Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1921, Page 6, Image 6
THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. JANUARY 24, 1921. i Classified Advertising Rates l per lint (count word la Ht I day Hki per Itn rr day, consecutivt dayt 1 per lint per day, 7 consecutivt dayi Me per lln par day. tt consecutive dat No tds taken for lua then total of Joe. Thett rattt apply tlther (o the Dally iir EumUy Bet. AH tdvertlaementt tp petr In both moraine and availing dally ptbtrt (or tha ont cbarga. CONTRACT n ATFS ON APPLICATION. Waot da tccepled at tha following el fica: . IA!N OFFICE lTIb and Ftrntiri Stt south Side ' N St. Council Bluffa '. 1 bcott St. WANT ADS BKCKIVKU BT FHONB AT TTLKR 1000. THE BEE will not bt retpontlblt for mora than ona tncorrtc.t lntertlon of an advtrtlttmtnt ordorad (or mora than ona llCLOSINO HOUKS FOR WANT ADS. Rvanlna Edition 'J. Mornlnf Edition v:29 U Sunday Edition P- M- Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. "jilK FiTNriRAI. of Dan Collins. pioneer resident of Omaha, will he held from Ilea fey A Heafey chapel Tuesday, 8:30 n. m., tVSt. Phllomena'i church, a. ni. Interment Holy Sepuk-hcr Cemetery, Emmet Monument Assn.ln cntrre. FJEJITDIRECTbRS STACK & FALCONER l OMAHA'S BEST """AMBULANCE SffKJ Thirty-third and Karnain. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 101 Southlfith St. Pouglat 12-8. "HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaken and Kmbalniera. Phone H. 2C6. Offlca 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South Q. Korlsko Funeral Hnma. 23d and O Sta. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON FZ?. J 81 4 DoUglnt St. Pouglut 24. JOHN rVVTH. 18th and Farnam. I' 8000. U Henderson, 1 6 1 Farnam. Douglas 1248. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. Hill AKTICI-BH LOST on ttreet care tele uhpiie Tyler 800. We are anxloua to re store lost articles to rightful ownera. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT COMPANY. ' . . FOUND Auto tire. CallWe0523. PERSONAL. J UK SALVATION Army Industrial home aollolta your old clothing. . furniture. magslnes. We collect. We distribute Phone Douf 4135 And our wagon will rail. Call and inspect our new borne. 1110-11! 2-1 114 Dodge St..- j,-,TS Mra. Oram cured by t.mpli dis covery. Doctors gave her up. . " send free. A. Lepso. 200, Island Ave., Milwaukee, Vi. PATENT ATTORNEYS. .1 W. MARTIN, patent atty.. I71H Dodge. PIPKINS NATIONAL AOENCT, Incorporated. Arlington Block, Omaha. UKTKCTIVK Douglas 1107 IsVb, SAY IT WITH SWOPODA, BLOWERS FROM HKS9 141 FA UN AM STREET DICKSON & NEWMAN do all kinds of re pairing and remodeling. Phone S. 2794. MATTRESSES remade. H. 1763. springs repaired. Kent elec. vac, cleaner. 81 nay, t.'ol. 4113 MV KD1SH massage by masseuse. Dg. 877. KENT, vacuum cleaner. II up. "Wal. 1947. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. MASSAGE 21" North Seventeeht St. SWEDISH massage. S18 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Spe cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 25S1. Har. 2792. Tr-vl DiriA School for Dancing. iei-X ine Farnam. Doug. 7850. 2424 Detectives. RELIABLE Detective .Bureau. al'"V Ex. Hldg. Doug. 2058. Night Coh 8812. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Bite Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Hemstitching and Pleating. Neb. Pleating Button Co. 1 St. Dour. M70. 1806 Farnam Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS X VSSE to buy hsck t,t small profit. ORM JEWELRY CO, 402 N, 16tb Bt. Doug- OMAHA PILLOW t-'OMPANT. Mattresae. made over in new ticks at prct ot new beds. Pillows renovated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. . 19W Cuming street. Douglas 246i. FILMS developed: printing and tntte. Write fo- prices. The Ensign Co.. .1897 Howard St. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can b" purchtsed at Rlalto Drug Stort. tn and PouKlaStaJinmjweo. " PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 17th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Neb. Brasa bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. SAFETY rsxor bladea aharpened. new ra ror blades sold. Omaha Rawr Sharpening- Co.. 1622H Dodge. 103 N. 1. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH BATH. Massage, noi ishb. CONCANNON BROS. L.ER 6781. weldV'o i." 15tha,r OMAHA CO. "Tha Careful Welders. nd Jackaop. D. 4397. FULL dress sulta and tuxedos for rent, 104 N. 16th St.. John Feldman. X. XW- ilAS stoves connected, 32. Repairing and house piping Phorm Harney 1619. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. P. 521. FOR SALE., Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through jour attic, don t you find a lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and ether articles that yon have - no further use for? And have you ever topped to think, that someone might be only too glad to have them? Then why not 1st the public know you have , those articles useless to yon through a little want ad In The Bee? It coats very little and a 3-day ad, would almost - be sure to sell It for you. Try it. Call Tvler 1004 and ask for the Want Ad Dept. . PIANO, library tabie drtaaer. kitchen cabinet, dining table, six dining chairs. , -Singer sewing machine, Ice bosr-Roman divan, gaa rante. child's rocker. 2540 Capitol Ave Doug. 0104. f NEW furniture, also Victor victrola, 3109. with 30 records; English wicker baby carriage. Leaving city. Exceptional value. Also sublease' apt. Tyler 6513. HOUSEHOLD furniture, complete, for sale at once. Call after 4:30 p.. m. Harney 020. Lillian Fish. FOR SALE Complete mahogany dining room and bedroom suites. 