4 B THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1921. Clubdom W. C. T. U. Conference Omaha Woman's-Club Political, Social Science Department Annual Luncheon. The political and social science department of the Omaha Woman's club will hold its annual luncheon and social meeting Monday af 1 p. in., February 7, in the Y. W. C. A. auditorium. Mrs. II. J. Bailey, leader, will pre side and Mrs. D. G. Craighead will be toastmistress. Toasts will be given by past de partment leaders, including Mes- dames E. B. Towle, Draper Smith, I'. II. Birss. F. A. Kollansbee, C. V. Hayes and Benjamin Baker, vho will bt honor guests. Mrs. Frances Ford of Chicago and Mrs. Charles Lobingier, now living in China, are the other past leaders of the department. . Art Department. The art department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet at the Y. W. C. A. Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The program, under direc tion of Mrs.. C. O. Pickett, will in clude a talk on "Art in Antwerp" by Miss T.uella Anderson, and a violin solo, Dvowk-Kreisler's "Indian La ment," Jltiss Margaret Scharplcss, accompanied by Miss Florence Senior. Literature Department. Ida M. Hanchett will give the sec ond of her talks on Democracy in Modern Times as Shown in the De velopment of France," at the regu lar meeting of the literature depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club. Tuesday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, at the Y. W. C. A. Class quotations will be on Abra ham LiirColn. Home Economics Department. Joseph Edgar Livingston will speak on "Interior Decorating and Color Scheme," at the meeting of the home economics department of the Omaha WomarTTclub Thursday morning, 10 o'clock, at the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. John R. Golden will have charge of the program. Public Speaking Department. The public speaking department cf the Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. A program of readings and short stories will be given by Mesdamos Raymond Nu gent, Joseph C. Lawrence, E. E. Crandall, John llaarmann, T. C. Hanson and H. H. Claiborne. Prof. Edwin Puis, instructor; Mrs. O. Y. Kring, leader. New members of the department will entertain the old members at an afternoon tea Friday of this week at the home of Mrs. J. P. Slater, 2337 South Thirty-third street. x meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Byron Clow, 2501 E street. The program will Include a talk on "English inJ the school and the Home, by Mrs. Curtis Cooke, and harp solos by Miss Irma Clow. Omaha Walking Club. The Omaha Walking club will siart at 3:15 o'clock Sunday after noon from Marion Park station, on the Bellcvue & Fort Crook interur- ban. The walk will be directly east from the starting point to the river, following the shore line south to a point east of Fort Crook, then cross country to. the fort, where the walk will end. Charles Gadway, leader. Omaha Peru Club Dinner. The Omaha Peru club will meet for dinner Thursday evening, 6 o'clock at the Y. V. C. A. Talks will be given by E. L. Rouse, presi dent and W. M. Dazell, vice presi dent. An invitation is extended to all students and friends. Reserva tions mav be made with Miss Etta Young, Harney 4220. Yates Parent-Teachers. The Parent-Teachers' association cf Henry W. Yates school will meet in the school auditorium Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. Ab bie Virginia Holmes will speak. Vo cal numbers will be given by Dor othy Steinbaiigh. Calendar SUNDAY. A. C. A. Book Review. The book review section of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae will meet Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Miss Jean Hamilton, 3010 Nicholas street. Mrs. Henry Doorly will review "The Outline of History," by H. G. Wells. W. C. T. U. Notes. Reservations for the luncheons to