TV THE BEE: OMAHA, Kill DA Y, FKKKUAK 4, lyzi. Commerce High Locals Outplay Farmers in All Parts of Game Kline, Rokusck and Shoe maker Play Best Contest for .Winners Norhsted and : Freely Star for Locals. . Commerce High basket shooters Won a slow game from the Nebraska Agricultural High school yesterday afternoon at Creighton gymnasium, by the scoreof.21 to 8. Drummond's hardwood floor performers out played the Aggies in every depart ment of the game from start to finish. iii Fifteen minutes passed before ths jfcather was sent "tailing through the fing. Kline, speedy forward for the pen-pushers, scored the initial field goal of the contest, after his team- (mates had displayed a bit of clever floor play in working the ball down tfhe court. Rokusck followed with a pretty basket, and from then until the finish of the contest the locals held the spotlight. The first half .ended with the score 12 to 0. I With the opening of the final Stanza, the Aggies shook up some pepper and for a few minutes it ap peared as if this condiment would spoil the soup for the Bookkeepers. However. Rokusck uncorked some good dribbling and basket shooting -and soon the Commerce flippers had : increased their total by three field goals. i - The Outstanding stars of the game were Kline, Rokusck and Shoemaker of Commerce, Norhsted and Freely of the Aggies. .-. The Visitors were handicapped by the ineligibility of several players. On the strerg'h of this, Coach , Drummond of Commerce granted Mahoney and Hathoot a vacation. : j The score: - "1 Commtrct. ! G. FT. K(3.rts. 'Hniero, r.f. 1 .", i 5 Kllnn, l.f. A 0 Fiokussk, e. 4 A 3 Hlane (c)i r.r 0 (I 0 0 .Shr.pmaki l.u 1 n 1 ; ,' Krchg. l.g A A 1 n Jvrnsno, l.f 0 , Total mate Attie. . L Ci. Frinrf, r.f. Norhsted, l.f. I ;J4'iely, c. i 1 Brown, r.g 0 Htr, I iO Vudy, l.f. 0 FT. 0 0 A 0 , A . A 1 2 1 1 2 A 0 1 0 a 0 Totalu . Keferee: 4 l.utet, Creighton. Douglas County Legion j Jeam Will Play First H Game Here Feb. 26 ;:; The local American Legion bas i ; Wt ball team will play its first game of the season at the Y, M. C. A. gymnasium, Saturday evening. Feb ruary 26, when it clashes with the American Legion team of Gothen burg. Neb. . t The, Gothenburg team is the cham ,!pioti of western -Nebraska and' is composed of seven of the fastest : players in that part of the state. C. Carl Wcigel lias been appointed cap tain of the local, team and is fast ;; rounding the team into shape for the iconung game. Pitcher Baumgartner Joins Philadelphia $ Pitcher J. Stanwood Baumgartner 'i lias rejoined the Philadelphia Na tional league team and will go south fj'on the training trip. He was cx : pected to join the Omaha club next ' month, but canceled his journey into he Western league when approach , ed by the Philadelphia chiefs. Baumgartner , became a member of the Philadelphia National team .in 1915 and left it in 1917 to play semi professional and industrial ball. He is a former University qf Chicago player and refuses to don on Sun day. t - Al Roberts Awarded Decision Over Roper New York, Feb. '3.-A1 Roberts of New York received the referee's decision over Captain Bob Roper of Chicago after a 12-round bout here Wednesday. Roberts weighed 184 pounds and Roper 187. The west erner relied mainly dn a hard .right, but Roberts easily avoided it and put-boxed- his opponent. ' , ' Roper's blows appeared to be more damaging, but when a number oi spectators showed their disapproval of the decision, he lifted up his arms to quiet them as an indication that he was satisfied with it. Johns Hopkins Lacrosse Team to Invade Europe Baltimore. Md., Feb. 3. The Johns Hopkins lacrosse team is planning an European invasion. Within a few days, it is announced, it manager will send letters to Ox ford and Cambridge universities of England and other big colleges abroad asking for dates between their representative teams and the American squad. Base Ball Call Sounded ' At Iowa State Camp Ames, la., Feb. 3. (Special Tele gram.) Coach Maury Kent has is sued his first call for the Iowa state base ball squad, including battery candidates, fielders and basemen, to report for indoor practice. Five vet erans of last year s runner-up team iu the valley conference will re port irnediately. Some good prep material is also in line. . Charley White Suspended By Wisconsin Commission Milwaukee, Wis.. Feb. '3. Charley Whit?, who was, chased out of the . rins in Kenosha recently for putting up an unsatisfactory bout, was sus pended for six months by the state athletic commission Wednesday. White did not appear before the , commission, but "was represented by Tolm 11. Lylc, a Chicago lawyer. VV' ' ' ' vt vjsuy iM 4. GUS'T Three Games On Tap Tonight For Local Fans Des Moines Meets Creighton Central Plays Lincoln And South Tackles Columbus. liamrs Today. Columbu South High at South oSnaha Inl. agaiiikt Trinity at Sioux C'umi Molnri Ini. ajalntit Creifliton at Crelirhton. . . . Lincoln asainnt Umaha Central at Omaha, 11:30 p. m. Ioanr airalnHt Haatlnx at Hasting. ntnr alr;t krarnry at Krarnry. Mlnitourl or.;nt Uanhlngton at St. tali. , , Oklahoma aeainst (irlnndl at Orinnell. Missouri Vallr.T 6tandlnc. W. I.. Tet. 1.00 1.000 .soo .750 .3M .88.1 ,'JM .000 .000 MilMOBrl Kchranka Kanaas Argln KanMa Amn Waahlna-ton Oklahoma .... 