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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1921)
Omm Daily Bee A JL iHLJtLr VOL. 50 NO. 203. (ten h SMMt-CtiM Matter Du M. tMf. M , Ouki P. 0. U iter Art l Marts fc 1171. " OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, .1921.. B Mill (I ytul. Utlea 4IH Im, Oalty . Ui 0ll 0tr.W: . 14 Outtlt 4th bu l ruri. Daily a4 taaaajr, Oallj Qaiy. I2 Suitor 01 ti THREE CENTS x ( Letters of Officials Explained - Joint Committee Probing! Charges Against Code Secre taries Said to Be Satisfied With Interpretation. Investigation . Is Closed Lincoln, Feb. 8.(Special Tele gram.) The joint investigation committee probing charges against :ode secretaries wound up its work tonight. Its last official act.Avas. to .spcnd several hours in examination of letters written by Phil Bross, secretary of ' the department of finance; J. E. Hart, secretary of the department of trade and commerce, and D. 3d. Amsbcrry, secretary of state, relative to the organization and business sagacity of men at the head of the Bankers Fire Insurance com pany; now insolvent. VI W illie IIIC gCHCl rij - ItllUUlK Ul .Hit II . committee is not known, it is rc I liortvd , authoritatively . that these ) letters, injected into, the investiga- A inai'" by democrats at the last minute, iavere explained satisfactorily, n The kttcrs, the committee decided, Vt were written in answer to requests w .f Vioiifte ri tU officers for informa tion relative to the company and at the time the men at the head of : the concern did stand well in the I business world, as the officers stated ( in their, letters. : W .'.; Letters Used by Company. "These') letters.-,!. which did not ad-f vise the purchase of. stock., butj merely gave information relative to v the standing f the men in the com pany, were used by the company in ' a advertisinsr prospectus, without i knowledge of the authors.'" i :. Furthermore, the committee learned, t he. Bross letter was written (while . Bross ' was secretary no the gover nor and while Harfheld a minor state office. The Amsberry part of 1 the affair is not touched in the juris diction of the committee. - - The committee will write its re port tomorrow, and possibly ,it will be presented to a joint session of the house and senate late this week at which time the two bodies will vote "on the confirmation for reappoint- mcnt of the secretaries. , ' Investigation Concluded. The investigation of the Bankers Fire Insurance Co. by W. B. Young, i ' chief of the state insurance bureau, I i ended today. It includes affidavits L from practically all officers in the -V) Bankers' Fire Insurance Co and the .-ankers Brokerage - Co., which fold f mijusanus pi uoaxri 01 lire joaii.- crs x ire insurance Co, stocks. . i his information will be ; turned over to Guy Chamber, special agent for the insurance departments: ; 'i , "At the time V6 license was granted to the Bankers, Fire Insur ance Co. after a lengthy investiga tion t still felt morally certain that the . connection between the brok erage concern and the insurance company wasn't right, but legally it seemed to hold water, so the licenses was finally issued because I felt that if it was not done the com pany would go into court and man damus us to issue it,'' Young said tcday.: ,.-v . --v- " , .7 Faced Precedent. - "In addition' we , faced a prece i dfnt established by the democratic administration in granting a license to the Bankers Auto Insurance. Co., which - had a stock selling project connected with it appearing even worse on the surface than the prop osition of 1 the fire insurance com pany." 1 ' . .),., .'