Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
-NO. 196.
EnurM m gaciiia-ClaM Mattw May 21, ISM. at
Omaha . 0. Uadar Ael ! , March J. Itr.
Malt l ). latlfle 4th Zane. Dally t"l Sunday. W: Dally Oaly. $S: Sun fay, 14
Outiloa 4th Zoat II yairl. Dally and Suaoaj. lit; Dally Oaly. Hi: Susdaj Oaly. IS
Kid n
Admit Act
Cousins Plead Guilt to Alt-
tliK'tiiia; Los Antrcles Woman -
Seiytence Deferred Un
til Wednesday.
Was Treated Kindlv
I .S tildes Jan. .51. --.nliur W. .
Carr and Flo d L. Carr. cousins
confessed kidmpirs Mr. Gladys :
V Uitncreli. win- 01 1. .. u uncivil,
- ...... M... '
uivcsi incut cnirpauy pn-suu-m,
pk-rid'ed guilty pi a charge oi kit!
imp'tig in '(be -uperiov cmirl late,
today. Sentence "as deterred until
i:it WedncsiLiv ivorning. '
Mr-, (iladys Wi'licel! i-appcarcd !
was found tarlv ili- morning a I
priMiticr in a ni':;i! boiiso on a sheep
ranch e;ght miles c-t of t'orona. j
in Uivers'de "iuii, about 70 miles
s'vi:he."st f I ..i At-jreles. j
Opera'pr Js Responsible.
A telephone operator's qtiickMvit :
K 'lness led to the discovery of Mrs, ,
Wilherell and :It Cam-' arrest. T;;ei
operator received a call from a. pay
station for tlu" residence of 0. S.
Wither;.'! and delayed making the
cail until the police had been sent
'(tit ihe pav station, where tliey ar
rested A. T. Carr just as he was eon
cltidiiij. a debyed-conversation which
he had promised relatives in a letter
sent them Sptntdnv. !
Mrs. Wi'oiercll'and her husband
rushed into each other's arms. She
sobbed and railed him "lambie, lain-1
hi'" over and over again.
TlTe scene between Mrs. Wilherell
and her father, John C. Kratz, was
as affecting.
Rewards totaling S.5.OO0 were of
fered for information as to Mrs.
WithereH's whereabouts. Withcrell's
former business partner and former
stenographer. Charles Beverly, and
Mrs. Eleda Westrem Tenney, were
killed earlv Sunday in an automobile
accident while detectives were fol
lowing them into Los Angeles from
a suburb. Why they were followed
was unexplained. -Revenge
Was Motive.
At the police station the Carrs
said- they came here thrca months
ago and had taken most of that
time preparing for "revenge" on the
elder Wilherell. because he had once
"blocked a deal," whereby Floyd
Carr could have, gotten a fishing
yacht, according to the police.
"We sure treated the little dame
(referring to Mrs. Withercll)". all
right," the police said Jack Carr
told them. "We even bought her a
powder puff, i.andy and the dally
. papers," -,-?.
;&frfc' WtWefelt bore up well ur til
.-jr;ci . iriij iTiiiiilpd i it !t hr
-' child. Then she suffered a nervous
collapse and on the advice of a
physician,: was put to .bed.
. St dry Xf Abduction.
Through l)cr husband, she gave
out a 'brief story of her abduction.
It follows: '
"I was. getting dinner . la?-: Tues
day night Mother Withercll was
coining over when he, the man 1
learned Jat'er was F'loyd Crr, came
to the door, saying someone was
t ailing for tne a woman hurt, in an
accident on the boulevard.
"I bad never seen lieim before, but
1 thought my husband's mother had
been hurt, so'l went with hir:.
''We got in a .i-aojiUic down the
street. Another man. who I. found
out afterwards was Arthur; Carr,
was at the wheel. 1 rode , in tlu:
back seat "with '.he one who came
to the house.
"Ve turned on the boulevard. T
was wondering how soon we would
get to the scene of the "accident.
They did not say mucin and sudden
ly I kne something was wrong. I
tried to jump out, but one of them
grabbed me. J felt a wet rag around
my face. I - smellcd tlie odor of
chloroform. "I struggled as long as
I could. Then I -knew nothing.
Was .Treated Kindly.
"I came to just before we reached
the cabin where they kept me.
