10 THE BEE: OMAHA, . WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY " 2. 1921. Huskers Lead Sooners at End M First Half, 16-13 ! yjUitors Fail to. Cage Single Field Goal iu Final Period A j. -Belrins and Waite ? Stars of Ganie. Lincoln Feb. 1. (Special Tele gram.) Loach Schisseler's Corn hunkers ' were victorious in their third Missiouri Valley game over the Oklahoma Sooners by the score .., of 34 to 20, on the coliseum floor here Monday. Although pushed con . siderably by the Sooners in the first period, the Nebraska cage stars showed their marked superiority tlitouehout most ot the same. When the first half was ended the score was 16 to 13 in favor of th Cornhuskers. The score book show ed .that the Oklahoma aggregation . had a total of six field goals in this period against fiwe by the Lorn - buskers. The fact that Bekins had tossed six out of eight attempts at fee throws as against one out of fonr by Waite, the Sooner, center,. was responsiblej tor tne LornnusK' . era narrow lead. Coach Schissler had chosen, to swrt his "Hony" team against Benny OWens Huskies. Slim Warren iv$s used as running mate for Smith at torward position to start. Lar man replaced him in the middle of the first half, but went back in after the intermission - and finished the came. ' .'Bekins and Waite, Nebraska and VKianoma centers, were the ou standing stars on their respective teams. Both were the big scorers, Bekins making sixteen of the Corn' rurskers's joints; and Waite, four teen tor tne visitors. ln the second period, the Sooners vtert unable to register a single field goal The seven points made in the -second half were all on free i,i f Mr ". iqrows wy wairc. The lineup; Nebraska, 84. ' G. F.T.j j,F; T.Ii. Vta. atiitb. t a 0 'v 2 it 0 0 s 0 0 0 : 10 6 Biklns, c , 0 Xfewman, S. , 1 Bklley (Capt) g... S Carman, t ....... 1 - WotaH It 1 84 (Oklahoma, VU. O. F.T. P.F. T.V.Pts. War. 1 .7 1 0 Walts, o. 8 . JfeBrlda 0 0 ' Cx (Capt.), 0 0 Rpoton, s. ...-9 - 0 fTotala ( 8 jBefcrss E. C. Qulgloy. Stanford Ball Club t 10 20 :Tlmer Dana. J Will Tour Far East 'Stanford University, Cal., Feb. 1. Announcement was made at the ciaduate manager's office here Mon day, that the Stanford University vrsity base ball team willoar the t4r east this summer, piaymg games iif Japan, South Manchuria and the Philippine Islands. i University of California's base ball team-is considering making the sime trip this year, it was announc ed. If tne California men make the tour., they will play a series" with Stanford in Japan. (According to tentative plans, the Stanford team will leave .n June. Giants First Baseman Is Made "More Liberal';- Offer ! New York. Feb." 1. George Kelly, first baseman of the New York Na-j tibnals, who retused to accept terms of a 1921 contract sent him, has been tendered a more liberal offery the secretary said today, Kelly is liiornia. al Moore Given Decision Aurora. 111.. Feb, 1. Pal Moore wjas given the newspaper decision over Timmv Kelly of Chicogo Mon day in a fast 10-round bout. The men are bantamweights. f Base Ball Chatter Chlcaco Tribune-Omaha Bee Iaaed Wlr. ' -Chicago. Feb. 1. (Special.) Accord ing to the lateat rumora, Joe Judge has been offered to Cleveland by Manager Clark Griffith. What the Washington owner wanta for his atar first saeker has not been made public, however, although ha la hot after a man who can play third baa. Business Manager Bob Qulnn of the Browns announces the St. Louis outfit will ba the first club to go south for print training. The Browns will embark tor Bogalusa, La., oo February 20. Eastern arrlbea are now spending long hours figuring how strong the Braves will ba after the MaranvlUe deal. Most of them think Nicholson Is a flivver, but tha batting averages don't show it. Connie Mack flock of youthful White SIsphanta ara to be snapplly dressed this coming jrenr. whether they play base ball or