Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1921, Page 9, Image 9
V- 1 Society k ' Schermerhorp-Knisely. Announcement is macfe of the fflar viage of Miss Helen Knisely. daukh- Icr of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Knisely, and Leslie F. Scftermerhorn; son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Schertnerliop of this cty. which took place Satur day attrrnon. tiie Kev. Alfrd E. Vanorden df Couucil Bluffs official ing. TJie ccuple will be at home at 117 North J-ortieth street after March 1. . v Markey-Emory. Mrs. Gertrude Emory announces ihe marriage of her daughter, Miss Garonne, and Waller Markey, son j)f Mr. and Mrs. John Markey, wmcn iook piace weonesaay mom ing at St. Patricks church. Rev. lather Gannon officiated. -v.. The attendants were Mrs. Verne Wilson and Edward Markey, sister ana Drmner ot tne groom. A reception was held in honor of the couple Wednesday evening at ne Markey home. Mr. Markey and his bride will re side on the South Side. '-j For Brideto-Be. V Mrs. Howard Wood entertained at a miscellaneous shower Wednesday evening at 'her home in honor of Miss Mavis ' Findley, who leaves . Saturday for her home at Meadville, . Mo where she. will- become the bride of Marcus Gould. Valentine decorations were used. The guests ' included Mesdaines Frank Cuniings, Harry Cottrell, George ... Parish, Joseph Bauer, J. F. Quinby and Harry Norton, Misses Ruth Mad den. Hazel Lake, Eltoji Hensman, (Catherine Tennant,' Edith Morris, Pauline Simpson. Helen K. Morris, . Myrtle Benson, Irene Mason, Fanny Wallace, Clara Austin and , rma Cumings. . . J 1 ; '"" For Visitors. , Mrs. Hoxie Clarke entertained at luncheon Thursday at her home for Mrs. r H. Reynolds of JJenver, who is visitintr Mrs. William - Hill Clarke, and for Mrs. Benjamin Bates, r . e r J 1 1 ' oi uenvcr, guesi 01 i, ana jvirs. Henry T. Clarke. . 1 Among other affairs planned for these visitors will be a luncheon Fri day mven by Mrs. Fredenck Adam.3, ; and a luncheon on Saturday at the Omaha club, given by Mrs. Henry Uarke. -Mrs. AM. Root will entertain at dinner Friday evening compli mentary to- Mrs. Reynolds, who leavea for her home Monday. , -.- vi - Planning Dinners. .: Mr. and Mrs. Louis- Clarke are planning a dinner party for Satur day evening, as are Mr. and Mrs. C L. Farnsworth. 4 ''" Entertains Actress. , Miss -Margaret Wifliams ' enter tained tt luncheon at the Athletic club, Tuesday, honoring1 Miss Nina 1 Penn, who played $ne of the leading roles in the musical comedy, "Irene," which was .showing ?at '.the Brandeis. ' Miss W,illiar.s met Miss Penn at the J btudio cluo m Mew York city wneo both were studying voice there. ; Evening Bridge. .' Miss Eleanor McGilton will en-H tcrtainoit an evening bridge party if"hrr home, Friday,- to honor Mr. ' -1 4Tif Mr.- Benjamin- Sylvester. Mrs, Sylvester, whoV is a recent bride, v was Miss Ruth "Mills before her marriage. Five tables will be set . for thegame, . .- ','':''. Cooking Club.'- , : .Mrs. Samuel Burns' entertained. members of the prigiual Cooking club ' at ; luncheon at . her home, Thursday. - ' , ' ,., Music Festival. I he' fourth monthly mukic festival . will be given i at gt. Cecilias 1 cathedral Snnday evening, February at 8 o'clock, under- the. auspices ' pf the -Lcagueof Cathofic organists. 1 he program, in charge of Dr. R. Mill? Silby, wilt include choral and . i organ selections. Special numbers will be, given by the cathedral, choir bovs. ' ' j -. , . " . V i . r; . . s . Ta AH-anrf Carnival. S - Miss Freda Haas, daughter Mr. and Mrs. P. J. ;Haas, who is a t ?enior at Smith college, will go to ' Hanover,- Mass., ta be present t the aunual Dartmouth winter, sports carnival on February 10, U . anjd 12. .' OnMha .Woman's Press Club. The Omaha' Woman's Press club .vill meet for tea at the,.Y. 