Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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    . ',' ' " THE T.EE: OMAHA. THURSDAY: .FERRTTATIY Jl " 1oS1 '
If- mr I If Vw4ir l.nfn Will ''" -n -.i.t .,,..,. 't
If - - " . . , S1
'III . ' . ' , III
W. C. T. U. Drive
For Meriibcri Is
described Here
Kegional Conference Address
i By National Officer and
Talk on Child Welfare
' In Nebraska.
The national drive for a million
numbers of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union was described by
Mrs. Frances P. Parks, Evanston,
J II., national Torref ponding secretary
' and superintendent of the orgatuza
tion . department, during the after'
noon session of the regional con
ference of the W. C T. U. at the
First Presbyterian church yesterday.
The orgaitkation has recently
finished successfully a drive for
$1,000,000 and in March an intensi
fied drive for new members will be
made. V , ' .
; Explain Code Plans.
Mrs. IT. W. Wheeler, Lincoln,
spoke on , the "Child Code Com
mission," of which she is a mem
ber, and Dr.' Blanche Norton spoke
on relief work in the near east.
Last night addresses were made
by Mrs. Elizabeth A. Perkins, na
tional director of thev Department of
Child Welfare; U'a B. Wise hmitli,
president of the Iowa W. C. JL P-
and Mrs. Ciilla Vayhi.igcr,. naffnial
director of the department of Amer
icaimation. .
v The session will open this morning
at the church lat 9:15, .Mrs. Eliza
beth Anderson presiding. During
-the morning program Mrs. ty E.
Patterson - and the Rev. Lida M.
Herrick, head of the state organiza
tion work, will speak on organiza
tion and child welfare. , ,
t . . Talks on Americanization.
.Mrs. Culla Vayhtnger, dector of
Americanization work, will speak on
"Who is My Neighbor." -Airs.
Elizabeth O. Middleton, director bf
national scientific, temperance and
work hi public schools, Will also speak.
At 11:30 Bishop Ev V. Shaylor
will speak on "Our Social Morality."
Luncheon will be served at the
church at noon, Mrs. Elizabeth And
erson presiding. A program of toasfsH
has been arranged. fresident ot
- fowa, Xorth and South Dakota aitd
Nebraska, states represented in the
regional conference, will be in
troduced at the luncheon and make
short addresses. : : .
1 Higher. Interest on
'School Bonds 0. K.M
Lincoln Feb. 2.(Special.) The
bill authorizing the 'Omaha' Board of
Education: to issue " $5,000,000 in,
bonds for ' a "new High School f
' . Commerce at an interest fate not to
exceed 6 per cent was passed by the
committee"' of the whole of the state
. legislature today! s.
.HTht$.Mtt alto, pfovtdes .that thft
-Ijonds shall be -'issued .in' amounts
, from $100 up. - , C
Bonds; were voted in Onlaha two
years ge," bpt it; was" fowwd ''they
could not be sola readily because
the niaxTruuia iiUere&t' rate was fixed
at 5 per cent, . This bill permits the
board to pay 6 per cent,
Farm Hand Charged With
, Beating Horse to Death;
Owen Swopes is charged with
beating a horse to death with a .ptecte-
fork and allowing two'Hokteia, cat
tle to break tfeea-. legs, so that they
had to be sltot, according to a com
' plaint filed yesterday in district court
by Dwight Williams. ' n
Sjropes worked on the Williams'
farm, neap Benson, and it is allege d
that when Raymond Anderson was
sent to the farm io take charge of
the work, Swapes Refused to vacate
and threatened .to ."bankrupt . Wil-
'liams. f ; -. '
Brief City News
MotvX IlohtMnl T)ie management
of the Union hotel reported the theft
of $25, ciKurots and shoes.
Sons of Voteraiis Meet Charles
F. Wanderson Camp No. 1, Sons of
Veterans, will meet tonight at 8 In
the G. A. R. room on the fourth floor
of the court house.
Kntman To Iecture A. Ratman
of Warsaw will lecture on "The Fu
ture of the Jews in Poland" In the
labor temple Friday night Mr.
Katman was formerly a representa
tive of the Raat-house of Warsaw.
Driver Disappear David Klein,
8819 Ames avenuo, reported to police
that his horse and buggy have .dis
appeared and he also reported the
disappearance of Harry Iavowitz,
driver, who is charged with having
$63 belonging to Klein.
Ground Hog Soes Shadow Six
more weeks of winter were promised
yesterday, according to the tradition
of the ground hog, who saw his
shadow after the irildest January
in 40 years. The average temper
ature la,st month was 32.
rian Aid to Rtudontc A enumtt
tee of the Chamber of Commerce has
been named . to assist , in aiding
students who are-in theenior year
of the State College of Agriculture.
