14 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY; JANUARY 22, 1921 Classified Adverttsing Rates Ma per llns (count wnrdt lo iln 1 da lfto par Itn par day, consecutive days IHa per ln pr day, T consecutlvs day 14 par Una per day, SO eonascutlvs dsys No ads taken (or leaa than a total or loo. These rates apply either to tha Dally r Sunday Bea. All advertisements ap pear In both morning and evening dally papara for tha one chsrge. CONTRACT KATES ON APPLICATION. Want ada accepted at tha following of- rices: UilK OPtrirm 17th ind J'irnim St South Sid 33 N Ht. Counrll Bluff Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONhl AT TYLER 1000. THE BEE will not h responsible for mora than on Incorrect lnaertlon of an advertisement ordered for mora than on "T'T'nBiwn nntma FOR WANT ADB. atn.ninv UMltlnn ...11:45 A. M Vnrnln PMItlnn ('.OA P. M. Sunday Edition 0:00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. BCALZO Gloria Emma Marie, aged mon'hs. 85 duyg, January 10. De loved daughter f Mr, and Mra. J. U. Kuneral Saturday afternoon at 1 :Si) from St. Ann church. Itth and roiipie ton Ave. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. Friend ar welcome. ABBOTT Lysis I, dted Thursday, Jan, 9rt - r R9 vaara Funeral service will be held under , tha auaplce of the Trotoctlv Order of Elk, No. J. at the residence,. 3401 Lincoln Blvd., Saturday afternoon at S o'clock. Intsrment, Forest Lawn cems- THR funeral of I." l'oe Rlckabaugh, who died at San Diego, will be held from Brewer's Funeral Home, 24th and K, Saturday at 1 p. ra. Rev. R. L. Wheeler officiating:. Burial Laurel Hill cem. tory. CARD OF THANKS. WK wish to thank our friend and nelgh . hora. lodes brothers and also employe of Eager O'Flyng Co. for their kind- ness and sympathy mown u ouring in sickness and, death of . our beloved fa. ther, Dr. R. Buestsr. Signed, Family and relative. - WE wish by tht mean to express our sincere thanks and appreciation ror th kindness and expression of sympathy shown during our recent bereavement, th loss of our beloved wife and mother. C. C. Johnson, and daughter, Jeanette. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER pierce A MRTTT ANTE sbrvicb Tnirty-tmro ana rarnnra. HULSE &RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 South 16th St. , DoaKlss122S. HEAFEY & HEAFEY7 Undertaker and Embalmers. Fhons H. 8G5. Offlae 2011 Farnnm. ITOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Korisko Funeral Home. I3d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON VarfXll 1814 Douglas St Dougla 8844. JOHN BATH. ISth Bad Farnam. J 1000. L. Henderson. 151 Farnam. Dougla I24H. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. Maurlcs and Charlotte Loomis, 1001 Thirtieth avenue, girl. Roy and Grace Qebhart. hosoltsl, girt. Walter and Elisabeth pecker. 1568 North Sixteenth street, boy. Harold and Kate Babender, hospital. " boy. ' William and Edna, Maya, 1310 North Twenty-fourth street, girl, Edward and Estelle Mlnton, 4608 North Thlrty-elghth street, girl. Ueorge and Theophia Kurmell, ,4311 South Thirty-eighth street, boy. ! ' Joel and Myrtle Melander, 841 North Thirty-seventh street,, boy. Frank and Ardle Hughes, 1SSS North Twenty-first street, girl. Brie and Eunice Faulkender, hospital, boy.- 1 Lorenzo and Arminda Brondi, 1034 South Twentieth street, girl. Alffo and Gulseppa Amenta, 111! Arbor treat, boy. , Thomas and . Stnaroula Foganls, -116 Park avenue, boy. ! John and Helen, Flniayson. 2904 Charles treat, boy, , , , :. :, , ,., ' D-nths. .. .- -i . Turner Lawson. 67, hospital. PUorton 1. Gray, 4. hospital. Susan Eva Phillips, 74. Apartment '02, ' St. Regis. Frances A. Smith, 78, 4014 Cuming street. . ... . Eugen Klpley, 4J, hospital. : Frances L. Burroll, 63, 4228 Dewey ave sjue. . William M. Thatcher, 75, hospital. ' Mrs. Roale Mass. 32. hospital. ". MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons were issued per mit to wed: , . . t Axel Olsep. 81, Omaha, and Alfa Niel en, 20, Omaha. Robert W. Stafford, S3, Omaha,' and Ruth O. Granel, 22, Omaha. j . , Ham P. Greenhagen, 32, Omaha, and Anna L. Verser. 27, Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST oh street cars tele phon Tylar 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. COMPANY. LOST Plush handbag, on Clark street, between 18th and 24th. Contents: Keys, calling card, watch, etc.; reward, Call Mr. N. Blhler, Web. 6849. LOST 3-A Grafex camera in leather case on North 62d or Fotvtenell Blvd. Reward. Victor Jelp, 103 North 63d. Walnut S588. LOST-Small platinum drop set with three diamonds. 340 reward. - Har. 3315. PERSONAL, THE SALVATION Army Industrial iiona i solicit your old clothing, furnlturo, . magazines. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn. 1110-1152-1114 Dodge St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. PI?H?JL NATIONAL 'DETECTIVE ! AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 1107. Arlington Block. Omnha, Ni b. WANTEtWto give for adoption, fine baby f.lrl?.w?5'!rn" lbs" 6 weeks. Box W-123 Bee. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS ot Buuui m if Alt IS AM STREET. DICKSON & NEWMAN do all kinds of re- painng ana remoaenng. , Phone S. 2794 MATTRESSES remade, springs , repaired. H. 1762.. .8WEDI8H massage,, 318 Neville Block. SWEDISH massage by masseuse. Dg. 6877. RENT, vacuum cleaner. 61 up. WaL 1947 WEAVING, old rugs remade. Ty. 1433. MASSAGE 210 North Scventeeht St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME , LET KEEP'S teach you to dance Sne , clal attention to children. Satisfaction 1, ,1 OCUl T 1 n b.tm.c. ja nsr. citi Trpl.PinA Sch00' 'or Dancing. 2424 x Farnam. Doug. 7860. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway kt. mag, uoug. hubs. Might Col. 3812. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in an cases. Tyler 1136 . i Hemstitching and Pleating. Neb. Pleating Button Co 1806 Farnam Miscellaneous Announcements. V)TAMnNnSw w tbt D, 1iAlUVn UO nric with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS : JEWELRY CO 402 N. 16th St. Dong- las eu49. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattreases made over in new tick at halt price of new beds. Pillow renovated and made up In new feather-proof ticking. 1907 Uumlng treet. Dougla 247. FILMS developed: ortnting and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store. 16th ana unugias eta. omana, nod. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., ' t7th and Martha St.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronse, aluminum and machine gray iron casting. , SAFETY rasor blades sharpened, new rs sors, rasor blade sold. Omaha Rasor ' Sharpening Co., 1522H Dodge. 101 N. II. OMAHA WELDING CO. "Ths Careful Welders. 16th and Jackson. D. 4817. FULL dres suit and tuxedo tor rent. 101 N, ntp St.. Jo on yeiaman. P. lls. , ... PAXTON hotel Turkish' bath massage, hot - i nnnMiMi Bros. Tyler 6731, .UAt svs connected. J2. Repslrtng and house sjjping. Phone- Harney 1619. Omaba Towel Supply. 07 4 XUhVD. hit, BRINGING UP rr CO IN A.NO "TM.W: TO THE L.DlEt WHILE I 6ET THE TEA, READY FOK SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your attic, don't you find a lot oi clothing, rurmture, pic tures and ether article that you have no further pse for? And have you ever stopped to tninn, that someone migm be only too glad to have them? Then why not 1st th publio know you have those articles useless to you through a little want ad In Tha Bee? It costs very little and a 3-day ad would almost be sure to sell It for you. Try It. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for th Want Ad uept. ...... NEW furniture, alio Victor victrola, 1100, wun au records; English wlcxer baby carriage. Leaving city. Exceptional value. Also sublease apt, Tyler 6613. FOR SALW Complete .mahogany dining room ana oearoom suite, ixiz Wilton rug. 4808 Dodge St., Apt No. 10. HOUSEHOLD furniture, complete, or sal at once. jii arter e:30 p. m. Harney 0820. Lillian Fish. FOR SALE HOOSIER KITCHEN CABI- NET. CALL COLFAX 3061. ixlS RUG 4419 South Twenty-lourth. GOOD hard coal heater. Web. 0871. Pianos and Musical Instruments. TO make room for new stock, will sac- ririce an phonograph on band; 1135 else, $40.60; $150 alse, 166; II ( records, 45c: records exrhana-ed. 16e. ' SHLAE8 PHONOGRAPH CO.. 1404 Dodga. A. HOSPE CO. Krm8u.',nc Pianos for rent , PIANO, Shontnger upright, fumed oak ease; oargam tr taken at once. iy. Hiii. Typewriters ind Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Solo agents for th CORONA. Oat our price before you buy. . Every machine guars nteea. . Central Typewriter Exc Douglas 4!3fl. IS13 Farnam. WE SELL AND RENT OUR OWN MAKE OF TYPEWRITERS, SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ON THREE-MONTH RENTALS. L. C. SMITH & BROS. ' TYPEWRITER CO.. 403 WORLD-HER-' ALD BLDG. TELEPHONE DOUG. 2213. PROTECTOGRAPHS, B". E,': bargains. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. i standard scale, tH3tt toot platform, also 23-inch Buffalo Forg Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, ITth and Farnam St. Phone Tyler 1000. ; SEWING MACHINES' We rent, repair, sell needles and part. MICKEL'S 15th and Homey. ; J Douglas 197JJ SURE and safe Investment, city warrants l-.f' lv P"r n interest, siov. 1600 and 31.000 amounts. E. G. Solomon, 817 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. WE buy, sell safes, make desk, show cases, eic. umana f ixture A Supply Co. 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. R A TTTHS BARGAINS, 12th ft Farnam, -"J J. J. Darlght Safe Co. DIAMOND and jewelry loans. Fred C, Taylor, 603 Securities, Ty. 3685. WASHING machine, reasonable. Ty. 2635. ORGANDY flowers for sale. Wal. 0617. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. (146. WANTED To buy EO-horsj type Y Falr- oanks-Morse Co. gas engine. Reply Box Y-1401, Omaha Bee. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and urniture. Ty. 2098. A. zavett. 705 N. 16. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. WANTED Cleaning or Job work. : Exp coira. man, call web. 09 Mr. Hoims. Painting, pprhg., plastering. Wal. 4567. MAN with team want hauling. D. 6935. Female. DRESSMAKING, all kinds, by day. Web. DRESSMAKING of all kinds. Web. 6622, DRESSMAKING by the day. Doug. 7892. Laundry and Day Work. HOUSEKEEPERS. L'AUNDiRESSKS. t Watch the Domestic column of The - Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. PHONE your ad in to 'The Bee, it eaves time. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Want Ad Dept. BUNDLE washing by a white woman, van Aionaay. walnut 1st CLASS laundress, experienced. Web. BZ1. - , - BUNDLE washing, prices right. Web. 45 i 9. DAY work, laundry, cleaning. Web. 4125. DAY work wanted. Experienced. Web. 6631 WORK as maid, waitress. Web. 4142. Bundle washing neatly done. Web. 3197. House cleaning, laundry, exp. , Web. 6383. LAUNDRESS wants day workT"web. 6058" CLEANING, Ironing. Call evgs. Weft. 2290 IRONING, day work, laundry. Web. 3382. DAY work by colored woman. Web. 6194. BUNDLE WASHING, davwork Har. 6679. DAYWORK. bundlewashlng. Web. 1051. DAY work, exp. colored. Web. 4391. DAYWORK wanted. Harney 69467" 1ST CLASS laundress. Tyler 4328. 1ST CLASS laundress. Web. 297T" DAY work wan'.ed, Webster 3204. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Foreman for truck and Auto repair shop In Omaha. Reply stating experience, salary wanted and give ref erences. Address Box H-21, Omaha Bee. .. . " X MOLER BARBBR COLLEGIi. 110 So. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitor!. SPECIALTY salesmen in silverware, rugs and blankets;, can use a couple of good men. Out-of-town work. -C. F. Adams Co.. 623 S. 16th St , EXPERIENCED shoe salesman wanted; " who understands feet . preferred. -dux tt-ii, imanr nee. Agents and Canvassers. FOR the new year, :why should life I surance agents in Nebraska plod alo In t h nl,l ., , . l - ,., pen for you that will meet present financial and other conditions? Some- .,o m um i.ine - nee insurance. We want good men and will use them If.!- .J' i" ,t0 your '""" o engage h . Columbia Life Insurance Com- . w. . , irmmi jieu. HAVE severtl counties in Nebraska open ' Jfi-"-1?, f hBU quick-eelling ar tide, small Investment, big return. Use , . . ior pariicuiars. Addrs The S. & 8. Agency. Topeka, Miscellaneous. MAN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowl lor Alley, 1807 Farnam St, . 1 L I Jtk I FATHER--- HOW A.M CONNS CIT A CHANCE. TO i TALK IN THAT CROWD ? HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. - YOUNG ladles who desire to prepare for stenographer's position to enroll in our day and evening 1ssps of shorthand and typewriting, ana operation or coinp tometer. Tuition payable monthly. In dividual Instructions. Call isnd see us or teiepnone Douglas 74lo. Dworak School of Accounting. 2floor Woad Bldg. 18th and Farnam. BOOKKEEPER aud stcno., 325 to 327.50 week. . BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, steno., $110-4115. . Bookkeeper, 8,110-811, THE MARTI CO.. 1136 W. O. W. Bldg- Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. . Special rates ana Inducements. TRt-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Household and Domestic. - ' GIRLS 1 Watch the Domestic Column of The see want Ada Good, well-paid and homelike pbvtes always advertised. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housewjrk. Maid's room with pri vate bath on second floor. Phone Wal nut 2918. EXPERIENCED , nurse for 2-year-old child; references required. Har. 0593. GIRL for general housework, small fam ily, fioos Capitol Ave. Walnut 2842. WHITE glri to assist with housework. Phone Web. 5129. Miscellaneous. " ' WANTED -YOUNG WOMAN - ABOUT 20 YEARSXOK AGE. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE PREFERRED 814 PER WEEK TO START. APPLY ROOM 614. NEW TELEPHONE! BLDG,, IITH AND DOUGLAS 8TS. WANTED A NUMBER OF REFINED INTELLIGENT YOUNG WOMEN PLEASANT. INTERESTING, AGREE ABLE . EMPLOYM ENT WITH UN ' USUAL ' OPPORTUNITIES FOR AD VANCEMENT. WAGES 314.00 PER WEEK TO START., ADDRESS, . BOX W-129, Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. NEWSPAPER. CANVASSERS WANTED Men and women to canvass house to house in Omaha1 and Council Bluffs; experience riot necessary; must fbe filling -to work eight hours a day. See Mr. Long, The Omaha Bee, ! WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT j, SCHOOL. -Complete courses In accountancy; ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railnpad and wire less telegraphy, civil oenvice and ail English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1S65 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, ; Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. - Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. ' 220 Omaha National Bask Bldg. Douglas 6890. -1 BUSINESS CHANCES. ONLY HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. In live Iowa town, present owner cleared 820,000 in 6 years. Price Includ ing fine brick steam heat building, fur niture and stock, ,816,000; terms, half 1 cash, or will take small Omaha apart ment or houses in exchange; can pay difference. Let's talk It over. D. E. BUCK & CO., 442 Omaha Nat. Doug. 2000. FOR SALE or trade 1 3-room strictly mod ern brick Hotel and cafe doing an ex clusive business in one of Iowa's best small towns, only placo to cat. and sleep. :. Owner must .move where1 pro fessional merticai attention can be ob talned, so will trade