Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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Up'tO'Date Ne ws , and Gossip of interest to
Sport Wans
Only One Came
Is Scheduled for
Omaha Tonight
Central High arid Sioux City
Cagerg Will Play at Local
?Y" South' High at .
' ; '.
South lakota Mains Ntbraska
;"": tirsstmt . .
(rlnnril at-atast Kansas at Urrnr.
Kansas AlM afrtttMt' Am Am
Itraka acalaot WaolU-B at IJt. Ural.
Mlnonri (hint Oklahoma t Oklahoma.
Month Hlth alns. PlaM.mouth at
riatUiuoatk. k I
York agatast Midland at FrMnonr.
Grand Inland cvlleca acalnst Bethany
at lWthanjr. .
Mlrhlitan af ainat Northwestern at
Purdue acalnst Ohio, at Columbua.
Illinois against Wisconsin at Madison.
Iowa ataliut Chleao at . Chicago.
- i '
Only one basket ball game js
scheduled ta be played in Omaha to
night. Coach Harold .Wulhgans
Central High athletes in their ab
breviated uniforms will buck up
against the Sioux City High school
hoopsters in the only contest carded
for local cage fans. The game will
be played at the Omaha Y. M. C. A.
gymnasium and is scheduled to start
at 8:30 o'clock. - ,'..; '
South Dakota and Nebraska Wes
leyan play at Lincoln in; a game
which is holding the centef of inter
est Wound the capitot city. The
Covotes and the Wesleyans should
play an interesting contest. '
South High wllj journey to Platts
mouth, Neb., for a game with the
high 1 school quintet of that city.
Coach Patton's basketeers have been
practicing every afternoon this eek
on team work and now have tjieir
floor . work down, tp where . tnev
should give their opponents a hard
gYork and Midland meet in the
only Nebraska conference contest
on the program fori this evening. -
Tendler and
Chicago, : Jan. 21; Articles were
signed Thursday for a boxing match
between Lew Tendler, Philadelphia
lightweigfit and iClonie Tait, Cana
dian boxer, according to ; an an
nouncement here.-The weight is to
be 135 pounds, at 3 o'clock. -
The date and place of the match
have not been decided. ,
Base Ball Training School
Suggested hy Mitchell
; Boston, Jan. 21,-Scfiools of base
ball to-solve the problem of ob
taining new players in the-major and
minor leagues were suggested today
by Manager Fred Mitchell of--the
o..t v9tnnala. who oredictea
that such training schools would be
established at all base ball Mparkf
i within a few years. ; . i-i
"It will take tune, .patience ann
plenty of careful teaching to develop
the players, but it will pay ih the
long run;" Mitchell said. . Keep
them for five years if necess?rytand
:f .f rnnnle of- MaranViUes.
Hornsbys on HsllocHers out jof the
lot you are way ahead. v, '
, "Buying and selling of big league
players is pretty nearly a iliing of
the past. The trouble is that there
are not enough to go around, anc.
managers and owners are cautious,
about entering into deals.'-
Nebraska Wrestlers
Will Open Season
Cornhusker Grapplers and
Lincoln "Y" Athletes Will
Meet in First Tourney..
Lincoln, Jan. 21. (Special.) -Nebraska's
university's wrestlers will
start the season Saturday evening
in a mat meet with the Lincoln
Y. M. C. A. team on the university
gym floor. V
Dr. G. Clapp, who has coached
many successful Nebraska wrestling
teams, has been-working hard to
get his men in shape for a victorious
season. With the exception of the
men in one or two weights, the
Cornhusker team is an almost sure
Three letter men from last year's
team have returned to put on the
wrestlinor toirs this year. The loss
of Captain Harry Troendly and Cap-
. tri c :u .ill k.k
lain-cicci jviaituiu oiuuu win Hand
icap the team in the 135-pound and
158-pound classes. Hoyt, heavy
weight grappler, who is acting cap
tain of this year's team; Long in
the 135-pound class and Pickwell
in the 175-pound class are the old
men who are on the team this year.
