Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1921, Page 5, Image 5
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 22, 1921 " . I .1 I I .M- . . . I Final Banquets Of Father and Son Week Are Held T. W. McCullougli, J. H. Bev eriilge, Roy N. Towl and Dr. Charles Hcrron Among Speakers. . Final banquets in the observance t Father and Son week in Omaha churches were held last night. Col. T. VV. McCullough spoke for lathers at the , dinner ".in the Westminster Tresbyteriaii -church, which was held under the ' au spices of the men's brotherhood. Charles Griffith and Archie Bailey spoke for the sons. A male quartet , sang and there were community songs. Supt. J. II. Bevcridge of Omaha schools, chairman of the father and son com mittee, spoke 'on "The Right Father and Son Relationship," At the South Side United Presby terian church, R. J. Robertson was toastmastcr. Irvin Graham led com munity singing." Clifford Knight and Eugene Smith . spoke for the sons end Royal N. Towl and Dr. Charles llfrron led for the fathers. Dr. J. M. Tatton gave the .principal talk on "The Great Com-, panionship." An orchertsa and male quartet furnished music. This noon the Grade Boys Bible club of the Y. M. C. A. will observe the week with special song service. George Benolken, leader in student activities at Central High school, will speak on "Appreciation Motion pictures of Booth Taking Ion's "The Gentleman.' F.rom In diana," will be shpwn at, the special lll;ciU ui tuv. wjj a v.. - - X, II. C. A. , s, Husband of Woman : Who Went on Fast To Sue for Divorce ) New Treasurer Named By Presidents Wilson J ' VS..f'Clf I Guy F. Allen, who has been ap pointed by President Wilson to suc ceed John Burke as treasurer of the United States. ;- 117 Million Taken From Aliens in the U. S. Is Returned Total Value of Property Seized During Was Fixed at $534,000,000, " Exclusive of German Ships. Chicago Trllnnw-Omaha Bee I.etl Wire. Danville, 111.. Jai. 21. Mrs. Sadie ifi rf F.rnest Harrinir- ton, who claims she fasted 48 days in art effort to force her husband' to embrace her religion and become a preacher, has so far recovered from her experience that she has resumed ner duties arounu me nuusc. no principal meal, so far as outsiders can learn, consists of milk and fruit juices, i '. , .. i ;- : ': ' Her husband is thoroughly out .of patience with her and intends to sue lor divorce. "This is the sixth time since we wpre married 18 vears azo. that Sadie 'has pulled some sort of a $tunt like this," he declared, "and I'm tired of it.'- Sadie and those poor nut who are hanging around her want me to sell everything I have and turn the money over to them so they can build a church: I have had enough of this foolishness and she can mix with these" people to her heart's con tent. As for me ,1 will go along a I always have done,' with the Strmon on the Mount as my religion, arid that is plenty of religion for any -., " Manufacturer" Defends f Open Shop' Movement . . .. ' . .. Chicago, Jan. 21. The open shop is ;the only true American standard in' which no' one receives special privileges and all have an equal chance, declared S. C. Mason, presi dent of the National Association of Manufacturers, before a meeting of the members of the association. . Mr. Mason emphasized that the associa tion had favored the open shop; for years. .! - 'We must, do all in our power to quell the spirit of discontent 'that rests on the country," he said. Con gress can do much by removing the government shackles on private business. We must meet organized, labor with our organization." - Mr. Mason advocated the abolish ment of excess profit tax and said that the seamenV bill was essentia!. Allied Experts Complete I tteporr oh Reparations Paris, Jan. 21. The allied' experts oil' reparations haVe completed a re port which will be presented to the allied governments interested. (It is understood that the ' experts recom mend that the final determination of the total amount of reparations Jermanv must pay shall not be post poned beyond May 1, the date fixed by the treaty of Versailles. ' It is suggested that meanwhile a provisional arrangement might be advisable under which? Gerrfiany w ould be called on to make a definite payment of five annual instalments of 3,000,000,000 .marks gold each, in money and kind. , Heavy Fighting Follows Meeting of Troops at Fiume Trieste, Jan. Zftteavy lighting has been going pn at riume, and Italian carabineers have entered the city to restore order.' Some of the military forces within Fiume have mutinied and . tfteyt1 togther With supporters of Professor Zanella. lead er of the ' Italian, people of the city an'd some . remaining legionnaires, have been engaged in the fighting. The mutinous soldier's and legion naires have taken over, the barracks. General Strike Reported, "Well Under Way in Austria Loiroon, Jan. 21. A gdneral strike is beginning in Austria, according to a dispatch to the London Times from'Paris. Meetings are being held at whicl demands, forVtcfiion with German v are being' made.