51 1! Kingdon Gould Pays $90,000 to End Court Suit llmt ti of Promise Caw Dis missed When Defendant ami PlabtJff Finally Agre on Stftlwuent. '' ' ; .New York, Feb. 8.-The $500,000 ,rrh I proruit suit fiitd against Kinfdon GouM. oldtst son oi ror g Jay Gould, by Mrs. Elsa filum ended Monday when the principals entered into an agreement ( compromise. It Is understood that Mrs. Ulum received fXl.OUO, Tlit compromise followed a three liour conference between Mr. Gould, Mrs. Blum. Kobert Knowles, eotn el for Mr. GouhJ; Norman V. SchloM, attorney (or Mrs. Hlum and lr. OartUlomcw IXkovitch, father of Mrs. iilum, Mr, fcchloss entered a motion be fori uetire finch In supreme court this rooming asking that the( ca b stricken front the docket i ) "There will b no. statements," Mr, Jkhloss stid. "The case has been settled and w have an agree ment to that end, 'I lie case will be taken out of court and all issues closed." The suit was filed nearly two years Kgo following Mr, Goujd's marriage to Miss Anmtnz'ata Camilita Maria J.uccJ, a governess in the Gould household. I Ban Put on Sunday r . r i i uancesatU)iumDus Columbus, Neb., Feb. 8. (Spe cial.) (-Complying with a petition endorsed by a public meeting of Co lumbus citistem, the city council assed a new ordinance forbidding public dances on Sunday night and imposing strict regulations on those lidd on other flights of the week. The ordinance requires a permit t conduct a 'iublic dance, with a fe of S and forbids any child un der 16 from attending a public dance unless accompanied by a parent. It rmirei public dances to loe at la. m, and imposes penalty of a ffnt not exceeding $100 for violation Tit its terms. A specially appointed of ficer will supervise the dances, pre serve order, prevent improper danc ing and make arrests if necessary. k.ii ! ipnir III II .III II .1 . 13.1 11 9 f AI!fgi(I Merchandise Thief of - Omaha Dreuki JaU at York John Holoubek, rrfited for nifr thatidiW thdin, lrokc juil again In York, Neb., Monday night and is be lieved to be on his way to Omaha where hi brother, W, whom he failed' to Implicate hi. the thefts, is now in Jail awaiting trial in tli dis trict court on chargeji':of receiving and concealing stolen property, John escaped the York jail once Mid wis captured in Lincoln. . TMs last tinm he was found guilty of robbery and sentenced to from one to 10 years in the slate peniten tiary. "fc . Omaha police ar.ejontlis lookout .for him. 1 . ; Modern Woodmen (lodge al llcbrou Installs Officer Hebron, Nrb., Itb, 8.- (Special,) lltibbell ode, ,f. W. A has in stalled the following officers; V. C, William "Van Camp; VV, A., Joseph Lovlc; clerk, V, G. Marvin; banker, I. E. Sprague; escort, Albert Young; entry, Claude Ctirtlt; v watchman, Charles Voungr trustees, A. F. Towiwnd, Joseph l.ovfc and I). W. firown, ; j . . ' Air IUfJe $oiously Hurt ' Nebraska City, h., l-'cb. 8 ( SpeciaS.) A 4-y;arUl son of Mr. and Mrs. K, J. Kidle'y, who with his mojher is visiting hi the city, was painfully injured yesterday by an air rifle. 1"he child found the weapon and in trying to niiinipiilnte-.it the plunger penetrated his hand, causing a dangerous wnund.J - ' I wish I could dls ccnflrpetual 'MotionVnenlm featinrf r?0STlbASTIES Superior Corn Flakes j - The Du o -A Satitfiet Your .Music with quality and colors-music that haa tha deli rat elaatlcity ot tha hands of Paderewakl, Ilofmann, Oortot--wonderful classical muate ' with that 1. inter pretation and beauty that onty a great master can " : ' - ,.. . , ; ,. : ... Loved malodUa, your .favoritos this tnusio that al waya comforta, cheers and inspires 4 ; light popular music, hits from the late operas, jaw. daneeaj playad in tha ir'altabla style t Banta, Htas or llh'lejbach.' .. . . - . , So versatile la this marvelous reproducing piano that ' ALL MUSIC is yours to enjoy, whatever your mood tha Duo-Art suits It, whatever your musical need the ' Due-Art fills H. " ... . INFORMAL RECITALS AT OUR STORE DAILY , r COMR WHEN SVITJ YOU BEST c W lVAasvasrraV ) "wt r amain atr ' "J Indians Deny Use of - Peyote Bean Harmful Lincoln, Feb." 7-Nebraska In diana of the Winnebago and Omaha