . A REAL BUNGALOW ' Five large rooms, with the dining room and living room on the east. Oak finish. Large bedrooms. - Floored atlc and full basement Close to car and school. In a nice neighborhood. $4,760, terms. Call Mr. Mead, Tylsr 0050. Eve nings Tvler 4701. HASTINGS, & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. Phone T5'ler 050. Leavenworth Heights , Bungalow. . Brand new. five-roora oak finished semi-bungalow: fireplace and many ex tra features. Ownor will sacrifice. Osborne Realty Co. 530 Petera Trust Bldg. douglas $?8t. 6-ROOM house, full sfte concrete base ment, 5 years old, 2 tots 60(140 each, good place fnr chickens or gardening. WaL 0608. 4724 Charles. 6-ROOM house,, paved street, for $2,000, easy terms. Cot 0176. R, F. Clary Co, North Omaha Kealtors. 2414 Ames .Ave. A FEW homes and lota for aalc lr Park wood addition; a safe pl4ce for Invest ment Nflri-ls A Norris. Douglas 4270. SPECIAL terms on 2823 Seward St 4-rm. bungalow. Modern, $200 cash. baL mo vreign. gn Bee, pong, oaoy. MINNE -LUSA homes and Iota offer tha best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment. 643- Peters Trust Doug. S097. South. Hanscom Park-Bungalow, $1,500 Cash, j Six-room- strictly modern bun galow, all on one floor, con sisting of living room, dining room, with built-in bookcases and. buf fet x sun room with bevel-plated French doors, two dandy bed rooms, bath and kitchen; full ce mented basement; furnace heat; dandy nice. attic, all plastered; -ga- ' rage; nice lot, paved street, paved alley. Price.. $6,800. r PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, - 537 Om. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. 3059 South 32d St. 7-room house, strictly modern, on paved street. Has built-in tea turcs. nice fireplace, sun parlor and sleeping porch. Price-- $9,250. Terms. ' - . ' C. G. CARLBERG, - REALTOR. Doug. 0585. 312 Brandeis Th. Bldg. A HOME A RARGAIN. OWNER TO PURCHASER. Two-story frama house. J years old. Lot 63x228 ft. liOCated on fine street. 'Fine residence district; 6 rooms snd bath. Full cem-nt and brick basement. Large attic. Phone Walnut 1979 or Douglas 6725 for Information before call ing. This will soon go. Call now. Miscellaneous, SIX ROOMS DUNDEE HOME Living room across the front, square dining room, kitchen and ample pantry space, downstairs. Oak floors and finish. Three bed rooms, each with two exposures, and large bath on second. Hard pine floors and finish. Full base ment. Full south front lot, just one' block from Dundee car line and . five blocks from Dundee school. Price is $7,500. Owner desires half cash. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. Real Estate Transfers William C. Rhodea to Albert L. . Keller and .wife, Amea ave., 48 ft. a. ot 36th st. n. a. 49x126 $$,260 Rogera Real Estate Co. 16 Mary . Chmatal sr., a e. cor. 18th A Oak ' St., 66x109.5 1,000 Evelyn Scott Fenton and husband to John A. Hultgresi, Blondo st. 160 -ft. w. of 47th St., n. s., 60x133.6. 60 Cecelia W. Jewell and husband to . St. John's A. M. E. Church, 2nd V Willis st. w. a. (8x136, n. w. cor. 22nd : Willis st, 69x81 1 Barker Co. to Nellie Hulse 46th ave.. 100 ft a. of Miami at. e. a, 60x125 (00 Mary E. Tlmme to Hans M. Lsurit sen. Grand ave. 160 ft. r. of Font anels blvd., n. a., 25.2x126 47$ - 3M South Side. Man Tests Pistol, Judge Has It Now Vx'hcii Patrolman Phalcn saw a man fire a shot at 10 Tuesday night on South Side he thought it was an attempted holdup and ran to his assistance. , lie found John Sterner. 2017 Cas tcllar street, employed at the oil sta tion at Nineteenth and Howard streets, holding a smoking revolver. Steiner blasted the holdup theory by telling the officer he was taking his brother's revolver to be cleaned, and tried it out to sec if it would work. He thought it wasn't loaded, he said. Phalen arrested him for discharg ing firearms within the corporation limits and Judge Dunn confiscated the revolver in court. f Cops Fiiid Stepson Lustily Mauling Alleged Wife Beater .' When police atiswered a call of neighbors of Emery Marriott, fore man at the Dold packing plant, 2606 Polk street, Tuesday night that Mar rion had appeared at his home intoxi cated arid was beating his wife they found Marrion on the floor with his stepson on top wcilding a stove leg, they reported. M arrion was " arrested, but in South Side police court yesterday his wife praised him as a model husband to the judge and blamed the entire affair on the stepson. So