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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1921)
Ttir Titftf. avtaua GATTTPnAV .T AttTTAHY 22. 1921. ! A.IXLJ UDU i W A' ,47 41-J, vt,ly" . w--w- 7 i ii i 11 ""' a ., , . . . . , .. . ' - - i . .. . : z . ill Market, Financial and Industrial News' of the Day Live Stock ' ' Receipts were: Offlelal Monday .., Official Tuesday . Official Wednesday Official Thursday , Ketlmate Friday . , rive daya thl week S8,ot Sam daya laat week 88,817 Sam 1 week age.. 17,(81 8am 3 week ago.. lt,00 Sam day year ago .SJ7 Omaha, Jan. tt. Cnttl Hog Sheep .74S 1,878 17.881 13.027 13,00 17. m is, m : 14,00ft' 3,00 T0..81 BO.ltl 8,9t 50,5 4Mii6 ii. mi 41, HO SI. 474 71,112 81,883 I.MI ,00 .100 3.000 - Receipts and disposition of llv stoek at the Union Stock Yard, Omaha, Neb., for 14 hour ending at 1 o'clock p. m., Jan uary 21. 1111: RECEIPTS CABS. C, M. Si. P. 1 II v... "Missouri Paclfio ........ J ' Union raclfio 1' J; f. A N. W.. east 14 .... C. N. W.. wait 44 78 3 ,c st. p., ai. a o is i; .... V.. B. ft 0... east II., B. A Q.. west 4 17 I :., R. I. A P., east .... 4 T .... ti. R. I. A P.. weat 1 Tlllnol Central 1 8 .... Chicago Great Weatern ; ' Total receipt ..10 200 10 DISPOSITION HEAT. 12 288 1X7 219 Oil Morrl A Co 41 1.161 Swift A Co 2,S Cudahy Pack. Co. 287 3,801 Armour A Co. ..... 612 3,674 Haulier "J. W. Murphy ... 1,421 liohl Pack. Co. ... 201 710 Lincoln Pack. Co. , 12 Ogden Pack. Co. 818 Mlftln Pack. Co. Mowirh A Vail ... 2 P. O'Dea ' 8 Wilton A Co 11 V. H V Sent & Co. S "W, W. Hill A Co. SI -V. l.ewl It .1. B. Root A Co. 223 .: t J.' H. Bulla- t " R. M. Burus. A Co. 46 F. O. Kellogg 13 Kill A Co. Sullivan Broa. ..... 41 ,15. a. Christie .... 15 Belter 1 John Harvey ...... 144 ...... Jensen A l.und. , . ...... , Pontile A Franc! , T . ....... Omaha Pack. Co. . 1 .Other buyer 1,004 .. ( ...Total 2,445 14,172 l.all .Cattle A liberal Friday run of cattle ,Va received today, about 2,400 head be- in on sale, ana H pawners airaf iraa M lha rattle thev needed for thl week' killing the market wa extremely dull at ' price that were weak to ISo or more lower than yeaterday. No toppy steers were ..her and quality averaged common. Not enough rtockera and, feeder were her to make a market. Ton of the trad wa l weak. ' Quotation en cattl: neeves, .06.76; fair to good beevaa. 7.7S01.7; common to lair Deere, s.7tt ,7.76; good to choice yearlings, 18.7501.10; (fair -to good yearling, t7.IO03.7S; oom mon to fair yearling, t.t097.tei eholo pcMn heifers, 3t.7t97.t0; good t choio heifer. 5.766.75; choice to prim cows, 8.80Q7.25; good to choice cow, 16.719 .6; fair to good cow, tt.00 06.76; com mon to fair cow, $3,0004.76; good to - choio feeders 3S.tO0S.OO; fair to good , feeder, $7.2602.00; common to fair feed ..era, $4.00 0 7. 00; good to choice Blockers, ' $7.6008. 2; fair to good (tockera. $6,76 0 ' 7.60; common to fair Rtockera, $5,000 .80; stock heifer. $4.1008.26; stork cow, . t4.OO0l.2S; veal calve, $3.00010.60; bull, slags, etc., $4.5O0t.2S. '-., BEEF STEERS, v.i A v. lr. No. Av. Pr. 7 so JO...... sot T o 7 76 - 1 0 1 10 7 31 43 1034 I 00 23 HOt t tt 20 1333 Financial flood to Choic ,s4......aoo 23 1063 24. .....1222 -.11 1037 Jt,N.,..120 .7 0 A 06 to ...y Sti TEARLINQ& t 2t 10 ttl 7 26 t....- $3 HEIFERS. 4 63 11...... 714 t to IT..... 601 f 0 , 27 181 8 60 22 142 T 60 1 141 ' COW& 4 26 If. 771 f 26 46 1043 t 40 13. .....1070 I 60 21.,... .114 t S6 It 1161 BUiLB. I 00 CAtVKH. 'it...... 707 7 00 24 ' T 2S 26. .... 881 T 36 11 140 - M...... 1073 7 66 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ,13...... tOl T 66 I...... 133 YR A RT.TNA8. . 10...;., til t 26 t y J1 10 113 I M Hog About 14.009 hog were received today and th tendency to price was a llttl inwer After m. - rather alow start . trad finally developed at decline of lailllr. and moat of th offering sold un thl basis. - Light and good butcher "hog were more popular with Buyer tnan th heavy weights. Bulk of supply moved . t 33.76S3.00. with top hog bringing ..7 74 30...... 838 18 1040 20...... 368 ' 14 262 Mil ro...... t -18 18S7 21 48 . 30. .....1131 1168 38......1850 . 