tribes, appearing before the legisla tive committee on medical societies, dented that the use of the- peyote bean was harmful or that It was is the nature of s narcotic The com mittee had under discussion the bill, to regulate the use of the bean and mescal Tha superintendent of ihe Winne bago reservation, together with physkan and a missionary, testi fied tha the effect of the use of the peyote -bean is similar to that of whisky; that it kills energy and that it might lead to insanity or death. The Indians, however, presented different picture, declaring it had curative properties and had . long peen used by the " tribesmen with benefical effect Dght Gmpany Fails To Get Rate Increase Nebraska City, ' Neb., Feb. J. (Special.) The Nebraska City Water and Light company will not be allowed an increase in residence lighting-rates, power rates or water . - f - Tl - ' . ' . . reman, i ne city commissioners ce cided last night that the present rates must stand and the application of the company for an increase was denied. The commissioners also went on rec ord as against Senate File No. 230. which proposes to place all public utilitiy rate matters in the hands of the railway commission. The commis sioners take the stand that the enact ment of the bill would take the regulation and control of local utili ties out of the hands of municipali ties and would infringe on the rights of cities and 'towns in the state. Fremont Dentist to Be Tried on Liquor Charge Fremont, Neb., Feb. I. (Special) Dr. F. B. Ifensel, prominent den tist of this city, and Tom Hooper were arrested, charged with the violation of the prohibition laws. Sheriff Condit alleges that Hooper has been a bootlegger for the patt three years and 'that- he caught Hooper selling Dr. Hensel a pint of booze In, the rear end of the Swanson soft drink parlors. ' Hooper was sentenced to 60, days in jail for the possession of liquor and will be tried on a charge of bootlegging In a later trial. .Hensel, charged with the . . possession i of liquor, will be tried on 'that charge Wednesday. Wymore I. O.' 0. F. Lodge Holds Installation of Officers Wymore, Ne! Feb; 8. (Special.) Wymoravlodge, No. 105, I. O. O. F., held its annual installation of of ficers last Friday night and a class of 13 initiated. Over 200 attended and lodges from Blue Springs, Barneston and Liberty were repre sented. Dr. Dale Haworth presided, and District Deputy D. K. Brown acted as toastmaster at the banquet which closed the program. Derrick for Oil Drilling Completed Near Stoddard Hebron, Neb, Feb. 8. (Special) I he top section of the large derrick erected just north of Moodard to be used in drilling for oil has been completed. The towes.is 80 feet high. The drilling machinery will be on the ground within a month or six weeks. 1 . Thousands .of acres already have been leased in the central part of Thayer county Where there is every indication ot oil. Liquor Case Dismissed Because of Technicality neatrlce, Neb., Feb, 8. (Special.) The case of the state against Frftnk McCabe and Henry ; Yocket, charged with intoxicationf wmcn was appealed to the district court some weeks ago frem the police court, was dismissed by Judge Colby bocause a mistake "had been made in drawing up a complaint against, the defendants. ' Cortland Farmer Placed , - Under Peace Bond of $500 Reatrice, Neti.,' Feb. 8. (Special.) John Dutes, Cortland farmer who was brought here on the charge of threateningf his neighbors, was put under a teace Bond of $500 by Judga Kllis. He Is being Veld in Jail. TheJ insanity board of commissioners was first called upon -to pass . on Lutes mental condition and pronounced him sane, ', 4 -. . ' ' ' Reward American Legion , . To" Show Overseas Rolics Seward, Neb., Feb, 8, (Special.) Re lirs and souvenirs brought home from France when they , were in overseas service 1 will be exhibited "in the assembly roof of the court house here Friday bv members of the' local post of thf American ft.. y..W.,T,. .lT rt Every Mood Yawv Old Piano . in Pari FacKaai THE New Evidence in Mooney.Case Is Found by Walsh Attorney for Convicted Man r . ktfi t- xru Geta Affidavit From