for. good, Omaha property.' Write 1 or see me at .ne, room 242, Keen hotel. - FOR SALE Strictly . first-c!ass confec tionery and bakery in the best town in f the state. Terms given to responsible ' party. Reason for selling, going into the wholesale business exclusively. The Dickey Cream Co.. Kosth Platte, Neb. Fore Sale Best paying hardware buslnesj in northeast Nebraska. Annual net profits 310,000 to 3:10,000. Long lease on low rental basis. Will sell for cash or Liberty bonds. No trades considered. Box Y-1.199, Omaha Bee. - TO GET in or out of business, see LEWIS Co.. 411 McCague Bldgf FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR- ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so. then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with a complete room list of choices vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to- make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to-all reader and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. SINGLE rooms, running hot and cold - water; also completely furnished 2 or 3 room apartment; for men only; steam heat; within walking distance. Brown Bachelor Ata, 608 N. 2 let. Dg. -6644. 4116 DODGE, 3 nicely furnlRhed rooms, priv. home, breakfast if telred. H. 4815 NICELY furn. front rm., men preferred, elec. lights, heat, 37 week .2709 Farnam. TWO Bleeping rooms, one on 1st floor with fireplace. Har. 7116. NICE warm sleeping room. 2627 Harney. NICELY furnished rm. for 2, Web. 6718. NICE front room at 2961 Farnam St. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE. BEST' IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEH ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FRKB OF CHARGE FOR THB BENEFIT OF .OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLEK 1000. WANT AD 3 FURN. tnod. hkp. rm everything fur nished, to employed people, web. 0718. TWO furnished rbems for light house keeping, gas rang, gas furnished. Doug. 6117. LIVING room and kitchen, completely furnished, bath floor, modern, reference. Douglas 6293. STEAM-HEATED furnished housekeeping rooms, slnffle and ensuife. ?H27 Harney. MODERN furnished nouwHeninir rooms, couple unployed preferred. CoL 4117 Registered 17. S. Patent Office. , ITS CONNA BE rORJE THAN I EXPECTED ONE OF" THEM li SINQIN'MOW- i 1 1 i ' ' . for r: IE NT : ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. 1 LARGE front room, either sleeping rooms or housekeeping for 3. it. 5349. 424 N. 17TH ST. Front room, bath floor, 8 blocks north of postoffice. TWO light housekeeping rooms. - 2613 Mason. Board and Rooms. FCB CHOICB BOARD AND RM. WATCH THB BBE WANT ADB, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. , LOVELY Large room In west Farnam nomo. uentelman prererrea, two meals garage. Harney 2196. LARGE room, private home, Harney line; meals If desired; gentlemen. Har. 1297. DOUBLE and single rooms, board; clono in. 2515 Dodge. Doug. 9163. FOR RENT HOUSES. , Furnished. HOUSE and coal furnished free of charge to man and wife.or else elderly lady, and small salary ior care of children. Come to see me at nce. 4828 S.-26th St., in rear. Ed Wills. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished, THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's ; Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For . Future Occupancy. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 3-room apts., steam heat, within walking dis tance. Brown Bachelor Apts., ' 508 N. 21st St., Doug. 6644. Unfurnished. Tadousac Apartments Located on 38th avenue between Farnam and Dewey avenue; Oma ha's finest and newest apartment building; suites of three, four and i five rooms, in Omaha's most ex- clusiva residence district. Prices $100 to $150. Building now ready for occupancy. O'Keefe Real Estate Company ' REALTORS 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bid. D. 2715 S ROOMS, Mount Vernon, 624 South 31st street, 3105. 6 rooms, Ardmore Terrace, 49th and California streets, 3125. S rooms. Mount Vernon, 624 South 31st street, 8140. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0544. 17th and Farnam St. MODERN four-room apartment close In ,35'S. P. BOSTWICK, 400 Peter Trust Bldg. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management ONE rcomv threi-.-room accommodations, new. 1801 Vinton St. Douglas 6537. FOR RENT Business Property SUITE of offices for rent, consisting of t private offices and one reception mora. Inquire Room 400, 1st National Bank building. FOR RENT Store room, good looatlon. S. R. Wilson, Atlantic, Iowa. SEE F. D. WEAD. 810 S. 18TH ST. Office and Desk Room. DESK space in real estate office, lioom 24,, Patterson block. Doug. 3666 . DESK space for rent. Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. 3663. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY andean CO. STORAGE, MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, . FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE 1,1st OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 0585. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. , FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and 'shipping. i OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 80 South lath. Doug. 4168. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Boweii Co. Tyler 1400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1606 DavenDort, Doug. 2908. TAYLOR'S express. We haul anything, bv tonnage or basket kindling . wood, ashes, ete. Moving a spec. Web. 4862. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. HOMER pigeon for sale. - Col. 2770, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Cadillac USED CAR CARNIVAL , Four different autimobijes havr increased in price since January 1. You can see what that means. ' You can still ' purchase remark r ably fine used cars at our Carni val at a great saving. V ,: ' ' - $200' ''- Ford Touring - .$600. - Cadillac 4-cyl. Touring " Studebaker Touring . : $700 ' Overland Coupe. f v ',' Dodge Roadster. v a $1,000 : ' x Oldsmobile Roadster Hudson Super-Six Touring ;! : : $1,400 ;:. )' , .Reo Speed Wagon. See.it. CARNIVAL ENDS JANUARY;25 HURRY IN AND SEE. . WHAT YOUR MONEY CAN BUY. 'A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam at 26th. Har. 0710. Open Evenings. . J SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor -Co. Tha Handy, Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Doug las 3500,. , . SEE JMCGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE WArsDERJNG BOY AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Cadillac RE-NEW-ED CAR CARNIVAL. , Four different automobiles have increased in price since January 1. You can see what that mean You can still purchase remarkably fine used cars at our Carnival at a great saving! ' $1,000.00 Cadillac ( Type 51, Touring. 1 . $1,550.00 Cadillac Type 53 Roadster. Cadillac Type 53 Touring. , $1,700.00 Cadillac Type 55 Touring. Cadillac Type 55 Phaeton. $2,000.00 Cadillac Type 55 Phaeton. Cadillac Type 55 Touring. $3,000.00. .Cadillac Type 57 Touring. Cadillac Type 57 Phaeton. ; $4,100.00 ' Cadillac Type 57 Suburban. Cadillac Type 59 Touring. CARNIVAL ENDS JANUARY 25 HURRY IN AND SEE WHAT ' YOUR MONEY CAN BUYt ' EVERY CAl RE-NEW-ED. EVERY' CAR GUARANTEED. .A SAFE PLACE TO BUY. i, $ - J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co., Farnam,' at 26th.' ' Har. 0710. t . ' Open Evenings. OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT OFFERS REAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK. 1 ' Maxwells priced from $100 up. j Grants priced from $200 up. Elgin, 1920, $650, Chevrolet Roadster, 1919, $250. : Chevrolet Touring, 1917,. $350. Chalmers Touring, $450. All are in good shape. Cash or easy terms. ;: Omana Auto Sales Co., Farnam Street. '' Tyler 8627. DODGE SEDAN. BUMPERS FRONT AND REAR, ANP OTHER EXTRAS. LIKE NEW, $1,050. . AUTO EXCHANGE, 2204 Farnam. Doug. 6031. We have some sprendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms, Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. ' V ';.- " ; - WILL sell my, 6-passenger Steams Knight touring car at a bargain: , this car Is in excellent condition and can be purchased on 'time payments , or for cash. Call Harney 5459. HAVE brand new popular . light six cylinder cedan. Never been driven. WH1 trade for equity in desirable city resi dence. Telephone Tyler 6299. Colfax 2299 evenings. WILL trade new automobile for cily prop erty. Have Just traded for stock of new automobiles, standard ptakts. Give full description and price of what you have. Box. W-126, Omaha .Bee. HAVE several new one and two-ten Smith Farm-a-TrucliS. '. Will fit any make of car. What have you to trade? Box W-127. Omnha Bce. THE DIXIE FLYER. , W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 1520 Farnnm St. OAKLAND Sensible Six.' A MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney St.. Wanted. FOR SALE or trade for Ford two shares of Sprague rubber slock. Box Y-1400 - Omaha B?f, Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roos. 27th and Leavenworth, DepL B. Omaha. Neb. FARM LANDS. Michigan Lands. ' FARM BARGAINS! ! 'The opportunity of a life time. Bpign did hardwood lands .In Antrim, Kal kaska and Otsego counties. Michigan, at only 316 to 835 per acre. Easy terms. Kxeellent location, near msrkets, schools, R. R., lakiw and streams. It costs noth ing to invcstlsrnte. Write for big free booklet. SWIG ART, J-1252, First Na tional B.iiik BUIg.r Chicago, III. Missouri Lands. FREE All nbout the Ozark and list of .cheap farms, all slees, best of term. Durnell Land Co., Cabool', Mo. , Nebraska Lands. FINE FARM, FINELY IMPROVED, 185 PER. S2G acreV level, black, very productive, only 4H miles nf county seat; 12 room, , fine modern house: large barm silo und . thr necessary buildings; U cash, bai 1 Anre terms to suit, L CONNER, Feters.Trust Bldg., Omaha. TONlCHT.' FARM LANDS. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY snecial number Just out containing 1921 facts of clover land is Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an. investment you ar - thinking of buying go id farm lands : wnere farmers grow rich, send at once lor tnis special number or ianaoiogy, It Is free on request. Address Skid-more-Rlehle Land Co.. 433 Skidmore Riehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. 