Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1921, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 22. 1U21. 11 1 4 HI ' III il, Si i Ml . HI I HI I . ill I -Bananas As Real Food t I!! By LORETTA C. LYNCH. I 'M . 1 , . - I . ... too on en we inuiK ot xne banana m as just a bit of fruit to be eaten at . the end of a meal or between meals. We do not think of it as real food, ;;; but as something sort of extra. Isn't ;;; that true? Experiment has shown, , ;;; however, that the banana has real ill...! 1 t- f , juuii vainc. mosi iruits we, eat e- cause of their mineral' salts and laxl ative qualities, but from the banana we get strength to do our work just ;;j as we get strength from potatoes and nee ana many other things of our III daily diet. X Have you ever eaten br.ked ba- .irnanasf They are delicious and should J! replace apples as a first course at breakfast or as a dessert occasion . any. io prepare these remove a . "' strip of skin one inch in width from . desired number f bananas; Place i the bananas, skin side down, on an ' ; earthen or namcled baking dish. Squeeze a little lemon juice onto jj,' the portion of the banana from which the strip of skin has been removed .,i and sprinkle with brown sugar and ;;; rf'ot over with butter. Pour in enough ; hot water to cover the bottom of the dish. Bake until, the pulp is jelly Z like, dipping over the bananas the JJJ syrup that forms in the dish occa ; sioually. II There is perhaps nothing to so tickle the grownup palate as a weli " made banana fritter., And here is !! the way to make them just right. JJ Three bananas will be required, for f:V aMozen fritters. Peel them and di '! vidche banana in half lengthwise. j; Then divide each half crosswise so ... as to make four ;- portions out of HI each. Dip each portion in lemon ; juice and then into powdered sugar. ' Let stand while preparing the bat- ;;; ier. n For a good fritter batter sift to rn!!!'' Ccther one cup of flour fone-half JjJ pint) with -one-fourth level teaspoon n of salt and one teaspoon of baking "J powder. t. Make a we'll in the center and drop in an unbeaten egg. Pour !!' in milk, a little at a time, and stir in .!." ever widening circles, beginning at Hi the center. Enough milk must be III used to make a rather thick drop JJ batter. Beat at least three minutes ill to enfold air and remove lumps. JjJ The portions lire dipped into this i. batter several times and then fried -JJ in .hot, deep fat until a delicate brown. The , fritters should be !!! drained on unglazed paper and JJ served with a lemon or orange sauce. ' Every housewife should have a ; JJ simple recipe for ' a pudding sauce. ' 'J The lemon sauce is a sort of stand Mi by and can be altered to fit the ce il! casion by any clever woman. To , the juice of a lemon, add the grated !!! rind of one-half of it. Mix in two j; level tablespoons of sugar and one m tablespoon of cornstarch. JJ When free from lumps, add -one " and one-half measuring cups of hot . !!I water. Cook, stirring until the sauce JJ boils and thickens. Taste it.' Add mi more sugar if desired. Stir in a bit 1111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii There are 24 different cardsln the entire series. Get the entire set. Don't miss one. ; They are all interesting " :T-and instructive! -, . ' "..v--'-r".