Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily ' Bee
.VOL. 50 NO. 204.
Eaten at (N-CliM Matter MiT V, ISO. t
Oaaha P. 0. UaaV Art f . Karen l IK
By Mail (t Mart. Iaita"a4tk Ia, Dally ana Svaaav, : Dally 0ty. H: SuM. $4
Outelaa 4ta Zm (I yr). Dully a" Saaaaj. llti Dally Oaly. I2i Svaday Oaly, IS
three; cents
Bill to Bar
All Aliens
Is Rejected
Johnson Measure, Pro vidi tig
For ' Suspension of Irnmi
gration for Year, Killed
By Senate Committee.
- Substitute Up Today
Chirac Tribune-Omaha Bra Iaird Wire.
Washington. Feb. 9. Representa
tive Johnson's bill passed by the
house, providing the suspension of
immigration for one. year, was
formally rejected today by the sen-
, ate committee on immigration by
a vote pf 4 to 5. - Senator Johnson
of Washington, Harris of Georgia,
Harrison of Mississippi and King of
Utah voted for the bill and Colt
of Rhode Island (chairman), Dill
ingham of Vermont, Sterling of
-' South Dakota. Keyes of New Hamp
shire, and Phelan of- California,
against it.
The majority took the position
that the existence of an emergency
requiring the complete suspension of
immigration had not been demon
strated and that congress should
proceed to the enactment of well
considered restrictive legislation.
The committee will take up tomor
row tne Dillingham bill for a per
centage limitation of immigration,
- with a view to reporting it favorably
to the senate as a substitute for the
Johnson bill, although there is no
expectation ot passing at before
March 4.
! t On Percentage Basis.
The Dillingham bit) provides that
the number of aliens of any nation
ality entering the United States as
, immigrants in any one year, shall be
limited to 5 per cent of the total
number of persons of such nation
ality already in the country, as deter
mined by the latest, census. The
Icgislatipn would not apply to immi
grants' from the American conti
nents and adjacent islands, nor to
the Asiatic "barred zone" . from
which , immigrants already are ex
cluded, nor to Japan, immigration
from which is regulated by agree
ment. . --
Senator Johnson and other radi
cal restrictionists will endeavor to
have the percentage cut to 2, 3 or
4 per cent.
Senator Dillingham calculates that
Jiis percentage plan of restriction
vwculd operate to permit a greater
immigration from northwestern
Europe than hitherto, while cutting
to one-third the rate of infmigration
from the remainder of Europe, He
submitted to the committee the.fol- j
- lowmrlb6rnpaTitir'"tiie" e'sti-
mated jmmigration under- the S per i
(Turn to Fa Five Column 8U.) '
United States Steel V
Corporation Prices to
Remain Unchanged
New " York. Feb. 9. Existing
prices and wage scales of the United
"States Steel corporation are to be
continued, declared Elbert H. Gray,
chairman of the board, to news
paper men today.
Some independent companies, he
understood, had made efforts to sell
their products below current quota
tions, but he asserted that the
United States Steel corporation has
no intention at this time of changing
its selling prices. The , subject of
reducing w.age rates among its
, 265,000 employes has not even been
' tip for consideration, -he added.
"It seems ' to me," he continued,
"that any manufacturer of steel who
contemplates reducing selling prices j
below the basis fixea by the indus- j
trial board in March, 1919, must
have in mind the intention of reduc-l
ing wage rates accordingly, thereby j
charging the difference to the work- j
ing people. If so, 'the manufacturer
is wrong and unfair, unless, ; of
course the present selling prices are
higher than they ought to be, which
' would be.vnfair to the consumers.
or wage rates are higher than they
should be." -,.-' - : ; r . -
Reds Try to Assassinate '
New Commander of Japs
Tokio, Feb. 9. Russian bolsheviki
have attempted to assassinate Gen.
