16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 15, 1921. Cbttiffsi J&ertbiRZ Rttes Us per line (count words to line) I day 1 pr Una par day, I coiuauutlva daya Mo par Una par day, T connoutlve daya 14 par Una par day, 3 oenaacutlva daya No ado taken for lata than a total of 36c. The ratea apply atthar to tha Dally r Sunday Baa. All advartlaamanla ap pear In both morning and evening dally Papon for tha ona charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION. Waal ada accepted at tba followlnf of- MAIN OFFICB ITlh and rarnani Sta Mouth Sid 2916 N St. Council Bluff It Scott St WANT ADS RECEIVED BT PHONE AT TYLER 1000. TUB BEB will not ba rponlbl for mora than ona Incorract Inaortlon of an advrtlmnt ardartd for mora than ana "CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Fvenlng Edition U: A. M. Morning Edition .. : . PJ. . Sunday Edition .O-OO P' M" turi v DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. GEHRIG Jacob M.. aged 68; "'1 ' home, 2643 No. 61st. at I P. m.. Thur. ih. II ta survived by hi wife. Rosa H nnd ona non, Jscob. Alo 4 broth and S sister. 1 . Funrl will b held Sunday at 2:3 p. m. from II. H. Cramer chapel. 59. Military Ava., burial at ML Hop cemetery. mPTiM Mrs. Annn. aged 4 year, Janu- ury 14. 1931, aurvivd by hubsnd and one daughter of Plnttsmouth. NVI. Re main fnrwardrd from llcafcy .V 'Latay chapel 4:10 today to Platlsmont . .cb foe Interment. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. "STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST a m?ow A M BUL ANCE Thirty-third andFamam. "HULSE"& RIEPEN . PIONEER Fl'NKRAL. DIRECTORS "HE A FEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Kinbalnicra. Phone H. 2" Ot;iw frn-m. FliR AMBULANCK rail South 0. Korlako Punrnl Hnmi-. i.ld and O Sta. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON Vol 114 DQUKlas Bt. Douglaa M44. JOHN BATH. IStI and Farnam. t' MM. Henderson. S1 Karnain. Doula 124 BIRTHS AN1 DEATHS. " Hlrtha. ... Terrene and Molvlna Ollklson, I North Thirtieth mreet. boy. Ev"rt and Alva Van .Meter, hospital, "simuel and Anna McChes, 2446 Birch ,Bna?dl.ind Marian Oraeta. 0 Pa ' joeUnd',T1arbara Kurta, !6U CTarkion Vpetr and' Mary Hansen, South Omaha. b(Cmlel and Matilda D Tager. 6108 South Thirty-sixth lreo. - , . Mnttco and Lucia Buttaglla. 2!0 South Eleventh street, girl. . Fisnk ami Stella MarctnskU 3022 South Twenty-eighth avenue, boy. m John and Dagmar Pedersen, 10H Soutn Twenty-third street, boy, Deaths. Mrs. Dora Kruger, 63, 251 South Slx- t,Vlrglnl?eRagH,' Infant, 2612 Miami ''iCd'HIncfk, Infant, S226 South Fifteenth " Mrai Emma- Agnea -Haddlck, 26, 1616 South Tenth street. Cnra'M. Mason. 67', hospital. " MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples hara been Issued licenses to wed. John Chereck, 22, Omaha, and Parl Helkes, 16, Omaha. Russell I. Halbert. 21, Red Oak, la., and Mary M. Pllklngton, Red Ooak, la. Hobart C. Balrd, 25, Omaha, and Susie r. Whiting. 22, Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street eara tla- pnona Tyier ecu. w are anxiuua store loat articles to rightful ownera. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT LOST PEARL NECKLACE. Monday between 7 and 6 p. m. on way from W. O. W. building to Brardels x Theater. Phono Tyler 6134. Sulta 40J. , i.inerar rcwaru LOST Lady'a open face gold watch, Fri day morning, between 33d and Bed fwd Ave., and 16th and Jackson.' Re ward If returned to Mlsa Elliot, Union Outfitting Co. LOST Thursday noon, downtown district, gold Elgin wrist watch. Tyler 6042 or Council Bluffs Black 2MB. Reward. t,OST Male poodle, black' ears, answers to name of "Snookey." Reward. 1822 Burt St.. web. 47. LOST Small package containing two pairs short white kid gloves. Web. 0475. Reward. ' PERSONAL. HIE SALVATION Army Industrial home aolicits your old clothing, furniture. . magazines. We collect. Wa distribute Phona Doug 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1133-1114 Liongo o I WILL not ba responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Mary Jur gena. 4024 South 24th St, on or after January in. ifiis i,eojiurenj.. PATENT ATTORNEYS. ,1 W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge. PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas 11J Arlington Block. Omaha. Neb. WANTED to loan, $3,000 on $20,000 se curity; will pay 10 per cent. Address P, Be offlc. South Sid. Dickson A Newman do all kinds of re pairing; and remodeling. Phone 'o. ?74, SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOBODA, 1416 rAH.NAM 81TO.nr, RENT Hoover vacuum cleaner, i! month". $5; delivered once a month. Wal. 1947 MATTRESSES remade, springs repaired. H. 1762. DRESSMAKING of all kinds. Web. 6622, SWEDISH massage by masseuse. Dg. 6877, JiV RAVING, old rug remade. Ty. 1433. MASSAGE 214 North Seventeeht St. SWEDISH ronssage. 