'Thev loldme they were .'after j
ticy." 1 rclilizcd 1 must wait my
rhancc to escape. Mie next day
they let write, to trfy husband,
-1 iust to sav that I was all richtVThev
told rne afterwards they sent my
letter w ith theirs, ; demanding $20,
000 to let me go. '
"No. they did not hurt me, When
they took me out of the house for
: fresh air they .blindfolded me. Floyd
Carr was with me most of the time.
They' brought me the papers. I did
some of the cooking. 1 was .wild
to do anything besides wait, 'wait,
wait. I could not sleep I was so
worried about the baby he had not
bcen w ell and my husband and all
mv familv. j
ssoty '.tewe sb.w j sum ti y
terrible days and nights 1 slept j
chiIv an hour and a halt.
Burlington Makes Second
0 1 . I
neuucilOll 111 employes ;
LiiTcoln. Jan. 31. A redue-
tion of 5 per cent of the men work-j
ing 111 the mechanical departments J
o)" the' Burlington railroad in the Ne- ,
. "braska district was ordered today.
With it is an order ,for a 10 'per ;
cent cut in the district. The store
.house, maintenance and building
forces' have been put on a five-day
a week basis.
measure to issue nurai
Credit Bonds Before House
Tr i t-. a 1.1
"'i'"", Vl "j'"'1 .
Jionds to be used in njakmg loans
to farmers was introduced in i the Nc- !
hraska house today. L nder the terms
oi me oui as mucn as u,uw may ;
lie loaned to one man on adequate ;
.'security. i
B. r l t ,nu iiamciu .is xo nc paiu t.imu an
ruklavers Keduce ray jch, with a maximum of $8,000 for
llanr.ibal, Mo., Jan. 31. The local ' a four-inch rainfall. He is to be
hrkklayers' union today notified con-i given credit for only one-half the
tractors that, effective February 1. its total precipitation, however, the in
wagc scale would be voluntarily rc- ference bcijjg taken that providence
tluccd from $1 25 to $1 an hou'- Reserves credit tor the other half.
111 '
Reparation Plan, Folly,
Says Manchester Paper
Loudon, Jan. 31. Allied repara
tion terms decided upon by the su
preme council in Paris hi-t week
were described 'a "lolly" !y the
Manchester 'Guardian loihv. The
newspaper said "tve may be thai k
ful the terms can never be ex
In the opinion oi this journal, tier-
nui,n' l)e a"' 10 i'av '"demnitlc.,
I only by exported goods. ;
",f exported every year an ad
diiioual 300.000,000 worth of gopd
to France, England and Belgium,
j the newspaper said, "the outcry
! raised hv competing manufacturers
j of those countries would he heart
rending. It is already audible."
Bandits Shoot
Defectives: Get.
$10,000 in Loot
Two Officers Will Die as Re
sult of (Juii Rattle Rob
bers Take $119,000 prom
Rank Burn Building.
Detroit. .Mich.. Jan. 31. Tlyce de
tectives were shot and seriously
wounded by three bandits who this
morning held up and robbed the
Morton Bond company's offices in
the public square downtown. At the
hospital, it was said, two of the de
tectives probably will die. The ban
dits escaped with $10,000 in Liberty
bonds, according to the police re-
Robbers Get $119,000.
Washington, Jan. 31. The Cont
n;onwe.J;h National bank dtlKecd
villc, Ya., a village 11)0 miles' front
her:, was robbed of cash and secu
rities totalling $119,000 and thel? -t-on
fire, according to reports received
today by the Washington police de
partment. . -
The building, a two-story frame
structure, was destroyed; "The door
to the vault and that, of "the afe in
side were found open, it was said.
The cash missing was placed by
bank officials at $19,000, while the
$100,000 in securities included a large
amount of Liberty bonds.
Liquor Found on
Farm jNlear Bluffs
Sheriff Confiscates Five Gal
lons of Moonshine .
: Froiji Fanner.1
Sheriff Wi.A..,Gron;weiJcf. Coun-
cil Bluffs raided the farm of Ed
Maas in Silver Creek township, 20
miles south'of this city, Sunday, and
found a five-gallon jug of corn
whisky concealed under jhc oats in
the granary. ' .