not Whtta at borne and steel gray en the road la (ha order. ' Wild ' Bill Donovan expects Frank Bruggy, the catchnr obtained from the , Buffalo International league club, to de velop Into a star. Bruggy had a trial three years ago with the Phillies and was beaten out by Tragressor, the player whs was sent back to the minora in ex change for him. , Chief Bender la a sorf of here down la New Haven, where he. led the club to th championship of the Eastern associa tion last fall. The chief la going to be ' tendered a big banquet and reception by ' the fans,' - ' - A "boys' day" In all the major league , parka la asked by A. J, Otmstead. presi dent of the Municipal I Civic league of Brooklyn. Judge Land Is baa been asked t aid in the movement,' ' Down east the scribes are still prophesy ing that Buck Weaver will be back on ttlrd basefor the Whit Sox when th season opens. Buck's status Is Just the eame now as It was last fall after the expose, as far aa Chicago fans are con cerned. " Branch Rickey Is out with a statement that Roger Hnrnsby would have batted better than .40(1 in 1920, if he had not received an Injury to his side, which forced blm to finish the, season under unfavorable conditions. , , ' The passing of Ifty O'Doul remove the last of th belligerents from the Tankeo team. Huggins had lots of trouble ith the Coast lefthander, who waa hard te handle and very often refused to obey orders. Hoggin la after another catcher. Trades and sales have cleaned r out his receivers, end now he has enly Hoffman, a recruit, and VTalUe Schang; recently obtained from the Boaton Red Sox., He is reported to be after Plcinlch of Washington. Manager Dick Hoblitael of the Beading International league club has 32 men under contract at the present time. The former major league star expects to grab some more likely prstpt-cta from th big league managers. . j Big Jim Vaughn stepped from his Winter role as chief counter man in hla delica . tessen here trt mslce ready for another campaign on tfce firing line for th Cub machtno. It Is Vaojrhn's intention to pro ceed directly to Catallna Island for a sertca of workouts prior to the arrival ot th first aeetion of the Cubs, who will depart from Chicago February 14 In charge of Manager Kverjfc ' Aeanrdlog to report from the ramp of Tankeea. Hugglns has the 1921 pennant towed away in his hjp -pocker. Th ssme conditions prevailed last year at this 'ma In tke tsiinds e( eastern base ball . Mparts. -.f, INDOOR SPORTS a eaw 0 TKPTrrE MN OfPQWTjE" HOOSe TO -tiST pAU- . Cornhusker Track Team Works Hard Coach Schulte Has Squad of 75 Men Training Daily for ! Indoor Meet Feb, 25. Lincoln, Feb. 1. (Special.) Ne braska's track artists are going through their daily grind on the board track to get Sn; shape for the Kansas City Athletic club indoor meet, February 25. Coach Schulte has had a squad of 75 men working out, for the past month. A number (of promising candidates arc showing and by the end of the season, the Cornhusk er mentor expects to have team that ill compete favorably with Other western track aggregations, Ihe system of, publishing a weekly honor roll is being used by Coach Schulte again this season. By this system he places the half-dozen men who show up best each week in the various events on the list. Although- the wooden track slows down the time of the sprints, there are a num ber of men who ere hitting a good pace. In the field events, there are a number of men who are showing up wen. lorn Mackey, formerly Ans ley, (,ieD. athlete, looks like a val uable addition to the list of field artists. Mackey has been toss ing the javelin over ISO feet and throws the discus 115 feet, v Motil ton, last. year's javelin star, is show ing up well. j-ayron, uccnnfr and Captain Gibbs all look good in the sorints. Floyd ' Wright, Cornhusker hurdler. who cor.ped the low hurdles in the Missouri Valley and Western col legiate meeft last vear. look better than ever this winter. All Seat Records Broken For Lawn Tennis Tourney L.onaon. cb. 1. A records hav been" broken by the aoolicationsfor seats for next summer's world lawn tennis championships at Wimbledon. Over 10,000 applications , for seats have been received, hut as there is only accommodation for 5j000, the seats will be strictly balloted for; Each ticket costs 63 shillings, , , . "Y" Basket Ball- OFFICIAL STANDINGS. Church League. Benson M. E TV. I.. . 