The Omaha Daily Bee vo. 50 NO. 193. f tirt m Lean. Clan Mattar May ?l, 0m P. 0. Uiialar Act at March IMS. at I. Ii7. OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 19il. Br Mall (I war).' UilftUft Daily a4 gwiaiy. It: Dalit Only. M: Sunday, 14 OutiKa 4th (I w). Dally aid Suatay, lit; Dally Oily. II J; Suaday Oaly. ii THREE CENTS Freadrich Will Head Retailers Slate Federation Closes Ses sions Here After Election of Officcrs-t-Lincoln Next Convention City. Endorse Corn Meal Week The 15th annual convention of the Federation of Nebraska Retailers at the Rome hotel, came to a close yes terday afternoon with 'the aunual meeting of the beared of directors and the election oC officers for the coming year. , , . i &. F. Freadtich, 'Lincoln, was elected president of the state associ ation. A. L. Anderson, .Wahoo, re tiring president, becomes a vice pres ident. Other state officers, M. A. Hosteller, Shelton, treasurer, and J. Frank Barr, Lincoln, secretary, were retained. -. C H. Freadrich, Lincoln; Fred! DcWeber, Arlington; l fenny, Tultertou; F. A.: Miller, Beatrice; C. 'F. Frcas. Beaver : City; and W. C. Elliott. Mason City, were elected members of tiie board 01 directors. Lincoln Next (Jonvention City. Lincoln will be the next conven tion city tor tiie lencration, it was decided. While there were few more than W0 delegate, in a.tteudaucc, the con- volition did not lack life and interest. According , to the secretary the pro gram has never been excelled in any previous vcar. Speakers of national prominence addressed the various Associations at I thcif sessions this year. G..A. Gar ( er, Strasburg, O., who owns a de partment store. in a town of 936, ex plained to the dry goods )and ready-to-wear mcn'lww he conducted his store to do an annual business of nearly $1.000,000. ' . 1 Ohio Merchant Speaks. Mr. Carver was the main speaker i vesterday afternoon in the closing " session of the federation. He told - how he built up a business in nine counties,, which attracts trade from . cities of from 10,000 'to 100,000 popu lation, through a continual intensive advertising , campaign, and how he retained his customer? through the efficiency of his sales fofce. i From a one-room country store , the business Iu progressed - until now there is a three-story building, dividend into eight departments, each department utiue'r the " management of an expert., . . .. V. l , P. Mann, .Devils Lake, i. P., owner of a totU in a town of 5,500, .Ides' 'in iniitlat 'harness of $650,000. - w ... - T... ing and einnirjuion oi muiis.iuv.j day and Wodrcsday r t' ' Lectures on Efficieticy. Douglas White of the - Pacific Coast' Retail' Furniture association explained up-to-the-minute organiza tion and efficiency to the furniture men Tuesday and Wednesday, and Paul Findley, Los Angeles, -of the California Fruit Growers, lectured on cost accounting and cutting down overhead, expenses Tuesday. A series of lectures throughout the convention, before the various. Tur to Tmt Thaae, Column One.) President of State Retailers Heads Big . ! Grocery Business When C. TT. Freadrich. Lincoln, newly-elected president of the Fed eration of Nebr.fska Retailers; start ed in the grocery business in 190 liis working capital was $1j0. lo dav he is wealthf and Freadrich Brothers operate the biggest grocery store in Lincoln. ' Last year his store did a business of $300,(1)0. "I started in business in modest wav and tried to make my;caiital go as "far as possible." he said. "I worked early and late, advertised as much as possible and above all, I niadc a supreme effort to satisfy yvcry customer who came into my store. . , , "The business grew and pros pered. I advertised more and put more effort fttfo pleasing my cus tomers. I instructed my clerks to do the same thing. As my brothers became old enough, took them in with me. Now' 1 have a store that any business man. might be proud of. Hard work is the secret of success." Mr. Freadrich has been a member of the federation and retail grocers' association for the past 10 years. He has been a prime factor, in the activi ties of both organizations. He also .lakes part in the civic activities of Lincoln. Exports of Cotton Lead All Other Commodities Washington, Jarr. 27. Cotton ex ports las year exceeded those , of any other commodity, according to a review of foreign trade, made pub lic by the department of commerce. Shipments w ere valued at $1,136,408. 