Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Joseph Hayden
Will Case Before
llictriol I Aiirt
wmjw ilii.i ji. a j a
I (.Olltefitailtl Rflfip Anneal An
"rrv"' "
Fact that Husband of
Beneficiary and Executor
V -Witnessed Document.
i I only
i 4 liusfc
The Joseph Hayden will case, ap
pealed, from county to district court
by contestants when a , decision in
county court admitted it for probate,
was submitted to Judge Leslie yes
terday afternoon. ( -Contestants
have droooed all ef
forts to prove incompetence on the
part of the late Joseph Hayden, and
tne question ot whether or not the
will was properly executed is the
only point raised by- them.
hether or not Thomas Flvnm
band ot the benehctary ot the
as well as an executor, could
ksrally witness the will under the
state statutes is the 'issue to be ruled
or. by Judge Leslie. Mr. Flynn.
who is president of the Hayden com
pany, took the, stand and testified
to the signing of the will on May
it. 1V!15. in Mr. Hayden s office here,
Contestants are Louise Josephine
Jiaydcn, daughter of Lawrence YV
Hayden of Washington. D. C, and
William T. Hayden of Birmingham,
aw. aiemoers 01 me uw nrin or
Smith, Schall & Howell are de
fending the lejfality of the "will;
Happy Hollow Country
Club Site Purchased
For Brownell Hall
Ti. - h... t .1..'. iV pile Ul liJv iiain'y nuiiviY
.ouiitrv club west of Dundee has
Seen purchased for the new Brownell
' Hall, it was announced yesterday. ,
Eleven acre are asquired under
the transaction.' The 'consideration
was $100,000. . '
The Nebraska diocese of the Epis
copal church, under terms, of the
sale, take over only two acres at the
present time. The remaining acre
age will be taken over in 1924. ,
7 The Happy Hollow club plans to
obtain a new location for the club
l'efore forced to vacate the present
site in 1924. .
Brownell Hall formerly was lo
cated on South Tenth street. Lately
1 temporary quarters have been in five
houses 'at St. Marys avenue vand,
Twenty-eighth street.
Brownell Hall formerly was 10
. siveiy fer girls and is conducted by
the Nebraska diocesejf the Episco
pal church, which three years ago
raised $150,000 in pledges for con-
struction of a new home.
. Sister of MacSwiney
To Speak Here Feb. 13
- MisX Mary MacSwiney, sister of
Terence MacSwiney, late lord
inavor rf Cork, will be in Omaha
Sunday, February 13. She will Speak
at the Municipal auditorium, accord
ing to ran announcement made, by
the American Association for the
iecognition of Ireland. -
it . r : .. 4n . 1, ..
middle west direct trom w asninswn,
where she testified before the con
gressional investigation into tht af
fairs of Ireland. - "
.- Miss MacSwiney will be accompa
nied by Miss Catherine Flanagan.
From Omaha the party will go to
, Lincoln for meetings on tie follo
ing day. - -;
Mayor Smith to Sail
June 1 for "Vacation
, Voyage to Honolulu
Mayor Ed. P. Smith announced
yesterday he would sail June 1
from Sau Francisco for Honolulu
for ait extended visit. Mrs. Smith
and Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Oymi will
accompany , him. This announce,
merit hushes all rumors that tjie
mayor would be a candidate for re
election in the spring municipal
campaign. "
' "1 intend to sail-on the date set,"
Mayor Smith said. "When I succeeded-'
in Accomplishing the pur
chase of the gas plant by- the city,
I put over the one big thing J "want
ed to do while in office. I have
started the free 'bridge project which
I hope to see carried through suc
cessfully. I am now ready to- re
tire from politics and seek some re
creation." I
According to the mayor, ibis is
the first vacation in'yejtrs lie lhas
planned to take.
Brief City News
Motor Stolen An electric motor
belonging to Barney Burch, owner
of trie t)maha- base ball club, which
had been left at the ballpark, was
stolen yester8ay. .
Burglar Loots Home A burglar,
who looted the home of A. , M.
Gyles, 5727 Military avenue yesten
day, escaped with a diamond stick
pin, $4 and. a kodak. ,
Plays Leading Kole Miss Margar'te
Margolin will play the leading role
in a pantoinime, "Aladdin," , to be
given undor the direction of H.