7 NEBRASKA FIRST FARM MORTGAGE $3,500 on a fine 160- ; acre, well-improved, ir rigated farm worth con- " scrvatively $16,000. A , thoroughly safe invest- ment. . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Oma. Nat. Bank. Douglas 1781. ' We Have MONEY TO LOAN on houses and business properties, A. P. TUKEY & SON, 020 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 4223. WANT $40,000, 10 years first mortgage on 865 acres black, level, second bottom land, all tillable, well improved, mile to station in N. W. Missouri, near Iowa line. Aituress box Y-13S8, omana jjee. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC. V 53S Kecllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1018 Om. Nat. Bit. Bldg. Doug. i71B. f 1 00 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros. 345 Omaha Nat. Stocks and; Bonds. LIBERTY bonds wanted. We have money-maklnjf Investment, Will take your bonds at par. Write at once. GO' gerty Lathrop ft Co.. Newcastle, Wyo. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Wanted Real Estate If your, home, apartnfent,- flat, business property or acreage is for sale call us. We have ready buy ers for all .classes of property. Immediate inspections. J. L. Hiatt Co., Hiatt Bldg. Better Values 1914-16 Douglas St, Tyler 0063. WB HAVE 3 BUYERS WITH $5,000 CASH EACH. Ready to buy 5 or 6-room modern bungalows. In Hanscom Park, west, or north of Ames avenue. ; We have a buyer for $8,000 to $10. 000 Field Club home, can pay $4,000 cash. ' . We can sell your home. Phone D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS, 442 Omaha Nat. . Doug. -2000. SIX-room all modern house with garage west or southwest. Must be in good neighborhood, paved street, etc. No shacks considered. Value $5,000 to $7,000 with $2,000 to $3,000 down.. What have youT Box W-116, Bee To buy or Sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1428. WE HAVE customers for real estate, both vacant and improved. D. V. SHOLES CO., Douglas 0041: 913-17 City Nat. Bk. LIST hemes and income property. GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Dowr. I860. WB SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C B, STUrLT CO., City Nat'l B!dr. , Douglas 8787. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1608 Dodge- St. v Douglae 1845. PTPTrTprpm REAL ESTATE: XJXXVXViLlX 1" geiis. Rents. Insures S50. Peters Trust Bldg. Dong, 0638. PT TT?'D"DT?XTC'KEAr' ESTATE. . J. lili))iINoina and Rental $05 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. , Dougla 812 W. G. SHRIVERran" 1047- Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. Hjj T.TRTTNOS WANTED. . Western Real Estate Co.. 412 Karbach Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. CUMINO Near 2th St., 44 feet: must be sold to close estate, tj. a., unminti, oi. Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Trackage. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST., $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWIPK. 400 Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. SMALL INVESTMENT $3,500 RENT $45 . PER MONTH , "., Store building and cottage near 26th and Leavenworth. Always rented. Leased to present tenants. GLOVER & SPAIN, ? . - ' , REALTORS, Douglas 2850. " 918-20 City National, Thl property consists of three 8 room cottages and a two-Btory frame flat with 6 rooms on each side; ground. 112x127; $S,00O on easy terms will buy it. ALFRED THOMAS & SON 604 First National Bank Building. SMALL store with flat above, on car line, modern, rent 8720 year; price ,tiu; easy terms. , Doug. 1734. days, j. wTlsHNELMER CO,, " Realtor. Re.-vl Estate, Investment. Insurance, Rentala Tyler 1636. S33 Securities Bldg. - Opportunity A large, nationally known of fice appliance manufacturer ha an an opening for a sales agent in the Indianapolis territory. This Is an unusual opportunity for the 'man who possesses real selling ability, and who has had experience In engaging, training and managing salesmen. Will consider most fa vorably a man who has had suc cessful experience In office appli ance or ststlonary field. Must have limited financial responsibility. Write fully In strict confidence, enclosing your photo, making your letter reflect your ability. BSr Y-14H4. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright, :2l International Newa Servlcs DON'T CRVLADiCt,. I'LL CO OUT AN UOOK FOR HM:!! REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE ONLY MlLKHROM OMAHA from Council Bluffs, on Lincoln Highway, 120 acre fairly well improved. Owner want some money. Buyer assumes $5,800, due 1923. Will take trade or give long time on balance. L Connwr, Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE Or exchange; my well im proved 320-acre farm; 5 miles from town. Will trado for good elevator. R. A. Maarslngh, Lanesboro, la. 320 ACRES Canada .land clear In Man itoba for Okobojl Lake shore prop- . erty. Write L., Box 811, Spirit Lake, la. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. NETHAWAY, Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1408. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WHAT you got to trade for one of the finest ranches in Montana; 10,000 acres. Large aorease, Irrigated. Fine Improve ments. Railroad through tract, elevator and loading station on land, wonderful alfalfa now growing. Four miles from town of 3,000. Ideal condition for stock and general farming. Price $45 per acre. A bargain. Miller & Kenyon, Laurel, Mont. WILL trade good lots for equity In mod. ern or part modern house. Doug. 0722. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West 43d and Dodge Six-Room full two-story mod ern stucco house. Three large rooms on the first floor finished with oak floors and oak wood work. Three dandy nice bedrooms and bath on second floor. Oak floors and "white enamel wood- . work. Tile floor "in bath. ' Dandy nice lot, south front, on paved street, paving paid. Price has been reduced to $7,500 with .reasonable . terms! -. . ' PAYNE INVESMENT COMPANY 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. Do You Want a Reason ably Priced Home? We want you to see 324 tf. . 35th St. A good frame cottage of 4 rooms o: first floor, 3 bedrooms nd bath on sec-J na floor, oarage, close to good public school. See us soon about this property. A. P. Tukey & Son., 020 First Nat. Bk. Doug. 4251. Omaba Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOH AN, ; !l Paxton Blk. - Phone Tyler 4880.' DUPLEX flat. West Farnam, 6 room, til bath, sleeping porch, east iaei Kent $100 me, $10,000. Terms. D. 1734 days. EARLY birds get thc-worms. See our com plete lists of spring bu.vs. Price:-- In your favor, Shopen ft Co., 234 Keellne. North. OWNER a, builder, leaving city March 15. Want to sen quick; .big bargain, 6-room modern bungalow. Oalt doors, bookcases. French doors, garage, ton truck. Worth $5,000, will sell for $4,000. $2,200 cash. Balance long terms. House rents for $45 per month. Box . W-125 Omaha Bee. $1,950. 3 lots, neat cottage, chicken park. . V AMOS GRANT CO., REALTORS, . ' Doug. 888. S30-2-4 Brandeis Theater. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. 8 rooms, all modern, oak floors. H Mock to car, close to park and public school, $5,250, $1,260 cash. Call Doul. 9585 or Col. 1819. 5-ROOM house, paved street, for $2,000; easy terms. Col. $175.. R. F. Clary Co., North Omaha Realtors. 2414 Ames Ave. A' FEW homes and lots for sale in Park- wood addition; a safe place for invest ment. Norrls & Norrts, Douglas 42,0. SPECIAL terms on 2823 Seward St 4-rm. bungalow. Modern, $200 cash. bal. tnn. Creleh. 60S Bee. Doug. 0200. MINNS LUSA homes and lots offer th best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and invest ment. 542 Poters Trust. Doug. 80D7. BENSON & MKYERSpO.. 424 Pro. Nat'l Miscellaneous. Nearly New Bungalow ; ;j 1 $5,500 $).000 - CASH . " Five rooms, strictly modern. Oak ' floors and finish in living and din ing room; two delightful sleepfciK 'rooms and bath; kitchen has built in cabinet and work table. . Full ' cement basement, splendid heating plant; floor drain, fruit cellar, etc. Nice lot on paved street. Payne & Carnaby Co.,' REALTOR SERVICE 16 Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 1016. 8-ROOM house, modern but Kent. Reason able terms. Call owner. Col. 2969. Real Estate Transfers Otto II. Meyer and wife to Harry Reuben and wife, n. w! cor. 18th and Lake at., 48x101.3.. 810, Ann L. Smith to Myrtle E. Keep, Dewey ave.. 92 ft. a. of 41st St., s. s 48X140... ."".' ' Sophia Larson and husband to, .1. M, Anthony. Lnks St.. 141.3 ft. . e. ot 27th. st, s. s.. 60x127.8 2, Anna E. Nielsen and husband to Nina L. Nelson, n. e, cor, 68th and Lake St.. 100x130 3. Paul Juoknless and wife to Maurice P. Hlnchey, N at. 125 ft. w. of 23d st., . s 2Sxl0 Otora-e A. Msicney snil wife to Minnie M. Hensen. 40th at.. 400 ft. s. of Kmlle St., w. s.. 50x130.. Emmet O. Hume to Margaret J. Walker, Military ave., 60 ft. s. of Bardntte st., e. s 25x120 Ellery R. Hume and wife to Mar-. rret J. Walker. Military ave., 76 ft s. of Burdette St., . s.. 26x120 1, Emma Weberg to Alfred I. Crelght, SlSth St.. so ft. a. of Gxsnt , w. s.. 40xxl20 1, Harry M. Kevan and wife to Bessie W'ohlniT, Dodge St.. 191 ft. . of 48th st n. s., 60x108.5... 7, The Cathedral Chapter of the Plorese of Nebraska to r:hriet O. Trimble, n. e. cor. 41st and Charles St., 60x180 Beora K. Hushes and husband to Jessie M, llllt, Hanscom blvd., 10 ft. n. of Martha at., w. s., 80x127 Charles T. Hansen and wife to Michael J. Naylon, n. w. cor. list and Capitol ave., 100x13! 3!. 500 250 000 COO 1 -1! 500 600 800 500 800 1 000 New York Metals, New Tork, Jan. St. Copper steady: electrolytic spot and first quarter, 13 tf lSic: senond quarter. 