THE BEE : OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1921. 5 . :1 V ounsel Lambert -Opposed to Muny Light Measure Attornfy Says Bill Would Force City to Accept Current From Water Board Re gardless of Cost. Brief City News Salt For Suit Minnie Suit filed nlt for divorce against her husband, Rert Suit, In district court yesterday. Minnie allegnd Bert left her In 1916. PwachMi Tonight Rev. A. E. Hallen of Rockford, III., will preach in the Swedish Free church, Twenty seventh and Marry streets, this eve ning. Iave For. 'Frisco Lieut. Col. Robert Ioghry and his wife will leave for Ban Franolsco this morning- following a three weeks' visit wlthhla parents' in Omaha. Bernstein To Speak Nathan Bernstein will epcak tonight at 8 to members of the Omaha Business J Women's club at the Y, W. C. A. auditorium. f. C. Lambert, corporation coun sel, is opposed to house roll No. 1 a'tiilf utnirh uAiiM o-iv " th Met. ronolitan Water board the risrht to I Wo"'1 liiate Corn C hase coun ropoiiun axer Doaro trie nnt to t fa throuKh Carro. Pcter- fmt.ate a municipal electric Sight and son have notlfl9d u. Burr onea tnej jjuwrr jJidiii, 4 ritfin w 1111.11 is i)Ow vested in the city council. Mr. Lambert, who has given years of study to public service problems, stated that he has pronounced con victions in exnlanatinn nf Wta (in. position to this bill and he added ,7ft1't""8,0-8' l"J"' that his opposition was reached after a careful study of the bill. ' "I am opposed to the bill, in the first p4ace, because it proposes to re quire the city to accept current from the Metropolitan Water board for the school district will be paid 1102,- street lighting, regardless of anyi&i'. proposition which might be received Motorman Improves Leonard Wife-Slayer Is Sunday School Boy. Says Mother Son Always Dutiful, Never Used Liquor,. Declares Par ent, flere to Fight for Prisoner's Life. wvuld donate a carload of corn for the starving children of Armenia. Bank Clearings- Hank clearings for Omaha during January totaled $173,039,391.13, showing a decline from the total for December, which 1920, the total was $306, 287,688. 15. Adjust Losses Insurance com panies have adjusted their losses on the Hisrh School of Commerce fire which destroyed the new school building the night of January 1 and Curncll Lawsou. 21, held in coun ty jail without bail for the alleged murder of his girl-wife, Jeanette, at tended Sunday school regularly when at home, according to his mother, Mrs. Hope Lawson. t' Mrs. Lawsou, who arrived in Omaha yesterday from Little Rockvl t i . r r 1 !:.. -. I i .rK., lo ngm lor nrr sons mc, aiso i - j declared as far as she knew ISurneil j knglcUlCi 311(1 1302111 never used intoxic.itincr linuor j ! O J r been away from uossiMc, tluua?li," she said. "He , was always a home boy and so many little things have happened since he left home. I know he'll bt interested iu hearing about them. Never Met His Wife. "Yes, I want to stay in Omaha until the thing is all over witm I've never had any experience in this kind of thing, however, and the judgment of our attorneys will decide my course of action." , Mrs. Law.son said' she had never met 4Scr son's wife, but had heard since the tragedy the girl was from Little Kock or the near vicinity. She showed no interest in the womau and changed the subject when she was mentioned. IT. K. Padgett, brother of Mrs.' Lawson. who accompanied hefhere, declared Hmnell had been very dear to him. He would not comment on the circumstances, asserting he knew little about it as yet. ; by the city from any other plant," said Mr. Lambert. Limited Number of Patrons. "I also am opposed because the service which the Metropolitan Water board would give could be used by only a limited number of y'patrons for at least several years and it would be necessary for 96 Jer cent of the present electric light , hpraId9 rf-droD In the oriea of caa- Culllson, motorman, severely ln- Jurey in a rear-end crash of two street cars at Thirteenth and Wil Hams streets Saturday morning, Is reported improved at St. Joseph nospitai Gasoline To Go Lower A drop of og-cents a barrel on crude oil was announced by L. V. Nicholas of the Nicholas OH company yesterday. The decrease Mn the price of crude and power users to share in bearing the financial burdens of the enter- ollne, he said. Corral Witnesses United ". States prise without being given the benefits Depty Marshals Emmet J. Qulnly mtil the service of the board would , and Earl Young spent Sunday cor 1 extended to them and that would' j railing 69 witnesses