It is proposeiLto give needy students
financial help to flrlsb their course.
May Probe riot It is expected
that the federal grand jury which
convened yesterday .will investigate
a suspected "black hand" plot be
lieved to have been frustrated when
108 .sticks of dynamite were , taken
from ah express shipment -last No-1
vcmber. v ;
Sentenced As Vagrant Johnnie
Moore, alleged negro : political
"fixer," was observed ' yesterday
morning by Police Judge Foster, in
the rear of the court room. ' Moore
was" ordered brought to bar-and he
was sentenced to 90 days on a vag
rancy charge. ' ;
liodiro Bow In Court Internal dif
ficulties of the Most Worshipful King
Solomon's Grand Ldge or r ree ana
Accepted Ancient York Masons have
been brought into district court by.i
an action filed by Chartes M. Braa-
ford-, restraining Clarence J. tioose
from acting as treasurer,.
Voters To Conler Omahans who
are interested tin. "proportional rep
resentation" system of voting are. re
quested to attend a meeting which
will fie held irway nigni m me
Young Woman's Christian assfteta
tion rooms. Mrs. C. T. Neal is tem
porary chairman of the new organ
Bond OrdeWB Paid A Jury M
District Judge- Redick's conrt yes
terday returned a. verdlet of $19,798
in favor of the f 'armerjr Union Grain
company and i against the United
State Fidelity and Guaranty com
pany. This referred to the bond, of
Cbarioa S. -Sarin, employe of the
grain eompany, who jflisappeared.?
wanted to attend theaters ana
movies anl nis wko prew
nhurch. aceordin t a cTbroree case
betaif heard by District Judge Leslie;
r Snnfotn'dil WMD naMflSd tH 1891
and have three grown daughters. Mr.H
Sanford is assistant treasui?er oi tne.
Union Paeiflo railroad eompany. . .
My Be VBrfe-ojno of 215
appl'leanls for final citisensMp, to be
examined next Monday before Dte
trlet Judge Sears, wUl be'. opnone4.
By Unted State1! Esamine-F A H.
Bode, on the grounds that theV are
members of the 1 communist ' party.
Deportation to Stussta. r Poland
ptseteably . will b asked by the os
aminer. . , '. .
Credit Grantors Will
Meet Here February 22
The Nebraska Credit Grantors
will hold their anual conference
in Omaha February 22 under the aus
pices of the Omaha Association oft,
r i it 4- "T j t . t"
will be -held in the lodge rooms
of the B. P. O. Elks on, Fifteenth
street, during which credit questions
will be discussed. More than 200
numbers of the wholesalers and
manufacturers of the state, who are
members of the association, will be
in attendance. '
At the conference, J. H. Tregoe,
national secretary and treasurer, will
make the principal address. - -
Jn the evening the credit men will
e guests at a banquet to be given at
the Chamber o Commerce. C. J.
Ochiltree is making all arrangements
for the conference.
t .' .- r. 1 1 -
Yoii must say "Bayer"
Warning! . Unless you see. the name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not .getting genuine Aspirirrprescribed by
physicians; for 2lyears;and proved safe by millions,
'Accept only : an;; "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin,'; which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache,
Pain,, , Toothache, , Neuralgia, ; Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago.
Handy, tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a lew cents Larger packages.
Aiplrltt I tit trade mark of Bsyei Manufacture of MonosceUcaeldMUr of SUcylleeid
Take a glass of Salt to Flush
Kidneys if bladder bother s .
Fire Disclose Still
; F. v In Tenantless House
Fire bf supposed incendiary origin
in a tenantless house on Eighteenth
street, between Foppleton and Wool
worth avenue;, brought - to light
early Wednesday mprnMig.a still and
16 barrel "of mashC ' -AssistantsiFirie
Chief Eiineea stated
vthat the roof of the building was
ablasse when the . apparatus arrived
and an automobile, wa said to hive
left the scene. V,."..- .
The building, an" o!4 stracture,
was practically .a! total loss.- ,
I II I -HI 'Ml. .1 11 .
t . Father and Son Dinner
A father and 5 son banquet was
served at the bt. Lukes Lutheran
church last night by the Ladies' Aid
society. ,E. E. Hermon jwas toast-
master and Frank Faux led the eom-
' Eating' meat regulirlyyrentttatly
proaaces kiwpj wotutw m eoiwv.
form r other, says a ' well-known
authority, because .the tiris acid . kt
meat exdtes the kidney, they be
come overworked: get sluggish.: clog-
up and cause all sorts 1 distress.
