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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1921)
THE Bi:K: OMAHA. WttUMttSUA Y, JAMUAKY 2b Market, Financial and Industrial' News of, the Day Livestock A Orrih. Jan. it, r.scHnts wr: Cm . Jloit- Shewn ornciai iionair ' ... 7.1SI $.6111 42, Katlmat TuMilajr $.000 li.SOO 10 $(K J'wo day thin wk, ,$,$ 24,2i '(: Sim days last wk..l,S0 20.IA5 S $ Rm I wk. ago . ,$o,5 28,$ 222 Sam 1 wk. ago ...14.47T 13.70$ 10,410 Sam , jrar ago . . . .S1.10S 14,31$ 11,819 Rersipta and disposition ot live stock it In Union Stock Yards, .Omaha, Nib., for 14 houra ending at J o'clock p. m Jan ry 25, l2l: -Sf RECEIPTS CARS, Heri. '., ' and . . -Cat.Hoga.Shp.Mlea. UHf.IL , 1 J Missouri Pacific....... 3 J I'nton Parlfio 7 & f. N. W.. east..' 14 8 l N. W.. wast 46 '.. Ht. P.. M. A 0.... 21 ( I W. Q., sast 1 i'A B. A Q., Mil,.,, 1 n, I. A P., ,aat., ' R. X. & P.. imt Illinois Central hi. Gt. West.-: HO SO 21 S 10 1 A 81 16 43, IS t 1 17 6 IS I & 4 ,.2M 247 fotal. receipt. , DISPOSITION CA.RS. Cattla. Hotrs. Morris ft Co 64 2,017 -awiri at jo 1.047 iluriahy Packing Co.. 1.424 Armour, & Co 1.200 Nchwarta & Co, .1. W. Murphy Uold Parkin Cfc. .... 844 Lincoln Packing Co.1 s s So. Omaha Pkg. Co.. , 27 Of dan Picking Cm ...A. Hlggina Packing Co. . Hoffman Bros. John Roth & Sons SIayerovlch& Vail.,1 Olassberf . . . Western Meat Co.,.. Wilson & Co I W. B, Van Want A Co. - P." P. J.tvtj J. B. Root & Co.... J. H. Bulla A...... Ruscnstork Broii..,. F. O. Kellogg - Wftrlhelmer A Dcgen Kills & Co , Kulllvnn Broil Mo.Khh, C. & C. Co. K. O. Christie Anker Banner 4ros. " '. -John Harvey ........ X Oniaha Packing Co.. .' 1 x4! Id went Packing Co. 6 Other Buyeri ...... 1,666 Total i', ioi 3,9H 3.301 60 68 I Sheep. 1,837 3,016 4.139 1.234 Financial 370 J7 19 II ...... ,21 '25, .... 868 248 1 ....... 106 ...... 01S ...... 8 4 117 1 k 17 ft .. 72 753 SO ...... ,77 938 .... 3,648 16,177 ' 13,778 '' Cattla A comparative light run1 of cat tle showed vro Tuesday, about 6,000. and atormy weather tnterferred somewhat with trade. There waa a good demand for desirable light and handy weight steers atnot . far frdm steady prloes, but ... in less attractive ottering a wen as cows and helfera generally moved slowly at mora or less shaded prices. A few head of choice handy weight steers sold It 9.00.4O,i but for the bulk of the beef steers It waa a 17.5008.50 market. Tow stuff was slow sale front, start to finish and - unevenly lower throughout. " In Blockers and feeders both sunoly and ' demand were restricted and little change ' In prices waa noted, Quotations on rattle: Oood to. choice beeves. IX.764JJ.55; fair to good beeves. . $7.5006.60; common to fair beeves, 6.60 37.60; good to choice yearlings, 68 01X4) , 9.00; fair to good yearlings, $7.25.Q0; common to fair yearlings, 66.00Jf7.25; t-holee to prime heifor". 60.76 7.60; good lo choice .heifers. s;rJ6S.7S; choice to . prim cows. -66.506)7.00; good, to choice . cows. J5.7Sffi6.2S; fair to good cows. 35.00 6.75; common to fair cows, 33.00114. "51 gdod to choice feedens. t7.75.(0; falf to good feeders. 17.00(97.76; common to fair feeders, $.00 ti'7.00; good to cholc stockcrw, 67.60(98.25; fair to good stonk rrs, 3i.60i67.60; common to fair stockers, 5.0Oj'G.25: stock heifer.', f4.2o06.oAH aloek cows, 64.00:46.00; veal calves, $9.00 10.50; bulls, stag, etc., $4.606.00. BEKF1' STEERS, By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chicago Trlbuna-4mab Be Leased Wire, vjiew York, Jan. 25. The ,halt in the upward movement of foreign ex change, practically the first check to the progressive rise which has occurred for 10 days attracted the greater share of . Wall street's in terest today. This reaction . began after sterling had made a iunher advance r $3.80, the highest of the year; a rate which represented a total rise 'of five cents within i week and of '27Sc thus far in the new year. It closed unchanged from Monday. Other exchanges as a, rule drifted lower all day, -in the rate on Paris selling about fie be low Monday's close. Wall street was disposed to ascrlb the French financier comtplaslonar In this city, Fench financial commissioner In this city, to the effect that the predicted $100,000, 000 French government loan was a matter of rumor only and that "thera la no ncoeasity for such an operation at th present time." This statement may have Itiriii.nnmJ tli H...I. .. .". k.. .. . . .. ....... . .u,no., uul H .1 O, JI II. k 1 u& fact, the recnt pace of the upward move- jj,ment In exchange and the evidence of accumulating speculation for the rise in tne past tew days, had made Miction probahle in any case. It has also been well enough known that the French negotia tions had not passed the tentative stage. Possibly the Paris financiers believe that more favorable terms may be obtained by waiting until the American money market has adjusted itaelf somewhat further to the new conditions. Traction Btocka