'W. C. A. Tuesday at 3:15 o'ckick. Prije win ning manuscripts o the recent' con test conducted byffhc club will be read by their authors. , " - " ' . ; Dinner Party. . Mr. and MTs.5. F. L.r will entertain at dinner home, Friday evening. r4 evcreux at .. their " m1. Columbian Club. GeorireH. Merten and Mrs. P.. M. Storm will act as hostesses - at a card party to be given. Saturday afternoon I by the Columbian club f-Sacred Heart parish a their hall, - .1 wenty-6cona ana J-ocust. " v 'Uniyersity Club.' , ' '. -Commencing , Saturday evejiing, February 12, with, a Valentine party, the Univrsjty club will hold formal dinner dances" Saturday evening of Veach week. There -will be special features each time. ,v. ;1 f.'," Luncheon for Visitors i.4 Mrs. George Voss; will entertain at luncheon at the Omaha club,;Tues day. in honor of Mrs. Joseph Car- ) ueau Riogwalt of . New , York CityJ 1. . f . 1. , . r t r : n m I - -who is inc guesi ox irs. j. i,.jMng- 'wait ;. ' j , . ' l ' j. Food. Sale.,' - . "y" Fontenelle Kensftigton cfub .'will hold a food sale in the lobby of the .J-'Rialto thea.ter all day Saturday. Mrs. 'William Thomas and Mrs. Arthur Dunbar will be in charge of the sale. The proceeds will be added to fund for local charities. , s. . ,' ., Bag-a-Jasx.. An Informal' dance will begiven Friday evening at the. Hotel Fonte " nelle by the . Southern Rag-a-Jaza band froto the "University of ,Ne- braska, Lincolno t, ' f Class Party.-v- l?r . Dorothea Knew will entertain the S'rls of the graduating v class of slumbian school at lUncheotf at her j. hotne, Saturday,' followed 1 by a ' Mnatinee party at the Orpheum. . , . Dancing Club. . .- .' .The Week-.EnH Daucmg club will tntertain at-a dancing party at the -Fontenelle Saturday evening. (I j ' 9- ; -i 'Visiting InSEastern City - If a 1 aATCHCU, III X V WMA J I fC I . It.N1 jM I RV -i 2rV ,t S f .... :V-H4 L. f .. - 1 . Mrs." Edminul Tenn-Marlvor and I thev will visit Mrs Maclvor's niothl smallson, Edmund ' Jean,' jr.,' left er, Mrs. Ella M. Hass. . "They will last week for New Ytrk Citv.V where remain in, the east for. several "weeks. , Community Center Offers Strong ram Dr. Williemnia . Qjristensen and Elizabeth Parsons aftorney, will he among the speakers of the com munity center program.' Friday eve ning,, February. 11, at the ..Edward. Rosewater school. " R. A. Kirk-' patrick Js director of this center. Between 1,200 and : 1,500 girls and women are expected to attend. The program will be givenentirely Ty girls and women. ; ! rv-. . -; : Musical nunib'ers during the, eve ning will include, selections by the Central High School Girls' Glee club under .tne direction lot Airs, c ai. Pitts; a -musjOal- trio composed of Edith "Slay -Miller.1 pianist; Mrs.: D. E. White, violin; Mrs. A. T. Ander son, flutist, and vocal ' number by Frieda 'Phillips.' Miss .Loretta Boroff, juvenile dancer,' will also ap pear ; .,;'.) ' .-. ' i Ciubdorin . Mrs. - Jeff eris a Delegate, i Mrs. A. W.ljcfferis, wife of Con- gressma'n Jcfferis.'has. agreed, to at tend as a Nebraska delegate and serve on the. presentation committee for the national woman s party convention in .Washington, . Feb. 15- Mrs. ikeycr Speaks. . - Mrs. Henrv G. Mever'sobte. be fore the art department of the Oma ha Woman's club Thursday after noon at theX W. C. A. on. "Art of Brussels and Antwerp," in place of Miss Luella Anderson, -who was unable to attend, owing to illness. 