rilfi. BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 28. 1921. aw. iMm n A TN THE Sf'KIMi a young mans fncy," we hear daily iinted, hut kH l there is another meaning. In the spring a younjr girl's fancy turns V " 4 s tlinitrrhtc f( t tr.ll:c:ii, iAAir k.1t .. A t. TA. ....,1 too, the season just after Easter is always particularly beautiful. When the first violets are hiding modestly 'neath "their green leaves in the "mossy woods one Omaha miss plans to become a bride. She is Miss V iltlrcd Rhodes, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 11. Rhodes, who is engaged to Ware Hall, son of Mrs. R. S. Hall. Miss Rhodes has decided upon. the first week of lovely April for her nuptials. Another wedding, which takes place when the crocus, the Jonquil and the tulips first open their gaze to springtime, is that of Miss M;irv Cooper of Pittsburgh and Rurdette Kirkendall of this city. Their marriage will be an, event of early April. Tea for Former Omahan. Mrs." Edward Porter Peck enter tained informally at tea at her home, Thursday afternoon, in honor of her guest. Mrs. F. B. Barkalow f Washington, D. C. who formerh resided here. Fifty guests, ail friends of Mrs. Barkalow, attended. , Informal Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Devcniix had is their guests at dinner at their home Wednesday evening Mr. ami Mrs. W. B. T. Belt and Mr and Mrs. II. S. Clark. -. Fort Omaha. Mrs. Malcolm D. Grimes will en tertain members of the Fort Omaha Bridge club at the Officers' club of the post Friday afternoon. Four ta rdea will be set for the game. j ' Wedding Date. . i. The marriage of Miss Faye Simoi:, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Frank Si- mon, and Spray Gardner, will take 1 l . .1 C .'. 1 HT. J I'micm inc oiukiii jioine weanes day evening. February 26. St. Elizabeth Guild. .St Elizabeths guild will hold a cake, candy and ice cream sale Sat urday afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock the guild rooms at 5K Barnabas ircm - Food Sale. Ak.7Sar-Ben Kensington club, Q. E. S., will hold a food sale February 12, Saturday, iithe Red Cross rooms of Masonic temple. ' Informal Bridge, is. Dorothy Balbach is plan ning an informal evening bridge at jher'home for next Tuesday evening. - Community Card Party. -Tlie' Community club will give a card party at Crounse hall, Friday, . 2:30"p. m. Personals Miss Louise Hcitman has returned from a" trip to New York. George McXamara of Beemer, Neb., spent Wednesday and Thurs day in.. Omaha. Miss Vrcda Birch of Topeka, Kan., vho was the guest of Izetta Smith, lias returned to her home. Mrs. John E. Patterson of Kansas Cityv-who is the guest of Mrs. Paul Gallagher, leaves Friday for her home.- ' A. -J.. Sistek left Wednesday for a two weeks' trip to .New Yorlc, X J m vi-tH ofrtn in fin ota rm tua rp- - ML V- JIV' 111 V V tl'Jt Vi-n journey. . Miss Lorcne Simmons of Detroit, vho has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J I. G.'Unverzagt, left Thursday for Oiicago, enroute to her home. Mm.. Barton Millard and Mrs. Paul . Gallagher leave Friday, Feb ruary 4. for Montreal to attend the .Tumor league convention. They will fce gone several weeks. Miss Harriet Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Arthur Crittenden .Smith, who ha$ been spending sev eral months in the east, is now visit ing friends in New York City She will probably return to Omaha in the spring. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moreland, who were married in Lincoln Wednesday, are spending a few days in Omaha en route east. Mrs. Moreland was Miss Gertrude Valen tiner. They will make their home in Lincoln. Mrs. P. F. Zimmer and daughter, Lucille, leave Sunday for NevNOr leans. Mr. Zimmer will join them February 12 ad the party will sail tor Havana. Cuba later returning to Miami, Fla where they will re mairC until Mav 1. In the absence . of M. and Mrs. Zimmer their home at 423 South Thirty-first street will he occupied bv their daughter, Mrs. Dwight E. WMliams. and Mr. Wil liam, who have been residing at lurrfer Court. What Makes Flavor? - Variety in flavor is a decided stimulant- to appetite. But in order to i;ain Ihis it is not necessary to have great variety in the foods you use. Mud can be gained by a judicious and Intelligent use of seasoning. But even triore can be gained if you