Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1921, Page 2, Image 2
THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, tuiKUAhx xtii. Senate Favors Dropping Norval Language Bill Legion Men, Speaking Before Upper House Committee, Demand "Hands Off : Siman Law. Lincoln, Feb. 8.(Special Telc- f ram.) Following a hearing before he senate committee on education mi the Norval bill. S. F. 160, which niends the? Siam foreign language ' aw, sentiment seemed to be tor the ndehnite postponement ot the DM. ' strengthening, instead of weakening he law. 'aonearcd to be the senti- nent of the committee. Nearly 200 nrsonj attended the hearing. No action . was taken, the com niltee desiring to wait until next "Thursday. Every member of the !ommittce expressed himself in fa ;or of strengthening the iman law. Demand Americanism. "On beiialf of those who didn't etum your boys who went across ind felt the German buzzsaw and law the German methods, we, 21,000 " f.egion men of Nebraska, demand !00 per cent Americanism," said Prank B. O'Counelt, state adjutant f the Legion. "We already have :o stand around and hear it talked in the streets. We don't want it taught in the schools. We 'don't ivant the Siman law tampered with." George Favvetl, commander of the American .Legion post of Lincoln, old of the Emerald incident, where ii the face of the Legion speakers .nvited to talk on Americanism, the :ongregation voted to restore Ger nan in the church services. , Brands Bill With Duplicity. . "If the interests back of this bill liink we have lapsed into our old ndifference after the war, they are iiistaken," George Thomas of the University Place said. The cunning iluplicity of the Norval bill is the fact that the only thing it limits is Ihe English language to five hours i day in common branches in the schools." Rev. M. Herrmann of Lincoln was ihe only speaker who had any words tor the bill. He did Hot urge it ctrongly. ' ,v . At the close the senate commit tee cross-examined Senator Norval. Measure Providing Ten-Year Term for Third Felony Passes Lincoln, Neb.,' Feb. 8. (Special. t These biHs were passed on third reading by the state senate Tues day morning: S. F. No. 52. Imposing 10-year , sentence on anyone who nas been convicted of his third felony. Passed ,26 to 0. . ' , S. F. 2 Disqualifications of , judges. Passed 26 to 0. 1 S. F. 155--Noticc to foreign con suls m estate matters. Passed 27 to 0. ; a. r. 4 Amends no fund check law. Passed 27 to 0. . These bills were reported out for : general file by the committee on child welfare: S. F. 77 Includes pool halls in' places minors are forbidden to fre quent. ; . S. F. 89 Regulates public morals. Bankers' Special No. 2 Rolls Through House ., Lincoln, Feb. 8.-(Special.) Bank ers' special No. 2, passed through theOouse on thir.d reading oday by a vote df 78 to 15. This bill provides that the state banking board may toe discretionary powers in issuing? bank charters. Muny Light Bill Issue Up Toddy in Lower Houe Catlnae From Pace Oa.) from prominent Omaha .business men, which explain their attitude toward the bill: . , , , , F. W. Currey, manager of the Selden-Breck Construction ' Co. "We appreciate, all efforts to kill House Roll No. 1, thereby protect ing private investments in this state. If this method of discouraging in dustry by laws is pursued without question our state will be stopped m its great stride forward." Walter B. Roberts, First National Bank -"Omaha now has two expen sive political playthings in the water plant and gas plant, particularly the latter, so why allow the 'master mind' behind House Roll No. 1, fur ther opportunity of extending his political power at the expense of the public?" . , . .. Too Much Public Ownership. Charles F. Schwager, President 6f the American Live Stock Insurance Co. "I have talked to several other business men; on the "street and in variably they feel the same that we have more of the public owner ship than we can digest for some time that wedo not need an autoc racy or a dictatorship in Omaha, and I feel the same about it." Glenn C. Wharton, President of the Kirkendall Shoe j Co. "As a business man and large taxpayer. I feel that it would be criminal under tinancial conditions as they are to day, to Issue a large bond issue sim ply to duplicate equipment which is now accommodating all the demands made upon it." A ' v Legal Methods. -- J. H. Hansen of the J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. "Municipal ownership is not being foueht Should the city desire to enter the electric light and power business it may do so tinder a law passed by our 1917 legislature, which is very fair, permitting them to acquire the property of the Ne braska Power Co." ' . C Louis Meyer. President of the Concrete Engineering Co. "I would dislike very much to have the city of Omaha to go into the steel busi ness and become a competitor of mine. I do not object to municipal ownership, if the city -will go Into this business by acquiring the prop erty of the Nebraska Power Co. un der laws which I believe hare been passed by our legislature some years ago." - -,., . , ; ii j - v -. Grove's is the Only Genuine ' TltlT BROMO OUININB Ublt. Till firnt nU witlnM Cold itnd Grip Tblot. iwAtu t BROUtf.) 