The hopzc; was confiscated, but;
Snvanson cited the farmer 'vesterdav
to appear before Justice of the Peace
Jack Harding m the Bluffs on V. ed
nesnay to face charges ot
possession of liquor.
The sheriff staged the raid after
receiving a tip that there was a
cache of booze in that vicinity. He
was assisted by Sheriff Beaner
Fidwards of Mills county and the
town marslral of Silver Creek.
Maas denied all knowledge of the
booze" jug buried m the granary
even after it was brought to light.
The . raiding officers spent several
hours in a search of the farm tor
more liquor or a still used in its
manufacture, but found nothing.
Steamer Said to Be on
Fire Figured in Court
Beaumont. Tex.. Jan. 31 ..-The j
fire at sea. figured in the courts
here about two weeks ago. It was
alleged a customs order enacted in
1879 had been violated.
When the matter was referred to
the Department of Justice .the ship
was ordered released as its owner
ship was vested apparently in the
Italian government. ,
The Nettuno cleared from Port
Arthur after paying approximately
$-1,100 customs penalties. The threat
ened litigation resulted in the ship
bringing 149 cases of. liquor which
did not show on the manifest and
which were unloaded at night.
29 Taken to Jail in Raid
(Jn Cleveland Gamin" Rooms '
Cleveland, O.. Jan. 31.-Twenty.
mIls "lcn wcrc arrested Minday on j
gaiiionng cuus; m o' cwuu iu
011 the Zee Douglas club here within
j two When the police en-:
icreu me ciuu mcy '"- mum. j throw n into a 500-pound safe
.nd the combination turned. When
men refused to open the, safe police ,
rolled it to a window and dropped it 1
to an alley three stories below. More
than SoOO including $26.65 in the
"kitty" box was found when the ,
safe was forced open at police head- '
"Rainmaker" Hatfield ;
tiiren Cnntraet bu
Canadian Farm Bodu i !
1Mici, IIat, A,. ;. JM
contract calling tor increased ram- i
fa for this ,ijstrict between May 1
aiu August 1 was signed todav by I
the United Agricultural association
with Rainmaker Hatfield.
Just how , the rainstorms' arc to!
,p "made to order" is not set forth, !
I . Tl..t' i.l . t , ,
C ru 1 v i r I i n n
lOil V 1 1 UUH
1 1
j Supreme Court Declares "Per-
sonal .Prejudice and Bias
of Judge Landis Grounds
for Reersal.
Editor Granted New Trial
ItJ Tlie .iix'i(rl I'rem.
Washington. Jan. 31. Conviction
oi V ictor L. Berger and four others, j
members of ibe socialist party, for;
violation of ulie espionage act, was
-.-vrr,.i..l t.wl'jtr Ilip ctittrptii rrinrl '
the ground that Judge Landis!
ould not have heard the suit after
; his eligibility had been attacked,
i Those convi.ted with Bergcr in '
: the federal court at Chicago were!
I Adolph Germer, national secretary t
i of the party; William F, Kruse, edi-l
! tor 6f the Vciijip; Socialists Maga-j
; yin'e; J. Louis Lngdahl and Irwin j
' St. John Tucker. ' ;
Given Long Sentence.
Bergcr and tie other four men !
! were convicted under the section
prohibiting attempts to cause in
subordination and disloyalty in the
naval and military forces, and
sentences ranging from 10 to 20
years were imposed.
The appeal was brought to the
supreme" court or. the ground that
Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis,
who presided at the trial, had
shown "personal bias and prejudice"
against the defendants because of
their nationality.
' The court divided six to three,
Justices Day, Pitney
tiolds dissenting
md MeRcy-i
.Atttacted Much Attention
traejtii!i4tDge attention than any
OUterF"' f bv the eovernment
Uiaiy espionage act. Ber-
StrC jyd f disolyalty and
vvas vyj4?! at Chicago on Janu
ary 8, lftv. Subsequently he wai
twice denied a seat in the house ol
representatives by that body and the
third time be offered for re-election
he was defeated.