1 4 A n 5 ' 5 K 10 IS Pet. .923 .m .6 IS .616 .! .XS5 .308 .221 .(X)0 Pet. jooo .150 .750 .5IW .500 .250 .250 .000 Pet. .73M .1511 .500 .000 Pearl M. E M. R. Baracas H. E. Wops.. . S. Presbyterians Bellevae Presbyterians . . . i.otn"ran Iwe Avenue Presbyterians 4 " Clifton Bill ..3 Pearl Kops O Commercial lague. Thornton A. C 4 Council Bluffs High 3 Uod Bonding Co 3 Commerce Tigere Z commerce Cubs 1 Hughes-Parmer 1 Council Bhifa Nonpareils. . 1 MrKenney Dentist! 0 ' Greater Omaha League. IV.: T.. Bowen Furniture Co 8 1 Wilson Electrirs S t Omaha, Athletic Clob 2 Townsend Cun Co 0 .4 GAMES THIS WEEK. Church . League. Tuesday Nlrht firac Lutheran aentnst Clifton Hill Presbyterians, 7:80 u. m.; Bellevue Presbyterians against M. E. Bnr- acas, 8:05 p. m.j Benson M. E. against South Side Presbyterians, :45 p. m.; M. E. Wops against Lowe Avenue Presby terians, 9:1 p. m. Tharsday Night Pearl M. E. against Pearl Kops, 1:30 p. m. . ' Commercial League. Wednesday Mailt Council Bluffs Ilieli against MrKenney Dentists, 7:30 p. in.; H ughes-Parmer against Thorplan Athletic club, WS p. m.j Commerce Tigers ugalnst Lion Bonding Co. 8:45 p. m.: Council Bluffs Nonpareils against Commerce Cubs, t:15 p. m. ' Creator Omaha Tngue. Thursday Night Omaha Athletic club against- Bowen Furniture Co., 8 p. m.j Tew-nsend Cm Co. against Wilson Elec trics, 9 p. m. WrCOMAIlAMPALLClJJP NICKNAME. ... ... CONTESTANTS NAME..Ll. L ADDRESS . J 'S CONTEST CLOSES MARCH 1 . '. Copyright, 1121 lntern'1 l'AA If" '., NEXT Wit VEJ" WtfEREVriK fight fans congre-i gate, and that's usually in the back room, the buzzing always runs to the great fight between Gink Fowler and 6quealef Beezle, the righting pacifist. Until the day that Gabriel syncopates the crack of doom, this gigantic . kewpie . contest will be on the end of men's tongues like a fever blister. , It was fought with bare knuckles on an island iu the Pacific 6cean. The ; ntaypr -6f Roughtown was strongly against prize fighting when he found that, no Annie Oakleys were to be in the municipal nosebag. In a speech that -lasted iour days, drunk and sober, he blasted fighters, managers and ticket speculators. Although the mayor didn t know it, he was a ticket speculator him self. He was speculating on a ticket to heaven. All of Rough town's re formers punched their wives a good by wallop en the nose and went Out to get the mayor. The lastseen of the old boy he was leaping from milestdne to milestone without touching the carpet. If he ain't run--j ning yet, it is because he has a bad memory. Picture Stops Bullet, r A bullet that would have struck his heart was stopped by a, flask of liquor, A bullet went through his hip pocked and was stopped by a picture of his wife. That would have Stopped anything. The mayor car ried everything in the1 right place. Don f get Koughtown wrong and think that the folks knew nothing about the finer things o life. , ho finer ladies ever graced a riot than the eals of that burg. "Spike" Ken nedy states that the belle of Rough town once removed a mole from her neck with an ccetelyne torch,' After her voice cracked she played safe. HIGH SCtffcL Wymore 'High Lose Series. Wymore. Neb Fcot 1. (Special.)