30c A4v. German War Plot to Destroy . Passenger Liner Is Revealed By Tfce AMoetetvd Trt. New York, Feb. 8 A, German war plot that failed was revealed . to day. - ' . -. . Four defective bolts taken from the machinery of the transport Mount Vernon, t6ld the tale. They were) discovered by engineering forces of Commander R. D. Gate wood, director of the shipping board's division of construction and repairs, and placed on exhibition at his office. After the Mount Vernon for merly the Kronprinzessen Cecilie, the famous "gold ship" that raced into Bar Harbor in theearly days of the war had been seize as a troop ship, her German .crew cut .two thirds of the way through four six inch bolts that connected the en- Allegiance Measure Raises Discussion (Continued From Fate Oae.) they get the benefits, and that a pro rated per capita cost was unfair, because the expense of operating the schools were only slightly increased with a few tuition pupils. The motion to postpone was lost, 6 to 24, those for postponement being Dutton, Johnson, Miller, Nor val. Hoagland and Reed. When the next school bill came up, S. r. no. requiring county boards to furnish assistants to county superintendents, the same opponents mustered enough strength to kill itby a viva voce vote, Movie Censorship Bill. .The committee of the whole advanced to third riading without other discussion than an explanation from Senator Hoagland, the intro ducer, S. E. No. 120, memorializing congress to establish federal movie Ha The one instrument for which the greatest artists make records. The one instrument specially made to play their Victor Records. The one instru ment that reproduces their art in exact accord with their own ideas of inter pretation. 4 , . Victrolas $25 to $1500' Victor dealers everywhere. New Victor Records demonstrated at all dealers on the 1st of each month. Victor gines with thc main crank shaft. The skilfully made cuts remained hidden by the fittings of the engines, iht rtiytnc wr taWfn nnart I It. is believed the bolts were left i barely holding -with thd hope that the craft would Creep into U-boat lane and fall prey to the undersea craft when a strain on the engines came with an ordcY for full speed ahead. w But luck or toughness of' steel permitted the liner to make a dozen round trips through submarine in fested seas, carrying from 3,000 to 4.000 men. Just to round things out, she encircled the globe to bring troops home from Russia. . ? The Mount Vernon had several narrow escapes, ' Once she was tor pedoed and 33 of. her crew killed. censorship to save duplication hi" all the states of this work. ; Other bills advanced were f S. F, 50 Right f eminent domain to school districts. S. F. 222 Penalties for - illegal voting or procuring illegal votes. S. F. 149 Requiring county boards to proyide rooms for shear ings by state compensation commis sioner. New YorkPolice Department Install? Wireless Plant New York, Feb. 8. Wireless ap paratns has been installed by the New York police department to" noti fy police of other cities' concerning the movements of suspected crim inals, it was anonu'need. Radio mes sages covering a radius of about 300 miles' are flashed from the top of police headquarters every evening. These messages are picked up by amateurs and their contents reported to the local police. - - - "Onward Omaha" Bee Want Ads. ..i.CTjii;ir.fnfrLyn'gg-gi'' J: f mm isiistramettt trot . v.: pt err Talking Machine Co,Camden,N.J. World Reeling Under Hard Blow, Lloyd George Says j prcraier Defends Co- alitfon Government and . Pleads for Continuation Of Political Unity.; By The Aoaunlalcd Pri. London. Feb. P. "W e arc engaged in a terrible task," said Premier Lloyd George in a- speech today, in which he defended the coalition gov ernment and pleaded for a. continu ation of political unity. "It is some thing more important than defend ing myself and my administration," he declared. ' " He asked whether anyone could say that the need for unity had passed and exclaimed: ' ' " "I wish to God everybody could, because it worries me; it fills mc sometimes with dread. "If someone could tell