0 1 5 4 4 ft 4 ..:... a I Irake Urlnnell 0 Three basket ball contests arc scheduled for Omaha today, when South High, Central and Creighton university quintets play ' in their scheduled games with out-of-town teams. . The Creighton-Des Moines uni versity game promises to be the best affair of the three contests. Coach Harry Bell and his squad of players will arrive in Omaha this morning and will remain in the city for a two game scries with the blue and white athletes. Because of the dance that will be held on the Creighton floor follow ing the game, athletic officials have decided to start the university battle at 7:30 o'clock, an hour earlier than usual. Central Plays Lincoln. The Omaha Ccntral-Lbcoln High game will be played this afternoon at the Y. M. C A. Coach Mulligan's hoopsters have been playing fairly good ball this season and arc ex pected to trim th Lincoln cagers. Columbus , will invade Omaha to night for a game with Coach Pat ton's South High basketeefs. Satur day' night Columbus and Benson High play at the Deaf Institute gymnasium. Omaha university and Trinity col lege , meet at Sioux City. The Towans defeated Coach Adams' Maroons by a one-point margin here early in . the season and the locals are after, revenge, and if they play true to form, should wallop the Trinity quintet. Doauc and Hastings clash on the lattcr's court, while Cotner and Kearney mix at Kearney in the only two Nebraska conference gam?s scheduled tonight. Cornhnskers Idle. Missouri aid Washington play at St. Louis in the first of a two-game series. The TJgrs are tied with Nebraska for the load in the confer: ence standings, while the Pikers arc in sixth place. Oklahoma Sooners won their first valley game last night in Des Moines when they trimmed the Drake Bull dogs, 35 to .32. in a hard-fought contest. Tonight Benny Owens' cagers open a two-game series with the Grinncll college quintet at Grin nell. The Maltese Cros hoopsters are at the bottom of the standings and the game between these two squads should be an interesting one. Kansas and Kansas Aggies meet in their annual cage game tonight. Drake, Nebraska and Ames are idle today and Saturday. J Pat Flaherty, Pitcher, to Play With Frisco This Year Son Francisco. Feb. 3. Pat Fla herty, right-handed pitcher, will re port for spring practice with San Francisco, it was anounced today. Flaherty was with the Boston Amer icans two years. He bought his own release from an Akron, O., club at the close of his engagement last year. Reorganize Gun Club At West Point, Neb. West Point. Neb.. Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) The West Point Gun club has been reorganized and is holding meetings at Neligh park every Sun day. Col. 'J. C Shipps has been ap pointed official scorekeeper. The high men at the last shoot were: K. T. Kleeman, 21; Karl Kerl, 20: A. lleinian. 19: T. Collins. 19: and 'vA- Hacffclin, 18. Basket Des Moines Tigers Who Play Flashes! From The World of Sports Sooners Beat Drake. Des Moines. Feb. 3. University o; Oklahoma defeated Drake. 35 to 32, in a Missouri Valley conference basket ball game here Wednesday r.'ght. ' Troeh High Gun. Houston, Feb. 3. Frank Troch of Vancouver. Wash., was high gun man here Wednesday at the first reg ular day shoot of the Sunny South handicap, with a score of 199 out of a possible 200. Coast League Team Signs Ross. Sacramento. Cal., Feb. 3. Sidney Ross, a left-handed pitcher of the San Antonio club of the Texas league, has been purchased by the Sacramento Coast league club, it was announced Wednesday. To Determine Landis' Standing. Washington, Feb. 3. Congres sional investigation to determine whether Judge Landis is permitted under law to continue as federal judge of the northern Illinois district while acting as "arbitrator of organ ized base ball" at an annual salary of $42,500 is proposed in a resolution introduced Wednesday by Represen-, taive Welty. democrat, Ohio. Leonard to ,Box Welling. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 3. Benny Leonard, lightweight champion, and Joe Welling of Chicago, will fight an eight-round no-decision bout here February 24, it was announced Wed nesday afternoon. French Runner Sails for U. . Cherbourg. Feb. 3. Marcel Guille- L mot, noted rrench runner, winner ot the 5,000 meter event in last sum mer's Olympic games at Antwerp, sailed Wednesday for New York. He will compete in a special.3,000 meter race, at the Guaranty club's indoor athletic meet in New York, Fbruary 19. "Strangler" Lewis and John Pesek Matched For Finish Tussle Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 3. Ed; (Strangler) Lewis, champion wrcs-' tier, was matched Wednesday to meet John Pesek of Ravenna. Neb., here iii a two out of three falls match February 17, William Scoville, local promoter, announced Wednesday. Lewis refused to meet Pesek if thfc headlock was barred, Scoville said, and Pesek declared Lewis' famous hold held no fears for him. Pete Wendell Named On Cage Committee Pete Wendell, swimming director of the Omaha Athletic culb, has been appointed on the basket ball cham pionship committee o.f the Western association v championship tourna ments to be held under the direction of the Western Association of the Amateur Athletic LTnion. The personnel of the committee on which Wendell will serve is as follows: jred Ward, Thomas Watts, George Murphv, Patrick Fitzgerald, G P. Wendell, Theodore Maener and Verne R. C. Lacy, ex-ofhcio member. Dmpsey Satisfied Los Angeles, Feb. 3. JackDemp scy, champion heavyweight pugilist, said late Wednesday that plans an nounced in New York by Tex Rick ard for a match nest Labor day be tween Jess Willard and the winner of the Dempsey-Carpenticr fight v ere "agreeable" to him. TCKN$M OMAHA PALLCllP NICKNAME. : CONTESTANTS NAME j. ADDRESS CONTEST CLOSES MARCH 1 Ball Quintet Trounces State Aggies, 21-8 NEXT GN& OVER" WtTHP06grPAtn THE Smithsonian Institute will toss one of Paine's ringtailed spasms at the moon" just as soon as the weather gets balmy enough to permit an astronomer to think without getting palpitation of the encyclopedia. Professor GockI:rd will aim the rocket, so that moans the professor is safe. The dis'zy birds have been pegging away at that moon target for years and nobody ain't wearing any medals. yet. The professor is anxious, to win the Croix de Luna. Natufally when a guy looks at the moon too long he gets that way himself. If the skyrocket spears the moon's high rent districts the professor, will go to work on the sun with a bow and arrow. Innocent pastimes of second childhood. Strange hcr-v the proiessor has gone this long without having ' a guardian appointed.. The moon is 20,000,000 miles away in normal times and not much closer during a democratic administration. The rocket will carry 25 miles. Looks like the SmUhsonia'n Intitute is all set to claim a mcral.- victory. The cruising' radius of that moon beam chaser will save international uiicago ice river Noses Jewtraw Out Of Lead in Tourney Saranac Lake, N. Y Feb. 2. Roy McWhorter of Chicaeo, and Charles JeVtraw of Lake Placid Wednesday were tied with 80 points each after the second day of the international skating tourney. Charles German' of St. John. N. B., was close behind with 60 points. The championship matches will end tomorrow. By winning the half mile and win ning "third in the two mile today McWhorter was able to gain a good grip on the national title. Joe Moore, .the . New York City ice speedster, gave the most sensa tional performance of the day, win ning the two-mile event in 5:54 or 14 seconds slower than the world's record. Omaha University Beats Legion Five Manila, Ta., Feb. 3. (Special Tel egram.) The Omaha university basket ball team of Omaha, Ncb defeated the local American Legion ouintet here Wednesday night in a fast game by the score, of 45 to 10. The score at the end of the first half was 2-1 to 4. "Mo" Pressly, Maroon center, was the outstanding star of the game, caging ten field goals, thereby' scor- 1IJK kjl 1113 iidiu -ti laiuia. Pacific League Officials ' To Hold' Meeting Saturday Tacoma, Wash,, Feb. 3. Pacific International Base Ball league direc tors, will meet in Vivtoria on Satur day, President Louis 11. Burnett an nounced today. A two-day session has been called and Burnett an nounces the meeting as the most im portant of the year. Creighton Tonight complications, but it won't hurt you if you put your hens in the cellar that night. Whatever goes up must come down with the usual excep tion of Stutz stock. Wall street lease write. The