be' given Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at the First Presbyterian church parlors, in connection with the W. C. T. U. regional confer ence, should be made with Mrs. Frank Butts, Walnut 1201. Dr. Sullivan to Speak. Dr. Kathleen O'Connor Sullivan, chairman of heaTrli for the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, will speak on "The Young MoTher and Infant" at a meeting of the Papillion Woman's club Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. L. Nickerson. Among the national officers who will speak before the regional con ference of the Women's Christian Temperance union to be held in Omaha Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week at the First Presbvterian church are: Mrs. L. O, Middjeton of Kansas City, Mo., di rector of the department of scientific temperance, Mrs. DeboTah Knox Livingston of Providence, R. I., su perintendent of the department ot Christian citizenship, and Mrs. Culla J. Vayhingcr ot Upland, Ind., di rector of Americanization. Mrs. Middleton is known through out tms..United States for her serv ice to the temperance cause and has made ar special study- of the scien tific, temperance side of the-prohibition question. She instituted the Schools Saving bank system in the schools of Kansas City, which is said to have much effect upon t,he spirit of thrift among the children of that city. Mrs. Livingston has hall widf ex perience as a public speaker both in this country and in Canada, cot land, England, Ireland, France and Belgium, and has spoken before nu merous women's organizations.She has been actively associated with the Y. W. C. A. and the National Wom an's Suffrage association, and has spoken in every state in the United States ,and in every Canada. . Mrs. Livingston will present the work of the W. C. T. U. in the de partment of Christian citizenship at the conference. Mrs. Vayhinger became interested in the work of the W. C. T. U. while a student at' Moore's Hill college, Indiana, where she gradu ated in, 1888. She organized a union at Moore's Hill and was it's first president. v Mrs. Vayhingcr will present the plans of the W. C. T. U. in the De partment of Americanization at the opening meeting which convenes Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The morning sessions open at 9 o'clock, afternoon sessions at 2, and the evening meetings, at 7:45 o'clock. The conventidn closes Friday eve ning. The mid-year 'state' executive meeting of the V C. T. U. will be held in Omaha Tuesday and Wed nesday of this week. The meeting will open Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the X, M. C. A., and will be continued Wednesday morning, commencing at 9 o'clock, in the First Presbyterian church. Preceding the meeting Tuesday afternoon, the menrbers of the ex ecutive board will attend the busi ness girls' luncheon at the Y. W. C. A. Art Kx h 11,11 Sunday, t to i . m, Omaha pulillii library, umlsr auantcea of OnmhB Society at Fin Arl. Exhibit of bonk plates. Omaha Walking- Club Sunday, J:16 p. m,. from Marion park atatton on tha Ttollpvuo ami Fort Crook lntsrurban. Charles Cladway, leaii.r. Omaha Thciisoplilial 8ool.ty Sunday. i p ni . IS I.eflang building, Sixteenth and Capitol a?nuf. Mra. O. S. Foxworthy will speak1 on -The Loat Word." Old People's Home. Fontenelle Boule- I vard Sunday, 3:30 p. m., Rev. l.loyd B. ! HnlHpple of St. Harnaliaa Episcopal I ihuri-u will condui t the service, i (let Acquainted Club Sunday, 7 P in.. Unitarian church, Thlrly-flrat and Harney sliiet. Social hour followed by : program of music and readlnns. Open to All strangers a (id lonely men and I women. ! ' MONDAY. j Kishop Vincent Chautauqua Circle I -Monday, T:lo p. m., third floor, court province in ! I Koosevclt Chautauqua Circle Monday, 7:3" p. ni with Mrs. F. A. Cresses', 4:01 SuuthTwrnty-aecond street, I'. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter H. X. Tuesday, t o clock lulucheon with Mrs. A. B. Cullison, 4911 Pavenport street Council of JcwiHh Women Monday. 3 p. m., Temple Israel regular monthly meeting. History class meets at 2 p. m, Minne I.u-a Chautauqua, Circle Monday, 2 p. in., with Mrs. .1. P. Sherman, 2:129 Ogden street. Mrs. B. A. AS'augh, leader. -hool Forum Lecture Course Monday, duplicate lectures 4 and 8 p. m council chamber city -hall. Dr. H. B. Alexander will speak on "The Family." Omaha Woman's Club Monday, 2:30 p. in , open meeting, Y. W. C. A. auditorium. Directory meeting, 1:45 p. in. Mrs. Phillip I'otter chairman, of the educational com mittee will have charge of the program following the business hour. . Mrs. A. E. Sheldon of Lincoln, general federation di rector for Nebraska .w ill speak. TUESDAY. I.oomis Cliuiituiiqua Circle Tuesday, i p. ni., T. VT. C. A. V. S. Ornnt W. K. C Tuesday, 2:30 p. m.. Memorial hall, court house. Sojourners' Club Tuesday, 2 p. m.. with Mrs. C. A. Jsaksnn, 3:'9 Myrtle avenue. ; Candle Club Needs Furniture. The Candle club, a group cf busi ness girls, organized for the purpose, of -aiding girls whose homes are out of the city, helping them meet the right kind of friends and providing entertainment for them, is making au appeal for furniture for its club rooms. Anyone wishing to make a donation is requested to calKMrs. Grace Wells, Colfax 2206, after 6 p. m. The club will hold a special meet; ir.g Wednesday evening at 6:45 o'clock in room 302, Patterson block,' Seventeenth and Farnam streets. Dr. Jennie Callfas will address the club Friday evening at 8 o'clock in room 302, Patterson block. A mo tion picture will be shown. Dundee Woman's Club. The Dundee Woman's club will meet Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Charles Leslie, 4931 Webster street. Mrs. H. B. Foster, assisted by Mrs. C. R. Southwell will review "They," by Rudyard Kipling. Vocal numbers will be given by Mrs. R. W. Jones, accompanied by Mrs. H. J. Pierce. Current events on Child Vel- conductcd bv Mes hes and H. L. Snyder. Omaha Story Tellers' League. The Omaha Story Tellers' league will meet Thursday afternoon, 4:15 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. S. V. Fullawav, leader, will tell the story of "The Gift" by Montague. The story. "Why the Dove Is on the Valentine." by Bailey, will be told bvMiss Velmaking. Mrs. J.H. Mor rison will tell the story of "Little Miss Muft'et's Valentine." FrencrfClub. The French club will sew all dav Thursday-at the Child Saving insti tute, commencing at 10 a. m. South, Omaha Woman's Club. The literature department of the South Omaha Woman's club will Current event fare," will hoi dames J. B. Jone ADVKRTISEMENT. SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR It's Grandmother's Recipe to Bring Back Color and . Lustre to Hair You can turn gray, faded liair beautifully dark lustrous almost over night if you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at any drugstore. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved by the addi tion of other ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been -Applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxuri antly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound tonight and you'll be delight ed withyour dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within few'rlavs. Girls1 Community Service League Social Settlement Sunday. Mass meeting of all mem bers of eirls' and men's clubs. Monday, Cluga club supper 6:30 p. m., Gusta Nelson, president, uym nasium class, 7:30. Mrs. Charles Musseimari. leader. B. N. C. club supper 6:30 p. m. Tuesday, ' Lafayette club supper 6:30 p. m., Mary Quimby, president. Dramatic art class 7:30, Miss Mul holland, leader. Wednesday, Wamm club supper 6:30 p. m., Ruth Foley, president. Open house for girls' nd mens' di vision 8 p. m. ' Thursday, K. K. K. club supper, 6:30 p. m., Nell Gleason, president. Dramatic art class 7:30, Miss, Ethel Mulholjafld, leader. Friday, D. T- A. club banquet; for mothers and daughters. 