816 Neville Block, ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Sd ciat attention to children Satisfaction assured. Ig. 26X1. Har. 2762. Vol Dinn School for Dancing; 2436 AVei-glllC Farnam., Doug. 7850. Detectives. ' RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Rallwav Ex. Bldg. Doug. IVb. .-igni ipi. n. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Blk. Evidence .secured in all cases, ryier ii Hemstitching and Pleating. Neb. Pleating A Button Co. 1806 Farnai St. Doug. 660. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS EL "ift.vile;1 to buy back at small profit GROSS JKWfcl.ttX LU.. ivi r". " las 6046. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over in new ucn t k ... i new beds. Pillowa renovated snd made OP in new Ifumrr-vnjvivivnii,,. -v. turning siri-ei. !" . . . . . . . c- On,.ka KTK Brass, bronx. aluminum and machine gray iron cawpa. .ora? raxor blades sold. Omaha -Raxor Sharpening COBSgva uooge. tva n. . - BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can . b , purcbaaed at mauo tov.t. ih and uougiae ct. um. u. .vw. a.- a . Jkt M4n.ln. anrl ..tilawtntf. Write for prices. Tha Ensign Co. 1667 Howara t OMAHA WELDING OT. "Tha refol Waldara. lain ana " TULL dress auita and tuxedos for rent. lOt W. lam ou. rwmm". -. Omaha Towal Stipply. 267 8. th. P. 62$ FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. IN going through your attic, don't yo . n, r jiiothing. furniture, rlc- turea and ctber articles tbat yoo bava no further us fort An have yon ever stopped to think, that someone might b only too glaf to have jMiemT Tbaa why not 1st tna puduo anow jm n those articles useless to you through a little want ad In Tha Beef It costs vary little and a 3-day ad wouia almost , b aura to aell It for you. Try It. Call Tyler 1009 and ask for the Want Ad Dept. o SALE Kitchen rang. Tsr 3131. BRINGING UP lb THIS WHERE FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. VK.'THOLA. rablnot and 80 choke record. ITS. . A few piece of furniture, .sewing cabinet and folding: table. Whitewlng machine. Leavlnit for tho west. Box W-114, Omaha Bee. - Pianos and Musical Instruments. CLEANUP SALE. All standard phonographs at less than half price; $100 size, :!!, 60; site. $4B.&0: SI SO size, 55: 1 recordn, 46c. Records exchanxed, 16c. Shlacs Phono arnph Co.. 1404 Dodge. $93 WILL buy almost new $216 phono graph, beautiful tone, 36 records In cluded, l-'noiie wainut jsii. A. HOSPE CO Everything in art and music Pianos for rent. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instruct'.ona. re pair. nf- flione Harney zo(. ure. Smith. ,2761 Davenport St. j5(,d Modern uprteht piano, I27C. Terms. OftKrPTO music jo., jsih rai'"" Typewriters nnd Supplies. : - TYPEWRITERS . ' ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agenta for th CORONA. Got bur price before you buy. Every macnine guarmnwu. Central Typewriter Exc. , ..MA 1 ft . ', li-n nawa UOUKLSB " r tai ..a..,.. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. & E.'a; bsTgalna. sio ievwe mag. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks JJo. 4 standard scale, 3Hx3V foot platform, also 2S-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust -fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam ats. Phone Tyler 1000. . SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, sell need!, and part. MICKEL'S 15th and Hnrney. Di.t-plaj 1972. BEAUTIFUL OROANDIB FLOWERS FOR BUTTONHOLE. CORHAUE OR TABLE BOUQUETS FOR SALE FROM 61.00 UP, ACCORDING TO SIZE. PHONE TYLER 1649. ONE automatic savage .32. on box of cartridges, bargain at also Bel gian shotgun, lS-gauge, and box of shells, bargain at l.f. Harney 2902. SURE and safe Investment, city warrants to pay you 10 per cent Interest, 6100, $500 and $1,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon, 17 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 5262. OR SALES CHEAP two brand new Universal Farm