know how "to vary flavor, though varying y&ur'method of cooking. Take? corn meal for instance. Boil it in water and you have corn meal mush with its characteristic flavor; then let this cool,.slice it and fry it and you hare ar. efitirely different flavors This new flavor, if you analyze it, consists of a combination of the- crisp, parcrjed corn the result of the fry ingSand the soft inner portion. The buttej or bacon fat, or other cook ing oil that you use, may also enter into Jhis new flavor. Some cooks save "the grease that comes from fry ing Sausages, and this may be used As add still a new flavor. G MICKEL MUSIC Douglas 1973 Society i New Officer Mrs. C. A. Meinig was elected president of the Dauia club at a meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Marie Jensen. Other officers chosen include: Airs. G. N. Warden, vice president; Mrs. Tlior Jorgen sen, secretary; Mrs. Minnie Hansen, trustee. ' The club was organized for the purpose of establishing a home for old people. . Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Hash fill 1 'a rmer. Dear Miss Fairfax: Would appre ciate it very much if you would help me to solve the following problem: 1 am a big, overgrown, sun-tanned bashful farmer lad, nearly 21, and have lost my heart to a pretty little gill of 19 hummers. Now, Miss Fairfax, here is the dif ficulty which has caused mo many sleepless hours and no end of worry. The young lady has a high school education and is teaching school. She is bright and witty and has a number of suitors hut no steady beau. I am a bashful farmer lad and have had only a grad educa tion. The girl always speaks and greets me with a smile when we meet, but I simply cannot' summon iu enough courage to ask her to ac company me to some entertainment. 1 feel that I am not worthy of her and yet I cannot give her up for I fear it would break my heart. When I go to some party or mother enter tainment' and the girl is not thrc the. day or night is spoiled for me, but if the girl is present tho mere sight of her and a friendly greeting makes my heart throb with Joy.x I know all about the old saying "faint heart ne'er won fair lady," but that don't seem to help my case. Please, Uiss Fairfax, give nie some advice in The Bee and 1 will thank you with all my heart. Sincerely, FAIIMER LAD. I guess you like the girl all right. What you want ma to do is to give you some courage. T cannot do that. Swallow your heart when it bobs up in your thront, and just ro .ahead and ask the f?irl to accom pany you some place. Instead of being a big, overgrown, sun-tanned, bashful farmer lad. I "3ust know you are a big, true, honest, fair-minded, salt-of-the-earth boy, and if the grirl likes that kind as well as I do, ehe will accent your invitation. A Letter to .T. E. D. My Dear Miss Fairfax: I have just run across a letter by J. E. D., and can honestly say he is one gentle man and maybe the only one left to say he'd pick the Rirl with a nose like a marshmallow in preference to one with a shiny beak any day. I use some paint and powder and it sure does improve one's looks. I dress in style, have nice clothes but must say my dresses are neither real low neck nor are thfty to my knees, but nicely to my shoe tops. He also said he had implicit con fidence in women and could be de pended on; that's more than lots of men say about we grirls and women. And if J. E. D. is not married yet, I truly hope the Dxrd will bless him with the best little woman in all the world. And I, too. am strong for the modern miss and also for all men who think as much of we girls as J. E. D. does. MISS TWENTY. Bobby: T)on't nag your friend about another girl. Make yourself agreeable and attractive and even If there is "another" he will forget her. If he falls in love with some one else, your nagging won't help anyway. Hopeful: Tou do need advice, as you say. I want you to get it while you are young and remember it. A sharp tongue and a hasty temper heap trouble upon their possessor. If you lose your temper and say mean things, you will have to bear the consequences. Learn while you are young to bridle your tongue. Control your temper and yourself. Tou will thank me all your life if you follow this advice. As to your boy friend, if he cares for you," he will give yod an opportunity to show by your conduct that you are sorry A January