Wit- nev woo Lrectarei ue Perjured Self at TrUL ) I - 1 TV New York, Feb. 8. Frank P. Walsh of counsel for Thomas J. Mooney, convicted of murder io San Francisco in connection with thm nrrrednei dav bomb explo sion in 1916, early today telegraphed San Francisco authorities apprising them of i aa alleged confession by one of the witnesses in tbe'ease that he had given periured testimony at the trial A pel graad jury now is investigating an alleged conspir acy to convict Mooney. ' The witness named by Mr. Walsh was John McDonald, now a resident of Trenton, N. J, with whom Mr, Walsh bad a long conference last night. According to Mrr Walsh, McDonald declared in an affidavit covering 1J typewritten pages, that the case against Mooney. was a "frameup." . ' - Couldn't Identify Mooney. "McDonald swore Irf his confes sion," Mr. Walsh aid. "that he could not Identify Mooney as the man he had seen with a suitcase prior to the preparedness day ex plosion, although he identified Mooney during . the trial. He said District Attorney Fickett, the San Francisco prosecutor, had Jorced him to make the identification. Mr. Walsh quoted McDonald as saying he stood in Stewtrt street near, the .corner of Market, in San Francisco, at about 1 o'clock' on the afternoon of July 22, 1916. He said he saw a man set a suitcase on the sidewalk, then, accompanied by an other man who came from a saloon, walk away. Told Officer Next Day. McDonald is alleged" to have fur ther said that he then walked down Market street, and in a ahort time heard an explosion. He thought it part of the preparedness celebra tion.- Next day he met a policeman named Hextron and told him what he had seen, but asserted he could not Wen til-' the man. .v-, He wc induced, ' Mr. Walsh quoted ' fu jher, to go to police headquarters, where he was ques tioned by District Attorney Fickert and Captain Matluson, and' fold them he did not know Mooney, who was suspected. He subsequently was taken to Mooney'a cell and to that occupied by Billings, another defendant. He asserted, according to Mr. Walsh, that Fickert remarked: , "These are the men you saw.", Witness Was Coached. Further, McDonald is alleged to have stated he was coached with other witnesses in testimony to he given. He asserted he fixed the time of seeing the suitcase dropped at 1:50 o clock in Billings trial. In the Mooney trial he stated that at the instance of Assistant District Attorney Edward Cunha "he changed the, time to 10 o'clock, in order to break Mooneye alM. Nine persons were hilled in the explosions Mooney was sentenced to death and Billings to life Impris onment. After every appeal from the sentence had failed, President Wilson interceded in Mooney'a be half and Governor Stephens com mitted the sentence to life imprison ment. ...;.- ' ( New Model Battle Tank Is Put Through Paces Washington, Ieb. 8. Ihe army held a "tank show" today; putting new types of land battleships through their paces in Rock Creek park, with Secretary Baker and War department officials watching. Many spectators saw the machines rumble up and down seemingly im possible slopes, leap- obstacles and push down trees. Among the tanks was a new model Christie, armed with, a six-inch gun in a turret, the "last word" in tanks. It has develop ed a speed of 20 miles an hour over broken ground, officers said, and 30 miles' an hour on ordinary roads without its caterpillar tread, ; Court Refuses to Enjoin - Lincoln $1.53 Gas Rate Lincoln, Feb. 8. (Special) Judge T. C Munger in federal court here refused today to enjoin the latest ordinance passed by the Lincoln city commission fixing the rate . to be charged for gas by the Lincoln Gas and Electric Co. at $1.53. The court said .that he wanted to give the rate St least a month's trial The com pany desired to. put. in a i.vi charge, S. L. Geisthardt was named as special mastcr.by the court to take additional testimony. Man Shoots Self in Foot While on Hunting Trip ? Nebriska City, Neb., "Feh. 8. fSoeeialWRov Burst of .this city was severely injured "while hunting outh of the eky whert'the gun he w earrvinar was acicdentally dis charged and the contents penetrated the left foot.' Me waa taken tome Fegera hospital. The extent of his lnjurieswill not be known for 'sev eral days. " '( -: ,' ..!' V 1 ' K ' ' P 1 V Pension Surgeon Nanied Washington. P. C, Feb. (Spe cial Telegram.) Vt, W.; U Uaruett hi been anoointed pension surgeon at Orient,. Neb, y . ; . Woman, M Yean Old, Dies at Seward Atter Unexplained Stupor .;nl: Neb.. Feb. 8.