The five defendants were charged
specifically with having conspired to
obstruct and interfere with the suc
cessful prosecution of the war
against Germany through the deliv
ery of speeches and the circulation
of articles intended to cause "insub
ordination, disloyalty and refusal of
duty" among the naval and military
forces of the United States. Numer
ous articles written by Berger for
the Leader were presented as evi
dence against him. -
'Safe in
i eggs Diow
Des Moines Theater;
Escape With $3,000
Moines, .Jan. 31. (Special
t"c wes' .Moines tneater cany louay
and escaped with $3,000. Police have
made no arrests. The manager's of-
! fice on the second floor of the
1.1 .... I .1 i .1
meaier was uaiuageu 10 uie exieiu
of -several hundred dollars as a re
sult of the explosion.
The robbery, police say, was one
of the boldest ever staged in Des
Moines. The safe was blown to
pieces by a heavy charge of nitro
glvccrinc. Fragments of the safe
doors were hut led 30 feet from their
Hodgings and found on the floor of
the balcony
Detectives said enough explosive
was used to blow- a dozen safes. The
top of the manager's desk was torn
off and the oak 'veneering was strip
ped from-thc top. Windows in the
office were broken. The charge
was so heavy that doors leading in
to the office were rent to splinters.
WounJeJ DeteCtlVC
Reported Near Death
Late yesterday Detective Arthur
Cooper, who was shot by Nels
Johnson, confessed burglar, began
to suffer convulsions, it was reported
at Clarkson hospital. He also, had
become delirious.
Physicians said the crisis would
come within a few hours and little
hope is held out for his recovery.
McAdoo's Visit to Mexico
Not Of Political Nature
Mexico City, Jan, 31. William G . j
McAdoo, former secretary ot the
llited Statcs treasury, was not com- j
ing to Mexico on a mission of a pol-
nical character, a high otticial ot the .
foreign relations department said j
mst mgnt. lie stated turiner mat
.r. McAdoo was a representative of i
American stockholders of the Na-
tionai Kanwav companv, anu wouici
,ake ,iart jn thc negotiations with the
i,.v;,-aii -unv pi-nment re trardinir the
retlirn 0f tie Xational lines to their i
owners, !
Omaha Wrestler Commits
Suicide in Hotel at Topeka
Topeka, San.. Jan. ol. i he body
; of a man hanging to a fire escape
5."' V?.? tLr.
Lutz. a wrestler of Omaha. He an-
paremlv h?d w dead sevcral
;1Kluest will be necessarv
1 - - j
TTmitpr R.tpI: From Wvnniin I
r. , , ,. ; , .
w uu iuauy irupiucs ui mini
Frank L. Kcruan. former manager
of the Alamitp creamery, has return-
cd to Omaha .md is arranging to re
engage in business here. Since sev
ering his eonnection with the A1
mito in October. Mr. Kernan has
been in western Wyoming, hunting
and traveling. 'He brought back
many troyhics of the chase.
Ntt:0,lKat of Eugene V. DeK
the S-iSsiil Bergcr, publisher of the
MilwaukcoL-lL'cader, a socialist paper.
i Personne' of Navy
; WiI1 Be Reduced
Washington, Jan. 31. Reduction
I of the navy's enbsted personnel to
' a maximum of 100.000 men. as com
pared with a present possible ma.xi
: mum of 1 -13.000, is provided for in
J the naval appropriation bill to be re- i
ported to the house tomorrow. !
' Ft adopted, the weeding out ,
i process will begin July 1, the lart ;
: of the new tit-cal year. Chairman :
i Kelly of the subcommittee w hich j
! framed the bill, expressed belief that
; 100,000 men would be sutiicient aim
; that the navy would be put on "a,
' regular man basis." with elimination
of thousands of boys now in service. I
The committee was said to have?
1 made no changes in the continuing I
I building program, with the possible I
I exception of a, slight slowing up of;
uie worK.
. .
Afifi.! (T'll"ft 1. 1
Bill Introduced
In Legislature
Measure Provides Fine of $50 j
To $100 for Manufacturing, ;
Selling or Giving Away j
Of '-Fags."' . ;
Lincoln, Jan. 31. (Special Tele-1
gram.) The anti-cigaret bill was j
thrown in the house hopper today
by Representative Frank Anderson
of Hamilton. It provides for the
repeal of the present law and tacks
a 4'ine front $50 to $100 upon anyone
nianufacting, selling, or giving
awav citrarcts.
A bill to appropriate $4,500 for
Jlrs- -Margaret K. Sexton, umana
! detention scnoi liiaiion, was inuu
j duced in the lower house by five
of the Douglas comity delegation.