Advance. Today's stock market presented! the now familiar mixture of isolated advances and declines; the only movement which could be attached to current news being the sharp advance at the opening' In both stoclts and bonds of thev street railway companies, followed tn the later trading ly the loss of most or all of th earlier gains The advance was obviously In response to Governor Miller's message on the traction situation; which waa undoubtedly encour aging to an who nop tor intelligent; nanaitng or tnis complicated Question in stead of the stupid reiteration of catch words with which our city administration discusses. It Is likely, however, that Wall Street was disappointed at he absence of iiai recommenaauou- ic. a higher pis senger fare and by the uncertainties In. volved In the proposal for a unified ays. tern not o.jly devoid of opportunity for speculative profit, out go adjusted that profitable parts of the v system shbuld "maintain) th unprofitable." We are likely to hear a good deal 'more of thla general plan. . Steel Dividend Exneeted. - Th enninvH Mtntmenf rtt thu T'ntted States Steel corporation for the closing Quarter or 19Z0 was not liven out until after the Stock Exchange was closed. It was. in most regards, In line wltn ex pectations. Except for the preceding uuarter. the nerlod's net earnings were the largest since tho second thre months of 1918, and the October earnings in parncu Y ' "v OmahaJaw. 25. Grain receipts today vvfcte light Trading was slow in getting under way. Wheat ranged unchanged to cents lwer. 1 op grades were Omaha Grain Ar. Pr. ..826 7 00 .889 ..1005 ..1187 ..1125 .. .989 ..1250 ..1005 ,.122 ..1156 . . .880 7 3 7 50 7-"T' 7 85 T 95 8 10 8 80 8 60 00 9 40 No, 32 25. 23. 31. 34. 31. Dl. 16. 8. STEERS AND HEIFERS. Vv. rr. r . no. . 819 $ 21 . 58.. .....776 T 10 '"' 10... :....849 1 35 21... ...997 7 50 9.. 97S 7 35 , T BARLINGS. Av. Pr. No. ...517 $ 6 50 1 1'.., ....i 7 io 2t-..; .....756 7 20 ., 800 7 80 14.., , - ' COWK- Ar. Pr. No, Av. Pr. 1..,.. .997 I 7 11 ... ..1210 7 10 ..992 . .928 .1104 .1017 .1198 .1163 .1273 .1A37 .106 7 06 7 ,76 7 90 8 00 8 25 8 31 8 0 9 15 60 A v. Pr. .762 $ 7 00 .639 7 26 .844 7 40 .973 .7 75 Av. rr. 69S 7 00 868 7 10 500 7 25 $46 7 73 lar were considerably -above thus otany month since Jqno of that yar." No one was surprised at this;' It was well knewn that deliveries of a given month represent the orders placed several months before and that orders on hand at the end of July were the largest ever reported by the company outside of a few montna im mediately after our -country went to war. Such waa -the volume of these .unfilled orders, a result of the company a policy of maintaining stnble prices, that Oven at tho close of December, with the-mllls of other companies shutting down the United Slates Steel corporation was still operat ing at capacity l Pittsburgh and around 80 per cent elsewhere. The earnings nevertheless decreased during the quarter from $16,700,000-In October, to $11,000,000 in December, the smallest of any reontb last year. - ' New York Quotations Ar. Tr. 1108 $ 5 75 I 3)1 iio. . .... .eov V.... .663 25 .819 !"K.-8oi ..J-.972 6v75 7 10 7 25 7 40 7 9 1-064 t 6 00 lo. . 16.:...106S 6 00 14. .."..1140 7 1336 6 60 13 830 4 75 , IS 1010 6 00 15. .-.,..919 6 25 20...,116T 6 4t 18 901 1 6 60 11. ....1027 6 60 10 910 5 66 73 1U85 6 Trv IV.... .1031- O 8U 18 1127 6 85 8. ....1076 6 00 . 19 1249 6 25 . . ' ' HEIFERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 19 667 4 25 l4 1066 $ 6 78 Jl 911 S 90 T16 876 6 00 26 .660 25 24.. V. ..7.35 7 66 .. tS 1010 7 60 - BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. Kov Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 10 744 $ 4 00 7. .....556 $ 6 SO -IS rr694 6 25 S5......650. 6 50 12. .....780 6 60 10. .....766 7 00 11 759 7 It 34 , 23 7fw 7 35v $8.. 12......865 7 50 . 18.. 15 972 ,T 85'- ' . . BULLS. No. Av. Pr. No, . Av. Tr. 4 1605 $5 P,5 1 1940 $ i 60 3 1420 i CO - i CALVES. JVo. ,' Ar. Pr. No. A v. IV. 1 .460 $ 6 OH 12. 4S7 $ 6 1 1 6. 444- 7 25 li.t 352 8 00 5, 264 -.9 00 ' 6. .....146 10 00 1 2 220 m 50 ) : Hogs A Uberal run of hoga was received this morning, the estimate calling for 15s 600 head. Trade was slow In getting. started, but prices forgood hogs held , up on a fully ateady basis. Heavy and heavy mixed hogs we-.'e net very popular with buyers and brought prices little dif ferent than those paid yesterday. Bulk of the entire receipts changed hand at a spread df $8.60:3 . 40 with best bacon , grades making a top of $9.50. ' . HOGS. i No. Ar. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 84. .460 210 8 60 62.. 301 110 $ t 00 K3..637 ' 70 9 05 C4 273 9 15 66. .269 ... 20 . 70. .353 ... 9 25 75.217 80 73. .237 ... 