Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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"Mail Without a
Country" to Make
His Home Here
Former. Russian Soldier,, Who
Taken Prisoner ! by j
Germans, Reunited With J
Sisters in Omaha.
" After being held prisoner six
5 ear in Germtny, Joahim i Slotkln,
"the man without a country," is a
free-man and reunited with his two
.sisters, Mrs. Gabriel CoMon, 1714
North Twenty-fourth street, and
Mrs. Henry Saskin. Sixteenth and
Nicholas streets.
, The brother and skiers jartcd in
the little village of Mogiliff, ,Russia,
vears ago when the parents came to
America. Joachim remained, worked
and saved his money, When he de
cided to come to America the world
war broke out and he enlisted hi
the Russian army.: In one of the
first engagements : lie ; was taken
prisoner. - .-,- - - - v ' .
When ' the armistice was signed
poachim attempted to return to his
hime in Russia, but found it in the
hands of the soviet government. The
Germans would n6t release' him to
return there- and had he returned he
could not obtain a passport as that
government was not recognized by
the United States.
- The two sisters after months of
"endeavor and by spending a small
' fortune finally interested the state
department in his case. A passport
was finally obtained through the
Finnish government and Joachim
' came to America and Omaha, his
new home. .'. f -
"As I came in on;-the ship I,, saw
"the statue of Liberty and .Irwvrr
want to see itMrom tlic east again,
he said. To learn the English lan-
' guage the former man without a
-country has entered night school.
Boy Sends Birthday
Greetings to Sister
In past by Wireless :
Lane Axtell, 14, son of Mr. an 1
Mrs. C. W. Axtell. 119 North
Thirty-second street is a wireless
enthusiast. He has a sister, a junior
in Smith college at Northampton,
Mass. Sister Anne will-be it today
and her brother sent her yesterday a
Wireless message of greetings. A
sending machine belonging to lid
win Anderson, 308 North Twenty
seventh street, was used. .
' The two boys sent out the mes
sage, which was picked up by the
aerial station at Papilhon and relay
ed from there to Shenandoah, la.,
and from there to Chicago.
Through the American Radio Ke
lay league the boys hope the es
age will reach Anne, although the
Message could not be followed any
farther than Chicago. V v.,o
Lane is a pupil at Hwry Yates
school and will, enter1 high school
next soring. "- v -
Toils Years to Reunite
Family, But Fails in End
As ,
. ' - . .,: . i s
rr ,
Registration to btart loday
V4- For Special College Courses
' Dr. W. Gilbert James, dean of the
University of Omaha, announces the
opening of special college courses to
be given in Joselyu 'hall, afternoons
after school, niglits and , Saturday
mornings. - Registration; open to
local school teachers and outer
qualified students, starts today
Special courses include govern
ment and politics, English literature,
expression, educational psychology,
philosophy of education and school
hygiene. As a feature of the new
course program, a class in general
sociology will be siven under Dr. f.
K. Krueger, head of the department.
Night school and Saturday classes
are now held n Jcfselyn hall. Upon
student agreement, the place ot
meeting may;' be 'changed to a-more
central location.
Bandit Rob Three
Men in Daylight Holdup
' The first daylight holdup of the
- nntir vaster
day by M. Gross, grocer, 419 South'
Twenty-tittli avenue, wno
tcd f $18 at 8 a. m. yesterday by
two armed men.
- The two men forced Gross, Fred
U Twntv-f.fth
- JLilhiuaii, i . V
driver for the Petcrsen-Pegau Bak-
in company, into an ice i-ox
cutting the teiepnone wires.
.. vu... ...e rnr deliver
ing bread when tlie bandits entered
and ior'ced him to give up $14 of the
. company's money. Grosj and Dick
than were building - a tire and tlie
two' bandits shoved a' gun against
- ,:k. mnA rnhhfA him fit 54.
muss iiua r .
