to Running Races J Scheduled for Omaha in June Gallopers From Tiajuaua, Ha vana and New Orleans Prob ably Will Compete Trim ble Elected Secretary. By RALPH WAGNER. A series of running races which will rank close to the. nfeetings held each year at Tijuana, Mexico, Ha vana, Cuba, and New Orleans, will 1, t(ntrpl :it the new Ak-Sar-T?en one-mile track next summer. The announcement that the gallopers will come to this city next June o to 11, inclusive, comes from none other than Charlie Trimhle, secre tary of the Ak-Sar-Beu Exposition company. Trimble lauded the big running events for Omaha during a meeting Tuesday evening of the Nebraska and South Dakota running race cir cuit held at Norfolk, Neb, During the conference at Norfolk, Trimble was elected secretary-treasurer of the circuit for the coming scries of meetings, which will be held at Omaha. Hartington, Uassett, O'Neil and Ncligh, Neb., and Win ner and Boncsteel. S. D. A. Lam mers of Hartington was chosen president. Good Dish for Fans v In scheduling the meeting for v Omaha, Secretary Trimble landed what local and state turf fans have been anxious to witness for years. The fact that several of the leading runners in the country will compete for purses totaling more than $15,000 is but one of many indications that the meeting will be one of the larg est ever held in this section of the United States. The Ak-Sar-Bcn running races will he held during the dull season for the big gallopers. The races close at Tijuana, Havana and New Orleans during the latter part of March- and following the close of .tfiese meetings the majority of the leading stables start north to enter the Canadian Cheyenne and Keno running meetings, which are staged in July and August. In arranging the June dates for Omaha, Secretary Trimble believes he has struck the nail squarely on the head, as several of the leading owners of the best horses in the running game will stop off in Omaha next summer to compete before con tinuing north. . Western Horses Coming G. B. Irwin of Cheyenne, Wyo., and Dr. Davis of Reno, Nev owners of the best gallopers in the west, in formed Secretary Trimble at the close of the harness season here last summer that they would like to ship their runners to Omaha. E. Broadus of Varna, III.,, and C. Tug gles of Springfield, 111., are anxious to compete. y The dates selected at the meeting Tuesday for the Nebraska and South Dakota running race circuit are as follows: " w 0, w, 1, a. v, AV, XI, Hartington; Jun 15. 17. Winner. & D.: Jun 22. 24. Bonesteel, 8. D, : June 29, Juty 1. Bagsttt. Neb.: July 6, 8. ;Nelll; July 13, IS. Nellgh: July 20, 22. More than $30,000 will be distrib uted in purse money at these races. Benson High to Play - , Plattsmouth Friday The Befnson High school basket ball team and the Plattsmouth, Neb., High school quintet wil meet at the University of Omaha gymnasium Friday night. The game is sched uled to start at 8:30 o'clock. These two' squads met earlier in the sea son at Plattsmouth, but because of poor lights the game was canceled after the first half. Benson was leading. 7 to 5, at the end of the first period of play. National Hand Ball Meet To Be Held in Detroit Soon Detroit, Mich., Jan. 26. Prepara tions to accommodate a big entry list in the national hand ball tourna ment to be held here beginning March 21, are being made by local A. A. U. officials. Entries have al reariy been received from New York and Los Angeles, A dozen or more local experts are to compete. M'Auliffe Changes Opinion About Big Fight By JACK M'AULIFFE, Only T'nbeatm World's Champion Boxr. Written for tlis International News Service New York, Jan. 26. I believe that I am qualified to discuss fight ers of the past and present, having retired twenty-four years ago as un defeated lightweight champion of the world. Since I began mv career as an amateur I have followed the fortunes of boxers. , I have seen all of the good ones of my time come and go and have made a study of them, and I be lieve that among present-day cham pions Jack Dempsey, Benny Leon ard and Jack Britton are the only ones who can compare with the old timers. ' Naturally enough, the coming bat tle between Dempsey and Carpentier is the most interesting, topic of the day wherever boxing fans congre gate. Everyone is trying to figure . out who will be the winner when these two men meet. ' I's Dempseys Now. My honest opinion is that Demp sey will beat the Frenchman. I