for the federal he a matter of years. "Anothrr reason why I am op posed is that there is now ample pro vision in our laws to give any relief hc city needs in the matter of build ing a municipal plant or acquiring the existing plant. I see of no reason for enlarging the powers of the Met ropolitan Water board at this time and I have full confidence that the city council will be competent at any time to meet any situation of his nature, should it arise." Says Proposition Unfair. Mr. Lambert says he does not believe- that the city should be com pelled to accept the street lighting ervice from the Metropolitan Water board even should this board start Ha electric light and power service irom its Florence plant, as it seeks 10 do under .the terms of this bill. Ee maintains that the city should not I tied down to any such require ments. He says he believes that such t -proposition is manifestly unfair Jusd wotila not stand the acid test. He has gone over the existing Itwi en the subject, placing them gainst house roll No. 1, and ''finds that the present laws are fully ade quate to enable the city to go into the electric light and power busi ness any time the voters authorize it, r to acquire the plant which is Irow in operation. The bill will be discussed this af ternoon at Lincoln before the house committee on towns and cities. Mr. Lambert's expressions on the Subject ' are the most pronounced utterance s 'against the bill which have come out of the city hall. Omaha Business Show To Continue All Week The Omaha Business show, held this week on the fourth floor of the Orchard & Wilhelm store, opened ytcrday and will continue through t lie week. There are 27 exhibitors and 25 booths displaying all manner of office equipment and fixtures. The bhow will be opened Wednesday night. One of the features 'is the typing exhibition of William P. Oswald, Jv'ew York, world's champion typist, who has a record of 143 words a minute for an hour's writing, grand Jury which will convene Wed nesday. Qulnley confessed ' he lost his way once during the day. : "Cupid" Worried Only 21 mar riage licenses were Issued last month against 276 in January 1920. "And yet they talk about Onward Omaha" said "Cupid" Stubbendorf, marriage license clerk, when he compiled his records for January with, a wry face. Many Ask Help Not since the winter of 1914, when soup lines were established, has the demand for charity on Omaha been so great, ac cording to MaJ. F. A. McCormick, of the Volunteers, of America. "Wo are receiving 60 applications a day for help" he said yesterday. To Tallr on Radium Dr. D. T. Quigley will speak on "Radium and its Uses" 'tt the noon meeting of the Ilotary club Wednesday. N. C. -Leary will be chairman of the meeting, after which the club mem bers will visit the business show at. Orchard & Wilhelm company's store. Family Pet Dies Jack, a watch dog belonging to the five children at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pat rick, died Sunday. Jack suffered an In- Jury to one of his front logs some time ago and a . large swelling re sulted. " An. operation wan per formed 10 days ago but the effort to save the dog was futile. Three Burglaries Three- r bur glaries were reported to police Sunday night, A violin was stolen rom the rooms of Mrs. Lonnle Bodiene, 707 1-2 North Eighteenth street: $50 worth of. Jewelry from W. JJ. Heller, 413 North" Twenty fifth street, and h overcoat from Chin Tep, 1409 Douglaa street." Wedding Deferred A would-be brldegrporn telephoned . Herbert StiAbenrlorf. marriage license clerk. Sunday to come to the court house and Issue him a license. Good naturedly "Cupid" compiled. When he arrived at the court house and got out his books, he learned the applicant had been divorced only two months and the license was not granted. tie had never home long until last March," she said. ''He either wrote or tele graphed me regularly until in De cember. "The last time r heard from him was in December. He was in Kan sas City, Mo. 1 didn't know he -f!ad come to Omaha untiT I heard the terrible news of the tragedy. Always Dutiful Son. "I didn't et'en know he was mar ried. He had always been a duti ful son, but he had never confided his troubles to me much. He had never beerf in trouble before, I don't know much about the circumstances, but I think there must be something in his favor." Because of illness Mrs. Lawson was unable to visit vher son in the county jail up till 3 o'clock this after noon. "I want to see him just as soon as Friends to U. S., Says Jap Minister Here There