6- THE BEE: OMAIlX. SUNDAY, JANUARY GO, 1921. Evangelistic Services. Members of the Christian church under the leadership of their pastor, L. W. Meyers, tvifl begin evangelis tic services Sunday, January 30. Services will be held each evening of the week except Saturday. A chorus choir, is in training for' these services. . Baptist Mission Society. Mrs.' C. II. Faris will be hostess Thursday, February '3. to the mem ber of the Baptist Mission society, at her home, 6527 Spencer street. ' Benson Woman's Club. At , the business session "of tlw Benson Woman's club, Thursday, it was voted to continue the support of the French 'Orphan which has been cared for by the club for the past two years. Benson people re sponded most heartily to the benefit , programs given under the auspices of the club Thursday and Friday i.ights at the" Bcnalto. Between pictures Thursday night, Mrs. O.' Arthur Melcher, contralto, Hng two numbers and the "Rhoades Har mony Four quartet, consisting : of .tessrs. u. l.. Kiioaaes, iiario M. Wilcox, C. N. Kirkpatrick and R. T. iuiuiora, rcnaerea 'several quartet . r.umbers. . Friday night the Wom an's club quartet headed the vaude ville program, after which an amatuer "miirstrelettc" was Jitaged. ' Special Matinees. ' Tl management of the Benalto theater gave two benefit matinees ' (luring the past week. The Benson Woman's club shared in the pro ceeds of the children's matinee given Friday aflernoiprt and on Saturday afternoon the entire proceeds was given to the starving children of Europe. . Community Center. I The community center dancing party was given Friday night in the auditorium of the city hall." A liter . ary- program will be given Fridav night, February 4, jn the city audi i tofium. . ' . ' Roval Neighbors ' Entertain. The members of the Benson camp of Royal Neighbors entertained at a (lancing and card party ihtirsday niglit in SorenscnV auditorium. . ... V 0.' E.v S. . - The Narcissus chapter,' No. 261, of the O. E. S. witt meet in regu lar business "session1 Thursday night, February 3, in the I. O. O. F. halb V ' - " - ' Dinner For Mrs. Janke. S , Vr. and ' Mrs. "Charles Anderson entertained at "dinner Friday night in, honor of Mrs. Edwin Janke of Davenport, la. Covers were' laid for Mrs. E4win Janke, r. and Mrs. J. C. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and family. W. C. T. U. Members of ' the Bienson organi zation of tfici. W. C. T.' U. will at tend the regional conference to be held February 2; 3 and 4 in the First'' Presbyterian . church of Omaha. ; ' ' Benson Girls Graduate. The Misses r Hazel and Grace Giles, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. i John Gjls, w4re the only members of the Benson junior set who gradu ated from Central High last Fri day night, January 28. , The young ladies attended all the class func- j Hons that , were' -field during the week and, rendered a violin and , piano number"," .."The. Fantaisie Pas, torale," by J. B. Singclee, Thurs day night at the- class play staged in the hTgh school auditorium. v Dinner Guests. . -Mr. and Mrs. Fs E. Young and son, Robert, anJk daughter, .Grace, ' were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry of Omaha. - Mr. and; Mrs. Berry formerly resided in Benson. ' M, E. F. M. S. The ladies of the Methodist For , cign Mission society were enter tained Wednesday at the home of ' Mr. and Mrsf H. Davey. Those as- listing -tne hostess were Mrs. E. C H odder and -Mrs. Harry Reed of Dundee. Entertains at Cards. Mr. and Mrs. J.1 W. Fitqh enter tained at cards Saturday night at their home on Sixteenth. avenue; 12 fc'ucsjs were present." Line Party. Members vof the Double Five club" entertained at a line party Friday evening at the Woman's club benefit ..given at-the Bcnalto theater,. Those ': in the party included Messrs. and -Mesdames