(Snecial.) Mr , Charlotte Lyons. 1U1. aiea Here last evening, followng a pe culiar illness of several weeks, dur ing which time she lay in a sort or tunnr. PhvsicianS were puiiled and pronounced the case not sltep ing slrkness, m ,' . , Only last Tuly 31 Mrs. tyons celebrated her lOlat birthday an niversary with a party ,; which In cluded everything to tne oinnswy cake, At that time she was in full possesion of her faculties and sp peared in good health. , Her strange malady followed a a!igh attack ot Earalyais which affected her lower mbs. . . ; BEE; . OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1921. Nebraskans and Iowans Thought , To Have Claim to Coney Isknd Site ( Atlantic, la, Feb. t. (Special.) J That the land which is the found a- hion of. the supposed . $800,000,000 Wyckoff estate, to which there are a j or more of fceirf ,outhwest. era Iowa and Nebraska, -lies within the confines of what is : now the Thirty-second ward of Brooklyn. N. Y., embracing ,tb present ' Coney Island pleasure park and what many decades ago was the ,!d town.ff Graeend. is the report made by a firm of Gotham lawyers to Swan, Clovis & Swan, attorneys here for John A" Walker, one qt the numer ous heirs, ' This i the first definite Informa tion received by the beirs regarding the location of the land which Feter Wyckoff received from the govern - mcnt m recognition of his services as a soldier in the revolutionary war. Even yet the exact location of the property is shrouded in uncertainty. The New York attorneys are making diligent search for records which will definitely establish the boupd aries of this now almost, priceless real estate, . A : Genealogy Traced. Another interesting development in the case is the establishment of the genealogy of the Wyckoff family. The founder of the family in Amer ica was Claes Corneliszen, native of Holland, who came to this country while what now is the state of New York was nq'gr Dutch " rule and Pairymen Pay Only 13 Cents Gallon for Milk ... Farmer . Tells Woman's Club Price, Paid lor Milk Has Been Reduced 55 - Cents. ', The political and science depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club, of which Mrs. H, J. Bailey is chair man, met Monday afternoon and in dorsed a movement to obtain lower milk prices in Omaha. One of the contentions Is that the reduction of the price paid by the dairymen for 'milk at the farms has not been reflected in the charge be ing made to the consumers. . The decline in the prices of icattle feed was stressed by' some of the speakers. Farmer Quotes Figures. , T. E. Price, ir farmer near Flor ence, offered some figures from the standpoint of a milk producer. He asserted that the dairymen now pay $1.95 per hundredweight for milk at the farm, the test to be not less than 3.4 per. cent butter fat. and a deduction of 40 cents per , 100 pounds is made for hauling. This nets the farmer $1.55 per 100 pounds. which figures 13 cents per gallon of milk, i "When you comider that we. are paid 13 cents per gallon , by th dairyman, and if you know what h charges per quart to the consumer, you can easily compute the per cent yuu tan easily tuiiijjuic mc per ttni t of profit from a farm near Florence I i . ,i. . i t ( i.. i. I for instance, and the householder in Omaha," said Mr. Price. y' Seduction 25 Per Cent. Mr. Price also asserted that last year the dairyman paid $2.50 per 100 pounds for milk, subject to'a de duction of 40 cents per hundred for hauling; leaving $2.05 net as against the present price of $1.55 net, or a reduction ,of 25 "Per cent, which be gan January 1 of this year. ' Mr. Price explained that the . fig ures he quoted referred .to the kMamito company of Omaha, T' guw,.i ,, ,., Four Business Houses in Colon Destroyed !by