professor doesn't state-wheth-er he will ridt that Matteawan" pro jectile baritone style or side saddle. He has a rumble seat built on the dashboard, but he can send out 50,0.00 engraved invitations and still be the loneliest man in the world. The whizzitor io the moon only intends to stay long enough to make some scientific investigation. That's one place' you can't get back from on a writ of habeas corpus. If he starts to volplane back on a moon beam it will take him 160 rears, which means that he will probably get home again before we miss him. Everything seems to be set for the stampede to the moon. The pro fessor is practising falling off the chickenhouse roof. But the Smith sonian Institute shouldn't hog all the preferred stock It's one of ihose things that shouldn't be in private hands.l IU plans and specifications qualify it for government ownership. License Fees of Two Chicago Ball Clubs Increased 1 00 Per Cent Chicago, 111., Feb. 3. The license fees of the two major league base ball clubs here Wednesday were in creased 100 per cent by the city council' revenue committee. As a re sult the Chicago Americans will pav a tax of $4,000, while the National league club will be assessed $3,000 for the season of 1921. The council revenue committee last week proposed a tax of 5 per cent of the receipts of all games, in place of the regular fee. The offer to pay the 100 per cent increase in preference to the 5 per cent proposition of the committee was made by Alfred Austrian, attor ney for the clu'-s. Pole Vaulter Selected To Captain Wash. College Pullman. Wash.. Feb. 3- Eldon Jenne of Mount Vernon, Wash., holder of the Pacific coast confer ence record in the pole vault and star punter of the foot ball team, has been selected to captain the 1921 Washington state college track ath letes, it was announced today. Over man Howell, last year's track cap tain, is not at school this year. HIGHSCKL BASKETBALL Aurora. 19; Broken Bow, 11.' Aurora, - Neb.. Feb. 3. (Special.) Th local high school basket ball team defeated the Broken Bo-.v quintet here by thq acore ot li lo 11. In a. hard-fought, but clean frame of basket ball. Captain De Maranvllle was the star of the locals' P'ay. , Reatrli'p. Nriiuraska dir. ?. : Nebraska ritr. Neb.. Feb. . (Special.) Bi atrlce high defeated the local high school basket ball quintet hera by the score of of 25 to 22, in one ot the faatest games played here thua far this season, The game was In doubt until the last few seconds of plav. Hobcra; ot th losers was the star of the contest, making 1$ of his team's it points. ' Geneva to Play Lincoln High. Geneva. .Neb., Feb. 8. (Special.) The local high school basket ball team wtl! meet the Lincoln high school quintet here In a game Saturday night. The locals have won eight out of nine gamea played, losing to Deshler eollege team. Genera Is one of the smaller schools of the state that has always been given a Class "A" rating at the state tournament, winning the state , chemplonahlp in 11. The remainder of the local's schedule. Is as follows: February 6 Lincoln at Geneva. February 11 Crete at Geneva. February 18 Geneva at Nebraska r!lty. February 19 Geneva at Flattsmouth. February 84 Superior at Geneva, March 3 Havelock at Havelock. .March 4 Crete at Crete. Semi-Pro and Amatuer tienoa Legion n'lns. Genoa. Neb., fob. 3. (Special.) Th' I Ccnoa l.cglon banket ball team won Hi first game of the sesson by oVfeatln j the Fullrrton Legion team, II lo 2:', Man Ayers Wife Took Land While He Was "Insane" Files Complaint in Federal Court Against Her and At torneys to Regain Title and Money. Complaint was filed in federal court yesterday by Edward Davis Roberts 5 to regain a land title and several thousand - dollars from his wife, Mrs. Frances Irene Roberts of Paxton, Neb., and Attorneys Ben S. Baker, Harry Haythorne and Ernest Hodder of Omaha, and Attorneys William D. Reese and J, Hysham of Red Oak, la. ' The complaint was filed through James E. Rait, attorney and legal guardian for Mr. Roberts. The complainant formerly was a wealthy ranchman. Lays Claim. Roberts alleges that through sev eral litigations in court for the sale of his land in Keith-county, Nebras ka, four years ago. he lost the deed. He charges his wife, and the attor neys named. ; with holding illegal claim on the. title after he was ad judged insane by the Douglas county board of tonrmissioners of insanity. The attorneys laid claim on the land title and money naid into court by Mr. Roberts, he alleges, when he took the case from them. Petition Denied. Roberts' wife filed a petition of in tervention in