Mar- rioti was discharged. Head of Commission Firm Dies After 36 Hours' Illness After an illness of only 36 hours, William H. Dudley, head of tha South Side commission firm of W. H. Dudley & Sons, died at the home of his son, Allan Dudley, 4002 South Twenty-third street, yesterday morn ing of heart disease. He was a pio neer of Council Bluffs. He is sur vived by his wife, a daughter, Mrs, Raymond Conner of Denison, la., and two sous, Allan and Chester Dudley. - South Side Brevities Illinois coal, $11. Howland Lumber and Coal company. Phono South 1614. Adv. Burn Franklin county coal. Best for furnace, range or hnater. $13 per ton. Pivonka Coal and Feed company. Fhona South 0516. Adv. . . The Woman's Aid Society of Bt.' Lukes Lutheran church will meet Thursday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. A. J. Nodean, 2306 N. street. A dancing party was given In honor ot Miss Irene Randall at her home, 2200 I atreet on her 16th birthday. Those present were: Misses: Louise Rathsack, Adallns McCulloah, Lucille Bliss, Dorothy Smith, DelorloiA . Partch, Marie Gorman, and Ge neva Llndberg. Messrs: Dana Ackerman, James Doty, Joe Sbalnbolts, Ralph Bernard,- Bud Foley. Clark Nleman, Gall Hamilton and Bowman Hutchinson. The board of directors ot ths South Omaha Merchants association will meet Friday evening at 7:30 at tha offices of the Cltlxen Printing company, 3310 N street, on a call of M. P. Hlnehey, presi dent The secretary reports 150 business men of the- South Side have paid up their membership dues and more than 200 am expected to be paid up In time to attend the next regular meeting at the South Side city hall next Wednesday evening. Body of Poison Victim Is Not Yet Identified . Officials of the Omaha Welfare board are seeking relatives of a man whose body, is being held at the H. H. Kramer morgue, 5918 Military avenue.. - The man was taken suddenly ill Sunday at the Northwestern hotel, where he had been registered as George McKenzie for four weeks and was removed to the county hospital, where he died two hours later. Cause of death was attributed to poisoning. In his pockets was a membership card for the United'Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes, but the stamp of the town where the card Was issued was illegible. In his satchel at the hotel are sev eral shirts and collars but nothing to indicate his identity. The man was apparently about 55, weighed 200 pounds, and was five, feet eight inches tall. He wore a sandy mustache and goatee and oiu his right arm a red, white and blue patriotic shield was tattooed. Mortician Kramer said he could hold the body a week while the wel fare board carries on a search for relatives. Fire Causes $2,000 Damage To Smelter Equipment Dense ".smoke and stifling gas fumcs poured from the plant of the American . Smelting and Refining company, Eighth and Davenport street, yesterday afternoon, when fire of spontaneous combustion origin caused $2,000 damage to eqiup ment. - The flames were discovered in the. "bag room" where the metals are filtered of gases after being molten from the ore. . For 20 minutes the smelting com pany fire department fought the flames before they were placed un- ' der control with the aid of the city fire department ' ' No one was injured or overcome during the blaze. -, , Boy's Mother Causes Arrest Of Pair Married Under Agt Harold Mericle is 16 and his wife is 17. Thev were married a iril-' ago Monday by Justice of the Peace ounce aiter tney nad misstated their ages to get a license. Harold's mother came from her home in Lin coln vesterdav and had the pair arrested. After a hearing in juvenile court the mother took Har oia DackT to Lincoln and juvenile au thorities took the bride to the home of her brother, Henry Wilhelm, Sixty-first and Q streets. Mrs. Mer- icie nas started proceedings in tne district court at Lincoln to annu? the marriage. . Taxicab Rates Reduced Reduction in taxicab rates for the Brown cabs, effective Thursday, was announced by the Omaha Taxicab and Transfer company yesterday. The new rate will be 30 cents for the first one-third mile, and 10 cents for each one-third mile thereafter. This is a reduction of from 50 ana 10 cents, respectively. Hour rates and extra charges will remain the same. The reduction comes as the result of the cut in the price of gasoline, of ficials of of the company said. tr;t t j . m - i"'"? uvc :u iu aa ini.ii.i in the dinmnnrl nrndnrtinsi f nnftr1! Guiana, . ' ' 0 1 J.