Cost 01 Summer Suits Unchanged. Clothiers fold Boiler Workmanship Will Kep Price Same as Last - car," Says National As socialion Secretary. Palm bfach iuits may be popu lar this summer but it will not be a reduction in, price that makes lliern so. t , ' At least Charles E. Wry, sec "' rctary of the Natiou&l Association of Retail Clothiers, told Nebraska clothing merchants there would be 110 drop in the price of the light-weight suits from the prevailing prices of last summer. "The manufacturers of Tatm Kcach suits are seeking better work manship, and the increased, cost of better workmanship will keep the price about the same," he explained. Asked for Irs ooiniou of the bill u labeling material in garments, I -Mr. wry said he believed legisla- tion regulating the branding ot ma terials would prove ineffectual. "I personally advocate a law which makes it criminal to mis brand clothing," he said.. "Such a law has been in effect m England for 25 years and it is practical." Bottom Reached, Says Burgess. Ward M. Burgess of Omaha told the clothiers the -financial distress in Xebraskfc, at least, was largely men tal. Last year's crop will enable the fanners to liquidate and still have a surplus, he said. "The retailers' stocks should be, iitid I believe are, low at present," said Mr. Burgess. "The time of re vised prices has arrived. Prices will go no lower.". Mr. Burgess predicted a "comfort able" financial condition ' within a very few months. He said the sit uation had improved greatly, even during the past 30 days. ' Defends Budget System. Governor McKelyje, in an ad tliess before the clothiers, defended the budget systenSnww iu effect in the state. He ''declared an editorial, "The Budget System," appearing in a morning newspaper yesterday, was entirely false. ' . The clothiers went into executive session at 4:30 to discuss the clec- tion of officers, which will be held today, and other matters directly re lating to the association. Medicine Held to Be Misbranded Ordered I BroInloCourt!Priest Beats Out Inanimate objects were made de fendants in a libel suit filed in fed-" cral court yesterday by United States District Attorney T. S. Allen. The defendants are bottles of eu---camul in both cases. The complaints allege that E. E. Bruce Drug com pany. Tenth and Harney streets, and the Mutual Drug company have in their possession quantities of the medicine.'said to be misbranded. Ac cording to the complaints, the, medi cine contains no ingredients that pro duce the effects claimed and that the statements on the labels regard ing curative effects of the medieine are false and fraudulent. Edw ard G. Binz of Los Angeles is charged Vith shipping 'the stuff Omaha - All persons having the medicine in their possession are required to come into federal court and answer charges against them, the complaint s reads. . 1 - Deserted Child Happy; Identity Remains Mvsterv j j Rodney, the 2-year-old waif found at Union station "Tuesday morning, is happy at the Child. Sav- n(5 iiiLiiuici twiu maiumd IU all who greet him. The abandoned infant has been visited by several women who have become interested in the case. The identity of the child's mother is still a mystery to the police. -v Joseph Marshall, railroad conduc tor, believes he recognized the child as having been with a woman who ws traveling from York, Neb., to Heron Lake. iMinn. ' Divorce Court - . Petitions. ' Opl Christy glnat Erbi. Christy, non support. Clara. Diver, against George Divers, cruelly. .Henry Bunnell agaihst Mary B'l-sell. cru Ruby Montgomery-" against Harvey Montgomery, cruelty. , Decree. , Carrie Stickler from John Stickler, non support. Violet McGea from Dewey McGee, m;n support. Helen Roger from Benjamin Rogers, honsupport. ADVERTISEMENT' X Homm-mnd Remtdv i n ii - j stop loxigns igatcRiy 1 The beet enaaii e11 elite yon eer eel. A family tiplr taiLT and qnloklr Mde. 8e)Tra about 2, ' ' Vou uiieht be surprised to know that the best thing you can us fur severe cougb, is remedy which is easily prepared at home in just few moments. It's cheap, but for prompt results it beats anything else you ever tried. Usually stops the ordinary rough or chest cold in 24 hoars. Tastes pleasant, too children like it and it is pure nod good. Pour 2V4 ounces of; Pinex in pint bottle; then till it up with philn granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari fied molasses, lionev. or torn avruo. instead of augar syrip, if desired. A Thua you make a full tint a family aupply but costing n more, than a small bottle of ready-made cough tyrtip. And as a cough medieine, there-is really nothing better to be had at any price. It goes right to the spot and gires quick, lasting rebef. It promptly heals the inflamed mem branes that, line the throat and air passages, stops the annoying throat v tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon your cough 