I r J." .1 10 jniEBJEE:OMAHA, SATURp AY, J ANUAR Y 22,102!. Society : . Toohey-Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Hopkins an nounce the marriage of their daugh . 'er, Miss Bess Hopkins, and Yil ,irn Toohey of Storm Lake; ia.. which took place Wednesday at the , Sacred Heart church. Miss May Steinmas of Fort Dodge, la, and , Thomas TooWey, cousin of the l, iroom, were the attendants. The 1 :ouple will reside - at Storm Lake. :S Appointed Chairman. ' Miss Frances Earhart of Lincoln, , tister of Dr. Lida B. Earliart of the University of Nebraska, has been appointed by, the government to ,1 erve as chairman in charge of camp libraries for a group of middle west j states, of which Nebraska is one, ' nith headquarters at Omaha. Miss Karhart was for some years li brarian at the Duluth, Minn., city . library. She was a member of the ;' committee of live of the American ;' Library association who organized . libraries during the war for the soldiers and sailors. ' "T. P. A. The annual party of Omaha Trav elers' Protective association will be held Saturday evening, January 29, at the Masonic temple. There will v be card tables provided for those who do riot dance. For two years Omaha T. P. A. has paid $36.50 each for the support of two adopted French war orphans. At the annual party donations will ' be made to this fund. Any excess will be devoted to the starving chil dren of Europe fund. J i , Student' Honored. t t Jack Austin of-Omaha was elected ,, managing editor and Jessie .Watson of Wayne assistant! editor of the '', Daily Nebraskan, the student publi- X ntinn n( iho TTnivrrsilv of Ne braska) at a meeting of the board, Tuesday. Gregg McBride, Univer sity Place, and Orvin Gaston, Lin coln, were re-elected news editor. ftnv fiustafsnn of Lincoln was also elected to a news editor position. i ' ; Musical Tea:;' Mrs. Ludovic F. Crofoot will en tertain' at a musical tea Sunday aft Vrnoon at .the E. W. Nash home. Miss Myrtle Wyatt, a pupil of Miss Mary Munchltoff. will give a pro gram of songs. The guests will be pupils of Miss Munchhoff. - Informal Lurtcheon. Mrs. "John L. McCaguc. jr.. en tertainerj at a luncheon of 10 cov ers at her home, Friday, in honor of Mrs. John Frederick Christiansen, who is visiting Mrs. C. Louis Mey erg. - ' ? T Informal Bridge.' -' Mrs. J Addison Davis entertained two', tables of bridge-at the Davis quarters at Fort Omaha. Thursday, in honor of her guest. Mrs. A. E. Davis of Cincinnati. Q. For Miss Stmt. Miss Olga Jorgenson will enter tain , at a miscellaneous shower at her , home; Saturday afternoon, in honor of Miss Mildreth Street. Lasell Alumnae Club. . Lasell Alumnae' club will meet at the home of Mrs. Luther Kountze, 433 South Thirty-Jiinth street,. Tues day afternoon. Fbruary 1. ; , .' Club Luncheon. Mrs. Floyd Vaa Valiu entertained members of the Krow Eldeen club at luncheon at her home. Thursday. Covers were placed for 12. ! Bridge Club. "Miss Ruby Klingbeil will be host ess to members of a -bridge club at her home, Saturday afternoon. Masquerade. " A masquerade dance will be given Saturday, evening at the Rodstroni studio for pupils and their guests. ClUbdom - Missionary Worker to Speak. Mrs. Henry- VW Peabody of Bos- ton, a former foreign missionary worker who is touring the country in the interest of the interdenomina tional , women's colleges of the Orient, will be honor guest at a luncheon, Monday, 1 o'clock, at the Yv W. C. A., given by the local committee. Following the meeting Mrs. Peabody will speak on her work. -. ,; Reservations for;, the luncheon may be made with Mrs. Edward Johnson. Harney 2463. . Mrs Peabody, will speak before the Regional Baptist conference, to be held in Omaha Monday and lues day at Calvary Baptist church. Artist Visitor N ' r f iA a Mrs. 