. ' - "My principal objection to the plan was that officers of the broker age company and insurance company were related so closely in business and in other ways, that I felt they i were aomg a uttic juggling to evaae R -'.v the law which set a limit ori the U- v a;tnunt"to be spent in stock selling I. and organisation. '-'::,-;,.. y JC ' " Sold Stock it. Profit. ( ? ."The brokerage company purchas- (d thousands of dollars in stock a share and then sold it in Nebraska at $25 a share.;. But -we didn't think we could prove satisfactorily in a n.andamus. proceedings that the two tirms were allied in -the $10 differ ence m each share." . . y v The investigation - brings " in the names of Max Bightol, H. W. Ken yon, E. R." Kenyon, Carl Sanden. Gus Johnson and Charles 'Mabtner, llaixner, who is in state prison nw. uot only was connected with the formation of the brokerage company, but also acted as the broker .who disposed of the stock of the Banker Auto Insurance company which was, licensed under the democratic ad ministration, according to Young.. -" . v. . 4 m . " ' ': . V I; rench Jnvoy .to Germany . Confers With His Premier r Pans, .Feb." Charles: Laurent, ( French ambassador ; to - Germany, ,y had a long conversation with Pre mier Briand last-evening. News papers declare they discussed the situation created in Germany by the decisions of the supreme allied council and L'Oenvre understands M. Laurent believes that the more " moderate minds of the Berlin cabi net will eventually prevail The possibility that an answer to the allied note has already '.been sent to Paris is mentioned by some newspapers. Two Aviators wHop Off ; : t or Chicago in Face of Fog . .j; wcaiaer conaicians ana a slMeTT tog hangiuK over Ibwa. Jack Atkmson, Omaha flyer, and his brother-m-law, R. L. Dunlap, a fire captain, 'hopped off ye.'terday morning m Atkinson' plane for Chi cago, from Ak-Sar-Ben field. The two wished to attend th fu neral of a relative which was to bev held yesterday afternoon -and the only way they eonld reach Chkajo la time was t so Jx ai? - ' " House Roll No. 1 ' " Newspaper friends of House Roll No. 1, the water board's electric light bill, at last admit that it confers no additional power on the people of Omaha. The World-Herald, ingenuously arguing for the bill's passage while claiming a neutrality that it does not practice, says: - "The bill does not confer any new power on the people of Omaha. . . . It confers upon the water board the same power to initiate proceedings that is now and for some time has been enjoyed by the council and by the people as citi zens. .... It follows obviously that there is a good deal of 'buncombe in the cry raised by some of the supporters of the bill that to oppose it is to deny the 'right' of the people to have a plant of their own if they want it. They have the right. The defeat of the bill could not tike it from them." : That is the fact, from a source friendly to the bill. Nevertheless this democratic organ argues for the bill. So do members of the . ' water board. ? ' " ' . , Why? 'i--:. " As The Bee sees it, the situation is simple. The water, board wants more power. It is not satisfied that the city commission and the people themselvesr-have the power. The water board wants " it. It wants the same degree of autocratic power as to electricity that it has used in arbitrary assessments of water main taxes, that it has used more recently in arbitrary increase of gas rates, which are' still held at the high point despite a falling coal, coke and oil market. The water board is an interested party in this case. The moire utilities it has to manage, the greater the pay roll, the greater the patronage at its disposal, the greater its power in every respect. Is ' it wise that the determination of the city's policy with reference to so important a matter should be in the hands of ao interested party? The law now provides that if the city own an electric light plant, the water board shall manage it. This wisely, The Bee believes leaves the city commission a body without personal interest in the matter, subject ' to no consideration '-save that of the public interest. Is it not right that the city commission, rather than a board directly, and conceivably - selfishly interested, should pass upon the' question of policy, particularly when the people have final authority in their own. hands under the initiative? " The question resolves itself finally into.this: " ' The reason for the water board's existence is the belief that the administration of 'public .utilities is a purely business undertaking, ' to be divorced as far as possible from politics. By that same reason- ing, the determination of policy