Rogerson in Jacobs hall, 1716 Dodge
street, Saturday night. ..
School OutHldc of Town Resi
dents of the newly ineorported vil
lage of East Oma'ha find, they have
left their school- outside the cor
porato limits. An effort to have the
lines extf nded will be made.
New Club-Mccts The "Falconer
for Commissioner'' club opened -activities
las night with a' moeting at
the Loyal hotel. The club is organ
ized to elect Falconer as a jity com
missioner in tho coming campaign.
Autoist-Fined Harry .Olson, 6604
Fowler avenue, rural mail , carrier
who ran down and seriously injured
Mrs. E. Johnson, 6518 Military
avenue, January a at Sixty-tirsr. ana
Military avenue, was fined $50 by
Police Judge Dunn yesterday.
Funeral Held Funeral services
for Mis. Helen Eastman Ruxton.
Chioagoraughter of Mr. Tind Mrs.
(). T. Eaatman, 114 South Thirty
eighth street, Omaha, were held yes
teeday morning. She died In Chi
cago Wednesday, following an attack
of pneumonia.
.Sued Over C.'Ihho M. Chlman &
Co. of Chicago sued Antonio Kanierl,
grocer' at 624' Pierre street, for $73
on a shipment of cheese sent to him
in August. Antonio told Justice ot
the Poace Bunco that "when the
cheese arrived it even made the mice
give battle to the cats In the store."
Predicts Successful Show Clark
Powell, manager of the Omaha
Automobile shohv, is opymlstlo over
the sure success of the Omaha ex
hibition this year. He bases his
optimism on glowing reports re
ceived from other cities where shows
have been held, successfully this
year. - , ' . t
Willi l ' rtiainag District Resi
dents of East Omaha will file a
petition with th county board 'of
commissioners Thursday asking for
the establishment of a drainage dis
trict in that vicinity. They also
will ask that some provision be
made to protect that locality from
overflows of the Missouri civer.
, Woman Sought Miss L. li. Do
Wolf of tho Hoard of Publio Wel
fare, city hall, has information
which she bcllews would be of in
terest to woman whose nfiiiden
r.Ams was Friendly" Lucas and who
is said to havjr married a mannuimod
Peterson. The person sought is said
to have moved to Omaha about two
years ugo.
Club Endorses Itlnireiw'Plio North
lOmaha Activities club, at a meet
ing Thursday night at Twenty-fourth
and Koyd streets, adopted a nioMqn
endorsing J. Dean Ringer, pollee
commissioner. V. U. Cheek of the
Omaha Auomobile club and V. J.
Burgess,' representing R.VB. Howell
of tho Metropolitan water district,
were speakers on tho program,, .
"'nope" Suspect Hold Ell Davis,
after arraignment in pollen couvt
yesterday, was held for federal of
ficers on the charge of selling "dope."
infectives Clyde Lako and Lloyd
Toland testified Dttvls had sold, two
capsules of morphine for $1.
Omaha Pioneer, One of ,
Founders & Creche, Dead
Mrs. Fanny A: Walker, widow ot
Robert H. Walker, pioneer Omaha
contractor, died at her home, 1411
North Nineteenth street, Thursday,
She wa3 prominent in charity and
temperance work! during her life and
was one of the founders of the
Creche. She was a charter member ot
the Omaha Woman's club, past ma
tron and life member of, Vista
chapter, Order of the Eastern Star,
and a past president of George A.
Custer Women's Relief corps. ,
Mrs. Walker was born in Madison
county, New York) April 21, 1842,
and came to Omaha 'with her hus
band in 1868! She is survived by-pne
son, Roy tt". Walker. s
J. WV Stenner Faces Federal
1 Charge of Operating Still
: Federal complaint ior operating a
still has been filed against ' J. -W.