Koichiro Tachibana while enroute
from Chang-Chun to Vladivostok to
take the place of General Oi as com
mander of Japanese troops in east
ern Siberia, says a, dispatch to the
Jiji Smipo of Osaka, The newspa
per's correspondent, declares that the
action of the Japanese in reinforcing
" garrisons in the interior of the . Si
berian maritime province has cre
ated an impression among Russians
that the Japanese plan offensive op
erations there.
Thread Manufacturing
Plant Back on Full Time
Rawtucket, R. I., Feb. 9. J. and
P. Coats, thread manufacturers, an
nounced today that all departments
would hereafter be operated 48 hours
' a week and that a night shift would
be started in the spinning depart-
. ment. For some weeks several of
the departments have' been operated
only two or three days a week. The
plant employs 2,500 on day work.
Amusement Resort on 3 '
Detroit Water Front Burns
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 9. Fire" of un
determined origin today destroyed
the Pier dance hall and the Coliseum,
a river front amusement resort, en
tailing a loss estimated at $500,000.
Several firemen were slightly in
jured when the roof of the Pier hall
collapsed. r ' - . vi ,
Plan Class Play
Geneva, Neb., Feb. 9. (Special.)
The junior class of the Fairmont
High school is preparing to put
on the play. "Green . Stockings,"
February 16.
Boycott Forces Food
Shops to Close Doors
New Brunswick, N. J., Feb. 9.
Forty-five butcher and baker shops
were closed here today and house
wives who for days have boycotted
and picketed the places, were jubi
lant. They demand lower prices for
meat and bread, but the retailers
claim prices cannot be xut until
wholesale quotations drop:
A mere man, ignorant of the boy
cott, bought two dozen rolls yester
day. On leaving the bakery, wom
en attacked bim, flung the rolls
into the gutter and pursued 'the in
nocent buyer down the street Other
attacks occurred in various parts of
the city. '
Unemployment conditions have
embittered many consumers against
the retailers, it was said.
Head of Police
Gets Thrill in
First Air Trip
Plane Carrying J. Dean Ringer
Falls ' 75 Feet in Forced
Landing Makes
Second Trip. ;
Taking a "high dive" in a sea of
mudfailed to dampen the ardor of
Police Commissioner. J. Dean Ringer
for flying but gave him some defi
nite ' opinion on proposed legisla-
tion regulating the aerial lanes over
Omaha. , - ,
Slightly strairied wrists are the only-
injuries -the police head will admit
after making a forced landing. two
miles southeast of the air mail held.
He emphatically denies that he was
Commissioner Ringer , "hopped
off" at 3:05 'with C A. James as
pilot. His thrills began immediately.
Engine trouble developed at the
start and the ship skimmed, the tops
of trees and two houses. Mr. Ringer
is sure the running gear of the plane
touched both houses and trees,
although spectators say he cleared
them, by several inches.
Roll in Mud.
The pilot continued working with
his motor until about two miles from
the field when the engine stopped
and the plane fell "kerplunk" in a
lake of mud in the backyard of a
residence. The pilot estimated the
distance of the fall between 50 and
75 feet. The machine was slightly
damaged. .-'-'-- "
Doctors, mechanicians, friends and
others at the flying field when they
saw the plane fall rushed in auto
mobiles Ho the scene of the accident,
exnectinar to find a badly damaged
police commissioner and pilot. The
reverse, agdSrje. - "' -
Returning to the field in an, auto
mobile Commissioner Ringer entered
a nlane niloted UV UDU W. tf noi-
comb at JO ana stanea on ms
second aerial; adventure. Better
luck accomnanied him and for 30
- . . - ... .
minutes he enjoyed a flight over the
city, -
Enjoys Second Flight
The plane ascended to a height of
Z.5UU teet during most oi ns ma
neuvers. Mr. Ringer said he could
not pick out the city hall from other
buildings, but thoroughly enjoyed
his flight. . '
He announced that in the near fu
ture he will make other flights, after
which lie will make regulations for
aviators passing over Omaha. "Jaz
zing" around the downtown build
insrs is dangerous and should be
prohibited, Mr. Ringer said he was
convinced atter nis own o-iooi iau.