7 1 "Buddies' Recommended. Mrs' Samuel Burns, chairman of the bulletin committee for the Oma ha -Drama' league, '.announces through the papers -that the league rccommenfls Buddies, a musical romance which will be given. at- the l Brandeis "theater Friday and Satur 1 j... r .1.:., .1. T7.... :..c tion regarding, the cast could not be-secured earfy enough, to-bulletin by- postcard. .The Dranu league will - bulletir Robert Maiitell w-ho plays at the Brandeis February 14-. 16. . ; Calendar. . Federal Art. Club Friday.-'S -p, m., y. W. C. A. -Friday noon,' luncheon. Junlvf reity ciiib. . TonjttMlnw Chnutnuqila Circle Friday, 7:30 m., gaort house. Ella Connell, leader. . ,- . i. '- Plymouth i Conjrreiratlnnnl Wmnen'e f!o- rlety Friday, 1 o'clock luncheon, church parlors. f 'WetUnley College Club Friday, S p. m., VHh Mrs. Emll Bothachlld, 113 South Flf-ty-flrt avenue. f Round Table Chautauqua Circle Friday. 7-J5 p. tn., i. W. C A. miub Amanda Siantrom. leader - Baliiton M'oniafl'i Club Friday,. 2:8 p. ra. with Mrs. D. Iv;H,nn Mrs. W. p. Edminton. leader. s ., . T , , Ladle of the O. ..VR. Friday vei(ln, Orand ripy oonl. court jouo. Keeular monthly meetSig. , fleonre ' Crook . Woman's Belief Com? Friday. 8 p. m.-with Mrs, Clifford. Fcr rell, 8128 Wirt oet. .. . "yj;. .... : Dander Idleti.AIl Hoeli-tj I'rirtity, T:t o'clock lunrlicoii vNIi Sirs. Ttnl(h Huh U. f.l21Vel.r street,,, - North tildn fnuM'rtaa Womm't Aid Society FrldaA 8:S0 i. nt with Mrs. R. A. MoEachron, Hit Blnney street 1 i llumlee rel tc:iun w'i'm n'rXKr lo elety Friday, t o'clock luncheuu'wlth Mrs. Kslnh Kl'dscll. M?l- "eliter direct. , Oirls Community Serrloa Leaffue Fri day, :JA p. m., D. T. A. club, mothers' and daughters' , banquet,' Miss Folly BynO, presiding. , V , Candle Club Fri.lky. S p. m.. .303 Pat terson block. Seventeenth and . Farnam streets. Dr. Jennie Callfas. speaker. .A motion picture will be thbwn. . . loctare nn AmericanVlIistory-rFrlday, 4 p. m.. Duchesne college and convent of theacred Heart. Thirty-sixth and Burt streets: . The publle ,t Inytted. Omaha Woman's Club, Publle gpeaktnr Department Friday , afternoon. social mectinn at the home of Mrs. J. P. Slater, i'MT foi'th Thi-tv.ihird Ktreet. j Tatea Parent-Teachers' AsaoclaUoBj Fri day, 8 p. school auditorium. Illaa trated lecture. C. N. Aulabaurh, speaker. Motiasyvletura comedy will follow MM Atohmi. Presbyterian Women's Aid Society Friday 1 o'clock luncheon, church parlors. Mesdames P. T. Barber's and Blaine Trusdell's divisions, hostesses.: f W. O. T. V. Kelonl Xonfereiee Friday, a. m.. Flrat Presbyterian church Thirty fourth and Farnam streets. Afternoon ses sion, 1 o'clock; closing session, p. to. Pros 1 .1 1 UOUlldlO II W. A. Sells bs returned from cnicago. . -t. f , Mrs. George Prinz is ill at her home. , ,"'.,r- Mr. and Mrs. William Koller have returned from 311 extensive trip in Texas. . :-y , . -v ' . LMiss Mary 1 Henry - of Council Bluffs left Thursday to 'spend the week-end in Kansas Lity. Mrs.: J. B. Lowry, . who is the guest of Mrs. Yaur Holland, leaves Friday evening for her home. v . Mrs. T. A. Tancock. who is suf- Lfering from a nervous collapse, is confined to. her room at the roiv tenelle. - .- , . ' Mrs: Mary Clai ke o Plattsmijuth, who has: been visitinir at thefrani; T. Walker hon't. returned Tuesday evening, ' to her-!svme:ri j .. )., Lieut., Howard Canan,. who is vis iting his parents,? Mr. and Mrs. C. f" Canan, leaves .Monday for Camp numpnreys, Virginia. ; 1 Mrs. Giiy Cramer . went to Fort Dodge, Ta., Wednesday to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs L. A. Bry ant. She will be, gone, two .weeks. Mr. and Mrs.' William Dinkins deoarted Wednesday night for "their. home in Chicago after 1 a visit with Mrs. .Dinkms lather, Mr., ti. y, Whitmorc. - . "' - Mr. and Mrs! M.1 I. Dolphin left Wednesday evening for Rochester, Minn., where Mrs. Dolphin' will un dergo an operation at Mayo Broth- 1 U.I . -. ;j Miss "Marv. I're returned from Lincoln Thursday . to attend the Rachmaninoff: concert Thursday evening at 'the Brandeis. " Miss Dorothy Lyons . of : Lincoln ac companied her 19 be a guest at the Ure home.' :; -' ' -..'