Stenner, 2015 Poppldton avenue,
i hosc home was raided by detectives
"unday night. Assistant United
States District Attorney Lloyd Mag
uey filed the complaint. He de
clined file federal charges against
Elsie Rogers, who was arrested and
" later dismissed in police court on a,
Similar charge. 1 " . '
Irish Question Is Brought Up
In Y.M.C.A. Debate on Treaty
The Irish question was trotted out
sin tht open forum on the Paris peace
treaty at the Y. M.' CAA. which
. was the opening session of a num
ber ot meetingsj. J. Boucher plans
to conduct.
v When'T. T. McGovern and P. AT
D'Arcy, Creighton law students, at
tacked the treaty as bringing oppres
sion on weak and conquered peoples
T. B. Murray charged that thehole
; liije o criticism was directed from
an Irish viewpoint.
, t Omaha's Ex-Cowboy Mayor
May Go Into the Movies
The movies arc' after Jim Dahl
man, ex-cowboy i mayor that is,
Ranger Bill of the Lone Star Film
company is. Ranger Bill is W. J.
Miller. Eight years ago he met Jim
Balhman in Omaha. Since that
time Ranger Bill has kept up a cor
respondence, with Jim. Of late Bill
has insisted that Jim enter the mo
vies and reports are that Jim jc
wavering. ?
your next door neighbor
can give you anHnterest- 8
ing fact-story about the j
efficacy of
Scott's Emulsion
It is tonic-nouishment
unsurpassed in
qualities1 that give"
tone to the run-'
down system.
Scott A Bown, Bloomfield, N. J.
(Tablets or Granules)
Onward Omaha Exposition
In Store to Open Monday
.-v The Onward Omalut expositionn
me curgess-iasn wc i
Monday. The exposition opening hd
been planned for February 1, but ad
ded interest induced exhibitors to
place their exhibits for the show
' Sunday, and arrange them for; the
"Monday opening. Ieaing firms and
commercial organizations oLQjnaha
will havexhibjts,
New Elixir, Called Aspironal,
Medicated With Latest
Scientific Remedies, Used
nd Endorsed by European
and American Army Sur
geons to Cut Short a Cold
and Prevent Complications.
Every Druggist "In U. S. In
structed to Refund Price
While You Wait at Counter
If Relief Does Not Come
Within Two'Minutes.
Delightful Taste, Immediate
Relief, Quick Warm-Up.
, The sensation of the year In the
drug trade is Aspironal. the two
minute cold and eoug'h reliever, au
thoritatively guaranteed by the labT
oratories; testedapproved and most
n&uslastically endorsed by the
highest authorities, and proclaimed
by the common people as ten times
as quick .and effective as whisky,
rock and rye,, or any other cold and
cough, remedy they have eeitried.
All drug stores are now supplied
with the wonderful new elixir, so
all you have to do to get rid f that
cold is to step tuto the nearest drug
store, hand the cleric half a dollar
for a bottle of Aspironal and tell
hinuto serve you two teaspoonfuls
with four "teaspoonfuls of water in
a glass. With your watch in hand,
take the' drink at one swallow and
call for your money back, in two
minutes tf you cannot feel your cold
fading away like a dream within the
time limit. Don't be bashful, for all
druggists Jnvito,you and expect you
to try it. Everybody's doing it.
. When your' cold or cough is re
lieved, take ,the remainder of the
bottle home to your iwif e and babies,
for Aspironal Is by far the safest and
most effeotivei'-the easiest to. take
and the' most agreeable cold and
cough., remedy for infants a,nd chil
dren, "v ,' . . ,
Guticura Soap
Clears the Skin
and Keeps it Clear
SMV.OlntiMBt.TtIarn.Be. mrywbtni Snapta
fra ot Outran UftmtarlM.ItaBt. X, MMan,ICw.
666 is a prescription for
Colds, Fever and LaGrippe.
It's the most sneedv remedy
we know., . , ' y
Hair Goods
25 Off Jtegular Price.
including all shades in
real human hair switches
and transformations.
On Recount of having to ui
the (pace n itorn room uittd
th IlurKrs-Nush new building
ia completed we are forced to
cloae the
Saturday night, Jan. 29
,iV -
Everything for Men, Women, Children and the Home
May oe Sectired Hre Saturdayvat Great Swings
Given by the Omaha Manufacturers '
.' on the
) Main Floor of the
K Burgess-Nash Company , v'
Will iiiciude demonstrations and the actual manu
v facture of products from practically all of
, Ohaha's largest factories.
