Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1921, Page 7, Image 7
A .1 . A 1 I vsr 111 Henshaw Hotel property Sold to Harley Conant Management to Change Hands ebruary lNcw Owner to Refurnish and Redc- orate Property. The Hotel Henshaw has been pur chased from George Bctros present owj'er and manager, by thevConant Htel company, which operates the Hfitcls Sanford and Conaat. ' , Jlanagemcnt of the Heshaw will keninder the supervision of- Haxlcy 47diiant,v president of the purchasing company, beginning February-t. Mr. Cowant plans to begin remodeling, ti'fXmiibhing and redecorating his icwr property immediately, lie estimates the cost of purchas ing -tfie leasehold rights from Mr, Pctros and cost of. improvements will total more than ; $50,000. The hotel building is the property of the Efidick estate. " Joseph Kcenan, former manager of the hotel, will return in the same opacity. , s Although negotiations . are trot complete it is understood the large Henshaw cafe-the scene of many happy supper dances will become a calf teria, under "the new manage ment and will be conducted by "Louis Beatty. . , 'Mr. Petros, retiring manager, afci qnired a lease on IhV Henshaw a little jnore than a year ago. His leaje was for but two -years. The Cottant Hotel company has procured an ' extension of'the lease from the Kedick interests for fiva years. :f V lil I"V1 WV IV - ., . m . w. a m a m w,m . m m J Ife ., .1 nil - .a rAt Our Branch i Our .veryfirst Highest Bid" s&le held yesterday afternoon, was far beyond .expectations. It proves the people want and appreciaterwhat we are giving our them the rarest . Among the can buy at your own price at our "Highest Bid" sale we mention chests pf: sterling silver, all platinum watches, in ultra-thiri models for men or women," diamond pieces, clocks, wrist watches, tea sets, cuff buttons of V any one 01 ine nunarea 01 nems we. carry in uiu- siure. Absoktely Select anything Tou want'out of our the individual; arid buy it at your own price, , That you and the uf and of our. customer may be acommodated by Saturday night we will add Beg W ill Have ' Three 10:30 a. m. and 230 and 7:30 p. m. 9 ' ' it-- The bargains are bigger than the' store. That is why three sales a day are nee- J W .1 , V- i. - ... - - V -y . . essary. To M ' ill . " ; III Sale ' Conducted by the Nationally Known Col. Jimmy Cosgrove ; Goes Back to Jail Jnmr. Cosgrove is KOing back. tOJ jail. .v Jimmy, who has been arrested so many time? Omaha police ruve lost count, is. on his way' back to the Iowa tfate reformatory at AnamosaJ iie was frurrcndrrccl to Mterut Groneweg of Council Bluffs by Wal lace Benjamin, histondsman." ' The "bondsman surrendered Jnnir:y because he snspectW the Omaha youth of violating provisions of his j.-Irole. ' 4' Omaha police "never have been able to-tyaltr Jimmy behind troh bars more-than a few hours at a time. Iowa 'authorities, however plan to keep him at Anamosa three years. Brief Vity News To Add rew Graduate -Chancellor Samut'l Avery or the University of Nebraska will address 75 midyear KiKh ache! graduates nesft Fridpy evening in tie auditorium of Central High school. v. . jMee I'arty Toiilgln The Omaha Beo and the Updike Grain Co., will be, hont to their employes and friends at a dancing- party and en tertainment pi the Empress Rustic Garden this evening. Clob Meets Tonight The North Side club will hold its next regular meeting at the , Miller Park club house at 8. this evening. All north Hide residents ' are. invited. Im portant matters will be taken up. One Hundred IJqoor Cas&i-J. H. 'Hanley federal, prohibition enforce ment officer for the state, announced yesterday "that the federal grand jury which wilconverte here Feb ruary 2 will have 100 liquor cases from his department.' Heuring on Contract District Judge Leslie will hear-on Thursday a suit brought by Samuel Newman to prevent tha county board from awarding xne Jensen paint shop a ewe of bargains from our an extra sale.. Morning inning "OMAHA'S MASTER JEWELERS" THE connect in the sum ofJ,00 tor work, at the court houses I'uckers Jta Know The packing plant will participate tn the "On ward Omaha" show which will be held by the Birfgess-Nash company Jn the main floor of their stre Feb ruary 1.