The commissioner said he was not
prepared after one flight to an
nounce any definite rules, but he was
of the opinion that a minimum
flying height of about 2,000 feet was
right. .
Three Killed When
Blast Wrecks Plane
Lacrosse, Wis., Feb. 9. Pilots W.
Ti. f arroll and Roe and Mechanic
Hill were killed in the collapse of
their aerial mail plaire here today.
The three airmen were about to
land at Salzer field when an explo
sion sent their plane plunging down
from a height of 600 feet. '
The bodies of the victims were
badly burned by fire that followed
the explosion.
40,000 Needle Workers Are
Out on Strike in New York
New York.Feb. 9. A stride of
40,000 needle worked, 50 per cent
of whom are women, 'was called
here-today by officials of the joint
board of , dress and waistmakers'
unions in an effort to enforce the
closed shop in the women's clothing
manufacturing industry. The strike
was voted at a meeting held yester
day. - ' . . ' '
British Charge Ordered to
. Deny Interview Given Out
Washington. Feb. 9. By direction
of hi, government, Leslie Craigie,
British charge here, called today on
Secretary Colby at the State depart
ment to formally deny published re
pots that officials of the British for
eign office had told American news
paper correspondents in London that
Great Britain and America ; were
treading the path leading to war.
Alligator Will Be
New White House Pet
Washington. D. C, Feb. 9. A
Florida alligator, with ' a r six-foot
smile more or less, is to succed as
White House pet former President
Taft's famous cow, Pauline, the pony
that rode in an elevator in Presi
dent Roosevelt's administration, and
more recently, President Wilson's
flock of lawn-mowing sheep.
Senator Trammell carried word
to 'White House offices today thai:
President-elect Harding had already
accepted a "fair-sized 'gator" from
Henry M. Bennett of Jacksonville.
r i
aP r
In Taxation
Iowa Representative Warns
House Members Time Is
Here to Call Halt on
Opposed to Profits Tax
; Washington, D. C, Feb. 9. Warn
ing the house that the mounting wave
of high taxation would not roll back
without a sharp and sweeping re
ductions in' government expenditures,-Chairman
'.Good of Iowa ot
the appropriations committee de
clared today the time had cojne to
..ill Ual,
voii .& nan. ..-
Husre figures were ..hurleM ivcr
the heads of the members as Mr,
Good told dramatically of the vas!
sums expended, and the appeals for
more. There was a shout of approv
al when he insisted that the appro
priation bills must be passed be
fore March 4, so that the framers
of a new tariff law may know the
amount of cloth out of which they
must patch the nation's coats.
Laying down the definite policy
fhat expenses . must be cut before
talking of lower taxes, Mr. Good
insisted that appropriations for the
year beginning July should be kept
within $3500,000,000, virtually "the
sum recommended in the big supply
measures for that period.
First Deficiency Bill. "
Mr. Good's pica for government
economy was made in presenting the
first deficiency bill for the present
year, carrying ,$203,000,000. Demo
cratic members of the committee de
clared there would be other defi
ciency sums, and ' Representative
Byrnes, democrat, South Carolina,
declared direct appropriations this
year had passed the $5,000,000,000
mark. - This stupendous sum could
best be.tmderstood, he added, by the
fact that in order to meet it, the
government must levy an average
tax of $50 on every man, woman
and child.
In suggesting methods of raising
revenue without making the burden
on the individual more severe than
it has been since the early days of
the war, Mr. Good said he doubted
if a tariff law could raise more than
$400,000,000 without disturbing in
ternational trade relations.