will be no war between Japan and the United States, ac cording Vo H. Yamader, minister of t he department .of home affairs of Japan, who arrived in Omaha yes terday from Tokio. The minister is transportation and city planning ex pert in Japan and is here to study cities and railroads. "Cities of the United States are laid out on a large scale. Iu Japan the cities often have narrow, dirty streets," he said. Speaking of an alliance between Japan and Great Britain the minister said, England and Japan are the good friends ot America. ojuxdy tin boxes ot 12 tablets cost but a few eenU Larger package. ok enuxnju Aiplrln Is ihe trsde mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldeiter of SallcrllcaclS Relatives of Woman III Kansas City Not Fount! Here No relatives of Mrs. Hessic Handler, whose clothing was found to conceal $406.25 when she was taken to the general hospital in Kan sas City, could be located in Oma ha yesterday, although the woman was identified by a daughter, Mrs. Ida Schulman, as her mother from Omaha. Mrs Handler told Kansas City Snen'al tnvitatrnn liau. k ; nolice 'she had Rone there to find ADVKRTIHEMKVf ADVERTISEMENT Are Weak Nerves and Thin Blood Making a Failure Out of You? Iron starvation .of the blood weakens the will power, robs you of your bodily and mental vigor and often keps you from making the money and success you should THERE ARE RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES IN yfYOUR BLOOD AND EACH ONE MUST HAVE IRON. out to all commercial, industrial and civic organizations and to pupils of public schools and students in busi ness colleges Jo attend. Suspect Captured in Hotel After Spectacular Chase Follbwing a spectacular chase through the corridors of two floors of, the Paxton yesterday afternoon, Conrad Beck, Eighteenth and Leav ornyorth streets was captured at 3 o'clock by Corbett Mills, assistant manager of the" hotel, and a number pi. guests who joined in the chase. Detectives arrived at the scene just as the fugitive was captured and -took him to Central police head quarters for investigation. Beck is suspected of attempting to ransack several rooms in the hotel. - He is also suspected by the police of being implicated in a number , of recent robberies of offices in down town buildings. ' ru i - Man Is Sentenced Pen ; Second Time for Forgery Fred H. Denker was sentenced to i the penitentiary for one 10 20 years t. by District Judge Troup yesterday for forgery. This will be his second term in the Nebraska "pen" for forgery. He was sent there July 1, 1913, for a term of one to 20 years, but was released after serving three years. At his first trial on the present charge of passing a forged check on the Nebraska Clothing company the jury disagreed. At his second trial a month ago a verdict of guilty was returned. Full Meal in Samples to Be . . Given Away at Exposition A full meal in samples will be ghen away at the Onward Omaha . exposition which opened at the Bur. ' gess-Nash store yesterday. Copkies, ' syrups, butter, flour. Skinner inaceroni, meat products and coffee sre among the "handouts." Mint Taylor dresses in the making and a play store are other features of the show. " ; ' Queen Seeks ph'orce From . King Who Abandoned Her , Jmes Wilbur White filed a peti tion for divorce in district court yes terday from his wife, Queen, alleging . cruelty. Rex (King) Fike was sued for divorce by Woneta Fike, who claims, he abducted her three years go. Thus the king and queen seek legaj Jelicf from their consorts." a aaugmer wnosc nunuauu a name she could not remember, and ap pealed to them for aidr-saying she was out of funds. When your blood is thin, paid and watery it loses its power to change food into living tissue, and NOTHING YOU EAT DOES YOU THE PROPER AMOUNT OF GOOD you don't get the full strength out of it, and as a consequence you become weak, nervous, irritable and, easily upset. ' 1 , " Also YOUR BRAIN BECOJnisbuLL AND HEAVY your memory poor; your will power weakened; you can't think right and you are no match for the fellow with a keen active powerful mind. It's the "man of blood and iron" THE STRONG, FORCEFUL, VIG OROUS FELLOWS that make the money and become the great captains of industry. ' N When you get up feeling tired in the how much your condition improves. morninir, when you can no longer do your day's work -without being all fagged out at night; when your digestion all goes wrong, or you have pains across the back and your face looks pale and drawn, do not wait until you go all to pieces ami col lapse in