Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE liEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, h'lSBKUAKV 7, 11131..
The Omah a Bee
- : 1)
NELSON B, UPUIKE, Publisher.
The amx-itied Press, of whloK The Be It t mnilMr. la -rlusiieir
entitled to tb um for publication of til nana d.aiUihoa
nradlltd lo It or ant olhaririaa rmliltd in this esptr. and aim the
hwel nirwa publlahrd herein. All rlbu of mbUcitloo of out i.-ial
(tunatraae are elao rearrrrd.
Prirate Branch Sirhsnre. Aak for Tvlet 1000
tea Department of 1'rraon Wanted. ssws svvv
For Night Calls After 10 P. M.t
Editorial Department ....'..-
e'trculattmi lienartment
adrertlslug Department
Main Offlra: Wth and Famam
Council Bluffs 15 Suoit St. t South Bids
' Out-o(-Towa Office:
Trier IMOt
Trier 1001.
War 10091.
N Tork
I bk-aafl
;s rtfth An.
-Stoset Bid-.
Waehtntton I'UI 0 St.
Parta.Kranee. liOBueSt. Honor
The Bee's Platform ;
1. New Union Passenger Station.
2. Continued improvement of the Ne.
braska Highways, including the pave-
. tnent of Main Thoroughfares loading
s into Omaha with a Brick Surface.
3. A short, lowrato Waterway from I ho
Corn Bolt to the Atlantic pcean.
4. Homo Rule Charter for Omaha, with
City Manager form of , Government. ;
No Jury Service for Women.
Whether it Was intended as an act of gal
lantry or not, the action of the house at. Lincoln
in killing the bill to provide for woman's service
on juries, in our courts has putva limit on the
citizenship of women in Nebraska. As the law
now. stains, Lancaster vcounty -is the only1 place
in the state, where .women may serve, as it is the
only county iii the state with more than 30,000
or less tb'au! 100,000; i lh Douglas county the
statute specifies "all male citizens of the United
State," subject to certain ljmitatiofas. In the
other counties of the state only males are quaP"
ilicd, but the intent plainly was. this should
include voter A- simple amendment, striking
out the word, "male" might have been all that
Mas needed to cure the statute and would have
niadex women available for .jury service. The
effort to extend the compulsion under Which
males rest to include' women naturally arouses
. opposition. -' 1
In assuming the prerogatives of full citizen
ship woman is alsp supposed to have taken ott
all its responsibilities. One of these is service on
juries. .From the standpoint of ideal citizenship,
this is one of the highest of privileges. Twelve
good men and 4rue are clothed, with the power
of deciding questions-of right between man and
man; trial before a jury of his peers' is the right
' of any accused individual, and in, this land, where
all are sovereign, each is the other's peer before
the law; So in, the past any 13 men might be
called upon by the court to serve in determining
the true, facts in any casci Now that women
have been added to the list of sovereigns, is it
not. to be expected that they. also take on all
' that goes with such sovereignty? ,
i One of the unpleasant experiences of our
national life is that many men deliberately shun
the duty of jury service. This led ,to the presence
or a class of so-called "professional" jurymeJ),
against whom, objection was lodged because of
real or fancied venality. To avoid as far as
possible the condition'-comp.lained of, certain
stringent provisions have been :made into law,
particularly a,s regards the power of the court to
compel men to' serve on juries. To extend such
compulsion to women has aroused a very ani
mated discussion. We believe that it is a matter
that safely may be left to the discretion of the
csjirts, once the qualifying restriction of "male"
is eliminated, but we realize that much hardship
might be inflicted it .women were required to
take their places in the jury panel tinder the law
that now contemplates having every voter in
his turn take up the performance of such duty-.
Yet it is part of citizenship, and we feel sure
that a large number of women Will gladly v so
serve when called upon at least once., ;.
a The issue opens up generally the whole vista;
or the political relations -.of the' sexes, and,
while it .will be admitted that woman its quite as
completely equipped for jury service as she is"
tor voting, we gravely question whether she will
sustain the one as gracefully as she does the
other. It may yet become apparent that adop
tion Of the Nineteenth amendment did, not dis
pose entirely of all the points of disparity
between male and female. 1
King Albert's Cup Race,"
Nebraska is 4'ar enough away from salt water
to hold at least a judicial view of a yacht race.
1 herefore' the proposed contest' for the cup to
"be provided by Albert of Belgium appeals to us.