13. -i... 345 36 4w ' I E 26 t 60 f 30 t 76 7 It 4 8 t 36 t 10 76 i tt l to T 26 8 26 7 40 By ALEXANDER DANA NOYES. Chirac Trlban-Omaha Be Led W ire, New York, Jan. 21. The note worthy incidents on today's financial market (were the rise in French ex change to the highest rate since Sep tember, the maintenance of 7 per cent call money all day for the first time in a fortnight, a general and rather sharp decline on the Stock Exchange and a very extraordinary statement of foreign trade for De cember, showing a surplus of ex ports never but once surpassed in any previous month of our commer cial history. . These curiously disconnected oc currences did not in any respect em body themselves in the 1 to 3 point fall of stocks, which affected both industrial and railway shares. Those declines, like the similar advanets of two days before, represented the ItKi-natincr fYnf fimrnts of reStleSS professional traders on one side and the other ot a maricet wnicn, n to its natural tendencies, might per haps have ceased to move at all. Foreig Exebang Beotnreri. Foreign exchange mad a Quick recovery of th losses incurred in the lat market of Thursday. Sterling did not racn tn high rate of the week, but it closing figure of $8.77 hi today compared with $3.33 at the low autumn level of November and th advance In continental rate. brought most ot them wen aoovo .njr nrevloua Quotation of the year. Scan dinavian exchange sold near ltc per crown higher wan tnre aays a th advance of the same period in the Belgian rate ha been o per franc, but the day' notable movement was in ex k... p.rl. The franc at lt.7. old today almost io higher than a week ago and more tnan io aoove m level price of 6.76e reached November IV It is still will below the rate of laat Jn urv. but the ravldlty of th feOCOt re covery ha been remarkable, Thl movement or io reign ncnani was undoubtedly based 4m the (t-uwtntt realisation that. In th altered xituatton lilTsxjBn sorption ot numerous Important Soropean now axlating on our money and markets, th ready placing and gulk ab loana 1 (mured. People oiosely In touch with, the situation have apt dqubted th fact dlnce th beginning of th year, but today' virtual announcement of the $30. 000,000 Belgiaa loan mad mors tangible lmpreastcB. Different Construction. It effect on th general bond market to perhaps less evident. The placing of a Belgian government 20-year loan on an 8 per cent basis might be construed in dif ferent ways as ao Influence on the- price ot outstanding 4 and t per cent American company securities. A compared, how ever, with the locking up of capital in unsold and unsaleable merchandise at a It t 36 per cent rls in prices over war tlm. there is something, to say, even for outstanding investment bonds. That the persistent rlss in foreign ex change wa not a result of uch contract ing American export trade a had been widely predicted, is proved by th trad statement for December, published today. So far from such reduction In export hav ing occurred, the value of our .outward trade last month, In the face of demoral ised South American exchange and falling commodity price, wa with fiv cxceptlone thraa laat year and two in 1313) the larg est In our history. Nor was thl all: for last month's Import not only declined in value $56,000,000 from November and ill 4.000.00 from the nrevlous December, but were much the amallest of any month since February of 11. The resultant ex port surplus, $454,000,000 has never been surpassed except for the wholly abnormal $(36,000,000 outward balance of June, 1S13. New York Quotations No. Av. Sh. -22. .448 110 '..0 70 1..934 143 4..284 v... .,, 79. .137 ... $7. .171 ... HOQS. Pr. I 00 8 75 3 86 8 95 t 06 ,t It No. Av. Sh. 61. .288 120 6.. 227 ... 76. .220 ... 66. .283 ... 103. .366 ,.. Pr. 8 to I 80 8 SO 00 t 10 Shtep and I.atnbs Only a small run of heap and lamb was reported thl morn ing and prices In most branches of the trade neia up in good snaps, ruling sieaa to stronc. Good lambs brousht 310. tit 10.83. with some good heavy ewes reach . Ing $6.40. Other sale of ewes were r V' ported at $4.75 and less. There were, no . feeder of consequence on sale end no ouotable chance occurred In oricee. Quotations on sheep: Beat fat lamb, $10.00010.36; medium to good - lambs, 3!.6O01O.OO; plain and heavy lambs, $8.2S yeaning.; gea wetn - r- tt.00ia6.7i; rood to choice ws, 1 4 6008.00: fate to good ewe. -44.35 4 50: heavy ewes. $3.7604.25; cull and ranner ewes, $1.5008.00: feeding lambs, '"$8.6003.76; feeding ewes. $2.7503.60. , . - - FAT EWES. 11 fed 132 4 00 117 fed 18 S00 FAT LAMBS. 