federal court not long ago to prevent him from holding the and alone. The petition was denied. The complainant prays the court to have the land title returned to him, together with the amount of money involved, which exceeds $3,000, the complaint reads. Mr. Roberts has established tem porary residence in Omaha. During the past three years he has been living in California. Wymore Community Club Praises State Road Work Wymore, Neb.. Feb. 3. CSocciaD The Wymore Community club lias passed resolutions urging that the present Nebraska highway depart ment be retained in office. State En gineer George E. Johnson is com mended for the work he has ac complished, the resolution states that plans are under way in some communities to discredit the work of the department. Columbus Mass Meeting Opposes Sunday Dances Columbus, Neb., Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) A mass meeting was held here urging the city council to pass an ordinance to control the lowered standard of morality that seems to prevail at the public dances. An age limit of 18 years for young peo ti,e unchaperoned was suggested; It was recommended that Sunday night dances be abolished. Genoa American Legion Closes Membership Drive Genoa, Neb.. Febj 3. (Special.) The Edward H. Larsofi post Amer ican Legion has closed a member ship drive, which netted 65 new members. The post now has an enrollment of 115. Two teams par ticipated iu the drive and the losers, assisted by the Mite society of the Congregational church served a din ner to the winning team. CLOSING OUT ALL WINTER CLOTHING 35.00 Overcoats 15.0() 35.00 Suits 15.00 6.00 Trousers 2.95 8.50 Trousers 4.48 6.00 Shoes ..2.95 2.00 House Slippers $1 1.25 Rubbers...... 39tf J. HE LP II A ID CLOTHING CO. 314 N. 16th St. Foreign M o t h e r In U. S. Isolated, W.C.T.U. Meet Told She Is Left at Home, Shut Off From Life of Country, aud Should Be Taught English, Says Speaker. Ways of helping the little foreign mother, who spends her life in for eign communities of this country raisin? large families under adverse conditions and unable to obtain evenj tue sugiitcst grar.p ot tnc jingnsn language oc the ideals of her adopted country, were discussed by Mrs. Culla J. Vayhinger, director of the National Woman's Christian Temperance union, at the morning session of its north-central regional conference in the First, Presbyterian church. . "Fundamentally the union's Amer icanization work is for women," said . Mrs. Vayhinger, who is from Chicago. "Wc hnd that the foreign mother in the home is most neg lected. She Is Shut Off. "There is no way to compare the woman of southern Europe with the American woman. The average husband who immigrates to this country believes that as head of the family it is his right to carry on all the negotiations for the family. "He learns enough English to get along, but when it comes to his wife learning the language and ways of the country he often objects.1 It is her business to stay at home and raise children, he thinks. "Thus shut off the little foreign mother often sees her children drift ing away from her. They begin to speak in a language she cannot un derstand. Public and night schools do much to remedy the situation. But when the mother enrolls in night schools she finds herself in the midst of younger people whose minds are more active. They laugh at her slowness and the inability of her poor hands, cramped by toil, to write. . Drops Out. "And in a short time she drops out without even learning to write her own name jn many cases: It is up to the Woman's Christian Tem perance union to go into the homes where such cases are to be found and help the little mother to learn the English language." Presidents of trie union in four "states were present at the informal luncheon for delegates at the church this noon and each made a short talk. The presidents are Miss Eliz abeth P. Anderson, of North Da kota; Mrs. Lela G. Dyar, of Ne braska; Mrs. Flora Mitchell, of South Dakota; and Mrs. Ida B. Y. Smith, of Iowa. i. Brief addresses were given at the morning session by , Mrs. Matilda E. Patterson, the Rev. Lida Herrick and several other members' of the national executive committee.. Mrs. Elizabeth Owens . Middleton, na tional director of the department of scientific temperance instruction,' also spoke. " , Oshkosh in Throes Of Telephone War : ; --'m . Oshkosh, Neb, Feb. 3. (Special.)' ,-t-A telephone wat is on here be tween 10 of the farmer-owned party lines and the Platte Valley Tele phone company,. growing out of 'mis understandings of rates and timfi of payments. The 10 lines that have joined