whether or not public ownership should be extended should rest in the people and the body which is responsible for ptfMic policy, the city commission. t Douglas County ses Heard by Parole Board Application :: of Negro Mur derer and Statutory Offend er Considered; "Red" Neal Offers Recommendations. Lincoln; " Feb; 8; (Special Tclc gram.)The new state board of par dons and paroles had heard 22 appli cations of convicts' for release1" from the penitentiary when it finished its first day's labor here today. A number of the cases came from Douglas county. - William A. Fouz, negro, sentenced to death for first degree murder and later commuted to life, was one of the applicants. Fous killed a soldier at Fort Crook. He claimed he was drunk at the time the xrime : was committed. - There was no objection fi!edtoM release - Joe . Turner, another , Douglas county man, sentenced to from three to 15, yeara for robber also wa3 seeking clemency. There was a pro test against Turner's release on file from 'Judge Sears of the Douglas county district court." Judge Sears recommended the prisoner serve tiie maximum sentence, ' i Negro Not Eligible. v R. T. Ritchie.'negro, from Omaha, serving from three to 15 years for robbery, wanted a commutation. He was not eligible for parole. There was no protest against his release on file. - - h '- -. - .. ''Another.DouijIas county case was that of Joseph O'Hare, sentenced to from one to eight years for a statu tory offense. County Attorney Shot welPwas quoted as saying he would oppo4 O'Hare's release. O'Hare started serving his sentence when he was 17 years old. v , :. The . board decided to adopt the same rules as called- forin the bill drafted tf- Attorney General Davis, who m a member of the board, and which is now pending, in the legisla ture: ;:': '' -v. :?.. ' , r " : Merle Craven, sent, up from Grant county for arson, was the. first man examined; ,He. was ' sentenced to Ofnra t ay Tir. Cttaai jlT.) Narcobe Agents in r : Ney Yorlc Get $135,000 In ftrugs in Wlany Raids ";' ; '') ,.j f;v' ' r'-, New York. Feb. 8. In a series of rjids conducted early today and dur ing the night in the Mulberry Bend district, skirting Chinatown,, police and federal officers seized narcotics valued it $135,000. destroyed a moon shine still 'they found m operation and arrested 17 men. J , Behind a wall in a Hester street room, the police said. ! seven men were . lying in . bunks. The room was murky with opium fumes, they raid.' The raiding party found drugs they Valued at $40,000 and several opium pipes. " - :j .. . - - Federal operatives found $80,000 m drugs secreted beneath headstones in an old cemetery in Second street In later raidsfour arrests were made and additional drugs were found., 70.000 Greek Troops WiJJ j Take Part in New Offensive Rome. Feb. 8. Seventy thousand Greek troops are organized for a great offensive in Asia Minor, it is said in reports received here from Smyrna. Ibe Turkish nationalists are preparing to meet the offensive, and claim they will be, able to offer a stubborn resistance. i - " ; Seven-Year -Old Bandit Arretted for Robbery . Minneapolis, Feb. 8. A 7-year-old bandit . who rode to? the ' scene of operations on a tricycle is charged with taking jewelry: and other, i-al-uables from local apartments. by the police, ' He was arrested yesterday while looting a cornet, a part of his l&st'hauL -,:,-: . The .youngster,'1 j according ;tci police, stated he first rang doorbells, and when no one answered, he en tered and ransacked the --apart-meaw." . 1 ' Muny Light Bill Issue Up Today In Lower House Tote of Legislature Will De termine . WhetLer Water Board Shall Receive ; Additional Power. Lincoln, Feb. 8 (Special) Mem bers of the lower house of the Ne braska legislature will answer at 2 tomorrow.' aftcr.ioon appeals of Omaha business men to let Omaha settle its internal problems with the machinery already at hand rather than permit R..B, Howell to plunge the city into an cxpensicc election to vote millions of dollars in bonds for the erection of a competing light plant at a time when prices on ma terials and labor are at their zenith. .A vote against House Roll No. 1 will