A trans-Atlantic'race, with no handicaps of any"
kind nobody barred,, open, to the world, to any
sort of craft Using the wind for propelling
power, holds something that interests the sport
fug sense. 'Contests for America's cup have oe
generated into the feeblest form of yacht racing,
,' participated in only by specially designed sailing
' machines, of no earthly use to anybody after
'the purposes of the race have been fulfilled.
Belter by far are the contests between the fishing
. schooner sailed last fall from Halifax and won
.byke Yankee boat. But the race across the
ocean promises something more inspiring. In
the pasfsuch events have excited lively interest,
although only four have been field, the last in
, 1905.y The entry list should be a long one tnd
-next Fourth of July around Ambrose Light
. ought to be a lively occasion -it" the spirit of the
Belgian ruler's proposal is even half way met
War Debts Can't Be Shifted. :
Muoh. talk of an unofficial nature" is heard
in Europe, of cancellation of war debts. Thus
far no connected plan lor action of tms nature
. has been presented for public consideration, for
the, subject is one that amounts to bankruptcy
and repudiation. The war, of courseyimpover-
ish'ed many nations'and the promises that with
peace conditions' would become better than in
the era before the war were vain and foolish,
since only after the losses and destruction of
war had been tnade good by work and frugality
could a higher Standard of comfort be possible.
; Any proposal to shift the burden of paying
,for the conflict on to the -Shoulders of the coming
, generations neglects the very real fact that our
ow.n generation already has met the cost through
the . destruction of vast amounts of capital
Likewise, cancellation of these debts would not
produce any more of the, necessaries of life or
provide work for the unemployed.
There has been no talk of cancellation in the
. Vnited States, the nearest any one having come
to this being in the suggestion of Dean Johnson
. of New York, university that ia a set date the
American people make a bonfire of their liberty
bonds "as a sacrifice on the altar of economic
readjustment." The effect of th is would te to
lower taxes which, "taw go to pay interest and
principal, but the nation as a whole' woutd be
no richer and no poorer, If everyone sacrificed
liberty bonds in an amount corresponding to the
amount of taxation he paid, absolutely no Change
would result. But to the extent that these
securities have been gathered into large holdings
and have passed front small ownership, a read
justment of the distribution of indivdiual wealth
wouiq occur. ' NJ
iv.t: 1 J.!..- - .( i.- 1 - 1
owe to themselves, and if the next generation,
through the process of refunding, should inherit
our war debt and undertook to pay it, the action
would simply resemble taking money out of one
packet and putting it in another.
N Experimenting With Germany.
If all the nations of the world were to adopt
a protective tariff against German goods, the
result would resemble the imposition o Ujj
per cent tax which the allieslan for all products
sent abroad from Germany. High export duties
such as this arc almost unknown, and the United
States constitution contains the provision that
congress shall levy no tax on exports. How
ever, restrictions of this kind have been applied
in the past to divert labor fronf disproportionate
production of raw materials into the manufacture
of them. Thus England, from the time of Ed
ward III through many generations, forbade the
export of sheep or raw wool, while aiming to
prevent importation of wroolen cloth by a pro
tective duty. The desire was to stimulate the
cloth industry in England. ' .
Even the best informed men disagree over
the proposed arrangement with Germany, and
doubt is expressed as to how it will work out.
It is clear that to the extent any foreign nation
buys German-made goods, just to that extent
will it be paying the. German indemnity itself.
It seems probable that international trade can
not now be dominated by the German manufac
turers as was threatened before the war. If
.Germany sells less abroad, it certainly will soon
er or later-buy less also.' The export duty
would first diminish exports, which would mean
that gold would begin to flow out of Germany,
as it would be buying more than it sold. As
gold, grew scarcer and more valuable, prices in
Germany, would be so lowhat the Germans
would tend to use only home-made products and
buy little or nothing fronf countries where ;g6ld
was cheaper and would buy less. '' , -. -v- '
This is the reasoning of the theoretical econ
omists, and it will be an interesting spectacle
for the world to watch the actual demonstration. J
Germany, always largely self-sufficing, and en
tirely so during 4ther war., apparently will be
forced "to be more so in the future,;, producing
what it consumes, and consuming .what it pro-'
duces.. .... - : , : '.