916. as compared with $1,137,371,252 the year before. '-',- Exports of breadstuffs were valued at $1,079,085,838 as against $920,301,977 in 1919. Cottonseed oil exports totalled $34,874,790. a de crease from the 1919 total of $40, 890.268. Mineral oils were valued at $549,348,840, -as compared with 0343,673,432 the year before and meat and dairy products dropped from $1,160,643,185 in 1919 to $544,074, 050 in 1920. . . - Wne Cuts Rescinded Chicago. Tan. 27. The Lmted vMatcs railway labor board ordered rescinded notices of wage reductions on the Atlanta, Birmingham & At lantic' railroad which were to have 1ecome effective February !. The hoard stated that railroad companies . must present positions before the hoard for any reductions in em ployes vagcs, Harding at Palm Beach Lcvamca many ivcucs West Palm Beach, Fla.. Jan. 27. Sidt-stcppintf many public and so ciety functions proposed for him, at this fashionable winter resort, Prcsi- I flrtit-lrrt TlarMitttr ilividpd liis shnrt visit here today between a private luncheon and a game of golf. For luncheon, the president-elect accepted an invitation to be the guest of a friend of Henry 1. Fletch er of Pennsylvania, who is a mem ber of the house boat party. Leaving .here late in the afternoon the' Victoria was expected to tie up for the night' a short distance to 4he south and to proceed tomorrow morning for Miami. Witnesses for n Defense Testify In Kent Trial Several Tell of Seeing "Doc lor"' at Store at Time He Was Saitl to Have Carried Bundles Away. ' Testimony in the case of "Dr. II. S. Kent, being tried i" District Judge Troup's court on a charge of at tempting to murder two newly-born babes found in a well, will be fin ished probably late this morning. The case may be in the hands of the jury by tonight. A score of defense witnesses testi fied yesterday afternoon to these things as facts; . First. That "Dr." Kent came from the east on California street about 10:45 Friday evening, July 23. Half a dozen boys who were sitting on a bench in front of his candy shop at that hour testified that he stopped and talked to them. Jfrs. Beatrice Sherwood and her husband, W. W. Sherwood, 3611 California street, tes tified that they drove past the cor ner in their car and saw Kent there with the boys, j Two switchmen on their way to work said they saw him there. This is the hours when, a state wit ness declared, Kent came out of the Bocke home, 3041 Caliornia street, carrying two packages and made his way west in the direction of ,thc w-cll where the two newly-born in fants were found. , Threw Ashes in Well. 'Second. That Rex Whitehou?e. grocer, behind whose store is the abandoned well, told Guy S. Wil liams, a newspaper reporter, that he had thrown some ashes in the aban doned well two or three hours before the first baby was discovered. 'This statement was advanced to prove that the. first infant ;could not, have been put in the well more thajV two hours beiore it was found. Third, That "Dr." Kent1 di-d not leave his store between the time the first child was found and the time the second was taken from the well. Thomas Cronin, who. has been ac tive hi the defense of "Dr." Kent, testified that Kent did not sleep at the Bocke home for a year before the infants were born. ' "Two men roomed there," he said. "One was an interne at the Method ist hospital and the other was a dishwasher for the Union Pacific railroad." Character Witnesses ; Testify. . Numerous character witnesses, in cluding Rabi N. M. Taxon, testi fied that Kant's reputation is eood. . The feature of the morning sesJ atuii ui mi: iimi jcniLiud) wan Kent's testimony. He was the first witness called by the defense. He denied any and all knowledge of the birth of the twin babes and of the- attempt to kill them. He said he did not sleep at the Boeke home for at least a year prior to the birth of the twins. He said he attended Louise Boeke while she was'ill last July, but deniel that he carried any packages away from the Boeke home the night of July 23. "I did not fro near the abandoned well nor. had I andything to do with putting the babes "in the well," he said. He said two men roomed at the Bocke home. Violent Earth Tremor Felt on Eastern Coast Trenton. N. J.,, Jan. 27. A violent earth shock was felt early last night at Riverside and Riverton. where many of the buildings were badlv shaken. The shock lasted several seconds and caused many of the residents of that section. to flee from their homes. The power plant of thr public service corporation at Riverside was shaken and , employes were badly frightened. . 'N Philadelphia, Jan. 27. An earth tremor or an explosion of great vi olence was felt here at 6:45 o'clock. Inquiries poured in to newspaper offices from all directions. Several hours of investigation failed to brjng word of an explosion. 