6tops entirely. Kplendid for bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and , bronchial asthma. s Pinex is a highly concentrated com- f'ound of Norway ine extract, " amous for healing the membranes. - To avoid disappointment ask your drugtfiat for "2VV ouneea of Pinex" with directions and don't accept any thing else, (itiaranteed to giv abao- - Inte aatisfaetion or money refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, lnd. The Healing IV. 31 WIS. I ai0f B1 II nil M MTf t! I"Tk . tl- vlmmi IT II I South Sidei i Fire Upon Altar With Bare Hands Father Gabriel, Assisted . by Worshipers, - Saves $4,000 Worth' of Vestment9 in t Holy Ghost Church. A Prompt action by Rev. Father Garbriel at the Holy Ghost Catholic church,: Fifty-sixth and Q streets, yesterday morning saved $4,000 worth of vestments, from destruction by fire. One of the candle lighters fell and ignited the altar cassocks hanging iu the sacristy. Father Gabriel promptly started to beat out the fire with his bare bands, being "aided by others who ru:.fd to the scene. There were 200 worshippers at the 8 o'clock mass. The priest suffered btfhied hands. It was not necessary to summon the ire department. The value of the cassock-destroyed was placed at $500. None of the fixtures of the Church were damaged. Smoke from the buried cassocks filled the chapel. Grace M. E. Church Installs-Deaconess . . L V N. The ''Grace if. E. church official board has engaged as assistant to the pastor, Dr. C. C." Wilson, Miss Lil lian Judy of Kansas City, who is a iraduate of-the Kansas Lity nation al Training school ot tne Mctnoaisr church and is a licensed deaconess. Miss Judy arrived Monday evening and is already at work. Two Are Jailed, on Charge Q Receiving Stolen Goods Charged . with' receiving goods stolen from an interstate shipment, Frank Lukosi and John Lester, South Side, were arrested by a United States deputy marshal yes terday. Both meii will be haled be fore the federal grand jury. They are charged with buying shipments of shoes and tires alleged to have been stolen from Northwestern freight cars by-Moris Lonergan and Frank Eggers, ulso under arrest. ' South Side Brevities Illinois coal. Sll. Howland Lumber & Coal Co.. phone South i6H. Adv. COAL IV A HIKKY. CAI.t. BROAD WELL ROBERTS, .SO. . Adv. Kight aoeg. Improved, a good buy. elose in. Can give possession. Wi'l sell for $2,0tf f-Ksh, os I. to suit.. Bjan Ileal Kstate. Call S. 1SI1. Adv. f Magic City lode No. W. Loval Orde, of Mooae. will meet every Thursday nisHt at Hansen's hall, 4924 South S4tli St. (old Redman hallj F. L. Madison, bec'y. Adv. Pouth Eide Pieas'ura club wll give a sperlHl kewple dance Sunday evening at Butcher Workmen building-. Twenty prizes ivill.-bo given away. Lee's orches tra Adv. ' fha B. K. C. of A. local 34 will glvt a danee Thursday evening, February 3, at Hutrber Workmen hall, iSth and M Sts. Refreshments will be served. ' Tickets 50 cents. Ladies free. Adv. NOT WAITISG. 1 " Tou may not need any silks now, but it will pay you to see these wonderful value here at Flynn's Just the same. It could hae named such prices a yAc ago we could sfli the bunch to a whole sale dalrr at sigttrr- It's-iot silks sioiia that's guing chean. Everything in clnthlng and furnishings in this house for man. woman or child U being priced below cost. We're marking below what you'll find. We are not wait ing for the trada to find out prices are down on an article. As soon aa it goes down at the fiiclory it gnea down here, and we're jiot buying any of the cheap stuff that ( beln? marketed today to meet the call for ch.'ii tdui'f. JOHN FLVN.N VU, - , J Adv. .y" . Hand Detectives Uncover Secret Stairs and Find Still in Basement Detectives Baughman and Gleason, accompanied by federal agents, un covered a secret stairway in the. home of Frank Markyian, 4023 L street, and proceeded to a basement where they discovered 100 gallons of mash, two large copper boilers filled with steaming potatoes and mo lasses. 186 quarts of home-made beer aVid five quarts of alcohol. - Ihc entrance to the secret stair way was cleverly concealed by a dummy clothes closet. 1 ' Markvian was chareed with illecal possession of liquor and operation e .'ii t r ' . ! t. i oi a sun. nc pi nave a nearing Saturday morning. Farm Renters to Receive Larger Share of Produce Claus Eckmn of Blomfield was a visitor at the five stock market yes terday with a shipment of hogs and he said things were turning up better for the farm renter of his section 'Tn our part of the state," said Mr. Eckman, "beginning with this year a greater part of- the produce of the farm raised by renters will be given as his share, and farm hands will have to be content with lower wages. Many of the renters in. my neighborhood, last year, finished up last season with almost nothing to show for their year's hard work and ADVERTISEMENT PUT CREAMN