HxhA plants, complete E. P. Bennett Motor Co., 2066 Farnam St. Tyler E299. WB buy, aell safes, make desks, show cases, eto. Omaha Flxtura A Supply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY. LOANS. . FRED C- TAYLOR, 602 Securities Bldg. Ty. 3686. WILL sacrifice fine -karat diamond ror cash. Address Box X-123, Omaha Bee. R A PFQ BARGAINS, 12th & Fa OAi iLO J, J. Darlght Safe i rnam. Co. GOOD electric washer for sale, reasonable. Box R-32I Omaha Bee. OROANDT flowers for sale. Wal. 0617. WaNTFD TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and . ,, n... nr., a '7 .... ,,1 V C urniiure. xy. ..... . . .m., ,w ... .v. SITUATIONS WAkTED. Male. COLORED servant wants work, morning and evening. 1106 So. 13tu St. MARRIED man wants position on a farm. Box 73, Howolls. Neo. HOT)SE cleaning, day work, colored, ref- orences. Webster 6623. Painting, ppfhg., plastering. Wal. 4667. HAULING, ashes, 12fcc a tub. Wal. 6516. Laundry and Day Work HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. ' Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Ixtts of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. PHONE your sd In to The Bee, It saves time, call xyier luvu ana bsk ior mo Want Ad Dept. COOKING, houseeleanlng. Webster 4769. DAY work, cleaning, laundry. Web. 1877. LAUNDRY wantod, exp.. Col. Web. 682". DAYWORK, any kind. Exp. Web. 4426. SMALL bundle-washings, exp.. H. 732" BUNDLE washing wanted Web. 2221. BUNDLE washing, exp. Col. vVcb. 1975, l'AYWORK wanted. Colored Har. 7026. COOKING and daywork. Uxp. Ool. 1581. PLAIN, fancy hundlewayhlng. Web. 6123. FIRST clasy laundress. Webster 2973. 1st Clasa Ironing, laundry. Web 1HS8. DAY WORK.' any kind. Web. 1708. l'AYWORK wanted. Exp. Web. 6531. WORK as maid, waitress. Web. 4142. FIRST crass laundress. Tyler 4328. EXP. 1st class laundress. Web. 6247. DAY WORK wanted. Harney 7012. DAY avork wanted. Harney 7007. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Otnces. WANTED. ADVERTISING MAN FOR WINDOW TRIMMING. INTE RIOR STORE DISPLATS AND GEN ERAL DISTRIBUTION OF ADVERTIS ING MATTER. ADDRESS BOX H-ll, OMAHA BEE. BOOKKEEPER, "auto firm, small town, $126; bank clerk, posting macnine ex perience, $100; stenographer, law office, beginner will do. $100; stenographer, mO firm. 1125. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN , 1306 First Nat. HanK Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED A No. 1 sweet pickle smoke house man, must understand his busi ness .thoroughly and produce results. Nona other need apply. Answer, giv ing experience and salary expected in Tlrst letter. Box 763, Phoenix, Arix. LEARN the best traoe. Barbers wanted everywhere. Earn while you learn. Few weeks complete our couise. Write today tor special proposition and free illustrated catalog. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 S. 14th. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN. Completing sales force, need two real men. Call on merchants: staple line; no stock. Tall for M. A. Blankensbip. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.. San ford hotel. SPECIALTY salesmen wanted, in silver ware, ruga and blankets. Can use a couple of good men. out of town work. C. JT, Adamo Co., CI 8o, ftta. 'FATHER n WEL, VM Tl I I wriLi . what I I WvE VOU cvR THOUGHT n I J'1 i DON'T HAVE TO THINK 1 I ALL RlCHT- J XlTTZl . M DOW WE 1 OP BUYING. A PIANO , ABOUT IT. SHE DOES J tN'T ET A f I JUST NANTEO TO KNONN . i-l- .Vlvi I II I- DO I POO vrol iB ) . aii Va.e . ANSRV. HS WHAT VOLi THOUGHT -V I '" " COPVIUCHT.IMI,aVINT'LFeATUCtAVIOr,lfC. -5" HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Salesmen to establish dealers for high-class Una with three-year profit guarantee plan and long time credit. a Photographic sample line goes in grip. Yearly commissions on average or tnree ordera week for 48 weeks la $8,362. Dun kelberg, Hotel Harley, Tuesday to Sat urday, mornings. WANTED A No. 1 live wire wholesale meat and provision salesman; must un derstand his business thoroughly and be able to produce results; none other need apply. State experience and salary ex-pected-ln first letter. Box 763, Phoenix. Aril, SALESMEN To sell national known Ford accessory to garage aeaiers. v mo r.. A. Chase, 1446 81nt St.. Pes Moines, la. TWO salesmen wanted. 