r.. 10 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1921. I t : 1 i : i I i t' '.ft. i I: il v. :a-: 1 f Classified Advertising Rates la per lln (count ( word to una) 1 iM In per Una per day, t consecutive day Is per lln per day. T consecutive days 14a par Una pr day, SO eonsecutiv day No d taken for leas than a total of Sic '1'baaa rates apply allhar to tha Dally r Bungay Baa. All advertisement ap pear lit both morning and. availing dally pa para (or thw ona chart. CONTRACT RATBS ON , v APPLICATION Want a da aocepted at tba following (. flees' IAIN OKTlCB lTlh and Farnam 8U South Bid . Jj gt. Council Bluffs ?; WANT ADS RKCEIVED BT PHONW AT TTLKR 1O0O. . ' THB BEB will ot ba reaponalbl for mora than oa Incorrect tnartlon of an advertisement ordered (or mora than ona M CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition d- m Morning Edition 'A' V. J? . . Sunday Edition M" Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. VANNI89-t-Ralph a. aittd hi year ll la survived by three sisters. Sir. W. J. - Colgrov. Mra. M. W. Culack of Omaha and Mra. William, Vlook of Centervllle, Ind.i ona brother; Charloa, of California. p. m. from residence of bis sister, Mr William Cuslck. 1810 Grace, Internum! Forest Lawn eeineiery. CLACS8EN Helen, Feb. tth, aged H jt v. . n vr ,nH Mr i i . ....... till Kehrajika Ave. Services from Hoffman I'nneral Homo Thureday at p. m. Interment West lawn cemetery. i.'w.wocu i j by bar parents, ona elster, Alloa, and ona protner, viianwi jr. Pobtkr Jean Wallace, aicd ST years. months, 29 day, bolovtd wife of George Vit. Porter, i Funeral from First Presbyterian church Wednesday at S:.10 p. n. inter ment Prospect Hill cenietory. CARD OF THANKS. Wa wish to express our sincere thanks to the employe of the Omaha i Qaa Worka, the Paxton ft Velrllng V Iron Works, tn cnurcn or me ornn van. T.dlaa' Aid aaclety. Calvary Moth. ara nltih and our many friends and neighbor for tlielr sympathy and the Deautuul Iloral offerings aunng in re cent bereavement of our wife and mother. R. Wt Reynolds r., Mr. and Mr. J. W. Rasp, Mr. and Mrs. K. W, (Reynolds Jr. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST aro "AMBULANCE M Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. TO! South 16th St. Douglas lzzs. HEAFEY & HEAFEY', Undertaker and Kmbalmer. Fhon H. 265. . Office 2611 Farnam. J'OR AMBULANCE call South 680. Korlsko Funeral Home, 2Sd and O Sts. FLORISTS. EEE L. LARMON jSf 1814 Douglas Bt. Dougla 8244. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. V 2000. 1l Henderson. 161 Farnajn. I uilaa 1248. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. Lewis and" Florence Covert, Flfty-sev-nth and Q, boy. Oeorg and Edith Richardson, 2(04 Jef feraon, girt Alton and Julia Parraentier, J932 V. girl.. Gordon and Elisabeth Robertson, hospi tal, boy. I i i , Fred and Bra Borneman. hospital, girl. Albert and Mabel Wilson, hospital, girl. Frank and TU1I Comstock, hospital, girl. .. i John and Anna Dick, hospital, girl. Patrick and Lucille Naugle, hospital, ,i boy. Edward and Theresa Relslng, hospital, . boy.'-' J. Harper and Call Hamilton, hospi tal. glrU Paul and Jennie Purdown, hospital, girl, i Clarence and Marguerite Brown, 1127 Jiortb. Eighteenth, boy. Merritt and Ella Xogan, SIT Bancroft, girl. . - . .k . . WlUlam and A'gne Jaeobaon, hospital, boy. ' John and Emma Demel, Forty-fifth and Z, R. F. D. 4, boy. Cashmere and , Etiis Trafas, S70S X, glrL . .. .. . Clarenc and Ruth Payton, 8001 Bur dette, girl. John and Catherine Lynch, 1930 South ' Eleventh, girl. Clarence and Minnie MllforO, hospital, glrL .. V ' ' Death. Christopher CarroU, 42, hospital. , Qertrude Whlng, St, hospital. Alexander Morrison, 66, 1817 Plnkney. Mra. Sally Cooper, 62, hospital. Mary Ellen Kammltt, C(, hospital. . John Boyer, 71, 2402 Howard. Dobal Alphonsu ; Daly, Infant, 1824 North Forty-eighth..- Loula Monoco, 17. hospital. ' " ' t , Mra. Anna T. Stanton. 53. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Francesco Franco, 28, Omaha, and Se bastlane Costello, 17, Omaha. John Roth, Jr., ST, Omaha, and Eliza beth M. Llsmond, S3, Omaha. - Ralph C. Lair, 2.1, Omaha, and Jennie Harm, 2(, Omaha. . " William F. Ogllvle, 28, Omaha, and Helen M. Dalton, 26, Omaha. Roasarlo Castro, 2. Omatia, and Fran cesco Basao, S3, Omaha. - Oeorg Griffin, 22, Omaha, and Maud Polk, 21, Omaha.,,, August Albtn, over 21, Omaha, and Nina B. Vternsberger, over 18, Milwaukee, Wis. Llndley D. Bowman, over 21, Lincoln, i Neb., and Frieda. Clement, ovor 18, Lln- suln. Neb. ; k Edward Shields, 22, Omaha, and Ade- laid Oeldemann, 21, Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. ' FOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet cars tele phone Tyler S00. We are anxious to re- store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY J.OST Pockutbook containing S60 and railroad passes. Liberal reward for re turn to R. 41. Cathers. Rm. 316, U. P. Bldg. , LOST At Suu theater, tan purse and ' about 810, and mortgage of IsOi). Signed, : Mr. Grace Beblnger. Reward. J5g. 7431. BETWEEN Saunder school; 130 N. 39th, knlfd, two 'btades, opens by spring de vice. Kewara. war. BOSTON Bull Terrier, black and white; children mourn loss; named "Pet." Re ward. Wal. 82SR. LOST Men's fur gloves, Tuesday, Feb. 8., .-. on Farnam. bet weed 31st and -41st Sts. Tel Wal. S264. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army .Industrial horn solicits your "old clothing,' furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute Pboo Doug 4136 and our wagon will rail, cau ana inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PATENT Af T0IWEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. I'IPKIN S NATIONAL - DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. ' Douglas 1167 Suite SOU, Paxton Block, Omaha, Neb. SHAMPOOING, massaging and scalp . treatments. Resident work; references. Webster 4748. ' BAY IT, WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS SWEDISH message by.masseuse. Pg. 6877. SENT, vacuupi rleaner, 81 up. Wal. 1SJ7. VEAVINO, old tu-s remade. Ty. 1432. ELECTRO marap.se. 318 Neville Blk. . MASSAGE 210 North Seventoent St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME XXft KEEP'S teach yon to dance. Spe cial attention to children Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2681.. Har. 2793. Vol Pirla School for Dancing. , A.ei-A lUC Farnam. Doua 7850. 2424 Detectives. KELIABLB DetartlVe Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. Mb. Night Col. 8812. JAMES ALLAN. SIS Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136 Miscellaneous Announcements. SAFETY razor blade sharpened, new ra son, razor Made sold. Omaha Razor Sharpening Co.. luZiV, Dodge, log N. la. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. i Massage, hot packs. CONCANNON BROS., TYLER S721. WH do all kinds remodeling, '-patrln Se our look of plana on bungaV.wa. g. rage. DlckKou & Newman. So. 2794. Neb. Pleating Button Cn.. 1806 Farnam Pt. Dour. ? 1 OMAHA WELDING' CO. "Th Careful Welders." 15th and Jackson. D. 4897. iAPaRHANGLN'a and painting. Ty. 4302". BRINGING UP I Fl f 1 I "1 1 i WA.t DOWN . I ( i avMtw it wm , 1 1 ( . kiin - CTI I r-r a"c ) J CXJ6HT TO KNOW I If ?CC s : .TOWN SrlOPC ONNABCftAO v . 0 ' B0O6HT. ET ME , L tOlMC OP 'EM , 1' ' ' ' : ' ... . ta" 'Nft. FcATtiwg ggwvicg. iwq ( - -Tf ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. FREF, CONSULTATION. LaSalle Extension University of Chi cago. 111., announce through It local office, expert consultation service on Income tax. Phone Tyler 2738 tor ap pointment or bring your Inquiry, to (31 Kocuritk's lildg. Office open evenings from 7 to 8:30 'exceut Wednesday and Saturdays. H, A., Pound, Resident Reg is! rar. ACCORDION, aid-, knife, sunburst, box pirating, covered buttons, all Rises and . styles; hemstitching, pieot edging, eye let cut worn, uutton noiesy, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co., S0 urown hik. uougias 193. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses mado over In new tick at half price of new peas. Pillow renovated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. ISO? Cuming street. Douglas 24(7. diamonds vrrc.p:rthtD?.v.!,.ti tn hii hmrV af small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO, 401 N. 16th St, Doug- las 6041. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 7th and Martha 8U.. Omaha,. Neb. - Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for price. Th Ensign Co Mi Howard 8t BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug store, lets and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. FULL dress suit and tuxedo for rent, 10 N. 16th St., John Feldman. P. 2188. Omaha Towel Supply 207 B. 11th. P. (21. FOR- SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your attic; don't yon rinti a lot or ciottuns;. -xurniLure. pic- ' tures and ether articles that you have no further use for 7 And have you over stopped to think,, that someone' might be only too glad to have them? Then why not 'let, the public know you have . those articles useless . to you through a Uttlewant ad In Tb Bee? It coats very little and a S-day ad would almost . be sure to sell It for you. Try It. Call Trier 1000 and ask for th Want Ad , Dept. 3-plece mahogany bedroom suite. H. (322. Pianos and Musical Instruments. PIANOS FOR RENT We do expert tuning, re 1alrliig ,'ind moving. Phone your orders to Doug. 1623. . Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., v 1514-lt DODGE ST. , BIGGEST phonograph bargain In town; i3j sue. in. mi: 15U t size, s5; (200 , size. $96; (1 records, 45c. Records ex changed, loo. Shines Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge St. Doug. 2147. WANTED By young lady to learn X-ray, A months' experience, call Wal. 0266 ' between 6-? p. m. Box W-162, Bee. A. HOSPE CO. Everything In art and music Pianos for rent. Clothing:. Lady's tailored suit, 86, (20. Web. 667. Typewriters and Supplies. . TYPEWRITERS ' AND ' ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sol agent (or th CORONA. Get . our price before you bqy. , Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Douglas 4120. ' 1912 Farnam. FOR SALE One each, Elliott-Fisher bookkeeping and billing machine; also one-time clock. KOPAC BROS.. 2037 Farnam. ' Phone Doug. 6454. PROTECTOGRAPHS, FV & E.'s; bargains. 61 Farnam Bldg, Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard . scale, 3Hx3 foot platform, also 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust , fan. Inquire at Omaha Be office, 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone-Tyler 1000. , ' SEWING MACHINES Ws rent, repair, sell ncedlfs and part, MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Douglas 1973. SURE and sate Investment, elty warrants to pay yoa 10 per cent Interest, S100, $500 and $1,000 amounts. E. O. Solomon, 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc Omaha Fixture & Supply Co, 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. S A TT17Q BARGAINS, 12th ft Farnam. OAr SUO -j, j. Darlght Safe Co. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS - 'New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. (146. WILL buy aecond-hand clothing, shoe and .urnlture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett 706 N. 16. USED reed baby carriage. H. 4008. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. COLORED" man. wants cleaning work, private houses and offices. Web. (247. FOR wall paper 'cleaning, floors waxed, varnishing, etc., call Colfax 1T1(. Painting, pprhg., plastering. Wal. 4567. f - v 4 . Female.-' i GRADUATE nurse will care for paralyzed, mental or enroll! natlnt In my home. 412 S. 48th St Wal. 4293. TWO ladles wisp, work as janitresses, mornings and evenings. Tyler 6128 or Tyler 4030. - DAY work, white, bundle washing. Web ster 2460. PRACTICAL nurse or day work, D. 21SS. CATER ESS work.- Best of ref. Web. 4563. DRESSMAKING by day. Web. 0597. Laundry and Day Work. PHONE your ad In to The Bee. It savs time. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Want Ad Dept HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Th Bee. Lots of good place are always advertised. Don't miss them. CLEANING laundry daywork. Web. (38$ CLEANING and daywork, exp, Web. (099. FIRST-CLASS laundress, exp. Web. 24T. CO'.QKKD lady wants day w'k. Web. 6820. EXP. laundress; daywork. Web. (182. LACE curtains "and blankets, ft 4367. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. LEARN VULCANIZING. . and start a justness of your own. We . teach th faJnous Anderson method snd . w guarantee every student completing . the 19-day course will be capable of do ' Ing any class of tire repairing. New class starts February 14. . ANDERSON VULCANIZING SCHOOL, His narney Bt., Omaha, EXPERIENCED spotter and cleaner; must be A-l. Leavenworth Gleaners ft Dyers, . 2421 Leavenworih St. MOLER BARBER COLLEOBT-" 110 So. 11th. Writs (or catalog. FATHER HELP WANTEDMALE. Professions and Trades. FIREMEN, hrakemon, beginner, $160 $200, later $309. Writ Railway. Box Y- 1424. Omaha Be. Salesmen and Solicitors. OPPORTUNITY for an experienced auto mobile mechanic who can shsw proof of ability, to travel Nebraska represent ing one of th strongest and best known manufacturers In the east Permanent connection. Salary and expenses. 'Single man preferred. In reply, stats experience. Bee, Box W.-KO. WANTED Experienced oil mop nd pol 1 Ish salesman to represent th Plunkett Chemical Co., 2920 So. Park Ave., Chi cago, III., selling the retail trade. Ter ritory open, lows, Nebraska. Commis sion basis. In first letter state age, past employers and any other Information. WANTED Experienced salesman to sell , popular priced ladies coverall aprons, children's dresses, as side, line, western Iowa, Nebraska and1 Dakota. Give ref erence. Good commission. Reardon Bros. Mfg. Co., Waukegan, I1L WANTED Salesmen who call on the banks In the stat of Nebraska to sell line of leather check covers. Unques tionably the beat lln on th market P. O. Box 12$. Nscona, Tex. LIBERAL commission and bonus to A-l salesman, exclusive territory, fast sell ing proposition. 339 Leflang Bldg. THREE good house to house men, steady work, good commissions, C. F. Adams ; Co. 623 South 16th Bt, HELP WANTED FEMALE. ' Professions and Trades. YOUNG WOMEN OF AMBITION SEEKING EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD WAGES WITH OPPORTUNITIES FOR RAPID ADVANCEMENT WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO IN VESTIGATE THB .' OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYMENT WITH 'OUR COMPANY OF1TERS 'i NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, . " EMPLOYMENT OFFICE V ' ' NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING ROOM 614. WANTED Some one to take J charge of waist linings that can cut atid prepare lining (or fitting. JESSIE F. FOX, 774 Saundera-Kennedy 'Building. Household and Domestic. OIRLB Watch the Domestic Column ot Tb Be Want Adsv Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised.' WANTED White girl, for general house work. References required. Te Wal. 6179. i r . ,' . HOUSEKEEPER wanted at once. Refer ences required. Apply 4935 8. 24th St. COOK at once. Phono 3671, Council Bluffs. Hotels and Restaurants. TWO nice appearing girls wanted. Olym- pi vnuy gmcnen, iois Harney Bt, Miscellaneous. $2.60 PER DAT paid one lady In each town 10 aisinoute ires circulars for Economy non-alcoholic flavoring; permanent posi tion. F. E. Barr Co.. Chicago. , HELP WANTED. !e and Female. WANTED Men-, ladies and boys to learn vwiutir inuv, vig fiemaua, wages wnue learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge Bt Trl-Clty Barber College -a EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL, Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy,, civil service and all English and commercial' branches. Write, call or phone Dougla 1665 (or large Illustrated catalog. Address , BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business, - ' Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. - ' Douglas (810. . BUSINESS CHANCES. V AN accredited petroleum1 geologist, now IB umana, wants partner, to finance lease acquiring operations in the next "Kl dorado." field. This field will be In Ne braeka, and development Is already started. Comparatively small amount re quired to close lasses at this time. If Interested, call Room SIS, Hotel Loyal Everything for tha tire repair man; sed. new equipment, tools, repair material. Vulcanlsers Supply Co., 2912 Farnam. TO GET in or out of business; se LEWIS se Co., 411 Mccague Blag. RESTAURANT for sale, a good proposi- uon. H07 jsortii ittn at.- ... FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? ' Or have you planned on making a 1 change, which will b mora convenient for you? U so. then call Tb Bea Want Ad' Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with a complete room , list of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number,, en our "Want to Tlent'r list for further refer- ' enc In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists sr sbsolutely '.free of charge to all reader and adver tisers of Th Omaha Be and published solely for their oonvenlence and benefit. .Call any time. , Tyler .1000. Want Ad eDept , SINGLE rooms, running hot and. cold , water; also completely furnished 2 or . rcaom apartment; for men only; steam heat; within walking distance. ' Brown aacneior Apis.. a w. met ljoug. 6644, NICE furnished southwest room, suitable . for man and, wife or business person; - breakfast if desired. 70S S. Slst Ave. . 2606 X. MARYS AVE. ' " Plessant Toora. private residence. Walking distance, reasonable. LARGE well furnished room, suitable for two: walking distance. Tyler 6026. 2111 pt. Marys.' tfii PACIFIC; 'nicely furnished room, suitable (or 2, gentlemen preferred.. H, h . 1590. .... ' - (14 So. 29th Two 2 -room suites, clean and desirable, steam heat. SLEEPING room, modern home. Kountz place. Web. 4097. FURNISHED rooms, v 1914 Webster, D. - S971. . , ' S ROOMS walking distance. (1? Park Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THB. BEST IN CITT. CALL TTLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THB BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS . AND READERS. TTLEh 1000. WANT TWO connecting, furnished, housekeeping - rooms, with alcove, strictly modern, light hat gas furnished. Garage room (or on car If desired; no children. 2032 s N. 19th. Webster 2979. CROSSTOWN, 24th and Davenport, S rooms, heat, electrlo lights, 2S0 N. 2Sd. S-ROOM house and two acres, South Oma ha, L. L. Johnson Douglas 1(02. TWO well-furnished rooms for housekeep ing. Modern. (3( S. 29th St. - (22 So. 16th nice suite ef rooms, steam heat water, gas range. Board and Rooms. BEAUTIFUL south room two young men or couple employed; excellent beard. Registered U. S. Patnt Office, FOR RENT ROOMS. Board and Rooms. FCR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE Bilih, WANT ADS, AN1J IF tOU DO NOT FIND WHAT TOU 'WANT IN THM WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnishsd. FOR RENT Furnished ; or unfurnished, 1 room, seml-buncalow. . Hot water heat, oak floors, one block from street car. Immediate possession. Call Col. 267S or eol. 0797. Unfurnished. 108 Stanford Circle..' 13th and Vinton St. 6-rooiu house, modern ex. heat, rent 93,1 vv. . BIRKETT & CO., 860 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 0(32. 3331 PINE, six rooms and sleeping porch, strictly up-to-date; paved street, $90. AMOS GRANT COMPANY. Realtors? Douglas 8380. 330-2-4 Brandets Th. Bldg. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR.. ; Dodge, at 18th Street - Tyler 4200 ' Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Ex- COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 2-r. apts.; will accommodate 4 people; steam heat; within (walking distance. Brown Apts., 508 N. 21st St. Doug. 6(44.. 4-ROOM apartment for rent to party buy ing furniture. Leaving city. Dg. 6426. THREE-ROOM i apt., - modern home, Kountze Place.' Web. 4097. 8 rooms; beat, bath, $10.. Wal. (237. Unfurnished. ' APARTMENTS FOR RENT! No. S Monticello, 6 rooms, $105. , No. ( Ardmore, 5 rooms, $125. No. 15 Mount Vernon, 5 rooms. $140. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "Where Omaha Bents." 17th and Farnam Sts, Tyler 0544. 114. SO. 38TH AVE. Very desirable three-room apartment, large rooms; fin location; garage; rent " reasonable? Be lure and see this, WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management THREE aitd 4-room heated apts. $40.00 and $52.60. 181h and Maple, web. 494n, FOUR rooms, $15, 4411 8. 26th St.; nine rooms, 9o, aiuo v ot. iyierjifiv. FOR Tent modern 4-room apartment Web. 6397. - FOR RENT Business Property. 2016 FARNAM ST.; store with full ce ment basement, auto row; steam heat furnished. Suitable for any retail busi ness or offices. WALSH-ELMER CO.; Tyler 1536. 833 Securities Bldg. FOR RENT One building, 46x1 10s garage. March 1; one building, 20x80; also 90 . pairs roller skate in good shape for sale. J. P. Johnson, Goneva, Neb. SEE F. D. WEAD, 910 8. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room. EXCELLENT office space with use of desk and telephone. 327 Securities Bldg. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE CO. ' STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL- SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, lBth and Jackson Sts. - Douglas 0283. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms for household . goods and Pianos, moving. Racking and I shipping. . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 10$ South 16th. - Doug. 416$. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Boweii Co. Tyler. S400. v - UNION TRANSFER CO.,- Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1(06 Davenport Doug. 2(08.' HORSES AND VEHICLES. Harness. . - SALE ON ' HARNESS AND SADDLES;' We make them ourselves and sell them direct to the farmers. You get the best . that can be mado at fir.it cost, you don't have to pay any middleman's profit, and then get poor harness. Ws are making a big reduction 'in prices nearly pre-war - prices. Harness from $40 to $100 per set. ' Our goods are guaranteed. The store is 42 years old and the oldest saddelery store In the west. -Alfred Cornish & Co.. Successor to Collins ft Morrison, 1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. , . TALK ABOUT A HARNESS SALE. Here's a good one; take advantage. Plow harness, leather trace, com- ,. pleto ;......., $97.00 ' U. S. Concord farm harness. 