Urging repeal of the excess prof
its tax, Mr. Good said:
' We shall not need the revenues
that have been brought in by the
excesi prof its tax if we .will cut
down appropriations. There v is
where weccffect a saving.- It
wilt be $ system of economy and the
financing of ? temporary loans, such
as our certificates of indebtedness,
the war". Savings stamps, and the
victory loan. It ought to, be done
by borrowing money rather than by
taxing the American people.
', Fears Sales Tax. ,
At this point, Mr. Good was in
terrupted by Representative Old
field,' democrat. Arkansas, who
said he feared the republican party
would impose a sales tax to take
the place of the one it wanted to
repeal. ., -
"The party that is s6 foolish as to
place a sales tax on the backs and
bellies of the American people," Mr.
Good replied,"would godown to a
humiliating defeat because the people
would not stand for it."
Mr. Good said the higher tax of
$6.40 a gallon should be imposed on
withdrawal of liquors from bonded
warehouses liquors taken out for
medical and beverage purposes. By
lifting the tax from $2.20, he figured,
the revenue would be increased from
$50,000,000 to $100,000,000. By de
manding the same tax on the tobacco
industry that Great Britain collects,
he said, treasury receipts from this
commodity would jump from $300,
000,000 to $500,000,000 a year. He
also advocated a higher tax on pas
senger carrying- automobiles, figur
ing half of which should go, he
thought to the roads.
Congress Petitioned to
Repeal Soft Drink Tax
Washington, Feb. 9. Ground hog
promises of a pleasant spring and
goose bone predictions of a rather
torrid summer have started a flood
of petitions to -congress to repeal
thc-war-time tax on the poor man's
drink. ...
One day, back in. 1919,, when the
temperature was hitting it 'up around
the 100 mark, the house voted to
remove the 1-ccnt tax on soda water
and ice cream, but nothing ever
happened after that The measure
was sent to the senate and apparent
ly put in cold Storage.
Dry Goods Merchant Says
Business Nearing Normal
New. York. Feb. 9. Business con
ditions, in the retail trade are. rap
idly approaching normal and are
daily improving, Salmon P. Hall of
Cleveland, Cf president" of the Na
tional Retail Dry Goods, association,
told members of that organization
assembled here today in its 10th an
nual convention. '
Business will be normal when we
begin to think and act normally," .he
added. "That ; lies , within your
selves." ' . ' '
Secret Consistory Will
Be Held in Rome on March 7
Rome, Feb. 9. The date of the
coming secret consistory has been
definitely fixed for March 7, accord
ing to authoritative reports in Vati
can circles today.. .A number of
cardinals, including one American,
are to be created at this consistory.
Three Monthlies Published
By Fillmore County Schools
Geneva.' Neb., Feb. 9. (Special.)
School monthlies published this
year by high schools of this country
are: Exeter.' , "Index." . Grafton
"Echo," and "Genevan," at Geneva.
" Agents Under
ire on House Floor
glon, Feb.5 9. Prohibition
ommissiouer Kramer, internal
Commissioner Williams and the
Anti-Saloon league came in for
sharp attack on the floor of the
house by Chairman Good of the ap
propriations committee, who indulg
cd in a tilt with Representative Vol
Stead, republican, Minnesota, author
of the prohibition enforcement law.
Representative Good charged that
the appropriations committee, while
inquiring into the financial needs of
tne prohibition -enforcement depart
ment, had found irregular things
which "ought not to be permitted'
anl added that Mr. Kramer . and
other enforcement officials did not
"seem to know" what was goin on
in their department, .
Mr. Volstead defended Mr. Kra
mer, asserting that the commission
cr had flatly denied that there were.
any irregularities m his department.
Parole of Lord
Mayor of Cork
Due to Tumulty
President's Secretary Recom
mended Action to Head of
Labor Department on
Own Initiative. : ;
Clileaso Trl I) one-Omaha Bet Leased Wire.
Washington, Feb. 9. With the ex
piration tomorrow ot the time lim
it fixed for the departure of Donald
O'Callaehan. , the stowaway lord
mayor of Cork, it was learned that
the action ot secretary ot LaDor
Wilson in admitting O'Callaghan on
oarolc. was taken because or the m
tercession of Joseph P. Tumulty,
secretary to the president.