B. Holdredge. Dr. J. W. . . hJiompson, C. A. Loomis, Harvey Sagr, Joseph Roth, Walter Rci shaw. Harry Reed andLloyd Fierce, find Mr. D? Ittleman and Miss Ada Stiger. Following the party Mr. and Mrs. B. Holdredge entertained . at an oyster supper? : . Organize Girls' Reserve. Miss Louise Curtis of the Y. W. C, A. organized the Benson senior, high girls' reserve '(division Friday, ' January 21. The officers chosen were the Misses Lucy Phalen, presi 'f'.ent; Fern SulHvan, secretary, and Marjory Nye treasurer. A consti , jtutional com'mittce'was appointed. ' Mrs. Gorton Roth to Entertain. Mrs. Gorton Roth .will be hostess Wednesday, Februaly 2, at her home in Bcnsonhurst, "to the mem bers of the Ladies' Aid society of the Methodist church. Mrs. Roth will be assisted by .'Mrs. Joseph Roth and Mrs. CG. Stock. , Standard Bearers. Mrs. E. Srnfth had as lift- guests 1 Friday the members of .the Standr ard bearers, organization of the . Methodist church and Tuesday the members 6f the Queen Esther so ciety of the church were her guests. Birth Announcement. A son, Robert Wyman, was born Thursday, January 20,to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rivett. r C. E. Banquet Ten . members ,of the Christian Endeavor society of the Presby terian church attended the banquet givenl Saturday night at -Jhc First Christian church by the Christian. Endeavor Union of Greater Omaha. " Baptist Social. Members of the Baptist Sunday school entertaincd.at a social even ing Friday at the home of Mr. and ,Alrs. C. E. Jones. v Personals. Mrs. R. J.Jones has been ill dur . ing the past 'week. Miss Ethel 'Anderson left Sunday for St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. E."W. Norris has been ill during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Green of Lincoln. Ncb spent a few days at Benson Society 'Benton Correipoadent Call Walnut 5370 - the homc6f--Mr. and Mrs. William Green. . The Misses. Edna,' Carolyn and Myrtle Snell spenftsunday in Platts niouth, Neb. Mr. and -Mrs. Roy Young left last week for Lincoln, 'Neb., where they will reside. Mrs. R.'.E. Bosworfy of Lincoln Neb., visited last week at the home . of Jier parents, Mr. and Mrs.' John Hamerv Mrs. Walter Long1 'of -" Newman Grove was a. guest during'the week cf Mr. and MrsvJ. W. Fitch., , Miss Genevieve ' Gatlcher of the state university is spending the. week end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mason. Mrsr Alice Cato and "graiidson, Harry Smith, of Valley, Neb. were Sunday guests at the home ot Mrs. ames Maney. Mj Cato and grand son left Sunday night for Los .An geles; Cal. ' ; . .a - A, A A -A m- A. A rfTi. V Special Announcement - A reduction of 20 has been ' announced by ail mariiifac? . - turers of sterling silverware 1 ; . . I . . " M:J Our prices are reduced accord- ; ingly 20 ( discount on Gor.-' ; ; ' ' ham SHyer . and all standard . makes. ' - " . A ' C. B. Brown Co. Jewelers xand Silversmiths. - . "The T&asure Chest of Omaha" 16th and Farnam Streets Letdrd) w The Bride's Dream of a Home HY not make that dream come true, as any normal young couple can who set their minds to it? "Where there's a will, there's a way." If you already have a little sum saved up, begin at once to plan your home. y ' The American Face Brick asso ciation, of which the Hydraulic Press Brick company', W. 'O. W. building, Fourteenth and Farnam, is a member, has devisedin an essay contest, a -very 'clevej way to 'give 25 brides an opportunity of getting complete working., drawings, speci- .,- Under the' snow Are roots to blow t s - So soqh with daffodils, ' . " And buds prepare The cowslips' wear, Buried below the fulls. Z v , Shall love, be lost ' In tardy frost ... V 1 ' When other flowers are free? - 4 Or, less than birds, ' m Shake happy words -." " As-blossoms from the tree? Within the brake So soon shall wake The building birds to sing, And folded now In every bough i Are bridals of the Spring. 