- They escaped, overlooking ?22U m
the casn register. ,
Wa1thv Rancher Robbed
; Of $2,000 by Highwaymen
v William Atkins, wealthy chtT,
was held up at Eighteenth and Izard
streets early Tuesday -morning
' while he was returning from a visit
with his daughter at 1143 iorth
Eighteenth street. , ,
: Two armed men pressed revolvers
against his ribs and took a diamond
jtud valued at $1,000, a ring worth
Sl.tXX). S1W in casn, nis gom waivu
5pd chain and a silver ring. '
. AVhen the burglars yelled "Throw
'cm up, Bill," he thought they were
joking with htm. Atkins fold police
1 lie was a wealthy rancher but re
fused to divulge where he lived. ..."
Harry S. Byrne Back v
From Trip in the East
'"Harry S. Byrne has returned from
k .business trip during which he visit
ed Baltimore Washington and New
York. While, in the national capital
lie chatted with Congrestman Albert
. W.'Jefferis on politic, the weather
and other subjects. At Baltimore
he visited Franklin D. Roosevelt,
who is connected whh the same com
pany Mr. Byrne represents in Oma
ha. ' . : .f ..
Award Awaits Disabled t.:
Sordiervat Local Office
Illarvev J. iicVay, a disabled sol
dier of Omaha, who applied for vo
cational training recently -.i"t the
local office of the federal board, ean
not be located Con McCargar, local
supervisor, said that McVay's award
for training under the industrial re
habilitation section of the training
till was&waiting him at 204 Mickel
Diamond Ring Taken
From Jewel Box
Mystery surrounds the sudden dis
appearance of a one carat diamond
ring from the jewel box of Mrs. M.
Hcrzberg, 4910 Dodge street yester
day afternoon. v
Hcrzberg, who is the proprietor ot
the Women's Toggery, reported the
disappearance t6 the 'police.
Mrs. Herzberg left the apartment
(or but few moments.
When she returned the lid of tns
jewel case was up and the diamond
ring gone. '
Occupants of the apartment build
ing said they saw no one enter or
leave the Herzberg apartment V
Mrs. Hcrzberg told the police she
had seen 110 one loitering nr . the
neighborhood and could figure out
no- way in which a prowlar could
have entered the apartment 'without
being Seen. - , f '
. Detectives have been assigned, to
the case and are attempting to un
ravel tlie mystery. , "
The stone is vaiuea at ?ouu Dy
Hcrzberg. , , - T
MaVOr Would Sanction
Movie Shows in Schools
Mayor Smith introduced twd
ordinances in council yesterday, both
affWtintr the ritv electrical , inspec
tion department. One contemplates
the temporary use of motion picture
machines in churches, schools and
without reauir-
ing the permanent booth. The other
provides that the dues and regula-
tions ot the Aationai rire unucr
,vn.r t-nnwn r5 thr national elec
trical code, be adopted insofar as
there is no confliclion with the state
code. ' !
Lions Club Members Map
Out Activities for Year
Members of the Lions club met
at luncheon in the Hotel Rome yes
terday to discuss the revision of the
club's constitution and by-laws and
iK artivitie for the year.
The Girls' Community League ha3
voluntarily withdrawn - irom me
club's sponsorship, it was an
Compton Acquitted ,
Wiley Compton was' acquitted by
a jury m tsrici juuc . iiuuo
court yesterday which heard evi
ttoti on a charae
IIV. W lit J avww
of receiving and concealing an auto
mobile stolen and brougnt nereiroro
ri. xrinvc last Spotember. Tne
jttry was out only about an hour.
H ' Divorce Court
' ' Divorc Uwrwf.
Hel Donnelly from.Keuben Donnelly.
CrMwli' Peterpon from Albert H. ,Peter-
on cruelty. . .
Joeepn Tepiejr irom auihu
desertion.' - .... ;
ur.A tvinnermtrk v. Grace Wlnner-
mrk, desertion. " n,m
Anna, M. Olion vs. Henry1 , S. , OUon,
Man Barred From
Citizenship Is
Technicality Prevents Onia-.
ban From Becoming Ameri
can, and May Keep Chil,
dren From U. S. .