A lineup' for the meet Saturday
evening follows:- ' .-.'- ' ; '
115-Pound Class Bengston (Nebraska)
against Wink (T. M. C. A.)
lJS-Pound Clsss Powers . (Nebraska)
acalnst Llkena (Y. ' M. C. A.) j .
U6-Pound Cls Long (Nebraska)
against Krlog or Marshall (T. M. C. A.)
145-Pound Clsss Werta (Nebraska)
acalnst Crouse (T. M. ft A. , -.
168-Pound Claaa Reed t (Nebraska)
bnoppoaed ni yet. ... V
176-Pound Class Pickwell (Nebraska)
against Ltitzl (Y. M. c. A.)
. Heavyweiirnt uiaas nuyt
against Bennett (Y. M. C.
Hoppe Will Defend
Match of BflHaurds
Benson High Completes
. Basket Ball Schedule
Bensori high school basket ball
team arid the Magnolia. Neb., high
school quintet will meet today on the
iartr'a court in a scheduled game,
The locals " and .the '.Plattsmou'th'
high clash at Omaha' university on
Friday, January 28 : .l, ' ' ,
Theschednle for Benson, high fol
lows: -
January. 21 Stagnnlla thers.
Jamiery 28 Flattsmouth, ; at Omaha
""rVbruary 5 Columbus at Deaf Institute,
February 11 Gretna there. .
February 13 Open.
February . JlIowa Deaf , lnstltut at
February 25 Qi'stna' at Benson. ,
ifnrh i Snutl, Omaha there.
March t Commerce at auditorium.
flarl Conrad Defeats . . '
Hall of Maryville, Kan.
Creston, la., Jan. 21. (Special.)
. fTTart Cnnracl of Thayer, la., m a
mtrh held here defeated . BernieJ
Hall of, Maryville, Kan., -by taking
two ' straight --falls, the first in 17
minutes, with a 'head scissors and a
: double wrist lock,. nd the second
in U minutes, with a double reverse
Nelson- -and -a- head- cissors.- Both
men are. bantamjigbts. . . '
Amatch between' Conrad and
Walt Smith of Grand Island, Neb.,
is expected to be arranged for the
neatjuture. ; " ' t
SeHU Will Permit
Four-Round Bearing. Bouts
.Seattle, Wash., Jan. 21. beattle
- .boxing fans today welcomed an an
nouncement by Dr. Walter Kelton
of the boxing commission tbaMour
rouAd bouts will again be sanctioned
- m the city, beginning with two bene
fit cards .next week. Boxing was in
definitely suspended by the commis
ion several weeks ago following a
. disagreement between promoters. '
$30,000 Offer Refused"
By Owner of Prince Loree
Cleveland, O., Jan. 21. An offer of
' $30,000 for Prince Loree was rejected
by Capt David B. Shaw, it was
learned today. Prince Loree is said
to be theSvorld's double-gaited cham-
' pion."'. His pacing maty for a mile
is 2100 "and his trotting mark 2:03.
He will be raced on the Grand Cir
cuit again this season, Captain Shaw
, said" ' ' "' ,.':
$10,000 Guarantee Made
By Boston for Grid Game
' Boston Jatt, 2l! A "guarantee of
. i. 0.000, or 50t per cent of the, gate
roi-pts, is .offered by Boston college
to any college foot ball eleven, of
2 cnual standing that will meet them
here November 5. ' Graduate Man-
acer Frank Reynolds said Boston
v rolleee would like to play , either
' DartmoutSyraeuseBrowa-orr Cal
ifornia. ... .. -.-.t ' -
St. Louis, Jan. 21. Conditions
under which Willie Hoppe, cham
pion billiardist, will contest in a
titlf match with Edouard Horemans
of Belgium, who announced in New-
York Thursday lie wouia accept
Hoppe's terms, were made public
last night by R. B. Benjamin, the
champion's manager. "
Mr. Benjamin asserted he' would
nnt aoree to nlav two matches as
siicsrested bv Horemans one f
2,000 points at 18.1 balk line and
one at 3.000 ooints at 18.2 balk line.