- The large Wscult com panies alio will be represented. ' atlroprnrrtW lun joined District Judge Sears Issued a temporary in junction yesterday against Kthl Thrs3I Maltby. prohibiting her from engaging in practice as a chlroprac fWF. Tne action was brought by Albert C. JJunber, assistant state at torney general. In Aecrlver's - Hands S. "W. Mercer, vice president of the Na tional Association of Advertisers, has .been appointed receiver ror.tna -M. F. Bhafer company, SewnteeBtn ana Webster streets. A date for the hearing f the bankruptcy proceed ings has not been fixed. Reunion To Be Hrld-vArrange-ments have -4een made to hold a reunion of all the old members of ContCsnv C Sixth Nebraska volufi- leer infantry, Capt Frank Whipper- AnVEKTlSEMKST Pape's" CoTd Compound" Don't Uy stulled-upl Quit blow ing and snuffling! A dose of Tape's Cold Compound" taken evry two hours "until three doses are taken usually breaks' up a cold and ends all grippe misery. - . v The first dose opens clogged-up nostrils and airvpassages of -lead; OU Buy the Jew e You Wanted Your Own Price By Attending Our tl : " T" H irv cssiiie FARNAM STREET own stock; only. entire stock, whether it Wednesday We Sales Daily BEE: OMAH, WfcprsasiMi, -jamjaki re, : x man's company. In Memorial hall j on the fourth floor of the court house, Friday evening at . Wants Divorce Jtobert W. Holts states in a divorce petition filed yes terday, that his wife. Gertrude, threatened to shoot himlwo mOBths after they were married-Auguut 23, i:0. The husband iIm alleges his ife compelled him to spend Urge sums of money for luxuries. Shooter Freed Thomas W. Knox. Laramie, li'yo- was released in Central police court yesterday morn ing, when George Hollander, clerk of the Chatham hotel, declined to prosecute on a shooting charge, i Knox is said to have engaged in a little target practice last Saturday ', night a the Chatham. ' Telegram , Causes Arrest Ray- I mond T. Kteinsroud, 69, was sur "prised to learn in Justice Bunce's court yesterdayat a hastily writ ten telegram which he had thrown away led to Ms arrest. He was ap prehended in the company of Mrs. , Etnej u. jiocKwen,- io. vi Kritj', Mo. "E1 'o Salary Increase- The revised -T APTEItTISEMlPfT is Quickest Relief Known tops nose running; relreves head ache, dullness, feverishness, sneez ing. v' '-Tape's Cold Compound" Is the quickest, surest relief known -and costs only a fewvcents at-drog stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains jio quinine. Iasist up on rapes. T Can Now Ify at V l '1 V is for the home or Co. J. M. Potts Store Reserved city charter which was taken to Lancolu - by city commissioners makes no changes in the existing provisions an'ecting the jay of policemen ad Cjataen. ft is 'pro posed to open the field -of paving bids U admit natural or lakeVsphalt which has been, excluded for eight years.- ., . TnwkJnc Kugiinc A complaint of Mr. M. Kirschner. S46S Jiaml ; . ' - "v.-.....,. . '. ' ' - - " ' - :J '-. III .11 HI! II livi 11 II II M lllU "Mil II ll T 1 111111 M vJ I Jl i II Remember Opportunity ! Valentines Day Will Soon be Here and f Nov is the Time to Select Your Valentines and FayQrs . youVemember last year bow "ut out" you weye 'when just a couple of dayi before Valentine day you tried to et some, and of course tb assortment was not" whit it was earlier. Don't wait this year, make your selection now, from clever wrelties in cupidt, hearts, arrows and raWntiaes. Hostesses who are preparing jvr Valentine parlies rvill find a complete assortment of favors. V Two Specials Table Damask ' " 95c-Yd. . ' Hfavy weigbl bleached table damask, ,a quality that will give good service and retain its beautiful atin finish.. 66 inches wide, at 95e a yard. .v ' y; N Napkins f 22c Each, $2,19 Doz. Bleached damask napkins. Sizes 21x21 ihebet. Of ex cellent quality in four handsome designs. These will re tain their satin finish after laundering. 