3S Sheep About 10,210 sheep and lambs arrived for today'a trade and packing demand had plenty of activity from the start at prices steady to strong. buik ot good killing Jambs moved at a spread ot $10.44)010.65 with best grades topping at $10.80. Extra heavy lambs sold down around $8.7669.00, the same aa yestcr- day. Some good heavy ewes reached I ,35.00 and other sales of handy weights were reported at $5.26 and better. Feeder trade was considered nominal. Quotation on Sheep Best fat lambs, $10.56610.80; medium to good lambs, 1 $9.75910.40; plaid and heavy lambs, $8.26 9.25; yearlings, $7.01)19.00; aged wethers, ' $5.25(96-00: good to choice awes. $5.:f.v 5.50; fair to good ewes. $4.7566. 25; heavy ewes, $4.35 6.00: cull and heavy ewes, $1.5093.00; feeding lambs, $8.15010.00; ' feeding ewe. $2.7603.60. FAT LAMBS. No. A v. '"' Pr, No.. A v. Fr. , 13 fed 84 $1 7 -.. . ' FAT EWES. ' No. ' Av. ' Pr. No. , Av. Pr. 110 f 120 $ 6 60 Range of price ot th leading ttocka furnished by Logan A Bryan, Peters Trust building: . HAIL.S. y ' w Monday v High. Low. Close.Clse. A.. T. St S. F... 83 . 82K 82 83i Baltimore ft Ohio 36 344 34 34 Canadian Pacific. 11614 114 11614 UV. N. Y. A H. R. . , 71 71. 7514 72 Ches. & Ohio.... 69C 59 59 69 Krle R. R... 13 13 1.' 13 Ot. Northern, pfd. 7 - 76 70 76 Chi. Ot. Western.. 1 8 8 III. Central .-..v M., K.' AT 2& 2 t K. C. Southern... 20 Missouri Pacific. 18 N. Y.. N.' H. A II. 20 No. Pacific Ry... 83 Chi. -ji. W.... 67 rennR. R. ...... 41 Ktading Co. 84 C, R. T. & V.... 26fli Eo. Pacific Co... 98 So."" Railway 221j rhl.., Mil. ft St. P. 28& UnWTf Pacific ...119 119 119 119ii Wabash. 8 8 8 STEELS. Am. Car A Fdry.123 121 122 123 Allil-Chalm. Mfg. 36 34 36 36 Am. Loco. Co 83 82 82 88 Bald. ,J,oco. Work 90 88 ,90, 88 O0 S DOTS 19 18 19 .11 ' 2 83 01 1 . 83 26 97 22U). 22 27 27 19 1? 20- 20 13 'i 67 41 83 2i S3 68 41 8.1 . 26 -,i 97 8 generally 'unchanged. Corn ranged uuchanged to a cent lower.- Oats were 'Z to Yt cent off, generally a half cent lower. Rye declined a cent and barley 2 cents. ale of 50.000 bushels of wheat to an Omaha mill today, the first time it has been in the market for six months, was reported. Export demand for wheat early was light. Reported laic that Belgium had taken 320,000, bushels via the gulf for April shipment. France was expected to place order before end of day. The Santa Fc road is moving quantities oi whe4t out of the western half of Kansas and cars are plentiful, said A. Hutch inson, Kansas wire, Six" to eight inches of snow "fell in niiddlaand western Nebraska today. Corn re ceipts at Chicago yesterday were 1,562 cars, the largest since 1914. wheat. ' I NV 1 hard, 1 car, $1.85 (soft white) i cars. $1.67. XT. 4 v. .i o .. - 1 1 ea r. ' 1 1 is 1 car, $1.66 special billing); 1 car, $1.64 1 oar 11 6" tamuttv). No. S hard, 2 cars, $1.6tv 3 cars. $1.59 (smutty); 2 cars, $1.68 (smutty). No. 4 hard, 1 car, $1.69; 1 car, $1.67 (smutty). No. 6 hard. 1 i,ar, $1.65 (smutty). U - - I - . -.t 1 ... - II K No. 1 spring. 1 car, jl.TT' (northern); Simple spring, 1 car,. .$1.50 (dark northern). 1 No. 5 mixed, 5-5 car, J1.63. v CORN, v No. 3 white, 1 car, 54 c. No. 4 white. 1 3-6 cars, 61 p. . No. i yellow. 1 car. 58o Nry), No. 4 yellow, 2 ears. 62c: $ cars, 51c. No. S yellow, $ cars. 50c. No S mixed, 1 car. 64c (dry): 2 cars, 63c; 2 cars, 63c. - No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 62c; 1 car, &0e (no tonnage). v Sample mixed, 2-5 car, 42c. OATS. No., ! white, 1 car, 40c. s No 3 whit, ! tars, ,40c. No. 4 white, 1 car. B9c. BYE. No. 8, 1 car. fl.SL Sample, 2-5 cat). 60c. BARLEY. No. 2, 1 cir, 60c. No. 4, 1 car, 61c; 1 2-6 car. Die. Feed, 1 car, 69ci 1 car, -68c. OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Year Ago i 11 37 , 0 61 33 21 ' 24 PRIMARY, RECEIPTS AND. SHIPMENTS. " i (Bushels.) Today Year Ago Chicago Grain By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leased Wire. Chicago, Jan. 25. A reversal of Bonds and Notes The following quotation furnished by th Omaha Trust company: - . Approx. ' - Price, yield. the action from that of Monday wasS.S Ul ' (Cars.) : Week Receipts '. Today ' Ago Wheat 37 4S- Corn . '. ... 30 93 Oat 8 21 Rye .?. '. . 1 1 Barley 12 1 Shlptflents . Wheat .'.. 65 . !:8 Corn 8n . W Oat v. 21 1 Rye 0 7 Barley 1 1 Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Shipments Wheat Corn ...... Oats .. 84,000 ..2,282,000 .. 665,000 638,000 736,000 500,000 ..... 678,000 692.000 .... 889.000 466.000 504.000 , 627,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today Wheat rf.... 411.000 Corn ..T 76,000 Oata 5,000 CHICAGO CAR-OT RECEIPTS. Today Wk. Ako Yr. Arn Wheat 49 ... J Corn ,...1,562 ... ' . 218 Oais 24$ ... ' 115 KANSAS CITY CAR LOT RECEIPTS. on today with highest prices early and lowest later, the cbse being within a fair rally from the lowest, showing lossete of an wheat, I to Use on com, xi(cc on oats, M2Hc on rye and 2c on barley, felling pressure was. more aggressive 'and buyitlg decidedly weak most of the' time. In the last hour, support' came plainly from profit-taking on earjy sales and buy ing against bids. - .