- . - " '. s - " Mrs.- N. y.i Moore, who has been stopping at the Fontenelle, returned to Chicago NV ednesday.:- She, ha. been invited bv" President-elect W, G. Harding to attend the inaugural ceremonies at Washington, Maceh 4. and while in, Washington she will visit her cousin, Mrs. Harnett Tay lor Upton.;,; v . ' ' , ADVERTISEMENT I'Pape's Cold Compound" Brea-ks any Cold" in Few Hours , ' - - -ill i . ' Instant Relief FTJon't stay stuffed up! Quit blowing and snuff hug I A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound taken every two "hours until three doses are taken usually -breaks :UO any cold., - . ; ''v. The vary first dose opens clogged nostrilsndthe air passages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the headache,.iullness, feverishness. rapes Cold Compound".- acta quick, sure, and costs only a few cents' at drug, stores. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist ' upou Pape'al 'ADVERTISEMENT. 4r To, Free Your Amis ' . of Hair )or Fuzz 1. ((Boudoir-' Secrets) No toilet table is complete without a small package : oT delatone for with it hair or fuzz can be quickly banished from the skin. To remove hairs you merely n into a paste J i.t-. f -i t . i . r cnougn .oi inc pow,er aia wrer w cover the objectionable hairs.l This should be left on the sl-in biut 2 minutes, then rubbed' off and' the Nkin washed, .when it, will be f jund Ifree from1 hair or blemish. Be sure' you get genuine jjclatone, - : ..-dwsism, 'tarf.. .i.'.tf.K mm THE BEE: OMAHA. FKIDAY, FEBRUARY 4; Holding a Husband AdeU Garrison's New Phase ot Revelations of a Wife The Question MadgeAsked Herself About Lillian. ; Dicky was distinctly resentful at my, telephone messag that' Lillian; Marion and 1 icant to stay in Mar vin all night, leaving him, sole do minion over Lillian's apartment and old Betty. "Why the sudden change of plan?" he asked crossly. "I thought you were going tobe home by dinner time. t(ice way to treat a. fellow, waiting till this hour to .spring the fjicCyou're not coming home." . , "But BettvMl have vour dinner readyjust the same," I urged.- "Lil lian gave. ntT instructions ' as to dinnier before she left, and she's go ing to telephone her liow, s,o that she'll, know only you will he there." "But j l wasn't coming Vhome to dinner, anyway," Dicky, explained imoatientlv..'. "Holmes. insiststhat I dinevith him at his club tonight.He lias a lot of new stuff he wants to. talk over with me. c . , . "Then what" I -.began and stopped short. J ' No use to irritate Dicky with, the perfectly natural, ;query as to why he should feel aggrieved at my staying away when he himself meant to be absent from - the ' apartment until midnight. I knew these "din ners with art editors" of whom, Mr. Holmes 'is one of old: Whether theyxwere genuine or simply the ex cuse, for some appointment of Dicky's of which he wished to keep me in ignorance, they were always long drawn-out affairs', which invar iably occupied a whole evening. "Then suppose you telephone BettyTto postpone the dinner," I said equably. "She no doubt will be very glad to have a holiday." "You evidently share her pleas ure," -lie retorted disagreeably. My irritation was smothered by my sense of the ridiculous. A vision of the nerve-racking surprise of my despoiled treasures, and the Jatigu ing and disappointing search for a home in which T had spent my aft ernoon, rose betore me; A noiiaay indeedl , , . , Lillian t Listens. " ' Lillian s hand stretched itself over my shoulder toward -, the re? ceiver. . - "When you're through, she whis pered, .il d- like to tell him some- tiring." . I resigned the receiver with alac rity, glad indeed of the chance to terminate my conversation with my husband. I did not wish to tell him of the' marauders of the night be fore, neither did I wish Ho get into any quarrel with him. And. I knew that theJatter was exceedingly likehj to happen if I talked to himMnuch longer. - 'Oh, Dicky-bird T Lillian's voice ws crisp and emphatic. "If , you will save me a long distance call from out here to Betty, as Madge suesrests. I shall be eternally grate ful. .