0 love, make haste, v Or time will waste v The habit of your lute; ( Prepare your string To play the Spring, 1 Or be forever mute. If You're Planning a Silk or Satin The New Dances Embody Suit Wrap or Dress for Summer," Originatipn in Steps and Music. THproughness in Dentistry an When Friends Come in Unexpect edly on Sunday Afternoon . fications antf ouantitv estimates of a- V uu wl" savc T01" Per cent . I Attbl among popular song and D HONE down to the Hatiron home free, with an offer to one of- to 25 per centjf you'll place dunce hits just arrived! at Cafe, Seventeenth and St. Marys the 25 of face brick for a home free your order , with L.vKneeter, the Schmoller.& Mueller's, 1514 Dodge" avenue. Tyler 5199, and reserve a n seiccicu noiu one ui uitm itft- lanor,- now. aii or.wrue xo nisi street arc: scntative pmces. 1 his wttn tne wi- shop,; second floor Sixteenth and, derstaitdiiig that .the Jjride'or young Howard, for iamples of fabrics, sug-: married woman has been married gested designs and style hints. Knee not ovetj 10 years. ' tcr-tailofed garments are guaranteed ' Fill in .the following' slip and mail for best making, fitting and design--to' the Hydraulic Press Brick office ing. . ,. To Waste Not, by John DrfnRwalcr. - An Exposition of Exquisite Spring Chapeaux in Sunday Windows. , for furtlW information: Hydraulic Press Brick Co., Maii Floor W. O. W. Bldg., . - Fourteenth and Farnam Sts Omaha, Neb.: ' .. ' f ? Please 'mail pamphlet contain ing full information and instruc tions irr regard to your, essay contest, subjectjvTKe Home.v Name .. Town State ,........,.....-. ... ,r. . . . . The Adorable Loveliness of Youth Li as. Dtn.N sewed into every My Budding Rose ......30c Pekin '....30c It's All Over Now.'. .730c . : , Rock-a-bye Baby Blues. 80c i Please send check ' with order, : V '...,.. . Maternity' Corsets of Scientific Value. ! TVI ilady, I wish' 1 could find words strong enough to. express 'the . (Value olf Dorothy. Hill's maternity ."corset as an uplifting' support to , women who are in need of such a corset. You know' it " when we have seen such an artjclc tested out that we' know the value of it and I certainly know of women who have tested out this maternity corset and also tested Mrs. Hill's scientific knowledge of fitting them. That" is why I can rcccomend them to you. If you are not able to call at the table for your 'crowd to be enter tained a"t dinner, which is served from 5:30 to'7:30, or for a delicious supper. You'll find an expression of wondrously heart-farming hospi tality, i, v fittincr rooms., second floor .Neville stitch of-the spring suits vvhick block. Sixteenth and Harney, write Navv ti1i aiift rrs silk traceries artfully threaded adorn a tricotine Mr. Lamond has brought back from for literature and complete measure r r., i , i ... 1 r - X" V 1 . .: . t. 1 . . . . I Kinnl-c " suit ot navy, inree suien coras iorm new iur wuu uuu uuw icau jor the girdle fastening. DR. K. P. CHURCH Patients who have received treatment here advise their friends to avail themselves of the same' service. Pe'r hapsv the same, recommendation has Jbeen made to you. The reason' for sucb enthusiasm on the part of our friends lies ij our thoroughness. A careful diagnosis, personal serv ice, a determination to look first to the comfort of the patient and finally to the permanency of his dental work that s what it means. . And then ve invite every patient to visit us later for a v "make-sure" inspection.. .' '".., Drs. Church & Haller "Denial X-Ray Specialists" 500 Paxton Blk., 16th and Farnam. v ' Tyler 1816 Omaha . v DR. B. J. HALLER Mm CASK MARKETS Monday Specials at 4903 So. 24th St. 212 No. 16th St. 2408 Cuming St. Fresh Leaf Lard 7 : , ' Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon Ts"or whole Choice r ' Pork Loin Chops Choicest Cut Round Steak 1 . : Choice . . ;" Rib Boiling Beef - Fresh -J Spare Ribs Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, or whole 1 '.') m Sale of yoUr viewing ip the Lamond Special- , , . ; ' , ty Shop, second floor Securities Almost Impossible to, Detect the building. Sixteenth and Farnam. A Difference Between Engraving and cool sand color Je a dashing; little PrinfTrMr i uuti .fewm auii, lui uil Luc new The Whole Great Airy Fifth Floor ' OF the Brandeis Stores has been . . converted into a display room for china, art potteries Tjathroom fixtures stoves, hardware ioi.. all kinds, Pyrex baking glass 'and wicker baskets. If you d secure a viewing TUST returned from New York is Miss Ilcitman of the llcilman Hat Shopr Eighteenth and Douglas, Ath letic Club building, with a showing of chapeaux to take oncV breath away. lu-tlyjSunday windows will appear such exquisitries as this from designers of world-wide repute: Blue and gold-green taffeta, wide and low-crowned with shirred cord finish round edges. - Shell-pink and silver rolled brim confection with blue, gray and gold yarn traceries. Kindergarten braided tain in blue and sand ribbon. Wide-brimmed navy hair braid model, whose talicta crown has turned down fold to give emphasis to new flat, wide crown. Flat crowns, but yes, madam, with .Jlie hat worn much higher on the ' head! ' - - . . . j i V-A French novelty plilh, -imitating mdnkey fur, is for' fringe and bordys!. ' ' . TTT tTr1' ,i i . . . ii.i r ,i x i e - circularlines. Kimono slfrtvrc ar. nc- lne wo,K ,s - m ulat. qi ine most compieic Kinu oi cyery- finished in the same trim which splendid little Brandeis Print- February Fabrics. adorns thq ede of the coat, a wide cry,- mia Hoop near bank. Every ; rounded motit - design of , solidly order is done by hand for you,- per- placed braid in navy blue at the top socially supervised by experts. VVed- of at four-inch navy silk fringe, which ding invitations and announcements moves from side to side, disclosing., and birth announcements occupy the with charming effect the sand-tinted place of interest at the present time, i suit. No needfor buttons, for a smartly exquisite in effect. Engrav- dainty little tatteta' sash ties in chic nig too, of finest finish is done by knot with long, streamers under the this department, both' personal and astuonaDie silver-collar. ing one satin stnaings in T"l. 1 i t , ... . j - same snaae. me SKiri snows xraoncs 10 ue Migcu . ,.u npw funeM wide round lhe hn place than the store of Ihos. i"- aid in neatly tailored plcatings round Patrick Si Company, 15th and the waistline. liDouglas, your interest will soar at. , , ., 1 i."cr.s;it nrm,nc tnn q T.incprie makes- much use of rib- Jt-.t xov-viaiij, aitvywj .j m - sale at this time when every woman bons. -', ( is buying fashion magazines with an ' ... ' eager light in her eye, planning Diamond Values things not only for herself and big rpHROUGH tljc exercise of fore sister, but for every member of the JLgjght in buying) the John Hen household yes, and tor the house- rkson Jcwe, ShQA Sixteen,h and llOlQ aS WCll. r;inl I... on .vtinclva clinu;inrr h rrnrmv cill ic MTprrn m all rnl-. . 1 .... . .r. . r i " j ot uiamonas unusually low in price. ors, this is the silk warp fabric so de- To introduce t0 you this diamond thine for .dining room, bath and kitchen, take the South elevator, as ' those on the north, side do not make this floor. t ' ' Expert decorators have planned the position , of the different dis- - " , plays, subtly, arranging iridescent, Spring s Here With Plans 'for china of grays, blues, witching Spring Apparel in Every Hour of greens, stained art glass, massed' TheDay. ' ' Pickard china and class, the hand- 'mHt ,..!' vr.. t, ( You'll find the lin. business