6:30 p. m Polly Ryno, acting president. Saturday. Week-end dance, Lafay ette club, Hostess, 8:30 p. m. Sunday, Open house for girls' and men's division, 3:30-9:00 p. m. ADVERTISEMENT. KEEP URIC ACID OUTOF JOINTS Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to Eat Less Meat and Take Salts. Rheumatism is easier to avoid than to cure, states a well-known authority. We are advised to dress warmly; keep the feet dry; avoid ex posure; eat less meat, our. arinn plenty of good water. . Rheumatism is a direct result of eating too much meat and other rich foods that produce uric acid which is absorbed into the blood. It is the function of the kidneys to filter this acid fromhe blood and cast it out in the urine; the pores of the -skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity. In damp and chiily cold weather the skin pores are closed thus forcing the kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate, the uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventually set tling in the joints and muscles caus ing stiffness, soreness and pain calfed rheumatism. At the first .twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a table spoonful in a 'class -of water and drink before breakfast each morn- inir for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus rid ding the blood of these impurities. lad aalts is inexpensive, narmless and is made from the acid of crapes and lemon' juice, combined with lithia and is used with excellent re sults by thousands of folks who are subject to rheumatism. A musical will be given at the Social Settlement house Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The pro gram will include: Piano numbers by Nancy Hulst, Adelina Brader, Helen Jacobs, Dorothy Fliton and Harrv Frvxeil: violin, solosx Sam uel Carmell and vocal numbers, Mary Alice Kirtley. A group of 10 girls have organ ized a class in cooknig, and will meet Thursday afternoon of each week at the Settlement. Miss Bon nie Jones will instruct the class. A Blue Bird group was recently organized, with Miss Virginia Trim ble, .leader. This group will meet every Friday. The H. E. L. P. club will meet Omaha Realtors Opposed to Muny Light Measure Real Estate Board Goes on Record Against House Bill No. 1 in Resolution Adopt ed in Referendum Vote. Tuesday evening- for supper and dramatic art, and the Koyal Q. B. C. club will meet Wednesday eve ning fors supper and gymnasium. The W. I. L. L. club will meet for' sewing Thursday evening, and the S. ,N. A. P. P Y. club will also meet Thursday evening for sewing. Miss Emma Edquist has been chosen club leader. The children's danciig class will meet at the Settlement house Sat urday evening from 7 to 8:30 o'clock. There will be social yancing'from 8:30 to 11. ' ADVERTISEMENT. NOSE CLOGGED FROM A UULU UK UAI Annn Apply Crram in Nostrils To Open Up Air Passages. Ah! What relief f Your clogged nostrils open right up, the air pas sages of your head are clear and you can breathe freely. No mare hawk ing, snuffling, mucous discharge, headache, dryness no struggling for breath at night, your cold or catarrh is gone. Dont stay stuffed ud! Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little ot mis irarant, antiseptic cnam in your nostrils, let it penetrate through every air passage of the head: soothe and heal the swollen, Inflamed mu cous membrane, giving you instant relief. Ely's Cream Balm is Just what every cold and catarrh sufferer has been seeking. It's iust solen-did Expressing their opinions of the municipal light bill by a referendum vote, members of the Omaha Real Estate board went on record yes terday afternoon as being against house bill No. 1. The referendum vote was 46 to 21 against its pas