Acting on his own initiative and
without consultation with the presi'
dent, Tumulty, when word was re
ceived here of O'Callaghan's arrest
by immigration officials in Nortolc
as a stowaway attempting to enter
the United states without a pass
port, communicated by telephone
with Secretary of Labor Wilson and
asked that the lord mayor be pa
roled pending an appeal.
Believing that Tumulty's mes
sage represented the will of the
president, Secretary Wilson, with
out consultation with the State de
partmeut, reversed the decision of
the immigration authorities at Nor
folk deporting O'Callaghan, and au
thorized his admission on parole.
The State department .set forth
strong , reasons wny no exception
shduld be made in favor of O'Cal
Because of the embarrassing posi
tion in which -the secretary of -la
bor had been placed through the ac
tion of Itiraulty. the Dresideut-sug.
stained -Ji&--wJinsi giving"G'Ca41ag
han the status of a "seaman." witl:
permission to reshio "within a rea
sonable time," but established "defi
nitely the principle that the State de
partment must be consulted in such
cases and no inocpendent or sum
mry action taken in future by the
.department or .Labor. ,
Famine Conditions
In Russia Worst in
. History of Country
Chicago Tribune Cable, Copjrlelit, IB? I.
Berlin, Feb. 9. Reports from so
viet district child welfare workers
from 30 governments in Russia, for
the month of January, reveal the
fact that starvation is much worse
than it has ever been before. Only
three returns of children's 'homes
are satisfactory. The reports from
the other 27 are filled with appeals
for help from the government to
save the lives of children. --
, The authorities in the Nowgord
district report that "the children in
the children's Jiomes are starving."
Those in a nearby district say that
"whole families of workmen have
died in great numbers and especial
ly children," and that it is impossible
to provide food for additional chil
dren because there is no food.
The Vyatak authorities say that
the conditions in that province lead
to "children stealing What they
need." The province of Moscow re
ports that "child nourishment is not
at all sufficient.,
Negro Population of Tulsa
Increases 330.9 Per Cent
Washington, Feb. 9. The negro
population of Tulsa, OkL, was an
nounced by the census bureau toaay
as 8,442, an increase of 6,483, or 330.9
per cent. The whites totalled 3,-
430 in 1920, an increase of 47,412, or
296 per cent. j
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British Office
Denies Warning
Reports of Statement by High
Official Published in Amer
. . ica Tuesday Declared to -Be
London, Feb. 9. The foreign
office issued a statement declar
ing to be without foundation re
ports published in the United
States Tuesday to the effect that
an official of the foreign office had
uttered a warning of the increasing
seriousness of Anglo-American re
lations. The statement said: r
"The statement on AngloAmen-
can relations quoted in the English
press this morning as having , ap
peared in the American press was
made without the authority or
knowledge of the foreign office, and
does not in any way represent the
views of the foreign office upon
the present or future state of rela
tions between the two countries.
"On the contrary, the foreign of
fice is confident that any question
arising between Great Britain and
the United States can, and will, he
settled without difficulty, whether
with the existing or succeeding ad
ministration." - -
The reports to which the British
foreign office now gives formal
denial were not carried by The As
sociated Press. They were contained
a dispatch circulated by the
United News. The dispatch stated
that. the British foreign office had
summoned American correspon
dents, to Whitehall, where, through
one having an . important place in
Anglo-American affairs, a warning
was uttered that "we arc treading
the path leading to war. .