- You see, I'm getting terribly 1 economical, a positive miser.' What s that? Yes, I'll listen." She - listened attentively, then laughed heartily. "Strike one!" she . said. "I ac knowledge the corn Now that you've got it out of wour system, please .remember to telephone Bet ty, THIS ' MINUTE write if- on your enff in red ink, or something like that that none of us are com ing home to dinner, but that we'll be there tomorrow' night. I "hope that includes you, too. All right I Take" care, of yourself. So long!" The Dicky-bird chirps sapiently," The Use of telMTPOSTUM is increasing A superior table drink, easily made,-better for ' health than coffee and at lower cost. ' "There's a Reason ' -Sr POSTUM . - Sold ! ibjr grocers Tim " loaf of bread are many imitatiOTi if avaaaW pnthsmarket Inmt that yea tnls,la''If,soii HiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiimiiij '.". PETERSEN-PEGAU EASING . Alto Makers of 1921. I Visitor S 1 'J -v' v A. r "'-'-aaaaeeJaawl: '" "N ''' Vi-'.-,. 73 Mrs. Donald V. Baxter. A eliafining visitor Is Mrs. Donald W Baxter of Grand Rapids, Mich., who arrived, M Omaha Wednesday morning from her hoihe to spend two weeks with her parents, Judge and Mrs. ; W. . W. Slabaugh. Mrs. Baxter was before her marriage about two years ago, Miss. Grace Slabaugh. A number of the younger matrons" are planning entertainments to be . given in honor of this guest during her short stay. , while each one present made a wish. she sajd, "that as I am always about two cents and five mills be hind the financial- game, he would like to inquire how I'm going to do the miser stunt And he's about right." '.:.... , r , , . ' No Use Opposing Her, Her- lips were -smiling, her face serene, , but I wondered if my. vir sion had Strayed me,' or if I had for a fleeting infeujnt . beheld a shadow in her brave-eyes. y Was it possible that -Lillian had any fear of her" fjwiancial future? i knew that she spent money lavishly, and that she was . generous . to a fault. but I also knew that she earned suras which to nay ' eyes .seemed enormous. But still '.'" I put the thought carefully aside for . future consideration and gave all myr attention to- what she was saying. ' "Here's a comfortable j corner," she decided, drawing me tP owe side nf tm reallv rrmmrHmn anil well appointed , "candy kitchen." "Now td relax for , ten minutes. Here's to my favorite dissipation. an egg phosphate. I do hope that sweet darling with the .droopy, curb ing locks . knows how to make a decent' one." The, youth she; , thus character ,ized regarded us indolently and superciliously, when i tne waitrcs'i.' repeated our order to him. , Lillian had specified cracked ice. '. "I -was two years on B'roadway," he announced to the waitress in a; tone that was evidently for our! benefit . , A "And they probably know: less on - Broadway about makine aooe- tizing soft drinks than on any other street in -the civilized world," Lil lian grumbled under her breath". "I 'feel it ny boucs,' Madge, that I'm going tp be treated to a glass of dish water." , ; But the phosphate was surpris- year J mm cii2ap loaves TIP TOP Braad I - a .3 t '7aj I I Si ., v O POSTUM ; vf . " Yi, ssaas