mean that, the legislators will ActjvhaXjijnajpriSr. ofc0.mb, tot-, ness men wish lone, let Omaha call in election through' the city council, or condemn and purchase the Ne-' braska Power company when prices drop. . ' ,-. ;'"'-. ',' A rote for House Roll No. 1 will mean that, the legislators will hurl Omaha, already bond-ridden, into another election to vote bonds for erection of a competing municipal light plant , in Omaha The bill places the power of calling a spe cial election for a competing light plant into the hands of the Metro politan district. At present this pow er Is held by the city council; Majority Opposed to Bill. , - A large mapority of the Douglas county delegation will vote against the bill. Following are'excerpts of letters received, by this delegation , (Tura ta ra Twa. Column On.) Teacher Fined for ; Giving Lessons in German Appeals Case ;-.;''- ". ; : K Lincoln, Feb. 8. (Special.) Val idity of the parochial school law to determine whether all instruction in a-foreign language is contrary, to the statute under any condition, is at tacked m an appeal to the Nebraska supreme court, of the conviction of Robert T. Aieyer n- Hamilton coun ty, the first of its kind under the law, Meyer, who wras a oarochial school teacher at the Zion parochial school.. was fined $25 and costs before County Judge .Jeffers in the county court-on a charge 'of havintr given instruction in reading in German to Raymond Parpat, 10, , a . boy. still within the Eighth grade, r . A jury in the Hamilton county district affirmed the conviction; Mey er was lined $23 and costs. The prosecution was brought by County Attorney F. E. Edgerton. The defense was lepresented by the law firms of Sandall &' Wray of York, Albert" & Wagner of Colum bus, and Attorney M. E. Stanley of Aurora..--? ;.' ;'-.. - ' The petition iu error was filed in the case Tuesday morning, in the Nebraska supreme court. Japan to Be Asked to Stop ; Baildiiig Navat-Armament Tokio, Feb. ' 8. Yukio Oiaki, a former leader of the Kensei-Kai, or opposition party, told The Associ ated Press this morning he would today introduce independently be fore the Diet a resolution proposing Curtailment of naval armament. Hi resolution, he said, would ask Japan 'to communicate : with the United States and England, and to decide on the "best way to restrict naval programs -in conjunction with those nations. .M.' Ozaki was expelled frdnV, the ; Kensei-Kal last Friday because he had not supported a suf frage bill urged by that organiza tion. '-.- Wolves Fofce'Men Jto Spend ; n Night in Branches of Trees Crandon,' Wis.. Feb." 8. After .a night - spent " in trees-1 to escape snarling pack of timber wolves. Matt Willis and Paul Joeger, woodsmen, were brought here today for treat ment for exposure. The men were numbed with cold and exhaustion from hanging to limbs while the wolves, bowled : below. aises Discussion i Measure . Passed to Third Reading in Senate Teachers j Musr Be 100 Per Cent i : American,' Says Senator. I Two Members Opposed j ; -, - i Lincoln, Feb. 8. Special.) "Wc I don't want our teachers 9a per cent ! American we want them 100 per ; cent," argued Senator G. C. Hum phrey of Hall, defending is. V. 10b, requiring an oath of allegiance by all school officials, i:i the senate committee , of the whole Tuesday morning. ' I He was answering Senator W. R. Dutton of Custer, who opposed the measure on the ground that "95 per cent of our teachers ars patriotic anyway," and that the required oath was an insult to them. He said the whole idea was an outgrowth of the hysteria of the war. Senator Otto Ulrich of Pierce agreed with Senator Dutton. "We can't make the teachers loyal by this oath," he said, making a sub stitute motion to indefinitely post pone the bill. Lost Motion to Postpone. The motion lost by a vote of 2 to 29, on a demanded roll call, and the bill was advanced to third read ing. Senators Ulrich and Dutton were the only, ones who voted against it. Senators Beebe and Hal dcrman'were absent. ' Senator R. S. Norval of Seward,, co-introducer of the bill with Sena tor Humphrey, explained that it had been drafted by the state G. A. R. and was particularly aimed