1 Ship Believed to Have Been in Distress Is Safe N'ew York, Jan. 27. The Belgian steamship Cannonier, believed yes terday to be the ship from which "S. O. S." distress calls were re- "i ' " :TLZZl Vi: UUUl JK t L VII iuiwi v lightship. The captain denied send ing out a distress message, , Captain Stops Ferry To Save Pup From Ice , New York. Jan, 27, A yelping puppy on a cake of ice floating down the Hudson river halted the Ft. Lee ferry Edgewater in midstream while a rescue was effected. After Caot. James Brannigaii had maneuvered his craft alongside the cake, First Mate Gerard Barry de scended a' ladder. The ladder broke, Barry plunged into the stream and appeared with the puppy. Hauled aboard, Barry descended into the engine room wMth his new pet, which he named Icicle, If n r U --9 TT Mouse 7re In Dilemma i Only One Appropriation Bill In Conference Has Passed, Due to Rule Allowing Points of Order. Important Items Are Out By E. C. SNYDER, tVakhhiKton t'orrNonlmt Omaha llfr, Washington. Jan. -27. - (Special .Telegram.) Republican leaders in the house are beginning to worry over the existing legislative silua- j tion. Only one appropriation bill m r conference, tiie district of Columbia i bill, which is usually the first of the I motley bills to sro through, has been passed. The Indian appropriation 1 bill has passed the house, together Willi tnc postotnee appropriation uui, bnt conditions surrounding these measures are anything but reassur ing to either Speaker Gillette or Floor Leader Mondell. The trouble, which is deep-seated, goet back to t lie rule adopted at the last session of congress enlarging the appropriations committee to 43 members who have sole charge of the money bills, and permitting points of order to be made in the house on all legislation added to the various appropriation bills by th; senate. . These points of ofder vwould, under legislative procedure, require the house to pass on all controversial questions with tile result that either a deadlock would ensue or else one or the other ofi the houses would have to yield on many vital ques- Hons anccuns governmental pon- C1CS. y Important Items Go Out. The fight against the Indian ap propriation bill was inaugurated by Chairman Snyder, of the Indian af fairs committee, who had nothing to f do with the preparation ot the bill appropriating money for the care and education o'f the, Indians. So many points of order against ob viously necessary legislation because ot the rule ot procedure adopted by the house at the last session in the handling of the several supply bills, ga-e latitude for such interposition, and as a result many- important items were out. .. " s. The same is true of the postofiicc bill, the appropriation' for the air mail service going out on a point of order and being restored in the sen ate Committed' on postofliccs and post roads. Under the house rule a point of order will lie against the senate amendment, which must go fb&kJto the stibcomiftftte'e of the ap- propriations committee, dtaling wfth postolliccs and post roads, or con sideration and after a report is made the house can vote the item into the bill or vote it out. instructing the conferees accordingly. ' . House Emphasizes Dilemma. In passinur-the agricultural appro priation bill today the house em- (Turn to race Three, Column Seven.) Methods Employed in Conducting Red Raids Scored by Attorney Washington, Jan. 27. Methods of Department of Justice. agents during the radical raids of 1919, indicated iu his opinion a "thorough scheme of action," Jackson Ralston, an at torney, told the senate judiciary committee. Mr. Ralston was one of the lawyers .who signed a report charging the Department of Justice with illegal practices in its conduct of the raids. 1 Attorney General Palmer, Ralston declared, was "played upon 'by the bureau of investigation, which wa"s trying to justify its existence by ad vertising a radical outbreak that never took place." In reply to Senator Sterling, re publican, South Dakota, whether in his opinion sufficient apprehension of a radical uprising had existed to justify extreme action, Ralston said: "The public had been trained by the Department of Justice, through the bureau of . investigation, to believe that there was s?reat danger. The rdvertie'd uprisingings on specific date. f.iildH time after time to ma terialize." 1 Former German1 impress Still Is Critically 111 Dooni. Jan. 27. 