f 10 THE BEE OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 26, 1921. Classified Advertising Rates JSo par line (count ( word to una) I da le per Una par day, consecutive days 13o par Una par day, T consecutive daya 4 par line par day, 80 consecutive days Ma ads take for leaf than a total of 36c, These' rataa apply attber to tha Dally r Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap par In both morning and evening daily Paptn (or tha ona charge. CONTRACT RATES ON w APPLICATION. Want ad aooepted at tba following of fices: MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam 8ia fouth Slda 2SU N St. Council Bluffs J.15 Scott St. Want ads received bt phonk at TYLER 1000. THB BEE will not ba responsible for mora than ona Incorrect Inaertlon of all advertisement ordered for mora than ooa CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition U:I A. M. Morning Edition :0 P. M. Hunday Edition 9:00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. KEPLER John William, aged t6 yrs.. Jan. 25, 1921, at the realdence of his son-in-law, E. V. Rosengre n. 2441 n; St. Funeral, Wednesday afternoon at .1 o'clock from N. P. Swanaon's chapel. 17th And Cuming Sta. Interment, Dor cheater, Neb. LODGE NOTICES. LODOK ROOMS for rent. Col. 0176, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S PEST 5'kko AMBULANCE g'Sf . Thirty-third and Farnarm H U LSE & RIE PEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. '701 SouthlHth St. Douglas 12IC. "HEAFEY & HEAFEY, i lindertakers and Kmbalmers. Dione H. 205. Office 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Koriako Funeral Home. 2J1 ami J ,aia- FLORISTS LEE L. LARMON Fontenelle FlorlBls 181 Douglas St. Douglas .8244. JfVtlN HATH. 18t!i and Famnm. P SO00. J.T Henderson. 1510 Karnain. Douglas 1248 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. --John and Wsle (iiillowas-. hospital, girl. Ben and Bessie llimelbloom, 2211 Clark Ittrpet ffirl :. Jake and Yetta Prltz, 2045 North Nine teenth atreet, boy. ' Harry and Maa Hatqber, 2420 Camden . - Kline'r and Nnnnle Carson, 8405 Cali- I.ii'tiin streei, gin. . . . Aiise and KaUilena Ilennlngsen, J145 Soulh ElKhtoenth utrret, boy. '' R. V. and Mary Leonard. 270 Bristol iri'i-l. boy. Charles and Frances Kanllnger, 420 :rklne ftreet, Kill. .... . . . Tlu-odoro and K.dlth niunk, Bellevue Jboulfvard, Route No. 6, boy. Patrick and Ellen Brennen, 61i Sarpy tlloail, girl. a 3'rank and Nora Quick, hospital, srlrl. :r..Tes and Astrld Landholm, hospital, lHarnlfl and Julia Andreasen, 2514 North ?5is1y-fir.st straet. Rlrl. ' . ' ' "Clarence and Irene Pamp, R. F. D. No. B'iiisou slatlon. Klrl. Ilenths. Ralph Stephens, 20, 1559 North Seven teenth street. . Mrs. Henrietta Josephine Pearson, it, !1U! l 1 1 a I. i.vhIa't AhhAtt. HI. honnital. Mrs. Sophia Olscn, 77, 3133 Forty -second atreet. ; Haby Crimes, infant, hospital. Ma by Grimes, infant, hospital. South MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons were Issued per mits to wed: i Clarence J. Meany, over 21, Omaha, and J'earl Maria Crowe, over 18, Omaha. X iawrenca W. Moreiand. 18. Oma,ha, and ?t)iinle Nazarrjus, IS, Omaha. V Fred D. Barnett, 24, Kansas City. Mo ,and Agnea Barth, 22, Milwaukee, Wis. John Urek, 14,. Omaha., and Anna SuteJ, to, Omaha. ' ' ' ' ' ' David Burkland, 86, 'West Point, Neb., and Theodora Lundgren, 311, Omaha. Marshall H. purcell, 40, Omaha, and TUlle Allen, 36, Omaha. ; Oscar A. Sohn3, 22. Junction City,. Kan., and Ruth Klaus, 18, Abilene, Kan. : Juan Homes, 23, Omaha, and Gtmdolupe Reyes. 21. Omaha. - LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. I FOR ARTICLES LOST on atroet cars tele- phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re , store lost articles to rightful owners. I OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT , COMPANY. t LOST Near city ball, red bill book. Find- er please kep money, return book and receipts to Bee office. LOST Bunch of keys with T. P. A. identi i fleatlon tag. Please return. 40 Tem f Inal BIdg. Reward. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug 4135 and our wagon will cull. Call and inspect our new home. iuu-1112-1114 Dodge St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. C PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY. Incorporated. Douglas 1107. Arlington Block, Omaha, Neb. ; SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HE8S ! & 8WOEODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. SWEDISH massage by masseuse. Dg. 6877. RENT, vacuum cleaner. $1 up. Wal. 1947. WEAVINO. old rugs remade. ,Ty. 1433. Dressmaking of all kinds. Web. 6622! MASSAGE 210 North Seventeeht St. , SWEDISH massage. 31$ Neville ftlock." ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. i KEEP'S-HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Spe ' clal attention to children. Satisfaction '' """""Ed. pg- 2W1. Har. 2792.' f TTol Pino School for Dancing, 2424 ?.XVCI-JTlIie Farnam. Doug. 7850. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Vldg. Doug. 2066. Night Col. 3812. . JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Tyler 1130. Hemstitching and Pleating. Neb. Pleating A Button Co., 1300 Farnam St. Doug. 6670. Miscellaneous Announcements. "DIAMONDS TCn tjav thft hmt nrlne with nHvUeife t buy back' at small profiC GROSft JEWELRY CO.. 403 N, ;6tb St. Doug- IBS OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over In new- ticks at half-price of new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. 1907 Cuming street. Douglas 2467. WE do all kinds remodeling, 'ipalrlng. See our book of plans on bungal'-ws, g. 'rages. Dickson & jiewman. ao. im. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co.. HOJ iiowara ou BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug 6tor, 15th ana Ajougias gt .. yjnina. iwv. Divrrmj-wiTcnri.t. en 7.K an u.rih, Kfa HmRhlL Nflb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine SAFETY raior bCdea sharpened, new ra- 1. ' j ...1.1 OM.hi Hani, r.i) r. inaur uiaurn .win. Sharpening Co.. 1522 Podge. 103 N. 10. " PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, hot packs. CONCANNON BROS.. TYLER 6731. OMAHA WELDING CO, "The Careful Welders. " I5tb and Jackson. D. 4397. FULL dress suits and tuxedos for rent. let w. 16tn St., Job" reiaman. u. iit. PAPERHANOING and painting. Walnut 4199. Phone Omaha Towel Supply 107 & llth. 1X 623. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household, Goods. IN gomg through your attic, don't you find a lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and ether articles that you have no further use for? And have you ever topped to think, that someone might be only too glad to have them? Then why sot 1st the pobllo know you have those articles useless to you through a little want ad In Tha Bee? It costs very little and a t-day ad woald almost be sure to sell It for you. Try It Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Want Ad Dept. THREE-ROOM apartment with five-room .accommodation to party buying small 'amount of furniture. Call. Har. 4442. 9 AS range, Detroit Jewel, high oren. ex- oelleht condition. $26. Walnut, S820. iVOBY ret babf buggy. 2Saau. St BRINGING UP I I'VE COT ATEri DOLLA I III HUH? HE HADN'T COT A CENT- II II I I! ( KMiVLV AT TEtS 1 1 J!S4 WOW! THE. " M nPOr7?K,T?AKiOCK"L 0-r! WELL HE WON'T BE ABLE TO ET MORN M-. CLD f UP BARREL lt Lror!0rHT,U HADN'T EVEM fec FARE, r TA ' TTv-r-wfl--l 1 'jCl . J 9 II tsET MORNirsc- 1 1 i92i .y ;, -,atu siWv.c. inc. Hitlr - FOR SALE, Pianos and Musical Instruments. Phonograph Sale Wonderful bargains, price cut on standard makes to less than half reg ular1 price of manufacturers, also a fw used phonographs for Uttla money, big saving, act quickly. Burgess-Nash Company BIGGEST phonograph bargains In town. 1136 size. 149. SO; $150 size, 105; $300 also, J135. Records free with each phonograph. 91 records, 4"c; records exchanged, Ml. Hlilaes Phonograph Co., 14U4 Dodge St. TO MAKE room for new stock, will sacri fice all phonographs on hand; 3K15 size, $19.50; $150 size, JB5; $1 records, 46c; records exchanged, 15c. Schlaes Phono graph Co., 140 Podge St. Pianos V . Big price reductions on surplus stock of new and used pianos and player pianos In gramls and uprights. Real bargaina that will save you money. Burgess-Nash Co. A. HOSPE CO. Pianos for rent. Everything In art and music Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam. WE SELL AND RENT OUR OWN MAKE OF TYPEWRITERS, SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ON THREE-MONTH RENTALS. L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO., 403 WORLD-HERALD BLDG. TELEPHONE DOUG. 221J. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. & E.'s; bargains. 320 Neville BIdg Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, 3'4x3'4 foot platform, alio 21-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone Tyler 1000. TO MOVE OR WRECK. ATTENTION CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 10-room double house, two 6-room apartments to be moved or wrecked. For sale heap. For particulars call Doug. 2000, or Colfax 2834. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKJUL'S 15th and Harney. DuOglas 1973. SURE and safe Investment, city warrants 10 pay you to per cent Interest, lion, $500 and 4U.O0O amounts. E. G. Solomon, SU'Karbach Bldg. Douglas '6!2. WE buy, sell Bafes, make deaks, show cases, etc. omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor, llth and Douglas. D. 2724. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. FRED O. TAYLORs 603 SECURITIES BLDG. TYLER 3635. R A TcTcQ BARGAINS, 12th & Farnam, 0-tt.r Ui3 j, j. Darlght Safe Co. FOR SALE One ladles' diamond Hk. Phone Harney 2731. ring WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 0146. WILL buy second-band clothing, shoes and urntture. Ty. 2698. A. Zavett 706 N. 1. OUTTMAN pays highest prices for men's clothing, furniture, etc. H. 1172. WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. ENGINEER Ice refrigerating and power plant. 15 years' exper. Box W-136, Bee Painting, pprhg., plastering. Wal. 4567. Female. DRESSMAKING, all kinds, by day. Web. 0597. DRESSMAKING by day. Web. 0597. Laundry and Day Work. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. PHONE your ad In to The Bee. It saves time. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Want Ad Dept. BUNDLES, day work, laundry. Web. 6004. LAUNDRESS wants day work. Web. 6063. CLEANING, laundry, day work. Web. 6383. DAY work, laundry, cleaning. Web. 4123. DAY work wanted. Experienced. Web. 6631 WORK as maid, waitress. Web. 4142. Bundle washing neatly done. Web. 3197. DAY work by colored woman. Web. 6194. DAYWORK. Experienced. Webster 66.6. HOUSEMAID wants work. Ref. H. 0805. BUNDLE WASHING, daywork Har. 6679. Laundress wants daywork. Ty. -1916. DAYWORK wanted. rney 6945. 1ST CLASS laundress. Tyler 4328. 1ST CLASS laundress. Web. 2973. DAY work wanted. Webster 3204. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. CANDY maker wanted; a steady Job fr a good all around candy maker for wholesale and retail trade. State ex perience and salary wanted in firat let ter. Can also use four good chocolate dippers. McDowell Candy Co., Falr- liury, Neb. ' f BOOKBINDER Wanted Forwarder and finisher preferred. Will consider for warder only. Write Hawkeye Bindery Co.. 215 Fourth St.. Pes Moines, Iowa. WANTED AM experienced clerk fr country general store. Kindly" state Sal ary wanted with full particulars. Ad- dress Box T-1409. Cms ha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGIt. 110 So. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. i WANTED. Salesmen for Nebraska territory to sell high-grade line of men's neckwear and men's (furnishing goods. Liberal commission. Give age, experience, ref erences and full details In first letter. American Manufacturing Company, Box 1343. Dea Moines, la. SPECIALTY saieamen in silverware, rugs and blankets; can use a couple of rotu! 'men. Out-of-town work. C. F. Adams Co.. 323 8. lf.th St , Miscellaneous. MAN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowling Alley. 1807 Farnam St, HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Professions and Trades. COMPTOMETER operator, nice office, $30 or $95; Pt'B. X. operator, $i. BUSINESS MEN'S. HEKERENCW ASS'N, 917-11 W. O. W, Bldg, I FATHER HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED rntelllgfnt women to canvass house to house In Omaha and Council Bluffs. Good salary. Only those who are willing to work eight hours a day need aptly. Expurience not absolutely , necessary. Apply to Mr. Long, City Circulation Department, The Omaha Bee. HThXOUKAPHER and bkkpr.. $90-$100; stenographer, private sec't'y, $115-3125. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. Stores and Offices. Young Lady Wanted To solicit classified advertising on tel phone. Prefer one with experience. State experience and salary expected. Box Y-1410, Omaha Bee. Saleswomen and Solicitors. Young Lady Wanted To solicit classified advertising on telephone. Prefer one with experience. Slate experience and- salary exptected. Box Y-1410, Omaha Bee. u Household and 'Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised. WANTED By bachelor, housekeeper on a farm; no objection to 1 or 2 small children. Wm. Cornwall, Route 1, Schuy ler, Neb. WAKTKn A t-lrl to stav with a youne married woman nights. Room and breakfast free. So. 0690. WANTED Experienced white cook, ref erences required. Miss E. W. Nash, N Walnut 0099. WHITE woman for general housework. Call Douglas 7014. Miscellaneous. YOUNG WOMEN OF AMBITION1 SEEK ING EMPLOYMENT AT GOOD WAGES WITH OPPORTUNITIES FOR RAPID ADVANCEMENT WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO INVESTIGATE THE OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYMENT WITH OUR COMPANY OFFER. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO., EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, iNEVV TELEPHONE BLDG, ROOM 614. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-City Barber College EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountapcy. ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroafl and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or ph,one Douglas 156a for large illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, -Boy It s Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of1 Business. Day and Evening Schools. 120 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. Fore Sale Best paying hardwaW business in northeast Nebraska. Annual net profits $10,000 to $20,000. Long lease on low rental basis. Will sell for cash or Liberty bonds. No trades considered. Box Y-1399, Omaha Bee. Everything for the tire repair man;-sed. jiew equipment, tools, repair material. Vulcanizers Supply Co., 2912 garnam. TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS & Co.. 411 McCague Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. Fumishld Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS T Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so. then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will- not only furnish you with a complete room list of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number 00 our "Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make am other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit Call any time. .Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. j TO employed couple or .business women, furnished room in strictly modern noma Kitchenette If desired. Colfax 4096. 