- Wheat news was mixed with a great deal that was against the maintenance cf values on the level nf tne previous t'ay's bulge. It -counted against the price, which declined 45o from the close ot the previous day, with March down to $1.66 and May to $1.56 'i. Receipts, 25 cars. - , Corn Lack Support. " Corn faefce'd the goocK support from the inrge buyers or tne previous day and de clined So from the high natnt of Monday. May' was down to 67c and closed at 6f68c. Many of tile local opera tors who bought the previous d.iy were reselling. The market felt the effect nf the heavy hedging sales of Monday anl again tor tne flay, A lighter- export de mand, with sales ot 75,000 bushels, part here and the balance at outside points. was agalnit tho market. Hiniestlc salca were ju.qoo ousnels. Arr'vais were 3K cars. Country offerings were liahter. Oats were on top all day ai d broke HlMfe from the close of Monday. The selling; was scattered and buying mainly to take profit. Cash prices dropped jc with ariQvals of 54 cars. Rye hail a heavy tone and met sales Yy wheat spreaders.- Export- business wlls1 light and buying poor wlMw-fw resting orders visible. Barley was ,alcw and fmished at-6Cc for May. - ' - rit Note. v New York reported local operators re. selling wheat there. ATEcntlna was said o be offering wheat at 8c under Ameri can, but nothing was heard about any sales being made. Primary arrivals, of lha past two days, 3 216,000 bushels, f galnst 2,064,000 buahels last year and Winnipeg had 1,341 cars for tho eamo time, -agalnsi 448 cars last year 1 t Export clearances for the d:ty were fj,uuv ousneis. Export buying waa of good volumoT Vlth around 1,260,000 bushels sold for- ex port, France taking 900,000 busnels and Belgium 114,000 bushels, with 1,698,000 bushels at the gulf. Premiums were said V' be lower. Omaha reported 60,000 bush el sold to millers, the first In months, irxia not expected that the British will be In th market until Maroh. , Domestic Shipping. ' ! Domestic shipping sales of cash gram a. Chicago were 45.000' bushels anrlnara to mills and 60,000 were ordered out of store by mills; 30,000 bushels corn, and 60,00 bushel oats. There was 25,000 bushel of corn softT to th seaboard from Chicago and 50.000 bushafo from outside markets at 11 Cent over May, track Bal-I timore tor January anipmcsnt . Premium on red winter at? Chicago were a shade firmer at 2123c over May for the No. 1 red, while bird win. tors were easy at 8 49o over. 6jr. Louis was (unchanged; Omaha, l2c lower; Kansas City, 24o lower on hard- and 66o lower on red. Premiums at Minne apolis were unchanged to ?n hlfflior, .-itri nuua reporuna; a neiier nour aemana. V CHICAGO CLOSING JRICES. By Updike Grain Co.. Doug. 2627. Jan. 25. Anaconda-6s, 1929 Argentine Sterling 4s Armour 7s, I960 Belgian tiovt. 6s, 1925. 7. Belgian Govt. 7s, 1945. Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1022. Hetnienem steel Ts, 1923 British 6s, 1922 ,. BrlttHhV6s, J822 British 6s.'. 1937 C. C. C. A St. L. 6s, 1929. C. B. A Q. Jt. 4s, 1921 Cudahy Pkg. 7s, 1928 B. F. Goodrich -fa, 1925 French Govt. 8s, 1945 Japanese Govt 4 '4 a, 1925..,.. Japanese uovt. 4s, lusi..-, .. Norway-. 8s, 1940. Morris A Co. 7s. 1930.... N. Y. Central 7s. 1980 89 7.85 $426 for (20$ bond .. 97 7.4S .. 93 8.40 .. 97 7.77 ..100 7.00 98V7Ji6 .. 92 7. .. 80 .. 91 ..98 .. 99 91 99 7.90, 6.85 7.65 7.90 7.45 9.75 8.03 , 79' 10.86 , 60 10.45 100 8.00 Pennsylvania R. R. 7syl930. V. S. Rubber 7s. 930... Swedish Govt. 6s, 1939 Swift A Co. 6s. 1921 Swift A Co. 7s. 1926 Western Electrlo 7a, 1925,.., Swiss Govt. 8s. 1940 , Denmark 8s. 1945 , Westlnghouse Klec. 7s, 1981. 99 ..101 ..104 ..100 ... 82 .. 99 .. 97 ..100 ..102 , .. 99 .. 99 65 (.75 6.35 7.40 7.80 6.75 7.65 4, 6.95 7.75 8.05 7.05 New York Curb Storks. ..14 i) IS . . 52 t 64 ..15-16W 1 .... 1 1 .. W 614 .. 2 2 , . 1 ft 0 8 .. 2 2 ..2 0 2 ... 4 .. 12 13 ..138 140 7 18 4S 6 8 fit 8H . 113-16 . IJsW 1 . 8W& 8 ..14 Chicaao Storks, The following Quotations are burnished by Logan A Bryan: Armour A Co., pfd. 9tvip 94 Armour Leathwr Co., common 13 .... Armour Leather Co., pfd. ... 94 . ..: Commonwealth Edison Co 105 .... Cudahy Packing Co., common 4)1 63 Allied ,Oll Boston Montana Boston Wyoming ressocn uold CCoaden Oil Consolidated Copper Elk Basin Federal Oil Glenrock Oil Island Oil Merrit Oil Midwest Refining Co, Sliver King of Arizona Sapulpa Oil . Simms Petroleum Tonopah Divide ............ U. S. Steamship '. V. S. Retail Candy White OU Continental Motors Libby, McNeil A Llbhy Montgomery Ward Co. , National Leather Reo Motor Car Co Swift A Co. Swift International 6i 7 .. 12 12 .. 17 .. 8 . 22 ... J. ..104104 an vt Union Carbide A Carbon Co... 51 ..... Liberty Bond Price. New York, Jan. 28. Pricea of Liberty bonds at noon were: . 3s, 92.08; first 4a, 87.80 hid; second 4s, 87.80 bid; tlrst 4Bf 88.10; second 4 14 . 88.08; third 4, 91.00; fdurth 4s7 88.46; Victory 3s, 95.30; Victory 4s, 97.28 - Liberty bonds closed: 3s, $92.00; first 4s, $87.80 bid; second 4s, $87. 