241 fed. 4 37 10 36 lamb top, lambs $11.00; bulk. choic 116-rund ewe $6.76; lot prlBie -pound ew t ir. BuTk fat ewe, $4,600- . Chicago Uto Stock. I Chicago, Jan. 2k Cattle Receipts, 6,. nan head: beef steers steady, soots lower, nothing choice here; top, $.00; bulk, $7.7608.76; sh stock, steady to lower; V few choice heavy cows. $7.0007.36: bulk, s.i.0008.00: butcher heifers largely $5.73 6.75; canners and cutters meetly $8.36 R4.25: bulls closed weau, ouik ooiagnan, 35.4006.00: veal calves 2S higher; bulk cod and choice, $11. lOff 12.50; atocksrs ' n.t fdera alow to lower. . vRenaiDta 68.000 head: fairly ac- tlve, 25c to 40e lowr than yeaterday" . -average, closed active at day' best prices; . ton, $9.76; bulk, $t.OO0t.25; pig. 35c to 40c lower; bulk desirable. 80 to 130-pound pigs. $.4S.s. . Sheep Receipts 9.000 head . , iio.oojjiio.Vi; . emal selected " ' -a hicher flcure. .B9; yearlings, top 8.26. Kansas City lire St. 7cn Cltv. Mo.. Jan.' 31. iV. 8. Bn- ; reau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts, 800 .head; market dull: few ssles, mot classes weak with yesterday' low time: eklvcs, ' steady; good and chole vealers, $11,000 1 1.60;, most ehe stock $4.760 3.50; few " heavy cows. $6.36; good heifers, 17.00; steer. 4.B0lff7.t0. Hoc Recelots. 4.000 head: market rlesed acUve. mostly 15025c lower than yesterday's nverage; top. $9.10; bulk of ,.ui, s.7tf s ee; pigs. steaa- Sheep and Lamb Receipts. 2.300 head .'' early sales, sheep and lambs steady: 78 . --pound fed lambs, $10.35: choice heavy iamb arriving ia not soia. " -.; Slonx City Un Steek. reipt. ,600 neea; marxet stow ana low t.. . tA andl vMrllnn. tAASS11e '.: fat row and heifer, $5.00t$.0; rannera. $3.O04.6O; common calves. $toe.60; I. 19 caae.lA- feodem. 15 MAT 1i, i..,ieedlnx cow and heifers, $3.0005.21; i. r.,toeker. $4.0006.73. 1 Hogs Receipts, t.SOO head; market 100 30o lower; choic lights, $8.7O08.(O: eom- ' mem. light, 31. 6003.76; mixed, 3l.650S.t5: - heavy, $8.6008.80; bulk of sales $3,650 - - , Sheep and Lamb Receipts. ;00 head; K , market, steady, Omaha Grain Omaha, Jan. 21. Substantial tBceipts of wheat and corn were on Hand today aua oais light. Wheat had a slow sale at prices ranging 2?c oA the market being weakest at I the close. Con siderable was carried over. Corn was unchanged to lc off, the bulk about yic off. Oats , were jSf&lc lower. Ryel and barley were not much changid. ; A Chicago wtfe- said there was considerable buying of wheat futures there today for seaboara account ana that there were fairly liberal sales overnight via the gulf, bulk of busi ness understood to De wiwi me con tinent. Chicapto house reported a complete let up in .corn offerings, the break up in country roads having stopped movement and lower prices shutting off many sellers. . Another view was expressed that enough corn has been delivered of late to keep the movement of liberal volume for about a .week rtr, more. The War Finance corporation cannot'finance exports of farm products or other goods to Germany until peade has been concluded, because it is still a technical enemy, according to the secretary of the treasury. WHEAT. No. 1 hard: 1 car, tt-68 (special bill ing); 2 cars, 81 6t: 1 car, $1.64. No. S hard: 1 car. 81.65; l car. $1.64: 1 car. tl.6S; 1 r, $1.63: 2 cars. $1.60 (smutty) : 2 carsr $1.57 (vsry (mutty). No. 3 hard: 1 caf. $1.5$ (smutty)t 1 car. $168 (srautty)i 1 car. $1.06 (very ,nNo.t5,4' hard: 24 sacks, $1.66 (dark): 2 cars. $1.57: 1 car, $1.14 (smutty): 1, car, $1.68 (smutty). .... ' No. 1 spring: K ear. $1.70 (dark north- t fia'rap! VPrng: S-6 car, $1.45: 1 ear, ,lNl. WxldV-l car. $1.66;1 car. $1,55 (durum,. QpRN. Jfo. t white: 1 car (16.4i moisture), lie; 1 car, 63c; 1 car, 63c: 2 cars, 62ms. No. 4 white: t cars, 60Vc; 1 car, 50c ' No. t white: 1 car, 4o. - . No. 8 yellow: 2 cars, 52ttc ' No. 4 yellow': 7 cars, 60 Mo. No. 1 mixed: 1 car (15.8 moisture). 61c; 1 car (16.1 moisture), ftftc; t car. t2Hc: 1 car, 52c. . . No. 4 mixed: 8 car. EOUc; 6 3-SJ ears. 60c; 49c. No.5 mixed: 1 car (17 moisture). 