Her husband, the late John L. Sex
ton, was shot and killed by a nefiro
near Bancroft school last April.
Repeal of the nonpartisan primary
ballot for judges, county and state
superintnedents and university re
gents is called for in a bill by
Representative Phil A. Sonjimerlad
of Lincoln.
Financial liability to auto owners
for accidents to members of the
public would be insured by the state
under provisions in a bill introduced
by Representative James Axtell of
Fairbury. Jt provides every driver
of a motor car shall file a bond of
$5,000 with the department of pub
lic works and imposes1 a maximum
fine of $1,000 for failure to comply
with the provision of the bill.
T.ills introduced by the ways and '
means committee of the house in- i
eludes, briefly:
New budget svstem; uniform fis
cal year from June 30 to July 1 by all r. ,
departments; imprisoning or fining Wilson Rejects Attorney Gen
any officer spending more than his . J . , , t " ,. ."
appropriation; appropriations by, a " ' era! Falnfcr s inJCOIimttllda
general state tax. All. excepting
the budget bill, were proposed by !
Governor McKelvie in his last mcs- j
sage. !
Bluffs Wife Shoots
Husband in Scuffle
To Obtain Revolver
Robert T. Willard, employed by
the Great Western railroad, is in
the Jennie Fxlmundson Memorial
hospital at Council Bluffs, suffering
from a gunshot wound sustained in
a scuffle with his wife, Jeannette, at
their home, 1718 Pleasant street, on
A revolver ws kept under a pil
low at the 'Willard home, accord
ing lo police, and as the result of
a quarrel both man and wife started
for the gun at the same instant. In
the struggle for its possession it was ,
accidentally discharged, police say.
and the husband was struck in the 15 1919, to serve a ten years' sen
side by the bullet. He will re- tence imposed following convictions
coveT- 'iby a federal jury at Cleveland, O.,
Mrs. Willard was taken into cus- September 12, 1918, for violation of
tody by police temporarily, while the tne esnionage act.
shooting was being investigated. She I '
was released on her own recogniz- Tiff O l
anec and no criminal proceedings IVleXlCO .jOOn tO inSWer
will follow, it is said. ir o xt . VI T"
Brown Denies Coal Jobbers
In Omaha Are Profiteers
Randall K. Brown of Omaha, at
the request of Senator LaFollette,
chairman of the committee on manu
factures, which is conducting an in
vestigation into the coal industry,
both wholesale and retail, filed with
the committee today a measure of
prices charged by the companies in
which he is interested in Des Moines
e'LaFollctte. who
been extremely vitrolic toward Mr.
Brown on Saturdav during the liear-
ing, was extremely gracious todav,
permitting the Omaha man to fily
his statement without cross-cxamma-
Air. lirouu told senator oi
Unto that neither the Omaha nor Des 1
Moines coal jobbers were profiteers.
He left this attcrnoon tor .New
r.,,1,,!, f ;n.lspv I twpi li:s
J 1 iVr ,,. , .
Appeal Before High Court
Washington. Jan. 31. The appeal
of Judge Ben B. Liudsey of the
Denver, Colo., juvenile 1 colirt from
conviction on charges of contempt of
court was dismissed today by the
supreme court.
Merry Widow Hats
' And Brightly Colored
Gowns Summer Style
raris. Jan. 31.- Brightest colors in
the thinnest and most transparent
materials will adorn the women of
style this summer. A harlequin style
with half of the dress of one color
and the other half another with,
cubist design) in huge circles and
triangles will he prominent, accord
ing to the first announcement of
summer styles, f
And, oh ves. the announcement
states that 'haN arc lo be of the
merry widow size.
Outstate representatives propose
entitle it to 15.
President Again
Refuses to Give
Release to Debs
lion That Socialist Leader's
Sentence Be Commuted.
Washington, Jan. 31. President
Wilson refused today to commute
the 10-ycar sentence imposed upon
Eugene V. Debs for. violation of the
The president disapproved .f1
recommendation ot the department
of Justice that Debs' sentence be
commuted to expire on next Febru
ary 32. '
Mr. Palmer's recommendation was
placed before the president this
morning and it was reported at first
that the executive had acted
favorably. This later was. found to
be erroneous, however, and White
House officials said they had no in
timation as to when action would be
taken or what the president would
Debs, many times socialist party
candidate for president, entered the
nCjtentiarv at Atlantic. Ga., on June
:u.o.loteonun rroperty
Mexico Citv. Ian. 31. Careful
study is being given the latest United
States government note regarding
oil properties in Mexico and the
Mexican government will probably
answer it during the present -.veck.