The cup of sorroV which has been
hu tr. the lios of William Schell,
North Sixteenth. street, for" the
past seven years, was filled to over
flowing yesterday wnen ne was
denied citizenship papers In natural
ization court Because Schell had
not resided in one place contin
uously for the' past five years he
was denied citizenship, and five chil
j... t ..M,Am lii has been sep
arated for seven years and who -arc
on their way to America, proumjr
will be barred entrance to this
Schell, an expert snocmancr, ..
to America in 1913 and worked in
Dmtha Three vears aKO he went
to Braddock, Pa., where he was
manager of the sr.oe department m
m cinffr. Droincr-iu-.uiw
Schell and owner of a store in Couni
,;i Ri.,ffc wit a witness - and
declared he had often visited Schell
in Braddock-on ousiness trips w
xt v.i. '
In 1913 Schell lett LeniDerg.
Hfilarii -with three of his, children
an4 came, to' Omaha. A year later
he received word that nis wiie ana
seven children were starving , m
famine-stricken Galacia. Fanger
in Nrrifn who sent
autaitvvu v j . ..- -
tickets to his family, . The, war pix
ventea tnetr-coming 10 Amwaj
T n . uraa rriviH that thtf
mother and two. children had jfli'.d
of starvation; V-; ,
country Schen could not be natural
ized and alter jjer., aeaw ne niea
application fori second citizenship
admitted. Now a, technicality bars
them. Schcll is almost prostrated
with, griet. . fj-.y ' -
Man SKoots Prowler .
In His Chicken Coop:
Finds Wounded Dog
F. W." Marsh, 33 h Burt street,
who keeps prize Buff-Orpingtons,
heard a . noise in liis 1 chicken coop
down his rifle and went to the rear
door. On opening it he saw biacK
fired a shot, the noise ceased, and
Marsh returned to bed.
Yesterday morning he found eight
dead chickens and lying in the;cor
ner of the coop was a black female
spaniel with another chicken be-
Thr- hullrt had
wounded the dog in the mouth but
not seriously,
Brief City News
ta vi tritKOmfiha will Day
11,800 toward renting halls for the
Omaha, comoanles ot the Nebraska
Mtionat guard. ,
Trial Data ChangedTrial or T ,uin vhn hnt and killed
his wife two weeks ao, has been
postponed until next Monday, Feb
ruary 28.
World Herald-Dance -The Aorll
fiMii nrin h hnt to Its emDloves
Und friends at In informal rtance and
entertainment at the ampresa ivusuc
Garden xnursaay nini.
Favora Boxuie Law The - city
council passed a resolution yester
day requesting the legislature td
pass the boxing bill now being
sponsored by the American Legion.
..ioti,v T,niih(vnn A lunchtfcn
was held at the University club yes
terday by Delta Tneta rni, a irt-
nity of Crelghton college or law.
Several district judges were guesio
of honor.
Father and Son Banquet A ban
quet for fathers and sons will be
held at FliTt . Presbyterian church
at 6:30 Friday evenine.
tiona should be made through the
church office by Thursday noon.
Dark Corners G. H. Morarty, in
a letter to city council yesterday
morning said a hootch maker could
.,,.!, , Bf Twftntv-flrth
street and St. Marys avenue without
fear of being caugnx, 11 waa u ua..
there. .
Old Soldier Made Clttecn Thomas
Dennis, has been in this country 6a
years and has been Wler in the
c,.. em so vears.
Yesterday vhe was made a cltlsen.
He lives' at ia
seventh treet.
.Says Husband Beat HerAgneb
Chester in a suit for divorce in dis
trict court yesterday said that on
. . an hnahtnd beat her
January aw '"' " .i
and that he is now aenlng a SO-
. ... - ... ,n,i Mnn Nil 111 111
day senicnco m .
were married z years ago m
Face TrlaJ For Murder Mrroan
(Nels) Johnson, confesBed burglar
i:VL '-v... .r. faiaiiv wounded
Arthur Cooper, city detective, who
died later, was arraigned in Central
police court yesteraay m""f;
will be . held on charge of first de
gree .murder, ' r
RaMos Suit rJiancne nos
suU walnsV her husband for divorce
7" jiTr-i- .loniiarV. 10. In
another petition filed y esurcjay
aid they nao oecomo iwumi..
had. lived together. In the last suit
she says has threatened the Jives
of herself anff family. -
Make Restitution A W biU
which the .sender said was to cover
money ha owed tha Milwaukee rail
road "for many yAars- was re
celved by W. E. Bock. Chicago. Mil
waukee & St. Paul railroad down
town passenger agent yesterday from
an anonymous writer. f
TWal Postponed Patrick VJ. B.