'C. C. Cresson, in public life Mary Jordan, the contralto, was honor guest at a Chinese supper Fri day evening given by her hus band. Major Cressoii of Fort Crook. With her accompanist, Miss Stella Barnard, the singer arrived in Omaha Friday, to spend the week end. . '.. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Francis will entertain at dinner Saturday eve ning in honor of Miss Jordan. Col onel and Mrs.' L. P. Upton will en tertain at tea at their- quarters at Fort Crook Sunday for this visitor. Miss Jordan and Miss Barnard leave Monday morning on a tour of the south and west.; Personals E. M. Reynolds returned Friday from a trip to New York City. A son was born Friday at the Stewart , hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John S. Little. ' Tom Norris has returned from Medicine Bow,, Wyo., where he spent several months on his ranch. Dr. W. E. Stoi't. formerly of .Omaha, now of Kansas City, is spending a few days here. , Maj. Addison' Das of , Fort Crook is convalescing -from , a re cent operation at his quarters. Mr. and Mrs. T. J.1 Bruner left Wednesday evening for Chicago, where' they will remain a week. Miss Faith Dedrick of Superior. Neb.,, spent Friday in Omaha. She will spend the week-end in Lincoln. 1 '. Miss Pauline Coad will go to Lin coln next Wednesday, where she will enter the University of Ne braska. ( Paul Cahill of Ogalalla, who un derwent an operation at St. Josephs hospital last week,' is much im proved. : .. Mrs. Lawrence; Reed of New York, who has, been visiting Mrs. A. V. Kinsler, left Friday. Stic will go to Chicago before returning home. . : Miss Mary Beatrice Mickel left January 17 for Los Angeles, where she will be the guest of Mrs. Er- win Foyer for the remainder of the winter. : " , i. ! Mrs, James. Willard Snell of Madison, Wis., is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. ,W.: H. Han cock. She was formerly Miss Grace Hancock, a well known pianist in Omaha. v ' Mr. and. Mrs.' Samuel Cooper, sr., of Pittsburgh, arrived in Omaha Friday morning to spend ..several days with Mr. and Mrs. C: M. Wil helm. Mrs. F.' P. Kirkehdall and Burdctte KirkendalL -A daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was bom Monday, January. 17, -at the Stewart hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Earl Woodworth.; Mrs. Woodworth was formerly Miss Ed na Henley of Oskaloosa, . Ia. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gray and their niece. Miss Frances Fllra of Colo rado Springs, who has been visiting them, left Friday morning for Cali fornia, where they join Miss Flora's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will return to Omaha March 1. , Vv ; : A Belgian woman, whose home was demolished by the Germans during the war, has made her abode in a deserted broken down tank, and all attempts to get her to change her home have been futile. Saturday Special This beautiful Cabinet and Vic- mmmLmmimi trola . with ten selections your own choice, - on 10-inch D. F. Records $46.75 Same model but larger and fin ished in oak or mahogany, with twelve selections on 10-inch D. F. Records Your own choice $57.60 Is.' Here are two ideal home Victrola outfits, carrying all the latest Victor patented features and playing all Vic tor Records perfectly. , ' Sold on Terms E EL'S ; , .15th and Harney 'The House of Pltaiani Dealings" KMC Timely Comedy to Be Given At Matinee-Tea "Twelve Hundred Dollars a Year," is the title of the comedy by Edna Ferhcr and Newman Levy, which wijl be presented by the Craik play ers at the matiucc-tca Saturday afternoon, 4 p. m Lyric building. This play tells the story of a professor who dared to give up his respectable job of pauper-like salary for the affluence of millwork. The cast will include Mrs. Harold Doh ertv. Misses Marguerite Becknian, Miidred Scofield, Ethel fulholland. A. Philpott; Messrs. Craik. P. Slausson.