9x12 Wilton '. rug. 4808 Dodge St., Apt. No. 10. FOR SALF. HOOS1ER KITCHEN CABI NET. CALL COLFAX 3061. CHILD'S bed, Vernls Martin fin. Wal. 1644. GOOD hard coal heater. Web. 0871. Pianos and Musical Instruments. Phonograph; Sale Wonderful bargains, price cut on standard makes to Jess than half reg ular price of manufacturers, also a few nsed phonographs tor little money big saving, act quickly. ; Burgess-Nasn Company A. HOSPE CO. MS'Sa Planet for rent $160 COLUMBIA phonograph, like lew, and $45 worth of records, $95. Web. 0211. ' Pianos Big price reductlona on surplus stock of new and used, planoe and player Pianos in grinds and uprights. Real bargains that will save you money. Burgess-NashrCo. , i ' i 1 'JO make room for new etcck will sacri fice all phonographs on hand. 5135 eljse, . $49.60: $160 else, $65. $1 records. 45c. Records exchanged 16c. Shlaes Phono graph Co.. 1404 Dodge St . PIANO. Shonlnger upright, fumed ' case: bargain If taken a; once. Ty. oak 2535. SAXOPHONES -repaired; private lessons, Tyler 0358. - 1 Miscellaneous Articles. ik'KK and safe investment, city warrant! to pay you 14 per rent Interest, $10, $(.10 and $1.40 amounts. T,. O. Solomon, 517 Karbach Bldg. Dpuflai 5262., BRINGING UP i . : 1 1 1 7 I if 7 : J I : T BtCOLVY- ' IT'bAOEfjBTE' -' ' I HOPE MA4iE ' V ' C rWiOE'i or me Chance Bur i MutT don-tit tsack LOCKED IN AN' ' E.T TO CAvbEx'5 f" FOR AN HOUR ! J ' 1 ' y yrTCN FLOOR, E I y CAgV( (U 'Lxs ' ' HCM " ll is FOR SALE. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale. 3Hx3 foot platform, alia 28-Inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inqufre at Omaha Bee officer , 17th and Farnam Sts. Fhona Tyler 1000. , SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and linrney. Douglas 178. TELESCOPE High-powered, long-range, with extra lens, a for sale. Three feet long, collapsible, useful at night. Ex cellent Instrument for ocean, mountain or sightseeing trip. Will demonstrate on request. Phono Col. 4600, Exten sion 92. WE SELL AND RENT OUR OWN MAKE OF TYPEWRITERS. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ON THREE-MONTH RENTALS. U C. SMITH A BROS. TYPEWRITER CO.. 40 WORLD-HER-. A LI) UI.IK. TELEPHONE DOUG, 2213, WE buy1, sell safes, make desks, showr cases, S. W etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. Cor. J 1th and Douglks. D. 2724. DIAMOND AND JEWH;.RY LOANS. . FRED C. TAYLOR. 60i SECURITIES RLDO. TYLER S685. SAFES ba50ja,d2 12th Farnam. Darlght Safe Co. D'AMONDS on payments." lor. 603 Socurltlea Bldg. FreTd C. Tay Tyler 3685. WASHI.NO machine, reasonable. Ty. 2635. ORGANDY flowers for sale. Wal. 0617. BABY buggy, fine shape, 110. Doug. 8374. trWANTEDTTO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKSf New deaka, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 4146. WANTED To buy 60-horss type T Fair banks-Morae Co. ga engine. Reply Box Y-1401, Omaha Bee. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and iirnlture. Ty. 2S98. A. Zavett. 705 N. U. GUTTMAN paya highest prices for men's clothing, furniture, etc. H. 5172, Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND " ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and i repaired. Sola agents for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guarnnteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam, PROTECTOGRAPHS, F. V E.'s; bargain. 3J0 Neville Bldg. WANTED SITUATIONS. 7 " Male: WANTED Cleaning or ji work. Exp colrd. man. call Web. U9. Mr. Holmes. Pointing, pprhg.. plastering. Wal. 4567. MAN with team wants hauling. D. 6935. Female. REFINED, middle-aged lady would like a housekeeping position for a widower or bachelor In city or counrry. Home con sidered more than high wages. Addre-s Y-1406, Omaha Bee. or 4 ;33 S. 24th St , South Omaha (In rear. ' DRESSMAKING, all kinds, by, day. Web DRESSMAKING of all kinds. V'eb. 6622. DRESSMAKING by the day. Doug. 7892. ES9MAKING by day. Web. 0597. Laundry and Day Work. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places ara always advertised. Don't miss them. PHONK'your ad in to The Bee.i It saves time. Call Tyler 1000 and asa for tha Want Ad Dept. 1st CLASS 6247. launtlrets, experienced. Web. LAUNDRESS Wsnts day work. Web. 6063. CLEANING, laundry, day work. Web. BUNDLE washing, prices right. Web.-4519. DAY work, laundry, cleaning. Web. 4 135. DAY work wanted. Experienced. Web. 6531 WORK as maid, waitress. Web. 4142 Bundle washing neatly done. Web. 319" CLEANING, ironing. Call evgs. Web. 229" IRONING, day work, laundry. Web. 3382. DAY work by colored woman. Web. 6194. BUNDLEWA6HING, daywork Har, 5679. DAYWORK, bundlew ashing. Web. 1051. Laundress wants daywork. Ty. 1415. DAYWORK 'wanted. Harnef .C945. 1ST CLASS laundress. Tler 4328. 1ST CLASS laundress. -eb. 2973. DAY work wailed. Wfcbster 3 04. DAYWORK wanted. Exp. Wb. 8935. DAYWORK. Experienced. Webster 6658, DAY work wanted. Exp Web. 5182 HELP WANTEDMALE. WANTED Competent stenographer; rail road experience preferred. Call In per son. II. L. Van Amburgh, Uulon Stock Yards Company of Omaha. Professions and Trades. WANTED Experienced packing house, operating engineer to take charge of boilers, refrigeration and power plant. Address Box Y-1405. Omaha Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLF.G14. 11(1 So. 14th. Write for catalog. SALESMEN To sell Hassler Shock Ab sorbers for Fovd ears and Dodge Bros, cars In Nebraska territory and the touth 20 countlet of South Dakota. Strictly commission basis. Hassler Iowa Com pany. 210 11th St Dei Moines, la. SPECIALTY salesmen In silverware, rugs and blankets: can use a coup of good men. Out-of-town work. C. F. Adams Co.. 623 S. 11th St. Miscellaneous. MAN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowl, ing Alley. 1807 Farnam St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. YOUNG ladles who desire to prepare for stenographer's position to enroll In our day anel evening classes of shorthand and typewriting, and operation of comp tometer. Tuition payable monthly. In dividual Instructions. Call tnd tee us or telephone Douglas 7415. Dworak School, of Accounting. 