-: The disoatch adds thai it is known the parliamentary opposition has re fused to take the responsibility of trying to govern the country under present circumstances. ' 1,200 Unemployed Given Free Meals by Toledoans Toledo, O., Jan.-2t.The first free meals to be served to unemployed men of Toledo today were taken ad vantage of by more than 1;200 appli cants, it was announced at the social service federation, which is giving out i. . tickets. The meals wer iprveA in -niiblie market place. Tickets also were is sued for 1,000 pounds of fish and 100 peeks of potatoes for the men to take to tneir families. . i Washington," Jan. 21. Approxi mately $117,000,000 worth of prop erty tajtep over by the alien prop erty custodian during the war has been returned to , American bom wives of Germans. Austrians and others it was said today, at the cus todian's office. ! : f The returns were-made under-a recent act of congress which per mitted women, who before the war, married subjects of enemy countries and. citizens of couotries since sep arated from Austria-Hungary, such as Czecho-SIovakia, to file , claims for their property' in this country seized' by the government under the tradmg-with-the-enemy "act. , .The total value of enemy, prop erty taken over by the property cs todian is placed at $5j4,UU0,UW and this is exclusive of the interned German - merchant ships seized; in Ahierican ports. . . Dealers to Discuss i Shortage of Houses ' rr 11 : Chicago Trlbane-Omahk Bee LeMCd IFire. Chicago, Jan. 21. Representatives of producers and dealers in more than 30 different materials, that go int the construction of homes, will. meet here tomorrow in an effort to get at the underlying causes for the serious housing shortage and apply a remedy. - John Henry Kirby' of Houson; Tex., president of the National Lumber Manufacturers, will preside and will deliver an address that is ex pected to sound the keynote of plans the various manufacturers have in mind. For one thing, there is a sug gestion that building materials' and supplies should be standardized that building operations may be resumed. Caruso's Voice Uninjured ' X; ;v By Recent Operations NevTVYork, Jan. 21. Enrico Caruso s voice has not been impaired by his .illness. He is convalescing and will be able to leave his' sick room in a few days. This statement was made by Mrs. Caruso, who said I the tenor was sitting up for the first time since he underwent operations several weeks ago. He sang a few notes to night and his voice was' as strong as ever, she added, . Missing Mail Steamship Reported Safe at Chignik Seward, Alaska, Jan. , 21. The mail -steamer Joseph Pulitzer, miss ing since December IS, is safe at anchor at Chignik, a cannery town on' the Alaska peninsula 300 miles west of Kodiak, according to advices received here, . the vessel lost its rodder and put into Chignik without further mishap, the message stated. Belgium to Sign Contract for J $30,000,000 Loan in U. S. ' London, Jan. 21. A Brussels dis patch to the Times says it has been learned from an official, source that the Belgian government on. Friday will sign a contract with J. P. Mor gan & Co. for a loan of $30,000,000. Building Trades . Of Chicago Not to Accept Wage Cut Statement Say3 Living Costs Have Increased 93 Per Cent, While Wages Have Been Raised But 70 Per Cent., Chicago, Jan. 21. In'a statement made public today byvthe Chicago building trades council, reasons are set forth why the 32 affiliated unions voted not to accept wage reductions1 within the next three years. It was decided at a meeting of agents yes terday to insist on continuation of the present' scale of $1.25 an hour. The statement cites government figures showing the cost of living in rmaerr. fca !nrreaed 93.3 ner cent over 1914 and asserts the increase in building trade wages here in the same period has been from 66 to 70 per cent. . . . ' . "A full, honest day s woric snouia be furnished by Mab'or," , -said the statement. . "We know there have been1 abuses , on the part of trades men who have Jaken advantage of conditions. The building trades have agreed that any workman who does, not do an honest day's work will be disciplined by his organiza tion." JV-.