at teach ers of foreign languages in higher schools. It applies to. members of school .boards, school trustees, col lege presidents, deans, members of all faculties and all teachers and in structors. Answers Dutton's Assertion. Answering Senator Dutton's as sertion that it was an insult to ask "our boys and girls to take an oath of that kind," Senator Norval ask ed him if he felt "insulted" on be ing required to taka the same oath when he was sworn in as state sen ator. ' An amendment adding the word "support" to "respect jflid obey jthe constitution" in the oath was intro duced by Senator Wiltse. It carried. When the committee took up S. E, No. 152, to change the free high school ..tuition law to a cost basis, opposition developed on the theory -that s ucb-a--p4rV';WjO,aid -only-help high scnoois and would be an untair burden ;on rural districts. y Prorated Cost Unfair. ; In moving postponement, Senator Hoagland argued that the, towns ought to bear some of the burdens ii (Torn to Paya Twa. Column Two)' Chicago Collector Foils Highwaymen by Using "Stage Money" C hlcac TrlbM-Oniaba Bee I.eaaed Wire. Chicago, III., Feb. 8. Somewhere tonight a pair of auto bandits are grinding their teeth and muttering curses as. they paw over about $1, 000,000 worth of stage money, while at home, Clarence , Beatty, collector for the A. & P. stores, is wearing a smile that won't come off. Beatty stepped from One-of the company's stores, his black bag bulg ing wfth money. He had proceeded only a few blocks when a mud-spattered car crowded his machine to the curb and with two pistols lev eled at Beatty's head, the occupants ordered him to hand over the black bag. ," k .. Beatty did as he was told. ,Thc bandits drove away at top . speed while tthc collector leisurely drove! in the opposite direction and a smile gradually spread over his counte nances'', 1 '',' ,' '-' ';. '-'..- ; "Fooled 'em that time,", he told the police. "Nothing in that bag but stage money. Carry the real stuff in my pocket." , . . Menacing Crowd Follows Slayer, or Dubuque Men Dubuque. Ia., Feb. 8. A crowd followed deputy sheriffs and their prisoner, - George Larue. - confessed slayer ' of Matt Daly, democratic politician, to the jail today, but no trouble occurred, -although lynching rumors, had been circulated. Larue waived preliminary examination and was held to the Brand jury. Larue, according' to his confes sion, entered the Daly home early yesterday looking for Mrs. Edna Daly.- the victim's daughtcr-irt-law. to whom the prisoner says he was married, last November. Daly was killed and his-sick wife and a niece Verestruck down and seriously in jured by the intruder, who was armed with an iron bar; - Boxing Measure in Danger Of Being Sidetracked Lincoln, Feb. 8. The . house ,bill legalising boxing in Nebraska, sponsored by American Legion mem bers, :was recommended for in definite postponement today by a majority of the committee qn mis cellaneous subjects. A minority re port was submitted and minority members said they hoped to be able to reyKe it. , .. A , House) Passes Money Bill Providing for 150,000 Army Washington, Feb. 8. The army appropriation bill, carrying approxi mately $329,000,000 and providing for a-force of only 150,000 men in 1922, was passed today by the house and sent to the senate. Bank Officials See ; Relief for Farmers in Bill Measure, Favorably Reported To Senates Authorise, U. S.-1 m t tinAnnn Treasury to Uuy 1UU,UUU,- 000 in Farm Loan Bonds, Relief for farmers who have been hampered in their operations by lack of credit is seen by officials 6i the Omaha Federal Loan bank in a bill authorizing the United States treas ury to buy $100,000,000 of farm loan bonds, t This; measure, .which w sponsored by Senators Swanson and Glass, has . been favorably, reported to the senate and dispatches indicate that it will be incorporated in the agriculture appropriation ;bill. "With this sum a great deal could be done to relieve, conditions on the farms and in the small towns;" said Merton L. Corey, general attorney for the, Omaha land bank, yester dav. "The share of ' this . district, which includes Nebraska., Iowa, Wyoming and South Dakota, prob ably would ambunt to $10,000,000 and this money would .make a vast improvement if put in circulation here..