62c; 1 car (17.4 moisture), 61c: 1 car, 48c. ATS,' 1 car. 4014. 2 cars, 40 He 3 care, No. 2 white: No. t white: 4014c No. 4 white: 1 cr, 40c. RTB. No. 2: 2 cars, $1.60. NO. 1: 4-6 car. $1.48. BARLEY. No. I: 1 ear, 65c. Sample: 1 car. 58c. CHICAGO CAR LOT RECEIPTS Week Tear . Today. , ago. ago. Wheat i 12 Corn 616 385 137 Oats . 83 102 60 KANSAS CITY CAR- LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat 328 292 154 Corn 62 - I 61 Oats .V 12 H ST LOinS CAR 7OT RECEIPTS. Wh-n 107 (4 87 Corn .10 71 ' 7 nata & 5 NORTHWESTERN CAR LOT RECEIPTS OF WHEAT. Minneapolis 237 298 '250 Duluth 122 30 - z Winnipeg 818 - 437 254 OMAHA RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (CARS). Todr-Wk. Aco Tr. Abo 108 122 17 .... 1 .... -2 nrirxa n the leading BtOCkS furnished by Locaa & Bryan, Peters Trust bulldlnc: .. , i . J; '-. Thursday I Barley nijtn .WTT V.IVJC .IV . A.. T. A S. F 88 8J SH Baltimore A Ohio. 36H 34i 34 iiht Canadian Pacific .116 11614 "5 if J N. T. A H. B..., S1 li-X Cheev- A Ohio Jtji 6814 Erie R. R.. 1J 1314 Gt. Northern, pfd. Jti 7614 Chi. Ut. western, a it , Receipts Wheat ........ Corn Oats Rye Barley -, Shipments Wheat Corn Oats .. 47 122 21 1JJ S9 14 ' 19 3 ,11 6 2 87 51 73 60 27 33 17 4 'Sit 8314 it 1H 18i 204 81T4 6814 41 6314 26 614 224 2$V4 72 6H 13 H 7614 89 4 2, 20H 31T4 6814 ill 2614 614 22i 2814 7214 60 ,t 13 714 t 8914 t 3014 114 20t 8 2 It 69 lif ul 7i 2314 29 !4 120 I'm Illinois Central .. 89 4 Me.. Kan. A Tex.. 24 Kan. City So. lt Missouri Pacific . 114 N. T.. N. H. A H. 21 No, Pacific Ry.... 8 Chi. N. TV...... CJ14 Perm a. R. R 41 Reading Co. ...... J C, R. I. P I'., So. Pacific Co..... 174 Southern aiiway. nui -un A St. P. 2944 Union Pacific " . . aa wrwiTT.ft . Am. Car A rdry..l24 12214 l Allls-Chalmera ... 364 36 3614 36 j. tjm. Co 8SJ,4 82 88 . J1 Utd. Alloy Steel . 33 Baldwin Loco. ... JT4 Beth. Steel Corp.. t7 - Colo. Fuel A Iron. ..i -Crucible Steel .... 5tt Am. Steel Fury. .. tvy, Lackawanna Steel. 5614 Mldvale Steel AO. 3114 Fresed Steel Car.. 861 Rep. Iron A steel., viyt Railway Steel Spg. ; Sloss-Sbef. 8. A L e IT. 8. Steel 8316 COPPERS .4. rnn. M. '3914 38 14 13'1 2274 Am. S. A Rtg. fo. Butte A Sup. Min. Chile Copper to. Chino Copper Co. C'slumet A Ana. S3 8314 644 '214 3014 314 31 844 t414 'tin 31 S7i 131i 11 "4 ' 22 34 10 It 6 1114 66 -11 $6 t7 16 6 12 23 20 18 T4 334 20 18 .55 16 23 19 13 '4 4 2114 71 4H4 69 47 76 22 27 68 40 33 innntratlon Cons. Kennecan iii.w.1 r'nnner Co. Nev. Con. Copper. 11 Kay Cons. Copper. 14 i:tah Coo-oer Co. .. 614 ' INDUSTRIAL?. m B-.t Sugar .. 48 , 47 A.. Q. A Vv. I. B. B. 1,7 tm inter. Cerp... 4 Am. Sum. Tob. Am. cot. un . Am. T. A T. . Am. Z.. L. AS. Brook. Rap. T. Beth. Motors . Amer. Can Co. Chand. Mo. Car n-n T t h Co. CubrCan. Sw. Co 24 23 r-.i T-,v rnra. M4 . 42 Cl'. Fetro. Corp. 37 35 Corn Prod. Rfg. Co 71 63 Nat. B. A S. .... Jl .61 Flsk Rub. Co. ...1414 1 Oen. Blec. Co. ..lZljs w Gaston W. AW. .4 Gen. .Motors Co. . 15 Good. Co. 41 Am. H. A L. Co. . Haskell A B'kr Car 16 U. S. IndAl. CO. 63 J4 Intsrn.' Nickel .. 18 Internat. Pap. Co. 6214 A lax Rub. Co. , ..86 , Kelly-Spring. Tire 48 Kev. Tire A Rub. 12 Internet. M. M. Max. Motor Co. Mexican Petrol. Mid. State Oil Tr Oil Co. Wliys-Over.vCo. Pierce Oil Corp. Pan-Am. P. A Pirce-Ar. Motor 16 . 6 ..163 'V .' 11 i j . u - 19 St St Joseph Live Stock. Joseph. Mo.. Jan. 11. Cattl Re ceipt. 700 neaa; wea to jw rowerj iwnj 39.10010.00; cowe and heifers, 13.500 .0; clves, i6.2t0t.O6. Hog Receipts, t.tOO head; opening 2 So to 35o lower; top, $9.10; bulk, $3,660 .0. ' S. ; Sheep and Lam Receipt, 600 bead; market steady; lamb. $166010.50; ewe. .,Q.2. liberty Bond Prices. - New Tork, Jan. tl. Price f I,berty bond at noon were: !. 13.20: first 4. 88.80; second 4s, 87.86 bid: first 4s, 88.80; second 4, 87.14; third 4. 11.08; fourth 4s. 88.30; Victory 3, 11.20; lo tory 4 lis, 97.30. Liberty bonds closed:' 8s, $9f.20; first 4s. $88.30; second 4s, $88. 00; first iHs, ; $8 20; second 4 a. $87.t; third 4, 0.i; fourth 4 . $4.J1: -Victory 3, IlLlti Victory 4s, $17.St . av1 nutch CO. 88 If. 8. Rub. Co. ....70 Am. 8ug. Rfg. Co. 14 , Bin. OH Rtg. 24 Far-Roe. Co. . . 4 Strom Cars. Co. Studabaker Corp. Tob. Frod. uo, Trans-con. OH . Texas Co. V. S. T. Pr. Corp. U. 8. 