1110 DODGE! Two furnished rooms, prlv. home, breakfast if desired, garage. Harney 4815, WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Large, nicely furnished front room for gentleman. Har. 015. 8LEEP1NG room, furnace heat, bath, $3.6t per week, gentlemen only, ao. ua. TWO rooms furnished. Modern. Private laundry privileges, wen. S4. . Furnished room, 4220 Cuming. Wal. 2959. CLEAN, comfortable room. Harney 6148. SINGLE room, coxy, warm, yg. 4901. 1CELY furnished room. Har, 1924. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN UTJ. Wiu have, THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OL'n BBH ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADBRT1SER9 AND READERS. TYLEK 1000. WANT AD. ' ' FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, walking distance, on car line. u. Board and Rooms. FCR CHOICE BOARD AND RH. WATCH THE BP;K want alio, anu if jkju DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. BOARD and room, private family. 631 8 2th Ave., phone Ty. 3014. Unfurnishtd Rooms. FOUR unfurnished rms.. bath, $20 month. (25 South 80th,. Dg. 236. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. FOR RENT Near Miller park on Florence boule vard wa have a good, 8 -room house; all modern, hot water heat; garage; beautiful grounds. Will make lease. D. V. SHOLES. CO., Realtors, Douglas OOtt. 115-17 City Nail Registered S. Patent Office. U. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. SIX-ROOM, all modern house, 145. 2816 No. 25th St. Douglas 3560 or Tyler 1910. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Ex- COMPLETELY furnished two and three room apartments, will accommodate 4 people. Steam heat; within walking distance. Brown Apia., 603 N. 21st, Douglas 6644, Unfurnished. APARfMENTTFORRENT. A very choice five-room apartment In the brand new Mount Vernon located at Slat and Dewey streets. This apart ment Is very conveniently arranged,' having large, comfortable living room with fireplace, cheerful dining loom, sun room with- wall bed, good airy bedroom, tile bath and convenient kitchen. Maid's room and heated garage may be had In connection. In Dundee five rooms and sun room. 2-storv, heated, terrace in the very popular building Ardmore Terrace lit 49th and California streets: very nicely arranged, a good place to live PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "WHERE OMAHA RENTS" 17th and Farnam Sts Tyler 0n44. Tadousac Apartments Located on 38th Ave., between Farnam and Dewey Ave.; Omaha's finest and newest apartment build ing; suites of three, four and five rooms, in Omaha's most exclusive residence district. Prices, $100 to $150. Building now ready for oc cupancy. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. Realtors. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. 114 South 38th Avenue, Very desirable 3-room apt Large rms. Fine location, tlarage. WALSH-ELMER CO. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. 4-ROOM, strictly modern apartment; oak finish, newly decorated. 3012 Sherman Ave. Swensen Sales Co.. 507 Paxton Blk. THREE-ROOM apartment with five-room accomodations to party buying small amount of furniture. Call. Harney 4442. 3 AND 4-r. htd. apts., $37.60-$45. See Jan., Maple Court, 18th and Maple. Web. 494. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management SIX-ROOM, all modern house, $45. 250S Maple. Tyler 1910 or Douglas 3566. FOR RENT Business Property. 2016 FARNAM ST. Store with full ce ment basement. Auto row. Steam heat furnished. Suitable for Yiny retail business or office. WALSH-ELMER CO. Tvler 1 B ? 6. 833 Securities Bldpr. FOR RENT Store Toom, good location. S. K. Wilson, Atlantic, iowa. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room. DESK space for rent Bldg. Doug. 3663. Brandels Theater MOVING AND STORAGE. , FIDELITY STORAOE AND VAN CO. otod ri-c xmVTTMn PACK TNG HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS , REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, ldth and Jackson Sts. Douglas 0233. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. ' Separate locked . rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. . Doug. 4168. i METROPOLITAN ' VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. - Tyler 1400. UNION TRANSFER CO. ' Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908 POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FEBRUARY and March baby chicks; pure bred: eleven varieties; catalog free. Murray McMurray, Bok HZ, Webster City, Ia J BARLEY. $2.60 per hundred, delivered. A. W. Wagner, 801, N. 16th St. D. 1142. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE We i have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale-cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it: Drive It Yourself Co., . 1314 Howard St. JJoug. J622. 1917 Buick Six.iTouring Rebuilt, repainted, ncv tires, $578. I AUTO EXCHANGE CO., ' , 2204 Farnam. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc- faf frey Motor , Co. The Handy Ford ervlce Station, 15th and Jackson, Doug las 3500. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. - OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. Tire Repairing. TIRE REPAIRINOExpert iork guaran. teed for life of rasingS Wilir cr phone for price list. Express ot parcel Post paid Mbth ways' EVERREADY TIRE SERVICE CO., 314 So. 19th Bt Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roos. 27th and Leavenworth, lJept. B, O maha. Neb. FARM LANDS For Rent WANT to rent good farm. Oood references. Equipped and experienced. Jiox y-i4U, Omaha Bee. Michigan Lands. FARM BARGAINS!! , The opportunity of a. life time. Splen did hardwood lands In Antrim, Khi knska and Otsego counties, Michigan, at only $15 to $35 per acre. Easy terms. Excellent location, near markets, schools, R. K.. lakes and, streams. It costs noth ing to Investigate. Write for big free booklet. SWIG ART, J-1252, First Na tional Bank Bldg., Chlcngo, 111. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number Just out, containing 1921 facts of clover land l Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying goid farm lands Where farmers grow rich, send at once for, this special number of Landolocy. It Is free on request ' Address Bkld-more-Rlehls Land Co., 411 Skldmore Itlchle Bldg.. Marinette, Wis, SEE J1GCS AND MAGC1E IN PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY FARM LANDS. Canadian Lands. A BARGAIN a 160-acro farm In Alberta, Cunads; situated withlu 2 miles of a railroad town, all open prairie land, H under cultivation, other Improvements; must sell owing to Illness; price $22 por acre, half cash or $20 per acre, all cash. Write T. E. Olson, Prcscott, Arl. M) ACRES first class land 64 miles from market, 30 acres cultivated, can break 300 on half crov payment. $6,400 to responsible farmer. Owner, G, Bross ean, Marcelin, Sask.. Canada. FINANCIAL. T Real Estate Loans. LOANS on bouses and business prop erties. t A. PTUKEY & SON,' 630 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. 4223. WAST $10,000, 10 years first mortgage on 365 acres black, level, second bottom land, all tillable, .veil Improved, mile to station In N. W. Wisaeurl, near Iowa . line. Address Box Y-13S6. Omaha Bee. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. II. LOUGEE. INC 53S Kecline Bldg. OMAHA HOMER EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. 3100 to $10,000 made Dromntly. F. D. WEAD. Wcad Bldg., 310 8. 18th St. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money, oarvin tiros. 34b uniapa wau REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1426. WE HAVE customers for real estate, both vacant and Improved. D. V. SHOLES CO.': Douglas 004'). 915-17 City Nat. Bk. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. Douglas 1345, LIST homes and income oronertv with GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418 1st Nat Bk. Doug. 16, WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. I C. B. STUHT CO.. City Ni rkt'i Bldg. Douglas 8787. BIRKETT- REAL ESTATE! ' Sells. Rents, Insures. 350. Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 0033. ti t m nnnn xt o real estate. 1.0. 1 jZljDJjilNOlna and Rentals 60S Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglas !1 W. G. SHRIVElfS ATB 1047-3 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1333 ' LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 412 Karbach Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. COMING Near 29th St.. 44 feet; must oe sold to close estate. C. A. GrlmmeU 149. Omaha Nat'l. BanK uiag Trackage. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST., $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK, 400 Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. This property consists of three 3 room .cottages and a two-story frame flat with 6 rooms on each side; ground, 112x127; $8,000 on easy terms win buy it. .irurn TwniTAfi A SON 604 First National Bank Building, BMAlL store with flat above, on car line, modern, rent $720 year; price $4,600; easy terms, uoug. xt&i. unya. wai.sb.ei.mer CO.. Realtors, Real Estate, Investment, Insurance, Rentals. Tyler 1535. ii& securities diqk FOR SALE Tract of Gulf Coit Devel op immtCo:Plw.eJrlar29rt. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WHAT you got to trade for o of the finest ranches in Montana: 10,000 acres. Large acreage Irrigated. Ftne Improve ments. Railroad through tract, elevator , . ii urnnriovfiil alfalfajnovv growing. , Four miles from- town ot a.uuu. jiaeai cbhuujuh iw dw-h and general farming. Price $45 "per acre. A bargain. MiUer & Kenyon, Laurel, Mont FOR EXCHANGE Quarter section good level raw land In Cheyenne county, Colorado, for Loa Angeles or vicinity. O. H. Lotts, 322 South Burlington, Los Angeles, Cal. , r FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Good 100 acre Iowa farm, $220 per acre; equity, $20,090. for Omaha Income property. What have you? Colfax 0164. FOR EXCHANGE 640-acre Improved . farm for" merchandise stock or clear Income property. Farmers Umon Co operative Assn., Clinton, Neb, 320 ACRES Canada land clear- In Man itoba for Okobojl Lake shore prop erty. Write L., Box 3.11, Spirit Lake, la. WILL trade good lots for equity In mod ern er part modern house. Doug. 072. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. BUILT FOR A HOME Located at 5005 Webster St., full two story kellastone and brtek; attractive living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases; largtt dining room; up-to-date kitchen with breakfast- nook, built-in oablnets, refrigerator room, four corner , bedrooms,- on. with three . exposures; large closet In each room, also linen closet and extrri closet In hall,'' tiled bathroom with btilt-in tub and pedestal lavatory; extra toilet a.nd lavatory be tween two bedrooms; nice basehaent with lanudry tubs, toilet, coa bin. fruit room, etc. Beautiful lighting fixtures and ar tistic decorations. Lot 50x128 with paved alley. Just built Immediate possession. Look this over add see me for price and terms.- ' -v- C. A. ORIMMEL, Realtor, Omaha Nafvljk. Bldg. Phone D. 1615. Florence. NBTHAWAY, Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. West Farnam District V $8,900 Eight rooms and sleeping porch; In first-class condition; lot 60x136 feet; one block fram Blackstone hotel; ga rage fof one car. Here Is a property worthy of your Investigation. Can make terms; GEORGE & CO., , EARLY birds set theworms. See our com. pleto lists of spring buys. Price In your favor. Shopen & Co., 234 Kecline. "1 Wanted Capital Five responsible parties to form eompany and operat in Canadian oil field the com ing field of this continent. Investigate do not pass up this opportunity. Telephone Wm. J. Kelly, Tyler 0134, or address Box H 23, Bee FULL BEE REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED. West. DESIRABLE HOMES. Fine, modern, , nearly new Dundee home, sightly location; price $11,000; terms. Good home on Leavonworth, near Lock wood; price $',500; terms. Happy Hollow Blvd., beautiful homes; prices reasonable. PAUL PETERSEN, 3S4Brandci3 Thaater Bldg. D. 1805. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOH AN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4380.- North. $8,500 Value for $7,000 Six rooms, bath and sleeping porch, oak finish, neatly painted and decorated throughout, full basement; choice lot with plenty of, trees and shrubbery; paving all paid; one block to Sherman Ave.; Two blocks to 24th street , car service. Located in the beaiitiful Prairie Park addition. Osborne Realty Co. 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Doug. 2282. NORTH SIDE, $5,500 . Seven rooms, hot water heat. This home is In excellent condition through out. Living room arrangement on the. first floor and tour bedrooms and bath on the second floor. Paved street anil paving paid. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Douglas 2850. 918-29 City Nat'l Douglas 1533. 701 Peters Trust Bldg. Opportunity Knocks $4,000 $1,200 Down $27.50 Per Month Five-room bungalow, oak finish, floored attic; convenient basement, ga rage, dandy back yard, all fenced, close to car and schools. For appointment call Mr. Mead, Tyler 4701. evenings. Hastings & Heyden, ' 1614 Harney St. Phono Tyler 0050. OWNER a builder. leaving city March 15. Want to sell quick; big bargain, 6-rflom modern bungalow. Oak doors, bookcases. French doors, garage, ton truck. Worth $5,000, will sell for $4,000. $2,200 cash. Balance long terms. House rents for $45 "per month. Box W-125 Omaha Bee. TWO CHOICE LOTS. $325 each. East fronts, near 33d and Laurel Ave., just south of the boulevard; easy terms. Osborne Realty Co., Douglas 2282. 5-ROOM house, paved street, for $2,000, easy terms. Col. 0176, R. F. Clary Co., North Omaha Realtors, 2414 Ames Ave. A FEW homea and lots for sale in Park wood addition; a safe place for invest ment. Norris Sc Norrls, Douglas 42T0. SPECIAL terms on 2823 Seward St. 4-rm. bungalow. Modern, $200 cash. baL mo Crelgh. 608 Bee. Doug. 0200. MINNB LUSA homea and lota offer the bst opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest ment. 542 Pirters Trust. Doug. 897. BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l Miscellaneous. DUNDEE HOMES Located near 51st and Nicholas, six rooms, all modern:-birch and mahogany In living room and dining room; white enamel kitchen: throe bedrooms and bath second floor; oak floors on first pine second; full basement, furnace heat; 'price $7,250; terms. , New Bungalow 803 North 49th Ave., five rooms, frame construetlon, onft and white en ' amel finish, full basement, pressed brick foundation, furnace heat, built-in features; price $8,500; terms. 5012 Davenport Street Seven rooms and sleeping porch;' fin ished in oak first floor, white enamel second floor; newly decorated, hot water heat, Ruud hot water heater; paving all paid; this property can be handled on a $3,000 to $4,000 cash payment $9,500; Well constructed two-story, six-room frr-me house, located near 50th and Chicago streets; bak and white enamel finish, tastily decorated; furnace heat; two car garage; here is an opportunity to buy a good home. For further information regarding the above homes, call ' GEORGE & CO., BARGAIN HUNTERS, READ THIS Five-room, strictly modern cot tage, all on one floor, full cement ed basement with a dandy extra large hot water heating plant, ga rage fastened on house or built With house, also heated with hot water heat. A dandy floored at tic, extra large lot on paved street, paving paid, corner lot, east front. One-half block from car line, located near?0th and Ames, and can be bought for $4,200, $2,700 cash. If there ever was a snap in the city of Omaha we will prove that this 13 one. This must be sold as soon as possible. Owner ' has reduced the price to a figure that certainly will make it move. See us at otH-e. PAYNE INVESTMENT -COMPANY, 537 Om, Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1781 $200 DOWN. Modern 5-room, l!i-storv house. AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS, Doug. 1380. 