-. - . .' - ,4,-' '". ' "The federal farm loan banks, which have been, tied up by a suit attacking their right to issue tax exempt bonds, would be able to resume business full blast through the spring and early -summer. It is probable that - v:e would have to make a careful selection of borrow ers and not attempt to refund other mortgages, but only take new busi ness." . ' .;" .: '.. '';. The Omaha land bank made loans approximating $48,000,000 in a period of a little more than two years. Payment is on an amortiza tion plan, and less than $2,000 of payments on $1,000,000 due in the last 90 days are said o remain un paid. , -.'.' . ' ' ' Senate and House Conferees Agree on Cold Storage Bill .Washington." Feb. 8. An- agree ment on' the bill for government reg ulation of cold 'storage has been reached by , senate and house con feree. The fhcasure as . approved provides that food products- except fruits, vegetables and cees held in cold storage more than 12 months shall not be sold. Frozen eggs could be held 18 months, if approved by the Department of; Agriculture, which would administer the law and have discietion to modify some of the storage restrictions, ". " ; : t Sheriff Forgets to Hang ; -Man Sentenced to' Death . Baton Rouge, La., -Feb. 8. Sher iff T. A. Grant of Ouchitax parish, notified Governor Parker, that he had forgotten to hang Lonnie Eat on, negro; convicted of murder Feb ruary 4, as required by the sentence; and asked what to do with the pris oner. The governor has put. the problem up to Attorney General Coco. . '.- " .' " - - . .... , v Greek Premier to Oppose ; , Action of Sevres Treaty " Athens. Feb. ' 8. Action of . the Sevres reaty .will be opposed by M. Kalogeropoulos.' the new , Creek premiei4, who will represent Greece at the Near East conference in Lon don, he announced yesterday be fore the Chamber of Deputies. AH heads of parties, including ad herents of former Premier Vcnizelos, approved of his decision,; Out in the Cold Detective and Bandit Killetl Gun Battle Follows Tip to Police That Robbers" Are Looting Salt Lake Store. . B' City De- ( - 'air saKC city, rtu. p. vny ivc- j teCti.. -G . Hambv was shot dead ! today at aote. by Tom B of Police Joseph E. Burb.idpre. Burns died within, an Hour., L.nict iiur bidge narrowly escaped death, a shot grazinghis shoulder. - Earljv today C. W Rosencrantz entered the Stewart hotel upon be ing ' advised that robbers were at tempting to break into the J. C. Penney store,, adjoining. " The rob bers are believed to have been aware that the police had been notified and soutrht to make their escao throuegh the hotel. - Rosencrantz followed one man wllo.opencd the door of theito China in carload lots, by indue room he, had just entered ana com pelled the detective to throw tip his hands. As he did so another man knocked hint senseless.: .The detec tive was then bound and left in the room, the assailants running down the corridor. - , . ' Before the robbers could reach the street other officers appeared - upon the scene.. Several shots, were fired by five robbers who darted from several of. the rooms. Three of the men were captured and . Detective Rosencrantz was revived : and re leased. ' : " ' . ' Several hpurs later, police received a tip that one of the men, Tom Burns, was at the Nord hotel. Chief nf Police Burbidee. Detectives Ha'mby and Patten. knocked on lbej man s door, mere was no respou!i; and Hamby proceeded to break it open. As' he rushed into the room, accompanied thqother officers, Burns unloaded his revolver at him. 'Hamby dropped dead. , The chief then shot Burns. House Will Probe ; . f Slacker'i Washington, Feb. 8. A prelimi nary investigation of the escape to Germany of Grover Cleveland Berg doll, . wealthy , Philadelphia draft dodger, is to be made by the house military committee ' to , determine whether a thorough inquiry by a spc cial committee was justified. This was announced today by Chairman Kahu after an executive session of the committee, which voted Un launch the preliminary hearing (Thursday. : ' , - "I m convinced tne wnoie auair was rotten and that Ave should go to, the bottom of it," said Chairman Kahn.. . - :.''