me that the danger 1s past; someone whose word we could take, I 6hould be so glad that I would sign- my ! resignation tomorrow." - , ' ' ' , . A world reeling, wider the most terrible blow ever dealt, was the .way he described the situation. Gigantic events are in the making aud old factional fights among the parties should not be resurrected until the peril was over, ie said. He said the coalitionists had given Ireland, a. greater "leasure of home rules than ' either ' Gladstone or Asquith had proposed. "But," he added, "they say they won't take it. They must have an Irish republic, an Irish army, an Irish navy. They won't get it and if they don't get it, we are told they will kill our policemen, our soldiers not in open lighting but hiding in homes, walking as respectable tenant farmers or swaggering along the road to a hiding place,' where they find rifles." II f "I This trademark and the trademarked word "Vktroli'Mdentlfy all our products. Look under the lid I Look on the label I VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. Camden, N. J. ! Douglas County Cases ; Heard by Parole Board (CnnllDurd From rs On.) from one to seven years. "Craven is a victim of his former wife's par cuts," wrote Judge Bayard ' Paine, wno sentenced nun. craven ts wite got a divorce a year ago and it was claimed that his wife's parents had caused the trouble. In a fit of anger Craven set fire to the, house where he lived. . Officers Testify. In addition to the court's recom mendation, the county attorney and the sheriff testified to his good be havior. W arden I'entou said he had been an ideal prisoner. Leroy Bird sail, sentenced from one to 10 years for automobile steal ing also was an applicant. Birdsall is married and has a wife living at after he is released. The only un- lavoraoie word in the Birdsall case Sioux City, where he intends to live was a letter from the-countv attor' ney, who said that the man had not paid the money set aside by the court lor the support of his chil dren by a former wife. , x "Red" Neal Presents Letters. The case of "Red" Neal and Mor ris Katleman, both of Omaha, at tracted the most attention. Neal had 14 letters of recommendation from prominent citizens of Nemaha and Otoe counties. Colonel T. J. Majors, president ot the state nor mal board, appeared in Neal's be- nau and letters included one from Representative E. E. Good. E. F. Armstrong," county attorney: ' Sbcr- iu jjavis ana a numDcr ot prominent banker? and business men. Katleman's brother appeared in his behalf and there were a number of letters from friends. Warden Fenton said that he was confident both men would make good. !CC T - t The board passed resolutions call ing on Judge Redick and County Attorney Shotwell to present their views on the cases. NeaJ and Katle man were sentenced on an automo bile charge. . JSenate Calls on Colby for Copy Negotiations Still Arc Incom plete and Officials Claim They Cannot Be . Com pleted by March 4. .Washington, Feb. 8. The senate foreign relations committee, at the instance of Senator Johnson, repub lican, California, today directed Chairman Lodge to ask Secretary of State Colby, if not incompatible with the public interest, to submit to the committee a copy of the agreement recently reached between Ambassadors Morris and Shidehara regarding a new treaty to deal with the situation resulting from the adoption in California of an alien land bill.. Senator Johnson urged that the agreement be made public and this precipitated a lengthv discussion in executive session. "The senatorre ceiitly declared the agreement was simply another "gentleman's agree ment" and demanded it be made public. American -Japanese , negotiations still are incomplete and the State department officials . have said they cannot be finished before the change of administrations March 4. The drafted agreement also awaits ap proval at the department and at the Tokio foreign office. Red Leader Dies London, Feb. 8. A Moscow wire less says Prince Peter A. Kropotkin, Russian author and revolutionary leader, died in Moscow today. The Price Is Based White Swiss Organdies Switzerland sends us our best organdies; only Swiss weavers , seem able to make the wiry, tightly-, twisted threads that will not lose their crispness when laundered. The new prices are from $1.25 to$2 a yard. White Flaxons Plain 30-inch, 50c yard. 40-in., 75c to $1.25. Checked 34-inch, 75c yard. White Checked Dimities Thirty inches wide are priced 65c and 75c a yard. Linns Main Floor Black Silk Lisle Hose for 75c A medium weight with garter tops and double soles, excellent for serv ice, equally good with high or low shoes, 75c a pair. Little Things a Baby Needs Our