'Former Empress Victoria or" Germany continues criti cally ill from heart disease. Yester day she was considerably weaker. ; The duke of Brunswick" again has been called to the bedside of the patient. Augusta Victoria only recently was informed that her son. Joachim, had committed suicide. During a period of consciousness the former empress is said to have turned to her husband and remarked: "T hava followed' you as long as possible, even in exile. Xow I am no longer able to do so. I. must leave you alone. Joachim is call ing me." Best Loved Woman in Slale Of Colorado Passes Away Denvcrr' Jan. 27. Mi1. Frances McEwen Belford, heralded as "the best loved woman in Colorado," and who first suggested the idea of the Lincoln Highway, died here today, aged 81. She was the widow of the late James B. Belford, former justice of the Colorado supreme court and first congressman from Colorado. Man Is Fined for Removing Cancellation From Stamps! Springfield. III.. Jail 27. Charles R Homan of Quiiicy, charged with removing cancellation marks from government postage stamps by a cnemical process, pleaded guilty in tiie federal court here yesterday and was lined ?40U and cosU laUc" Magazine tor Manhandled i Wilkesbat re, Pa., Jan. 27. i ''Butch" McDevitf, famous a few I years back for his "millionaire for i a day" trip to New York, got some I thing that he did not relish - last night. ! McDcvitt has been ptiblisking a newspaper called the nam ialk here and il was plain talk in more than name. McDcvitt printed a lot of spicy stories about people and a lot of others advertised heavily for no apparent reason. Last night eight men, said to have been led by two bankers', invaded McDcvitt's office. Jn addition to wrecking the office they wrecked McDcvitt and made such a good job of it that he is suffering seri ous injuries. ! T T) 1 j JL)amalIl 110W 0"n Given Woman on Trial for Murder Tenant in Denton Home Tells Of Making Visit to Cellar Where Body Was Found. Los Angeles. Cal., Jan. 27. Curi osity prompted him to disregard the alleged advice of Mrs. Louise L. Fccte and to make a partial investi gation of the cellar of the residence of Jacob Charles Denton. . Thomas rr. Malloy of BakersfickY Cal., testi fied today when recalled to the stand in the trial of Mrs, Peete for the al leged murder of the mining pro moter. Malloy stated he had rented the Denton residence from Mrs. Feete at $300 a month rental. Mrs. Peete ha(1 to hi him. he testified, 'that he . , , T V r V La3i.iiii. ii l, anu uau auvnLU 111111 iu keep the door leading to it locked. There -were two locks on the door, he said. " - Visited Cellar Once. Nevertheless, he testified, he went into the cellar on one. occasion and moved boxes away from the crypt where. Denton's body later was dis covered. He. started to open the crypt, iie said, but abandoned the plan when he saw it was securely boarded and nailed up. i The rental contract and a receipt for $300, representing payment of the j first month's rent, were offered in evidence and identified by Miller. S. Hayata, a gardener, who testi fied yesterday that he had seen Wil liam Ilcitzman, landscape gardener, carry earth into the -Denton base meut, repeated his testimony, refut ing, the prosecution declared, the as sertion' of the defense that Ilcitz man had impeached in his testimony that he had carried the soil into the bascmcy at Mrs. Peek's request. - numoer is witness. James M. .Crowhurst, a plumber, testified he had been summoned by Mrs. Peete to make certain repairs to a heater and that his work took him into the basement. Mrs. Peete said the heatci "made a .noise like a graveyard groan," Crowhurst testified. She asked him if it would be nec essary for him to break open the crypt in order to repair the heater, he continued. He said he told her it would not. "She paid me from a roll of bills two inches in dianjeter," Crowhurst said. He said he saw a small pile of fresh earth near the crypt. Cleats said to have been taken from the crypt were offered in evidence. People of Southern Republics Friendly to America, Colby Says Washington, Jan. 27. Once again at his desk after, two rnonths' travel ing, Secretary of State Colby told of the impressions gained in Brazil, Uruguay aud Argentina. "Without Exception," he said, "I found the republics evincing the utmost friendliness for the United States, as well as a profound under standing of j the situation , with re spect to the rest of the world. The sccretarysaid the outstanding feature of .ill his receptions was the "enthusiasm for, and understanding of, President Wilson" who, he add ed, was perhaps "better appreciated in Latin-America than in the United States." . Mr. Colby said he found Soua Americans were well informed on questions now uppermost in the United States, including tariff, revi sion. Protective Legislation For Forests Recommended Washington, Jan. 