- The local high school basket ball team returned recently from playing games at Johnson,. Peru and Auburn. Wymore lost every game, but the experience the local tossers gained in spite of their de feats more ' than offset their opponent's victories. The locals have not had a bas ket ball team for five, year and with no gymnasium in which to practice. Coach I.. F. Chard finds it a hard task to round a squad into condition for games with schools that ha,ve teams. During the trip Wymore lost to Johnson, 26 to 10; Peru, 33 to ,1, and Auburn, 24 to .7. Minden 36! Fairfield 18. Mlnden, Neb:, Feb. 1. (Special.) The Minden IIlBh school team won over the fast Fairfield High here by th score ot 36 to 18. Th Fairfield quintet was un able to display the speed and accurate basket shooting that characterized the winner's play. ' . Five Contests on Schedule. Ogallala, Neb., Feb 1. (Special.) Five basket ball games remain on the local's schedule. A rumor has been cir culated - Inv nearby towns that Ogallala Is playing ineligible players. The local high school athletic officials wish to cor rect, this rumor as it la untrue arid hns no foundation. Every member of the squad is carrying fourrsubjects and every member of the team 'with, th eitceptlon of one substitute has been in the Ogal lala High school since the first of the school year. Every boy la required to have passing grades in all four subjects. Th ramaining schedule follows: Febru ary 4, Grant, here; February 11, Paxton, here; February 12, North Platte, there; February 18. Sutherland, there:- February 25, Sutherland, here and possibly Curtis at Ogallala, March 4 or 5.. Chester-!) Drshler Id. Chenter. Neb., IVb. 1. (Special.) The local High school defeated Ceshler here, IS to 10. The local girls won over Desh- er gins, Jl lo 4. Semi-Pro and Amateur Minden Legion 83; Holilrege 27. Minden, Neb., Feb. 1, (Special.) The Minden American Legion basket ball team aereated'tn Holdrea-e Legion sauad In a close and hard-fought game here by me scura ot fl lO'Zf. Dra wn for Nsws Servlca She must have played the wrong safe, because she disappeared about the same time that the Roughtown Building v society lost a pillion in Mexican money and a 'valuable re cipe for preserving asthma. The old folks never get tired of telling about the time she made her formal . debut ; in the Roughtown brewery- and she compained about the vats not having, handles, on 'em. She - returned -a beating that her school teacher had given her 40 years before. Charrning girl, but quick tempered. ' . ' v Met at Low Tide. , But all that has nothing tq do with fighting. , Gink and Squealer met on this island at low tide. Gink had done some quick thinljing. He had his belt around his neck like an Ascot tic. He figured that the Squealer wpuld crash him ' on the chest, which would give the fight to Gink on a foul. Instead of that, Squealer powdered pink's nose with a right that knocked him cross-eyed also. The fight was now eveii. Both boys looked like an; oculist's last test and were so cress-eyed - that they could .have watched an airplane race from a rathskcflar-""' -.y r Anyway, they started --( matching: each other . with rights and lefts, pirmping away like . sailors on a waterloggedscow. . Gink knocked out all of Squealer s seconds, 2,000 spectators and busted the ringposts with a left swing that would have changed Squealers shoreline it it ever landed. Squeaffr flattened all of Ginks friends and the rest of the audience and they'd li'C- btjert fight ing yet if the, tide hadn't come in just as the referee decided to go out and meet it. ; - , After that fight, the- 'owner , of Roughtown Busy Bee decided not to rent out any niore Tuxedos for any thing less than . fire, faming or earth quakes. . :' . "v ';' British Crew May Not Join t ' International Regatta London, Feb.V 1. .Considerable doubt appears to' exist in university boat club circles here as to whether it will be possible for a British crew to compete in the international col legiate, championship regatta to be held at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 22. Lacking a formal invitation, uni versity authorities decline to. speak officially. WTTH'THE Chlci'go Trihunc-Omulut ISeo -Leased Wire. Chicago, Jan. 31 Charley White signed up a match with Frankle Scball at Buffalo for next Monday oUcr the (ng distance phone today.