sage. After a full discussion of the measure and hearing arguments by R. B. Howell of the Metropolitan Water district and J. E. Davidson of the Nebraska Power company, the legislation and taxation committee voted five to two, against the pas sage of the bill last Tuesday. Then to get a full expression from all Omaha realtors, the referendum was decided upon. Following the counting of the ballots yesterday in the office of the Real Estate board in the Paxton block, the members of the legisla tion and taxation committee and the board of directors in a special meeting passed the following reso lution: "Whereas, the Omaha Real Es tate board has deemed it advisable to take a stand with reference to house roll No. 1, 1921 session of the Nebraska legislature; "And, whereas, after full discus sion of the pressure and the hear ing of arguments made by R. B. Howell of the Water board and J. E. Davidson of the Nebraska Power Co., the -legislation and taxation committee of the board recorded a vote of 5 to 2 opposed to the pas sage of house roll No. 1; "And, whereas, the full member ship of the board, after open discus sion and weighing of the arguments pro and con, advanced by R. B. Howell of the Water board and by J. A. C. Kennedy, attorney of the Nebraska Power Co., has, through referendum, voted 46 to 21 against the passage house bill No. 1; "Now, therefore, at a joint meet ing of the board of directors, and the legislative committee of the Omaha Real Estate board, held this 28th day of January, 1921, it is re solved that each of the senators and representatives from Douglas coun ty in the legislature be apprised of this action and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each such senator and representative. "Resolved, further, that the board's opposition to house roll No. 1 is without prejudice in reference to the matter of the proposed in crease in rates by the Nebraska Power Co., but that it is the sense of this body that no advance should be allowed by the commissioners of the city of Omaha, unless it is proven conclusively to their satis faction that the present rates are inadequate to allow a fair return on the actual value of the property, without regard to the amount of capitalization, and that a copy of these resolutions be delivered to each of such commissioners." i Advertisement. The Bell Telephone corripan is the largest employer of girls of any industHal concern in the world. Two hundred thousand of its 290,000 em ployes,, scattered over the length and breadth of the nation are girls and women. Time Is Money Save Time by Eating at HOTEL ROME Where you find the best of foods, -quickly served. ALWAYS OPEN Management Rome Miller Federated Club Notes. During the week of January 17 the Harvard Woman's club held an art exhibit of the "Thistle Prints," sent out by the General Federation of Women's Clubs. The club entertained the Blue Valley and Happy Hour clubs Tues day afternoon, January 18. The pro gram includecf an art talk by Mrs. John W. Johnson; vocal Solos, Mrs. Ira Carney, and a piano ""duet by Mrs. Charles Prry and Mrsv J. C Schcer. The president, Mrs. A. J. Jenison, presided. Tea was served at the close of the prograrii. Airs. Johnson spoke before the pu pils of the high school January 1, describing the prints and giving a brief history of the artists. She ad dressed a public, gathering the fol-' lowing evening. Talks on the exhibit were also given during the week by Mesdames Charles Eller; Charles Pembrook, J. C. Schcer and-Melvin Kitzinger. The inability, to secure men to care for the grounds at Wellesley college ha caused many of the girl undergraduates there to take Up the duties of laborers for which they are paid at the rate of 30cents an hour. y W. C. T. V TufaJay. 