2flonr Wad Bldg. 18th and Farnam, Professions and Trades. WANTED First-class hsnd ironer and ex perlenced mangle girls (white). No phene calls. Blackstone Hotel. Idry. dept Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent whltai girl for gen ersl housework. Maid's room with pri vate nam on second floor. Fhone Wal nut 2918. GIRLS ' Watch tba Domestic Column f The Be Want Ada. Good, well-ptld and nomtitke piacea alwaya adverilied. EXPERIENCED nurse for 2-year-old cnuu; reierruces requireq. liar. 0093, WANTED White girl to help with house- wprii tnn care or cmiaren. web. 6o.,3. Bee Want Ads Are Best "tiusiness Getters.' FATHER HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. : WANTED .. ' ITOUNO WOMAN ABOUT 20 YEARS OF AGE. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE PREFERRED 114 PER WEEK TO START. APPLY ROOM' 614, NEW TELEPHONB t BLDG., 19TH AND DOUGLAS STS. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. NEWSPAPER ' CANVASSERS WANTED ' Men .and women to canvass liouse to house in Omaha and Council Bluffs; experience not necessary; must be -willing to work eight hours a day. See Mr. Long, The Omaha Bee. WANTED .Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complefe courses 111 accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less teletciachy, civil service and all English and commercial brands. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Adilrcfs BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyfca Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ' V Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5990. '- BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE or trade 13-room strictly mod em brick hotel and cafo doing -m ex clusive business ' in one of Iowa's best small towns, only place to at and sleep. Owner must move where pro fessional medical attention can be ob tained, so will trade for good Omaha property. Write or see me at once, room 242, Keen hotel. FOR SALE Fully equipped Ice plant, motor trucks, lee houses, motor Ice saw, hoists, tools: well located; business known as Blue River Ice Company. Seward, Nob. Everything ready to fill the 4 large tee houses and must makn quick sale. Ice season now on. Terms of sale reasonable. (Write or wire H. D. Landts, Seward, Net). FOR SALEr Strictly first-c'ass , oonfec- tlonery and bakery In the best town iti the state. Terms given to responsible party. Reason for selling, golni; into the wholesale business exclusively. Tha Dickey Cream Co., North Tlatte. Neb-. Fora Sale Beat paying hardware buUnesi in northeast Nebraska. Annual net profits 810,000 to 920,000. Long lease en low rental basis. Will sell for cash or Liberty bonds. No trades considered. 'Box T-1399,! Omaha Bee. IE you have few hundreds and wish M make a few thousands with a steady poaitlon, call at 3932 X. 36th St. ItESTAURANT for sale chesp, adrress No.-16th St., Doug. . 7557. TO GET in or out of business, tee LEWIS it Co.. 411 McCague Bldg. ': FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKINO FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient fo you?' If so. then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furniah you with a complete room list of choice vacant rooma In Omaha, but also keep your number on our "Wanb to Rent" list for further refer ence in case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tiaera of The Omaha Bee and published solly for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept WEST FARNAM DISTRICT Large, nicely furnished front room for gentleman. Har. 1015. SOUTH room and lavatory, also east room; private home; west Farnam, also garage. Walnut 2S90. TWO rooms furnished. -Modern. Private laundry orlvlleges. Web. 04!. 4116 DODGE. 2 nloely furnished rooms priv. home, breakfast !' desired. H. 4S15 SLEEPING room in modem, private home. 3 gentlemen. 2102 Maple, Web. 1401. ROOM for gentleman In private family; - board if desired. Har. 66:!0. TWO sleeping rooms, one on 1st floor with fireplace. Har 7116. FURNISHED room in private home. 669 So. 26th Ave. Har. 171. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE ROOM ON CAR LINE. HARNEY 6145. FURNISHED room, suilnble for gentle man. 607 Park Ave. Har. jbtioi. NICE warm sleeping room. 361.'7 Harney. ROOM for 1 or 2 gentlemen. H. 6291. NICE front room at 2961 Farnam St. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WBi linn THE. BEST IN CITT. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR' THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ,TYLEt 1000. WANT AD. ! 2 FURN. mod. hkp. mis., everything fur nished, to employed people, wen, tins. STEAM -HEATED furnished housekeeping rooms, single and enwulte. o'-'T jtarney. Suite light housekeeping rms.. evry thing turn. No children, U6 fn. 34th , Ave. 1 LARGE front room, either sleeping rooms or housekeeping for 2. u. o6v. 424 N. 17TH ST. Front rms., bath floor, 3 blocks north of postomce. , TWO light Mason. housekeeping rooms. 261.1 nrlvatj bath, also 2-r. com- pltt; Under new management. T.v- 6073. Board and Rooms. FCR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. VA'lUi 'THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU nn vrvr rnjn what YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS - LA ROE room, private home, Harney lir.e; meals if desired: gentlemen. Mar. i.y FURNISHED suitable for tm, with board; modern. blk. to rat. Wnl. 1 1 37, 528 S. 26TH AVE. Nlct furnished double room for 2. Board. H. 2129. DOUBLE. and single rooms, board; close In. 2516 Dodge. Doug. 9158. ROOM for gentleman In private family board If desired, liar. 6630. TWO unfurnished light housekeeping rooms. Garage if drsir.'d. Unfurnished Room. . THREE unfurnished 1LJ.141. nis, first floor. FOR RENT HOUSES. , ' UnfurTushed: FOUR room-.'' $1 iflO So. lath St. Registered ' U. S. Patent' Omc. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4J00 Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. V Ex- COMPLETELY furnished 3-room apart ment, steam heat, within walking die stance. Brown Apts , 60$ N. 21st St. Doug. 5644. , Unfurnished. Tadousac Apartments Located on 38th Ave,, between Farnam and, Dewey Ave.; Omaha's finest and newest apartment build ing;' suites of three, four and five rooms, in Pmaha's most exclusive residence district. Prices, $100 to $150. Building now rea.dy for oc cupancy, v ' ' O'Keefe Real Estate Co. , Realtors. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. ,x .. A 'ART.M ENTS" FO Rlt ENT T A veiy choice five-room apartment in the btyind new Mount Vernon located at 41st and Dewey streets This apart ment is very conveniently arranged, hnvlnu large, 'Comfortable living room with fireplace, cheerful 'Jining mora, sun room lth wall bed, good airy bedroom, tile bath and convenient kitchen. Maid's room and heated garage may be had In connection. i ' In Dundee five rooms and si'n room 2-storv. healed, terrace in the very popular building Ardmote Terrace n n 49th and O'l.'ovnia streets; very nicelj arranged, a gocd place to live r For further information Sunday call Alfred C Kennedy at Hmney 'iTO:! PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "WHEBIJ OMAHA RENTS" 17th ar.d Farnam Sts Tyer Oi.44- li -ROOM modern flat, 120 North 26tb Si. $55 tier month. ' PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "WHERE ISMAHA RENTS" , 17th and Farnam Sts Tler 3 AND 4-r. hid. nptg.. sv.s-ii. jru, Maple Court, mm ano niKpie. ww. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management SIX-ROOM, all modern hnusV, 845. 2505 Maple.. Tyler 1910 or Douglas S556. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. FOUR or five-room modern apartment. Not over 810". Rose. Co.iant Uriel. FOR RENT Business Property. SUITE of offices for rem. consisting of 2 nrivate offices and one reception room. Inquire ,Rm. -400. 1st atl. Bldg. ' ; EXCELLENT Second floor suite, fine loca tion on Farnam street. Moderate rent. Call Mr. Kemp, Dg. 714. FOR RENT Store room, good location. S. R. Wilson, Atlantic, jowa. ; SEE F. D. WE AD. 310 S. 18TH ST. OARAGE for rent. TI030 Ames. Col.sQ.5U. Office and Desk Room. DESK space for rent. Bldg. Doug. 3663. Brandois Theater MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, i FREE RENTAL SERVICE. ! COMPLETE LIST OP HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, Uth snd Jackson , Sts jm";la'' JlzSjt " MOVING-. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. 1 OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. nit South Doug. 4163 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. VJoweu Co. Tyler 8400 UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing snd storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908 .HORSES AND VEHICLES. LIGHT team of farm mnres. D. E. Ehlers, phone Bellevue 68. Route 5. So. Side. LIVE STOCK. UOOD fresh milch cow. some good n. 357S. 10 pound ' shoals. r A-l JERSEY milch cow. So. 2134. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. ERUUARV and. March bnby chicks; pure bred; eleven varieties; catalog free. Murray McMurray, Bux '112, Webster i , City, la. BARLEY. $.50 per hundred, delivered A. W. Wagner, eui'.n. iiitn '.. u. in:. R. T. R. Cockerels for sale. Wal. 55S9. HOMER pigeons for sale. Col 2771). AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE, LES FOR S .DAN. BU! DODGE SEDAN. BUMPERS FRONT AND REAR, AND OTHER EXTRAS. LIKE NEW. $1,050. AUTO EXCHANGE, 2204 Fatham. Doug, trf'31. YVe have some splendid 19l9 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive4t Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. WILL sell my D-passengcr Sieams Knight touring car at a bargain: this car is in excellent condition and can be purchased on time payments or for cash. Call Harney 5459. . 4 SOME bargains in used Kurd cars. Mc Csfrrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jacktar. Doug- las 36"". ; "WiiTTrMXiV flyer. W R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. t52fl Farnam Si. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harct;' Sts. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor II. Roos. 27th anJ Leaven wort In Dep': K. Oinij. Neb. FRM LANDS For Rent. , FOR I.KASE 4,0S0-acr ranli, Unown as SMllnutn rnneh In Itrnwn rounty, Ne braska. 7 miles north of Lorg Pine; -tra well imnroved, vr!l fenced; tiiio sure In i-ulti'Tiiior,: kmIi snd nrjlp farm. U't'l ctll-r-r uni 'or cssli or en share of cir-ps and pasture. Write H. Onodmsn, .",U3 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City. Mo SEE J1GGS AND MAGGIE IN PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY FARM LANDS.' Michigan Lands. FARM BARGAINS! ! The opportunity of a Ufa time. Splen did hardwood lands In Antrim, Ksi kaska and Otsego counties, Michigan, at only 115 to 836 per acre. Kasy terms. Excellent location, near markets, schools, R. R., lake and streams. It oosts noth ing to investigate. Write for big free booklet. SWIG ART, J-l 262, First Na tional Bank Bldg.. Chicago, 111. Missouri Lands. FREE All about the Oxarks and list of cheap farms, all slues, best,' of terms. Durnell Land Co., Cabool, Mo. Wisconsin Lands. l.ANDOLOOY special number just oui. containing 1921 facts or clover land is Marinette county. Wisconatn. If for a home or as an investment you are thinking of buying go id farm lands where fanners grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. It la free on request. Address Slild-more-RIehle Land Co.. 438 Skldmoie Riehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. We Have MONEY TO LOAN on houses and business propciticr A. P TljKEY & SON. 620 1st Nat. Bk. Blue. Doug. 4-'::. WANT $40,000, 10 years first mortgage on 365 acres black, level, second bottom land, all tillable, well improved, mile to station in N". W. Missouri, nenr Iowa line. Address Box Y-1386, Omaha Bee. FIRST mortgage real estate fann mort gage for 85,000, one year and hnlf valu- at 10T. Further guaranteed by V.anker's personal guar?ntce who makes $175,000 statement. Box W-134 Dee. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. e. h; lougee. inc.. . 538 Ketllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 271S. $100 to $10 000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 310 S. 18th St. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money, tiarvtn Bros. 34s Omaha Nat Stocks and Bonds. LIBERTY bonds wanted. We have a inoney-making Investment. Will take your bonds at par. . Write at once. Go gerty Lathrop Co.. Newcastle, Wyo.- REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sen Omaha Real Estate' tee FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. BU. Bldg bouglai H26. WE HAVK cufttnnurs for real estate, "both ' vac .nt and 1 'inrovcd. D. V. SHOLES CO., ' Douglas 0041. 91.-1-17 City Nat. Bk. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. ' Douglaa 1844. LIST homes and Income property with J GRUENIG REALTY CO; 1418 1st N.M. Bk. Doug. 1966. WE SPECIAL1ZK IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l Bidg. Douglas 8787. RTPIflTfT RlCAL ESTATE: L1JjA A Sena. Rente, Inaurea 350. Peters Trust Bldg Doug 0688. PT'rPE1PPI,MCK';AL ESTATE. .J. X JliJjDllllNOlna and Centals 60S Omshs Nat'l Bk, Bldg. Douelaa IHJ W. G. SHRI VER rurancaTTk 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Hide,. Doug. 1831 LISTINGS' WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. VACANT LOT BAR-' GAIN, MINNE LUSA V ' $800' Paving paid td O.ate. This Is real value and if you aspect to be fn the market this spring it will pay you to take advantage of this at this low-price. Nonresident owner needs money. GLOVER & SPAIN. Realtors. . Doug. 2850. 918-20 City Nat. CUMING Near 29th 8t.. 44 feet: mutt oe told to close estate. .'. A. CrimnitL $49. . Omshs Nst'l Bank Bldg. ' Trackage. FOR SALE A snap. Lease on splendid warehouse and factory site. Buildings included. On IT. P. R. R. track. Omaha. Ground space 80x136. Phone Douglas 6083. O. D. Tohe, 1115 Farnam. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST., $50 PER FOOT. BOSTW1CK, 400 Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. This property consists of 6 rooin cottages snd a two-story frsme flat with 6 rooms on each side; ground, 112x127: $x,00 on easy terms will buy it. ALFRED THOMAS & SON C04 First National Bank Building. SMALL stoie with flat above, on car line. modern, ront $720 year; 1734. price days. $4,500; easy terms. Dour. WALSH-ELMER Co.,' Realtors. Rea Estate, Investment. Insurance, Rental". Tyler 1536. 333 .Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WHAT you got to" trade for one of the finest ranches In Montana; 10,000 acres. Large acreage irrigated. Fine improve ments. Railroad through tract, elevator and loading station on land, wonderful alfalfa now growing. Four miles from town of 3.000. Ideal condition for stock and general farming. Price $45 per v acre. A bargain.. Miller Ken) on. Laurel. Mont. 3:0 ACRES Canada land clear in Man itoba for OUoboli Lake .shore prop i rty. Write I... Box 8t). Spirit Lake. Ia. WILL trsde good lota for equity in mod ernor part modern hous". Doug. OiV'S REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suhuiban prup'ty. Col. 14U. rRFXLESTAfEIMPRbVEDr" T' West. West Farnam Bungalow Just listed a 6-rooni, r-tnctly modern new bungalow, all ou on floor; oak floors and oak finish: lull cemented basement with all modern conveniences; rice lot, (cast front on paved street, paving paul. Uwner lias reduced tne jirioc of this ' propertv $1,800 and as offered to sell for $8,200 with i'.illy one-half osh. If . looking for something in a first-class rcsi- t.rnce district we have it. J Iu I roperty is located at 41 ft ar.d Uiicago. Payne Investment Co., 537 Om. Nat. Bank Bldp. D. 1781. Drawn Copyright, " FULL BEE I HELLO DlNTy- 1bJ5jiNG OVER iOHE KET?! AN' AN AE - I'M LOCKED IN M ,'tl, "iTi 1821 Financial She $tv J0rk Simes. By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chieaga Tribune-Omaha Bea Ltewed Wire. New York, Jan." 23. The weekly showing, of the New York-Federal Reserve bank on Saturday, with its 2'3 per cent decrease in ratio of reserves, was disappointing,, but the complete statement of the reserve sj'stem, published yesterday, proves that no general impairment of posi tion occurred last week. On the contrary, a rise of half of 1 per.; cent 'brought the system's average reserve ratio to i figure 3 per cent higher than any reported in 1920 and 34 per cent above this week a year ago. Reserve percent ages, in fact, increased last week with each of the 12 reserve districts except New York, Kansas City and Dallas. " ...... - . Equally striking is the reduction of $M 000.000 .reported for last week In the s stem's nolo circulation. Ever district except Richmond shared in this reduc tion which brini-'s the total of outstand ing notes $289,600,000 below that of only four weeks 'ago, when the high mark was reached. All this indicates steady .progress toward a normal position. But the further feet remains that even in this period of fade reaction and deflated credit, outstanding federal reserve rate circulation is still $261.(100.004 higher than a vesr avo this 'week and redls cr.unts greater by $330.0110.000. This . Is the simplest explanation for the retention of the hlirhest reserve bank rediscount fates ef 1920. ' Trend of Sanation. . i We have now advanced far enough Into the new year to. get at least some Idea of the eharnrter and trend of the genera! situation. It It as true now as it al ways has been, that new influences of tho larirer sort which shape the financial and industrial histor" of a 12-month pe riod do not make themselves felt until the sprlne time; that the first two or three months of a yesr re apparent in general to represent mere!v continuance ef the conditions prevalent before the year began. . But under circumsta-ucas such ss srose last autumn, the meth ods of doing buslns snd using credit sometimes gives a false Importance to the December marleets and causes a wholly distorted view of the actual sit uation, This has to, be corrected after the "year-end settlements" are ended. Larger conditions underlying the markets will not be changed; but it will be pos sible, as it was not in December, to un derstand exactly what those conditions are. The outstanding facta as shown by thi movement of markets sines New Year's day are that the world-wide strain on credit has relaxed; t'iflt trade reaction baa not yet run Its full course, though Hi consequences are much less serious then had been exneeted: that financial and commercial liquidation has released great .amounts of cspltal. notwithstand Iiit that 4he credit and currency ac count at the central benk'.nr institutions lias as yet ben brought only part way b"fk to normal, and. that In anticipation of te comparative!