- They will ' box 10 rounds to a decision,- , . Leon P. Flynn. the New.-Tork promo ter, has pffcred Charley a chance to ap pear at Madison Sfluare- Uardpn against either Lew Tendler, Johnny Dundee or Willie Jackson, The offer came in a wire, asking his terms against the three men. - ' , . Solly Friedman has shifted managers again. He has broken -wltH Big Hart and hooked with Al Miller, who first brought him out. Holly's next battle takes phTco Friday night against Cal Delaney in Louis- vine. , s I Boxing may soon be. legalized In Mis souri. Fight .fans are working hard to get the bill through the legislature, as they are sure that the new governor. Arthur Hyde, will sign the bill. f . -.J t Arrangements hnre been made so that Jack KearnH, mar.ygcr Of Jack Dempseyi Tex Rickard, proinotnr., and Ray Archer, representing Jess Wlllard, will meet In New York Tuesday to complete details of the match between the ytwo boxers scheduled for, March 17. . Fifteen round bouts to a derision anil the creation, of a. state boAlng commission are provided' for In a bill Introduced in the Pennsylvnnla legislature by Repres tatlve McBride of Alleghany. The com mission would have tn general offices in Philadelphia and be authorized to Issue permits and supervise all boxing In that state. - . , Leo Flynn Is no longer the nuinager of Johnny Rclsler. the fcntherwelgnt. Keis ler was recently suspended for HO days for stalling by the, New fork .commission. His father (John The Barber) will handlu hla business In the futur. , . The Bee by Tad Local Bowlers Win Over Lincoln Stars i Rolling up a score of 2,796, J, a picked team of Omaha bowlers com posed ofNeale, Vills. McCabe, Ol son and Kennedy, defeated the Lin coln All-Stars last night on the Oma ha Alleys. The local maple pushers won over the visitors by 228, pins. Ted Neale was high man on the Omaha quintet with ascore of 614 for three games. McCabe was sec ond with 562 and Olson and Ken nedy followed with scores of 561 and 560, respectively. The scores follow: 4 - Lincoln Stars. CJifleld 192 177 16S - 627 Amspoker 137 141 124 402 Irwin ......154 206 16S 628 Brown 187 1S9 161 487 Duncan 212 220 192 624 Total 862 - 903 802 2.B68 ' Omaha Alleys. Neale ....179 233 02 ; 614 Wills 156 138 203 499 McCabe 213 190 159 , 562 Olson 157 211 198 661 Kennedy 199v' 171 190 SiiO Total 904 948 949 2.79S Creighton Schedules University of Dakota - . , The University of North Dakota will buck up against Cregihton uni versity on the local's gridiron next fall, v The game is scheduled to be played November 19. The Dakotans play Illinois and Minnesota this year. Creighton ath letic officials are angling for a game with an eastern college or university. , Defeats Cal Delaney Cleveland, O., Feb. 1. George (K. O.) Chancy, Baltimore light weight, scored a technical knockout over Cal. Delaney of j Cleveland, in the third round of a 'scheduled 10 round bout here Monoay night. . Michigan Beats Purdue La Fayette, Ind. Feb." 1. Michi gan defeated Purdue in a western conference basket Ijall game here last night, 28 to 23. v Postpone Dempsey Trial Batavia.