-; - liillliliilllllllliiliillllllilllliiiiliiniiiiiiliiiiililiiiH Tiitti Frutti Ice .Grearii VHE CLEVER craftsman who creates our famous Sunday'Special Ice Creams has taken Assorted French Fruit, combined it witrfa Vanilla Custard and I produced a dessert that will linger in your memory. Anv Harding dealer will suooly it. - Phone Douglas 2793 I! IhntfsfVljrOIBa OMAHA PturrriNO COMPANY CCMNEXCIAl FRtXTCXS-llTNOSrUniUS -STKlCltCKMSW , tool .UAro,e vice t . of butter at the end, if the cost does not have to be consider!. Even folks who do not care for frait sahd as a regular thing are fond of the banana and peanut sa'.ad. this salad should not be prepared much in advance." as bananas that stand long are apt to discolor. Ar range the cut . bananas on cnsD leaves of lettuce. Pour a little lemon juice over each and then sprinkle generously with- finely chopped pea' nuts. If liked, cream mayonnaise may be used over all. This salad, however, is decidedly palatable if served with lemon juice only. But for those who enjoy a good cream mayonnaise, the follow ing recipe is .given. In a soup plat! put half a level teaspoon, each of salt, mustard and a few grains of sugar and cayenne u-liked. stir in the yolk of one egg.; Gradually stir in one- half to one cupful of oil. a single drop at a time f until at least one fourth of the cup is in. v After this the jil may be put in several drops at a time. As 'the mixture tiickens, thin it with a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice. At the finish? the mixture should be stiff eno'ugh to hold its shape. ' This mayonnaise may be uscM as it is o', if cream mayonnaise is de sired, whip up half a cupful of cream until stiff and. "cut it into the dress ing just before serving. Banana whip is a real delight if carefully, prepared.' Through ' a strainer press four bananas after the skin has been " removed. Add the juice of half a lemon and half a cup of powdered sugar. Bake until clear and jelly-like in an earthen dish. Let cool. Whip until stiff, the whites of two eggs. Then cut and fold this carefully into- the mixture. Chill. From the yolks prepare a soft cus tard. Flavor with a few drops of vanilla extract. Chill. Serve the banana whip on chilled dishes and pour the custard sauce around it. Buying and Cutting VeaL " -Veal is divided like lamb and, is becomine themosf expensive of all meats. The shbuldcrand "breast may be stuffed with a,rbread or potato and onion 'dressing.'; The neck is used for stew and the rumj for pot roasting or braising.' The leg weighs about 11 pounds and Contains about eight pounds of solid meat and three of bone. ' The filet is cut' from the leg and then cut uo for roasting or into cutlets. 1 he balance s used tor stew or casserole. A large family can dispose of the whole leg of veal, but as comparatively few use the knuckle or end of the leg the butcher is compelled to charge a large price for the cutlets in ordT to make any profit. Raisin Coffee Cake. Three cups flour, five tablespoon fuls sugar, one egg, one one-fourth teaspoonfuls salt, four teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half to three fourths cupful milk, - three table Fpoonfuls shortening, one-half cup Jul chopped nuts, one cupful raisins. Sift the dry ingredients together; add raisins. To one-half cupful milk add melted shortening, sugar ?nd beaten egg; mix thoroughly and add to the dry ihgredients; add milk , A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRAT.ED MOTHER GOOSE CARD Is "Wrapped With Each Loaf of . chuilze9s Btaiiter-Nlit ' - Breadv '.;V'. " .T SCfiULZE BAKING CO. ; ': '" 7 - . ' " ' '' T: ' . i ... Oh Cn oTatt ICE CREAM W sWl WW s awns - - J . Virginia Beauty Back With New Creation f (Cfc if Iff f I 11 s? Ji Lbv Of rwy Miss Audrey Carrington Norman, one of the six Virginia beauties who have returned from Europe weat ingi-new creations, Miss Norrhan was attired In. a lavendcriwooland silk mixture knitted . 'rfress,' with short skirt, lavender wool stockings and. angora hat and a black and gold $eil. The Scotch heather stockings appeared extremely suitable for a cool day on. deck. ... ; sufficient to make a soft dough: roll (Gut lightly about on.e-half inch thick; divide into two long strips 01 dough and twist together triform a .ring; put into greased pan -and sprinkle with a. little sugar and nutsf allow to rise in pan 15 minutes and bake -frfmoderate oven-20 to 25 minutes.' Askyour grocer to;day for PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS illlllSir7iij!a - 1 r g v , AUo Makers yf TIP-TOP Bread V.. "J W ,; Tutti Frutti ' "N" & ; ' - Fruits of all varieties . ft 1 V ! t X 'j' Your Dealer Can Supply Yon. ; mm Mmu w umm M-umi i.t umm mma umim m-mn Come Once anil You Will Come , Always! .. ,3four faith in the comtant-high ttandard ot Central Market "Quality" cannot be shaken because "Quality ; J . 