Correspondents were not sum
moned as stated in the" London dis
patch quoted,- but were received in
response to numerous " requests
from news agencies and American
newspapers for a statement in con
nection with the visit there of Am
bassador Geddes. Since the publi
cation of the-report a majority of
the correspondents have declared
that the story as printed in the
United States was a gross exaggera
tion, and that when they were re
ceived, it was understood that no:
part of the interview was to be
New York Troops Fire
On Strike Sympathizers
"Albany, N. Yi, -Feb.. 9. State
troopers assisting the local police
in maintaining' order in the street
railway strike Of the United Ttrac
tion company employes, late today
fired upon strike sympathizers who
stoned a repair wagon filled with
nonunion '.workers.- .The stones
were- thrown from the roofs of
buildings in Broadway, North Al
bany. So far as could be learned,
none of the shots took effect.
Senate Disapproves Bill
To Prevent Immigration
Washington, Feb. 9. The house
immigration bill, which would vir
tually stop immigration for one year,
was disapproved today by the Senate
immigration committee by, a vote of
5 to 4. The committee agreed to
adopt a substitute measure restrict
ing immigration on a percentage
Cement Plants Closed
New York, Feb. 9. The Atlas
Portland Cement company an
nounced that it had closed its plants
at Northampton, Pa., and Hudson,
N." Y., and had reduced wages at
its Hannibal, Mo., plant v i
Abandons Yacht
Returns .to St. Augustine by
Auto Many Questions
Waiting Final Decision.
St. Xusrustirte: " Fla ..' Feb. 9-
AbandoninghiV bouse' boat '"cruise
to begin a hnal period of consuua
tion on the personnel and policies
ot tne administration, rresiucm
clect Harding returned here by
automobile tonight to spend most of
the time until inauguration day.
- The president-elect left his house
boat Victoria late in the afternoon
at Daytona, 75 miles south, after
changes in plans based on the uncertain-
progress of the vessel up the
Indian river. Although she was dis
lodged-from a mud bank, her days
run was not promising and Mr.
Harding decided .fie could not pro-
lone his vacation.
With his return, Mr. Harding is
to take up not only the final selec
tion of a cabinet, but many oflier
questions. Although he has a more
or less definite idea on most of
these subjects, it is known that the
crucial decisions are to be made. He
is holding his mind open on vir
tually every one of the . Cabinet
. During his house boat trip, which
began January 22, only the, most
pressing business telegrams " have
been forwarded to him. When he
'reached his headquarters here , he
found that more than 1Q0 messages
on single subjects were awaiting
him. as well as a grear amount of
mail. . '-' :
Dinner in Honor of Mayor
Leads to Raid by Dry Agents
Newark, N.J., Feb. 9. Alleged
violation of the Volstead act at a
testimonial dinner givert last night
in honor of Mayor C. P. Gillen led to
a raid on 'the Krucger auditorium,
sceift of the banquet and the seizure
of wine, whisky and champagne. Six
prohibition enforcement agents made
affidavits that they attended the
banquet and purchased liquor at an
open bar. Officials said that $30,000
worth of whisky and ' champagne
seized last Monday in a stable was
intended for' last night's banquet.
Aged Indiana Woman
Disappears h rom. 1 ram
Fort Wavne. Ind.. Feb. 9. Mrs.
Anna Hudry, 79, who boarded Santa
Fe train No, 4 at Los Angeles, Cal.,
on January 28, with a through ticket
to Fort Wayne, lias disappeared, it
was learned here today. Iter bag
gage arrived on the - train she 'was
to take from Chicago, but no word
of her has reached here, and railroad
officials at Chicago arc unable to
locate her. Mrs. Hudry was coming
to Fort Wayn? after a visit with
her 'son, Edward J. Hudry,",m Los
Angeles. '
New York Firms Indicted
Under State Anti-Trust Law
New York, Feb. 9. A blanket in
dictment naming 29 corporations, all
members of the Association of Deal
ers in Masons' Building Materials,
and charging violation of the state
anti-trust law, Was returned bv the
supreme court grand jury. Fifty
six individuals connected with these
corporations were indicted on sim
ilar charges last week.