do not believe that Carpentier will have a chance. Previously I made a state ment to the contrarV, but that was before I came into personal contact with Carpentier. A sparred with Car pentier1 durine his' las,t visit to this country and Inave'also sparred with Dempsey. As a result I can see noth ing to the coming' fight but Demp sey. Carpentier is an extraordinarily clever boxer and can deliver a knock-out blow, but. after all, he is only a student who ha learned the science of boxing. He !s not a nat ural fighter. Furthermore, he is some twenty pounds lighter than Demp sey. and this weight is a great handi cap, too much of a handicap, I think, for Carpentier to overcome. Dempsey. on the other hand, is a natural fighter. Hr is not a boxer. H has i punch like the kick of a Elected Officer of Nebraska and South Dakota Running Circuit XHAfcLtS L. TRIMBLE twllrll Iv-O j i unit t sttn.iaiy nv and known from coast to coast as a races, was elected secretary - treasurer - Running Rae Circuit at a meeting of day evening. Local Legion Cage Team After Contests With State Quintets , The Douglas county post of the American Legion is " angling for basket ball games. The locr.l post is represented by what members or the organization believe to be one of the strongest quintets in the' state and they are anxious to prove this statement. Any Legion teams :n Nebraska or Iowa wanting contests with the Douglas county, quintet are re quested to communicate with Jake Isaacson, Star Shoe company, Omaha, Neb. The Omaha squad prefers to meet American Legion teams, although it ivi11 piny any quintet, no i matter how la-ge or 6tnall. The state activities Committee of the American Legion is planning to stage a Legion basket ball tourna ment at either Lincoln or Omaha some time during March. Legion teams in the state anxious to enter! this tourney should write to the committee at Lincoln. St. Louis Nationals Release Two Players St. Louis, Jan. 26. Henry Busher, an infielder from Edwardsville, 111., and Fred Miller, a pitcher from the lodal semi-professional ranks, have been released to the Springfield. Mo., club of the Western association by the St. Louis Nationals, it was an nounced Tuesday night. Miller Park Team Wins The Miller Park community cen ter basket Sail team defeated the Pirates by the score of I) to Monday night. The Pirates are rfter games with teams composed of players averaging 13 years of age. For contests call Wilbur Thelcen. Walnut 4969. Drake Beats Aggies. Des Moines, la., Jan, 26. The Drake basket ball team was defeated by the Kansas Aggies quintet last night 27 to 20. It was the last game in the -present Iowa trip for the Kansas men. mule. With his rushing tactics I believe he will sweeep Carpentier off his feet, using his most powerful blows until he has finished his man which, I think, will be in short order. I have been asked by many boxing fans for my opinion of the Demprey Brennan fight whether I thought it indicated that Dempsey has started to go back. To this question I have answered in the negative. It took Dempsey twelve rounds to dispose of Brennan because he boxed with the Chicago boy to give the crowd a good run for its money. He attempted to defeat Brennan by box ing him. Dempsey is not a boxer, and in trying to show as one he lost his stride the same as a harness horse loses his stride when he "breaks." Nickname the Omaha Base Ball Team and Win Season's Pass The Omaha Base Ball club has changed owners. Every diamond fan in the city knows that. Barney Burch and Mike Finn pur chased tli4 club. But here's what we are getting at: Owners Burch and Finn want a good nickname for the team. They s have offered a season's pass a pasteboard good for every game played in Omaha to the person who sends in the best name for the club. Get busy, Omaha base ball fans select a nickname for the team and mail it to the Sports Editor of The Omaha Daily Bee. Owners Burch and Finn will pick the best name and award the season's pass. Fill in the following blank and mail it to the Sports Editor Nickname of club. Contestant's name. Address Contest closes March 1. eligible to compete. - SECRETARY1 OF a j;jihw vv.....,, promoter of harness.and running of the Nebraska and South Dakota the organization at Norfolk Tues Oregon Grid Squad Threatens Strike If Coach Not Retained Eugene, Ore., Jan. 26. As a re Fult of the action of the athletic council of the University of Oregon in offering Gilmour