-"Only one match, preferably the
18.2 balk line, of not more than
1,000 points will be played" explained
Mr. Benjamin. :
"The match must be winner take
all the gate receipts and also must
he for a stake of from $1,000 to
$2,500, the money to be posted at the
end of next week. -He
adc'id that the proposed con
test would not be held before next
fall., .
Pesek and Zbyszko
; Matched to'Wrestle
v Chicago. Tan. 20. John Pesek and
Wladek Zbyszko today were matched
to wrestle in Kansas uty, Jan
uary 27. . . . . . ;
Osterriter and Rockier
Hold Lead in Bicycle Race
Chicago, Jan. 21. Osterriter and
Kockler maintained their point lead
in the six-day bicycle race at the
start of the 105th hour this morning.
With five other teams they had cov
ered 1,700 miles and eight laps, but
the Chicago pair had points to
their credit, seven better than the
score of Madden and Magin.
Three New York Giants
Return Signed Contracts
New York, Jan. 21. The New
York National league club today an
nounced receiving signed contracts
of three recruits, including Infieldcr
H. L. Hurkett, 19-year-old son of
Jesse Burkett, the club drainerwho
will go with the Giants to their
spring training grounds.
"Copyright, 1121 Intern'l Newi Service
Drawn for the Bee by Tad
! : l a " wJ;; . " I
wi j m DM'we Ai-mp. p-ail-.. ' t:-iOTilpy ' : yJS '-if1-. F
Central Tisers in
Condition for Game
Agreement Valid,
7 Cochran Claims
English Boxing Promoter De
nies Right of Brady t$ Can
eel His Participation-
f - . ,
London, Jan. 21. Th, original
contract for the- Carpentier-Dempsey
boxing bout is considered Still valid
by Charles B. Cochran, the' English
boxing promoter,, a party to the
agreement, it was declared in a state
ment authorized by his office here
Lthis morning. . Mr. Cochran s asso
ciates saidthey had no knowledge ot
authority fof William A. Brady of
New York to speak in Mr. Coch
ran's behalf. ' (
The statement reads:
. "As far as Mr. Cochran, is con
cerned, the'original contract for the
Dempsey-Carpentier fight holds. If
Messrs. Brady or Rickard have with
drawn, that is beyond our control,
but if it Is trtte, Mr. Cochran 'offers
100,000 to stage the fight in Lon
don." "
It was stated that Mr. Cochran had
not heard directly from Mr. Brady,
but was inclined to believe the ruling
of the New York state boxing , com
mission as to a maximum admission ',
fee to the fight might have leaused
him, to "get out from under."
Barney Burch Busy
Preparing Ball Park
For Coming Season
Barney Burch, owner of the
local club of Western league base
ball athletes, is a busy person,
The new magnate has been giv
ing the base ball park the once
over and reports that several
changes will be made before the
season rolls around.
One of the important repair,
jobs to be accomplished at tho
local ot before the club opens
the season in Omaha is the remodeling-
of the old electric
scoreboard. " , -;
Tie in Cue Tourney
Defeats Harry Moon hyjScore
Of 100 to 65 in State Bil
r! liard Tournament.,
Chlearo, Jim. SI. Jack Kannef, Denver
promoter, is anxious to stage a match be
tween Fred Fulton and -BUI Brennan. Not
uc long- airo a Philadelphia promoter of
fered Brennan $7,600 for an eight-round,
r.o-declilon contest, bnt "no" wa the
answer from BUI. - ' "
The Blockle Richards-Freddy Jacks it
round, no-decisipn match. originally
scheduled to take place Friday night in
.Dayton, has been put back one week and
the men will come together on January 21,
Willie I-ewls, retired middleweight anl
now manager of boxers, has taken an
other battler under his management. He
is Larry Williams, tho hard-hitting heavy
weight of Bridgeport.
Larnry IJchtensteln. local manager af
lioxers and wrestlers, has - taken' ever
Clonle Tait, Canadian lightweight, cham
pion. Larney expects to have- Tait appear
in nts first bout at Madison Square Gar
den the first part of next month. ' Tait
recently knocked out Lew Edwards, light
weight champion of Australia, at Minne
apolis and lost a shade verdict to Plnkey
Harry Tlfanscl!, English bantamweight,
stopped ove In Chicago from St. Louis
cn his way to Detroit, where he will prob
ably fight Carl Tremaine or Young Men
trtal'Tiround January 25. , ....