am -v ingly good, According to Lillian's own verdict' $ ', .. ' "I takp it all back," she said, sip ping iriith' all the relish of a gor raandizing child. "The beauteous, creature can do something, besides curl his front hair. No' putting out a quick hand and gathering up the checks wjiich had been laid be side us "those are mine." No use yto oppose' her." I had learned that long ago. It takes thought and skill to circumvent" Lil lian's determination to foot the bills upon all ontings. But as -1 stood by- helplessly and watched her pay not only for the soda counter charges, but for.the'bon I ons we 'took-to -Mrs.' DurKee 'and AJarion, I wondered if there were not the relation of cause and effect between this habit of hers and the shadow I. had surprised" in her eyes but-a few minutes before. " ,. "( (Continued Tomorrow.) . Bee Want ;Ads Bring Results.' ; '.t . "Vi : , " i-ACttUarjlUU JOAXUJSM'e Where Values Reign Supreme! Where (dash Works ; . Wonders! . ' " ... 3amo)i Says: " ; "Givc'em an Old Time Dollar's Worth for Their Dollar! Give Greater Values Than Anyone, and Make Room for Spring Merchandise!" 7 An End o' the Season Sale of Coats and Dresses , , . at astonishingly low and unheard of prices! Our solethought is to sell -with no carry-, overs! And to facilitate the quick liquidation of ourlstocks, we are offering the lowest prices since Old Man High Prices ascended his haughty throne! " - Limited Stocks! An unlimited desire to sell! Early selectors ) v Will Receive Unbelievable Bargains! , , , v" X -: " ' " ' ' '" - . . .' ' . ' ' Two Remarkable Lots of "Dresses at Two Remarkably Low Prices materials of Wool Serge, Wool Tricotine, Satin, Taffeta and Georgette. f Lotl Actual $2fo, Dresses .". . . J Actual $29.60 Dresses. . Actual $35, Dresses. . . . Here are Two Samples of the Unmerciful Reductions We, are Making on Our EntireXine of Popular Price and High Grade JWinter Coats! v v not a coat immune ! We're firmly decided not to carry over a single one of them, and at the prices we are selling them at our flecision will be fuly realized. We advise prospective purchasers immediate selection ! " ; , " . r ; . . 1 - "'v'' ;-. v.-v-'. Silk Plush Coats with large Fur Collars, and well-lined " actual $55.00 values . . ... . . . . Fine Wool Coats A large lot of all sizes : .all the desired colors, and materials. Worth " to $59:50 .:i.J...:..:.:.. V nu soeielv .news earned -miae dec, r womans seelioiv v , i Business Roman's League One ' Year Old ' - .The Omahaf Business and Profes sional Women's league celebrateVl its first birthday at its regular bi monthly dinner Wednesday evening at the Loyal hotel, t A birthday cake ornamented whit one candle was a feature of the occasion. Mr. Charles Gardner, adopted member of the or ganization, blew out the candle After the dinner and attendant uc- nionies and .an interesting talk by R. B. Howell the club, visited the Onwatd-Omahaexhibit'at the Jlur-gess-Nash new-store and the busi ness show at the ;'Orhard-ilhelm store, i '. - ; . i ) ... i .I - i About 331,000 .'Womeji X re em ployed in Indiana 1 industrial estab lishments. k v .' - :i - V m am aaawaa aaaatsaaa. A.k a . -W a . IM . Actual $45 I)ressest. Actual $40.0. f ," f '! Dresses ; i-.V. .-jj. i Actual $55 Dresses. . Silk Plush CHOICE The very finest variety of fabrics, such as Yukon Seal, Baffin ; Seal, etc"., with large fur collars of Opossum and Worth to $95.00."Fine Bo livia Velour and other wanted fabrics hvthe sea son's most popular' styles; they were worth to $85, out they go at ruov every, Sunday ,aevo"t ed io,"u?OTnen-a7d 5Raty ipell wilten. And alVlfte soei&l LTV -' - I rnjrtim!jtfifii miict olwoys ready cvory coohin neoa j "- Coats CHOICE raccoon 4 c 'tlB..,),-,.