330-S-4 Brandels Th. Bldg. Parents Problems Should children be taught to care for their own rooms and posses sions? By all means. Begin when they are babies, bv having them put away their toys when they have finished play for the day. Teach them to put away their own coats, caps and rubbers as soon as they can learn. Gradually advance to care of their rooms. 1 Drawn for The Bee by iMcManua Copyright, 1921 International News Service Would Allow Joint City-County Hospital Built on Poor Farm Health Commissioner Edward.-), Harry Tukry and David Cole were not received with open arms by the county board yesterday when they submitted a proposition, of a joint hospital by city and county on the county farm site. Commissioners L'nitt and O'Con nor asserted that their experience has been that when the city and county went together on any prop osition the county was required to pay most of the cost and the city en joyed most of the benefits. The commissioners favored allow ing part of the county farm to be used if the county would be al lowed credit for value of the land thus used. Woman Tries to Kill Self by Inhaling Gas Mrs. Mary Loughrey, 2418 Cass street, was found prostrate at the foot of the stairs in her home at 3 this afternoon by Mrs. Lottie Smith and Mrs. Mary Ames. Policy were called and the woman revived. She is expected to recovef. Police say investigation of the cir cumstances revealed the woman had attempted to take her life by gas. They-, say she had attached a hose from a gas jet to her mouth, but upon being partially overcome by the gas, stumbled to the stairs and fell to the first floor. A note, left by the woman, said, tier, tmsband, who is employed at the Washington market, had threat ened to leave her through jealousy over his brother.-. The note declared tlie' husband had his trunk all Hacked readv to leave, according to police. v 1 Beatrice Guard Company to Have Federal Inspection Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 25. (Special.) --Company C, which was organized here some weeks ago, has secured the necessary quota of men, and will be given a federal inspection here Wednesday night. Emmett Powell, an overseas veteran, has been named captain. Romance in Origin Of Superstitions J- By H. IRVING KING. Opening An Umbrella in Jhe House Is Unlucky. This superstition dates back to the days when in the Orient the umbrel la was the distinctive badge of mon archs and great nobles. Even today the king of Siam bears as one of his titles "Lord of the tent house and umbrellas." In ancient times the monarch, the satrap, the great offi cer of state, gave judgment seated under an umbrella if in the open, and if the palace under an umbrella or a canonv which reoresented it. Some even see1 in the Orental dome a rep resentation of the umbrella in stone a permanent umbrella, as it were, sacred to royalty, great lords and the tombs-of royalty and greatness, Now for a suitor or a courtier to open an, umbrella in the house of the mighty v would appear like an as sumption of royal prerogative a vjlation of etiquot which would surely get the offender into trouble- in other words, mighty "unlucky (or him.- Once give anything the name of being "unlucky" and there you are. "Irani, indeed, is going with all his Rose. . t And Jamshyd's sev'n-ringed cup, where no one knows." But what was, for good reason, unlucky in the' palace of Harun-al-Rashid is "unlucky" today in a New tngland cottage for no reason at all. (Copyright, 1921, by the McClure News- paper Syndicate.) Common Sense By J. J. MUNDY Brain and Brawn. , Too many folk endeavof toavw'd any task which necessitates thought. Many do not hesitate to -expend physical powers, but will get as far as possible away' from anything which demands concentration or the use of their brain power. Isn't it strange when it is well known , that brains are so far su perior to brawn in earning capacity except in exceptional cases. Why is it that you so dislike to think hard? If you can work out a problem with little thought and no apparent concentration you are not averse to meeting requirements. But are you willing to spend one hour thinking with all your might over any one serious question, puz zling situation, or circumstance? Isn't it a fact that after trying in! a desultory manner to solve a cer- tain condition you put it from you . The easiest way to you meaning the least mental effort and eventu ally the most expensive method for all concerned. Jt is the thinking,, man who is valuable. It is more important now than, it has been for some time that a man he the valuable one in the place .where he is employed. Copyright, 131, International Feature Service, luc.J Fanners to Fight Cattle Diseases Cattlemen Near Alliance Plan To Stop Spread of Scab 4 Malady. Alliance, Neb., Jan. 