1 particularly 'fcaefeaem saw-maiaym
me Kictney region; rncujuaue twra
ges severe headaches, acid stom
ach,onsttf)atio, torpid liver, sleep
lessness, bl-adder and -urinary inrlta-
tion. " . - ' : .
, The moment your back hurts or
kidneys aren't acting right, or .'if
bladder bothers you, get abut fear
ounces of Jad Salts from. any good
pharmacy; take a tajblespoonful - in
a glass of water Before breakfast for
a few days and your kidneys will
then act fine. . This famous salts
lis made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combmed with 'lithia,
and has been used for generations
to flush clogged kidneys and stimu
late them to. normal activity; also
to .neutralize the acidemia t&e wine
so it no longer irritates, thtts ending
bladder disorders.
jad Salts cannot -mjur . anyone;
makes a delightful effervesceijt
lithia-water drink which millim of
auartet 8I&0 sang several selections.
J. Dean Ringer'was the principal
munity; singing. V Armour's tnalej men and women take ,now and then
to keep the kidneys and nrw&ry
organs cl an, Thus avoiding 'serious
kidney trouble.
The 'New Victor: Records
Are Here
And here are two of the greatest numbers eVer issuedl
85c Each v
I V Bine and White Marimba Band.
" . Hawaiian Guitars
: '.'.' '.- . . . . . - . , ,.
' , , Peerless Quartet
yHOME Charles Harrison.
Get yours before it is too late, s
The Entire List Is Wonderful.
v FifteeVth and Harney Sts."
tIEN you purchase : clothes
at this store you buy at the
neAy, replacement price today's
j. price! Quality for Quality at a
price that is Fair.
' i .
? , , i
The Home of COLLEGIAN Clothes
N K Corner
17th, at, Harney Si
' OKH record that for
1 . merly sold at $1.00, now
M on tale at 85c.
Schn6ller& Mueller
d-! rtano Co j6J
Money back without 1
Ll - tf HUNT'S Sdve fails ia tka
P7 otlwr itdmti tkin dWcawa. Tty
MM a 7a east txn t our mk.
Shreia jk McConnoll Drug Co.
1 Be Better Looking Take ;
Olive Tablets -' '.:.:'
If your skin Is yellow comptadon
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
you have a)bad taste in your mouth
a lazy, no-good feeling you should
take Olive Tableta (. .l 4 '
Of. Edwards Olive Tablets a uh- ;
stitute for calomel were prepared iiy '
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study.
. Drdwards'OliveTabletsareapurel
vegetable compoundmixedwitholiveoil.
You will know them by their olive color,
no pimplee, a ftcling of buoyancy, like,
childhood dayayou must getatthecause.'
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act ot
tbe fiver and bowels like calomel yet ;
have no dangerous after effects. . . ..
" They start the bile and overcome Con
Rtination. Take one or two niehtlyand
"note the pleasing results. Millions of
; get Tinri
r W l (Mntnt nUa yM nlfkt uaty rataxs
l to poondi. (whmtonr jm and tot to th
vnaarfUUy ameadaw. Mfe MUblo KanU n
wf Vi Im tmt ftt ttrntHT. tat a Mill fcM
C KOREIN ttbalaj (pwaauauri Swm U Oia
dnoitl'j. FoUwr ajuwnoat mdv mmffntuat
foarantA BrNkm am to buIM roo rail to
KOREIN CO.. NCtlS 8Utioi X. Nw York. N.Y.
Musterole Works Without the
- Blister Easier, Quicker
'" There's no sense in mixing a mess
of mustard, flour and water when you
can easily relieve pain, soreness or stiff
Bess with a little clean, white Musterole.
Musterole is made of pure oil of
mustard and other helpful ingredients,
combined in the form of the present
white ointment It takes the placed
mustard plasters, and will not blister.
Musterole usually gives prompt reliel
from sore throat; bronchitis, tonsilitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia,
' headache, congestion, pleurisyheuma
tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
' 35c and $c jars; . hospital size S3.0C
"Onward Omaha Exposition
Which Is a Manufacturing and Industrial Display by Omaha, Firms
sess-rj ash Comoanv
New Spring
( Hats .
. ' ' " ' ..
For Immediate Wear.
- '. . "
The smart styld and new colot'
ings trill delight you. Every day
brings With it a new lot of lovely
hatst cleverly trimmed in flowers, raf- j
fia, glycermed ostrich, bead and
many colored ribbons and drapes,
shapes and styles of the moment. ;.
Just the hat to liven up a winter
costume, of id add the asi touch to ,
a charmtng new spring . suit. Rang
ing in price from $5.00 up. '
Stcond Floor.