--!'f '" ;'"''.- ' Caverns That Rival f s 5 Mammoth Cave Found Near Lexington, Ky. Lexington, Ky., Jan. it Reports say that new" caverns whose pres ence has never' been suspected, one of which contained the skeleton' of a prehistoric liumah' being, have been found in Great Crystal carern, Hart county. One discovery -'av a, great underground cathedraj tnd other wonders which 'make the new cavern a rivalof Mammoth ' cave. . Long (galleries stretch'm every di rection and in one of. these the skele ton, was found. .Claude'Collins owns the farm on which the great cavern- is locaieu,; :7ic..wis.xiiiutiuguic place when on pushing $side a boul der. he saw the great ;cathcdral and the 'passages.! . '"'''', ' , A physician who has studied char acteristics of the bones' of prchis .toric peoples declares the skeleton is undoubtedly that of an aborigine. The new cavern is. nine itniles from Mammoth cave. '"i il II wj ' Former Kaiser to Make Home in South America New Yofk Tlm-Chlc)to -titburie Cable, Rio de Janeiro,. Jan.1" 21. Former Kaiser William is planning to make his future home in some quiet locality in South America, after vis iting Bra?jl and Argentina,, acearfl ing to the statement of Otto Fried nVV, 9 fnmiM srvantat the Amer- ongen retreat and a. member of the crew ot me uermaiv srearacr orcui enhaven, which has just arrived here. Herr l-riedencn says ne was a servant at the Hoheniqllern castle at Amerongen for rour montns an left because he was no longer able to view the extreme-privation of his tormef monarcn. ' ' . ' He declares ths former kaiser -rvntimiatlv taltcpd nf visitillff South America, iespecially Brazil, and of detinitely settling tnere. as soon as the. former kaiserin is Better. n she rvants lo, gctmatried. K That s her business; ; if he wants to get married. That's his business; If tnty ivant to furnish a , home, , , ThaCs DOWEfCS business'1 ' f 1 ' . ' f" " ' . And right now, . during Bowen's Lower Price Sale, the opportunity is so great and the values so big you owe it td yourself to investigate' and see how very far you dollars will go at Bowen's in the purchase of the furnishings for Your New Home. " Advertisement. ADVEKT1SEMEXT. 666 is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. Ii's the most speedy remedy we know. Man Blinded by His "Soul Bride" to&t, $80,000 Insurance - ' t- Cbirago Trlbun-Omli Bee I.oaard Wire. Chicago, Jan. 21. Julius. Jonas, who was shot and blinded by Pauline Meglitch of St.. Louis, his "soul bride," will receive practically all the $80,000 insurance he was carrying at the time. ' Attorneys for the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company, which car ried his nine policies, have with drawn the suit to rescind the policies and it is said the company has agreed to pay'very nearly the full amount, lonas. who was married, has been living clandestinely with Miss Meglitch in a nat he provided tor her. He finally tired' of the ad venture, became reconciled to his wife and notified his "soul bride" he intended to cease the double life. She induced him to make a final visit to the flat, and as he 6lept, shot him through the temples and then killed herself. . Japanese Rule With Harsh Hand In Vladivostok Force of 10,000 Troops Sta tioied in City Impose Will On Russians Erect Wireless Plant. By FREDERICK SMITH. Xtw York Tlmra-rhirair Tribune Cbln, Ciipj rlglit, 1031. Honolulu,' Jan. 21. Since the Jap anese shot up Vladivostok last April, they have ruled that city with a high hand. At present ,they have 10,000 troops' stationed there to impose their will on the Russian inhabitants. The American consul's ..protest against the Japanese seizure of the city resulted in the lowering of countless Japanese flags which were then immediately raised over the main buildings, after Japanese rifles had spread terror and death among the Russians. In addition to trcops the Japanese have erected a ipowerful wireless plant in the' main street of the city. Japanese soldiers, singly or in squads, ' constantly ' patrol every block. While the military keepthe city's people on' the jump, shrewd citizens from Nippon are buying up the choicest property and making other strategic moves to clinch their hold on commercial prominence. So confident are the Japanese that they will be the permanent possessors of the city ' that they have adopted methods which arc almost incredi ble on the part of a great nation. , American business and personal mail, both outgoing and incoming, is" censored by the Japanese, who com pel the' Russian postal officials to permit them to share a large