60.00 Concord farm harness, complete. . '65.00 Cowboy, saddles, stool horn..,..., 39.00 Big stock saddles. 15-In. swell SO.OO Leather team collars. 17-ln., draft 6.C0 Team lines, 1x20 ft long., 7.85 Mall orders filled nt these prices. Midwest Harness .Co.. 706 N. ,16th St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHITE Wyandotte batching eggs. Col 0389 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE NEW 2-ton Master truck, worm drive, at $1,000 discount. Used 2-ton Republic, rebuilt. Ilk new, good tires and newly painted, guaran teed at only $1,260. . Slightly used on ton Ropubllo, with new body and cab, guaranteed same as . new, only $1,250. Ono and one-half-tnn Maxwell truok at real bargain'. Several other truck bar gains. Terms given. Andrew Murphy & Son. 14th snd Jackson. We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it - Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St Doug. 3622. $100. k SNAPS $100. $10) down frill secure you any of the fol- , lowing: '17 Overland roadster, '17 Allen touring '17 Saxon-six. All overhauled and ready 4a go. Balance In easy pay- ments. TRAWVEA AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam.. Be 12-8-20 1917 Buick Six Touring Rebuilt, repainted, new tires. $575, AUTO EXCHANGE CO., . 2204 Farnam. BOMB bargains in used Ford oars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Th Hand Ford Service Station, 16th and Jackson, Doug lss 2500. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. ziitn ana Harney Bt. ON K TON ftxwil! truck .3&of will trad W,-A til I "Onward OimhsTBec Waut Ads.' SEE JICCS "AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Buy a Guy L. Smith k Used Car A SAFE INVESTMENT.' This week we have on display the best line of Used Cars in the city. Prices are lower than they will ever be again. Terms are more liberal now than they will be later on. 'We give you free storage until spring if desired.. Glance over the following list and see if the car you need - is ; here. If not, we can get it for you. Remember every one is guaranteed in every respect. ; Hudson Super-Six Limousine. Hudson Super-Six Tourings. : -. Hudson Super-Six . . Speedsters. ' V Hudson Super-Six Sedan. " Essex Touring. Essex-Sedan. - i Essex Roadster. -,' Studebaker Roadster. ', v , Velie Roadster. Chalmers Touring.; . Dodge Touring. -4 Buick Touring. ' '. .. Haynes Touring. Maxwell Touring. ' Oldsmobile Touring.' 1 , , Studebaker Touring. ,'. Chevrolet Touring. All these cars are ready to go. Every one guaranteed. Stop at our sales rooms .and see theru to day. Write for catologue if out , of city. C ', Guy L. Smith, , : "Service First." , 26th and Farnam Sts. Doug. 1970. Repairing and Painting. . AUTO PAINTING . 27(8 Burt. Hanroy 6811. Tire Repairing. TIRE REPAIRING Expert rwork guaran teed for life of casing. Write or phone tor price list. Express or parcel Post paid both ways. EVERREADY TIRF SERVICE CO., 314 So. ,19th St Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles, victor H. Boos, 27th and 1-ee.venworth. Dept B. Omaha, Neb. FARM LANDS. Arkansas Lands. FOR 8ALE In North Arkansas, many vauey ana river ,iarms, an size tracts, good producers from $5 to $50 per acre. Free lists and Information. Leonard and Tevebaugh, Mtn. Home, Arkansas. Michigan Lands. LAND SALE ' Hardwood land In Antrim, Kalkaska and Otsego counties, Michigan, at only $15 to $30 per acre. Small down pay ment, easy terms. An opportunity td get a farm horn close to markets, schools, churches and ' railroads, at a Bargain price. Some tracts on lakes and streams. Write today for big free book let. SWIGART. J-1262, First National Bank Bldg., Chicago, III. Nebraska Lands. 800 ACRES FINE FARM LANDS. 90 per cent plow land, 24 miles north of Gordon, Neb., low price, easy terms, $20 per acre, old price of 4 years ago; get this for your boys. - . WRITE OWNER, 6844 Apart 2. College Avenue, Oakland. Cal4 New York Lands. $25,000 BUYS Judge Hooker Homestead, consisting of 439 acres, rich dark loam soil, 40 acres, very valuable timber, bal ance tile drained fields, woven wlr fences. Abundance fruit; modern build ings; cow barn, 44x118;. horse barn, 30x90; 2 silos, other buildings. Includ ing 30 head of cattle, 12 hogs, 3 mules, tractor and complete farm equipment. The same improvements and producing . power in eastern Nebraska would bring $160,000. Free list, Ellis Bros. Inc., ' Springvllle,, N. Y. - ,' Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number Jusf out, containing 1921 facts of clover land Is Marinette county. Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying go id farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at one ' for this special number of Landology It 4s free on -request 'Address Skill-more-Rleble Land Co., 433 Skidmors Riehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. Acreage. FOR improved Benaftn acreages, see Hold , Land Co., 6054 Military. Phpn Wal nut 1075. I' FINANCIAL. Real Estate . Loans. CITY LOANS WANTED.: C. G. CARLBERG, Doug.' 0585. " 212 Brandel Th. Bldg. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. 