1 ..--.;
A Line 0' Type or Two
How to the Line, let thi quipt fall where tbey may
How to Be Twins. ,
A lotof things are wrong with politics,
among them being that most of us have been
taught from childhood that it is a game of fraud
in which the stakes are offices and that love of
country or desire to serve the public seldom
enters into campaigns. As a result of this sus
picion and lack of interest, when men of talent
and worth enter the arena, they often fai'-o
find the support" to which' they- aro .entitled.t
Good men and women who neglect the dtttieS ,
of tcitizenshin are little short of a" menace ;
Even when this sort of people comes out' to
vote;' their attitrfde is likely to be purely one of
protest. They are like an after-dinner speaker
who recently confessed: "I never vote for a
candidate; I always "vote against one. As- soon
as the nominees have been selected I sit down
alone and decide which, candidate . I shall vote
against. And, do you know, sometimes I wish
I were twins!" ''
That's what the citizen who is too good to
go to the polls is
The Assassination of George. ....
Poor old George is dead. ,
It was the not altogether melancholy duty
of the St. Paul'Civic and Commerce association
to officiate at the funeral. For a long time
every one. was agreed that something ought' fo
be done. When the city did not grow as it
ought, .:when public improvements lagged j en
officials made mistakes, when, business seemed
under a handicap and labor developed, grievances,
When the housing shortage pinched and every
thing seemed to be going wrong, it was eus
tomary for ali good citizens to agree that some
body ought to' do something.
That's where poor old George came in.
"Let George do it," was the cry. But George
never did it, and so the people of St. Paul de
creed that he must d!c' and held a pyblib cele
bration at his 'funeral. '"
Now the people, liav-e no one but themselves
to depend on in pushing public movements.
. J - , ' v !
Noticing hrft a tuch bevvhiskeicd citizen
who has lived 100 years advises the use of com
plexion cream to all ho wish long life, the
world waits to learn how he managed to apply
it at the roots of alf that underbrush.
, At least, when congress was filled with great
orators the public could forget that not . much
was being accomplished, but flic present session
not even camouflaging. - "' '
No would require a poet in galoshes
to rhapsodize ' about being ankle'dcep in Feb
ruary, which is Vastly different from being knee
deep in June.
; v . -. -
' Reading of German admiration for Bergdbit.
revive sVemorics of the friendly Way in which
Americans used to regard Europeans who fled
here to avoid compulsory military service.
" No matter whether .one likes Herbert Hoover
or not, it must be admitted that as food con
troller he had considerable training for the
interior department. K ;
' That parrot of William J. Bryan that greeted
Mr. Harding with shouts of "Hfirrah for Bryan"
is a. durable old bird with a long memory.
t put in Nevada the lawyers are trying to cast
Mary Pickford for a vamp role.
Robbing registered mail pouches is coming to
be a popular inter sport.
Mary Pickford is in for a little more free if
undesirable advertising -
- Would Givr Ifctke Acid Test. : f:
An interferometer; the instrument that meas
ured Betelgeause, might, if cleverly handled,
show us exactly Wash Vanderlip's opinion of
himself. Washington Post. .
Mthaush Victor Bergcr
.Vlay tjuaff the sweet elixir
Of vindication,
And Unit redoubtable patriot
Kenesaw Mountain' Landls
.May drain the bitter Urefts
Of implied reproof.
And those headstrong enthusiasts
Who made that impolitic attempt
To drag Grover Bergdoll back
PYom the dear old Fatherland
Are to be roundly censured,
And pramlnent ladies
" Of Chicago
Are planning a fete
Of benevolence
For the suffering professors
Of the KCLTUR incubator,
AVe gain some solace
i FroYn the old-timer
Who refuses to conform
To the program of the vote-hounds, ,
And who refuses to apostrophise 1 '
Our army, its accafmplishments, or its allies,
And who does not give
. One good hot damn .
' What he says,
'Nor to whom,-
Here's to you, Charlie Dawes!
Give 'em the other barrel! . --
' " ' , At. J. B.
THERE is a tpast that many of us will be
glad to dtink. Nothing in a Blue moon has
given us so much pleasure as the artistic bawling
out that General Dawes gave his critics.
-"I AM a cub reporter," writes" W. H. D.,
"and am going to conduct a column in a few
weeks, I think," Zazzo? , Well, you can't da bet
ter than to start with the announcement that
Puis & Puis are dentists in Sheboygan. And
you might add that if the second Puis is a son
the firm should bePuls & Fils, v
(From the Kewanee Star-Courier.)
Notice I have been getting numerous calls ,
for nursing, tl wish not to be called as my
health does not permit me to overdo. Espe
cially I have two canaries and house flowers
to care for. t may when weather gets warmer
take a few cases. Mrs. Lizaie Hague, 63 S Pine.