8., R. A M.N4 Th White Mo. Co 31 West Airbrake West. El. A Mfg. 46' Amer. Wool. Co. . 47 rotai sale. 7a,sou, 4 T &64 a 61 11 14 6 117 13 35 7 11 74 24 66 M 88V4 64 '92 30 68 14 31 84 64 '62 .11 S3' 37 13 11 22 'si 20 " 18 11 13 66 i; 47 78 33 11 i'iii 4 27 43 40 A .'IS hi 3iV4 36 14 '14 12$ 127 la 4114 10 . 57 61 16 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS (BUSHELS). Receipts Today Tear Ago Wheat -...1.128.000- 800.000 Corn ...1,828,000 724,000 Oat '638,001 674,000 Shipments Wheat 113.000 761.009 Com ,848,000 664,000 Oats 446,000 689,000 . EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today Tear Ago ............ 632,000 370,000 '.... 292,000 21,000 1,000 .... 39 39 13 12 28 48 .M 20 18 11 14 57 48 72 47 80 28 19 14 23 70 41 Wheat, Corn Oats Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn.. Jan.- 21. Flour- Unchanged to 25o lower; in carload lots family patents quoted af $9.3601.00 a barrel In 18-pound cotton sacks. Bran 327.00028.00. Wheat-rRecelpts, 287 cars, compared with 250 cars a year ago. Cash: No. 1 northern, $1.62 01.07; March, $1.65; May, $1.63. Corn No. 2 yellow, 62053c. Oats No. 8 white. 38 38 14 c. Barlay 41068c. Rye No. 2, $1.63 01.64 . Flax No. 1, 11.11 01.10. , St. Loul Grain. St Louis. Mo.. Jtn. 51. Wheat March' $1.66 bid: May; $1.57 . asked. com May, ((aesc; 4uiy, nsftc. Oats May, 44c bid. Linseed Oil. Duluth. Minn., Jan. 21. Linseed On track to arrive, $1.93. Kansas City Grain. Kanaaa Citv. Mo.. Jan. 21. Wheat March 81.68U: Mav. 81.61 Corn May. . 61: July, (UNtuoj;.; September, 661, '. Turpentine and Bofcln 8avnnah, Oa., Jan. 21. Turpentine Quiet: 12c; no sales; receipts, 11 DDIS, Momenta. 11 bblc: stock. 15.753 bbla. Rosin Quiet; no sales; receipts, 49 casks:- sllipments, 600 casks: stock, 83,744 casks. ' QUOte: B. D. K. JtL G. H. 1. li.. M. WO. WW. $11.00. - ' ' ' 414 14 40 H 16 68 15 6 n 14 6 167 It 3J t nu 74 144 61 ss ill M 36$ 47 11 i:h 13 38 3 11 SI 70 4 24 26 38 4 10 31 ft 14 16 10 48 43 44 ku hi 44 44 65 16 Money close, 7; Thundar close. T. .014; inursoay II t47 close, Marka eloae. .0167. Sterling close, 1.71 ; Thursday closs, New Tork Sugar. . New Tork. Jan. 21. Thar u nsthlnc new in th local raw sugar market and price war nncnatigea at 4a for Cabas. ,n, I tn a 1 There were sales to local refiner of 13,00 bags or cud, prompt shipment, 4,500 bac ot Porto Rico'a tor February hln- ment and 11,000 bag of San Domingo afloat and prompt shipment, all at the equivalent or e.sso ior cemrnugai. -London- Money. . London, Jan. 21. Bar Silver 40d per ounce. Money 4) per cent. Discount Rates Short bills, 1 06 14 per ent; tnre4-mon:n bin, 1 per cent. Chicago Grain Bonds and Notes By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribeae-Omahaj Be 1 -rated Vlr. Chicaco. Tan. 21. Things that stood out strongly -before the grain trade today were .the liquidation and increased pressure and the export buying;. The former was of suffi cient importance to nullify t he ef fect of the export buying, after a good bulge 011 which' the trade bought and the short commitments were well reduced. During the great er part of the day prices were on the down-grade and, the close was at the lowest of the season for corn and oats and nearly at the inside for the day on wheat Net looses tvere 4 to 5'4c on wheat, lc on corn and oats, lfi to 2c on rye ana &yc on barley, with a weak and uncertain feeling. Receipts, 28 cars. Corn was under pressure all day and while bulgintj for a time, broke to new low levels of ,6740 for May H thrr. Liauidation was on in large volume until the inside prices were reached, consignment notices were liberal and arrivals 474 cars. Cash discounted dropped Vi to lc on the poorer grades. Export sales were 50.000 bushels and do mestic 35,000 bushels. , Oat Lower. Oat were down to 4314c for May. a new low. and closed to, J over that figure. Long stuff came out freely while huvlna- was scattered. Cash, price were off 2c at the lat. with shipping sales, lSll.OOO bushels. Receipts. 