cawls and letterheads. I'll, decorated gold ware, cut glass ta- I - - l . . i. ... t .. - . . j HIST arrirpi ar nn Kill. pies.ana art poiienes aown me ten- j -. ter of the room so tliat their exquis- nams Corset Shop, 502 Karbach ite effect is the first seen upon en- block, are exquisite indeed, delicate tering the great display room. Pe- cream and flesh tinted bits of dainti- culiarly. lovely are the silken shaded ness boned in. the flexible Nu-Bone lamps to be found here from the ti- stays, which gjve a smart modeling niest ima.ginaile tfoudoir conception of the figure without a sacrifice of to the stately built floor lamps. One- comfort. If Unable to call, write for ' third off is .offered on the English measure blanks. china in one quaint chintzy design, that fascinating Coalport Bone china. A striking reduction is also offered on. the breakfast , sets, one 26-piece set being priced at $5.98; another 30-piece set of Nippon china is but S3.98. - , Tt,:.,, ii,- iinLfPciinir arc showing these valentine materia! price. rjid you Notice in Your New Issue, vjsta cf d;spiays: on this floor Kxes in two sizes for the making of eftf the most entrancing of be clad to 'send samnles and oric "VaTIIEN I tell you that this great tle new sil& conceits, a'dull sand estimates upon request. Kalp nf Fashionable taffeta With the the v Boxes Full of Valentine Materials For School Children. , A DELIGHTFUL entertainment for parties. .The stationery "de partment, Brandeis Stores, mam floor, sirable for undies, dress linings and U" ev have seUTct d ; few un. Voue - - one is at once imposed by the ver-" '"LK0 art uses. Last year, this lk was . mount d Jnd scf st011Cs for price re- 'y HE eastern woman's latest con- sat.l.ty ot wares onerca- anmrons 01 Vhfargc fci wteh ,nkes 16 priced at $1.50, recently it for ductioit from their oresent low nric- 1 ceit in walking oxfords? lust extreme beauty on a table near clec- 5V"f&rt9-.l Attractivc designs flJ"u .lculua'J'. 0hg. A showing winch will surprise a clashed ankle strap affair with , " T , c u . V"" is 79c. This is just to give you an .Sh i.nhvirt,., values, its extreme ,a.Sr..e,?. c.'.J?. " lumpers and baskets of all kinds, idea of how the prices throughout the sale list run. ... Plain voile in dark, light and white has countless uses. Prome nade voile is 69c, Superba voile 98c. Plain poplin for skirts and dresses is "offered for 75c. The D. & T. Anderson Ginehams. queen of the gingham fabrics, are offered at $1.50, the cheapest price at which they can be sold at the present time, a price which one of the officials of this-gxeat establish-, ment pronounced in his droll man ner as "too high." But what does "mere man" know of the crying urge a woman feels just before the sum-" mer to buy the very best and love liest in the exquisitely tinted ging hams? And really they're lovelier than ever before this year, rich in vivid colorings, exquisitely "iine in quality. The 38-inch English and Scotch ginghams other than the D. & J. Ande rson Kinghams are reduced -to $1 and $1.25 a yard. All-$1 domestic fine quality 32-inch Ring-. hams are reduced to 75c a yard. Printed voiles in attractive pat terns, blockings and stripings on dark backgrounds, so wanted for summer trocks, are onerea at ren .t!b: QaWBid,; and cutting of stones.