Base Ball Chatter
"Dutch" Leonard Signs'
1921 Detroit Contract
Fresno, Cal, Jan. 21. Hubert
( Dutch) Leonard. Fresno raisin
grower and Detroit American league
pitcher, has signed his 1921 base
ball contract, he announced here
Georee (Duffy) Lewis, outtieiaer-
traded recently by the New York
Americans to Washington, has nor
signed his contract. ,
Prominent U. S. Golfers
To Tour Britain This Year
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 21. Plans
are being made here by William C.
Fownes. jr.. former national title
holder, for the trip of American golf
ers to Great Britain next summer.
According to Fownes, the 'most
prominent .golfers in the !- United
States will be members of the team.
Among them are Chick Evans, Fran
cis Ouimet, Bobby Jones, Dave Her
ron. Bob Gardner. Nelson Whitney,
I Max Marston and Bert Wbetmore.!
: Wahoo, 82 s David Cltyy, 19.
Wuhan. Neb.. Jan. 21. . fSnecial.1
Wahoo high school defeated- the David
City high school casket oan quintet nera
l.i a fast game by a score of i to 11.
Til tnfai tm hu won six contests thus
far thia season, defeating Luther coltege,
es-18; Mead, J5-12; Alumni, ao-it; Mave
wk 97.11 Tmnl. 2S.11. ami David
City, la-la. ocnuyter.won over u
the. fonner'a floor by a score 01 ; 10 .
Randolph, 11 iHartlngto, IS.
Randolph, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.)
The Randolph high school basnet bail
foam defeated the Hartlngton quintet
here by a score of 17 to IS. The game
was hard-fought. The locals Jumped into
the- lead at the start of tho game and held
i, k.,iin,it The vlsitora rallied In the
final few minutes of the game, but wei;
unable to overcome Randolph s lead. The
teams play a return am i """"-
Feb. If. !
Shellon. 23: Central City, 14,
Shelton. Neb.. Jan. r-8Plai-'7,
m.i... A.f.tcA r-ntral City at Central
City In a fast gasket ball game by a score
of IS. to 14. During the ea ily part of the
game the score was--IS to 1 In favor of th
Central City players, but the Shelton tos
ana uncMad thel? teamwork and spoc
f"ied ahead. Conroy, Oarbutt
I 'T. .. i.v.i rha best game for the
wlnnera. ..
Caddock and Melady
Visit Washington, D. C.
Washington, Jan. 21.' (Special
Telegram.) Earl Caddock of Wal
nut, la., who is to wr"estle "Strang
ler" Ed Lewis for the championship
of the world "at Madison Square
Garden. New 'York. Mondav night,
with his manager, Gene Melady, and
Bert Murphy, his trainer, of Omaha,
visited Congressman Jefferis.
Caddock expresses himself as be
ing confident of wresting the title
from Lewis, which he held at one
time, but which was taken away
from him by Stecher, the Nebraska
farmer boy. -' ,,
Caddock said he was m splendid
condition and ready to meet the su
preme effort of his life to win back
the title ot tne wrestling cnampiou
of the -world. -
Pirates Trounce Dundee
Club Second Team, 8-6
Th Pirates, an amateur basket
ball team composed of players from
the local Y. M. C. A-i aeteatea xne
Dundee Athletic club second quintet
Wednesday night by a score ot to
in a hard-tought ana interesting
Teams averaging no pounos anu
wanting games with J. ne . rjraies.
call Walnut 4969. '
From the high climate of Penver cornea
Joe Sullivan, welterweight champion - oi
the Rocky mountains, to Invade local cir
cles. Sullivan bears clippings which show
him to be a veteran 01 many ni:u aura
with the best that coold be secured
around Denver. With a week's training
Sullivan expects to Da ready ir -acirou
at any nearby club.
llaraeu .
Shepard . ,
Stephen .
flhhely . .
Foster i . .
rlwanson a
Sclple ....