Dobie, Cornell university foot ball coach, the posi tion of coach of the Oregon team, the members of the foot ball team circulated a petition today to retain "Shy" Huntington as coach for an other year. It is stated in the petition that vnless Huntington is retained mar.y of the freshmen who are candidates fot the team will not return to the university next fall. The petition points to Huntington's record in ob taining a northwest championship and a Pacific coast championship for his team as evidence of his abil ity as a coach. David City Legion Stages v Athletic Entertainment David City, Neb., Tan. 26. (Soe cialO "Kid" Williams and "Bat tling" Steager fought a fast six round draw here last night in the main event of an athletic show staged by the local chapter of the American Legion. "Kid" Coleman' and '"Battling" Frenchie also ended their mix on even terms. Several good prelimi nary bouts were staged. t Jack Dillon Beats Brown Louisville, Ky., Jan.'' 26. Jack Dillon of Indianapolis, former light heavyweight champion of, the world, scored a technical knockout over "Frisco" Pete Brown of San Francisco in the scvenMi round of a scheduled 12-round bout here Tues day night. Semi-Pro and Amateur raxton Town Tram, SI; St. Paul Town Tram, 20. Paxton, Neb., Jan. 89. (Special.) In the most Interesting rants of basket ball played hora thus far this senson. Paxton's town quintet defeated the St. Paul town team by the score of 31 to 29. The locals have not been defeated this season. ' Ixdirepol, S !: St. rol Lflon, IT. Loagepolo, Neb., Jan. 28. (Special.) The local basket hall team trounced th St. Paul Legion quintet here by the score of 82 to 17, In a hard-fought and Inter esting; game. i Dempsey started to box Brennan in the first round. That is where he "broke." And it took him eleven rounds to get his "stride' back again I must say that Brennan is a good man, but not in Dempsey's class. As for the scheduled Willard Dempsey fight, Willard hasn't a chance to regain his title. He will be little more than' a punching bag for Dempsey if they meet again. To my mind, the only present-day fighters who can be compared to the old-timers are Dempsey, Benny Leonard and Jack Britton, for most of them are kangaroos, or dancing masters. Leonard is a real fighter and a clever boxer. So is Britton, While Dempsey is a veritable cy Omaha and Council Bluff fans are THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUAK 'SilL. Cedar Rapids And Commerce Play Saturday "Little Bunnies," Champions Of Iowa, and Bookkeepers Scheduled for Audito rium This Week. Commerce high school's basket ball athletes will buck up against the championship high school quin tet of Iowa Saturday night at the City auditorium when they play the Cedar Rapids, la., team. The "Little Bunnies" have been defeating every team in tlfeir path this season, and recently defeated one of the strongest high school quintets of Chicago by a good mar giiij Last year the- Cedar Rapids basketeers plowed through the sea son without lasting defeat, and be sides winning the state champion ship, were runners-up in the Chi cago tourney. Coach Novak's squad is composed of seasoned material , and during 1920 displayed a brand of teamwork that was a pleasure to witness. Nearly everyone of last year's play ers are in the lineup this season and they are sure to give the locals a hard battle. ' ; t Herzog and Merkle, " Veteran Infielders,; Pass Out of Majors Chicago Tribune-Omnha Dee Leased Wire. Chicago, Jan. 26. Charles (Buck) Herzog and Fred Merkle, veteran infielders, have passed out of the National league. They were cut loose Tuesday by President Veeck of the Cubs, Herzog being given an unconditional release and Merfcje was allowed to find his own job ii: the minors. Reports from Roch ester indicate that Merkle with George Stalling' International league club this season. Minnesota College to Investigate Athletics . : : v Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 26. A committee to investigate athletics at the f University of Minnesota is urged in an article published'hi the Minnesota Daily, a student organ, as a result of departure of four foot ball veterans from the school "At the present rate .that Min nesota is loosing its men foot ball cannot continue," said the Daily. "Whv not have a committee com posed of faculty members, alumni and students who would look into the situation and have the interests of Minnesota only at