- jr., Jesse Purdy, Conrad Oleson. 'Otis Smith and Mark Lev ings. Mrs. E.M. Syfert and Mrs. Sam uel Bums will preside at the tea table. ........ r Dress Shields " There are several good shields on the market, but the prices are high on all of them and very few of them stand more than two or three wash ings. ''- ' f.. A little experimenting has proved that a woman can make her own shields at home at much less ex pense and that they are more satis factory and durable. s Buy a piece ofthin rubberized sheeting,: the kind 'with a duif finish on both sides. Jt ; comes at about $1.35 per square' yard." A yard will make six pairs of large shields, and you can make them whatever shape JfTid size you desire. ,-Lay a shield folded flat on a piece of the sheeting and cut out another exactly like it. Sew together at the top in. a flat seam. Bind the' shield with a thin cotton binding or place ace or embroidery edging around it to hide the raw edges, -j Wash this shield in the same man ner as any other shield. Soak a few minutes in lukewarm soap uds. Then lay it flat on; a table, , 'or .in the sink, and brush with a medium stiff brush dipped in soapy water. Rinse by holding it under the faucet or flinging it about in a pan of water. Do not wring, of course, nor iron. . It is intprrslirnr tn nnlc that Chini has her women doctors, some ot whom are said to be very, good sur geons. They work principally in the missions and government hospi tals and their prlnra tint, has hn gained in Europe and America. 11 ; By CORINNE LOWE. , New York (Special Correspond ence.) When is a dress dressiest? We should, say the answer to this co nundrum was "when it looks most unlike a" dress." So many of the frocks of tht6 autumn seem inspired with the one ambition to resemble a suit that there is apparently only one other ; passion equaling this in in tensity. It is the determination of the suit to look like a dress. Here is a charming little afternoon frock that imitates successfully the suit model. It is made of yellow duvet de laine and is trimmed with otter, a' fur which is scecn so fre quently this year that everybody should be considering a raid on father's old skating cap. FRY'S SA . Hi Men's and Women's Shoes Still Continues Offering wonderful shoes for men and women at , reductions from 25 o 50 that are a positive loss to us.'- Come Sat urday. ; , r FOR LADIES $18.00 Laird, Schober & Zieg ler Bret.,. Beaver, Brown, Gray and Field Mouse Shoes, bow $F785 $14.00 Slater Jc Morrill V Brown Russia Calf, Brown Kid and Black Kid now $085 700 pairs broken line Novelty Boot and Street Boots that sold up to $12,00, now $4 85 $12.00 Russia Calf, Brown Kid,' Black Kid and Novelty Boots go at , $85 pair .that eld up to $10.00, in patent button and Uce, kid button, and lace, tome with combination top, while they last $245 FOR MEN 500 pairs broken lines, worth up to $10.00, go at $K85' .-.- , i i 1 1 -n. IS n t 7 $14.00 Slater & Morrill's Rue Ma Calf, Kid, Black; Calf all tyle trfe, now V ' gS,:V: snoEca 16TH AND DOUGLAS STS. A Final Clearance Sale of Heavy Arm Clothing and Other Army Supplies O. D. Wool Pants, straight leg; regulat $12.50. 7C Sale price Pie O O. D. Wool Shirts; regulation army shirts; regular $6.50 Sale price $4.50 O. D. Overcoats, slightly used but in good condition; regu lar $15.50. tO OC Sale price tPOec&O Genuine Calfskin vi ator's Leather Vests; regular $25.00. Sale af6 $15.00 O. D. AIL-Wool U. S. Army Blankets. Renovated ...$4.95 New ...