-, e-sy moncv which Is destined presently to prevail - hlffh jrrarte investment bonds (especially gov ernment's), have advanced throurmut tbs world ard ej:chanre rates on markets wit! den-eclated! currencies have- recov ered ranldly. A tb"se nheromena have a co-nmon cause and point in the same direction. Expectations t'pset. Tin logic of ths movement In foreign exclipn'-e and in the Investment mar kets mr bet be understood by recalling what was the prevalent expectation aft er the sitrninT cf the armistice. Even' high financial circles looked at. t.ha.t time, fl-st for a great decline from war time prices of commodities, next for re covery of investment bond orices when our ..own huge war loan issues were ter minated, then for the piecing of Amer ican capital on en immense scale 'In new Fpropcan securities to take or anti-rinate Eu'-orte's trade indebtedness to America, and findlly. ss a natural conseouence, for something like stability in foreign ex change. How comntetely every one o( these' expectations as unset through dl vcslon of our e-ei!t and -capital to the wild neulntioi in our own markets due. :-ig 1919. every on,'e knows. But with the definite . ending of that period of ur.ecu'stive manie. our markets are at last back on a footing where they can again cnnsMer dealing with the reali ties of. legitimate after-wer finance. St. Joseph Lire Stock. St. Joseph. Mo., Jan. 22. Cattle Re ceipts. 100 head; market nominal: steers. $f..309.30; cows and heifers, $3.23if?9.00: calves, $6.00910.50. Hogs Receipts. 1.300 head; for shippers. lOlfdlCc higher: packers, slow: top. 89.30; bulk of sales, $8.909.30. Shen and Lambs Receints. none: mar ket nominal; lambs. $9,75410-50; ewes. ?e..iU REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Omaha Real Efltnte and Investment JOHN T. BOHAN. SCI Psxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4580. DUPLEX flat. West Farnam. 6 rooms, till bath, sleeping porch, east side. Rent $190 mc. $16,000. Terms. D. 1734 days. EARLY bird get the vorms. See our com plete lists nf spring buys, price.- In your favor.' Shonen : Co.. r?4 Keel!ne. North. TWO CHOICE LOTS. $325 each. East fronts, near 33d and Laurel Ave,, just south of the boulevard; easy terms. Osborne Realty Co., Douglas 2282. OWNER a builder. leaving city March 15. Want to sell eiuick; big bargain, 6-room mstjern bungalow. Oak doors, bookcases. French doors, gartge, ton truck. Worth $6,000. will sell for $4,000. $3,200 cash. Balance long terms. House rents for $46 per month. Box W-125 Omaha Bee. A FEW homes and lots for sale in Park , wood addition: a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls & Norrts. Douglas 42,0. SPECIAL terms on 28:l3 Reward St 4-rm bungalow. Modern, $200 cash hal. mo Oreigh. 60S Bee. Doug. 020(1. MINNE LUSA hornet and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest vour money Phone Ty Dr 17. j B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest-m-nt. 542 Peters Trust. Dotig. 9(ni7, BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 OiNsT'T South. 6710 8. 8ST1I ST. For sule, 6-r. bouse partis modern, on paved street. Price $3,000. Half cash. South 4772. , Opportunity A lttrir, natlonr lly known of fiVv appliance mariufiu-Miirer has n an opening for n satM eRfnt In ih Tndianapolia territory. This la nn vnusuat opportunity for th niun v ho posfch real aelHnic abtUt, nnd who ha hd expprinc In .Mictnn". trnlr.Inur anil manaKinte ,-ilesmen. ' consider most fu jrahly a man who ha had tif- -Mafiil experlwnrt in offl-a nnpli nin'f or attlonry field . Must l avr limited ' financial rcuponnlbllliv Writ fully In utrlct ronfidotic. nclOHlnur your photo. maUlnr your letter r.frt your ability. Po: T 1 404, Omaha Hp. r HFRI1 for The Bee by McManus :2t International Nana Service D Y INT L Ft TUW1 8WVICt. INC Omaha Produce Fruit Bananas: per lb., 10c. Oranges: 160-176, v$5.60; 20O-S16, $5.60: 250-28, $5.25. Lemons: 270 Sunkist, $5.60; 270, choice, $5. Orape fruit: Blue Goose. Skl Hl or Favorite, 48, $4.75; 64, $5; 64-70-80, $5.60. Apples: Delicious, 175-188-200, $4; fancy Wine Saps, slaymcn or old fashioned, 7280-88-113-163, $3: 176-290-216.223, $2.75; choice, 175-200-216-225, $2.50; Jumble $1.76; Ganoes, $3; 1)1. Twigs. '$3; York Imp., $3. Vegetables Swoet. potatoes. baskets, $3.50. rotatoes: Idahoe Whites, cwt $2.25: R. R. Ohios, $2.50. Cabbage, per lb., 2tc. Onions: Spanish, crates. $2.60; Red Globe, per lb., 21c. English wal nuts, Black Diamond, lb., 27c. Root Vegetables Beets, carrotts, per lb., 2Sjc; parsnlps-rutabagoes. 2Vsc; white turnips. per lb., 3c. Oreen vegetables: radishes, per doz $1,25; shallottt. per doz., $1; parsley, per do.. 90c; spinach, per lb.. 12c; cucumbers, per doz., $4: green peppers, per lb., 40c: leaf lettuce, per doz.. 85c; head lettuce, per crt., $4; head lettuce, per doz., $1.50;. cauliflower, per crt., $2.25. California , celery: rough, crates, $6.50; extra. Jumbo, washed, $1.75 special Jumbo, washed, $1.60; medium Jumbo, washed. $1.26. , Miscellaneous Honey, 24 fraynes, per case, $7: dates. Dromedary, 36 pkgs., per case, $6.75; Cherkers-C'hums-IrackerJack, 100 to case, prize, 97; 60 to case, prize, $2.50; 100 to rase. No. prize, $6.76; 50 in case. No. prize, $3.40. Nuts Cocoanuts, per sack, $9; cocoa nuts, per doz., $1.40; peanuts. Jumbo, raw, 16c; peanuts. Jumbo, roast, 18c; peanuts, No. 1, raw, 10c; peanuts, No. 1, roast, 12c; peanuts. 10-lb. can. salted. $2.75. Wholesale price? of beef cuts are as fol lows: No. 2 ribs, 28c; Xo. 3 ribs, 16c; No. 8 loins, SIVic; No. 3 loins, 19V4c; No. 2 rounds, 20c; No. 3 rounds. 16c: No. 2 chucks. 