- ; - r; .' '. '. German Premiers to Seek -Non-Compliance With Pact Munich. Bavaria., Feb 8.-:Prem-ier of the various Germaif states .have agreed to urge the Berlin gov ernment to refuse compliance with the allied demands as formulated by the supreme council in Paris two weeks -; ago. This ; became known here today when Dr. von Kahrr premier of? Bavaria, returned from Berlin, where he took part in the conference ; of - federal .premiers on Germany's attitude regarding the allied note. ' ; Mrs. Pcetc Not Senteuced . Los Angeles Cal.,' Feb. mo tion for a new trial for Mrs. Louise L. Peete, convicted slayer of Jacob Charles Denton, made today, re sulted in the postponement ' of sentence which was to have been imposed, ' , , 'Nebraska Quota i Of China Famine . Fund $150,000 ecuu onumuee auo C.-. CU.,14 TT,l,l-, j. eav- i - ((U) rtiinao ' M , V. vvwv mwv . From Starvation. The executive committee ' of : the China Famine fund for .Nebraska met Tuesday and decided that Ne-I braska "should " undertake ; to save from, starvation 15,000 Chinese in famine-stricken Chiiia ' by raising $150,000 or the equivalent value in grain. Fifty thousand dollars was the quota decided upon for Omaha. George A. Roberts suggested a plan for raising and shipping flour nig contributors to purchase-a sack of flour and pay for it with cash, or with corn in rural communities. The national committee will be asked to advise how . this flour ' may . be handled. -' ' ' " ; Dr. Jennie Callfas was appointed chairman of a commitiee to conduct a tag day for Chinese relief.'. ' ; - I. W. Carpenter,, vice chairman of the committee, has subscribed $500. personally, and $500 tor the Car penter Paper. Co. - s ; " .'. The first contribution from r the state was a check for $10 from Lela Tilford of North Platte. Neb. . Smith Bread Bill V, -v Passes in House ' Lincoln, Fell. 8.-r(Special,)tThe Smith bread bill passed at the third reading in the lower house of the ' state legislature today with but five votes cast against it. v " This, bill was introduced by ; Rep resentative Ed A. Smith of Omaha and provides that bread shall be sold by the pound or the multiple of the pound and the exact weight be marked on the loaf. 'I'- r-.i ' Four of the five, negative votes to day were cast by . members of the Omaha delegation Vincent Hascall, M M. Robertson, irvin Medlar, Wil liam RandaH- and George Staats of Dodge county. ' ! A bread bill in the senate carries the same provisions as the Smith bill, except at the end are the words, "un less . otherwise marked." These words comprise the "joker," accord ing to Smith. ' The senate will now decide whch will pass. -, T" t xt' t I (inn (re fuc - '"" provmc lor me csiaonsn Timber , V alued ?100,000,000 j tnent of a republic, but such, action ;; Is Destroyed by Windstorm j is of considered probable; tS' S Diamond Culters' uprooted in the storm ..which swept Olympic peninsula of Washington, January "29 and 30. Charles , Mor ganrbth, assistant federal forest su pervisor for this district, estimated, after a trip to the stricken district The Weather - "V ' Forecast ' ' t' k ; Wednesday fair; ; no- change temperature, . Hourtx Trmtwmturt. i Ii a. ........,.. flp. m .'. - a. m....v fl-f S n. n. ........ ' . ni.., ....... j 3 p. m.. .,.,.(. s. m... i j 4 a. m... ...... a. nK.s. ... . .21 I ft p. jm... ..,,,. 10 a. m j p. in......... 11 a. m...... ! J 1 a. m......... IS MOB ti i s p. ........... m ..s ..! ..31 ..3:1 .. ..SI ...I ..i fthlpatr Ballrtla. Protact ( hlpmnt durtnit the ,net J4 to St honra from temperatures fol low! : north. It lere : tast and fOuttL J Ji detri - wait ltdtt;rtf Le Raps gion gylto Germany Proposed Cougrcssioual lines-. tigation of Bergdoll Case " Urged by Officers of For , mer Soldiers' Organization. Ignores Nonpartisan Row 'By The Anawtatetl Ire. Washington, . Feb. 8 Regret that the American government saw 'fit 'to apologize to the Berlin government for the attempt of Americans to cap ture Grover C. Bergdoll, wealthy American draft evader, was ex-" pressed in a resolution adopted by the executive committee of the American Legion. 