White Sale of Second-Hand and Used Sewing Machines FOR CASH OR TERMS We rent machines and do first class repair work on all makes of Sewing Machines. What's What By HELEN DECIE ' , , i 5: mm A Cleveland correspondent ("A. B. C") writes to "What's What" as follows: "Dear Etiquette Editor Is it good table maimers, while hold- jiig bread or toast in the fingers and before eating it. to dip it in the tea or coffee cup, or into any substance on the plate, or to wipe off the plate with it? It not, what alternative b approved?" Answer It is distinctly bad form to dtp bread or toast into any liquid. If the eater is afflicted with dental trouble and must have soft food it is more seemly to have this served in the form of milk toast, for which can be substituted tea toast or coffee toast, to be eaten, with a spoon. People do not "wipe off the plate" in ihe dining room. If at the home tabic there- is a delicious gravy served- which the diner wishes to con sume bread may he broken and a small portion of this can be dipped into the sauce with the fork which is used to convey the morsel to the mouth. When dining out, even this fork-dipping is to be avoided. Copyright. 3 921, by Public Ledger Co. Daughter of Famous Surgeon to Wed Wedding invitations have been re ceived in Omaha for the marriage of Phoebe Mayo, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. William J. Mayo of Rochester, Minn., to-Dr. Waltman Walters of that city, formerly of Omaha. The wedding will take place February 5. Among those invited from Oma ha are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Skin ner and Mr., and Mrs. Nels Updike. Mr. and Mrs., Skinner plan to attend. Mr. and Mrs! Updike being in Cali fornia will be unable to do so. Book Plate Owners in , " Omaha V Among the Omaha people hav ing book plates on exhibit at the public library, in the. Fine Arts col lection, are: Mrs. M. G. Colpetzer, Maude Bryant Nott, Margaret McShane, Jan Powell, Ida Dahms, Margaret Greer Baum, Mary Learned, Carrie M. Carpenter, Delia L. jFerguson, Dr. Alfred Bown, Col. T. W. Mc Cullough, Charles Stanbrough. Sam uel Smith Caldwell, Stanley V. Weiser, William Edward Conlcy, Leonard and Loifise Everett, Theo dore Ellis Stebbins, James Edwin Baum. Robert and Anna Leavens, Miles Greenlcaf. Doane Powell, Wil liam A. Ayorigg", CharlesN. Dcitz., Ralph and Nell Kiewit,'. David A. Baum, Henry Victor White. Dana Burgess Van Dusen, Clarke and Janet Powell, William Sears Pop pleton, Clifford and Alice Forbes. ' This exhibit is opo,n -daily from 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. and on Sun days from 2 to 6 p. m. It closes Sunday, January 30. for anything you have said. Appar ently your f riendshrp" was a series of fusses. Happiness is not found that way. Build yours upon better be7 ginnings. In Sweden, a wife has the right to bear her own family name in conjunction with that of her hus band. " . If You've Tired of the Style of Your Garment why not have our expert people change the style for you? the stunts we do 'lfrythis class of work command ad miration. expert men tnilors remodel men's suits and ladies' tail ored clothes, dressmakers change the style of your frocks, furriers alter your furs, hatters re-block your hats, while our clever dyers render service for all dep'fc. what more could 'you ask? DRESHER BROTHERS Dyers-- Cleaners 2211.17 Farn.m St. Phone Tyler 0345 South Side Phone "South 0050." See our . stock before buying. Your old ma chine taken in as part payment. , HOUSED 15th and Harney HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife The Way Lillian Diverted Mrs. ' Durkee's Attention. Lillian made no outward sign either of interest or discomposure at little Mrs. Durkee's annouTicemcnt of her intention to investigate the J ' C U ... L... " But I, who know her so well, was watching her closely while . Mrs. Durkee was talking and I saw the little lines at the comers of her mouth deepen, and her lips, close tightly sure sign that something has disturbed her. "There ia one thing on which I r.m sure you will agree with me, Lady," she said pleasantly to Mrs. Durkee she has called the little woman "Lady" ever since I have known her "and that is that Madge has no business trying to straighten-.! things over there until Jim and Katie come tomorrow. "Of course not. but you can bet I'm going to