12c; No. 3 chucks, lOjc; No. 2 plates, lOViC; -o. 3 plates. T0c. v University1 Notes. Registration for the second semester at the state university will begin January 26 and continue until January 29. Final ex aminations for the first semester began Saturday morning and will continue through this week. . Fifty-six 'senior are candidates for de grees from the University of Nebraska in the mid-year graduating clars. This num ber Includes candidates for the Junior certificate, Senior division students are re quired to make a grade of 80 in any Junior division courses they may be tak ing, In order to obtain full credit In such courses, '"i , The Nebraska Press association, which will hold Its annual meeting In Lincoln, Febouary 11 to 13. will be entertained by the Prews club of the university during their sessions on the campus. The Ne braska editors have invited members of the Press club lo tt.tend-their meetings. Members of the Nebraska press will be asked to address the students and to In spect the Journalistic work of the uni versity the Daily Nebraskan,. the Blue Print, The Cornhusker. Agriculture and Awgwan. with the various business and editorial staffs in action. Editors of Nebraska high school weekly or daily papers and their sponsors are (o b invited to hold an all-state conven tion at the university In the near future, according to a motion adopted at the last meeting of . the University Press club. There are t number of high school papers published by student editors in the larger schools of Nebraska. New members of the Daily Nebraskan staff were appointed i by the publication board this week. Those receiving ap pointments were: editor, X. Storv Harding: managing editor. Jack Austin; associate editor, Jessie Watson; news editor, Orvin Oe.ston, Oregg McBride and Roy Gustaf son. The Omaha club held its regular meet ing Thursdav In the social se-ience audi torium. A novel entertainment was given under the direction of Gladys Mlckel, after which action was taken on the selection of a pin. The possibilities of reviving Omaha Day were also discussed. The Y. W. C. A. is sponsoring a move ment known as'a Get Acquainted Contest. Ttae object of the contest is for each mem ber to become acquainted with all the other members. As there are 600 members a movement of this kind should foster the greatest democracy that has ever been started on the campus. Nebraska Wesleyan. Under tht direction of Or. W K. le Mosa. Hit department of KiiRlish at Ne braska - AVcsley an s bMnf? thoroughly re organised. . A modified plan of tJie Har vard svfltem of teachlniT has been adopted. A combination of lectures in which funda mental principle are evolved and writin? of t home ia ma '1 . e system of atudent readers whUh I. sreneratly fol lowed In American colleges ia entirely done away with, . .A novel efulvnr (n educational circles will he the summer trip for art students and teachers being planned by Prof. May T. Mapon of Nehraska Wesleyan, to be taken at the end of the eight week's summ school. During that period she will offer courses on the campus. Then a pa rty of In t areate A persor n will be formed t maUa a four or five weeks' trip to the art centers of America. A non sorority association bra been organized at Nebraska Wesleyan called the Order of the Golden Thain. A mem bership en mp a ten is now on. t the start about 70 srlrls slimed fo- nVrnbershio, without solicitation, Doan Kit Ford Mil ler is taking a leading nrt in the orga nisation.' Classes wi'V be farmed; to atudr the literature of chimpood and, to secure orpHlc tn i'p 'ratin'r U':h literature to children. Another clflp wttl be formed to st"d aM apiveelption Prof. TV, t. Tluyle of TVesler an is start ing some original research work in solving the. problem of what bcoires of the coun try boys and girlg w'lf't thy stri';e lb? city. An account will ha taken of their average s'leeas in comparison with othr folk. The investigation will also cover th asylum and penitentiary, to ee If rural life contributes to these Institutions. The dramatic club of NebraKka V's!eyan has been asked to give a program at th state penitentiary soon. Its members will co-onerat" with the YTesleyan or h- sfra to provide the program for that occasion. Wmlnntions of the 'class officers at Ne braska Wes'eyan will he submHrel f r the annroval of the college council, Jan uary 24. Doane College. The Doane Tiger will not be published urtil fall this year. The present stsff will continue s long ss trey are in ol lctte. and work is well under way. An rt'fice hss bce'i located for the staff in Merrl'l Hall snd regular meetings are held. The various classi s, glee clubs nnd other groups are having photographs taken. The business mans gMienl is pre senting a Tiger lo the lioaue student or alumnus who will write the best yollegs org "it to mnif. IVean A. (J. Heyhoe addressed the sou dents ni his life in t'i. easld" slum district of greater New Tnrtt. lie i'o told stories of his work at Kills t'nnd with tho Immigrants. The Lndies' liouble Octet!,- b been re omnnized. Several new voices have b en added to tal e the places of tl.ose who are not In Donne this year. The president 0." the Lollies' Olee club was chosen to represent 'tie club In "Student Council." ' Ralnh Tvlor. manager of the men's glee club, will begin dating for the spring trio, before the end ot the s-mrster. The debuting sousd is organised and ar busy finding material for the Inter collegiate question. More than "ft de bs ters are out for a place on the honor This Is exiulnatior, weelt tnd the new senirster begins January "4. President Bennett went to Aurora. III., to attend a meeting (of the "Commission of 100" In the forward movement. lr. .. M. Wilson of the Omaha The ological seminary addressed the students tn chapel Wednesday. The V. M. C A. snd T. W. C. A cabinets met to decide upon th dste for the student life conference, which is held yearly t the 'time of the Day of Pis wr "for colleges. , February March I and 5 are tke dates decided upon. rtev. M. I'. riradVtaw. the nev.' student life secre tary, and li'H'i Margaret Taylor of the training school for unnien at Chlmso, w Hi probably he on the lesm visiting the college. Red Followers Cheer Departure Of Soviet -Agents "Ambassador" Martens ami Party Show Little Sadness At Leaving America Predict Early Return. New York, Jan. 21.