638 Kecline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 101$ Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doub. 2716. For Farm Loans in eastern Nebraska see ' Paul Peterson, 364 Brandois theater bldg. Omaha. ', $100 to $10,000 made promptly.' F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 810 S. 18th Bt. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros. 245 Omaha Nat REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Trackage.' WE HAVE an unusually well located plee of traoksge, 81x132; tracks on both sides. Alfred Thomas ft Bon, (04 1st Nat Bank. . , 112 FEET ON 11TH ST., 950 fUi tTOT, BOSTWICK, 400 Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST homes and tncom property with GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418 1st Nat Bk. Doug. I9(. To buy or sell Omaha Rel Estate se FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Douglas 142s. WB SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C B. STUHT CO.. CTty Nat'l Bldg. Douglas S78T. PT T1 TP TJ "NT QREAL ESTATE. J. ljl3JDi1jlNOlna, and Rentals 60S Omaha Nnt'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas 2181 HAVE inquiries tor homes do. you want to sell your property? I.fst It with C. A. Orlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. WANTED TO BUT Four or (-rtwm house, any good location aitd pay (300 down, 130. : K month. Box H-45. Omaha Bee, THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. , M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 160 Dodge St Dougla 1346. LISTINGS WANTED, f -Western Rsal Estate Co,, 412 Kgrbach Big. REAL ESTATE WANTED. W. G. SHRIVER" 1047-1 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1(3$ RTPIr'l7rPT REAL ESTATE; XXVJiX A-'Bells. Rents, Insures. 860. Peters Trust Bldg. Doug 06SS. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. - WHILE YOU WAIT someone els may be making this In vestment 4 rooms, gaa, elec. lights snd a eood cistern. Cement basement Rents $15 a month. V, blk. from blvd. and 2 from street car. Price $1,200. Terms $200 cash. SHOPEN & CO.. D. 4228. Keellne Bldg. SMALL store with flat above, on car line. modern, rent (720 year; price, if.euu easy terms. Douglas 1724 flays. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate, Investment Insurance, Rentals. Tyler 1638. saa securities mag. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGES FOR LEGITIMATE EX. 'CHANGER. 8EK ISAAC CONNER. Peters Trust Bldg. f CLEAR lot. So. Omaha for car. Benjamin & Frankenburg. Doug. 07Z2. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. FOR quick results list your property " With Held Land Co., 9064 Military Ave. T.1. T , r 1 . . . ,MiE Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1409, South Side. FOR SALE Five-room house, modern, $700, either cash or easy terms. Tele. phone South 1443. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West ADJOINING DUNDEE We can offer a neat 6-room cot' tage, all modern, oak finish in liv ing rooms, paving all paid. Just . one block east of Dundee, House built about five years. Must sell, as owner is leaving city. Price, $4,BW; ,UUU cash. GLOVER & SPAIN, , REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City National. West Farnam District. Choice six-room, oak finished, strictly modarn home; garage; east front corner lot; paving au paia; z Bioctt to Mew Yates school. Owner leaving for Call- forn'a and must sell at one. Built for home and couldn't be duplicated for the price, $6,500. Call Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 2283. West Dodge Street 7 rooms, 2 stories, modern; 1st class condition, hot water heat; 2-car ga rage. Price $8,850. A good home at a iow price. Fowler & McDonald, Doug. 1426. 1120-22 City Nat Bk. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, (21 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4380. FOR SALE By owner, good three-room house, full basement, two lots, hen house, garaga and fruit. Price $1,800. $700 cash. Call wal. 6157. South. LISTEN READ THIS IF YOU WANT A REAL BARGAIN. ' HANSCOM PARK. The owner of this 5-room nearly new strictly modern semt-nungalow author Ized us that it must be sold this week, It' consists of large living room across the front, built in coat closet; dining room with built in bookcases and kit chen on the first floor; oak floors and oak finish; full cemented basement, solid brick foundation, coal room, fruit room, hot and cold water, floor drain; second floor, 2 bedrooms and bath with oak floors ana white enamel finish; linen closet; extra large closets. . East front lot on paved street The owner jr did not buy this at the high price, but he is offering to sell this for 96,100, - which Is $550 less than It cost him. Can , be handled on terms of $1,600 -down with good monthly payments. Glad to show . inn it any time. PAYNE INVESTMENT ' -COMPANY,, 537 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781 A HOME A BARGAIN. OWNER TO PURCHASER. ' 'Two-story frame house, 3 years old. Lot 63x328 ft. Located on fine street. Fine residence district; 6 rooms and bath. - Full cement and brick basement. r LarKS attic. Phono Walnut 1979 or Douglas 6725 for information before call- ing. This will soon go. Call now. North. NEAR MILLER PARK . OWNER LEAVING CITY MUST BE SOLD strictly modern fivo-room stucco bungalow on Curtis avenue, overlooking Miller park. All rooms on one floor; tiled bath; tiled kitchen, with all built in features; best of plumbing; nicely docorated; dandy basement. Owner Is leaving city and has cut price to $6,600 for quick sale on reasonable terms. Look this over snd make u an offer. Possession at once. ,'.. J. L. HI ATT CO, ' BETTER VALUES. , Hlatt Bldg., 1914-16 Dougla St. Tyler 0063. Beautiful Prairie Home. Park Six rooms, sleeping porch and bath, just like new; choice lot; plenty trees and shrubs; paving paid; close to both Sherman Ave, and 24th St ear service. About $2,000 cash will handle. Let us show you th best snap on th north side. . ,. ,- , , Osborne Realty Co., . C10 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 23S2. Leavenworth Heights .Bungalow. . Brand new five-room oak finished semi-bungalow;, fireplace and many ex tra (ea tures. Owner will sacrifice. Osborne Realty Co., 60 Peters Trust Bldg. Douglas 32,62. (ROOM housi, (ull iize concrete base ment 5 years old, 2 lots 60140 ench, good place for chickens or gardening. wal, 0608. 