22c aach or $2.19 doaen. ' " Now Is the time to Select Beautiful FURS at Price Fur Cpats .v Coatees and Capes Muffs ; .Scarfs andStolqs ,.: - The service and satisfaction you receive from furs make 'you feel like it is money well spemand es pecially right now, it" should seem so, when you can purchase first quality furs at one-half the - regular price. Second Spfing, Brings NOTIONS V vr Mercrerized sewing cotton, white and colors, spool, 5c ( Elastic web sanitary belts, special I9y- Taffeta seam bindirfg, assorted colors, bolt, 30c, English hair pins, 5 boxes for. 10c. , Cord shopping bags, each, 19c . . . Dupleafety. pins, card, 10c ' , Black stayed curved edge-dress belting, yard, 15c Sharp pins, S00 in package, 3 pkgs., 10c ' ' Hickory waists for children, 85c and 49c White elastic H inch 9nly, 4 yards for 10c .. i Moia street, against one; her roomers, led the police to urtoovcr three com plete stills. ' receptacles containing liquors and quantities of materials alleged to "havaauted in the process of home distillations. The police are now on the trftck of .the fugitive roomer. - Daraace Suit OnTrial of a dam age suit brought I'eter Jaoob sen against the Omaha and Council ' RVERYDODY ST0R3" Days Floor -L the Need of I in Every. Hoytie Floor - ., Any Number jf Garments t in' This Lot of ' Women's Union Suits at $1.55 Suit Sold for two or three 4 times the price now quot- ed. Cottons, lisles and mercerized JJnion Suits in pmk and white regula tions or bodice tops, cuff or umbrella' knea and aome ankle length are in cluded at this price. All sizes at $1.55 a suit. Blnfr Street Railway company, for 1100,000 on account uf the death of his sister-in-law. Anna Tnuline Jensen, was started yesterday tie fore tftsu-ict Jmlgv" Leslie. Sis Jensen was a the Edward Mosewater school. Hold InNtallation Frank Cargil lutton,' SSd. sovereign grand in, spector general in Nebraska, pre sided Monday night at the installa There Are Only Five Left in January ;Womens and Misses? ..New Spnrig:5uits Tfie new spring "suits, exhibit some veiy delight-. ( ful inspirations of the- f fashion designer, ful- f filling sthe- longing forv 'sometiihg really useful.' i ' - . . ' , ' Eton and box coats , have appeared 'artistically trimmed with brd and deft touches of 'hand em- . broidery, skirts with large satin girdles :tailor mad suits with string belts, all -are -very new and de- , sirable' for springy Sashes are, very much in vogue. The commended ' mater ials are tricotine, Pofret i win ana ricotme. ' i - - Second Women's Knickerbockers 85c, 2 for $1.50 . - ' - 1 , s r . ..v. " . " ' Women's; pink and white super' .weight cotton and fine lisle knickerbockers, in knee lerifeth. Reinforced where the wear comes. Many in the lot are the Kayser marvel-fit. All sizes, both regular and extra sizes, 85c 2 for $1.50. Main Flow Lisle Hose 65c 3) for $1.50 Women's lisle Btockings semi-fashioned rith six thread toes and heels and 4. inch garter welt. And wilP give excellent wear. Special for Wednesday, " 65c: .3 for $1.50. Main v .Men s; Muslin Gowns N ' ' $L95 V 1 A .. A large assortment of men's muslin gownft, consisting of extra good quality muslin, such a Fruit f the Loom, Hope and Londsdale. All garments cfut full and roomy and made by such well known Kakers as Steiners k Son and Ernest Siihond's. fj r " iSizes range from 15 to 19. Extra sizes, 16 to 19. ' "' Main Floor '.-"' ' ' 1 l"i . 1 1 A Limited Assortment of - INFANTS WEAR Bath Robes Cunnlrtg little bath robes of Eideraown, Corfluroy and Bea con blankets in nlain or nursery designs, are priced for quick .clearance. V " Winter Ciafs There are but a few of these garments leu, but every jona of them is well made of splendid quality material in this ' sea son's styles. Some of the ma terials are chiffon, velvet, - cashmere, -corduroy, albatross and novekv cloths, f Second Floor Jl tlon ofy ofilcers of Nttbrarka con ttorj' No. 1, A. A. S. ll.. at the sfottitih Rite catfiedral. George . Vnt asisted. The followttig were luatiilled: J. It. Cain. Jr.; Paul Levy, T. W. McCuUough. Earl 1. StlllcH. C. , E. Cobbey. J. E. luvls,- W. K nhodes. C. A.. I'atteraon, E, C Tajge, I. A.' Johnson, Henry "Monskv VV. E. Stockhum, C. Cv Haynes unii Z. T. Hedges. ' Fhor Embroideries 5c Embroidery Edges, 3 and 4, in. wide. Extra good val ues, 5e"fd. 20c Swiss1 and cambric em broidery camisole and skirt flouncing, 18 in. wide, 20c" varfl . .1 Floor j which includes every gar ment . left . in -children's .coats, dresses, rompers and bath robes. Rompers -: made of chanibray, madras and gingham, u-e almost less than 4he cost of the material. Ages 2 to 6 years. j Ureases . ""Children's ! dresses ft silk, ; corduroyand serge arc included in this lot,V- Price mm' . i ) Q "4. v . BBBHMBBlBBlSm V