a state of nervous prostration, or Divorce Court Dirorca Petition. Paul Huntate against Bessie Hungate, cruelty. Bernlc Welch against Fred Wtlcn. non-support. ADVERTISEMENT 3rhey WORK while you sleep" Thousands of people have surprisingly increased their strength, energy and en durance in two weeks time Jy this simple experiment. But in making this test be sure that, the iron you take is organic iron and not metallic or mineral iron which people usually take. Organic iron like the iron in your blood and like iron In spinach, lentils and apples. ile metallic iron is iron just as it your family physician and have him take comes from the action of strong acids on a specimen f your blood and make a small pieces of iron, organic iron may "blood count' of your red blood cor- be -had from your druggist under the pusrles, or teat the iron power of your name of NOXATED IRON. Beware of blood yourself by adding plenty of spin- Substitutes; look for the letters N. I. on ach, carrots, baked apples or other iron- every tablet. Your money will be re- containing fruits and vegetables to your funded by the manufacturers if you do daily food and take organic iron, like Nux- not obtain perfectly satisfactory results. ,ated Iron with them for a while and see At all druggists. - "' Contract for Painting ,.' Court House O. K.'d in Court The contract for oaintine and dec orating the COUrt house, awarded by . until in your weakened condition you con- the ... -.m,4ccint,'rc tn the Ten. ! tract some serious disease, but" consult wh the county commissioners to trie jen- , . .. hvai n(, h.v. him take sen Painting company for f4J,uuu, was upheld bv District Judge Wake ley in a decision rendered yesterday in the suit brought by am Newman, a bidder whose figure was $8,000 less than the Jensen bid. Judge Wakeley held that the, .con tract .involves artistic qualities and therefore is not subject to cempeti tive bidding on a purely pecuniary basis. ' all ihe neva extoui the" know ADVERTISEMENT No Spap Better i ForYourSkin Than Cuticura Sam ?! (Sosp. OfntHwntTmJero) tratO van UkantarlM, St. X. MaMa, Mtss. Tfltoctor Tells How to ! h Wl a OTcngincn tyesigm By the simple use of Bon-Opto, says Dr. Lewis, I have aaen yesight 60 in a week s t i m i n many instances, ftnd quick relief brought to inflamed, caching, itching', burning, work-strained, watery eyes.' Read the doctor's full statement soon to appear in this paper. Bon-Opto is sold and recommended everywhere bj Druggists. CLOSING OUT ALL WINTER CLOTHING 35.00 Overcoats '15.00 '35.00 Suits 15.00 6.00 Trousers 2.95 8.50 Trousers".'. . .'.4.48 6.00 ' Shoes.'. .....2.95 . 2.00 House Slippers SI 1.25 Rubbers 39 J. HELPHANB CLOTHING CO. 314 N. 16th St. You're bilious, constipated, head achy, full of cold, unstrung. Your meals don't fit breath is bad. skin sallow. Take one or two Cascarcts tonight for your liver and bowels and wake up clear, rosy and cheer ful. No griping no inconvenience. Children love Cascarets, too. 10, 25 and 50 cents, HI Ftatuh-P&7 When Cured! A mild avstem of treatment that cures Pilar: Fistula mad other Rectal Diaeaaea in a short time, without a fever surgical op. A cur guaranteed In every ease accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid natll cored. Writ for book on Rectal Diseases, with namea and testimonials of mora than l.Ott promineat people who hav been permanently cured. PR. E. R. TARY Sanatorium, Patera Trust Bldg. (Bee Bldg.) Omaha, Neb. . j BU8GESS-lita tafc 'BvurrooDYb stork" "Onward Omaha Exposition" Featuring the Largest and Most Varied Manufacturing and Industrial Exhibit Ever Assembled in Omaha , NOW IN PROGRESS ON THE MAIN FLOOR OF THE BURGESS-NASH COMPANY OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 P. M. Tuesday, Is Bargain Day In the Downstairs Store Embroideries ' 2c yd.' Embroidery edges and colored lace, edges at 2t yard. Laces, 5c yd. One lot of Torchon, Filet, Cluny and Val. edges at 5e yard. , From 9 to 12 A Hat for a Quarter CHOICE OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF Winter Hats 25c Consisting of both trimmed and' untrimmed velvet hats, the lining: alone is worth the price we ask for these hats. A really sensational offer. ,v Hqck Towels 22c each Large size hemmed buck towels, a very absorbing quality, 22c each. Bed Sheets $1.25 each Bed sheets, a quality thai; will give good service, in the large 81x90-inch size, neatly hemmed, $1.25 each. Damask Napkins 2 doz., $1.10 Bleached damask napkins of splendid, quality in size 21x21 inches. Much under priced at, half dozen, $1.10. Batn Mats $1.50 Large size bath mats for $1.50. An excellent qual ity, in colors of green or blue. Table Damask .