heart? "The situation as it stands is a thorn t in the side of successful athletic". Some members of teams, feel they have been discriminated against in the class room. Others feel their efforts have not been ap preciated by the faculty, athletic as sociation or student body." . . Kentucky High School Lad 1 Signs White Sox Contract Chicago, Jan. 26. Stanley ' M. "Bud" King, who won 21 games and, lostfour. last season as a semi-professional and who for four years held the unofficial title of chjmpion high school pitcher of Kentucky, sent his signed contract pr 1921 to the Chicago White Sox today.' Two of the game which King lost last year -were won by the Louisville club of the American association. Large Qntry List Looms For Year's Belay Carnival Philadelphia, Jan, 26. Early indi cations point to the largest entry list for this year's relay carnival at the University of Pennsylvania in the history okihe meet. Although it has been less' than a week since the invitations were sent out, more than 30 acceptances had been received today, including Yale, Harvard, Wis consin, Missouri and Michigan. HIGH SCHL BASKETBALL Alnsworth, 25; Chadron, SO. Alniworth. Neb.. Jan. 26. (Special.) The local high school backet ball quintet continued on its winning streaK by ne gating the Chadron high in a hard-fought game, by the score of 25 to 20. It was the fourth cons?cutive victory for tho Alns wortn squad. The defensive rlaylng of the winner was the feature of the game. Polk, 16; Benedict. 14. Polk, Neb., Jan. 29. (Special.) Pollt defeated Benedict High school basket bailers in a nard-fough game here, in the extra period of play, by a score ot 18 to 14. The gam at the end of the first half waa 14 to 14. Th Polk girls won orer the Benedict girls' quintet by the score nf 11 to 0. ADVERTISEMENT Jackson States He Was In Mighty Bad Shape After Suffering 5 Years Tan lac Overcomes Troubles ' "OneVesolution I made at the be ginning of this vear was to never' be without Tanlac," said J. P. Jackson of Missouri City, Mo., a few days ago. Mr. Jackson was norn and raised in Clay county, Missouri, and is one of the best known farm ers in that section of the state. "I was in mighty bad shape, as I had been bothered with my stomach, kidneys and nerves for five years. I couldn't half eat; in fact, had no ap petite, and would bloat up with gas so bad it nearly took my breath away. My heart would beat at a terrific rate, 'and that kept me un easy and worried all the time. I was in a nervous strain all through the day and couldn t sleep to amount to anything. I was weak and off in weight, and felt sq no account I could hardly work. CLAY COUNTY 4 WWORRIED Omalia Players Will ffet New Uniforms At Start of Season Barney Burch and Mike Finn, owners of the Omaha base hall club, are going to dress their diamond athletes up in new uni forms next season. Ohl Boy! Won't those Omaha base ball players Uok good in new uniforms? When the locals are perform ing before Omahans they will wear white uniforms and when they are in some other Western league city they will play in dark gray "duds." T Mrs. Hal Chase Gets Decree of Divorce Cincinnati, O., Jan. 26. Mrs. Anna M. Chase, of this city, was today . granted a decree of divorce from Hal Ckjase, former first base man of the Cincinnati and New York National league base ball clubs, who was last heard of in San Jose, Cal. Affidavits from Christy Matthew son, Pitcher Jimmie Ring, Outfielder Earle Xeale, Pitcher "Pol" Perritt and Manager John J. McGraw of the New York Giants, relative to the incidents that led to the suspension of Chase from the Cincinnati club and ultimately from the National league were introduced during the hearing of the suit. President Au gust Herrmann, of the Cincinnati club, personally testified as to the suspension of Chase after he had been found guilty of betting against the Reds while a member of the team. Des Moinec to Enter Grid Team in L eague R. E. Evans of Dps Mninps vchn io organizing a professional foot ball team in that ritv tn ptitpr tlm Wct. ern Professional Foot Ball league, will be in Omaha next Monday to confer with Secretary Charlie Trim- Kto JTT.1.