New Issue of Treasury -v
. Certificates Is Offered
Washington, Feb. 9. A new issue
of treasury certificates bearing in
terest at 51 per cent, was offered
bv Secretary Houston. The issue
will be for about $100,000,000. dated
February 15 and. maturing July 15.
t - ' - .
Legion Promised
Early Action on
Bonus Measure
Senator Penrose. Says Bill
Will Probably Be Passed
- At - Present Session -Of
Washington; D.'Q Feb. 9. After
hearing criticism of the government
bureaus dealing with war veterans,
the executive committee of the Amer
ican Legion today concluded a three-
day meeting by going to the capitol
where they interviewed members of
congress concerning legislation fa
Vored by the Legion.
. F. W. Galbraith, national com
mander,, reported after the visit that
he had been assured by senator Pen
rose, chairman of the finance com
mittee, that the bonus bill would be
reported out of committee and in all
likelihood would be passed at this
session. Members of the LegKn com
mittee also expressed belief that all
nieasures for the relief of disabled
veterans would be enacted, including
an increase from $33,000,000 to $45,-
000,000 for maintenance of hospitals
provided for in the sundry civil bill.
Criticism of government bureaus,
launched by Abel Davis of Chicago,
chairman of the Legion's hospital
ization committee, followed a com
mittee report, urging consolidation oi
the war risk insurance bureau, the
vocational education board and a
part of the public health service. He
declared '.that the chiefs of these
agencies do not work together, add
ing that they resented the activities
of the Legion In attempting to ob
tain relief for disabled veterans, and
had "packed" committees on the Le
gion with employes "of the bureaus
who Were Legion members, in ef
forts to. handicap the work.
As a result of his charges the exec
utive committee adopted a resolu
tion recommending to state organ
izations that no bureau employes be
appointed to Legion committees.
Eastern States Organize
Daylight Saving Club
Washington, D. C, Feb. 9. Rep:
resentatives of 57 commercial or
ganizations in New York, New Eng
land, New Jersey, Delaware, Penn
sylvania, Maryland and West Vir
ginia, organized the Eastern Time
Daylight Saving association, which
will seek to have congress pass a
daylight saving-law -applicable at
least to. all states in the. eastern time
zone. ' --. ?
Soldier Bonus Resolution
Passed by Ohio Legislature
Columbus. O.,- Feb. 9. By 111 to
0, the; Ohio house adopted, the sol
diers' ; bonus v resolution, already
adopted by the senate. The resolu
tion provides for submission of a
bond .issue to the voters next
November to raise money to ' pay
bonuses to Ohio soldiers.
The Weather
X. ' Forecast. .
Thursday fair; not much change
in temperature.
- Hourly Temperature.
B a. m.
a. m.
7 a, m.
at. m.
t a. m.
la a. m,
Jl . m.
. tS
. .45
S P.
. .8
i p.
I p.
fthlppera RiiIIMIb.
Protect ahlpmenta during the next !!
t 84 hours from tomparaturr fol
low: north. SO l"Srp; east and oulh
55 degrcea; rent, IS drfrcta
Light Bill
Killed by
Huge Vote
Water Board Suffers Most
Disastrous Rout Since Es
tablishment Loses,
62 to 33.
Result Probably Final
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 9. (Special
Telegram.) House Roll No. 1, the .
bill by which the. Omaha Water'
Board sought paramount power in
determining Omaha's policy toward
municipal ownership of an electric
light plant, was killed by the lower
legislative house late this afternoon.
The vote was 62 to 35, ait unex
pectedly crushing defeat for those
who had waged battle for the "bill
since the opening of the legislative f
session five weeks ago.
So decisive was the vote that there
exists hardly a chance of a reversal,
of opinion, even .should the scnajs
pass an identical bill now pending
before it. : ' '
Wated Board Routed.