$1.10 yd. Bleached tabUvdflmask of extra heavy weight and splendid quality. Good de signs, $1.10 yard. Pillow Cases 25c each Pillow cases, a fine ronmJ thread quality in size 45x36 inches, neatly hemmed ends, 25c each. A Bargain Square of Bargains Tuesday 1,000 Odd Garments' for Women, Misses and Children, at 5c 10c 15c 25c 50c 75c $1,00 ' , This great lot consists of Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Sweaters, House Dresses, Aprons, Dab) V ests, Hose, Corset Covers, bloomers. Drawers, Children's Waists, Petticoats, Children s Dresses, Rompers, Children's Kimonos, Sacques, Scarfs, Caps, Bonnets, Leggins, Breakfast Sets and innumerable other articles, all slightly soiled and counter mussed and only one or two of a style. These prices are just one-half of the regular price. Spats, $1.00 One lot of women's newest style spats, assorted colors and all sizes in the lot. On sale Tuesday, $1.00 the pairv Union Suits, 49c , Children's fleeced union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length. 8 to 16 years. For Tuesday only, 49c a suit. Sen's SHOPS "e Boys' Tuesday These are odd lots taken from our regular stocks and are on the tables for your convenience. One lot of bos' shoes, sizes 1 to 6, $2.95. One lot of Inisses' shoes, sizes 11 to 2, $2.95. One lot of children's shoes, sizes 8& to 11, $2.45. One lot of children's shoes, sizes 5 to 8, .$1.95. i One lot of infants' shoes, sizes 1 to 5, $1.00. Fiber Rugs $3.69 27x60-inch heavy wool fiber rugs, plain center with border effects, good color range, $3.69. Texoleum Mats , $1.00 1 Texoleum mats, size 36x36 inches, light patterns, $1.00 each. Men's Hose 10prs.$1.00 300 dozen men's hose, medium weight, reinforced heels and toes, elas tic ribbed tops, sizes 10 to 11, all colors. Special Tuesday, 10 pairs for $1.00. I Men's Work Shirts 75c 50 dozen blue and gray chambray, medium weight, good quality, strongly made, will stand lots of wear, sizes 15 to 18. Very special Tuesday, 75c. Limit of three to a customer. . Men's Soft Collars , 5c each 100 dozen men's soft collars, sizes 14 to 15, plain and fancy colors, 5c each. SuvFairv Sodas Backed keep the dointyfrethntst IFAIRYS0DA1 v w m m w jpBi5tuiTcjr cMOrrnniitDARtHK iVl) . ...7 fL uuntmAuuunAUiT-urwu '71 mini A oil Featured ' at the Onward Omaha Exposition main floor Burgess-Nash Co. Week. Starting Jan. 31st Baked Fresh Every Day in Omaha's Snow White Bakery I " The Noblest Profession baa to do with doing good for others. Ia no field i theta peater opportunity (or daio food than in that of Scien tific Narsinf., Florence Niehtingale, Aotel of the Crimea," once said that Nursing- was one of the Fum Arts ii Dot toe Finest ot rioc Arts. The Need (or Scirntinrallr Trained Nurses is treater bow than ever before. Thefield otfers the serious minded, purposeful younf woman rare opriortnmtT not onlr to measure up to one ol the real needs ot toe world but to, gain Kea,l Success for herself. The University Hospital School of Nursing, of Chicago aCaHa tiu'aiiJMa sad soentiae hala'U tbaOeama-wwasa ta aUaia U warn of mparaMoo. Bmwim Mm aiBliatiMi tw (was taa Uiiiinity mine CMkaa t Madlein aaa tha Hospital, tadanct at tbta School of Nora ins on jr valaoMa ooo eottaool DriTiiosasat tha Mdiesl Colloee aad an iaaimj at the onaaai lowaMnrnaint sf tail Cotter. Apsfleaals art admitted ta tk Uninraftr noavital School of Narimr as caadtdstcs for a tkreo-nor am of Grooint lo Nnnlnf or as candidate for a foor-ronr hum loadiaa to th dosros of Bachelor of SeJcaeo la Noraiag. THERB IS NO TUITION R! Prahotlanor and StMoal Norm race) mom ia an attrortlT Boom adjolnina tin Hos pital, board oih! leanrfrr dorlnc their period of tramiiw witfcoot ospoaos to throj. Btndoats neoirs radaated llninioj of saoae? af tar ta ssahsiloa period of tfcrea ok the. Tk rjnrrarsltr Bosratal School of Naraaao. r ,..iil,il a i stitntten. taesto at the Munoetioa of Oadon areaoo. nonanos aad Useola troMa. dttnoU ocnas the tTra va j i than tworro nan sen. na a noa-wHarlt h street f nea the Median! Bwldric of too Uainrattf af llkoots. Detailed krformatlee tfl ha rJedtj on ooa nqaast to th DIRECTRESS OF THE SCHOOL OF NURSING 432 Sooth Lincoln Street .. Chicago, nUooia USE "BEE WANT ADS THEY BRINa RESULTS A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed V 1518 Douflas St. Tel. Doug. 1M AKVKRTISE.MK.NT 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know. Bee Want Ads Are Pest Business viewer