'matter ot personal pride to the Central Market. And besides, our enormous buying capacity enables us to sell our '. ''Quality" goods cheaper .than inferior "stuff costs elsewhere. Come once and you will come always. . - , Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens. , Fancy - Steer Pot Roast,' best cuts, per lb. ........ .14Ji , Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb. '....'.17Mt Pig Pork $oast,' , - per lb. ..ISHC' W 10 lbs. best Granulated Sugar. . Puritan , Flour , 8-lb. sack; , . , $2.75 Cold Medal Jlmr, -lb.-sack . .$2.98 .10 Bars Electric Spark Soap.... 65c . 10 Bara Beat 'Em AllySoap. . . .4c 12 Varieties Fancy Cookie nark 15c 10-lb. can Wedding Breakfast ( Syrup ........ t. 69c , fi-lb. can . Wedding Breakfast Syrup ............. v 39c . 1-Kal can Cane and Maple Syrup $ 1.65 No. 1 cans Fancy Peaohes, can. . 35c cans . .41.00 -4 Item Spice Nut Cakes per dor... 10c J Per lb. 30c Extra Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 25 Our Central Special Coffee, per lb 355 ;3 lbs. for.;............C...:........70 3 lbs. for...;.... .......$1.00 ' '" . 1 ' i .- r " 1 1 1 : " ' McComb's Regular 70c Chocolates, Saturday only, per lb..................... -59 ' ''" : : " A-? limited, amount of strictly Fresh Checked Eggs,' dots. 58 - A, Extra Fancy California Figs, 8-oz. package'. .......... 10 Recipes Plum , Batter Puddings. Perhaps no single recipe published in this department has had wider acceptance than that' for little bat tea, puddings-r-one batter with many variations by using' different fruits. , The ' formula" is: One-half cup of suKur, one luuiespoou vi incucu butter,' one 1 iegg, 'one-half cup of milk, one cup of flour, two tea- MKinns r hakincr nowrfer Pt a tablespoon of this batter into a buttered cup, best in . the broad, low cooking cups, add a tablespoon of fruit, raisins, or shredded dates or apple, but raisins arc best for Christ mas; Cover, with a tablespoon of the batter, sprinkle with shredded al monds, or decorate in a litjle pattern with one red cinnamon drop and two or four leaves of angelica. Bake for one-half hour. : Serve with a hard sauce if you like. Each cup may be brought to the table on a service plate, sur-. rounded with holly or with a spiayT of Holly at one side. , I hesei little puddings are good warmed up. ' j ' -,'' Roast Goose."-. " ; ' '(Singe 'tfie surface and rub off tjie burned..1 hairs .with a cloth.. Rub hard!' . Wash !the goose and scrape the 'skin with' a small but not too. sharp knife. If you choose to skin the 'goose so as to get the most serv ice frpmjts abundant fat, cut off the wings and neck close to the body. These, with the heart and gizzjrd and sometimes the firsf. joint, are seasoned with salt and pepoer, al lowed to stand over night, and then prepared like any stew "or in some special fashion like the sour stews. To remove the skin wjth its: layer of attached fat cut along the breast bone down . to. the lean meat,, then carefully draw it off. In washing! V Dent accept a loaloi bread maKsrs name 1 onit-Tccfavth asemaiiycitsap imitatiwi loaves Insist that you secour trade tnarii' !l - . ' '' WfA4Hf AAM4A - 'j , cream makes a won- . ' rJ( fs I ' -r' - S derful combination. , ls ' J l k : ... - ,. . . -., .... .. -,' V;...,.-4.;. Prime Rolled Rib . Roast, per lb. ;...27. Young Mutton Shoulders, per lb. ...12M Morrell's Lean Breakfast Bas con, per lb. ......... .37 ......... .85t ' 48-lb. sack Updike Flour. No. 8 Fancy Bartlctt Pears can 35c 8 cans $1.00 No. 3 cans Apricots, per can..... 20c t cans for...... 55c Crlsco, ,per lb ..25c 3 lbs. for i.72c 16-os. bottle Strained Honey.... 