4724 Charles. 6-ROOM house, paved street, (or $2,000, easy terms. Col. 0176. R. F. Clary Co. North Omaha Heallots, 2414 Aims Ave Drawn for The Bee by McManus ' Copyright, 1V21 International New Servic Comedy is as great an achievement as tragedy, it is said, and the man who portrays even better than any one else in the world is a genius. Can Charlie Chaplin, funny screen comedian, be classed a genius? Re turning to the screen in "The Kid," his $1,000,000 comedy, he is still Charlie Chaplin with his little hat, dinky mustache, full-draped trousers, enormous shoes, half-sized cane, but he is also there with natural comedy and humor that arise from peculiar situations.. "The Kid" is the feature entertainment at the Rialto theater this week. Downtown Programs. - Rialto "The Kid.'.' Moon "The Kentucky Colonel." Strand "The Jucklins." ' Sun "The Forbidden Thing." Empress "Wing Toy. Muse "Love, Honor and Obey." Neighborhood Houses. . Grand Eddie Lyons and Lee Mo- ran in "A Shocking Night," and "Ruth of the Rockies," No. 14. Hamilto n Pat O'Malley in anerry." .K.uin atonenouse nas been en gaged for a part in "Jerry," the cur rent Mary Miles Minter Realart pic ture. - . , Rudolph Valentino's j-cal name is Rudolpho Valentino Gueleimer if anybody cares to know. ;: Jack Mullhall is playing the lead opposite Bebe Daniels in "Two Weeks With Pay." j Barbara I.a Marr. wlm stinnrtHvl Douglas Fairbanks in his last pro- auction, ine .Nut, is said to have remarkable beaurv and talc n t a n rl i e to be starred bv T. L. Frothincham who was until recently sponsor for Jtsessie uarnscaie. Vera Gordon's dual aDDearanee at Sing Sing prison in person in her vaudeville vehicle and on the screen as the star of "The Greatest Love," aroused tremendous enthusiasm among the men. "Van," Prisoner oyi, writes lyrically of "the vol ume of applause that rcverborated from arch to arch of the auditorium and thence through the old prison responding to tne tender mother love of Vera Gordon's bigness of heart and greatness of soul, even as a melody from a rare Stradivari us to the touch of a master." WHY 1 i Howling Dogs. It is safe to say that the maioritv of men waking in the night to tha prolonged howling of a do . feel. mingling with their desire to throw something at ' the brute, a little twinge - of uncomfortable supersti tion, in tne. tirst place a dog howl ing is a mournful thine to hear and then there isthe age-long super stition that a howling dog foretells a death in the family. Tennyson al ludes to it in his May Queen "I did not. hear the dog howl, mother, or the death-watch beat.". It is very likely that a dog be loved by his master, will howl for his companionshfp when illness' de prives him of it. .In fact anv serious illness in the house would probably pcause the dog to be neglected by others to a large extent and he would howl for Ms accustomed food or companionship. If the sick per son recovers nothing is thought of the dog's howling. Rut if he dies one member of the family looks with an awed expression anJ asks: "Did you hear the dog howl last night?" "Yes" will probably be the reply, "I have heard him for several nights now." And each secretly believes, or half believes, that the dog's how ling was "a ; warning." The character of a dog's howl, suggestive of death and desolation, and the above facts ar sufficient, to account for the supersti tion. But just think gentle reader, how many, many times you have heard the dog howl at night and nothing untoward whatever has happened. - ' REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. A FEW homes and lots for sale 1- Park- wood addition; a safe place tor Invest ment Knrrls A Norrls, Douglas 4170. SPKCIAL terms on 2823 Peward St 4-rm. bungalow. Modern, $200 cash. baL mo Crslsh. 60$ Bee. Doug. 0200. MINNEJ LU8A homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your mosey. Phone Tyler 187. J, B. ROBINSON, real eststs snd Invest. menc. otz refers Trust, uousr. a"vt. Miscellaneous. Brand new 6-rm. modern home on cor. lo. will uesr closest insiieciiuii, - house and nelichborhoort. CHAS. E. BELMAN, D, Slit $02 Peter Trust Bid. Council Wants r No Amendments To Light BB Vote Stands 4 to 2 Favoring Passage Without Changes? -Measure Will Exclude Com petition, Butler Charges. A formal vote of the city council passed a resolution by Commission er H. B. Zimman yesterday morning, requesting the state legislature to pass House Roll No. 1. without amendment This bill is R. B, How ell's municipal electric light and power bill. ;' " , , Informal presentation by Zim man Monday brought fire from May or Ed Smith, but yesterday "hi honor" said nothing. The vote stood: Zimman, Ringer, Ure and Towl, aye; Mayor bmith and Butler, nay. fal coner was absent. , v Dan Butler furnished the only, heat of the morning when ho de clared he wanted more time to