'The resolution ordered scut to congressmen, approved the proposed congressional investigation of Berg doll's escape from custody. . Efforts to put the Legion on record as opposing the Nonpartisan league were made by members from Oklahoma, and other western states, but various resolutions were votod down and tabled. The committee voted unanimously to uphold F. A. Galbraith, national commander, . in advising state commanders of Kan sas. ' Nebraska and Oklahoma tli:it fthe legion itself should take1 nu active part against the league. Correspondence with ; respect to the Nonpartisan league question, which began with an appeal from the Salina, Kan., post for support from the national committee in a fight against the' leaeue. was read. ! Other appeals had followed from western and southwestern posts and all were shown to have been given the same answer by the commander. Say Leaders'Disloyal. Speakers urging the Legion to go on record opposing the league, dt-" clared its leaders were disloyal and were using the league to cloak sedi tious activities. Opponents con tended such action would be con sidered by many farmers-and other league members, who themselves were loyal, as indicating onnniti7n , of the Legion toe conomic and politi cal policies of the league. .All speak ! ers agreed the Legion should not I oppose the league's status as a politi I cti parry. . - .... ' . . Announcement was made that ef , forts would be made - to have the ' Knights of Columbus remove cer tain conditions from their offer to the legion, of $5,000,000 for construc tion of a war memorial in Washing- ton. The committee last night voted to refuse the. offer unless made " John G. Emeryt chairman of a committee appointed to take the mat ter up, expressed the belief that j money offered by; the Knights of : iiCTnrn ia r Tti, fel irain Stria.) Couple Reconciled In Cell After Husband Had Been Arrested -Mr. and Mrs. A.'W, Hurd, Can on City, Colo., were reunited ' in jaU cell yesterday after Hufd Pad been arrested on advices from the district attorney at Canon City that: he was wanted there on charges of wife abandonment and kidnaping his two children, Gordon, 4, and Clinton, Hurd was arrested at the office of, the American Express company.' where he has, been working the past three months. ' , ' After a short consultation, all their former difficulties were patched up and Mrs. Hurd notified oo!i:e authorities here that she would with draw charges against her husband. " .. The t reunited family "will reside in Omaha., '.'? .-..:-. '-w ' Fire Sweeps Business District of Colon, Neb. - ' Wahoo, Neb., Feb. Fart of tl.a business district of Colon, a villag 10 miles north of here, was burned early this morning'. The Bank of .Colon -" building, lrug, hardware, general merchandise and smaller stores ;were destroyed. The total loss is placed at $65000. . Greek Assembly in Favor. Of Constituent Assembly Athens. Feb. .--The national as sembly of Greece today voted by acclamation In - favor of declaring itself a constituent assembly. This step was made necessary by the projected revision of the Greek constitution, forecasts of . which ' have indicated that the prerogatives of the king would be more defined, and clauses inserted establishing . a senate. Reports were in circulation late last year that the new constitu- Are Idle as bperidmg Ends Amsterdam; Feb. 8. Nearly 8.000 of the 10.800 members 'of ihe Dia-' mond Workers', union here are idle' and the bottom seem to have fallen out of the world's diamond market.' Experts in precious stones in this city and in Antwerp say an era of ' financial stringency has supplanted the epoch of free spending to: such an extent that precious stones have, become a drug on the market, al though .prices are being maintained. Chicago Banker Recovering '. Albuquerque. N. M Feb. 8. 'I he condition of George M, Reynolds, president of the Continental and Commercial bank of Chicago, who is ill in a hospiut here, is much im proved today. He has practically no temperature and the infection of. the throat from which he is suffer jijg, is said Jo e jmdej -jootrol. Apolo ii i t