Washington demanded, according to
the Excelsior, a revision of permits,
to drill oil wells granted by Jacinto
B. Trevino, former minister of in
dustry and commerce, and included
with its note a list of oil companies
whose interests would be seriously
affected if the permits were allowed
to stand.
. . . 1 .1 . .1 ' I
,1 is Milieu uiai u,e opm.0-1 p.c-, jominion boarcl of rajlwav commis
ya, s- among government ofhciaU thc sioners tod announccd ,,,e rate f
I nitrd States government will no exchange in conneclion with hciflht
ins.s upon its demands and w I , . ,
await the development of President . c, -n , , , n o :
Obrcgon's petroleum policy.
1. , ,i ,k... 1
i) ( pi , , v'
1 acilie fleet to Visit
Five Days in V alparaiso '
Valparaiso. Chile. Jan. ol. I he
United States Pacific fleet, com
posed of the drcadnaughts, New
Mexico, Idaho. Wyoming, Arkan
sas, New York, and Mississippi, 18
destroyers and five auxiliary craft,
arrived here todav after a cruise
from Panama, which was made in
nine days. Thousands of persons
including scores of natives of the
United States assembled to view
the sea fighters as they steamed in
to the harbor for a five-day visit.
Woman Found Murdered in
Home of Her Brother-in-Law
Cleveland. O., Jan. 31. Miss
Gretchcn Brandt, 37. was found
beaten and slabbed to death this
morn ing in her room at the home of
her brother-in-law, Dr. Lester Sic
men. with whom she made her
home. The head was crushed and
there were numerous knife wounds
on the bodv. Robbery was believed
to have been the motive for t tit
crime, $500 worth of jewelry being
Might Be Worth Reading
; ( v
to limit Douglas county' to 13 representatives, although census reports
War Breaks Out
Ovfcr Cabinet Job
I Scrap Bctweeu . Chairman
Hays and A, T. llert of
. , Kentucky Becomes Bitter. ;
Chiracs Tribune-Omaha l!w leased WmV
Chicago. Jan. 31. War has bro
ken out furiously within the ranks 1
. t- .,..1.1: . ..,:..! y
Ol IMC I LJ UUlll.dll lliUlUllctl .UII11U11)1.
between the friends of National
Chairman Will H. Hays of Indiana
and A. T. Hert of Kentucky, who
was" the manager of the western
campaign in 1916. The situation has
become so tense that it is possible
that neither of the republican leaders
will be able to land in the cabinet
cf President-Elect Harding.
This is the information, at least,
that lias arrived in Chicago, fresh
from inside sources that leads di
rectly to the incoming president. ,
Friction is said to have started
when the national chairman let it
be known that he did not care to
become postmaster general and take
on the active political generalship
of. the new administration. The re
port indicates he preferred to be
secretary of commerce, a cabinet
post that had been pegged out for
Mr. Hert, who is national com
mitteeman from Kentucky, had
much to do with handling the Hard
ing campaign in the south.
It is suggested on rather emi
nent authority that the quiet feud
that existed during the campaign be
tween Chairman Hays and Harry
M. Daugherty, now definitely slated
for attorney general, has become
acute and that the forces of Mr.
Daughterty and the Ohio organiza
tion that is closest to Mr. Harding
has been thrown against Chairman
Hays. x
A situation has arisen, it is
claimed, that now prevents the nomi
nations of both Chairman Hays
and Mr. Hert to cabinet seats. The
suggestion made immediately after
the election that Senator Harry S.
New of Indiana be made postmaster
general has been revived as a solu
tion of Mr. Harding's difficulty.
Canadian Exchange Rate
Fixed by Railway Board
rnt..,r, r t,.. 31 Ti..
win., jciu .'i. I nc
v "ML-ii ouues win ie 11 -o per ccni
j until February 14. This means an
American dollar will be worth
;Sl.H7 - a in Canadian moncv in such
freight payments
Forty Lashes on Bare Back
For Delaware Highwaymen
Dover. Del., Jan. 31. The' Dela
ware state senate toda'y passed a hill
making the penalty for highway
robbery 40 lashes on the bare back,
not less than 20 years' imprisonment
and a fine of $500. The vote was
The Weather
Tuesday, cloudy; rot
much i
change in temperature.