$6.75 Heavy, Double Woe) Plaid Hospital Blank ets; regular $10.50 Sale dJ 7C price . .. .apQ. I J Regulation U. S. Army Russet Shoes; regular $10.75. d7 AC Sale price P I t'lU Officers' Cordo Calf skin Dress Shoes; regular ' $12.50. Sale price at .. $7.50 U. S. Army Leathei Jerkins, blanket lined; regular - $8.50. Sale price at ...... $5.75 ' ; OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS W hip iroodi exactly a advertised; writs plainly; lend money order or draft with ordtiv "We awure. you prompt and satisfactory shipments. Mie money order or.0ratt payabl to - r Nebraska Amy and Navy Supply Co. Ul Bowvrd St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. If 19 Howard St. Pbon. Trie.- 31!. . ' Open Satarday Etcninat. K?A for yen Price List. Club Calendar i Kani. Minm Club uf ttmaha anil ( nim ell Bluffn .Sutuniity. J'-'Siii, i.i s p. m., luncheun and meetlne. I'nlvorsily clul. I1. K. O. NUterliooil. t'liaiiter M Satur. day, 1 o'rloi'k liim'hcon with Mr. Krana t. her, SI J I' South Twenty-fourth street. Mrs. n. 11. Illsop. aaiistant hostess. A. r. A. Irma Serllnn Smurilsy. l a. in., with Mlna Hertta Hnaat. 1H Ttlnnvy I'ho AlrlR'llllnt, the IntUorKliiii i irvt. A 'Vrn tui tiiiiy. will be prrai'itU'tl unilf ' l.cuia iialawvn, i Leacue of (lie ftounil Tahle. Ilrla flmp. t,r satunluy, I I' tlio k luni hpoii. with II. '". Curtia. lmlerwotul avenim, 'I'lii. los- iinir will he, 'AniiTlian l.lterHturr," aivl Hook of leneala. 'mm nr. gin ami Teaching of the old Testament. t ilrla ('inniiinlt.v Servli e l.emiie Sot urt!ay,.H:30 p. in., weck-eiul dvit'ina patty. K. K. K rltK. hoatew'' f AaWaSaSaaaBaSESBaBaaBaW I U f The NEW EDISON i"7hi Phonograph tibfi a Soul" r K i i What Edison did during the War -J ' THE official announcement is out. Ask us for youi copy of "AVhat v Edison Did During the War." Write for it, if you can't call. ' It tells how Edison left his home and business and went to sea, how Edison's M Yankee magic" foiled the German" submarines.' ". .' '..( ' ( - ' The bulletin tells many other things Edison did while Chairman pf the Naval Consulting, Board. It explains how k Edison kept the price of his phonograph at bed rock during an era of high costs and soaring prices. Since 1914 the New , EdisoA has advanced in price less than 15 and part of this is war tax. This bulletin also describes the Bud- ' get Fkuv which makes it possible for every Home to enjoy the benefits of good ; music without ieeLng the ; financial outlay. " ' ' "! t ' - ' ' : Rouse's Phonograph Parlors 1916 Farnam Street , , Douglas 7782 ' WTttch ftt tht tnnettnetmtnt f ' Air. Eton's Niw Rntmrek! IK REATON'S flIG RARGAINS It's not necessary for us to ) use space- talking about our bargains just take a 'k at these prices for Saturday nd Monday that tells the story. We have a large .stock and want to move it fast. TOILET ARTICLES $1.75 Piver's, La Trefele Azurea Face Powder.Sl.19 75c Djer Kiss Face Powcler. ; at ii;y.;48& SI. 25 Pyros, for" the teetri. at: 89 $1.50 Pinaud's Lilas Vearetal, ' at ........ .98d 5Qc Chlorax Tqoth Paste, 29 Oc Orazin .Tooth Pas, 291 80c Pompeiari Massage . Cream, at ' ,...K9 35c Cutex Nail White. ..231 90c 2oc Goutorbe Nail Cake, illr ftOc Beaton's Cold Cream, 19J 50c Goutorbe HoOge, paner box .....v.. .291 50c Beaton's theatrical Cold Cream (-lb.V, i . ,. . ;35 50c Cocoanut V Oil Emulsion, at :...39 75c Lady St, Clair's Cold Croam ................ KO, 50c. Beaton's Rrilliantine. 39 $1.50 Graham's Beauty Secret. . at ....,..$119 60c Sempre Giovine: . . . .42 20c Venida V for ;j. .. Hair Nets. - 2 ...25 60c Beaton's Benzoin and Almond Lotion ..... .39 30c Pond's Vanishing Crerm, at 19 CANDY DEPT. . Saturday Only Note our big specials on Candy, all guar- Standard anteed fresh. 80c Fancy Filled .Assorted Candies, per pound, 39? 