27. Forest in ventory and census of timber re quirements were urged by R. S. Kel logg of New York, representing the American Paper and. Pulp associa tion, before the house committee considering the Snell bill for a state and federal co-operative forest pol icy. Charles L. Pack, president of the American Forestry association, said protective legislation was urgently needed as "producing states have gone bone dry -as to forests." Boy Charged With Murder Released on $10,000 Bond Knox, Ind.. Jan. 27. Cecil Bttr kett. 11, son of Mark Burkett. is at liberty on $10,000 bond furnished by the father, following the boy's in dictment on a charge of first degree murder, growing out of the shooting of Bennie Slavin, 7, son of Harry Slavin. , Manager of Five European Branches for Ford Ouils Detroit, Mich.. Ian. 27. W. C. Anderson of Detroit, tor two years manager of the five European branches of the' Ford Motor com pany, resigned todajT he announced last night. He refused to cite his reasons. He has been with the company for 16 year t" We Thought Leap Year i k Kidnapers Ask Ransom for life Of Coast Woman Threats of Death Unless Scv . , . eral luousand Dollars Are Forthcoming to Gain Re lease " Received. Los Angeles, Jan. 27. Despite the efforts of police and private de tectives engaged since early last eve ning in attempting to solve the mysterious disappearance- and pos sible abduction of Mrs. Gladys Julia Witherell, young and beautiful wife of O. S. Witherell, a real estate loan broker from her home at 184.5 Whitley avenue, no clue as to her whereabouts or the identity of her alleged abductor hav.e been obtained. It is said the husband has received communications from the alleged kidnapers demanding several thou sand dollars and threatening to kill Mrs. Witherell unless the money was paid. It was said, also, an appeal had been received indirectly from her. begging for help. The communication' from the al leged kidnapers was said to contain a threat against Mrs. Witherell's life should the demand for ransom and its alternative of death to the woman be made nublic. Mrs. Witherell, according to the story told, by Miss Elizabeth War den, a neighbor, was-lured from her Hollywood home by a mysterious "gray-haired man," who made her believe that her mother-in-law, Mrs. A. J. Witherell, had been fatally hurt in a traffic accident on'Holly wood boulevafd. , Mr. Witlferell, husband of the missing woman, expressed the opin ion that his wife had been kidnaped by his enemies, who sought revenge against him. The authorities are proceeding on a theory that Mrs. Witherell was abducted and possibly slain for re venge. They declare that they have definitely established the fact that the kidnaper was a young man disguised with a false mustache and a gray wig. Police Captain Moflitt asserted that he was fearful hat the woman was made away with. His theory may connect the slayers of Mrs. Fay Sudow, who was found murdered in i a eucalyptus grove at Edendale weeks ago, with the present case. A description of the automobile used by the kidnapers was sent broadcast. Cloture Rule Petition Is ' ' Circulated for Tariff Act Washington, Jan. 27 A petition to invoke cloture was circulated to day by. Senator Penrose of Pennsyl vania, in charge of the emergency tariff bill, although republican lead ers said no attempt to choke off de bate would be made unless fili bustering was demonstrated beyond ail question. senator Penrose soon secured, however, more than the required 16 senators' signatures to the petition in requesting that the standing clo ture rule be invoked. It would limit each senator to one hour's time. Rail Directors Resign New York, Jan. 27. Resignations of J. P. Morgan. Louis Cass Led yardr and Pdyne Whitman as direc tors of the Northern Pacific railroad were presented at a meeting of the board of directors. FYank L. Polk, former tinder secretary of state; E. M. Willis, and A. II. Gilara were elected to fill the vacancies. Hotel Company Receiver Named By Lincoln Judge Gross Mismanagement of Three Nebraska Corpora , lions Given as Reason For Failure. Lincoln, Jan. 27. (Special.) Judge W. M. Morning in the Lan caster district court announced the appointment of W. E.. Barkley, prominent Lincoln financier, as re ceiver for the Nebraska Building and Investment . company, Nebraska Hotel company and Lincoln Securi ties company. His bond was fixed at $50,000 by the court. - The Nebraska ' Jiotel ' company owns the Fontenelle in Omaha, the Lincoln in Lincoln -and a string of pretentious hotels out in the state. Previous to appointing a receiver, Judge Morning gave attorneys for the companies and