newest bootees, a , new spring style, are of crepe de chine in pink or blue with hand embroi- deries to make them still more dainty, $1.25 a pr. ft Cunning "rubber pants, an overall affair in a fine white rubber that wears and looks better than the yellow kind, ' 65c a pair. Face . veils of silk or wool -are 65c, 75c and ; 85c each. f Diaper waists or tiny suspenders are just 50c. 1 All of these make splen did gifts to the mother of a new baby. - Second- Floor Vests and Pants for 98c each Womens' cotton vests and pants, either plain or fleece 'lined are a very fine quality for Wednes day's price, 98c a gar ment. ' t Second Floor Of Jap Agreement Legion Raps Apology . Given Germany by U. S. (Continued From Vt On.) Columbus could not be used to erect a memorial under an agree ment entered into by the Knights as one of. the seven participants in the united, war work campaign fund. This agreement was said to stioulate that no funds raised by public subscriptions "should be jpent for nonwar work or perma nent structures." The $5,000,000 of fered by the Knights of Columbus was said to have been that organiza tion's remaining share. Establish Tmst Fund. The recent bestowal by the Y. M. C. A. to the legion without condi tions, of a part of the war work fund is being used by the legion as a trust fund and under a resolu tion adopted by the committee, to dav. may be used as collateral. The committee adopted a memor ial . urging congress , to unite with the allied nations in assembling bod ies of the unnamed dead of the as sociated armies in Frances and erecting a memorial to them. Com mittee members spent much time appealing to congressmen to take action on legislation for relief of wounded war veterans, y i ; Fairbury Elevator Sold To 50 Farmers for $13,500 Fairbury, Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special.) The large 30,000 bushel capacity elevator, formerly owned by the Jansen Equity exchange, was sold to 50 farmers for $13,500. A board of directors was chosen with Milt Coffman, president; Ira Junker, vice president, and Charles M. Turner, secretary. The implement stock of the exchange was sold at auction. This will close the business of the Equity Exchange at Jansen. orapn -Mien & Ca of Every Article: in the Store Upon Its Replacement Cost A Season of Suits Is Predicted , - . And the tailored person will ap- L pear in beige or navy or gray twill, with the demure Peter Pan collar of her blouse worn outside and the cuffs of her gauntlets, likewise. Our new est suits are good to see, each with its distinguishing bit of embroidery, braid binding or odd girdle. . Apparel SectionsThird. Floor Kay ser Fabric Gloves Beautifully fitted, and offered in a number of shades, these .fabric gloves promise to be very good this spring. U Twelve and sixteen button length, . $2 and $2.25. . v Strap wrist length for $1.75 and $2 a .pair. , . H Two-clasp style for only $1.25 and $1.50. Britain Will Not Race U. S. for the Sir Philip Gibbs Tells House Committee English Do Not -Regard U. S. Fleet "as a Menace." Washington. Feb. 8. Great Britain will not undertake a race "with the United States for sea , power. Sir Philip, Gibbs, British war corre spondent, declared today before the. house naval committee. England hasn't the money, he said, and most Englishmen do not regard the Amer ican navy "as a menace." Sir Philip said that before any agreement for disarmament rnuld he reached by the principal powers the Russian question would have to be settled and the Russian people drawn back into the "family of nations." Representatives of the Russian soviet government should by all means be included in any conference to discuss disarmament. Sir Philio declared. He characterized the Rus sian red army as "the Kreatcst mili tary menace in the world." There is a spirit of revolt, entirely apart from boleshevism, iif Europe today because of the general fear of another war, the witness declared, adding that the people felt that they had been betrayed iu the last war, because they had been told that it was a war to end war. An invitation from the United States for a disarmament conference would meet with approval of most of the people of Great Britain, Sir Philip said, although some sections of the government are opposed to the general idea of disarmament. The Fashionable Bien Jolie Treco Corsets It is not only impossible to look-well in the new winter frocks - without the proper corset, but likewise impossible , to experience the assurance of being perfectly turned , out an assurance which a Bien Jolie always gives. . Our corsetieres are de lighted to assist you in your selection. ; Prices range from $2.50 up. Corsots Stcqad Floor