Fife Fremont. Neb.. Feb. 8. (Soecial) Four business houses and the state bank at Colon were destroyed by a fire starting early ' this morning through a defective chimney in the D. A. Harris Merchandise store ther. A crippled water system made it impossible to check the blaze, which spread over the entire north (tide of the main street. Total !o6S s estimated ar about $75,000. " Treasury' Authorized to Buy Many Farm Loan Bonds Washington. Feb. 8-Unanimoua approval was given today by the senate sigriculhire committee to a measure by Senators Glass and Swanson of Virginia, to anthorke the treasury, to purchase $100,000,000 of farm loan bonds so as to make available, funds for loans to farmers. The Swanson-Glass measure will be incorporated in the agriculture appropriation tiU. ; t- vi,..- ADV KRTIHttM VST Break Chest With RediPpj)ere . Ease your tight, - aching .' chest. Stop the pain.. Break up the con gestion. Peel a bad cold loosen up in just a short time. "Bed Pepper Rub" Is ahe cold remedy that-brings' the quickest re lief. It cannot hurt you and it Cer tainty seems to, end the tightness and. drive , the congestion and sore ness right out. , " When heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints, 'relief rnmr. at emee. -.' Turrn7rm-JM,Tirr nil Ml We Arc Of farinf, as Long as the Supply Lasts, ILLINOIS LUMP at $10.50 ton ILLINOIS STEAM at - -$5 ton PROMPT DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF CITY All Coal Thoroughly Screened at Our Yards " J. HAHN COAL CO. Tyler 3670 13th and Charles Sts. . Tyler 4296 J known as the New Netherlands. This was in 1636. A generation following the com SxitF fit Clara Cnrntiszi. member of the family became a magistrate of the colony and took as a family name the Dutch word for the office, which .was W'yckofL, - Henceforth the: family was known bv its new name and it was from, this family mat feter Wyckotf, founder of tne stow' famous estate, sprang. ? Estranged From Brothers. " The report made by the New York attorneys, based on their investiga tions, shows Peter had two brothers. samuel and John. who. because Pe ter was a bachelor, were his sole heirs. Family tradition, says the re port, shows that Peter became es lronu.t' othr' .and.,.n order to keep them from sharing his property when he died, made a long term lease. On the finding of some record of this lease largely depends the success of the claims of the Iowa and Nebraska descendants of the Wyckoffs. The three Wyckoff brothers, Peter, Samuel and John, were born in the fifties of the eighteenth cen tury. John ft. Walker of 'Atlantic, according to the genealogy of the family, can trace his ancestry in a direct line from John Wyckoff. The Wyckoff descendants living in this- part of the middle west will hold a conference on Fe4ruary13 at the home of Mrs. J. W. Lt'cas, of Glenwood, one of the heirs. Butter Ruling Not Effective , Until April I Commissioner Sets Hearing on Order Requiring Manufao' turers Using Alkaline Pro cess to Pay 10-Cent Tax. ' i ... i - ' By E. C. SNYDER. -WMhlngtoa ConMpdeat Omaha IW. Washington, D. CyFeb. 8. (Spe cial Telegram.) Since Commission er Williams of the international revenue bureau promulgated his sensational orders that manufactur ers of all butter made ot sour cream which had been neutralized by lime water or other agency must pay a tax of 10 cents a pound on the theory that it was adulterated there has poured in upon the members of congress a world of protest from tha dairymen of the country. With" the permission of t Attorney General Palmer, , whose opinion made the original order possible, the commis sioner announced today that the ruling affecting the butter industry in United States would not go' into effect untif April 1. While bowing to the weight of pub lic opinion, Williams tor some un accountable reason, has called spe cial bearing on February 25. seven daya before a new administration comes into power, "to grve careful consideration to all the chases of. the esse." This same Mr.. Williams was at s vuucvicu wi ic Jvc(Jiii- ment of Agriculture and in the courso uin tG'.i - one time conected with the Depart of his