Norton, charged with assault to do
great bodily injury to Rex Kling, art
inmat of Father Flannagan s Home
for Boys, last August, and who was
to have been tried yesterday,, will
be brought to trial later, according
to the county attorney. .
Wants Rings Returned Frank
Slater, Chatham hotel, says he gave
'rfiamsvnri vines-to Mrs. Jennie
? smith Thirteenth. to4
keep for him. Yesterday he filed a
writ Of replevin in Justice Bunces
court for the recovery of the rings,
which he said she had refused to
return, : '
Returns To First Wtfc Mlchele
Tedesco has gone back to Italy and
v.1- . Maria Tfldpflrft RO aVeftf
in a petition' for divorce filed in dis- i
notified to serve summons upon him
in Mclfl, Italy.
Rablbts AVae) Battle Two rah'
bits, on display at the rabbit Bhow.
in the court house, engaged in a
battle yesterday mornlhg. They were
stopped before they' injured each
other. According to D. T. H1U.
Syracuse, Neb., an exhibitor, buck
rabbits if allowed to get together will
fight to the death.
Would Adopt Rodney Mr, and
Mrs. Sam Illrsch, Hebron. Neb.,
visited the Chios' Saving Institute
yesterday in an effort to identify
little Rodney, the blue-eyed baby
boy who was found abandoned at
the Union station last Monday. They
failed to Identify him, but begged
ihn, their be allowed to adopt him.
Recklcm Driver Fined Sebastian
Slarno, 723 Pierce street, was fined
$15 in Central police court yester.
day mornirrg for reckless driving.
W A. Pixley, who chased Slarno to
Sixth and Pierce streets, where a
gang was waiting to beat Pixley, ap
oc.inat Rinrno. Pixley was
saved from the gang by the timely
arrival or a street car crew.
indorse Bills The city council
tni-.oH iwn hills before the legis
lature yesterday morning. One pro
vides that tne city 01 uma
,u r.n...o. ti i-pful.ito rates and
service of traction lines and another
proposes that the council nave pow
er to expend necessary funds to
make physical valuations of public
utilities or to engage experts in
cases of rate controversies.
Night Flying v Trial
trips in Mail Service
To Be Made Feb. 22
First n'ght flying trial trips in tha
air mail service will be made Febru
ary 22. Superintendent A. i R.
Dunphy.of the Cheyenne air mail
efatirtti ua t ill Omaha vestcrday
making arrangements for the innova- j
tion. prospective pians ior msi"
flying were not made public.
Simultaneous night .trial flights
will be made from New York to
San Francisco and from the west
coast -to the east. Omaha will be
the center of the night flying. The
plane from New York will reach
Omaha late in the evening and will
take off immediately for the west.
The: plane from San Francisco will
reach Omaha late at night and will
leave at once for the east. By con
tinuous flying it is thought the trip
can be made in 36 hours.
Orders from Washington with
final arrangements are expected by
William I. Votsw of the Omaha
mail ' station within the next two
weeks. . .
',' Argentine lias more than 36,000
automobiles. ' 1 "
At the first chill! Take ' Genuine Aspirin marked with the
"Bayer Cross" to break up your Cold arid relieve the Headache,
Fever, Stuffiness. ; ' '
Warnin"! To get Genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
over 19 years, you must ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," and
look for the name "Bayer" on the package and on each tablet.
Always say "Bayer." .
Each "Baye'r package" contains safe and proper directions for
the relief of " Colds also for Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache,
Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis and for Pain generally.
Boxes of 12 Bottles of 24-Bottlet of 100 Alto Capsulei All .uggiits
i. .nirini ih. tr.da mark of Bayr Manufactur of Monoacticacldit of Sallcxllctcli'
q tourirrxleeper o
9 t S av -
You save about half the berth rate.