- Soviet Rus sia's official family in the I'nitrrl Statfs 45. persons left amid clicers from' hundreds who s tupa thize with the Moscow government. On the steamer were 00 radicals deported frojn .Ellis Island, but the groups did not mingle. The radicals were huddled into the steerage, while the deported "anibass&dor," Ludwitf Martens, led his official party to the deck and with his wife, entered a suite c!e luxe, while his staff and associates provided them selves with cabin accommodations. Some of those in the soviet party departed voluntarily, while others sailed at the command of Uncle Sam. All but one sni'led as their ship steamed past the statute of liberty. The only tears were shed liy',1-year-old Svetlana Martens, born in Brooklyn and daughter of the "am bassador." Red flowers," soiigs for the soviet and shouts of encouragement, burn forth on the crowded piers, but ouly one red flag was seen. The man who waved it soon lost both the banner and his hat and acquired a black eye and an' injured nose. After five young Americans caught him outside the pier, he predicted lots of red flags .would flourish in the United State. This thought was shared by the departing Russians and many of the hundreds who fhowered the.m with kisses and cries of "comrade' "Ambassador" Martens said his absence would be only temporary and would be "wondered at in the near future, when the United States WeUly Prominent Lincoln ' Grain Man Killed by Holdups at His Home ; Lined.! i Neb.. Jan. 23. fl a. ,.) (Speeial Telrgram.) Shortly before I this morning, Adriau Bars'tow, 26 son of W. T . Barstow, prominent Lincoln gram man and head of the Barstow Eleator company, was c.l,f,t and killed, presumably by holdup:, loung Barstow was associated with Ins father m the grain business. lit is well known in Omaha and other cities of the state. He returned home after midnigh' and had just put his automobile in the garage when his sister and mother were au-aL-mprl 1,. .i, pf two shots. The sister investf- gated and found her brother lying in the driveway with a bullet wound in his eye and another in the body Police and physicians were "sum moned, but he died on lu'3 way to the hospital. His assailant stood close jo him when the shots were fired as his face was badly burned with' powder. PoltVo theory that robbery was the motive ior tne shooting. 4 Chadron Normal. . Berirrr I n Vlnli,, (.U-.. was keenly enjoyed. Great things are in store for the com mercial department. Much has alresclv been accomplished with the equipment we lmv now. but plans for the future win add new features of much value. Three attractive, courses to he offerfd next s-mester are those in commercial law, of fice practice, and salesmanship and ad vertising At chapel Wednesday the senior choir repeated by request, the two, anthems which they sang at the Christmas vespers The normal orchestra played "Scenes from the South." Following- this number , a group of songs by Miss Grace Russell ino last number. "Vogiland," a fox trot was played by the orchestra. At chapel Friday, Coach West, on behalf of the C hadron state normal. . presented sweaters tn the hoys who won letters dur ing the 1920 foot ball season. Thursday ihe. A. f P. enjoyed a short Indian program, given by several members of the society. Slargaret Korncy told, in t Try pleasing manner, "The Lives t Three Indian Chieftains;" Martha Brack- ' man save an interesting account of "The Indian' rhild t First Days in flchool:" Eleanor Jensen geve a splendid discussion on the topic. "Indians In Art," and addrd much Interast by showing pictures o." famous pieces of sculpture related to In dian life. York College. The second semester will open January 31 Prs. H. V. P.oop recently spent thre weeks in the east in the Interests of ths college. S'ev-ersl members o'f the faculty have occupied ti e pulpits In Various Fnlted l.rethren churches during the psst few week-s. They have presented the worH: and needs of the school and have met ajiuni be of prospective students. The annual sophomore-collegiate tecep iio:i wes held in the reception room of Mlilltt conservatory. After a period of conversation, a very enjoyablo program vss (rjcett by the sophomores. The Histrionic c'nn. directed by Miss Kuth Keys, recently presented in the col lege rhaoel the play. "The Importance of Being fclarmst." by Osrer "Wilde. M'oduesday evening, the T. w. C A. and . M. C. A. held a iolnl tlierting at the conservatory. It whs immdiHioly fol lowed by the reKUlnr meeting of- stu dent volunteers and life work recruits. Two excellent musical programs were giien in the college ch;ipc! by the students f the music d 'pr-rtmont. The first whs" given by the advanced students under the direction of Dean Ciisrles Amnion end Miss Eda Rankin, and consisted of both and vocal numbers, including some selections by the gleo club, The second program' uas given by the junior piano pupils under the direction of .Miss Ulilays Pearson. , (I rami Inland College. Freshmen gave the sophomores the slip, met nt Hie home of one of the clssa, hired a transfer and went out to Milliners lake for a hecf-steak fry. The V. W, girls arc putting on a Vsm pr. Ign for new members. The sorts! service work of tho college . W. girls consists mainly of work done anionir the women in the hospital at the suKlicrs' home. The Y. M. C. A. snd Y. W. r. A. are making plans to give a play. "My Irish Hose." urdcr the direction of Mis Pints of the Knglisll department. Frid ty Mr. Kreigh. hoy s'-oul executive, gave the Y. M. C. A. a live "peppy" talk on boys and boy scout work. The Ampbl ctyons enjoyed a fish parlv Monday. These were fish games, flsli re freshments, and fish stories We Make Omaha RESIDENCE LOAMS Monthly Installment Plan, Prepayment any time. Also Loans on Business Propertiet Liberal Optional Privileges. Reasonable Commissions. ... "-