- At, c tj . formation of the loop. ' John Dunn, in charge of the St Paul eleven, conferred with Trimble early this week about the league. Prospects for having an eight team league arebright. ' Canadian Promoters Will t- Confer With Tex Rickard Vur Vrvrt- T-, OA. f C - v' ' " Jan. "1 WU dian' promoters. interestrB -n hnhlino the Georges Carpentier-Jack Demp sey championship bout in Montreal, have telegraphed Tex Rickard, pro moter, mat tney would be here to morrow to discuss terms. Rickard. who is nrenarrd tn rnn. duct the match indeDendentlv. said today he would give due considera tion to the Canadians' proposal. All-Season Juniors Want Basket Ball Games ' The All-Season Tuniors. a local basket- ball team averaging 80 pounds, is after games. For con tests wtih the Juniors call Joe Fin kenstein at Douglas 9414. The team is composed of Joe Fin kenstein, Izzie Schriebman, Harry Fingeret, Lester Gidenter and Philip Rosenbloorn. S " " . ' ' r Princeton Schedules 28 Base Ball Games This Year Princeton, N. J., Jan. 26. Twenty-eight base ball games this spring comprise the Princeton schedule as announced here today. Twenty-one of the contests are to be played at home.. Base Ball Chatter Chlcafo Trlbnne-Omahs Bee imciI Wire. C'hlrago, Jan. 25. Pitcher Craft and Fisher and Infielder Prothoti l'avo been turned over to the Reading club of the In ternational loatruo by Washington. Grif fith is strong for Prothou and believes he will develop into a star with more ex perience. Nick Altrock will lie on band early whon M;Uri(ie gets the Senators In ac tion at Tampa. Fla. The famous eomodlnn sent In his signed contract a few days ago and didn't argue about tho terms as most of the younger stars do these days. The Cardinal hare another be spectacled recruit on their list this spring. He la Toporcer, a second baseman, and he is said to be a star regardless of his spec. Ha batted better than .400 in the Jersey City semi-pro circuits last year. Frank Walker, the brilliant recruit ont flelder of the Athletics, who .lumped the club and returned to, his home in the south a moath before' the season closed, will report to Mack in the spring. Walk er's action was tho result of homesick ness. "Hank" (iowdy may Wear the uniform of the National League chnmpions, 1921. Manager Robinson of the Dodgers is after tho Braves' veteran and believes he will be a big help to the club. The Cardinal! will play 28 games lnl, spring before they return to open the National league season. Half of the con tests are with the Athletic and the other half tkIU be played at Houston and Beau mont. ADVERTISEMENT FARMER , HE SAYS ."But the way Tanlac brought me out was a surprise. I took five bot tles, and today I'm in as good health as I used to enjoy years ago I cat anything I want, have picked up ten pounds in weight and can put in as good a day's work as the next fel low. In fact, I feel just like I have been wanting to feci. "My mother, who is eighty-four years old, had been in such bad health for 'the past two or three years she wa9 hardly able to sit up. Well, I got her to try Tanlac and the way she has picked up beats anything I ever saw. She is now tip and about, and is in better health than she has been in years. Tanlac is certainly in a class by itself." Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also in South Omaha and Benson Phar macy, Benson; George Siert, Flor ence, Neb. j Saratoga Pharmacy, 24th and Ames, North Omaha, Neb., and the leading driiKgist in each city and town throughout the stale of Nc-lraska, City Bowling Meet February 19 and 20 Expect Large Entry List Seven Teams Going to St. Paul, None to Buffalo. Omaha's annual city bowling tuurnameut will be held at the Oma ha Alleys on Saturday and Sunday, February 19 and 20. This announce ment was made last night following a meeting of local pinknockers. The largest tourney in the history of the city association is predicted for this year. Eighteen teams com peted for the championship last year. At least 24 squads will roll in the tournament scheduled for next month. The Nourse Oils, Bowen Furni ture, Omaha Alleys and four teams from the Union Pacific league will compete in the St. Paul' tournament. The railroad rollers will roll on Saturday, February 5, while the other three local quintets will take the lanes in St. Paul on Saturday and Sunday, February 11 and 12. Omaha will not be represented at the Buffalo, N. Y., tournament of the American Bowling Congress, February 28 to March 31. Dodger Contracts for Next Season to Be Mailed Soon New York, Jan. 4 26. Contracts t '.11 1 it Tt X- f wm oe sent io ail nrooKtyn ia tional league players before Febru ary 1, except Infielders James Caton and Charles Ward, the club man agement announced