Hourly Temperatures.
I ft a. in.
19 I I i. in
....19 i S p. in
... -! I .1 P. I"
VI ' 4 . ill
::t : i p. m
....::! ! 7 p. i
24 I S p. n
li a. m.
7 a. m.
ft a. m.
P a. ni.
It a. tn .
I'i niion.
Shippers' Bulletin.
Protect shipments during the nett
I to
;tt hours from tempera tures
north and west. It degrees;
uutu, 20 degrees,
. follows:
east and
Measure Before
Lower House
Boundaries of Congressional
Districts ; .Changed, But Nura
her "Not Cut . From Six to "
Five, As Contemplated.
Lincoln, Jan. 31. (Special.)
Bills redisricting Nebraska for the
election of congress, judges and
legislators were introduced in the
lower legislative house today.
Boundaries of congressional dis
tricts arc changed, but the number
is not cut from six to five, as
earlier contemplated. Recent word
j from Washington has led Nebraska
legislators to believe that the state s
representation in congress will not
be lowered. The changes proposed
leave all present congressmen resi
dents of their present districts.
The new constitution prpvides
that, in case a county is entitled to
more than one representative in the
state legislature, the county be
divided into districts so that each is
represented by one person. In some
counties, as in Douglas, this intra
county division is yet to be made.
Following are the new districts:
Congressional District.
First (Population, 223,758) All or pres
ent First district, with Gage and Saun
ders added. Xlnf counties.
Second (Population, 21 S,6C8) Douglas
and Sarpy. Two counties.
Third (Population, 227.786) Alt of
pres-nt Third district, except -Nance and
Merrick, with Washington added. Seven
teen counties.
fourth (Population, 117,604) All of
present Fourth district, except Gage and
Snunders, with the folloivlns; counties add
ed: Nance, Merrick. Hall, Buffalo, Howard
and Sterman. l'lfteen counties.
Fifth Population. 207, 915) Ail of pres
ent Fifth district, except Hall, with Daw
son and Lincoln added. Nineteen countlea.
Sixth (Population, 203.269) All of .pres
ent Sixth district, except the following
counties: Lincoln.' Dawson, Buffalo, Sher
man and Howard. Thlrty-ona countleB.
Judicial Districts.
First Richardson, Pawnee. Claire. Jef
ferson, Johnson, Nemaha, Otoe, Cass and
Surpy. Three fudges.,
Second Douglas, Washington and Burt.
Nine judges.
Third Cumin;, Stanton, Madtaon, An
telope, Pierce, Wayne, Thurston, Dakota.
(Turn to Tage Four, Column Two)
Teacher Starts for School
And Is Reported Missing Luetic Erazim. 24, Sixth
grade teacher at Henry Yates school,
Fifty-second and Davenport streets,
is missing. Police have been noti
fied and a search smarted. Miss
Krazim and her sister. F.lizaheth.
have an apartment at the St. Clare,
2315 Harney street. When she left
the apartment for school Monday
morning she complained of feeling
badly. Inquiries were, made when
she did not appear at school. Her
home is in Ravenna, Neb.
Man Shot in Robbery at
I Hastings Dies ot Wounds
Hastings, Neb., Jan. 31. William
( Smith, 22, died today from gunshots
wounas received sunaay nignt wnen
he is alleged to have attempted to
rob sleeping .workmen at a rail
toad camp here. Coleman B. Ford,
1 all(1 Lou,s t-ewis. 10, are tin
ner arrest in connection with the
shooting. Smith's home is unknown.
Germany Has Discontinued
Its Purchase of Petroleum
Berlin. Jan. 31. Germany has dis
continued its purchase of pet-oleum
and benzine after having bought
about 75.000 tons of both from the
Standard Oil company, payment for
which was made in dollars.
aL -m ju m m- v. .
A 11
Immediate Abrogation of
Wartime Agreements Asked
of Labor Board by Asso
ciated Executives.
Says Wages Must Be Cut
. tty The Associated Press.