-' If you're in Sixtccnth tne marKci ior mamonas yc it quite to your advantage tnis lewel shop. An a s vou'll find s.ixtcfnth T?d Farnam streets are cleaning compo-mds, bath tan sto visit Rowing Baby Louis, Louis, and tures and stoCSi A d ,,s . .. ;. ' Cuban heels in the strap walking ox- ,t,:i, u'.nni ,c i tnis jewel snop.' An an. piaiinnrn fnr(1s . frnm r,So "'.r' "f r." " and diamond ring at $UU As a-Jlcn- Sg ruSZJ 7 7, A 1 1 ,t arV ta . lu-1,tc' , 1 bathroom fix- depaftmcnt inding cx- " Smart black and white combina tions of lace and velvet are trimmed with jet and pearl Spring Flowers in, Jity Flower Shops a Foretaste of Spring Hill side Beauties, y QJPRING flowers arc beginning to to $9. The brown and black are, to be had in kid in the,-Oifferent heels, while the Cuban heel is offered in brown calf. v Furniture 'Pieces for the Bedroom of Spacious Dignity or the Small Sleeping Room of the Apartment "EXQUISITELY finishcS pieces from well-known furniture manu facturers are now offered at sacri fice prices at the H. R. BowCn Fur furniture store-, Sixteenth and How ard. Not odds and ends are present ed in this sale, but the high-grade merchandise in all departments. "Vanity of Vanities," yes, a Vanity drwser with long mirror in the cen ter, a shorter one at either side for the furthering of milady.'s beauty accomplishments. In Adam. period this is a delightful piece of furniture in American walnut. A companion piece is a chest ot drawers wim w Many Eyes Grew "Dim in Grand mother's Day v OVER 11-over embrofderics for exquisite frocks such as the Ideal Button and Pleating company, third floor Brown block, Sixteenth and Douglas, are embellishing in such an exquisite fashion. One little come in plentifully now and the great trays' and generous drawers, (affeta frock tichtlv basaucd has scat- ruary Sale pricings of 69c and 98c, John Bath Flower Shop, 18th' and c'i with convenient metal pull. - A tered niotig Jn an aU.over desiKn voiles formerly so'd up to $2. An. evening toque of . metal cloth is topped with puffs of jade tulle. Farnam, was indeed a beautiful place the other morning in the bright spring sunshine. Massiugs of grace fully ' bending- stems 'of Freesia, fragrantly lovely," daffodils of spring time goldenncss, tulips, narcissus, sweatpeas, primroses and cyclamens quite filled one's heart with joy. The long body of ' a rcdingotc dress is effcctivdy laced -and the skirt is" noticeably .circular. A 2Q Per Cent Reduction on Quality. Luggage. ' rp HERE'S a stamp cf f tinmis- takable fastidiousness about a little personal bag at the Omaha Printing company. Thirteenth and Farnamfywhich makes it luggage of particular desirability. Of patent seal, beautifully finished, attractively stitched,'- the corners are daintily rounded. One of the new imported silks has been chosen fjr the lining, a deep and shade with bright threads or satin weave over its dully lustrous surface. Gold mountings Assure the buyer that here is indeed a bag tor htetime scrv ce. A gift ideal to a loa-ed one who is about to depart for squtliern climes! '"And fitted Even the Most Demure of Coiffures Finds Vthe Marcel Wave Indis pensable. , ( ! , THE Comfort Shop, Fourth floor Securities, building, Sixteenth and Farnam, has an expert marcel wav er who not only puts in a" lasting marcel, but clcveily fits the wave to erne's facial outlines. . ' i full-sized bed .completes the suite now offered at $119.50. One of the best Grand Rapids companies designed and fashioned the suite of dark browir-mahogany in Queen Anne period design, with hand-carved insets of crotch mahog ary, showing a gracefully curling surface of slightly lighter tint. De lightful, indeed, a three-mirrored dressing tablctfith bench, a high tiiiffronettc, of very finest construc tion with removable jewel contain ers in its dress trays. The bow-end bcdvwlth, cane insets is unusually imprcssivt, one of the finest.obtaiiv able in exquisite furniture for the bedroom.. Dressing table and bench, ttiiffronette andbed arc now offered at the "Clean Svecp Sale,"' price of $267., ' i If interested in -""separate pieces you'll find the lifted articles below of value: Oak dressers formerly sold i .' at $4150, howN$21.50r A good American walnut dres ser, which, was $65, is now . $32.50. . Clever dressing tables in ma hogany and walnut, arc of- fered as low as $22.75 Poster beds