Moon . ...
Riley .....
Beletts ..
Chicago Trlbane-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Chicago. Jan. 21. Jim Rradahaw' r
catcner ot last season's Uafayette college
oaae oau learo, nas mane a verbal agree
ment to loin the New York Yankees either
at the southern training camp. MarcA 1,
or In June at the close of the college
semester. He said he would not sign a
contract until he reports, , , .
Carl Wellman, pitcher, and James Aus
tin, intra oaseman, two ot tne Brown vet
erans, have signed contracts tor next
Information from Washington has It
that -Griffith Is angling for a first-sacked
from the Indians, presumably "Doe"
Johnston or George Burns. Grit is said
to be willing to let Judge so in the deal.
chiefly because the young star - of the
Senators wants too much money.
Jo Merger, former- Sox Infieldcr, wha
performed In the Western league last year,
la strong tor Taryan, the home-run hitter
bought by Gleasnn during tha falL He
believes Yaryan will have no trouble In
busting major league pitching, the same
as he did In the Western circuit, s
.Tha Browns have ached nled a soring
series with the ledgers at Ilegaiusa,
Ala. - Most of Fchl's exhibition contests
will be with Soul horn league clubs in
slow grind to the north. ,
ro and Amateur
Yealon. 68: TUdea Legion, ,
Stanton,1 Neb., Jan. Jl. (Special.) The
Stanton American Legion d(
the Jilderi Legion . n.e"" ,.:
arrW by a score ot 6ft to . The team
work, aid basket shooting, of the local
tossers waa superior to that of the vlsl
. . .w ,h..ri alma of lack ot prac
tice, Carl Sohultxe and Perry were the
t.r. f the Varna for the losers, while
Mason and Blrueroaker played the best con-
teat for tha locals. .
' Lodgeaole Organlies Team. y
Lodgepole, Neb., Jan. 21. (Special
Tha basket ball.tana ot this olty nave or-
. inn haikyt ball aulntet and
are anxious ta schedule games for their
team.- Lon Miner has been named coaoh
and W. T. Hater, managery The quintet
la composed of former high school players.
Jefferse Want Cassa With Omaha.
Jefferson, la.. 'Jan. 11. (SpeclaL The
. . T I . t tht. MltW !
American ; ucs lu j .
anxious to schedule games with Omaha
teama for tha aarlr part of next month.
tv, .MitMi, trt ! nlRvnd In Omaha. For
games write Harry 'Schapp'e, ITef f orson, Ir
Ralph Steohen- landed in a tie for
second place in the state pocket bil
liard tournament last flight when he
defeated Harry Moon by. a score of
100 to 65. As a result of his fourth
victory, Stephen and Shepard are
tied for second place with-a per cent
of. .800. , Heinfe Harsch leads the
field with five games won and none
lost. ,
In the afternoon game, Vtc Beletts
lost his fifth consecutive match
when Foster, won the contest by a
score of 100 to 95. 1 he match was
close throughout, Beletts missed an
easy shot ort his votll oau,- wnne
Foster, on the following play,
pocketed the ball which gave- him
the game. - . ' :
Harsch and Shively play this
afternoon and' Shepard and - Riley
meet tonight
Harry Greb Wins
Over Johnny Celmers
Dallas, Jan. 21. Harry Greb of
Pittsburgh got the newspaper de
cision over Johnny Celmars of To
ledo in a 10-round bout last night.
Greb's weight was announced as. 161
pounds, Celmars '158. : ,
Washington University ; 1
Adds Sjports to Program
Seattle,, Jan. 21. Golf, hockey,
swimming, boxing and rifle shooting
have been added to the list of minor
sports sanetioned by the University
of Washington by a vote of the stu
dent body. The students voted down
a proposal" to reduce wrestling and
tennis to minor sports. The major
snnrts include foot ball, base ball,
basket ball, wrestling, tennis, track
and crew. - ' .. -. (
Willie Ritchie Becomes
Frisco Cuh Matchmaker
- San Francisco. Tan.'' 21. Willie
Ritchie, former lightweight-champion
boxef of the world ana mcmoeroi
the, Golden Gate post; American Le
gion, will be matchmaker for tpe
tmnn hmcinff exniDltions marKmir.
fthe revival of four-roundC'amateur
bouts in San Francisco. He accept
ed the post last night Date of the
first exhibition has not been set;-
r'.. nnkuM. Qrahams. three of
thent. count 'em Irwtng, Will and John
three reasons why the soutn Bine rres
byterlans are tied for second place after
getting off to a poor start at ,tne begin
ning or tne season.