67 cars. Rye was bought by seaboard houses and sold by local operators, who were spreading between wheat and ry at 10 difference. ' . , Barley wa oia oy """" - broke. . Pit Notes. . Export demand for wheat from abroad became very active as the result of thj decline, with sales of 1,150.000 hushels confirmed by western cash handlers, in cluding 650,000 bushels to Germany, 350, 000 bushels to Italy, and 150 000 bushels to Belgium. First half 6f February Joadlmj at the gulf wa 21 c, over March. Chi cago handlers sold 60.000 bushels corn to seaboerd Exporters. Two cargoes of wheat were offered for resale at the seaboard and 48-pound barley was offered atf tc, track New Tork. . Domestic shipping sales were 27,000 bushel wheat, 35,000 bushel corn, and 123.00 bushel oats. " No change was noted in premiums, on cash wheat Vat Chicago, with No. 2 fed, 1722c over, No. 2 hard, !07c over, I Vn 1 .nnrttl.rn. 10tfif18c .OVer March. St. Louis cash wheat was unchanged .tor So lower; Kansas City, 103c lower at tne last on hard winter and unchanged on red, while Omaha was 24o lower. Wheat traders were taken by surprise bv the report of a large , order at New York from Portugal. It came to a. large hankina- house in New Tfcrk and asked that the quantity offered' be extended to 600.000 tons in tne aggregate. 11 w disbelieved for a time, but confirmed at tb last by the New York bank. Traders were encouraged to sell by tn report that two cargoes of wheat had been reaold by seaboard exporters, Despite this buvlng. selling continued strong after top price had been reached with much long grain coming out for eastern account while buying support was peer and main ly agalnat bids and to take potlt;on re cent sales. At the Inside ." prices were off 7c on March nd 8e for May with the close $1.65 to $1.65 for March and $1.54 to $1.55 for May. Exports for the week of 4.888.000 bushels were the smallest in recent weeks and compared with 4.119,000 bushels laet year. Nothing was heard from the Argentine tax. CHICAGO OLOSING PRICES. P.y TJpdlke Grain Co.. Doug. 2627. Jan. 21. Th following quotation- furniahed by th Omaha Trust company: Approx. Prlc X'ld American T. A T. Co. ts. 1952 18 7.00 American T. A T. Co. 6s, 1T24 74 105 Anaconda s. 1921 81 .8 0S Argentine Sterling 4 ,. .$425 for 200 bond Armour 7. 1930- 8 3.90 Belgian Govt. 6s. 1125 11 Belgian Govt. 7', 143 s 17 Bethlehem Steel Is. 1122 Bethlehem Steel Is, 1923..... 16 British 6s, 122 16 British 6s, 1929 81 British 6 a, 1937 84 C, C. C. A St. L. 6s, 3121 11 C, B. A Q. Jt. 4s. 1121 tt Cudahy Pkg. 7s, 1123 tt B. F. Goodrich 7s, 1925 11 Grench Govt. 8s, 1(46 i.100 Japanese Govt. 4s. 1126 .... 7114 Japanese Govt. 4s, 1131 ...... 60 Norway 8s, 1840 100 Morris A Co. 7s, 1130 N. Y. Central 7s, 1930 101 Pennsylvania R. R. 7s. 130... 104 U. S. Rubber 7s, 1980 ......100 Swedish Govt. 6s. 1931 83 Swift A Co. s, 1931 99 Swift A Co. 7. 1925 17 Western Electric 7s. 125 ....100 Swiss Govt. 8s, 1140 102 uenmark sa, 1145 ( Westinghouse Elec. 7s, MSI.. ! 8.65 7.77 7.66 7.35 (.35 7.35 6.85 7.46 8.46 7.65 1.75 8.00 11.06 10.46 8.00 7.(6 6.75 6.35 7.46 7.76 6.76 7.65 6.15 7.76 8.15 7.10 - South Side Wife Kept Her Divorce Secret, Husband Says Man Says He Abused Help mate Because She Didn't Tell Him About Court " .Order. Wife Says She Hid Liquor From Husband, Fined $100 "I was hiding it from my hus band," Dee White, 6615 South TWenty-seveuth street, told Judge Foster in South Side police court yesterday when she and Frank White were arraigned tor illegal possession of a miantity of liquor found under a stairway in their home. "I didn't know it was- tnere," Frank told the judge. So Dee was tmed $100 and i-ranK was discharged. New York Cotton. New York, Jan. 11. Further weakness at Liverpool and what appeared to be the collapse of the bull pool which had been attempting a squeeze in the January option, sent cotton prices down again sharply today. The break extended about 85 points at the extreme and the close was very near the low prices for the day. This break took the list, down 150, to practically 200 points under the recent high, which was made a week ago Wednes day, and at the lows two of the active options, March and May, were under 16c. Selling on a fairly large scale developed directly after the opening, and aside from very occasional rallies, none of which ac complished much, the tendency wa down ward consistently. March suffered more than any other month and scored the ex treme break of the day of 88 points. There wa nothing especially