Exhibit Starts Monday, January 31st.
Buy a Book
a Week
You wilirenjoy reading
"A Poor. Wise Man," by
Mary Roberts Rinehartr
Price, $2.00.
Main Floor New Building
New, Modes and Exquisite Colors are
, Delightfully Combined in These
For Immediate
Wear '
: ; " . ' " ' t ,. -
200 new spring hats have Just arrived and will be placedon
special sale Saturday, The smart styles and new colorings will
delight you and, we can truthfully say, that it is seldom that we
find it possible to offer so great a value for your money at the
beginning of any season.
Second Floor.
Drugs and Toilet
? Very Specially Priced r .
Beautiful, Pure Silk
Steven's depilatory, very Lysol, a general
special, 49c. v, oi 1 -. septic, 19c.
Wool, powder puffSjlarge Hand brushes, price.
Tooth brushes, 6 styles, in :
boxes, 19c. 5 .?
Williams' t & 1 c u m, all
odors, 17c. '
Djer Kiss rouge,' 32c. . .
ompact powder in gold
finished box, 29c.
Turpo for colds, 12c. . ' , .
Cloth brushes, 39c. '
Hospital cottonl-lb. rolls,
49c. '
Magic or Butterfly, dye,
Iv5ry cream for cleaning'
ivory, 39c.
Mirrors, ebony finish, 7--
inch glass, priced-
Mam Floor 1
At the Lowett Price.
Considering Quality. .
Silk Hosiery
$1.95 pr.
Women's . pure thread silk
stockings, double soles and high
spliced heels; a stocking that
will give real service Black
and white and brown, $1.95 pr. ;
Silk Hosiery
$3.50 pr.
Women's silk stockings in
black with white clox, blue and
brown with self -clox and front
embroidery, some are all silk,
others have the lisle garter tops.
$3.50 a pair. J.
" Main Floor"
A Section That Will be
.... ' ".X - " A- . .
to the Men
Men's Union Suits
Men's uniori suis takeirfrom ourVegular, stock and re
duced. Consisting of such well known makes as Lewis,
Valora, Duofold, -and Mesco, which alone assures you per
fect satisfaction in fit, workmanship and service. Not all
sizes of any one lo,Jbut all sizes represented from 34 to 50.
Main Floor'
at Vi Off
Continuing our iale
of men's sweaters at
4 off 'the regular
price. Consisting of
of such well known
makes vas Spaulding,
Mesco, Pennsylvania
and Peerless. ,An ex
c e pt i o n ally good
showing of service
able colorings and
Main Floor
-" Caps .
Caps taken from our
regular stock, consisting
of broken sizes and others
pf one and two of a num
ber in either with or with
out inbands. All sizes,
to ?. . ,., ;
Men's Flannel Shirts $2.00
A remarkable lot of men's extra good quality flannel shirts in all the
popular shades of brown, gray, green and heather, with flat collar and
double pockets.
Very special at $2.00.
Main Floor
- -
a Doubt
Thi$ iale of Sewing '
' Machines
is , going to be the larg
est 'sale of its kind ever
staged in this city. You
will save -
30 to 65
Sale commences the
31st. See Sunday's paper.
Good Gloves-rLow Prices
Chamoisette Gloves, 95c
Kayser chamoisette gloves, two-clasp style with Paris
' point, self and contrasting embroidery in white, black, mastic
and chamois. Pair, 95c. ,
Doe Skin Gloves ,
$1.25 pr.
Doeskin gloves, the washable
kind, in white only. An excep-
tional value at, per pair, $1.25.
Children's Gloves
Children's combed wool,' long
wrist gloves in white, chamois,
gray, navy and, black. Per pair,
, r ChildiWs Mittens, 79c
V Children's, heather mittens with wool trimmed
nice warm linings.- Per pair, 79c.
' ' ' Main Floor .
' -
and Overcoats
Sixty wool-mixed
mixtures. These are
A Delightful Selection of Women's ayid Misses'
suits and overcoats in fancy
! all taken from our regular
stock and are the quality clothes that parents want
for their boys, because they give service and are
the style clothes that the boys all-wantr Sizes 12
to 18. '
Fourth Floor
Men's, and YoungMen's
.. V - All Wool - .