NOSE : AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged Nos trils and End Head-Colds. , Vou feel fine in a Jew-moments. Your cold in head or catarrh will be gone. Your clogged nostrils will open. The, air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely, ao more dullness, head ache no hawking, snuffling, mucous discharges or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell youf druggist you want a Small bottle of Ely's 'Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, an tiseptic cream in your .nostrils, let it penetrate through every air pas sage of the head; soothe and'heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is 'just what" every cold and catarrh Sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. " YesMt$.Smiffi mtsmnderm "We always keep a. Jar on hand. It is the best thing I know for ec zema and similar ills, aud it 1 so' gentle aud soothing it in excellent for cut?, barm, or sores. We use Kesi nol Soap also it's ideal for the com plexion .and bath. Yes. 70U can get all the Rcsinol products from your druggist." - rr J 1 ' , THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, By Charles Dana Gibson Copyright J.if. Tub. I'e. J Published by Arrangement, with Life. as a conscauence became discour aged and refuse to engage iu farm ing this year unless given a larger share of the products." " r Melady Finds Conditions ' Improving in the East Gene Melady, veteran live stock man of the South Side market, re turned this week from a trip to points on the Atlantic coast and he Lfound the financial situation greatly reiievea in ail quarters. "Money is easier," said Mr. Me lady," many factories that have been closed are opening up and while they arc operating on a lower scale of wages, they are getting busy. Capital and labor are joining hands in an ti fort to readjust conditions back to normalcy, s"The middlewest has been hit liarder than any other section and everyone alike lias had to share in the depression, but within 30 to 60 days I look-for considerable- relief from the present stringent financial condition. Cycle Rider Hurt Beatrice, NebH Feb. 2. (Special.) Fred Shoup was quite badly hurt when hisv motorcycle collided with an automobile driven by W. B. Gil bert. The lad was taken to a hospi tal in an unconscious condition, but soon recovered. MtasMmiy POLES PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re lieves ITCHING PILES and you can get restful sleep after the first application. All druggists are authorized to refund the money if PAZO OINT- kMENT fails to Cure any case of ITCHING, BLIND. BLEEDING or PROTRUDING PILES. Cures or dinary cases in 6 days, 'the worst cases in 14 days. j It is guaranteed by Paris Med icine Co., St. Louis. Mo.. Manu facturers of the world-famous Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. This signature is on every box of PAZO OINTMENT. 60c AnVERTISEMITNT. Rupture Kills 7,000 Annually ' x Seven thounann wrinm Mrh . v.o. mrm Isid away th. burial eertificat. bein markd "Rupture." Why? Because the UnrArttinat nnmm li.J nnmA . U .. or had been merely taking care of the sign i swelling! oi me annction and paying no attention to, the cause. What are you do- j n O" 7 A rm viM vnnv.Jf U .. wearing a truss, appliance, . or whatever nam. you choose to call it 7 At best, the truss is only a makeshift st false prop against a collapsing wall and cannot be expected to act as mora than a mere me- cnanicai support, jne Binding pressure retards blood circulation, thus robbing the weakened fniii!a nf that hj.t tk.u need most--nourishment. But science has found a way, nnd every truss sufferer in the land is Invited to make a FREE test right liKthn privacy of thai, nwft knm. Th. OMDIn . U I J- .... -- a.v...B. . nv nic.iiuu is unquestionably th. most scientific, logical and successful self-treatment for rupture me woria nas ever Known. The I'l.APAO Pn .h.n K.inn. ly. to the body cannot possibly slip or imn out oi piace, tnereiore, cannot chafe jr pinch. Soft as velvet easy to apply lnayrnlv Ti. k. ...J U i I . ..... I. -- r - - v w hwu nun.. JWU win and whilst you sleep. No straps, buckles or springs attached. Learn how to clos. th. hernial opening as nature intended so the rupture CAN'T rem uown. Bend your- nam. today to PI.APAO CO.. Block 840. St. Louis. Mo., for FREE trial plapao and the informa tion necessary. V FEBRUARY 3. 