Purple and White Basket
Bailers Ready, to Meet Sioux
City Quintet at "Y."
The Central High school basket
tossers were sent; '.through their
firtal scrimmages yestreday iiv prep
aration for the frame this evening
with Sioux City High. The squad
is'id first-class condition'wjth the ex
ception of Keyt, whd ha9 a sprained
anklej . .''"
.'Mulligan . ha.s ' been drillitig hrs
men-- hard all veel on fl6or -ork,
and -he predicts that the Sioux City
Indians will buck up against a
clever team of floor artists. . The
first quintet will line up with Cap
tain . Clements and Swenson for
wards, Bunnell center, and Good
and Corenman guards,
' The second team of the two
schools will play a preliminary game
to me main contest, ine- central
scrubs have been showing up well
against the first team, and will un
doubtedly put up a good brand of
ball. The seconds will line up with
Ned Reynolds and Benolken for
wards, Beerkle center; and Mallory
and Berg guards.
The Purple and White aggrega
tion will face'a Stiff schedule ! "next
week when they play three games.
They mar"e three trips, Fremont,
Wednesday, and Council Bluffs and
St. Joseph on Friday and Saturday
nights. '
Nebraska Gun Shoots
Into Money in Winter
Trap Meet in South
Pinehurst, !N, C, Jan. 21. (Special
Telegram.) J. H. Seyerson of Wis
nerv Neb., was put back at the 20
yard line Thursday in the fourth
day's shoot of the Midwinter trap
shooting tourney being staged here,
but broke into the money by smash
ing. 92 targets. W. F. Reetz, another
Nebraska gun, broke 89 "birds" at 17
yards, missing the money by a single
target. . . .
T. T. Todd of Greenwood, S.'C,
won the preliminary handicap
trophy Thursday ort the shoot-off of
a tie at 95 targets with Dr. F. J. Buz
zard of Potagepa. Both guns shot
from the 18-yard mark. , s
Table Rock of Honor
Installs New Officers
' Table Rock. Neb Tan. 2-. (Spe
ciaL) Degree of " i Honor 1 odge
here installed the following officers:
Mrs.. -Anna B. Heer. chief of honor;
lady of honor, Mrs. Mattie Griffing;
chief . ofcereinonies, Mrs. Messen-f
gerj j-ecorderj1 Mrs. Sue Phillips;
treasurer, May S. Glenn; usher, Mrs.
Grace Fellers; watch, Mrs. Louisa
iBiirW; pianist, Lela Zoolc.
-.-.'' f . ;
Lower House Adjourns
. ..jjUntiV Monday Afternoon
Lhfcoln, " Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.)
t-The - lower house adiounred at
noon . today until ,2 Monday after
!fioon. This' will make Friday, Jan
uary 28, the last day for introduc
tion of bills in- the lower house in
stead' of Thursday, January 27: '
Me a , y ,
lUldalllg DUllll y'
Of Dempscy Now
Safe in Vault '
Search Ends When Kearns'
Representative Explains Mys
tery of Papers Which Call
For Surety of $50,000. '1 '
New York, J aril 21. The mystery;','
of the missing bond drawn by Jack.
Dcmpsey as a forfeit deposit for his
match with Georges Carpentier next
,o cnli'til liire todav '.
when the document was found in..,,
the safe of Dempsey's manager,
Jack Kcarus". . . .
According to the explanation ad-
vanced by Dan McKettrick, local--representative
for Reams, the bond;,
was filed by Kc.ams, with other
papers pertaining to the match, in a
private compartment, of the safe .
under the impression that the paper
was a copy i of the onginar. bond.
Announcement yesterday by the
Central Union Trust company that .
the .bond had not been posted, with '
them led to the search.