25. (Special Telegram.) Definite plans for deal ing with the scab and other diseases among tattle and hogs were made at a meeting here of the executive committee of the Nebraska Liv Stock Growers' association and fed eral and state officials of the bureau of animal industry. The consensus of opinion was that the disease was brought into Nebras ka bv cattle shipped from Wyoming and "South Dakota, and which had rot been properly inspected before shipment. While the scab disease has not as yet reached alarming proportions, the stockmen deemed it advisable to take immediate action to prevent spread of the malady. The plan provides for the inspec tion of all herds between now and March 15, under1 supervision of state and government veterinarians. It" the condition of the herds .shouh' warrant it. a creiipral oiiarailtilie will be applied. Otherwise the situation will be handled through notice to all stockmen to dip their cattle inij, mediately under state and federal supervision. ' The executive committee als de cided to appoint a committee of representative stockmen to investi gate the high selling charges and low cattle and hog prices at Omaha and other big markets to which west ern Nebraska cattle are shipped in large numbers. The committee tr be appointed will join with members of the maha live stock exchange in placing the complaints on yardage and feeding before the state railway com mission and the matter of alleged excessive commissions before the state department of agriculture.' Tuberculosis and other diseases among cattle and hogs were also dis cussed and recommendations made to deal effectively with the situation. Ice House Employe Hurt W hen Caught by fchatting North Platte, Neb., Jan. 25. (Special.)Tom Adams, foreman at the Pacific Fruit express ice houses, had a narrow escape from death when, as he was working near, a shafting, his clothing was caught; and he was thrown about the shaft. Tearing of his clothing saved him from being hurled into the elevator -to a sure death. He was taken to his home, where examination showed him to be suffering from severe bruises about the body, hist right leg and thigh being torn bf, the shafting. Crowd Watches Constable Force Entrance Into Shopi Constable William Fleming caused considerable commotion on the neighborhood of Sixteenth and Manderson streets yesterday whea he forced an Entrance, to the shoe repairing shop of Joseph Gurcuilo to serve a writ of replevin. The constable suspected that Gur cuilo was anrted and hostile, so he went into the place in battle array, only to. emerge without seeing the cobbler or firng a shot Two shoo , repairing machines were taken by ' the officer. Real Estate Board Opposes Municipal Light Plant Bill The legislation and taxation com mittee of the Omaha Real Estate board voted yesterday against House Roll No,,, i, now before the legislature and aimed to olace con trol of municipal electric light and power in the hands of the Metropoli tan Water board. The committee recommends favor able consideration of the bill passed by the 1917 legislature, allowing the city to buy the present plant of the Nebraska Power company at its fair .value. Dumont Will, Made in 1884 Is Offered for Probate The will of John H. Dumont has been filed for probate by a son, John R. Dumont, who asks to be named as administrator. Tht; petition states the estate is worth $1,000. It is be lieved that Mr. Dumont had deeded his property to members of his fam ily. The will was made in 1884 and the witnesses were Elbert T. Duke, C. P. Ncedham and C. S. Hunting ton. There are four surviving chil dren. Stanilarrl Kr?urf Ppica Of Gasoline and Kerosene The Standard Oil company an nounces a reduction of 2 cents per i gallon in their service station and V" tank wagon selling price op. gaso line. This makes the price 27'-.'-cents a gallon at Omaha. Kerosen oil is reduced 3 cents, making tilt price 16;4 cents a gallon at Onia!:. This 'change follows a reduction in the price of crude and a lowering cf refinery billing price. Owner of Garage Used as Distillery Plant Arrested R. A. Coylc, Creighton student, was taken into custody yesterday by federal authorities. Coyle owns the property occupied by the garage, but his defense is that he rented it to Frank Coleman. a mechanic. Police can't find Coleman Coyle was pinched. Municipal Judge Robert Pat rick sio-npfl !, bond on which he was releaosl Resident of North Platte 39 Years Dies in Hospital North Tlatte, Neb., Jan. 25,--Willard Hansen, pioneer resident, who was custodian at the local high school for 36 years, died at the ho. rital after an illness of one wtt He was horn in Deimark in 1855. married there in 1870. and his wife died here last March. He came to North Platte in 1882. An adopted daughter. Miss Th a Hansen, survives. SnpoLpr tnr Iritli T im.;.. Has Nervous Kreakdown Beatrice. Neb., Jan. 25. (Special.) Father Cronin of Wvniore. who. re- V cently returned from a trip to Ire land, where he witnessed the dis turbances in that country, has been seriously ill the past few diif. from a nervous breakdown which he suf fered while filling a speaking en gagement out in the state. His con dition is improving slightly, ' I i