"SINCE Frank Harris has been mentioned,"
communicates C. E. L.r "it would be interesting
to a lot of foltes to know just what standing he
has in literature." , Oh, not much. Aside from
being one of the best editors the Saturday
Review ever had, one of the best writers of short
stories in English or any other language, and
one of the most acute critics in the profession,
his standing is negligible. ' .
(From the Montevideo, aiinn., American-.)
v In Albert Lea, the other day, a man was
shot dead when found with, another man's
, wife. If this practice were strictly adhered
to in Montevideo the undertakers would be
rushed to death. ,-'-WHEN
Galsworthy (or it may. have been
Walpole) was visiting here, he lunched here,
with a number of the university faculty.. When
the cigars were, passed the guest was the only
man who took one. "Don't the rest of you
smoke?" he inquired. "Well." replied one prof,1
indicating the geologist, "Salisbury can." j
I know a bachelor .whom I alternately want to
pet and scold.
; When he was in college he wanted to marry,
But the girl couldn't love him,, and married thi
other man. -So
for many years he livfid apart, N '
Arid hated all women,- and scoffed at marriage.
And was comfortable and selfish and particular.
Add pitied the poor devils who were tied by th$
But It was a luxury, and it cost him something;
He is 30 now, and he has that unanchored look.
His skin is yellow, because nobody plans his
meals. ,
He has ceased to dress well, and doesn't know It.
There Js no one tdsay to him, "Say, dear, you
need a new coat '
Tou look like a trampJi -; ', . i i .
lie sees all the best shows, and goes to lectures
and 'concerts, .
But he has never seen a circus with 'a child.
He has peace and qufet in his home when he
wants it.'. . " - - .
But he has a kind of horror of Christmas time.
He has never had, those awful nights, running
up and down stairs,
And watching by little white beds;
His life is undisturbed by the problems anl
sufferings of young people,
And during, the war, as he witnessed the torture
of his friends,
He thanked his God that he had never married
' and had a son. . ,
But all the same, he is '50, and he is alone, .
And when- he dies his light will be extinguished
forever, . ,. '
And when I see him I want to scold him and
pet htm, '
And darn his socks for him, and cook him a
And do everything nice for. him that I can,
(From the, Piqua, O., Call.)
Why not begin the new year with a perma
nent home, one of growing Value to your
family and friends? i Protect them from the
inclement weather. 1 A memorial room, de
luxe section, or crypt.
Collett Memorial Co. '
THE incomparable Hermaniner's interest in
Mr. Dawes' remarks is not precisely feverish.
"Hand me your tape," .
Says the Universe to Mr. Einstein, "
"And I will measure -My
neck, . ' -
My collar line, '
My chest, under the arms,
How to Keep Well
- By OR. W. A. EVAN3
Qucitisni conecrnlnf hyglano, sanita
tion and prevention of ctiaoaae, tub
milted to Dr. Evans by reader of
The Bee, will be answered personally,
subject to proper limitation, where a
stamped, addressed envelope is en
closed. Dr Evans will not make
diacnosis or prescribe for individual
diseases. Address letters in care of
7 be Bee.
Copyricht, 1821, by Dr. W. A. Evana.
Thoe who work for. the promo
tion of public and personal health
are glad to have the active support
of the life insurance companies. We
hope some day. they will become aa
aggressive In the mutter of human
health as the tiro insurance com
panies are in flro prevention and
control. The latter maintain .fire
patrols which go to fires for the pur
pose of protecting property In ways
that firemen can find no time for.
They watch over fire departments to
see that they receive adequate ap
propriations and have good officers.
Each year sees tho lifo insurance
companies get a little deeper in the
work of health conservation. In
California last November the Metro-
plltan Life Insuranco company took
part in the state vote on certain
health questions. Some of the com
panies made periodic examinations
of their, policy holders. Many of
them circulate health, literature.
The efficacy of the insurance com
panies as aids of the health fight is
duo to tho fact that with them it is
an economic question" and they can
talk to the public on the money cost
of ill health better than anybody
else can.
I have a series of pam unlets on
the treatment of under average risks
for the Information of tho field force
of the New York Life Insurance
company. This company as many
others, Issues substandard risks. For
Instance, a map with heart disease
can get insurance, nut he must pr.y
an extra charge. "As tho result of
studies of many thousand cases they
nave decided that on the average
a man with a certain kind of heart
disease will live a certain length "Of
time ana they are willing to insure
him on that basis. Of course, In the
group are some who willSive out the
full life expectancy of a person of
mat age ana others who -will live
only a few years.
