I iiE BEE:, OMAHA, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1921. I in : i - i Scales Supplant Adding Machines In Counting Cash First Check of Money in j, Treasury in 12 Years Com I pleted After Three Weeks I of Strenuous Work. Wuhingtqn, Feb. 3. A complete count of the government's cash has just been niacte for the first time in 12 years. The total approximated I $13,500,000,000 and included all cash and securities held as reserves against curreucv outstanding, f The count was made by a special committee of three assisted by eight accountants, and by IS laborers, who were used to move around the heatx sacks of gold and silver. The men dflved into great vaults in the treas ury building and took stock of gold, silver and paper money and securi- ' tics, many of which had not seen ; the light of day since shortly after William Howard Taft was in " augurated president -and a new treasurer of the United States ap- pointed in 1909. k? . Guards Even Active. ' The accountants in entering the ' vaults passed grim visaged guards who day and night "sit on the lid" ,' to prevent any possible attempts at I an unauthorized raid on the treas- ury. The vaults themselves are sup- posed to be burglar proof and are of massive concrete and steel construc tion. The storage sections are kept under seal and this was the first tune that some of them had been opened in 12 years for when John Burke became tteasurer after Presi dent Wilson was first inaugurated ne accepted the count of casn n Ihe storage sections which had no been opened since the previous count in 1909. The accountants handled "money of every possible denomination from the lowly copper to $iu.uw Dins. Many of the bills, particularly those of the large denominations, such as $1,000, were in sheets of four each and held as reserve against currency of smaller denominations in circuia lion. Thousand dollar bills in cir culation are few and each bank in the country is kept supplied by the treasury with a list of them with their numbers "so that if perchance any are extracted from the treasury illegally the holder will ha.ve ex- trenie auncuiiy m realizing un mew. Electric Machines Used. The count just .finished- was made necessary by tnc retirement or jonn Burke as treasurer and was com pleted in the remarkably short time of three weeks through the use of electric counting machines. Loose coins passed through these ma chines instead of being counted by hind as was necessary in the olden days. Paper currency was counted by the piece, but stored coins and currency were counted by the sack or package in cases where the wrappings were unbroken and the seal on each intact. Gold coin, stored in the vaults were counted by weight. The gold is kept in sacks, sealed with the treasurer's was seal and containing $5,000 each, weighing about -18 pounds and seven ounces. First one sack was weighed and then the others were examined. If both the seal and covering were found intact they were weighed against the first, or test sack, and if the result was the same were passed and counted. However, if a seal was broken or the sack torn or there was ap preciable difference in weight the contents were counted by the piece. Standard silver dollars were counted in the same way as the gold coin. General Board of Navy Reports on U. S. Program Major Ship Remains Basis of Power Says Planes and Subs Still Un developed. Washington, Feb. 3. The major ship remains the basis of sa power and those who argue that the air plane and the submarine have sap planted it are asking the country to "accept hopes for accomplishments," the navy general board says in a report to Secretary Daniels, made public today. "The general board, having kept in touch with naval progress alonir all lines," says the report, "reiterates its belief in the battleships as form ing the principal units of the fleet. Without them the United States can not hope to cope with existing navies. Urging that ' equality in power be the continuing naval policy of the United States, the board says there is "no thought of instituting inter national competitive building," and that "no other ration can in reason take exception to such a position." Is Not a Challenge. "It cannot justly -be construed as challenge." the report continues. "A policy of equal or substantially equal armaments may well tend to diminish their growth and to lessen the danger of ,sudden war." The report, signed by Rear Ad miral Charles J.ABadger, president, wa's approved by Secretary Daniels and was transmitted by him to the senate naval committee for its in formation in considering -pending disarmament and "naval holiday" resolutions. Asserting that the guiding policy that had shaped the general board's construction recommendations since 1903 was that of eventually creating a navy equal to the strongest in the world, the board urges "no rest perl do or limitation of armaments be agreed to by the United States that would modify the great naval build ing program of 1916, now under con struction, "in numbers, general types or dates of completion." Rest on Preparedness. "in future, as at all times previ-. ous to the world war, we shall, m all probability, have to rely solely upon our own state of preparedness, was a note of warning the document sounded. Cessation of naval building by Great Britain is attributed by the general board to the great prepon derance in its navy of all types of ships and to the pfesent economic situation in that empire. Bureau Secretary Opens Campaign in Butler County David City, Neb., , Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) H. D. Lute,- secretary of the Nebraska farm bureau, was the principal epeaker at the opening meeting of the campaign for new members in Butler county. He cm phasized the need of farmers or ganizing to see that their crops are marketed to the best advantage. A. J. DeWald, who has charge of.the organization work in the county, re ported over 100 members. ( Sleeping Sickness Is on The Increase in England London, Feb. 3. Reports of new cases of sleeping sickness have been made by physicians in this city and throughout the country, quite an alarming spread of the