forces under a mutual ar rangement have all been disconnect ed and are now without telephone service and the business trien threat en to become a factor in the fight on account of the value of their ohones being considerably lessoned by the lines being out of service. A movement is under way to put in a mutual exchange and the fann ers have declared themselves beyond the reach of a compromise with the company. This exchange was but recently remodeled, several thou sand feet of cable was put in and a common batterv service installed, this being one of the two systems of this kind in this valley. The Pub lic Service club will endeavor to; get the two warring factions together, , Fremont Legion Schedules Ladies' Sjinphony Orchestra Fremont. Neb.. "Feb. 3. (Special.) The American Legion and the women's auxiliary have scheduled the. Ladies' Symphonv Orchestra for two performances Tuesday The orchestra consists of 27 women and it assisted by soloists and a famous dancer. 1 WATERTOWN A properly balance Style' ' for Winter Lion Qoiiars United Shirt &GlIarCo,Troy,N.Y wffio Jlakcn of Urn Shah Missouri Valley Life Undenvritcrb To Meet iii Omaha One-Day Sales Congress to Be Held February 15 Many Speeches on Insurance Scheduled. The one-day sale congress of the Missouri Valley , Life Under writers will be held ill Omaha 'Feb ruary 15. Headquarters will be in the Masonic temple. Edward J. 'Phelps, president o! the Omaha Life Underwriters' a sociation, will preside. The, session will open at 9:30 in the morning with the singing of "America." The Rev. O. D. Baltzly will offer the invocation and Mayor Smith will make a speech of welcome, to which T. W. Blackburn,' secretary and counsellor of the American Life convention, will respond. Orville Thorp of Dallas, Tex., will discuss association plans, and Bar ney Pearson, also of Dallas, will tell of "The Selling Process." Charles W. Scovel of Pittsburgh, Pa., will discuss business insurance. At noon the delegates will be given a complimentary luncheon by the Omaha Life Underwriters' as sociation and the session will be re sumed at 1:45 'p. m. Mr. Thorp will speak again on "Insurance to Cover Inheritance Taxes," and W. B. Young, chief . of the bureau of insurance at Lincoln, will talk of "Needed Legislation." Burton IT. Saxton of Sioux City will make a speech on "More In surance to Old Policy Holders." and J. W. F. Moorr, president of the South Dakota Life Underwriters' as sociation, will talk on "Why Life In surance." - Orville A. Andrews of Lincoln will tell of "Compiling a Prospect List," and Mr. Scovel, "Income Insur ance." Judge Neville Will Be Buried Here Body to Be Brought From San Diego, Where Jurist Died Wednesday The body of Judge James Neville, 83, who dide Wednesday of apoplexy in San Diego, Cal, where he had gone to spend the winter, will be brought back to Omaha for burial. Judge Neville is survived bv three sons, Elmer N. Neville, 3723 Jones street, with whom he made -. his home in Omaha, and George and Eugene Neville of St. Louis. Judge Neville vas: a brother of the late Congressman William Neville and an uncle of former Governor Keith Neville of North Platte. - He was Law Library association. ' J 111'., graduated from the Mich igan law school and came to Oma ha in 1867. President Grant named him United States district attornev May 20, 1871, which post he held eight years. He served with . the Illinois infantry during the civil war. Shortly after completing his fed eral service, he was named to fill the -unexpired term of Judge James W. Savage, first district judge of Douglas county, serving Douglas, Sarpy, Washington and Burt coun ties. He served here eight years de clining re-election and returning to legal practice. Fremont Merchants to Give 1 ) Free Course in Salesmanship Fremont, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special.) Fremont merchants have arranged with Prof. Paul Ivey of the Uni versity of Nebraska to teach 100 sales people of this city the prin ciple of salesmanship.' Under the auspices of the Retailers' association and the Y. M. C. A: the idea was accepted by the local merchants. The course is to be given free of charge to a limited number of ex-service men. ' " FirvLoss in Columbus in 1920 Was Nearly $75,000 Cbfuwbus. Neb., Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) The chief of the fire depart ment 111 his annual report estimates nearly $75,000 worth of property" was destroyed by fire in Columbus in the past year. The main reason for such a large destruction was in adequate water pressure, he says. ) X 1 f y I V-..- -v ft.-..- - f- i r.