Trousers $2.85
This large assortment includesa great variety
of good patterns in good quality worsteds, . excel
lently tailored. XJreatly reduced in price at $2.85.
Sizes 28 to 38.
Fourth" Floor
Jt .IKTl jM - Ik.
You! II Enjoy
ReCOrdS 'Saturday;,
For Spring ; -
Dresses, vividly colorful and charmingly "youth
1 ful. The colors are more kenlyyjvid than Madam
' La Mode has chosen for some time. One, is startled
at first by their emphasis on uncompromising hues
and then delighted, for who doesn't long to be color
ful? The question of silhouette leaves nothing to
be desired in the gowns for spring. The straight
"lines "we have always with us, of course, but the
.bouffanteffects take equal rank. Ruffles, puffings,
shirrings, panels, eyelet embroideries especially on
taffeta and leaf embroideries are being shown.
And sashes, of course as to the colors navy,
black, brown, pearl gray, wren, pewter, ostrich, and
Hindustan shades combined with other shades for
contrast predominate. , ' , - v
Stcond Floorl .
, 3S698 Cuban Moon .Fox Trot.
Ziegfield Folliei Fox Trot.
74602 Ritnie Overture, Part 1.
74S03 Rienu Overaturc, Part 2.
74612 Call Me Thine Own Garrison.
18687 Tell Me Little Gypsy
, Girl of My Dreams.
18551 A Kose, a Kiss and You. . "
G1rl ot My Heart.
18699 Old Man Jazx, AIl-tar Trio. .
Dance O'Mania AU-jitar Trio. s
18670 My Sahara Rose Vocal.
1865 Whiaperinj Vocal.
The Love Boat Vocal.
35324 In a Clock Store. ,
Hunt in the Black Forest.
35694 Genu From "Sometime." '
Geme From "He'a a Good Fellow." .
35895 Chin? a Linn' Jasi Bfczarr.
Irene Fox Trot.
45178 Good-Bye Sweet Day Vocal.
Meeting of the - Waters Vocal.
18690 Whispering Fox Trot.
Japanese Sandman Fox Trot.
74533 Minuet in C Paderewski.
16777 Start and Stripe Forever March.
N Fairest of the Fair March.
17332 Mother Ooose Jingles, f
' Little Red Uen.
17782 Whispering; Hope Kline & Baker. ,
Abide With Me Kline A Baker.
74534 Oioha Gluck and Chorus.
87221 Rosary Schuman-Heink.
74442 Old Black Joe Gluck and Chorus.
69094 Sing Me to Sleep Gluck and ZimbalUt.
Ind Kreislar.
SB108 Mighty Like a Rose Farrar
'1S673 Alexandria Fox Trot.
Oriental Stars Fox Trot.
18633 Dardenella,
My Isle of Golden Dreams.
45176 Irene-4'ocal. ' -x
Alice Blue Gown Vocal. "
18691 My Little Bimbo.
Broadway Blues. ,
64901 Honor and Love McCormack.
64769 Meditation Heifetx.
6482S Traviat a Galli Curci. J ,
64S36 Dear Heart DeGogorxa.
64831 Prologue Pagliaeci Zanelli.
64859 If You Could Care Alda.
64863 Duna Werrenrath. .
64884 Scotch Pastorale Elman.
64885 Let Filles de Cadix Galli CureL
64890 Chauaan Indaue Kreisler. . .
64009 When Your Ship Come In Harrold
74436 Adeste Fideles McCormack and Chorus,
74550 Good-Bye Williams. . ,
74568 Hebrew Melody HeifetxT
74S97 Hymn to the Sun Elman.
74639 Villanelle Galli Curci.
87307 In the Sweet Bye and Bye Sehumah-Heink,
87309 Oh, Boy. Carry Me Along Homer and Chorus.
B7SB7 Kigoietto Wuet Galli lurci.
De Luea.
S756S Zasa (The Kiss) FarVar-
De Luca.
69030 Miserere II Travatare Caru-
so-Alda and Chorus.
96000 Rigoletto Quartet Caruso.
Fourth Floor
ysi.t 4r-f, 4
- ;w'--Wg-;4,tFl.A-,'.