35c Omaha Maid Macaroni or Spaghetti 4 pkg. for 23c Elkhorn Milk, an...l2Mi dz...$1.4B Assorted flavors Jello, pks 10c 12-01. bottle Salad Dressing .....23c Lge. pkg. Knmo Corn Flakes 10c Itens Graham Biscuit, lb. 22lac ;h,2-lb. rolls,' per lb. ... . .40 Leaf "Lettuce, eachi.l , J. .5J Fancy Spinachj lb. . 13t the goose use waters until the inside comes clean, but work quickly, then 'vipe dry, and the goose is ready to season and truss. , If the skin of the goose has been removed al ways for economy's sake and' only by those who know how, tor make profitable use of it the skin of the neck or a pork or bacon .rind or a real blanket of "larding bacon," which is a thin and large square of entirely at salt pork, may be fasten ed with skewers over the breast be foce it is put to cook. A stuffing of mashed potato is ac ceptable Jor goose, or one of meats ground up, seasoned well and pound ed "to a cream, but a bread dressing or stuffing is lejss acceptable with goose than with any other meat. If the idea is only to season the goose well in some way put into the body several onions, some stems of celery and am apple. , A bit of vegetable may be used un der the 'roasting or baking goose, which will season the basting liquid. Some hot butter, or merely some hot water a little-T-may be used at the start, Baste every. 10 r 15 minutes until done.; A -good, solid, or-v-u fire is needed, hut it must be gradu ally lessened. from so-called hot.aftcr the. goose is --thoroughly heated through, especially if this fowl is cookad iu 'its skin. " ( Banbury Tarts. ' - Chop one cup of raisins. . Roll three crackers fine. . Mix these two with oue-cup of currants, one egg, the grated rind and juice of an or ange, and, if you want, add a bit of yarious spices. Cut out little rounds of well chilled pastry rolled thin, put a - small ball of this filing on one side of the round, wet the edges all (around with white of egg, press them together after doubling over one-half, run the pastry wheel around the joined edges to flute and fasten them. Bake in rather a hot oven. Ihey are prettiest if glazed. 1608.10-12 Harney St. Dougli 1796. Pig Pork Loin . !. Roas, young and lean, per lb. 25f Fancy Mutton tew, per lb.u. 7K6 Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, per lb l7Jd I I .$2.35 Blue Label Catsup 25c May Flower Corn, can .'.12Vc Dozen ...,.$1.48 ' Country Gentleman Corn, can..l7' Dozen $2.00 Wisconsin Poas, can. ........ .12Vtc Doien' $1JS Sunmaid Raisins, lb 30e a Fancy Prunes lb 12sc 8 lbs for 35c 22-oz. Jar Pure Fruit Jams ,...35c 8 for $1.00 Itens Fairy Soda Crackers? lb...rc, Cloverbloom Creamery Pack age Butter, per lb -52 Strawberries, Mushrooms, Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds. " SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Prime Rib Rolled Roast, per lb 25c Choice Steer Round Steak, per lb. 20c Choice Steer Shoulder Steak, . per lb. .............. 1 5 ?i e Choice Steer Rump Roast, vper lb , ,15'c Choice Steer Pot Roast, per ' -lb. .... ......... 12 c Ex. v'ancy Young Mutton Legs, per lb. . .17?$c Ex. Fancy Mutton Chops, per lb. .12'aC Best Creamery Butter, per lb 44o Lean Boiling jleef, per lb. ...9c Standard Corn, Peas and To- I matoes, special per can.. 9 per doz. $1.12) No. 3 cans Solid Packed To matoes, special, per can.l2e per doz $1.43 Washington Market 1407 Douglas Stfee ' ! Prints , .1. I i fo) no r?nfl n fo) . ro)Rri I w lyj is Lfu M M wumwu , 4903 So. 24th St. ' 212 No. 16th St. For Quality pleats, Quick Service and vFreshf Choicest Sugar Cured Choice , rLeaf Cut Chuck Picnic Hams, Porttoin r Lard '' ; Roast Special at Chops , 'iScf JVc 13c 22c . Sugar Cured, Regular Hams, or whole. . Fresh Killed Hens and Spring Chickens . . . Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, or whole Fresh Cut Breakfast Sausage, special at. . PORK CUTS Choice Pork Loin Roast ... 20c Fresh Boston Butts. . ... .20c Small Lean Pork Shoulders 16c Fresh Spare Ribs. . . . . , . . . 15c Fresh Leaf Lard 13c Fresh Side Pork . . . . ... .22c Pure Lard, per lb. . . . . . . . 18c Compound , . .... i( .' . . 14c Fresh Neck Bones, 4 lbs. . . 25c Fresh Pig Feet, 4 lbs.. '. . . ,25c Fresh Pig Ears, 5 lbs. .,. . . 25c Fresh Pig Livers. . . . , . .5c Fresh Pig Snouts ........11c Fresh Pig Tails... . . . . . . 17c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Stew ; . . , . . 14c Choice Yea .7. . . . 17c Choice Veal Chops . . . . . . 22c Choice Veal Legs, or whole . . ... . . . . . . . 21c Choice Veal Loins.. ;21c SPECIALS ON CANNED GOODS : : 4903 South 24th Street- W:. 2408 Cuming; Street Fancy; Early June Peas,- ;v;i' .; , 3 for . ...... . . . . . . t. 38c Fancy SweetjCorn, 3 for. . . 38S Fancy Cut Beans, 3 for . . 38c Fancy Pork and Beans,: 3 for .v . ;28c Swift's Snowflake Butterjne, ' Vj5-Ib.tubs J . . . $1.40 Best Creamery JButter. . . . 47c Express and - Mail !)Tifir?iii Criscp,' all we have on Satur day, only, per lb.. 24c Rumford Baking powder, 1-lb., 5 -lb. and 10-lb. cans special per it .27c Elastic- and Celluloid Starch, special,, per pkg. . ..7Bc Reg. 16c bot Kamo Pickles, Sweet and Sour, 3 bot. .'. 35c Our No. 8 Coffee, 3 lbs.. .$1.00 Apricots and Peaches in Syrup, ; per gal." 76c 3-lb. Can Kamo Sliced 'Apricots Muscat Grapes and goose berries, in syrup, per can 37c 3 cans for ......... . .$1.00 Campbells Pork and Beans, spe cial, 2 cans for .'.25c Campbells Soup, all flavors, 2 cans for i25c Sauer Kraut, special, No. 3 , cans, 2 for t. 25c the NEWS of the en- I tire world when it is NEWS CASH IVIARKETS Choice Rib LAMBS: Genuine Spring Lamb, Forequarters . Genuine Spring Lamb, Hindquarters . Orders Filled From SATURDAY SPECIALS Genuine Liobig Red' Cross Bouillon Cubes, regulur 85c value, 3 boxes for.- ,84c 60c Sunkist Navel Oranges, per dozen, at . ... ... .43c Best grade Hawaiian Sliced Pineapple, 3, large tana for ... .$1.32 Raspberry Jiffy; Jell,' 4 pack- ages for .42c Lipton's Tea, .JJ-jb. pkg.. 41c Snowdrift, a pure" vegetable . shortening, 1-lb. can ..23c Wedgewood-and Meadow Gold Butter, .per lb 54c Fresh pack. Holland Herring, per keg .......$1.38 Omaha Maid Macaroni and . , Spaghetti, 6 pkgs. for. .32c Puritan Flour, 24-lb. sk, $1.38 Wisconsin Standard Peas, good quality,. 6 cans ..68c Fresh Spinach, per pk. .. .35c Just arrived first shipment of Simon & Weils' celebrated Matzos. i Boneless Rolled Rib Roast, 'corn fed beef, per lb. . ,30c SOMMER BROS. 28th and Farnarn. "M.n. omit. ' 2408 Cuming St. Lowest Prices . ; v . . . . . ., 18c.- ... . .:v v .Vo.31c . ... i . . . . ... . .24c . . . . . . i . . 16c BEEF CUTS Boiling Beef . . . .9c I .,.' . i .... Hi I Choice Beef Pot Roast. . . . 11c Prime Rib Roast Beef.. . . .18c Choice Round Steak ...... 20c Fresh Beef Hearts. . . . . 10c Fresh Cut Hamburger. ... . 17c Fresh Beef Livers. . . 10c x SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Strip Bacon . . 18c Sugar Cured Back Bacon . . 20c , Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon 20c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon .... . . . . . .1 . . ; .24c Morris Supreme Bacon, I, or whole. . . ;V. . , . .-. .42c Cudahy's Puritan Bacon, . i or whole. . . . . . . . 142c, Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, r K h or whole f". . . V. . . . ... .24c .121r .20c CHEESE Fancy Cream Cheese j . . . .32c Fancy Brick Cheese . . . 32c SAUSAGE AND COOKED ; MEATS Choice Wienies and v T. Frankfurts s.:'; . . ; . . ; . ; 20c Choice Polish and Garlic '' r Sausage . . . . . . i20c Fresh Liver Sausage... . . . .18c Fresh Bologna Sausage . . . 18c Fancy Summer Sausage . . .25c This List Promptly5. mm. ' ' " - . ' I' i I