This policy serves to put before
the persons with heart disease this
thought as a class they are crip
pled physically, but they are not
down and out, they are producers
able to do some of the world's work,
aDie to Duy ana. pay for life Insurance-
and entitled to .it, that they
have a reasonably long life expec
tancy. ,
The pamphlets carry brief Infor
mation as to What the subiect c.ati
do and how he can live to prolong
nis nte. xne company is interested
in having the man make as many
annual payments as possible. And
the man does not care 2 cents what
the company's motive is so long as
Of lifo
This series of pamphlets also Is
of Interest to the general ,public in
that It has something to say about
prevention , and - causes. Always,
everywhere, here is the central
thought all health and physical
disability can be prevented. They
are, expensive.-v On the average
while they decrease a person's ca
pacity and liis life expectancy, they
do not knock him out. t By right
living he can live on in spite of be
ing crippled. - .
- Depends on Age,
P. writes: "Docs a pain In your
left shoulder directly from heart in
dicate tuberculosis? What does aik
itching pain in heart Indicate?
What is normal blood pressure ?"
1. Xo.
2. I do not know what that is,
but again I answer no.
3. Depends on age. Varies some
where neat" 140, according to age.;
Have Heart Tested.
Mrs. M. V. R. writes: "Will-you
please print the cause of shortness
of . breath in a woman 40 years old,
who seemingly is well otherwise.
She puffs for want of breath after
going only a few ateps."
. ' REPLY'.
Have your heart, kidneys' lungs
arid blood examined. The important
cause of shortness of breath aside
.rom obesity are all connected with
diseases of these organs. . i
and girls, it is easy to see that Pink
erton can truthfully say that tho
present wave of crime is largely due
to the logical results of vicious films.
The local exhibitor is powerless
he has to run - .the films that are
sent to him. I know how it is for
I have"been In business myself. The
films should be censored In Omaha
before they are sent out. As to
nudity,' "September Morn," , it was
only a girl just about to go in swim
ming that was all, no other suggcs-i
tion. But the Ufe-sizcd lithographs
in the. windows In small towns to
advertise, would not be allowed in
tho window In any art store in
Omaha.- Tho Fox corporation, be
it said to its credit usually puts out
noble films, like Domby and Son,"
"Enoch Arden," "Evangeline," "Rip
Van Winkle," etc' Stewart Gould
In -The Be of February 4, "gave
his case away," when he stated: "He
deplored, that 10 per-cent were not
censored and said that within a year
the exhibitors would force all pic
tures to b,e censored by this board
in self-defense." He was referring
to "The National Board of 200 who
are now censoring 90 per cent of
the output." DR. M. V. CLARK.
Our Free Legal Aid
Th Bee will give answers, free of cost,
to such legal questions as are sub
mitted to its ' editor, subject to
reasonable length of reply.
Wife Grta Half. -
Question: Please- advise as to
tho law of Nebraska with refovenee
to a wife's portion of her'husJwnd'a
property in .case of his death. 'where
there are no children. . t .
Answer: Th wife is entitled to
halt of all of the Wusband's property.
Lecal Publication.
Question; Will you please toll
me what the regulations are govern
ing a weekly newspaper? If one
or two issues were missed, would it
bar the firms from advertising for
any length of time thereafter, that
is for legal notices, etc.
Answer: We do not understand
your question. Where the statute
(provides that publication of a heal
notice shall bo for a certain number
or conscontive wecKs, mere would tut
no compliance with tho utatuto it
the paper-In which thq .publication
is beiug mado failed to get out lis
issue for two weeks. If you havo any
jmrtlcul&r case in mind, and will
stat the facta and tell us for what
purpose the publication is being
made, we will try to answer your
question. .
It has taken 144 years to mako
the bulk of the United Sutes popu
lation urban, and It w-Kl probably
tak another 144 years to make It
urbane. Boston Transcript.
The Janitor of a Portland apart
ment house was fined for swearlnir
at tho tenants. Tho court ruled that
this was a long-cstHblitthed and ex
clusive privilege of the, tenants.
Vancouver Province.'
. t State osteopaths will ask ithe lpcis.
lature to prohlbittho sale of high
r - - - - . . ... . .i i. villi, iiivvit niyn-
ment that is not believed to have
neen inspired by a spirit of uplift. .
Detroit News.
7fe &
My distance from shoulder to elbow and wrist.
My waist, . ' - , - '
My length from 'hip and crotch to ankle!
And when you have all these measurements,
What then V C. S. P. W.