Chicago. Jan. 31. Bankrunlcv
threatens the railroads of the Uuitrtf
States unless they ate assured im
mediate means for a reduction in oyV
crating expensed, the railroad labor
board was told today by the Asso
ciation ot Railway Executives. Gen.
VV. W. Attcrbury, chairman of the
labor committee of the roads' organi
zation, made the prediction.
vThe railroad executives assured
the federal officials that if there was
immediate abrogation of the war
time national agreements involving
working rules and conditions they
would not seek a reduction of basic
wages for at least three mouths after
.i A,.t.. ..... .r c,.;,,
lilt: uiutl itv-uilici s.llti.11!, oajiiif.;
the interval would be used to test
out the efficacy of economies which
might be instituted free from the
limitations of present agreements.
Must Reduce Wages.
Ultimately, however, it was stated,
there would be need for a reduction
in basic wages if the cost of operat
ing the road is to be cut to a point
where rates may be reduced.
"Many railroads are not now earn
ing, and with present operating
costs and traffic have no prospect ot
earning, even their hare operating
expenses,", said General Alterbury.
"This leaves ilieni without any net
return and unable to meet their fixed
He, said that the emergency might
be rrict either by an advance in
freight and passenger rates or a re
duction in operating expenses, add
ing: , ,
"With declining prices and wages
in industry and agriculture the
country demands that the solvency
of the railroads must be assured by
a reduction in operating expenses
and not by a further advance in
rates." ..' '
Board Can Aid Roads.
"The labor board can prevent this
catastrophe," Mr. Atterbury said,
"by declaring that the national
agreements,' rules, and working con
ditions coming over from the war
period are terminated at once; that
the question of reasonable and
economical rules and working con
ditions shall he remanded to ne
gotiation between each carrier and
its own employes, and that as the
basis for such nejjptiations, the
agreements," rules' and fjfi(ng con ditions
in effect" ton eavh railroad, ? ,
Off December 31, 1917, shall be te
established." Asks for Relief.
Conditional upon the abrogation oi
the national agreements by the labor
board, the roads ask in addition that
the basic rates for unskilled labor,
fixed at'39 to 48 J-S cents per hour in
the award of July, 1920,. be immedi
ately retracted. The pica is made
that inasmuch, as rates for unskilled
labor in other industries have beeti
greatly reduced since the award be
came effective, the higher scale on
the railroads works to the disadvan
tage of other employers and "bears
with grave injustice upon the great
body of our farmers."
. The appeal is concluded with the
declaration that "in our judgment,
unless the proposed measures be tak
en promptly by your board, a situa
tion will shortly develop in which or
derly procedure will become entirclv
Joan of Arc Statue
Graces Altar of New
Church in New York
New York. Jan. 31. A statue of
St. Joan of Arc. foufid only slightly
scarred in a war-ruined French vil
lage, today graces an altar in a
church in the Elmhurst district, the
first in this country named in honor
of the new saint.
The relic was discovered in the
ruins of the church at Ban-de-La-veline
by Father Ward G. Meehan,
who was chaplain of an American
infantry regiment during the war.
St. Joan's church was so named
the day of Joan of Arc's canoniza
tion. ,
Pacific Coast Naval Bases
Selected bv Committee
Washington, Jan. 31. The full
membership of the congressional
ioint committee created to select
Pacific coast navat bases today
unauimously recommended Almaeda.
on Sau Francisco bay, as the general
fleet naval base. Other bases
recommended were San Diego and
Sand Point, for aviation, and San
Pedro for a submarine base.
The submarine base at San Pedro,
Cal., the committee recommended,
should be established at a cost not
exceeding $4.000,000.
Morgan London Home Will
Be Ambassador's Residem-t
Washington, Jan. 31. Acceptance
of the London home of J. P. Morgan
as a permanent residence tor the
American ambassador to the court
of St. James was authorized todav
by the house by a vote of 167 to 52.
The diplomatic bill was passed with
out a roll call.
The diplomatic bill originallv car
ried $8,000,000, but many of its pre
visions for support oi the torrid-.!
consul." r service were stricken out.
Eastman Firm Withdraws
Appeal in Anli-Trust l,'as
Washington. Jan. 31. 1 he. F'.ast
man Kodak company toiUv with
;rirev its appeal to the supreme court
'from lower court decrees in the ro-cr-intent's
'ami-trust suit sgainst it