interest ing in the trade situation here and the ring was not . inclined to pay any atten tion to trade conditions, being entirely taken un with what was coins: on in the market. Brsdstreet't Trade Review. New York. Jan. 21. -Bradstreef tomor row will aay: "Improvement is the key-word in the trade situation, but there 1 still a treat deal of lrretularlty in the reports, dif ferent industries and sections of the coun try sending In Varying advices. , t or one thing, wholesale distributive trade seem to have held all the ground- gained in re cent weeks, whereas, on the other hand, retail trade is rather quieter, mild weather in parts of tho west being charged with affecting sales of winter apparel. "Perhaps the most marked improvement is noted in advices as to gaina in manu facture andlndustry, but these gain ar not uniform, nor are the reporta from the country as a, whole uniform. Best report as! to wholesale trado come from th big primary markets, next to these being the .west generally and a few Paclfio coast markets, while the south, possibly owing to reaction in cotton price. howa littlo ground gained." ..... ... ... Weekly bank clearings. $7.633,026,000. Foreign Exchange Hate. Following are today'a' rate of exchange as compared with the par valuation. Fur nished by tne reier niui . ' . Par" , Valuation. Today. Art. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Yes'- Wht. Mcii. May Rye. May July Corn May July Oat May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Ribs Jan. May 1.68 1.60 1.47 1.30 .68 .70 .471 ' .44 23.60 23.25 1.71 Ii 1.68 1.4914 1.31 .69 O '. .45 23.50 23.35 12.2 112.92 13.60 13.72 111.82 13.40 11.82 112.67 1-64 IM'A 1.45! 1.28. ,.7t -.68 .43 .43 23.50 28.20 112.92 18.56 11.83 12.40 1.66 1.66 1.46 1.38 .67 .68 .43 .43 23.50 23.35 12.93 12.65 I1L82 12.50 1.69 1.60' 1.47 1.30 .68 .69 -44Tt .44 123.60 23.26 1?.12 13.60 11.72 12.47 Omaha Hay Market. Hay Upland Prairie: No. 1, $13. 14.00; No. -J, 310.00 0 12.00: No. S. 17. 9 00. Midland: No. 1, $11.00012.60: 2, $9.00j10.00. Lowland: No. 1. $9. 10.00; No: 2, $8.0009.00; No. 3. $6, 7.00. Alfalfa Choice. $;2.O024.00: No. 319.00 5). 00: standard, $16.00018.00; 8, $i2.ooii4.og: jvo. 3, jii.uosjpij.uu. Straw Oat, $11.00 0 12.00; wheat, 10.00. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 21. Butter 1o lower; creamery, 62c; packing unchanged. isc. . -Eggs and Poultry Unchanged. $1.00 Protect Your Property WITHS iron and WIRE WINDOW, door and skylight guards, teef doors, folding gate, bars and bolts, fences, railings, guards and screen, iron clothe . peiea, wire basket. CHAMPION IRON & , WIRE WORKS V 1505 Jackson St. Tel. Doug. 1580. GRAIN- : - WE "solicit, your consignments of all kinds of grain to the Omaha, Chicago, Milwaukee, Kan- sas City and Sioux City markets. We Ofhr Yon the Services of Our Offices Located at Omaha, Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska ' Hastings, Nebraska Chicago, IllinoUx Sioux City, low Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska ' ; Des Moines, Iowa , ' Milwaukee, Wis. Hamburg, Iowa , Kansas City, Missouri Get in touch with one of these branch ' s offices, with your next grain shipment , The Updike Grain Company , "The Reliable Consignment House" , " Austria Belgium ........ Czecho-Slovakia Denmark England Vra nnn fl&rmanv Greece . . Italy .Tugo Rlavia Norway .... Poland '.. Sweden .... Swltserland :y.:: .30 .195 !27' 4.86 .193 .288 .195 .196 .'27' !27 15 .0021 .0700 .0137 .1910 2.32 .0665 .0171 .0763 .036: .807 .1115 .0033 .2180 ,.1685 Chicago Potatoes, Chicago, Jan. 21. Potatoes Steady receipts. 48 curs; northern white sacked. tl.201.30 cwt.; bulk, $1,30 1,40 cut "She did me a mean trick, judge; she got a divorce from me five years ago and didn't tell me a thing about it until I found it out last night." So spoke Frank Chester, 45, sta tionary fireman, 4412 South Thirty third street, to Judge Foster in South Sine police court yesterday. Frank hatt hcen arrested for beinsr drunk and abusing his wife arid two daughters, students .at the High School of Commerce. "He threw us out tn the mud, Mrs. Chester told the judge. "Did you divorce him, as he saysr asked his honpr. . - ' "Yes. While he was in St. Louis five vears aeot I didn t know where he was." . "F11 nut him awav lor JU days, said the judge as he pronounced a jail sentence ior frank. South Side Brevities Illinois col, 111.00: H. Howlanfl Lum ber & Coal Co. Phon So. 1614. Adv. Regular Division rig, 3. A. O. H., wilt meet tonight at t at Eagle hall, Twenty third and N street. . 