1 p. m , T. M. C. A. Mia 'r Hint axcu'la moating. H. K. I.. P. CIiih Tufaday vantna-. So rial Ssttlement houi. aupprr and dramatic arc. IMphlitn Society Tuaartay, t:0 p. m , T. W, c. A. A atudy claaa will b or ganized. Omaha Ppanlah Tlii.t Turaday, I p, m., 310 l'atipraun block, 8avntentti and Far nam atreela. Jcwtah W oniraa Rrllff RocMt Tura- day, 3 p. m., I.yrlc building, .NlneHf nth and Farnam atreota. lJMell Alumnus Club Tuesday lifter nonn with Mra. Luther KounUil, 433 South Thirty-ninth atroet. Protllmt Mile Woman' flolf Club Tueaday evening, with Mra. A. V. North rup, 6 1!5 Flnreiu-o boaiovard. Omaha, Womun'n Club. I'ublle Hpenklnr I'eoarimrni Tueaday, JO . in., J. . C. A, Mra. O. Y. KrlnB. leaclar. South Omaha Wnman'a Club, Utrratiire Department Tuesday, 2:.10 p. m., with Mrs. Myron Clow, Sill K atreet. Omaha Woman' Club, Literature Pe partment Tueaday, 2:30 p. m., Y. W. (J. A. Mra. Kdward Johuaon, leader. American Literature Chtiutuaiqua Circle Tueaday, 2 p. m with Mra.il,. J. Oreer, 6003 Hurt street. .Mrs. Oreir, leader. Omaha lluainw Woman's Club Tues day, 6:15 p. m., Y. W. '. A., supper, fol lowed by business meeting; and prugram. Alice K. Howard Chautauqua Circle Tueaday, 7:.in. in., with Mra. M. A. rhilllps. 4n:i Florence boulevard. Miss Grace Rowland, leader. Drama Leasur Tuesday, 4 p. in., Fon tenelle hotel. Frof. Paul Orummann will speak on t'hRHca Rann Kcnnedy'a play. "The Army With ItRnners." Dundee Morning Chautauqua Circle Tuesdav, 9:45 a. in., with Mrs. R. E. Wlnkelman, 103 South Forty-first atreet. Mrs. A. B. Tebblns, leader. Omaha Truth Center Tuesday, 8 p. m 16 Patterson block. Seventeenth and Far nam atreets. Francis J. Gable of Lincoln will speak on "The Impersonal Conscious ness." ' WEDNESDAY. Alpha Tau Omeira Wednesday. 12 to 1:30 p. in., luncheon, Chamber of Com merce. Parent-Teachers' Association ' of Yates School Wednesday, 3 p. m., Yates school auditorium. Dundee Woman's Chili Wednesday. 2 p. in., with Mrs. Charles Leslie, 4931 Webster street. Alpha Chi Omeira Wednesday, 1 o'clock luncheon, with Mrs. John A. McKenzie 1920 Lothrop atreet. Royal Q. B. C. Club Wednesday even ing, Social Settlement house, supper, dra matic art and gymnasium. Clan finrdon Women' Auxiliary No. . Wednesday, 2 p. m., with Mrs. Robert Christie, 2909 North Nineteenth street. Omaha Business and Professional Wo men's J.ea;ur Wednesday, 6:16 p. m., Hotel Loyal, dinner followed by snort pro gram. W. C. T. V. Wednesday. 9 a. m.. Mid year state executive meeting, Flrat Presby terian church. Thirty-fourth and Farnam streets. Candle Club Wednesday, 6:45 p. rru, special meeting, club rooms, 302 Patter son block, Seventeenth and Farnam streets. ' Mu Sigma Wednesday"; J:30 a. m.. with Mra. James M. Pattoti, 916 North Thirty eighth avenue. Mrs. Frank L. Sillier, leaderv , Omaha Woman's Club. Music Department Wednesday, 2 p. m Y. W. C. A. audt- torlum. Chorus rehearsal, followtd by program. 1 Nulla Club Wednesday, 7:30 p. in.. Chamber of Commerce, parlor A. Alpha I'hl Wedneaday afternoon with Mrs. Klmnr Kantln, JM'J North Thlrtv flfth atieot. Mrs. Clayton Nichols, minist u ii t hostCNi. A. C. A. Hook Kevlew Section Wediiea. day. 4 p. in., with Ml Jean Hamilton, 3010 Nicholas atreet. Mra. Henry lumrly wlll review "Tho Outllno of ilialory," by 11. a. Wells. i W. V, T. I'. Regional Conference -Wednesday afternoon, opening meeting, 2 o'clock. Presbyterian church. Thirty -fourth and Ksrnain streets. Kvenlng ses sion, 7:46 o'clock, lecture on Modern History Wednesday. 