disease being shown. There are now more than 100 cases in London and 321 in Eng land and Wales. - . Meeting to Study Disarmament Is Given Approval nouse favorably Acts on Resolution Giving Presi dent Right to Call Conference. Washington, Feb. 3. A resolution authorizing the president to invite the nations of the world to send delegates to a conference "to pro vide for disarmament" was reported tavorably today by the house foreign affairs committee. The measure was sponsored by Representative Brooks, republican. Illinois. Under the reaolution the proposed conierence would be held in wash ington, but the calling of it would be Jen to the discretion of the presi dent. this is the tirst definite action taken by any congressional commit tee looking to conference for gen etal disarmament. The senate for eign relations committee . has re. ported out a resolution by Senator Borah, republican, Idaho, proposing negotiations pet ween tue united States, Great Britain , and Japan, looking to a reduction of naval building in the future. , Man Stabbed to Death as He Resists Robbers1 Attack Salt Lake City, Feb. 3.Alexander Holmes, bricklayer, 60 years old, was stabbed to death at his home here today when he resisted robbers who called upon him to deliver his money to them. Following the af fray, Holmes staggered to a neigh- Dor s nouse and turnisned a descrip tion of his assailants. He died 15 minutes after the attack. and die blend can't be copied! You know what you've always wanted a cigarette to do. Chesterfields r do it They not only please your taste (other cigarettes do that) hut they do more. They gjve to your smoking an enjoyment . so complete so full so entirely different that there's only one way to describe it mk-tigkt packages. Also obtmmmU m tmmd tin of 50, rmamm-il4 ' Two Building and Loan Associations Seek Charters in Nebraska Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 3. (Special.) Two applications have been filed with the state department of trade a,nd commerce for permits to organize- building and loan associa tions. One of the companies is to be in Omaha. The applicants fol low: Home Building and Savings as sociation, McCook. Incorporators: J. N. Gaarde, D. W. Colson, F. M. Hegenberger, Dale S. Bovles, Lester J Korf. L. A. Kiplinger, F. M. Khn mell, M. O. McCIure and George Campbell, all of McCook, Mutual Savings and Loan associa tion, Omaha. Incorporators: E. H. Hoel. H. M. Eaton, J. T. Pickard, N. H. Tyson. H. S. Daniel. W. A. Gordon, G. A. t)enham, Carl John son, V. C. Slabaugh, Jf. J.. Dodds. D. J. Johnston, and Sanfor R. Gif- -ford. Officers: J. J. Dodds, presi dent; G. A. Denliam, vice president; II. M. Eaton, secretary; J. T. Pick ard, treasurer. Youngest Congressman Is Made Assistant House Whip Washington, Feb. 3. Selcctioy of Representative McLeod, Mich- Vy igan, who is 25 years om ana scrv- i ing his, first term as assistant re- r publican whip of the house, was an uounced last night. , v . ... Quality First Price Second (Don't Reverse the Order) Thompson-Belden's have only one stan- dard of quality. The best at each price. Our present lower level of prices ,is based upon replacement costs. ! No attempt m be made' to confuse you by any reference to last year's prices which have ceased to exist. " - . ' . N Everything is marked ai exactly what iris or today--not what it might have been six or eight. months ago. You can depend upon qualities and prices here at Thompson -Belden's Saturday Our Annual Sale of Remnants This clearance has be come an event of im portance. The silks and woolens are all Thomp son -Belden qualities from our season's stock, no materials bought for sale purposes will be found in the sale. Lengths for d r e s s e s,. blouses, suits and coats a .window full is be ing shown Friday to give you an idea of the extent of the sale. White Goods at New Prices Burton's White Irish Poplin, 65c And $1 The best poplin made; will not: turn yellow, after washing. Jiostf suitable for , uniforms, ehildren's dresses and rompers. 27 inch 'width, 65e a yard; 36-inch width, $1. White Piques 75c to $1.50 Fine cord pique. Splen did for trimming pur poses. 27-inch width, 75c to $1.50 a yard. 36-inch width, $1 to $1.50 a yard. Linens Main Floor " v - IP 1: A Diversity of Styles In Spring Tailleurs The shorter box coat f or the jewe filk. A finger, tip length for the more mature woman. A nar row string belt defining a loose waistline. A slight godet flare in a few rare instances. The selection you see is in no way limited. Becom ingijess and individual preferences were our first considerations in selecting this season's suits." - . ' o : ; . ' Apparel Sectiont. Third Floor Bacmo Leather Gloves Repriced A fine, pliable, washable leather of a heavy, long wearing quality. Single clasp, $3.98 and $2.50 a pair. , Gauntlets, $7.25, $6 and $6.49. Aak to see them. Main Floor V Further Reductions on Neckwear 1 Net and organdy vests. If Collars of pique, lace, organdy and mull. Collar and"cuff sets of pique and organdy. A Sale Friday. North Aisle Maia Floor Gowns from $1.49 to $3.98 Cambric, nainsook or cot ton crepe, white and flesh in high neck and long sleeved or low neck, sleeveless styles. Petticoats for $2.69 White petticoats with lace flounces made with an underlay. Stcond Floor A Selling of Corsets and , Brassieres The selection offered Saturday includes sizes for the average woman. Corsets of coutille, batistes, b r o c ades and a few satins. Brassieres of mesh, satin, light weight brocade and lace. All from the best 1 manufacturers. Sale of Silk Underwear Silk and Wool Union Suits $4.98 a Suit Fine silk "and wool suits, low neck, elbow sleeves anoT ankle length. Ster ling made garments, spe cially priced, $4.98 a suit: Jersey Silk Bloomers, $4.98 a pair Flesh-colored glove silk bloomers. Splendid qual ity. " Second Floor' Remnant Sale of Wash Goods Lengths suitable for blouses, dresses, chil dren's wear and negli gees. Cotton suitings,' foulards, crepes, ging hams, percales, mulls and natural linens. Priced less than half. Second Floor i '1 i Second Floor . v protect ' it- is used. (Copyright, A ( A " ,'.V .f vV 'r)V!'"-4 -VV'-T?- ... !."-?