- -7 :
New Spring
' - 1
r roe
Are in Vogue
Vary in Silhouette.
One may choose the straighlline
frocl( or one phich shows d bouffant
skirl, for both are equally prominent.
However, the bouffant skirt of this
season is quite different from last.
Poiret twill, which never seems to
lose favor, fashions the smart tail
leurs, while taffeta, crepe de chine, ,
Canton,, Elizabeth arid Morocco
crepe comprises the season's popular
fabrics for frocks for mast every oc
casions . '
Second Floor. ; ''
..',.' - . :
The Art Needle Woman and Home Sewers WHt Wda
"Come the Annomcemmt That Our '
Pacific Package
" Pleats eonf irta their con
tinued vogue in the new
wool plaids and stripes- N
Moon Glow,. Tally Ho, Can-
ton Crepe and Flannel.
These skirts are in striking
colors and are promised un-
" usual vogue, as they are v
much wanted toear with
the ; sp'ort , jackets- a n d (
' sweater1 coats." " -
To Be Embroidereci
Aad after having seen, the display; everyone will "
readily concede that they are -daintier "-ami more at- '
.ttketively gotten iip than ever before. fi .
$2.69 sq. yd.
Inlaid linoleum ia the extra heavy quality. Large and
jieat range of tile and wood effects. Imported and de-r
s mestic makes. 6 ft. wide. $2.69 sq. yd.
Floor Covering, 90c sq. yd.
Neponset floor Covering in neat" blue and white cheeks,
mosaic and matting patterns for the Jbath and bedrooms
'large range of new pattern: - 6 fU-wide. 90c sq. yd.
. - ' .. .-. . Third Fioor ;.; ,- '.;..:
I are so simple and easy to work, yet are so effective,.
worked with silk and cptton embroidery, or the wool
" yarn which is so mneh'usei this season. '
: ''; . '
The Materials
are ', so. sheer and : pretty
-' dainty voiles, crossbar dirni
t ties, batiste, vmtill and nain
sook si also pique and
linen c r ash
for garments
which require,
heavier materials.
' V Third F'ioor
' "1;: .:. '
Electric Labor Savin
Simplex Electric Ironers
are an, absolute necessity in the home laundry.
Ironing can be 'done in iess time attd with less
work at a very small expense. They are very
simple to operate and can be had in either gas-
heated or electric-heated," both being motor
Prices range from $165.00 to $303.00
Drop innd witness a demonstration of the
Crystal washer and Simplex ironer during "On
ward Omaha Exposition." . , 5
g Devices it LaxincI ry
Crystal Washing'Machine
The practical home laundry should be equipped with an i
Elecjtric- W ashing Machine
We havethe latest improved electric washing machine. The
Crystal is a cylinder type machine, tub is made of "Aruco"
. iron, cylinder is made of zinc, which makes it light; and easy
to handle. All machinery is enclosed, making the machine ab
solutely safe. The wringer is swinging and can be operated jn
" various positions. Has handy control switch. With this machine
you can wash the finest fabrics, the entire washing can be done
in a very short time and without the labor and strain and back
breaking toil that usually occurs on wash day. ' ' ;
The Crystal machine is sold compete at $135.00. '....J V
W ... , . -., . : - ', ' I
, i l Hi.n. - j. itd I i
v I rltfaTADiXT3'lif S I I II I .11 m V I i. I I A I '
-35.00 Overcoats 15.00
5.00 Suits...... 15.00
6.00 Trousers.-... .2.95
8.58 Trousers 4.48
6.00 Shoes. ......2.95
2.00 House Slippers $1
1.25 Rubbers.' .... .39
314 N. 16th St.
Sherman A McCoanell Dru( Co.
666 will break a Cold, Fever
and Grippe quicker than any
thing we know, preventing
pneumonia.;: - ' -
Girls! Girls!!
Save Your Hair
With Guticura
mt. 8uBplM(rMofOMUvD.rt.X.lkl4MlUM.
The scientific blending of reliable vegetable remedies
of benefit to persons who suffer from . ?
Sleeplessness t .
Loss of Appetite '- i
Digestive Troubles
Brain Fag
Slow Recovery from Influenza and Kindred Ailments -1
- Are you run down? Are you hriuWLT, Ar you overworked?
Thon try thi approved rcnudy and aatisfy youraalf of its boneticUl in
frodiaat. la original 16-ox. bottloo only.
Sole Manufacturer!
For Ralo b
No, 1 S09 So. 16th Street. '
No. 22002 Farnara Street
and leading Nebraska druggists.
Kanea City. Mo.
I rT and leading Nebraska druggists. ' g '
boxes axe aota aaiiy ai iaq mia ouc