-N. Y Feb. 1. Trial of the $200,000 damage suit against Jack Dempsey and Jack Kearns, which was to have started in su preme court here Monday, was -adjourned to next Monday, to permit Dempsey and Kearns to come east. Golf Tourhey in August Denver. Colo.. Feb. 1. The date for the Trans-Mississippi Golf asso ciation championship tournament to be held at the Denver Country club, has been set for August 8 to 13, inclu sive, according to announcement A Brain Can't Work Right on Thin, Watery Blood It takes iron to make strong, magnetic, forceful men with the power and energy to win. Many a capaWe intelligent man falls just short of success nearly "geta there" but not quite simply because he lacks sufficient iron in his blood to give him the physical strength and power to furnish the proper FORCE TO HIS BRAIN and the "STAY THERE" STRENGTH TO HIS "WILL." , - THERE ARE 30,000,000,000,000 RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES IN YOUR BLOOD and each one must have iron as Iron is absolutely neces sary to enable your blood to change food into living cells and tissues and to carry oxygen from your1 lungs to your brain. Without this your brain cannot do its work right THINK THE THOUGHTS THAT WIN any more than a locomotive can pull a big-train of cars with a weak, smoldering fire under its boiler. . 1 - WHEN VOUE BLOOD IS STARVING FOR IRON no mere tonics nor stimulant! can put you right. You must havs iron. To get iron, you mast eat the husks of srains and the peela and skins of fruits and vegetables as our forefathers did or take little organic iron from time to time and eat more such Iron-containing foods as spinach and apples. But be sure that the iron you take is organic Iroa and not metallic or mineral iron which people usu ally take. Metallic iron is iron as it eomes from the action of strong acids on small pieces of iron, and is. therefore an entire ly different thing from organic Iron. Or ganie iron ia like the iron in your blood and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. It may be had from your druggist under the name of Nuxated Iron. Nuxated Iron represents organio iron in such highly condensed form that one dose of it is esti mated to be approximately equivalent tin. Noted Stallion; Friar Rock, Is Cause of Trial Ownership Disputed When , One of Owners Fails to Comply With Agreement I Made at Time of Buy. i New York, Feb. 1. Argument in a suit for ownership of the noted thoroughbred atallion. Friar Rock, in which appointment' of a receiver for the horse was asked, was on the supreme court calendar here today. The suit was filed by John E. Mad den, owner" of a breeding establish ment at Lexington, Ky., against John E. Rosseter of Santa .Rosa, Cal. It is said to be the first action of its kind instituted in this state. In his affidavit, Mr.. Madden, who paid August B.elmont $50,000 for Friar Rock ter he had won the Brooklyn and Suburban handicaps in 1916 as a 3-year-old, declared he subsequently sold a half interest in the horse to Mr, Rosseter under conditions by which the latter failed to abide. The ' Kentuckian requested a peremptory writ of mandamus call ing upon Rosseter to return1 the horse from California to Kentucky, for breeding purposes as stipulated in a contract. Friar Rock, Madden asserted, was to stand in California in 1919-20 and then be shipped to Kentucky or two seasons. Walter Maranville Signs Year Contract With Pittsburgh Club Pittsburgh, Feb. 1. Shortstop Walter (Rabbit) Maranville has signed- a one-year contract to play with the Pittsburgh Nationals. This Information was given out tonight by "officials -f the club who said "Barney"; Dreyfus, president and George Gibson manager had secured Maranville s signature to the con tract at New York today. Maran ville was recently traded to , Pitts burgh by the Boston club. Boston Nationals Sell Pick to Sacramento Boston. Feb. 1. The sale of Charles Pick, an outfielder, to the Sacramento club of the -Pacific Coast league, was announced bythe management of the Boston Nationals Monday night.' Pielc brdke his 1c last iau, Dut expects to dc able to play this season. 