look things over right away," the little woman replied. "And whatever are- you going to do about tonight? You surely don't want to leave the house alone again." "If we get it aired and warmed sufficiently, Lillian and I will sleep there," I interposed, guessing that Lillian wished a chance to marshal her mental forces to anticipate, this projected visit of Mrs. Durkee to the 6cene. ' Lillian Thinks Quickly. "Well, you don't take Marion into any such a place!" Her Fluffiness returned, bridling. "Sjie'll stay right here with her Auntie Durkee. And now let's go over. You ought to look at your furnace again, any way, Madge." "It -was all right when I went back a few minutes ago," I said still watching for some cut to indicate what Lillian wanted. "How do you feel, Madge?" Lil lian asked abruptly. "You look better. "Mrs. Durkee's tea," I smiled. "Then I'd advise you to have an other cup," she said, arid I knew that I had received my cue. . "Will it be too much trouble?" I turned apologetically to Mrs. Dur kee. "I'm afraid the pot is empty, but I would like another cup." "Trouble!" she exclaimed hos pitably. "As Alfred says, I'll 'soak you one if you get off anything like that. I can heat some more water in a jiffy. Will you girls have some more?" "Not I," Lillian rose lazily. "I feci like a tea ball now. Give me your keys, Madge. I'll stroll over and open up the house again, and shut some of those windows. You have a cold now, Lady." "Don't waste your breath bother ing about me," called back our little hostess on her way to the kitchen for more boiling water she has an elaborate arrangement for boiling water at her tea table, but in -Shoe Offers You Greater Reductions ON LADIES' SHOES Our Large Stock of Oxfords, Brogues, Pumps, Slippers and High Shoes, Made by the World's Renowned Manufacturers of Quality Shoes are Offered to You at No Refunds No Exchange's All Sales Final" SHOE MARKET 320 SOUTH 16TH STREET The Faultless Fuel - . - Per Ton NO ASHES, NO CLINKERS All Condensed Heat Havens Coal Co. Prompt Service by Careful Drivers Phone Walnut 0858 4468 Farnam variably dashes out to her gas stove when she wants it in a hurry. "Just don't disturbc any of the evidence,' as the police say. 1 warn you I'm going to get a tape measure and crawl around on my hands and knees in regular detective style." Lillian laughed heartily. "Go to it," she called amusedly, and sauntered out of the house. When I next saw her she was i standing in the same indolent fash ion in the door of my own home with a lazy smile of greeting for Mrs. Durkee, who pattered excitedly by my side. Marion had gone ahead with her mother, and Edith Fairfax, evidently unable longer to conceal her boredom at the whole affair, had announced her intention of clearing up and washing the tea things. Full Revelation Avoided. "Oh. how perfectly awful!" This was evidentlv the favorite exclama tion of our hostess, for she used it numberless times in her progress through the house, a progress punctuated by much fussy examina tion of the Wrecked things, and peer ing into corners on the part of Mrs. Durkee. It was not until we reached 'the second floor, however, that I real ized how cleverly Lillian had fore stalled any investigation of my keep sake trunk on the part of Mrs. Durkee. Every bedroom window was thrown wide open, and sheets weighted down a the corners with heavy articles covered the heaps of clothing and miscellaneous articles on the floors. "You see, they emptied everv trunk, out and tumbled the contents over, looking for money," Lillian ex plained. "Madge, dear, I hope you don't mind mv beinet officious, but I thought I'd better cover each heap I ADVEBTISEMENT. mm mm "Pape's Cold Compound" Breaks any Cold in Few Hours Instant Relief I Don't stay stuffed upl Quit blowing and snufflingl A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound' taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks Ui any cold. The very first dose opens clogged nostrils and the air passages of the head; stops noseN running; relieves the headache, dullness, feverishness. "Pape's Cold Compound" acts quick, sure, and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, contains no quininjB- Insist upon Pape's! Market with a sheet so nothing would blow around. We simply must have it aired out well if we sleep here to night. Just look