official position issued a rulihcr that would have proved disastrous to the manufacturers of flour through out the country, , But such a mighty protest went up that the ruling was rescinded. According to the, attorney for the creamery interests they are, mustering their forces for the hear ing on February 25, and they will submit weighty evidence that butter made from sour, cream and neutra lized by lime water or. other alkali is neither injurious or deleterious and does not belong in the classifi cation of ."adulterated." ." A - , i ,1, ; 2 Boys, 13,'on Way to Become Cowboys, Taken From Train Headed for North Platte, Neb., to become real cowpflnchers, Joe Popes ky, 13, and Andy Sanda, 13, Youngs town, O., boys were . nabbed by Omaha polite Monday night from a train at Union station. Youngstown authorities' reauested such action. The boys left home two days ago. Joe said he took $50 from his parents and Andy $.30. This was to pay their 'expenses, The ju venile authorities have thein now and will keep them until a parent comes after them. Columbus Movie Raises $110 for European Relief Columbus, Neb., Feb. ' 8. (Spe cial.) Through the , medium of a forenoon matinse at the North the ater,- lJpO was raised toward the fund being created by movtc shows throughout the country for. the re lief "of starving' childrpn- in central turope. " , v.k-i v. - AnVBRTIHEMENT Nothing 1ms such - conceufrated, penetrating beat ,vas 1 red f peppers. The moment you apply a Red Pep per Rub for colds, backache, sore muscles, stiff neck, lumbago, or the pain of rheumatism or neuritis, you feel .the tingling heat.. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. W,hen you are suffering so you can hardly get about, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from I red peppers,, at any drug store. You win nave tne quickest reiiet Known. Colds jTranSshipilient of Liquor Through U.S. Prohibited Acting Attorney General Neb eker Hands Down Decision 'At Request of Treas f ury Department V K Washington, Feb." 8. Transship ment of intoxicating liquors tor bererage purposes from one for eign country to another through the United States is prohibited by the national prohibition act. accord ing to an opinion of Acting Attorney General Nebeker. The opinion was In reply to an in quiry of the Treasury department as I whether prohibition laws affect provisions of the customs laws which permit merchandise arriving af any port and destined for a for eign country to be conveyed through the United States without payment of duties.-- ... "The national prohibition act," Mr. Xebeker declared, "applies to all territory '" not otherwise excepted, and. extends to all waters within hs territorial limits, including a marine league from the shore. Within thes waters the manufacture, sale trans portation, possession, etc., is pro hibited, t Transportation, of liqupr through ! l. T- . J ine ranama canai ana on me rana ma railroad, the acting attorney general said, was expressly excepted by congress. Both transportation and posses sion -of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes, Mr. Nebeker continued, are prohibited except as authorized, regardless of the place where they ate to be consumed. The prohibition . act, therefore,, he con cluded, "prohibit 'in transit' ship ments of such liquors touching at the norl or moving through ttie , o - - - United States though same originate in and are destined to foreign coun tries." - . . , "' v Father of 22 Dies Columbus, Neb.. Feb.' 7. Michael Schaeffer, 78, father of 22 children-, is dead at the home of his son near here. 1 . The production of cooper in the United States has increased more than 25-fold since 1880. ADVERTISEMENT "No-To-Bac" has helptd thou sands to break the costly, nerve shattering tobacco habit. Whenever you have a longing for a cigaret, cigar, pipe, or for a chew, just place a harmless No-To-Bac tablet - in your mouth instead, to help relieve that awful desire. Shortly, the habit may ,be completely broken, and you are4 better, off mentally, physically, financially. It's so easy, so simple. Get a box of No-To- cac and if it doesn t release you. from all craving for tobacco m any fdrmyour druggist will refund your money without question. lb, cnoicc nf rsVarul coous -Jfbr they want good milk and can alwa&s Closing Out - All Winter Linaa ot Clothing and Shoes $10 Extra Trousers. .86.48 $7.50 Extra Trousers. 