Vou travel on a first-class train three to choose
from, The Navajo, Missionary and Scout.
Fred Harvey meals at stations.
Santa Fe "all the way."
. . . ' " '',-"'.
8. Larimer, Gen. Aient
. . A. T. 8. F. By.
tit Flycn BMg.. Dcj Molnei, la.
Pbona Market 1011
Marsh- called the Humane society trict, courx yeme raa, j
i ai ."ind that he had another wife
aog tnciier, wnere a gave u.ruj. - - lta, sherifr Ciark was
10 puppies.. . , r m
II4-M SMsrlttM !.
Dr. Burhorn's
Nervous debility or . axhauition, also
popularly known as nerrous prostration,
narreus weaknesa or Neurasthenia, is be
coming -alarming prevalent.
Our X-Ray analysis of Tour spine will
show tha exact location of the misplace
ment that ts producing the pressure on tha
nerves which causes your trouble.
Offiea adjustments are 12 for $10 or
3Q for $25.00.
- Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Lady
attendants Privata adjustinfjrooms. -
H T" f
You ;
i I
TT is a true saying that a man
cannot stand still. He: must
either go ahead or fall back. ' .
. . 5
Are you losing or gaining?
Tlie answer, depends upon your
ability to save. v ;
Thousands in Omaha are getting i&ead
by iystematio laving-. Deposit Vour
money in
The Oniaha National Bank
Farnam at Seventeenth
Your Valentine Greeting
" , , Need Not Be Costp ...
to bring pleasure to your friends and dear ones.
You can make your selection from our fresh,
full stock of cupids' hearts, arrows and valen-,
tines, as well as the more elaborate affairs that
carry a world of regard
Al Very Moderate Pricings
$2.69 sq. yd.
Inlaid linoleum in the extra heavy quality.,; Largo
and neat range of tile and wood effects. Imported
and domestic makes. 6 ft. wide. $2.69 aq. yd.
Floor Covering, 90c q. yd.
Ncponset floor covering in neat blue and white
checks, mosaic and matting patterns for the bath and
bedrooms, large rang of new patterns. . 6 ft. wide.
90c sq. yd.
Third Floor
Both the Fabrics and
Styles of the New
Spring Skirts
'Add to Their Popularity
Box pleats, side pleats
and a combination of
the two in unusually
snappy color tones and
combinations make the
separate skirts so at
tractive that one does
not wonder at their
t You may choose from
.such materials as
Wool Plaids and Stripes
Moon Clow Tally Ho
x Canton Crepe and
Second Floor
A Delightful Variation
Of the popular pumps is
this instep strap pump, which
retains all the comfort of the
plain pumps and adds a novel
touch in the strap, which
buttons prettily over the
instep. y . :
' Black and brown
satin, .black and
brown suede, hand
. turned soles, dainty
covered heels. Priced
at $11.00.
Second Floor
1, .NA
Something to Embroider
The 1921 Pacific Embroidery Packages .
Have Arrived in Our Art Needlework Section
Needle women will delight in this arrival of beautiful, new
spring and summer designs all stamped on goods of newest
style and superior quality. Never before has there been such
a variety such an offering of daintiness and beauty in articles
to be embroidered. Included are women's- nightgowns, com
binations, dressing sacquesMpajamas, dresses, for infants and
children's bibs, etc. .
Third Floor
Two Drapery Specials .,
Odd Gurtairis
I At Less Than V2 Price .
' Thia sale includes all of our broken lot and odd
pairs, single curtains and odd panels. Limited quan
- titles.
' of-Drapery Material
Short ends -and .remnants in lengths of 1 to A
yards are priced less than the present-day-cost of
production, ' ' '.
. r - Third Floor , 1
4 Large Purchase of Men's
Sample -Underwear
On Sale in Two T
Great Groups
Men's sample union suits, consisting
of medium and lightweight Egyptian
cotton in white and ecru. Made with
short sleeves, or long sleeves and
ankle length.
Main Floor- .