today. Caton and Ward asked to be placed on the "volunteered retired list" because ,ot illness. They will report for duty when physically fit. Sallee Signs Again New York, Jan. 26. "Slim", Sal lee, veteran pitcher,.rith li years of service in the - .National league, whose threats to retire have been numerous for several years", has signed a contract with the New York Gianjs. ' ( Creighton Cuds Lose The Creigaton Cubs lost to the Dundee Athletic club by the score of 4 to 10. Robert and Griffin starred for the winners Eaton and McCarthy phyed the best game for the losers. ' Heads Joplin Cluh Joplin, Mo Jan. 26.F. E. Belden has been elected -president .of the Joplin Vestern lague base ball club, according to an announcement here today. ": ; . Electrically driven, a new tapping machine can cut threads in metals at any angle. 1 ' SSgs .HI- III! II -X. a leil 1 -fv r B I in 'i ii Our 1921 Year Book is Out Send For Your Copy If you want an hour's good reading, send for this book. You won't find a dull page in it If you like to read about big things done in a big way, youU ' get what you want here. If you want solid data, statistics and explanations about one of the biggest industries of modern civilization, affecting the life of every American every day, they're here. If you want to satisfy yourself as a man and a citizen whether Swift & Company lives up to the responsibilities and obligations that go with this industry, study this Year Book. v It is one of the interesting and important human documents of the year. Swift Outlaw Battle of Many ' j Years Ago Causes Suit Oklahoma City, Okl., Jan. 26. A battle between United States mar shals and members of a notorious outlaw gang, in the days when the Indian territory, now Oklahoma, was a refuge for bandits, is the basis for a trial, starting today, of Clarence Simmons. ' Near what is now Tawhuska, Okl., two members of the famous Martin gang were killed and Wyley Haines, deputy United States marshal, was wounded in 1903. Simmons, it is charged, was a member of .the Mar tin gang, and is under indictment for the wounding of Haines and robber ies committed by the Martin gang. Haines i. nresent as a witness against him. Simmons was arrested in iSooncvme, Alo., last Aiarcn. f- Attempt to Assassinate 'Armenian Paris Envoy Fails Paris, Jan. 26. An unsuccessful Sittcnipt was made to assassinate Avctis Ahrounian, head of the Ar menian delegation in Paris. The at tack occurred near his residence, the assassin using a revolver, but failing to hit his intended victim. The al leged assailant, who was arrested, gave his name as Alexandre Thesak arian, 21. The mild, equable Attractive . via tli ppl 332 418 IIP?, mfffi FSHSb. I 1 LJsiyST Address Swift ft Company Public Relations Depsfnasnt Union Stock Yards, Chicago, SL & Company, U. Churcli Property Reverts to Mexico Sunreme Court Orders Callm- 1' n . 1 . ncs to ifciurn L.ana io . v Government. ' Mexico City, Jan. 26. The.".:Ui 1'irmc ii'miB uvLlalou 111 UJC i.4 Piedad case whereby Catholic ctyirpi property in the state of PuclJiiJas been turned over to the government,. . is asserted by the newspaper here to he of vast importance, iuasnuie.1i,.'. a. it established a precedent for fu- Hire investigations into church hold " ings'with their possible reversion to the government. The la Tiedad (So.!;' cicty of Piety) was. organized .sev eral A-ears ago with headquarters In the city of Puebla, and administered vast holding in that, state. In March, 1915; civil action . was brought against the society in which claim was made that it was merely a ' mask for the real I holders the Catholic clergy in the state ' of l'uebl.t, who, under the federal con stitution, are not allowed to own or administer such property. There arc 11 sizes of rubber' tires in use for passenger automobiles. "The Rivieri of America" Pass Christian, Biloxi, Qcean Springs, Gulfport, lississippiCity, Bay St Louis, Pascagoula, v." Pensacola, Ned Orleans, Mobile. Golf, Boating, Fishing, Motoring climate makes this an ideal location for a winter sojourn. Good Hotels at moderate rates. - ' ' ' : -v Modem steel train tkftffc firm Cokaga ial '; ' SL Louis ria LwisTiMNisiTifle R.R. reacfc ttis , eBcluntin TicafiM land m a litlk tier 24 bovi Toon to Cmfaal AsMlca, Cuba or FWJa Gull Cowb fot ackaJuk or InioncUon, io ' P. W. MORROW, rfc A. ManpMtto Bldfl. Cklcae, 111. F. M. DITTO, Trar. Pom. AaL Railway Exckao0 Bld.. Kaaua Cltg, Mo, S. A. l"