84.48 $5.00 Extra Trousers. 82.95 $15 Boys,' Overcoats.. 87.50 $12.50 Mackinaws.. . .86.00 $10 Harlow Shoes. ... 86.00 $5.00 Work Shoes... 82.95 $4.00 Misses' Shoes.. 2.39 $1.00 Ladies' Rubbers. .39$ 25c Gloves. ... t ...... . 14 J. HELPHAND BBsl : . a a hwi a a wa - 1 0 AND OINTMENT Clear the Slrih Swa.Oliai.VMJSW.iM,S - HAMD0.0 Bntfl. BHa, attr ef TW mi K eltta from Daa- tiont tad foraim auk. , ntniin Met. bus nd nature vill tin tht ntx. Try tt ooc lilt rttulM will anna im iwa a IAS . -. vyauu w on. it Guticura Soap f Xi5rl REMOVCf It i v 1 u Sh&ui I Fremont Wife Says Hi it n 1 . USOand S KclatlVeS f . . Had NO Use lOr Her ! Fremont. Neb.. Feb. 8. Special.) ; i Alleging that her husband's rela- j lives resentea cer marriage to Arveen Brown, 31, and returned I bridal photographs to her marked with insulting and degrading mes sages, Alice Brown ts suing lor divorce. The couple were married in ivit. iirs. oicwu ncg ui hen she sent wedding pictures to j her husband's relatives they cut out the pictures of the groom and re turned the part displaying the bride. She says insults 'and slurs were written pnthe photographs in evi dence, that she was cot wanted in ihe family. Sonie time ago the husband filed AIVKRT1SEMBXT "f ape's i Cold Compound" Don't stay stuffed up! Quit . blow ing and snuffling! A dose of Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken us ually breaks up a cold and ends all grippe misery. ' " The first dose opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages of head, Deaf Eleanor: RlM at Hotel Wfcit eorab (rem $2.00; 400 outaM rooms. Writ for folder containing map af city. J. H. VAN .HORNE, . Mar. , Men's Without regard to brand, color, style or size, every hat in our store will go a. . . . . . . i' f . . - - v, . ' y 4- Most of Our Patrons Ara Acquainted With the Quality Standard Brand Wa Carry. of All of our high leathers of, mocha, kid and cape in color 8 oi ' gray, brown and tans in every wanted size. ONE-HALF PRICE ' ; i I I i Tl 1 a SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiimiiuiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii Genuine Lump, Egg or Nut Size "It Pay to Burn Good Coal" PEOPLES GOAL GO. niiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiKiunnu:auM ! petition lor divorce, charging the I oretty Toung wife with mtscocdocl n4 famUtttnty wnn a cai Business ! win. He later dismissed the action, I The couple nave oeen separated lor I cumber of months. Seward Couple Celebrate 49th Wedding Anniversary Seward, Neb, Feb. 8, (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon cele brated their . 49tb wedding am niversary here. . Four children and many grandchildren were present - , for the observance. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon came to 'their, homestead in this country from Lin coin 49 years ago. immediately fol lowing their marriage there. Tbey traveled here in a spring wagon drawn by a pair of mules and spent their honeymoon in a 14 by 20-footi one room house. ADrERTISEJfiarT is Quickest Relief Known stops nose running; relieves head ache, dullness, feverishness, sneez ing. 'Tape's Cold Compound" is ths quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist upon Pape's. v San Francisco, California Here's the Fine Arte Palace, beautiful build ing preserved from the 1915 Exposition. I wont . through it yesterday with an artist. He rays the collection of pointings Otero Is very fine. There sure eereral morals hung up that were on other Exposition buildings. My friend, the artist, waa so enthusiastic, that we did much walking. Imagine my relief when I got back to Hotel Wbitoomb and sank down In one of those comfortable chairs in my room. Hotel WmTCOfctB j Cmc Center " SAN FRANCISCO. A Real Clearance of High Grade Hats Excellent Quality grade Gloves in S. E. Corner 16th and Harney PHONE Tyler 3424 Price Gloves