'For Rent Large newly papered front room and kitchenette. Lunary privileges, 4124 South 20th St. Adv. ! Pleasure club give their annual con e.tti h.H next Sunday.-- Will have six- piece orchestra. Ladle' ring given prlae. Adv. Dan Mriak. 6212 South Thlrty-tecon street, pleaded guilty )n Pouth Bide police onurt t(wlv tn ateallnr 35 worth ot pork shoulder from the Cudahy packing plant and wa fined $10. S. M. Graham, who i in charge of vo cational training for ex-soldiers in Omaha, will speak at the Christian Endeavor meeting In Wheeler Memorial -Presbyterlan church Hunday evening ax o;io. L January Clearing Sale Wiig Brothers, OT.fln nt believe yott wilt ever enjoy such a feast of wonderful bargains. Be low we only mention a few. You must huv anon hefnra th best things are gone. ' Children's two-niece underwear, worth, Sc a. heavv fleece, all slzea. now 69c Beautiful ginghams, worth to 96c, now 9n- i Percales, 1 yard wide, were 45a, now 25c per yard. j. Outing flannel, an colors, worth to 40c yard, now ltc. -One lot towels, worth to 75c, now 81c. Ladies' underwear, goes In 4 lots; those worth 76o now 49c; those worth $1.00 now 69c; those worth $1.25 .now 89c; those worth $1.60 now 18c. And ladles' blouse In our store H price, Anv ladles' or misses' coats A price. lien's flannel shirts, worth to $4.60, now $2.11. v. ' Men's sweaters, worth- $9. now $4.4?. -One-half off on all men' duck coat, mackinaws, . leather vents. - . One-third off on all boys' macklnaw5, Overcoat and suits. - Wiig Brothers 834 8. 24th St., So. Bid. Saves $700 Day in Purchase Of Oil for City Gas Plant An opportunity to buy gas oil at 3-4 cents Der callon. the lowest price reached during the war and within .3 of a cent of the lowest orice before the war. was seized yesterday by F. D. Wead, head of the Metropolitan Water 1 board, in the absence of General Manager R. B. Howell from the city. Mr. Wead ordered 40 cars of this oil for the municipal gas riant, which' will mean a four week s sup- iily. Sufficient oil for five weeks is now on hand, Mr. Wead said, and this purchase at otb cents will mean a saving of $700 ' day for the gas plan over the prevailing price of 11 to 12 ccuU per gallon. Xew York Wry flood. New ToVk, Jan. 21. Cotton goqdK market wore quieter In grey goode llneM and some easing In prices was reported on wldo print cluths. Other goods hold steady. Tarn were more ai'tlvo and Srlce higher. Hurler continued quiet, ilk wr In Improved demand and more buiines wa reported In dress goods line. 6V2 and 7 Farm Mortgages 38 Year Without tt Lots Kloke Investment Co. Omaha Natl Bk. Bid;., Omaha. Phone Doug. 1150. ' A Pair of Shoes Free Hith Every Boy's Suit --FREE- With the pur chase of every Boy's Suit you will be given a pair 01 Boy's Shoes. atf& writ -ra v , V m Lr-J W iff Here is your opportunity to get a pair of the best Boy's Shoes made, for nothing. We let you select the Shoes you want. Our Enti re Stock of Men's Dress Beau Brummel Shirts All sizes, latest patterns, values up to $8.50; on sale tf QO Saturday only, ydur choice of anj Shirt. ,pii70 ' Large size Sweet Idaho Prunes, 25 lbs. to a box; QQ 8eribB03V.V.' .".'.'.V.V.V.'.V.".;.. 81.00 Very best Spanish Salted Peanuts, 1 O. per lb. IOC PHILIP' DEPARTMENT STORE , 24th and O Streets South Omaha Wo Giro Gretm Trading Stamp Omar eseirvoir of 'Dollars Deep down in a big money vault we have millions of dollars' worth of prime securi ties put away for safe - keeping. They comprise bur assets. They are the foun dation upon which rests our great structure of polidy contracts, now aggregatingabout (01 0 Year after year the holders " increases, grows the, pile of ' , number of our policy - Bigger and bigger gilt -edge securities. Accumi 1,500,000.00 Omaha men who believe in patronizing good Omaha institutions aire buying policies of v , R. L. Robinson. President W. G. Preston, Vice President R. C Wagner, Secretary-Treasurer Home Office: OMAHA, NEB. WE .WANT EXPERIENCED AGENTS s