THE edict against 'withdrawing liquor from
warehouses reminds Ms that B. P., it was esti
mated by Old Charlie Hermann that there were
200,000,000 gallons of whisky in government
warehouses. - Considering - the amount seized,
stolen, destroyed, and consumed since that time,
you would suppose that the stock was well nigh
exhausted. . ,v
Quelque Soir. ; '
(From The Omaha Bee.)
A feature of the evening was a strikine
resemblance between Grace and Helen Giles,
twins, graduates of Central. " ,
THERE is plenty of snap to the department
of mathematics in the Shortridge high school
in Indianapolis. The head of the department is
Walter G. Gingery,
f. "NO 111 Effects Results from Wilson Debut."
St. Paul Pioneer Press. v -
The week's best headline; prize, a box of left
handed golf balls.
. THE Bingest Little Drug Store in Spokane
advertises, "Still going," A hint to the dry is
as good as a barrel. -
A SIGN on Vrabash avenue announces: "Art
f (From the Omaha World-Herald.)
Girl wanted to room with married couple.
rRed 8,77. 1
THAT committee in Washington did not
catch .a Tartar in Mr. Dawes. It was not
exactly hunting him. B. L. T.
Food for Thought.
Perhaps the Germans,-in paying the 200,000,
000,000 marks indemnity, will get- some satisfac
tion out of reflecting that but for certain acci
dents it would be England, France and America,
not them, that would be paying it. And then
again, perhaps they won't. Boston Transcript.
' r ,
He'll Find It's a Honeymoon.
Crown prince of Roumania Wants to spend his
honeymoon in America. If he comes over here
he'll have to spend more than that.-Dayton
News. . -
But She Loves Him? Still.
A Wisconsin woman bought a whisky stitl "to
keep her husbar.d at home," but "the scheme
failed. He's in jail.Seattle Times.
Temperance and Civilization.
Omaha. Feb. 4. To' the Editor
of The Bee: The more labor-saving
inventions reduce . the size of our
reserve forces of physical vitality
in health-promoting occupations,
such as farming, etc., the greater
will become the necessity foradopt
ing the simple, natural life.. As the
hours of employment in open-air
hardening toil will steadily decrease
in the future and the time for In
tellectual work and recreation In
creases, race preservation will de
mand a 'stricter,- saner adherence
to hygiene than formerly, including
universal. abstentiousness from alco
holic beverages. And to legalize
traffic in mild wines and beers would
be suicidal, as we have seen for ex
ample, in some parts of Canada. Our
temperament a reflex of our so
cial conditions being abnormal,
we crave quick relief when suffer
ing from nervousness or ennut and,
disregarding final results, naturally
grasp fors the. strongest possible
To weaken the practical teachings
regarding the high value of temper
ance, by allowing "wet" politicians
o nae into office on a wave of i
Mlptt.. AM,l,nn ...... , . I
ai uuv-ini, ieseiiuuent against
certain inconsequential blue laws
anu otner "popular" grievances,
would really amount to an actual
calamity. Through encouraging a
lax enforcement of liquor and vice
laws, such officials would retard
success of th anti-booze education
by turning the ey'es of our growing
folks backwards, leading tfie inno
cent down Into the old ruts of cor
ruption and" crime, instead of up
wards to decency and achievement.
Our next city election will show
whether Omaha is alive to the situ
ation, h. MELI
2017 Leavenworth.
SL let
Liggett & Myecs Tobacco Co.
f '? -
"- ' ' , - .''-.'
" .,,"
Endorses Movio Censorship. -Sutton,
Neb., Feb. 4. To the Edi
tor of The Bee: I have read the
able arguments of Elmer E. Thomas
and J. N. Brooks in these columns
io" favor of censoring moving pic
ture films, "They are good. 'The
fight Is against vicious films not
good ones. Recently there was run
here a film entitled "A She Tiger,"
depicting and. illustrating the fol
lowing crimes: against the law at
least to my point of view: 1. A
suggestive attitude on a couch of
"She" that would make Cleopatra
blush if she were here. 2. Banditry.
3. Arson. 4. Suicide of the leading
actress. B.. A public execution by a
firing Squad. .
A Bllde was run on the screen con
taining the names of our represen
tatives in the state legislature en
dorsing films without censoring with
a proviso. Reckoning that this
fllm e lion Id be shown in, aay 100
different . towns to the yonng boys
r, section of the; .
-formal I adver
tising whei'e
perfect Yepro
auction of
is essential
, ' J '
; OCOAHa Got