8t; first '4, $88.04; second 4s, $87. C9; third 4s, $90.86; fourth 4 Us, $88.36; Victory 3s, $97.30; Victory 4s, $97.30. Wester sard 'Named Head of Poor Fan. Mrs. Palton Ousted Dcspit Protest of Woman's Club Other Appointments Made. Dan Wcstergard was appointed superintendent, of the county poor farm yesterday by the county board succeeding Mrs. Cora Patton who held the position since Ahe death of her husband. ' Irx. Weste'rgard will begin his new 'work February 1. A delegation from the Omaha Woman s club endeavored to induce the county commissioners ' to retaiu Mrs. Patton. ' William Kicrstead, jr., was an pointed fireman at the countypoor larm ana uus wickiund was named as -engineer. Frank Brodell, Emi Peterson, John H. Stine and T. F, McGJormack were appointed new elevator conductors in the court house. ' It is believed that Mrs. Mar garet bexton will be retained as su perintendent of the Riverview De tention home. . , The McClymont Marble company was awarded a conitract of $11,500 to resurface damaged marble at the court house. Cort-Aldbus-Hunt were awarded a contract in the sum of !o8,i88 tor replacing damaged coun ters, partitions and other office ap- poinimenis. ine umaiia Printing Lumpany. wjii lurnish wood furni ture of the value of $14,057. -' T i ' $trei IMvldend Declared. ' AAV Yfflr Inn qe m I T. .. a . - " wa wcau iir. A IltJ 1 1 II 1 1 n KlBtAi Steel corporation at 'its auarterlv lng here today declared regular dividends cent on us common and 1 per cent on Us preferred stocks. Total earnings for the ...quarter ended December 31, 1920. were announced as $43,. 87T.862: net Income, $31,702,816. and sur plus, 114.481.446. Thean fl, ,,-.., .,.. l.k I .. I .. , ..... ...... wv, ninK.- vi t9,rfrt,t4u, net ln- S!?m..of 3S-139.137 and surplus of $17.. 869.939 in, the previous quarter. .,fl?J.'i15f.y'ar 1920 eri'ns aggregated $177,174,126. In 191S lh. .,,!v.j . $152,290,639. , In 1918 they were $208.- 281,104. ' -, . ' New York Produce. New York. Jan. ,25. Butter Firm! creamery, higher than extras; 6061s; creame-y extras. 60c; firsts. 4249c. Eggs Firm; frerh gathered extra firsts. 6465c; firsts. 01iS63c. Cheese Steady and unchanged. Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 343e.' Dressed Poultry Stead v: fowls, frooh 2641c. i!. Elks' Initiaion Fee To Be Increased to $50 on February 1 Initiation fee for membership in the Elks will be increased from $25 to $50 on February 1,' according to an announcement made yester day by W. G.; Sears, exalted ruler, and l. w. Miner, secretary. Under the initiation fee of $25 the Elks' lodge No. 39 has built ur. a membership Nf nearly 5.000. A concentrated effort will be made during the next week to obtain a record number of applications for memoersnip, a nnai mitiation ot r&ndidates under the $25 fee to be held the Mui.icipal auditorium some time in February. When the 5.000 membershio mark is reached executives of tht Elks will put forth- efforts toward early construction of a new home, to sup plant they rooms now occupied at Fifteenth 'and Harney streeti Omaba is likely to be national head quarters for the Elks if the- ntao. of . prominent members do 'not fail, jir. ivyner stated. Grocer Fined for Offering Spoiled Goods For Sale C. Izenstat. erocer. 414 North Si. Lteenth-sfreet, was fined $50 and costs jioyimcj ui wcuirai ponce court, where he was arraigned 6n a charge of holdinjr and offering for sale spoiled panned goods. j The complaint was entered by Dr. W. C. Herrold, food inspector for the health Jeoartment. Izenstat has been ordered to dispose of 180ians of spoiled canned fruits and vege tables. The health commissioier announc- -ed that this is the beginning of a vigorous food campaign. i V Bar Silver. New YorK. Jan. 25.--Bar Sliver Do mestic, 99c; foreign. 66o. , , . Mexican Dollars 60 c, r i Year Ago Art, K?s nnn i . Mar. May Rye. May July Corn May July Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago Oat Wheat 280 225 96 I May Corn .' 60 66 , 16 I July Oat 7 10 OA. &JJjlB V. 1 (V JjKJ X I 1 V. HI 1 1 1 a , . Today Wk. Ago Yr. Ago I i rtrf. Whra . tin. 4ft I wrB Corn .....144 136 93 Oat " 89 70 NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OP WHEAT. Today Wk..Ago Yr. Ago Minneapolis ....... .181 , 289 . 231 uuiutn r sz 78 4 Winnipeg 768 563 CHICAGO STOCKS BtiSHELS. Today wk. Ago Yr. Ago Wheat .. 181.000 962. 000 1 12.607:000 vara .... 4,225,000 3,216.000 781, 000 Oata- 11.699,000 11.363,000 $.332,000 LAKAU1AN VlBIUlitJ OUSHKI.S. Today iW k. Ago Yr. Azo v neat ..l, zo.iit.uoo ll.ozs.nnn Oata .... 9,230,000 - 8,943,000 5,937,000 I Open. I High. ) Low. Close. Test Jan. ; May Rlba Jan. May : . 1.70 1.70' 1.66 1.67 1,71 1.60 160 1.56 1.57 1.61 ' , t 1.48 1.48 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.31 1.31 1.29 1.