con sider the bill and "wouldn't be stampeded by anybody who wants to inject, politics in this thing." Butler said he didn't want to give the state railway commission power to regulate the rates, which author ity the city now is fighting to hold. He argued that the bill would deny the city the benefits of coin petition in street lighting contracts and would transfer to a non-resident body the power to fix rates. Hiicliantl Liability Bill In Sunflower State Killed Topeka, Kan.. Feb. 8. The bill in the Kansas legislature which provid ed the right of a housewife to clajjn damages for injuries stistaincdjtT performance of her domestic duties, was Kinea oy inc juaiciary com mittee. Common Sense By J. J. MUNDY. f Keep Going. : Sometimes when yott have thought the matter over it hss seemed that it is a useless struggle to try to get ahead and make ad vancement, either material or spir itual. 7 Too many temptations and too many self-denials, , too little results when you try. so what is the user This line of thought makes, you slow up in your efforts if it indeed does not cause you ; to - stop alto gether. -'.''' You surely are a little better on than if you had not tried at all. Five years of effort, even though it be slow of accomplishment, does make a certain advance, and it also limbers you up "so that the next five years of effort will not be so hard. ' Y Then, too, -other men have been J as handicapped as you, and some have had a heap more trouble in many ways to caus-e discouragement and still you can see that they are keeping on. , -L - li takes hard and persistent work to get anyvhere 'worthwhile tu this world. i - - Don't eet so lazv vou are un willing to exert yourself.1 Don't let another man pass you for the goaj as long as there is a spark of health and push left. Copryrlght, 1921. by international Featur Service, Inc. Where It Started ! Chocolate. Chocolate was brought to Europe by the Spaniards, who learned its use from the Mexicans during the in vasion of Cortcz, 1519. Its popu larity as a beverage spread rapidlv. It was known in England in 165. The first chocolate manufactory in the United States" was ' at Milton Lower Mills, near' Dorchester, Mas?., started in 1705. ' (Copyright, 1920. !; the Wheeler' Syndi cate. Inc.) AT THE THEATERS I.N TllK opcraioirue nuu is ucnig pru sented at the Orplicum this week as . ona of the stellar attractions. Mine. Doree presides at the piano and directs the music, also does her share of th'i singing. Her playful wit In explaining th love scenes from the different operas, be fore these scenes are sung, is one of tho most entertaining elements of the bill. Eight carfolly chosen singers have part I i her production. Hundsomely mountd ou'l picturesquely costumeu, the offering espe cially delights mu,lc-lowrn. Tins act snares mo neauune i,nnora nua ,ia,. nmni Th a mit&b 1 character acir. 1h appearing in the romantic fantasy, "Th Kin,, nt Vlctiirtv" The rlosllis set i of this plavlet by Tom Harry ptives tlio star excellent opportunity for th df,pi i'i of her appealing bill!y. ss a portmycr ef delicate pathos. Sentiment snd coniMW are agreeably bbsnded In this offering, l or those experiencing difficulty In sccurtrs evening seats It Is announced seats iivj available for the matinees. ' The greatest theatrical hit of years In what they aro saying nbout D. W. iiu flth's wonder spectacle "Way Down E,i?t, , which is being preterted here at tl: Brandeis theater this week. It Is bi,. produced as It Is row being shown i.i New York, Boston, Philadelphia, t'hl.at", Pittsburgh and other cities throughout tha country, whess It Is creating a furoro. The story is based upon the familiar plav or the same tilia wnicn was so popular tor many Beaons on the legitimate star. Griffith has enlarged and beautified tl; simple theme of this rural drama to nu almost unbelievable extent and created a. new art form of entemalnment the Ilka of which has never been seen in a theati r. A special orchestra accompanie the pro duction, and the effects, to lend renl'.nm to its scents are carried by the Griffith organization. The climax showing tho great storm and the breaking up of t U Jam and the ics flow on the river are . dranatlc effects eo thrilling that peorlo shout their appreciation of this part of the presentation. Concluding performances will be given tonight of the show at th Kmpresa which is headed by the sketch "At the Turn- , pike," an ultra-humorous episode, a , pleasing bit of entertainment Is offered by MlnetM A Ridel, sccordlonlsis. ' tract Delightful music from their Instru ments.' Laughable while thrilling Is ths act presented by Buster Eddie, acrobat comedians. "Hip. Hip. Hooray," at th Ooyety this week li especially fortunate In the selec tion of It feminine principals. Helen McClftln, th prima donna, ts now filling her fourth season with this show. Kitty Wsrren, a newcomer to this circuit ts en dowed with looks and th ability ts ting snd dance and put ovor musical number. Mariorl Williams Is an Ingenu of excep tional tslent. They all have Important girls who are well dressed and thoroughl. work. Ladle' maUnea at till dally all week. At th Wednesday matins f ' . engagement at ths Brandel theater next week, Robert B. Man tell will play part he has not before Interpreted In Omaha, lhat of .laque In "A Tou Mk It." Mr. Mantell first played Jaque at a big open nlr revival of "As T"u Like It" tn Tore-t . Park. St. Louis. In April, ll, whr.t th city fostnred th undertaking In ni memorallon of ths JOOth 'anniversary ef SbakssMaxi' death, .ay