1S' eiftc. Iron Nominally unchanged. Tin Kasy: spot and nearby 36. &0ff 85.76: futures, SM.75iS'3T.25. Load Steady; spot, UTS. .Antimony Spot. In.'sn s f- Zinc SiesUji Kast St. Louis spot, t.li 9 5.1)0. ' 4 Select Committee' ; Chairmen for Omaha : Red Cross Chapter 1 , At a special meetintf of the ex ecutive committee of the Omaha chapter, American Red Cros, held yesterday at the Athletic club, the following' chairmen of committees were selected forUhe year 19M: Home service section. Mrs. Charles M. Wilhelm; nursing activities, Mrs, A. F. Lecrmakers; committee on charitable agencies co-operation, Mrs. J. E, Davidson; disaster relief. Dr. A. C. Stokes; publicity, Mr.lJ. W. Yates; first aid, Mr. R. M. Switz W; Junior Red Cross, Mr. Hever idge. ii. M. Swit2;ler, chairman of the Omaha chapter, announced the crea tion of a newt committee known as the committee on charitable agencies co-operation, of which Mrs. J. E. Davidson was elected chairman. This committee will respond to the plan announced by the Chamber of Commerce ' for the co-operation of all charitable agencies in Omaha,1 David Cole heading this committee for the Chamber of Commerce, Report of the home service section of the chapter showed that 208 cases of disabled ex-service men were at tended during the month of Decem ber. - ' ''. Cedar Rapids Banker to ,; ' Join Lincoln Institution Cedar Rapids, Neb., Tan. '21. (Special.) The board of directors of the S. S, Hadley company bank here elected the following officers; Stanley Maly, president; ,W.-:!iA. Snare, vice president; S. S.' Hadley II. cashier; J. H. Watts, assistant cashier. ' . ' The newly elected vice president will move from Utlca, where he has been president of the Merchants bank,' and) assume full management, of the bank. Stanley Maley, who' has been manager, will go to Lin coln as vtce president of the City National bank and cashier of the City Trust company. ,. He has been engaged in the banking business"! t this city for 12 years. , V . .,.,,.,: $T ' 41 3 V- " " Musical comedy Lompany , v uraered Back to iNew l orK "Mary," the Cohan musical coni- , . . ... T1 1 . 1 A 1 I euy ai tne orancicis tneaier, nan uern ordered back to New, York at the close of its engagement here. It had been billed to open at the Cohn theater in Chicago , and Manager Arch MacGovern is unable to ex plain the motive in the order toa',t,c turn directly to New York. It may mean rerouting, reorgan ization or discontinuance, he said. Both Manager MacGovern and Joy Sutphon, manager of the Brandeis theater, emphatically denied reports that a quarrel between a tempera mental woman in the cast and the stage manager resulted in the order. Omaha. Scottish Clan to V; Honor Poet, Rohert Burns The 32d' annual concert ahd ball in commemoration of the 162d an niversary of the birth, of Robert Hurni 'tiAtet Srntcli finer, will he jheld Friday night, January 28, "at the Swedish auditorium tinaer me of Clan Gordon. No; 63, Or- rter nf Srnttish Clang. Chief Robert Malcolm will pre side over tht program, which will include yocal and instrumental mu sical -numbers and an address by Col. T. W. McCollough. Dancing will follow the program. January Temperature Is Wannest in Over 60 Years T).tr!. XToli Tan 21. CSnecial.1 A territorial pioneer of uage .4 . . II'.J 1 HJ county Stated tnar weuneauay auu Thursday of this week were the warmest days in January, in this locality in 60 years. The maximum mrrariire Wednesday was 50 de grees, and on Thursday it was but a few degrees lower. Man Held for Embezzlement Freed on Technicality Sioux City, la., Jan. 21. Trial, of frfnrn P Inhnsnn on an indictment rharo-ino- him with embezzlement of $70,000 while "fiscal agent" of the Alfalfa and Cereal Milling company, came to an abrupt ending in dis trict court when Tudffe Teoson quashed the indictment on the ground it was faulty, v Romance in Origb Of Superstitions : - By q. IRVING KING. Paying the Washerwoman. ' Few deep wafer sailors, even in these enlightened days, would care to out to sea without paiing their laundress, whomever else they might leave unpaid confident that some thing untoward would happen . to them if they omitted this ceremony, This superstition has its origin in the old belief that witches had power over the winds and the custom of buying favorable breezes from them before setting forth on a voyage. In many ancient writings do wc find al lusions to this superstition and this superstitious practice, venerable, in its antiquity, even in those remote times The superstition was a nat-' nral outgrowth in the minds of sea faring folk of the once universal be lief in witches a nautical application of their supernatural powers. Winds were sold in the 19th century in the Isle of Man and perhaps are now .in some obscure ports. But, as a ruie, the only vestige of the ancient .su perstition seen is the sailor's belief with regard to his laundress. Some of the old hags who in ancient times sold winds were probably not averse to picking up a few extra pieces of coin by doing washing for sailors in port. The witch trafficker in winds gradually went out of business, but the washerwoman remained. And not, infrequently, especially in small and foreign ports, the women doing sailors' .washings were, and are, witchlike in appearance. It was-the lingering connection between witch like old womeri and the buyinjt of winds in what' the psychologists would call the sailors unconscious that caused him to be sure to pa such -women before he sailed. And onre having started with rccrarrL'tii washerwomen of witchlike aspect the superstition broadened, until it embraces today even the mot buxom laundresses. Copyright, 121, "y the McCturs Nswspacsr Sndicata ,4--' . NY-