-29 1.3.1 .69 .69 '.67 .68 .69 .70 .70 .68 .68 .70? .44 .44 .43 .44 .44 ..4 -.41 .43 .44 .41 23.60 23.50 23.06 23.05 3.50 23.60 23.60 23.20 23.20 23.60 13.07 13.07 12.40 12.95 13.15 13.77 13.77 13.62 13.62 13.80 ' 11.82 Bl.82 (11.83 111.82 12.10 112.60 13.60 112.50 13.60 12.65 Beth. Steel Corp. 56 Colo. V. I. Co. 29 29 Crucible Steel Co. 97 94 Am. Steel Fdrles. 30 30 Lacka Steel Co. .. 64 63 Mid. teel A Ord. 31 31 Press. Steel Car Co 93 92 Rep. I. A 8. Co. .. 66 66 Rail. Steel Spring . .. .-r- sioss-aner. s. 1 U. S. Steel 82 COPPERS. Ana. Cop Mln. .. 38 .37 Am. S. A R. Co. .. 38 37 Butte A Sup. M. Co 13 13 Chile Cop. Co. ... 12 11 Chlno Con. Co. ... 22, 22 TilSDlr. Con.-Coo. 34 84 Keflne. Cop. 20 ,19 (19 Miami cop. CO. .. J't lt'i 18 Nev. C. Cop. Co. 11 Utt Ray Con. C. Co. ..13 12 29 96 30 . 6 31 92 65 8J 82 37 37 13 . 13 !2V 34 ' Cop. Co, Utih Con. Co". ... 56 65 r Kansas City IJveetock. Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. - 25. Cattle . Receipts) 19.000 head; beef .steers strong 10 16c. higher; , earlj top, $$.85; some held at $9.25; better grade cows and seifera weak; other grade steady to irrong; good heavy cows, around '$6.90; good helfera. $6.75; bulla steady to 25c wwer; cannera and feeders ateady; calves . ttror.g: best vealers. $12.00. ' Hogs Receipts. 8.000 head; generally tteady to 16c higher than yesterday' average. Part load to trader.' $9.60; bulk. 9.15O9.40; packing sows ana pigs, 1(9 5c higher; good and- choice fat 1 pigs, .75 10.00. Sheep aeceipt. neaa; ateaay; R-ethers. $6.25L-res, $5.36; lambs and rearllncs, mostly 25e higher; "8-ound Colorado lambs, $19.7$; 96-pound fed yearlings, $8.76. " . St. Jo Una Si 8t. Joseph, M Jan. 2i.--Cattle Re relpts. 2,600 head; -market, generally steady: steer. 46.5099.60: cows and heif ers. $3.5.6j 'calves. $6.50011.00. Hts Receipts, 1,000 head; market, steady to 19ohirher; top, $9.40; bulk, $9f9.JS. Sheep Receipts. ' 4,900 head; market v steady to 25e higher; Iambs. $9.$19.69; ewes. $4.50tj5.50. -V , Jne4l M. -i. ; uuiui.n. Jitnn.. Jan. - 5. Linseed oa INBUSTRIALS. Am. B. Sug. Co. . . A.. Q. A W. I. S. S. 99 V 68 Am. Inter. Corp. ,.46 44 Am. Sum. Tob. Co. 78 78 Am.. Cot. Oil- Co. tli 21 Am. Tel.-Tel 99 99 Am. Zc. Ld.-Emt. 9 9 Brook. Rap. Tran. 14 ' 13 Beth. Motors ... 4 3 Am. Can Co 29 28 Chand. Motor .Car 49 69 Cen. Leather C. , 40 39 Cuba Ca. Sug. Co Cal. Pack. Corp. 62 62 Cal. Petr. Corp. 36 85 Corn Pro. Rfg. Co. 71 70 Nat. En. -Stamp ..61 V 41 Fisk Rubber Co.. 14i 1444 Gen.-Elec. Co.-... 126 Gas. Wms.-Wlg. 4 Oen. Motors Co. 14 Goodrich Co. .... 4 Am. Hld.-Lih. Co. 9 Hask.-Brkr. Car 67 IT. S. Ind. Ale. Co. 87 Inter. Nickel .... is Inter. Paper Co. 60 AJax Rubber Co. Kelly-Spring. Tlra LKey. Tiro A Rub. Inter. --Merc. war. Maxwell Mot. J0o. Ilex. Middle State Oil.. 13 Pure Oil Co Willys-Over. Co... pierce Oil corp. .. Pen.-Am. P. A T, . Plerce-Arrow Mot.. Royal Dutch Co.. U. 8. Rubber Co.. Am. Sug. Rfg. Co.. Sinclair Oil A Rfg. Sears-Roebuck Co.. Str'sberg Carb. Co.i4 Studehaker Corp. 17 Tob. Product Co.. 66 V, Trans-Contl. Oil... 10 Tex an Co : . . .N 42? u. B. Food Pr. corp. 1 a B . . , . v. t?. rni.. cvi. an, .... ..... The White Mot. Co 39 39 Wilson Co- Inc.. 43 43 Western Union 86 86 WAt'gh'se El. AM. 46 45 Am. Woolen Co.. 66 $6 Total aales, 511,100.. 11 13 65 BtaeW. "69 46 78 21 99 13 4 28 69 38 62 6 36-- 71 61 14 55 94 30 63 81 93 8 53 82 31 88 13 11 22 25 4.9 13 65 45 68 4b 79 22 13-1 28 69 40 4 15 71 60 14 124 124 126 4 4 1 37 47 JJ5 1 Petroleum. ..104 130 163 152 14 0 9 56 86 15 68 36 46 11 14 5 14 .40 9 57 ' 68 15 69 84 14 47 14 40 66 67 16't. 61 37 47 12 12 34 . 1 10 73 25 3 85 9 -10 74 25 64 69 93 23 -23 93 91 37 66 66 10 42 13 35 7 10 74 -26 65 32 34 I 10 74 25 62 67 68. 66f, 93 - 93 : 93 13 hi 91 37 66 56 10 42 39 48 5 46 66 23 91 40 66 66 1 ;42 9t 4$ . ' 45 $ Men. Close. Cloee. 7 7 0176 .0170. $.82 J.7$ Mark ..... Mark Sterling ... V 'Thlrag Prodlee. -Chicago, Jan. 25. ButteJ Firmr eream- ory extras. 45c; standards, 4c ...' eggs nigner; receipts, 4.082 ease; firsts. 67 67 Vic: ordinary firsts. 54 0 66c: It mark, cases Included, 666Sr. 7 Poultry Alive, higher; . fwl, $c; springs, 21c. , London Money. London, Jan. 15. Bar silver. S9Vd pr ounce; money, 5 per cent: dUcount rates short bills. 649. 14 oter uni. ihr.. months'- bills, 6 per cent- lndoa Msial. 'London. Jan. 25. Standard copper, 167, 2s. .6(1; Pleelrolytlc, 17$; tin, 2a, 4d; Lead. Ui. in alne. X24,' - v Minneapolis Grain, Minneapolis. Minn.. Jan. 25. Flour unchanged to 30 cents higher. In carload lota, family patents quoted at $9,400 .ou a Darret in o-pouna cotton aacus. Wheat receipts 101 cars, compared wlrfi 331 cars a year ago. Cash No. 1 north ern. $1.66 1.70; March, $1.67; Muy, - Corn No. 3 vellow. 62i063c. .Oata No. 3 white. 3838c. Barley 47 66e. Rye No. 2. $1.65 1.66. Flax No. 1. l.S51.86. New York flAtinn. 178 I Chlcag Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. New York, Jan. 25. The January no tices Issued today were estimated at 45,. 