The bond which called for a sure-""
ty, of $50,000 was immediately 'r
placed in the hands of Tex Rifekarck-!
for deposit and the promoter acj:'' ".
cepted it with the statement tha(J i
the good faith and legal operations '''
of Dcmpsey had been fulfilled.
The bond, wnich is dated Novem-J;
ber 20, 1920, was issued by the,?"'
fidelity, burery and Deposit com-'x,
... r r.. t. :n t. m- .
i once in me vauns ui in? v-cnurfi
Union Trustr romnanv. -
Cheyenne County Agent ' v(
To' Join State Organization1
Lodge Pole, Neb., Jan. 21. (SpeJ '
cial.") At a meeting of the Cheyenne -'"6"
county farm bureau board, 11. G.'k,
Gould, county agent, tendered his
resignation to become effective Feb-,';'
ruary 1. Mr. Gould took charge, of- 1
the work 'two years ago, "and made f"
so good a record that he has beenl''"
chosen assistant to R. E. Holland,-'-state
county agent leader.. G. E."
Burke, a farmer from near GurleyiJ;
will fill the vacancy. ' '.
Beatrice Man 'Is Held on .,'f
Charge of Assaulting Girf v
Beatrice. Neb.i Jan. 21,(Spccial.)
At his preliminary hearinjJr before", "
Judge Ellis, Ernie Darwin of this,,
city was bound over wo, the district ' j
court on the charge of assault- pre1'''
ferred against him by Cordia Car-.""
penter, who is now in inmate of the
Girls' Industrial school at Getieva.
The girl appeared on the -witness"''.;
stand against Darwin, who has 1 ;
wife and four children. " '"'
Miller School Teacher ' ' .. "t
; - Found Seriously Burned .
' Kearney,. Neb., Jan.' 21. (Special.) "
Starting a. -ft re with kerosene .16 be
lived to have been responsible . for
the serious and possibly fatal bums, ,
received by Crystal Elmore, teach--ing
a country school just out of Mil- -,
ler. Miss Elmore was found 'several ,
rods from the -school lying by the.--roadside
with her clothing burned
completely from the body.
r r
Kansas City Woman Gains 25
Pounds and Has Health Ke
v stored by Taking Tanlac.
"1 have actually trained twenty-five
pounds and I-just think Tahlacis'
the grandest medicine in tne worm,
said Mrs. Robert O. Reynolds, 127
North Denver St.,, Kansas City, Mo.
"For ten long years I suffered from
a very bad form of rheumatism,
stomach and nervous troubles. My
appetite was Very poor. What little
I did eat soured on my stomach, and
I suffered the most severe pains in
my back, hips and shoulders. My
rheumatism was so bad that I could
not raise my hands to , coir.b my
hair and my arms hurt me to my
finger tips. I became so weak and
dun down that I lost all my energy
and life had became almost a burden.
I tried many things but nothing
helped me.
"I had only taken my first bottle
of Tanlac when I noticed my appe
tite was improving and 1 could
sleeo better at night. I have taken
three bottles and the . way it has
helped me and built me up is really
astonishing. I can eat anything and
everything without the slightest dis
agreeable after effects. I 6lcep just
fine at night and am in better health
than I have, been for years. I am
glad to give this statment hoping
that any who are suffering as I did
may experience the, same wonderful
results, which I believe they will if
they give Tanlac a fair trial.
Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy. Also in
South Omaha and ' Benson Phar
macy. Benson: Georare Siert, Flor
ence. Neb.: Saratoga Pharmacy, 24th
and Ames, North Omaha, Neb., and
the leading druggist in each city and
town -inrougnoui - inc state -ui -ivc-braska.,
bur entire
fY i -and many items are
Overcoats iess than halfprice
No restrictions ! Our entire stock must be soldi T
Every suit or overcoat in our stock is selling in this
sale at much less than the cost of manufacture.
See our windows! MEN! Now is the time for
action. Prices as low as these can't last long.
We offer our entire stock of .
Suits and Overcoats
All our $30 and $35 Suits
and Overcoats now . . . V .1
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