room in which the Russians censor mail. All mail is opened and always de layed. Frequently the censors do not even take the trouble to close the envelopes with stickers. Ameri sans are compelled to furnish full translations of, all cable messages. , American business concerns are forced to pay an 18 per cent ad valorem export tax and also encoun ter considerable rgd tape in securing permission 'to transact business' from the export and- ftnport comtnittee, Man Robbed of $40 By Armed Holdups Two Pislols Among Loot Ob tained by Burglars Who Enter Home. . : .. . K. liussell, Twenty-second and Ames avenue, was held up and robbed of $40 by two armed high waymen ; Thursday night near his home. - , Burglars stole two pistols, a watch and,. $15 from the home of L, S. Loving, 3515 Decatur streer. L. Gilpin, Minneapolis, stopping at the Aetna hotel, reported to the police he either lost or was robbed of a draft for ?500. Frfty thousand cigarcts made up the loot of thieves who raided the Holmes & Wildhaber store at 1112 Howard street. ; Sidney G. Singer, , 502 South Thirty-fourth street, reported to the police a prospective tenant to whom he was showing an apartment stole his watch. , n Sermons and religious literature in a traveling bag belonging to the Rev. V. W. Wheeler of Hodgcn ville, Ky., visiting at the home of Mrs. L. Davis, 25.10 Grant strcot, were stolen from an 'automobilo parked at Fourteenth and Dougla streets. Increase in Lumber , Prices Is Predicted . New Haven, Conn., Jan. 21. De claring that the price of lumber is not high and that if will go higher before coming down, l. R, Good man of Marinette, Wis., chairman of the economic committee of the National Lumber Manufacturers' as sociation, spoke on the timber sup ply and prices, at the Yale forest school. "The price of lumber will be lower only on short reactions and its trend in the commodity scale is slowly upward," he said. "This means a continuously better utilization of our forests, a higher appreciation ot lumber's real value, more judiciou use and careful preservation of it. It also means an awakening of the pub lic interest in forestry." Latest Q, R. S. and Imperial Player Rolls . for January,. ; V ''Now on Sale. Com in and Hear Them. . We prepay potie oa out-of-town rdere of $5.00 or more. Schmoller & M u e 1 1 e r Dodfe St. J1"' Vy. Doug. 1623 Because , It is the RICHEST malt extract made At Any DtaUr't Puritan Malt Extract Co. II N. MirkM S..Clct ADVERTISEMENT. STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause Take Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach eufferers are doing now. Instead of takinjt tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment' clogged liver and disordered bowels. , Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have you a bad taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, dont care fefing, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a. purely vegetaoie compound mixed with olive oiL You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief-Eat what you like. 15c and 30c, Will Continue Omaha's Greatest Sale of SiufeCoateWrap 5 Ait i. 1VVC Si I 'ST )W w 5i Until Saturday Evening The stock is still in very good condition, even though hun dreds of Omaha women took advantage of this clean up sale. Women who attended this sale Friday were amazed at the wonderful quality garments at this extremely low price. Saturday -"Choose Without Reserve of the most complete assortment of Suits, Coats and Wraps ever shown in Omaha, at prices unheard of in years, uarments mat rormeriy soia lor as nign aiw.w v. On Sale Saturday at I it This event-startled Omaha. We must make room for. our spring stocks coming in.:.; For this reason we are making these drastic reductions. . . v v Wonderful Assortment of Suits The season's authentically styled; models, fur trimmed and plain models ' in sizes for all.' Stouts, mediums and especially for women who can wear a 16 or 18.' The materials come in Silvertones, Tricotines, Ve lours, Serges in every wanted color or shade. All go at one price Sat v urday, $25.00. - . Large Array of Cloth Coats and Wraps , Beautifully fur trimmed and plain models. )ome trimmings in em . ' . broidery. The most of these Coats and Wraps are silk lined. Satur ... day, one price, $25.00. ' ' Plush and Baffin Seal Coats The models are Long, Short, Sport, Belted and Loose, in every size from " the smallest to the largest. . . ' ', Saturday?"Qne Price-r$25 No Refunds -', No Exchanges No Lay Aivays No Partial Payments No Charges I "XK rum ; 1 I 1111 II 111 No Partial Payments VrSUfl AU Sales Final I