0() bales, being even larger than ex pected. Their -effect waa unsettling and th New York market 1 opened barely steady at a decline of 12 to 80 mints. Jan uary eased off to 16.20 after th call or 40 points net lower, but soon rallied to 16.44c. Later monthsvgold 33 to 35 points net lower wirh March touching 14.63c. but later recovered several nolnta nn rnv. erlng and trade buying. ine maraec remained ' extremely nervous and unsettled later. It waa re ported that the January long-interest waa stopping the notices as rapidly as they I St. LohI drain. St. Louis, Mo.. Jan. 25. Wheat March, 1.70; May, si.o? bid. Corn May, 69e; July, 70c. Oata May, 44 e bid; July. 44 c - ! Kansas City firain. Kansas City, Mo Jan. 26. Wheat March. $1.60; May. -$1.73. Corn May. 6060c; -July, 64y4c; cepiemoer, es go c. Chlraao Live Ptock. . Chicago, Jan. 35. Cattle Receipt. 11.000 head: beef steer, active. mostly 16025c higher: top. $10.65 en 11 no head Angus steers; bulk, $7.799.O0; .'.he stock and -calves, steady to- strong: bulk butcher cows and heifer.i, $5.00B6.75 icalf quality' bitter; bull vealers, $11.60$ 12.60; bulls, steady; bulk, $5.41$6.2S; atockers and feeders 15A25C higher: bulk, $6.5008.00. Hogs Jtecelpt, 45,000 head: lights. IS '2oc nigner; ouecners. iodine nigner. closed strong; top, $10.16: bulk light and light lights, $9.7010,00; bulk butchers. $9.2699.50; pigs. 10915c , higher; bulk desirable 90 to '125-pound pigs, $7,500 $.60, ' . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 19,000 neaa; innies mostly u.z&;-enoice Uf pt'Und Colorado, 25c higher, at $11.00: bulk fat lambs, $10.00 lt.00; top year lings,, $9.36; bqlk, $8.O09.00: top ewes, $5.85; bulk, 44.254)6.60: Prime 122- pcund wethers. $6.36; few sales feeding: lamo op 10 ii.7s steady. - Oniaha Hay Market. Market lower on aeoount of heavy re ceipts on prairie hay and llaht demand. Alfalfa receipts light, demand fair to mod ror netter grades, straw prices are lower. No. 1 Uoland Prairie Hav at. .SII.OO1&1 ! H9 iso. z upland rrain Hay at., l.oofnio oo No. 1 Upland Prairie Hay at.. 7.000 8.00 No. 1 Midland Pratrle Hay at 10.00 10.60 No. 2 Midland Prairie Hay at t on ) (.00 No. 1 Lowland Prairie Hay at 9.00A 9.00 No. 3 Lowland Prairie Hav at 7.00M 8.00 t noice Airaira No. 1 Alfalfa Standard Alfalfa J. No. 2! Alfalfa No. 3 Alfalfa- ...i. ...... Oat Straw Wheat Straw ............ were received, but the sale of 300 or 400 bales caused a quick break, Carrying the market a cent below last night' closing, but there was a rally almost immediately. Later months at the early low point """""" - ' """"" "V '". . -J day In years, making a total of 83.000 bales delivered to nulls during the month. Present dull mill demand and total absence of ocean freight poom gives the Impression tnat this cotton probably win rnmatn here a considerable time. - , The market was steadier caring the I afternoon, within 26 to 35 points of yester day's closing on covering". .. . Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, Jan. 25. Potatoes lower; re ceipt, 31 cars; Minnesota and western round white sacked and $1.101.20 cwt.; Wisconsin sacked, $1.00l.i0 cwt 1 aiiiliili!nlliliiliiliiii4iiliili!llii4Uliiliiliili:liiliiliilHliiliili!liil!ilililiiliiluliiiiiiiiininii;liiiilNiiiliiiniiiilii Big Price Cut on ' ...... Yi Glass-Enclosed Demountable Save a third by buying now.Get an Anchor Top now 'at this rock bottomspecial sal price and turn your open car into a snug, stylish closed ear. Beal sedan or coup effect glass doors and windows. ' - , W Ire eloiing out o4r -warehouse stock in Omaha and hav reduced price to th lowest point during this closing out sal. You will probably never again have the opportunity to buy an Anchor Top at this prcie. . f t Remember, these are NEW Tops and carry the regular , Anchor guarantee. Order quick if you want one. They'll all soon be sold at the price we're making. . - Briv direct to the warehouse of Omaha Vait & Storage Co., w 48O6 S. 16th . Street and get your top. " i" Or write us fofprice on th Anchor Top that will exactly fit your make of car and we'll arrange delivery to you from the warehouse. , . Remember, Anchor Top are made for 20; different models of following make of cars Buick, Dodge, Ford, Maxwell, Reo, Essex, Chevrolet, Overland, Willys-Knight. - . Des L oins. Iowa f 7iiiiiniHiniitiiiiiiiiilniiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiliiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiuiiil;ilNliiinii!iHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiif: Officer; Saves Comrade ly i Striking Man With Gun Samuel , Nanfito, 1723 South Fourteenth street, was bound -to tho district court yesterday morning when Arraigned in Central police court on a charge of carrying-eon cealed weapons, atrd a , federal charge tlsVwas placed against him for having a government pistol in his possession. Joseph Moangeno. his comnnnion, was fined $100 aiu costs . for illegal possession ' of liquor." The prisoners were arrested Monday night by Police Officers Tayne-and Buglewic, following a can trom