4 .. . . L . . . . ' . Joe Stand Loses Match To Fred Grubmeier Manning. Ia.. Feb, 1. fSoecial Telegram.) Joe Stangl of Carroll, la., failed to pin Fred Groubmeier of Harlan,' la.,' here in a 75-minute handicap match. Stangl was to pin Grobumeier two falls in 75 minutes, but Grubmeier used defensive tac tics throughout and often crawled to the ropes. - Grobmeier refused to wrestle Stangl a finish match. .v . . Hawkeye Tossers Win Iowa City, la., Feb. 1. Iowa vir tually put Chicago out of the running in the. western conference basket ball championship by winning Monday night. 17 to 16. made here Monday by President J. R; Lennst of the association. It has been 11 years since the Trans-Mississippi played in Denver. St. Paul Scrapper Beats Joyce Toronto, Feb. 1. Roy Moore, St. Paul bantamweight, outfought Ted Joyce of Toronto in a 10-round bout Monday night. -- " v ' : hd Lewis w inner B.oston, Feb. 1. Ed (Strangler) Lewis, world's champion catch-as-catch-ean wrestler, threw Renato Gardin, Italian heavyweight. Monday without using his famous "hcadlock" which has aroused opposition among wrestlers and the public. He pinned Gardin's shoulders to the mat with a toe hold in one hour, 38 minutes and 20 seconds. - Cleveland Hockey Team Wins St. Paul, Feb. l.--The Cleveland hockey team virtually cinched the championship of Group No. 2 of the United States Amateur Hockey league by defeating the St. ' Paul Athletic clux sextet, 4 to 2, Monday night. ADVERTISEMENT organle iron Content) to eating one-half quart of spinach, one quart of green vege tables or half dosen apples. It's like taking extract of beef instead of eating pounds of. meat. , Over 4.000,000 people annually ara using Nuxsted Iron; It will not injure the teeth loften eommence to enrich your Mcod. gWe nor disturb the stomach. A few (lures will you new strength and energy and help re vitalize your-wornout, exhaustedi nerves, and thereby great 1st strengthen jrour will power and aid in restoring your failing memory. Your money will be refunded by the manu facturers Ifr you do not obtain perfectly satisfactory results. Beware of substitutes. Always insist on having genuine organic iron Nuxated Iron. Look for the letters N. 1. on every tablet. Sold by all drugitista. mm it- May Have "Boys Day' At Omaha Base Ball This Coming Season If Barney Barch can have his way, there will be "boys' day" at the Omaha base ball park this season as well as "ladies' day." The new magnate favors a free day for Omaha youngsters, but whether Mike Finn, half owner of the team, is willing to allow the "kids" to witness the Western league teams in action here free of charge is another question. Ed Hoyt Elected to Lead Nebraska's Squacjof Wrestlers Lincoln, Feb.'l.- (Special Tele gram.) Ed C. Hqyt of McCooJc, Neb,, was elected captain of the Ne braska wrestling team at a meeting of the sqquad Monday. Hoyt takes the place of -Malcom Smith, who was elected to captain -this year's team, but did not return to the university last fall. The Nebraska wrestlers are work ing daily, to get in shape for a meet with Iowa State at Ames next Fri day. J SoutKpaw Tendler i ? Gets License to Box Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Teased Wire. New York, Feb. 1. (Special.) Lew" Tendler, the left-handed light weight from Philadelphia, has re ceived a license to box in New York. Lew got a newspaper decision over Willie Jackson in Milwaukee last Tuesday night and the fact that the south-paw boxer made application for a license here would indicate that he is most desirous of engaging the champion of -the class, Benny Leffnard Bob Martiri Wins ' , Bout Over Burke New Orleans, Feb. 1. Bob Mar tin, American Expeditionery force champion won a technical knockout over Martin Burke Nlw Orleans light heavyweight in the Tifth round of their scheduled lS-r.ound Monday. Referee Door stopped the fight as Burke was hanging. on the ropes, just after taking the count of nine. Ty( Cobb, New Tiger Leader, Guest of Honor at Detroit Detroit,. Mich., Feb. 1. Detroit belonged to Ty Cobb today. The SsSrgian returned to be the center a full day of ceremonies in cele bration