4 p. m., Imchcane college and Convent of Sacred Heart, Thlrt) -alxth and Hurt street. Rov. Alfred Kaufman of Crelgh tnn university, (speaker. The public la In vited. I .eel lire Course Wednesday, 12 o'clock noon, M Halrd building. Seventeenth and Douglas atreets. Mrs. Kfflo Stcen Klttel son will give first of n series of six lec tures on "Tho Psychology of Hxpreaaion and Correlation of Arts." Subject of first talk, "Construction." THURSDAY. Report of the past sear's oU of tha national chnMcr uiul Junior lladnasnb will bo given. W. 1. I.. I.. Clab - -Thursday, 7 3a p. ni., Social Settlement lum. . W. C. T. I . Regional ouforem e . Thiir.sii.iy. 9 a. ni., J-1 r?i I Pi cab tci inn church. Thirty-fourth and Kurnam street. Afternoon M'a;don, Z o'l'lock; uvuning mod lug. 7:15 o'clock. Ak-Snr-llcii Kcuxlniilnn t lull 1. K. S. Thurs.lay, 11 . m. to i! '. in., Hed Cro looiiiM, Majfuc temple. Luncheon will h, served at li. Tho hostesses Include Me... dames M. (I. Willi, rs. It. ItllKgs, A. K W ilcox, sir , A I:. Wll.-ox. Ir . u. A, Morse, Henry IKat and w. .1. Weber, FRIDAY. University Hul. I'll. lay IlllU'llftlfi, A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. All Work Guaranteed 1518 Douglas St. Tel. Doug, 188 Daughters of Veterans Thursday, 2 p. m., Memorial hall, court house. Papillion Woman's 'liil Thursday aft ernoon with Mrs. K. L. Nickerson. H. K. A. P, P. Y. Club Thursday even ing, auppcr. Social Settlement house. French Club Thursday. 10 a. m. Mem bers will acw all day at the Child Savins Institute. Omaha Story Tellers' League Thurs day, 4:15 p. in.. Y. W. C. A. Mrs. ri. V. Fullawuy, leader. Omaha Woman's Club, Art Department Thursday, 2:30 p. m . Y, W. C, A. Mrs. Avery Lancaster, leader. Omaha Woman's C lub, Home Lcoiioinlc Departnient Thursday, 10 a. m. Y. W. C. A., Mrs. R. L. Franz, leader. Leavenworth Heights Chautauqua Circle Thursday 2 p. in., with Mrs. t A. Willard. 441 May berry avenue. Mis. K. R. Redding, lender. P. K. O. Sisterhood, Chapter K Thurs day, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. Robert Lee Grant 3176 Jaclison street. Mrs. Otto Lambert, assistant hostess. Women Voters' N'onpurtlsun Committee Thursday afternoon. Labor temple, Fourteenth and Podge streets. .Mrs. Charles Dauer, president, will preside. Mothers' Guild for Homeless Bojs Thursday, 2 p. m., members will sew dur ing the afternoon at Father Flanagan's Boys' home, 4206 South Thirteenth street. Hadassah Thursday, 2:30 p. m Lyric building, Nineteenth and Farnam atreets. Iiligrfellow Chauliiiiiiu.i ( Ircle- Friday, 7:3H p. in., conn h..u:, Kiln Council, bailer. Hound Table t liiiuliiuiiua Circle Frldav, ":1S P. in., V. w. i.'. .. Ml, Amanda piasst rein, leader. ltallon Woman's Club l'ililn ul p m. Hll Mrs. 'i. 1,. Hum Mm. v C. Ki'tnlsloii, icn.lc-. Ladies of the (,, A. It. I'ri.iny cv. nlug, (Jlaiid A i-in ' muni, emu! Inner. K.i-iilni-nnnithly inccliuK. Dundee Ladles Aid Society - d liLo , 1 1 , o'clock luncheon Willi Mis, Itulph Tlir-. sell, Hl'l Wobster .street. Dundee Presbyterian Wonicu's Aid So clely Friday. 1 o'clock luncheon Willi Mr.-.. Ralph Itusscll, 6131 Webster .-.in-d, Candle Cluh Friday, li p. in, ;iii Pal tcr.son block, Ncventeenlh and l-irual'i streets. I r. Jennie Cnlldts, speaker. A motion picture will bo kIiuvmi. Lecture on American History Friday. 4 p. in., luichcsno cnllcgt. ami convent of . lite Sacred Heart. Tblriv sixth utid Hurt streets. The public is Invited. Omaha Woman's Club, I'nlille Spiuking Department Frplny n f I eroooii. aoclal meeting at the home of Mrs. .1. i, Nlaler, 2337 South Thirty-third street, Iiwe Avenue Presbyterian Women's Alii Society Friday 1 u'ciock luncheon, church parlors. ,l esila men P. T. i:Hrher' a and Hlalne Trusdcll's divisions, liostessos. W. C. T. C Regional ( ontereiicc-j-l 'rlday, 9 a. m.. First Presbyterian clnlt'clg Thirty fourth and Kiirnam streets. Afternoon ses sion. 2 o'clock; closing session, 7:46 p, rn. Federal Art Club Friday, 5 p. ill, Y. SATURDAY. Kappa Sigma ( lull of Oniajlm and Coun cil llluffs .Saturday, K'::io ti. 3 p. in., luncheon and ineetinj; Cnlverslty club. Dmighters of American Rcvolul run, MuJ Isaae Sadler Chapter Saturday, 3;::o p. ni. Fontenelle hotel parlors. Mrs. William Archibald Smith, hostess. Mrs. Kittleson Innounces ! A 43yde of Six '. Interpretative, Instructive and Inti j mate Talks on