80c Assorted Chocolate Creams in bulk, per pound ..........i .49? $1.00 , Chocolate Covered ' Peanuts, per pound, 59 $1.35 Original Allegretti Chocolates, pound boxes for ..w98 $2.00 Huyler's Asst. Choco lates, pound boxes, 81.25 $1.20 Chocolate Covered v Filberts, per pound, 80? $1.35 Assorted Boxes Low ney Chocolates, per pound at .90 PATENTS AND DRUG WANTS MJ 0 Nuxated ' Iron 89 , S1.25 Lyko Tonic...'. ..98 $1.5 Pinkham's Vegetable comn. ; roc 25c Fields' Worm Powder,. at ... ...i.lfi 35c Freezone for corns, 27? 25c Rat Nip . ; 10 40c Castoria . . ....... 24 60c Nuiol . .". . . ; 48 75c Milk Emulsion, Mercolized Vax. . . .73 25c Phenolax Wafers. . . .19 Nature s Kerned v Tablets, : 19: 3 and,7v S5c.7.ymol 'Troches, . : . .19, 30c Laxative Bromo Quinine,' at 22' 35c Beaton's Mentholated ' . Couorh Syrurt .........29 35c Sal Hepatica..'. 29 fiOc G""ine Syrup Figs. 4B4 35c Miller's Antiseptic Oil fFormerly known as S"ke . Oin .-. ...28 30c Turpo Comp. ' Ointment. . at li.l to 25c Mustard Cerate 1 7 $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk, 'af ........ $2-89 Sl.25 Tanlac .98 25c Phenolax Tablets 19V $1.25 Imported Olive Oil, nints at ; .PO 35c Sloan's Liniment 21 V PHOTO DEPT. Films Developed Free When Prints Are Ordered. , MAZDA LAMPS . . The Original and Reliable Lamp 15 to 50-Watt Lamps, 40 fiO-Watt Lamns 45 Fuse Plugs (10 to 30 amperes) at 10 RUBBER GOODS $2.00, 2-quart Velvet Com bination Hot Water Bot tle and Fountain Svringe, at S1.45 $1.40 Radiant 2-quart Foun tain Syringe ......95 $1.50, 2-quart Velvet Water Bottle 95C $3.50 Female Douche Spray Syringe S1.98 Mail orders receive our prompt attention. There's a war tax 01 one cent for each 25c on patents and toilet goods in addition to above prices. BEATON DRUG CO. 15th and Farnam Streets OUTFITTIIIQ COMPANY 3. B. CO7. t6U A JACKSON STS. .'wuiiiBna,!' 8$B M ID ;j:-vJf;jE:. II: Saturday, On Entire Stock of Women's Apparel Here is almost unlimited value-giving in artistically tailored, high grade ap parel. Many of the recent arrival are appropriate for "Early Spring" wear. All Suits Vz Price AH Dresses V2 Price All Coats All Furs All Waists Vz Off Vz Off ft Off All Petticoats All Skirts Vz Price Vz Price ' Special Purchase Sale Bungalow Aprons In view of the charming styles and excel lent materials these Aprons are exceptional values. Madras, Ginghams and Percales in light or dark patterns with ' contrasting trim mings are specially priced for Saturday, only at... ir.a rercaies in 69c Boxed Stationery 16 c Very h i g h -grade paper a majority of the boxes con t a In i n g 48 sheets, of paper and 24 envelopes. Begonias In Pots, Covered With Blooms Only ; ; ; 49c ; Big, hardy plants that will bring summer to your home. Profusely covered with blooms. Saturday only. . 1 , A Special Purchase Sale CONG OLEUM ART RUGS a -,BI "" An Entire Carload at YerU Lowest Prices "What lovely patterns! What beautiful, soft colors!" you will exclaim when you see these nationally advertised Congoleuni "Gold Seal" Art Rugs for Living Room, Dining Room and Bed Room. You must see them to appreciate the valuers. ,6x9 Congoleum Rust, Special Purchase Price 7:6x9 Congoleum Rues, Special Purchase Price 9x9 Congoleum Rugs, Special ' Purchase Price $7.45 $9.80 $11.75 CONGOLEUM "Gold Seal" Art Rugs in 9x10:6 size. d 1 A OP Special Purchase Price.. . ;.ffXT.J CONGOLEUM "Gold Seal" Art Rugs in 9x12 aires. d C QC iSpecial Purchase Price ...... V lOUf ! Factory Demonstration Maytag Washing Machines Fire Cent a week is all the electric current the Maytag re quires to do an average family washing. The big, aluminum cylinder forces hot, soap-sudsy water through your clothes six times every minute without wear or tear on the garments. ' Souvenir Free If . You Bring Coupon Present this coupon at Demonstration Booth and receive a" useful souvenir FREE.