Not since its establishment ."has :
the water board suffered so disa-
trous a rout. In fights for water, (
ice and electric light legislation in
previous years, the water board lias
either won or been defeated by a
narrow margin. Today's defeat Kvao
complete and probably final, insofar
as this project is concerned. Rep-
resentatives. from outstate, one after -another,
declared their refusal to. as- . 1
sist the board in fighting out ques
tions of internal politics which con-'
cem Omaha alone. The fate of the
bill was settled once the legislators. ?
realized that .it conferred no addi-
tional power : upon the people of .' '
Omaha, but only added to the fiow-
er of the water board.
Omahans Oppose Measure.
The Douglas county delegation '
voted, 8 to 4, ngainst the bill and
this emphatic lineup of the Omaha
legislators influenced the result. Dy- -sart,
Hascall, Foster, Robertson.
Randall, Palmer, Dyball and Medlar .
opposed the bill; Druesedow, Yeises.
Bowman and Smith favored it.
The debate ran nearly three hours ' -and
was for the most part with
out feature. Members showed hut
little interest and repeatedly it was
stated that no rotes would be .
changed by speech making. Lobby
ing on the measure, both for and ' "
against, had been so persistent that
practically every member began tluT"
i . , ..
session wun mina maae up, tuny
convinced of the merit of the side
which he had chosen to take. - -'
speeches received close" attention; - "
however, from over 100 Omahans
who came to Lincoln for the occasion.-
Debate Covers Wide Range.
The' debate covered a wide ran
from the Question of the extent of
the people's power under existing 1
law to the propriety of public con-
(Turn to Pare Flve Column Twa.)
Daniels to Ask Funds to ,
Start Work on U. S.
Pacific Naval Base -
Washinaton. D. C. Veh Q 4n"
initial appropriation of $5,500,000 to
beein work on the nrnnnu ' iikwP,. -
cific coast naval base at Alameda,
Uu., -will -be requested by Secre
tary Dankls. He also advised the '
senate , naval committee he unnl.l
recommend $1,500,000 for the Sa.i, vai., submarine base, ti is es
timates were marie at the
of Senator Phelan, democrat, Califor
nia, following recommendations of
tne joint congressional commitee on "
location of the Pacific coast 'naval '
base sites. i
For the Alameda fleer hace e.. -
retary Daniels estimated $1,500,000
should be provided to start work oir .
razilltr. extavatino- and orrarliiiof. 1 .
500,000 for Water front development. 1
$1,000,000 for construction of one
dry dock; $1,000,000 for construction' '
of a supply base, and $500,000 toward v
a destroyer and docking base.
Merchant Marine Repair
Bill $4,500,000 Per Month
'' Washington, Feb. 9. The govern
ment merchant fleet's repair- bill
runs to $4,500,000 a month. Com,
mander R. D. Gatewood, director of"
tne shipping board s division of con
struction and repair, testified before ".
tne nouse war investigating commit
tee. This compares with $6,500,000 "
month prior to July L ite said. ,
and is due in part to reluctance of
board officials to sanction altera- '
tions of vessels.
In some instances,-he said, he had ,
found that the shipping board had
been forced to pay from 100 to 200
per ceint above current market
prices for repairs.
Italian Steamers Held Up
ByU. S. Health Officials
Washington, Feb. 9 As a resutt
of the refusal of .Italy to allow
American medical officers in that
country to inspect passenger ship
bound to the United States. Amer
ican consuls have been instructed to
withhold bills of health from ves
sels until American quarantine regu
lations have been complied. with,
the - house immigration committee
ws told today by Surgeon General 4
Cumming, of the public health ser
vice. - - 1 .
Highway Robbers Confess
Salt Lake City, Feb. 9 Oscar
Blanney. alias J'ogers, and Henry
Evans, alias O. R. Parsons, who arc"'
charged with Ir'ghway robbery and
attempted burglary, have confessed,
according to the police, that with
Thomas Burns and Walter Smith
they planned to rob the J. C Penney
store here on Monday night. They
also stated, tht police said, that they ;
came here tup weeks ago from V
Seattle. . -