the home ot I. Mchenna, 3924 North Thirty-eighth street. Payne reported that at the time of the arrest he-struck Nanfito in tinm to frtvent him tiring ihe pistol a: Buglewicz. CADILLAC . Recognized everywhere j for its permanency 'Value J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. " - Omaha Lincofn lfdirDeii.b II v Jhe Faultless Fuel" V- v S.N - . $glU Per Toil ' NO ASHES, NOLINKERS All Condensed Heat , . Mavens Coal Co. Prompt Service by Careful Drivers Phone Walnut 0858 4468Farnam 22.00024.00 19.006)31.00 16.00 91$ 00 ivooeuoo lwoani.oo lo.noipii.oo 8.00O 9.00 Sloug. Oty Lit Stork. V Sioux Cltv. Inv Jan. 2S. Hon Tie. neipts, $,600 head; market average steady, 10c lower; choice light, $9.109.2l: mixed. es.vvv7.iii: neavy, ss.soqpi.zi; bulk or sales, $8.9099.15. , Cattle Recltpts. 1800 lietd: market steady to strong; fed steer and yearlings. $8.00011.00; fat cows and heifers, $4.60 W7.50; canners, $2.00fji4.50: veals, $8.60 ft9.60: commnn .ei.lvB. 81 fcAfftl in era. $3.606.0O; feeding cows. and heif ers. $J.75.25; stockers. $4.507.50. Sheen Recelnts. 900 head: market steady. , , , - New Torlt Sugar. New York. Jan. 25. The market for raw augar w easier today and under In creased presiurexrrices declined l.lln o the bail ,4 6-1 6c for Cuba cost and freight, equal "to 32fl for Centrifugal, th lowest nrlc recorded tri ovei1 li-n years. There, were sales nf I.EM -km i-pm io an operator-zor eoruary sblp- "wn. B-ivc mpst ana xreignu " Kew York Irv Good. New York. Jin. 25. Dry gooda-msrkets I were quieter today In first-hand channels: I wine print ciotns were easier and rtreaa ginghams ware being ordered for ifall. .. wv. wnii n. it ht-. iui ibii unaan vt U I iuisi rreety. corron ysrns weie quiet, 'ilk moved mora ceoerallv whlia areas gooo were purchased moderately Turpentine aatl Rosin. - - SavshDSh. Ca. Jan. 25 Turnanttna Market quiet,- 92c: no sales i recelnts. 195 bls.; shipments, bbls; stock, I,, j ai" Horn Rosin Market quiet; no aales: receipts, 906 ranks: slilnmenls. 110 n.k- ..tnrlt 84.605 caska . zz y r ; j-' j By ShaU Qy -- 4 J ? ShaU ERNEST BUFFETT, The Grocer of Dundee GEORGE ROSS, 24th and Ames. ARMAND PETERSEN', 2908 Sherman Ave. WILKE & MITCHELL, Fortieth and Farnam. v LYMAN & BRENNAN, Sixteenth and Dorcas. V E. KARSCH CO . Vinton and Elm Sts. GILES BROTHER?, Benson. '-' J. D. CREW & SON, Thirty-third and Arbor. x JEPSENBROS. 'ji 25th and Cuming. ' HANNEGAN & CO., , 35th Ave. and Leavenworth. 'v 'P. B. BOGATZ ' 21st and S Sts., South Side. - CHAS. H. MALLLNSON, ' 17jh and Capitol Ave. THE BUY-RITE AND SELL-RITE STORES OFFER WONDER FUL SPECIALS EVERY WEEK. .WATCH FOR THESE ADS.' v , For Wednesday and Thursday 1 1500 pounds o HUCO Coffee, ' ' : Special while it lasts, 4 pounds. . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . ' .300 cases Best Brands High-Grade Country Gentleman or Evergreen Sweet 1- QC Corn, per dozen cans. ....... V 50 $1.35 One earload of Eztra Iancy Red Globe r Onions," Avhile 0ioy last, ' C "12 pounds for O O C 500 cases" Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles, while they last, ) ' A. s 6 packages lorT'. .......... .-. . , 45c - Our-fourth caiToad purchase of Extra Fancy Large .Juicy Grapefruit, gft 6 for puC 300-case sp& purchase of Z$t value 15-oz. Ketchui).v Special, per bottle, QZL x 29c ; or 3f for 5 O C 200-case spoturchase of No. 3 cans High Grade" Apricots in heavy l$ "1 OO syrup, 0c values, 3 cans for. ,V 1 w3 sum ' ' ' x " - " N There Is a Buy-Rite Store in Your Neighborhood i March 15th, Next v. the first payment of income and excess -profit tax will be due. Many have al ready set aside an amount to take care of this payment. We suggest the , WiifdiestefvOompany Notes v which will keep your money employed at . . . 8 and which will be refunded to you , ' through this office or through your own 4 v- ' , r '- bank the day your taxes are due, ,, -The stability of. this concern is well ( recognized J As you know, they control their own retail outlets and ar rela- , " v tively untouched by cpnditioris aff ect- , s ing ' ordinary merchandising concerns. . . We consider their notes highly desirable - and absolutely safe. Byrns, Brinker & Company Bondg and Stock for Invetmnt , v OMAHA, - . . LINCOLN, S. W. Corntr 17th and Doutlat , 506 Little Building ( : : V v GRAIN V S0Uclt. your consignments' of-all kinds of .grain to the y Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kan , sas City and Sioux City markets We Offer You the Services ' i of Our Offices Located at V Omaba, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska , Chicago, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa -' Holdrefe, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska Des Moines, Iowa -. MUwankee, Wis. , Hamburg, Iowa Kansas City, Missouri Get in touch with one of these branch offices, with your "next grain shipment The Updike Grain Company "The Reliable Consignment House" x X I .I t 1 . if. r - ' " a"""