here. Lady, see how thev upset things." She lifted up a corner of the sheet in my mother-in-law's room and listened attentively to the oh's and ah s with which Mrs. Durkee com mented on it. 1 "It's just like this in all the rooms," Lillian observed with an in different air. "They simply broke the locks and emptied the trunks. Of course, Madge can't tell till later whether they've taken anything or not, and I'm not going to let her sort things till Katie comes to help her." "That's only sensible,"" Mrs. Durkee agreed. Then she shivered. "You certainly liavc air enough in here," she said pettishly. "You mustn't stav here another minute," Lillian said energetically. "These windows have to be opened, but there's no need for you to stand in a draught. Besides, there's noth ing to be seen here, and I want to take Madge to look for houses this afternoon. Come on downstairs. Do you want to lock these rooms, Madge? It's hardly necessary." 'T would," Mrs. Durkee pro tested. "I'd lock everything tight. And be sure to see that your furnace is all right before you leave the house. For you can just bet I wouldn't come into this house alone this afternoon if I knew it was going to burn down." She went down the stairs ahead of us, and I locked the bedroom doors, my own last, with a feeling of grati tude to Lillian for the way in which she had diverted little Mrs. Durkee's attention. (Continued Tomorrow.) Never before in the history of Poland have the women taken a more vigorous interest in politics than they are at the present time. Don't Forget to Take Home a Loaf of r SCHULZE'S BUTTER-NUT Let the Children Have All They Can Eat - It Makes Sturdy Boys and Girls With Each LoaJ is Wrapped a Beautifully Illustrated ""Mother Goose Rhyme SCHULZE BAKING COMPANY A U VE RTIS KM EIS T. STOP ITCHING SKIN Zemo the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Gives Prompt Kelief There is one safe, dependable treat . ment that relieves itching torture and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 Dottle of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will lind that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches,ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear Zemo, the penetrating, satisfying liquid, is all that is .leeded, tor it Danishes most skin eruptions, maKes the skip soft, smooth uid healthy, fhe E. W. Kosc Cleveland. O. FOR EXCESSIVE URIC ACID TRY THE WILLIAMS TREATMENT 75 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) FREE Juit because you start the day worried and tired, etiff lees and arms and muscles, an aching head, burning and bearing down pains in the back worn out before the day begins do not think you have to stay in that condition. Be strong, 'well, with no stiff joints, sore muscles, rheumatic pains, aching back or kidney trouble caused by body made acids. If you suffer from bladder weakness, with burning, scalding pains, or if you are in and out of bed half a dozen times a night, you will appreciate the rest, com fort and strength this treatment should give. To prove The Williams Treatment con quers kidney and bladder diseases, rheu matism and all other ailments when due to excessive uric acid, no matter how chronic Lor stubborn, if you have never tried The Williams Treatment, we will give one Toe bottle (32 doses) free if you will cut out this notice and send it with your name and address. Please send 10 cents to help pay postage, packing, etc., to The Dr. D. A. Williams Company, Dept. T-S56, P. O. Building, East Hampton, Conn. Send at once and you will receive by parcel post a regular 75c bottle, without charge and without incurring any obligation. Only one bottle to the same address or family. ITCHING ECZEMA FOR 4YEARS OnLimbsinPimples.Burned and Coyld Not Rest. Cuticura Healed. " I auffered for about fouryeara with eczema on my limbs, from my kneea down. -At first they were very small pimples, and after a while the akin would begin to swell and get thick and crack open. My clothing rubbed the eruption, causing awful Itching and burning, and I could not rest at all. " I began to use Cuticura and got relief, and when I had used two cakea of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointmsnt I was healed." (Signed) Nelson Smith, Cache, 111. Cuticura Soap, Ointmsnt and Tal cum promote and maintain skin pur ity, akin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. ! txa TtM ' A Airrm-"Oitfaars Ui rsUrtas.Dtft . llslfealS, SUM." Snldmry- wrr mwpase. ixntmtn.TssndK. TueomM. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. aocsDQOrsnrdDiiJDESDi)oc)ar3DJOE a Where will you find an other food that comes to you ready-cooked with such flavor, economy and health building satisfac tion as GrapesNuts Tfris combination of wheat and malted barley is a firm favorite with families that have used it for years and know its food value for both children and grown- D n There's 8 Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc. Battle-Creek.Mich. OIE30rQJOlSOJ0E30t0fJO303CS BEE AD ADVERTLSEMKNT. Cured His RUPTURE 1 was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk several years ago. Doctors said my only hops of cure waa an operation. Trusses did me no good. Finally I got hold of something that quickly and com pletely cured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although I am doing hard work aa a carpenter. There was no operation, no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to sell, but will give fuO information about how you may find a complete cure withont operation, if you write to me, Eugene M. Pullen, Car penter, 714 G Marcellus Avenue, Manas quan, N. J. Better (eut out this notice and show it to any others who are rup tured you may save a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of an operation. Was Cured in Three Months- of, Stomach-Kidney Troubles. Constipation.' My . wife was,, cured of Headache, Constipation with Dr. BurV hart's Vegetable Compound. It is the best medicine on earth. Try it. J. W. Avery, Necholson, Mich. Dr. Burkhart . wants you to write for a treatment, pay when cured. Address Dr. Burkhart, 621 Main St., Cincinnati, O. For sale at all druggists. 30 days' treatment, 25c: 70 days, 50c. ENJOY YOUR MEALS kk a qUs of Wflt BE FORK MEALS AUVKKTISEMENT Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are taken for" bad breath by all w ho know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gen tly but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to natural action, clearing the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the bad after effects. . AU the benefits of nastjs sickening, piping cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or any disagreeable effects. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and liver complaint, with the attendant bad breath. Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a weel and note the effect, ioc and 30c. M I 1 10 ai 1 s c 5 a I e ffl B. ! I a a Reason ADVERTISEMENT. Just Apply This Paste the Hairs Will Vanish (Boudoir Secrets.) The judicious use of a delatone paste insures any woman a clear, hairless skin. To prepare the paste, mix a little of the powdered dela tone with some water, then apply to the objectionable hairs for two or three minutes. When the paste is removed and the skin washed every trace of hair will have vanished. No pain attends tlie use oi the delatone and it will not mar the most sensi tive skin, but to insure results see that you get real delatone. Lyko Makes Hope a Reality Lyko brings a new view of life to the weak and debilitated. Hope springs again in the once discour aged mind. Strength and courage reappear and the man once more takes his place among those who enjoy vibrant health and energy. TIM arcaf 0Miat Tank tends to put the "human machine" in perfect working order by help ing to restore the bodily functions to their normal activity. It regulateB the bowels, prevents constipa tion, increase the appetite, stimulates dtrestion an 4 tone op tea system in ceneral. A Hygienic Remedy Lrkois manufactured in the moat modern lab ors tone, under themost hygienic condition. And every bottle is tested as to the tbera peutic value of ths compounded drurs. The phjsiolojicaJ effect of it component ts reeocnized bt medical authorities. Ask Your Druggist Make the teat today of Lyko if you need a laxative tonic. See for yourself how soon a few doses will relieve you. Sold only in orifinal packacesat all leading drugstore. Sot Manufacturer! LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY Now York Kansas City XMCD ISSSMSBSSSI For by Beaton Drug Company. 15th and f mnam Stt., And all retail drufgUtt. Hcc Want AcU W ill Booft Trade