for complaining stockholders an opportunity to get together and agree upon a manager, but no agreement could be reached. The court then announced Mr. Bark ley's appointment as receiver. Judge Morning scored F. E. Schaaf, president of both companies. He, pointed out that the tegtimony showed that Mr. Schaaf was draw ing out his salary payments on the very eve of a- receivership. The court estimated from the evi dence that the Nebraska Building & Investment company had made a profit of : $500XK)0 on transfers of property to the Nebraska, Hotel company. These paper profits have stood as actual profits on the books of the company, he said. Misman agement was everywhere evidenced, he said, and he was inclined to pro tect the stockholders by the appoint ment of a receiver. Suspect in Daylight Mail Truck. Holdup Is Arrested Chicago, Jan. 27. James Schuup is held by the police today on sus picion of being the leader of four men waiited for holding up postal employes and stealing 12 mail bags of valuable registered and regular mail they were unloading from i truck at the Union station lanuarv 8. This capture followed a spectacular escape last Friday night, when he eluded trie police after a running gun battle over roofs 'and down fire es capes. Two pistols and 36 cartridges were taken from Schuup's pockets, the po lice say. ... . t i Episcopal Diocese Scores Sunday Blue Law Agitation Milwaukee. Jan. 27. Rt. Rev. W. W. Webb, bishop of the Episcopal church in the Milwaukee diocese, was instructed by a vote of the dio cesan council to issue a pastoral let ter setting forth the church's stand on the Sunday blue law agitation. ,' The action followed discussion over a resolution ''opposing all leg islation tending to force people into church and condemning all Sunday blue law agitation." Swiss Socialists Refuse To Join Internationale Berne, Switzerland, Jan. 27. Ad hesion to the third (Moscow) iiiter natiouale lias been rejected by the Swiss socialists. A majority of 16,800 against the proposition was polled. Was Over Drier Dry Laws Are Provided in Senate Measure . - .- .. ( Prohihits Possession of "Ma terials" and Formulas Or ders Immediate. Trial , ' . Of Appeals. Lincoln, Jan. 27. -(Special.) Although theortically the famous Nebraska bone dry law of several years ago might be repealed in the light of national prohibition, the Nebraska Anti-Saloon league has had introduced into the Nebraska senate amendments to the old law which impose a score, or more of added restrictions. The bill, S. F. 185, wis introduced hy Senator Randall of Cedar, as a measure backed by the law enforce ment element of the state. The bill provides that the presence of anyone near private stills shall be prima facie evidence of possession. . Rules are prescribed prohibiting the poses'session of "materials," which under a possible construction might include rice, raisins, prunes or .corn, and prohibiting the posses sion of "formulas and recipes," which are subject to seizure., Advertising of formulas for sale is also prohibited. All lJquors and stills must be de stroyed in the presence of a judge, but enough of the beverage may be phialed up for evidence purposes on appeal. The new measure orders that pro hibitory cases appealed from the police or justice courts be "tried forthwith" in the district court. It has been charged that prosecutors are tempted to forget to carry up such appeals. The law gives state officials a check on United States -permits is sued and forbids pool ha.lls .yid soft drink parlors from selling "medicinal preparations." South Dakota Legislature Starts State Prison Probe Sioux Falls, S. D., Jan. 27. Inves tigation of conditions at the South Dakota penitentiary was begun by a legislative committee here today. Representative John T. Black, chairman of the committee, said: "We will make a thorough exam ination of conditions at the peniten tiary. We have heard many rumors concerning conditions at the institu-J tion, but they are only rumors." 1 New York Villages Shaken By Earthquake Tremors Glen Falls. N. Y.. Jan. 27. Vil lages in this section were shaken for the third time in less than two weeks by what was believed to have been an earthquake. 