1921. Estimated Cost - Of New Bridge Is 81400,000 Mayor to Submit Ordinance For liomls Omaha to Pay 70 Per Cent, Council , Bluffs, 30. The estimated cost of the proposed new free bridge has been placed at f 1.400.000 by John L. Harrington of Harrington, Howard & Ash, Kansas City engineers, who have been retained by the Omaha city council to prepare plans and specifi cations. Tentative plans which have been submitted provide for a 40-foot road way with a six-foot passenger walk on each side. The construction will be of steel and reinforced concrete throughout and the location will be bt Farnam street. Mr. Harrington, who conferred with city officials and representatives of civic organizations Tuesday night, stated he had gone to Washington and obtained approval of the War department for the plans. It is proposed that Omaha should pay 70 per Cent of the expense and Council tilufts oU per cent. Mayor mith said he intends to oner an ordinance soon providing for the sale of bonds. Riley Howard Pneumonia Victim in South Sioux City Sioux City, la Feb. 2. Riley Howard of South Sioux City, eb widely knowu as a stock raiser, died last night of pneumonia. He moved to South Sioux City .11 years ago from Orchard, Jveb., which town he named, and lived in 31 years. Mot in years has an to equal this unusual A sale; that both in values and assortment will break all records for Value Giving. lot in all our years of experience have we made such a fortunate purchase. A combination of heavy stocks ' , and urgent need of cash is our best solution of how V Jwe came to buy thejrt at such a low price---and tof the s purchase price we have added a mighty slim profit . , "tis the trend of the time." 1 - . The Brands included in this, sale are "Arrow", "E. & W.", "Elder" and ?Perfecto" These brands assure you shirts Cut Right, Made. Right, Iihed Right Choice of woven madras and English sateens in a large selection of stripes and colors, Values to $4.00, V Teacher Who Was Reported Missing Returns to School I'ulice and detectives arc continu ing ihcir'investigations of the pres ence of a Cadillac automobile itr front of the St. Claire apartments. the home of Miss Lucille Erazim, Yates school teacher. ' Acting Chief of Detectives Tzan owski stated that his department was jntormcd that the car vas seen across Jie street from the St. Clare at 6:45 a. m., Tuesday and that the machine was parked the wrong way. A resident of the St. Clare is said to have been the informant. Detectives James and Kalph Hughes were informed by, Elizabeth Erazim that her sister arrived home between 6 and 8 a. m. Elizabeth Era zim. in a Jater statement to news paper men. asserted that Lucille had. been' locked for 24 hours in ,a wall compartment. , Jhe detectives reported that thev were denied an interview with Lu cille Erazim and were asked to drop their investigations. - JLpcille resumed her teaching a Yates school yesterday. Omaha Man Lies Unidentified For WeekV in Peoria Hospital Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Murphy, 2040 North, Twenty-first street have gone to Peoria. 111., in response to sum mons that their son, John Fraiicis Murphy, had been ill for a wcclc in a hospital. A telegram received hcxe staled that Murphy was,miconscious seven days in the Peoria hospital before his identity was knorn. Murphy, went to Peoria a month ago to engage in business. He will be brought back to Omaha by his parents as 'soon as he Js able to travel. . V W All sizes, 1 j 15 Man Fined $200 For Loaniii!; Pass Moonshiner Who Jumped bond to Spend 30 Days in Jail and Pay $1,000. When Robert 13. v Rice, . former t'nion Pacific fireman, admitted to Federal Judge T. C. Munger in conn yesterday that he imtde Jai inistilkc iu using a railroad pass, illegally, Ljic judge gave him the minimum pen alty. $200 fine. Rice Was arrested two weeks ago by Special Agent Roy Bendore when he is said to have allowed a woman to use his railroad pass. Other sentences" pronounced by Federal Judge .Munger yesterday weue as follows: , Harry Zahn. South Side, 30 days APVEBTIKICMKNT NEW BLOUSE OR SKIRT 15 CENTS "Diamond Dyes" turn Faded, Shabby Garments or Dra- . periei into New WonifMi are finding it fun to diamond-dye and add years of wear to any old ' garment or' drapery. Easy directions in package. Don't risk your material in poor dye that streaks, .spots, or fades. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind, Tell druggist whether your material is wool or silk, or if it is cotton, linen, or a mixture. Sixteen rich, fadeless colors. event been announced sale 14 to. 20. in jail und $I,(XN) fine for operating a, .moonshine still. Juilc Munpcrvinv- iioscd a heavy sentence on ann tor having jumped his bond after he had pleaded guilty two weeks ago. Adam Mark as sentenced to W) days in jail and fined $600 for viola tion of the Volstead act. Sure Relief INDIA"!" 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BE LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed 1518 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 1S8 Time Is Money Save, Time by Eating t HOTEL MME CAFETERIA Where you find the belt of' foods, quickly served. i ALWAYS OPEN ' Management Rome Miller ivr; -v Choice . of extra' quality i Russian cords, twill sateens in combination of stripes of black and ' white, green, blue and lavender. Values to $6.00 . ' v . r V MkMnH