of his appointment as man agers of the Tigers. A large recep tion committee met him at the rail road station. Among the notables who will at tend a banquet tonight are Judge Landis, Ban Johnson and Governor Groesbeck. Weilman Quits Game St. Louis, Mo.. Feb. !. Carl Weil man, pitcher, although he has signed a contract for the forthcoming sea son, today informed the St.' Louis Americans he has retired from hasc ball because of ill health. - , Purdue Is Defeated . Lafayette, Ind., Feb. 1. Purtlue I expected an easy victory but was beaten' 28 to 23 by Michigan in a western conference basket ball game last night. Automobile Tires Are" Not v Spragu 3!2 Economy in tire buying is to buy the best, a SPRAGUE. No automobile owner ever saved money buying cheap tires does' not have them order and Cuming streets. Our tion is at your disposal. EVERY DAY at 12:30 at our Burgess-Nash . exhibit we give away Pure Gum Tube. Be sure ; and register at the booth. Pas Christifm, rs- vviir , Mississippi City, Buy St Lotus, Pascagoula, Pensaooia, Ne7 Orleans, Mobile. Golf, Boating, Fishing, Motoring Tb milcl, tqoJjlsi AttracOv via tk 4(8 i r n w Nebraska Tossers Tiwl .With Tiirers . u Cor nhust er Basketeer s Cn! 1 i Missouri Leading Val- ley Scramble. - I . ... 1 . 1. 1 f wn.rtui.i . Coach Schissler's Cornhusker basket ball stars are looking better than ever. The Nebraska team strength ened its place in the Missouri Valley conference race Monday by handing Missouri ina ifcuraaiv ai. .... .. . . .. . tied tor hrst place in tne Missouri Valley conference cage race. AI-. though the Tigers have .met morc teams than the Cornhuskers, Ne- Itraclra ctil! Viou a nrriWt record... Following Tuesday's game with the- -Sooners, Coach Schissler will take.': his men into training for their tr'p into Iowa next eck. . 1 The Cornhuskers will invade flie camps cf Iowa State and Grinnefl beginning Wednesday of next week. Nebraska will play two gair.fs at v. ..LaaI kfs.. .-a,,,..,. . A T in. t-Ul II BLUUUI UCIUIC 1 tlUI II Ulkl U coin.- . The Nebraska aggregation is still ... . .1 ' t T - r 11 : witnout ine services oi won nussm ana jesse i any, a pair oi isprcav ( forwards on last year's team. Both men are out because of dehnqueh- ' -..j: T 1 ...:it cies in xneir sumies. iusnrii win probably be able v to make himself eligible within the next week, whifeT there is some possibility that Patty ' may be out for a longer time. ... The following' list of score? of Nebraska games this season indi- cates the standing ortne cornnusKer quintet: . J Nebraska.... Sd Illinois ... .- n. Tlll.nl. '14 neOnUKH,,,,.,,,.,,. llllliuin - .......-. Nebraska sn 111. Wesleyan Nebraska 31 Orlnnell '.T1- Nebraska t Orlnnell Nebraska, S South Dakota. .. .IS Nebraska, ......).34i Oklahoma Nebraska, totals 21" Oppon'ts totals i; , Montreal Law Forbids Staging Prize Fight Quebec, Feb. 1. Violations of tbfi law, prohibiting boxing bouts in this .; province will not be countenanced, Deputy Attorney General Lancot said today in discussing proposals to hold the Dempsey-Carpentier ; championship bout in Montreal, v Replying to a suggestion that R order in council qould be passed giv ing special permission for holding thr matches, he said orders in council de rogatory to the law are unconstoV tutional. : . ' , I.V CADILLAC . Recognized everywhere for its ...PERMANENCY,;, . V A L U E . ' "':"1 J.H.Hansen Cadillac Gov Omaha Lincoln,: All Alike Ford Size Regular 3V2 or tubes. If your dealer from the mill, Eighteenth repair and service sta Biloxi, Ocean Springs, Gulfport, climate maks this an kW location - - . fxawmttfKjoarn. Good hotels at moderrtt ntcs. bfairiteltriks M bm Ok mi SLUfiimUsTiIU4JUjmklLLrelM afduadng ncatiM law! I &tk tRf 24 tan T" Cmlud AaMsaoa, CaM mt naalda CU Cmi. rs? scUAsUs itotmmtMm. r. W. MORROW. NawWast. Tmm. Aa. r. u. nrrro t... ?. Am. r.Uw., Ewhans tU.. Kaaus Cil.j. Me. i '