'Large cracks ap peared in the ground at several places. ' ' ' . ' Jhe Weather Forecast . Fair and warmer Friday. Hourly Temperatures. . m ? I 1 n. m 5 . . .? ...xa . ...Si ...! ...M . ..3J ft a. m. 7 a. m. It a. in. a. m. 10 a. m. 11 a. m. It noon - P. S . m.. ,...rt . ...i.l 4 p. m. . ni.t 1. P. p.m... K p. m, . . .hlnport Bulletin. Prrtrt aliipntents during- th net H to as hours from tmDrturs an follows: North anil t, '25 dfgrtj; toulh, SO d ftee; west, SO drf aeta. Governor's Budget Is $26,845,206 Estimate of State Expenses for 1921.22 Totals $3,718,687 lore Than Co6t for Lal , 2 Years. Would Boost Taxation Lincoln, Jan. 27. (Special.) The first budget of state expendi tures ever prepared for guidance of Nebraska lawmakers was pre sented to a joint session of .the legislature today by Gov. S. K. Mc Kelvie, The budget was prepared by th governor under authority of the new constitution. The legislature may reduce any item, but may not in crease any specification unless by a two-thirds vote. The governor's estimate of ex pense for the biennium, 1921-1922, is $26,845,206. ' , This is an increase of $3,618,687 over the total expenditures of the last two years. Anticipates New Laws. The increase in state taxation, should the budget he accepted as it stands, is considerably greater. The governor has anticipated the passage of laws by-, the present legislature, transferring from the state to the county the expenditure of automobile license receipts and other similar revenues for road im provement. On this account he has reduced the estimated state revenues from other than tax sources by $2,060,432. The funds required by taxation, under the- governor's budget, ate $21,368,419. an increase of $5,679,1 19 over the $15,689,299 item which was expended in 1919-1920. Of this increase $1,663,000 is more apparent than real. It represents funds raised for the new state capi tol during the last twox years, but not yet spent. The actual proposed increase in ' tax-raised revenue is, therefore, approximately $4,000,000. Oil the basis of a $765,000,000 valu ation, the governor estimates that a tax assessment of 12.1 mills will be required to raise this amount, instead of the 10.39 mill levy of last year. This. will increase taxes only 17 cents per $100 valuation, he says. Suggest Taxation Changes. At the same time that Governor. McKelvie presented his budget of 200 pages, he read a message to the lecislature of 5.000 words, in which he suggested taxation reforms as a means of . raising the money re- miffctpi) uMtlmtit- inftirtma a liardshin on the people, "Amongi the xhanges advocated is the imposing cif an in heritance tax provided for in the. new constitution, tightening down in licensing out-of-state corporations uvi a ling, til iwi. cioiv o tion of mortgages. The governor r.lso gives Phil Bross. secretary of finance, credit for compiling the lengthyi document. (Turn U Pr Two, Column One.) House Kills Proposal To Name United States Ambassador to Russia Washington, Jan. 27. The house voted down a proposal to pave the way for appointment of an ambassa dor to Russia and struck out of the diplomatic appropriation bill a pro vision for raising the American lega tion at Peking to an embassy. Then finding its feet entangled in diplomatic problems, it quit with an agreement to continue consideration tomorrow. After brief debate the house re jected an amendment by Representa tive Mason, republican, Illinois,, to set aside $17,500 as the. salary of an ambassador so that Mr. Harding, as president, might be prepared to es tablish diplomatic relations with Russia, should conditions so develop as to make such a course desirable. Mr. Mason declared that his own in formation from unprejudiced sources indicated that the bolshevists had done more for the people than ever was done before.- Wilson to Act on Proposal To Free Eugene V. Debs Washington, Jan. 27. Recom mendations by the Department of Justice for the pardon for Eugene V. Debs probably, will be submitted to President Wilson within the next few dars. Precidpnt Wilson ha; said, however, that he would not pardon Debs, as he believed such action might lower the morale ot the people in the event of another war. Partner of Pastor-Bandit Held for Part in Robbery Mt. Vernon. 111. Jan. 27. Loren Williamson, business partner in a garage business with Ouy Kyle, for mer preacher, who has confessed complicity in the $216,000 mail theft here January 14, was arrested short ly betore noon in connection with the robbery. Williamson has denied participation in it. 320,000,000 Bushels Wheat In United States January 1 Washington, D. C, , Jan., 27. Wheat stocks on hand in the United States January 1, 1921. totaled 320, 000,000 bushels, according to an es timate made public by the Depart ment of Agriculture. This figure compared with 417,000,000 bushels on hand a year ago. House Committee to Take Up Packing Bill Saturday Washington, Jan. 27. The house agricultural committee voted to take up Saturday the senate bill for regu lation of the meat industry and keep at it until disposed of, v