in either yia- hogany or .walnut, which were formerly g(5od values ; at $75. arc irresistible "buys" at oh.j. - Singlebeds of mahogany may be bought as low as $13.75.' round its circular fullness with double hemstitching to k hold ,the fulled lace round its scalloped hem, and neckline. A wool frock with scallops round k the hem is exceed-' ingly effective in gold and silk em-, broidery in the same color tones -as the satin banding 'underneath the deep-cut scallops. Send for' a cata log now and begin your decorative plans .before the real spring rush for work. begins. Remember, it's to be an exceptionally early Eastcrtimc! Lace papers, folders Envelopes, , ornaments, ' Necessary springs, etc. To, make large assortment. In every folder suitable verse Novelty for parties Easy to make Make your valentines And - . v : There is fun in the making ' Each box also contains Ked hearts and cuw'ds l- Illustrations of completed verse And directions V Lovely' gift. ' Let's order our valentine decora tions, placecards, tallies, nut tups, tablecloths and uajikins early Jhis year. .This department is show ing cutouts for decorations, unique and new. Deadly gold darts drawn through big red hearts, flying citpids inside a thin-rimmed heart, dashing red arrows to carry out love's sweet mission, cutouts Urge or small as your needs dictate. Can get attract ively decorated tablecloths in 63x84 size for 50c each, the napkins Tor fttc a dozen. The dccoraTive crepe 10 feet long and 20 inches wide is 25c a fold. Scud amount of money you wish to spend together with the number you plan to entertain and I'll be glad ,to buy as many "pretties" as your mo'nev will achieve. " ' Wonder if You-Have a Little Hat Tucked A.way Hand Decorated Framed Mottoes From Penxof Edgar Guest. T L'ST arrived at the A. Ilospc v Company's Art department, 1513 Doujjlas street, is a collection of Ed gar Guest Poems, hand decorated, daintily framed. In the $1.00 size Little Girls aud a Golden Day. In . the 75c size My Crsed, A House Blessing, A Prayer for Courage, Play the Man, A Prayer. Also shown are most attractive Christian Science mottoes at $1.50. ( , 17H0SE lines could be rcblockcd . into a 1921 model? Get it out Fashions Pathway Leads to Spring. and take it down to the Krugcr Hat Shop, third floor Barker block. They do delightful -remodeling of furs and marabou, also all kinds of hemstitching. Paris uses velvet profusely. w m Tailored suits have wide cuffs. Brilliant colors" prevail in wraps. it you re interested m tne nttea r handbags suitable alike for business m" '-''-nis. .. w i wnscuous wtiiillVa'thcra"" A E'ect"c Mode Y outh-Endowing ! How fascinatingly becoming! How insistently Young! ' ahosnuare'inouti'ine. whoe rofe exclaims. Madame when ske sees the" garments that have arrivecHor Sprbg, 1921. Madame silk lining Jvory fitted Jnmanner ja Mode chooses always her metier,' and this year it is Youth." One is reminded that youth is defi quate room to carry abloushane nite, for these garments are extremely definite; they are jaunty or gay, winsome or colorful; they have m case one is invited out to dmncr. tornnerament vivacitv. Lmbroidenes are-like a voice out of LevDt. ancient, vet ever vounar. and v wf - - - - r . vr the straight young lines are Egypt, too. Sometimes there's a sense of the Apache, and again. f dig nity, but one comes upon the garments of Spring intensely aware of their unquestionable individuali ty perhaps to suit the. very definite. characters of tes Americaines! Gray w ill be a favorite spring. color for One of the most distinctive bag ar rivals is- an almost-flat bag of patent seal with dull blue silk lining shirred most cunningly with an unusual amount' of roominess in its nockets. Costumes are flat a:ij tight at the back. I' Xllle and Til. mark HtiiMrrrtf Talent OKi. A4v. I'. 8. v, 'iS V