Pyschology of Ex pression and the Correlation of the Arts. Course, Five Dollars Wednesdays, at 12 Noon. Beginning- February 2. IF yon are aenoos, despondent, weak, run down, throes h excess or other causes, we want to mail you our book which tails a boot SEXTONIQUE, a restorative ranady that will cost you nothing if you are sot eared or benefited. Every nun needing ji tonic to overcome personal weakness, etc., should get tbia free book at ones, CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY 440 Berry Block, Nashville, Tenn. Dr. G. D. Shipherd and his dental associates are now in their New Dental Offices Securities N Building Sixth Floor Dr. Shipherd and his associates of many years are in tlieir new location. They have built their reputation,on service. You are welcome to see us in reference to past promises and contracts. THE BEST THERE IS IN DENTISTRY Sixth Floor, Securities Building PAY US A VISIT COME ANY TIME. . DR. G. D. SHIPHERD E. Corner 16th and Farnam Phones Tyler 2732, 2733 613-620 Securities Bldg., S Entrance on 16th St. m For One Day Only Monday,, Jan. 31 25 Discount Oh Everything In Our Store To reduce our stock- for incoming merchandise, we will give a 25 discount ou everything in our store without reservations, for one day only Last and-Final Sale of R. &B. V .I- . " I BLUE AND LINGERIE - DUTCH SILVER CHINA WHITE LUNCH CLOTHS KIMONAS j LAMPS MIRRORS ART GOODS -GLASS ETC. W. H. Eldridge Importing Co. 1318 FARNAM ST. Somerset Coal Highest Grade Bituminous Free Burning Big Hard Lumps No Slack Updike Lumber & Goal Go. General Office, 45h and Dodge Streets Phone Walnut 0300 r High Grade Silver Tableware All in the beautiful Jewel pattern. Undoubtedly the most exclusive style ever designed by R. & B. Read the following list very carefully. You surely will want some of this guaranteed silver tableware at just Half the regular price. Former Half Price Price ' 34 Sets of 6 Knives and 6 Forks, R. & BTewel Pattern k?$.'Hi $4.00 8 Sets of 6 Table Spoons, R. & B. Jewel Pattern . 5.00 2.50 10 Sets of 6 Soup Spoons, R. & I?. Jewel Pattern . 5.00 2.50 10 Sets of 6 Dessert Spoons, R. & B. Jewel Pattern. 4.00 2.00 14 Sets of 6 Teaspoons, R. & B. Pattern 2.00 J .00 50 Sets of 6 Ice Teaspoons, R. & B. Jewel Pattern 3.50 1 .75 20 Sets of 6 Bouillon Spoons, R. & B. Jewel Tattem 4.50 2.25 ' 9 Sets of 6 Individual Salad Forks, R. & B. Jewel Pattern G.im 2.50 20 Gold Meat Forks. R. & B. Jewel Pattern I 2.0& 1 .00 20 Child's Sets, Knife, Fork and Spoon, R. &. B. Jewel Pattern,. C.dO 1 .00 20 Cream Ladles, R. & B. Jewel Pattern 1.50 .75 9 Sets of 6 Butter Spreaders, R, & B. Jewel Pattern 4.50 2.25 2D Baby Spoons, R. & B. Jewel Pattern 1.00 .50 47 26-Piece Silver Sets, 6 Knives, 6-Forks, 6 Tablespoons, 6 Tea spoons, Butter Knife and Sugar Shell, in lined mahogany chest . 23.50 11.75, 30 Sets of Holmes & Edwards Inlaid Silverware, 6 Knives aud 6 Forks. Wonderful Jamestown Pattern....-; 14.50 7.25 24 Sets Holmes & Edwards "Carolina" Pattern Silvcnveld, 6 Knives and 6 Forks ' 12.50 6.25 75 sets Holmes & Edwards Solid Handle, 6 Knives and 6 Forks, Beautiful De Sancy Tattern 10.75 5.3S 40 Sets Holmes & Edwards, 12 dwt, 6 Knives and 6 Forks, plain 8.2.1 4.1 3 Sets of 6 Knives and 6 Forks, Rosemary Pattern 6.01 3.00 Genuine Lashar Metal Knife, can be sharpened. Jewel Pattern 47 sets of genuine Stratford 26-piece Silver Sets in mahogany chests. Price cut more than Half. Swell Rosemary' pattern. 6 Knives, 6 Forks, 6 Table Spoons, 6 Tea Spoons', Sugar Shell and Butter Knives. Regular price $21.75, out they go at $9.75, Brodegaard Bros. Co. Sixteenth and Douglas Streets Hail Orders Tromptly Ulled Send for Our 1921 CHtnloproe It's IK Ft In J!uslnes Orer 33 Tears Oldest Jewelry Firm In Omalm At the Sign of Hie Crown l'p the Golden Stairs Union Pacific Watch Inspectors Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis xOmaha M