1-hone Wal. 0237. Agents and Canvassers. FOR tha new year, why should life In- suranco agents In Nebraska plod along . iu the old rut, when a proposition is open for you that will meet present financial and other conditions? Some thing new In "Old Line" life Insurance. We want good men and will use them well. It Is to your Interest to engage with the Columbia Life Insurance Com pany of Fremont, Neb. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS Sales con cessions for state of Nebraska can be secured on line of heating and plumbing supplies. Small Investment required. Fully secured. Address 404 Boston Blk.. Minneapolis, Minn. Miscellaneous. WANTED 800 MEN TO CUT ICE AT SEYMOUR LAKE .' MONDAY MORNING, , JANUARY 17,981, 400 PER HOUR STRAIGHT TIME. GOOD MEALS AT COMPANY'S RESTAURANT, FREE. LODGING AT COMPANY'S HOTEL FOR THOSB WHO WANT TO STAY AT ICE HOUSB. TAKE PATILLION CAR ON 16TH AND CAPITOL AVE, OR RALSTON CAR ON 24TH AND M STS., CUDAHY PACKING CO., . SOUTH SIDE. MAN wanted' to asl Pins, at Farnam Bowling Alley, is( uarnaiu ou HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. . , a m,L.r t,a,n Xlflftr ...stenographer, law tffflce, beginner. $66, wear, prefer small town experience, nal- WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN., 130S First wai. panK aing, OFFICE clerks who are familiar with streets and .addresses. $80-$6. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHY taught In -12 weeks. New class starting soon. For particulars can Colfax 0670. t Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trada. 8peci.il rat"s and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. WANTED Ladles' clothes Ironers and machine girls. Apply Standard Laundry, 2405 North 24th St. Web. 0130. Saleswomen, and Solicitors. HIGH grade, profitable article, selling to DUSlness- otnces, pari or uu n.aac. An attractive sideline for party now selling this trade. Call Saturday after- noon at us weviiie pipe Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of Th Bee Want Ada. Good, well-paid and homelike placea alway advertised. MAID for general housework, good cook. private nome, , ii.sv wen, wmi uuuuij $20. Four In family. Box X-87, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED girl. . no washing, 8 adults; Scandinavian preferred. Wal. 3S11. - Comp. girl for gen. housework, I In lam. no washing, references req. Wal. 1437 WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. Walnut 3233. Miscellaneous. WANTED. 10 GIRLS . BETWEEN AGES OF 17 AND 34 YEARS' 8TH GRADE EDUCATION OR BETTER. APPLY ROOM 614, NEW TELEPHONE BLDG.. 19TH AND DOUGLAS STREETS. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. CLERKS (men. women! over 17, for postal mall aervice. $10 month. Ex aminations January. Experience un necessary. For free particulars, write J. Leonard (former civil service ex aminer), 909 Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. - MEN, WOMEN, $u hour advertising per fumes, soaps, toilet goods, etc. Expe rience unnecessary. Write for special $14 advertising cash refund offer. Dobb Drug Co., Memphis, Tenn. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys to learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber Collcg EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comtometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telcgiaphy, " civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1566 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLE8 COLLEGE, Boyls Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 6690. HIGH school students, tutored In all subjects. 416 N. 40il. Harney sit. BUSINESS CHANCES. EXCURSION TO MEXICO. Address A. Pina. Ex-Mexican consul, ft N.' Dearborn Ht., Chicago. Everything for the tire repair man; teed, new equipment, tools, repair material. Vulcanlxers Supply Co., 8912 Farnam. WILL buy grocer counter anil fixture no shelving, for store in Buffalo Co. Box Y-1392, Omarin Bet. WILL sell complete reptaurant fixture at - A kariain. Sin N St v Bo. 8620. Registered U. S. Patant Office. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, FARM LIGHTING PLANTS. A distributer of a . well-known farm light ing plant is discontin uing the sale of plants. We have on hand sever al new plants we will sel at factory cost Full details, address Box . 1034. Cheyenne, Wyo. BLACKSMITH SHOP FULLY EQUIPPED. IN BIRD CITY, KANSAS. Two sets of tools, disk roller, trip hammer, emery wheel, new five-horsepower gasoline engine, also considerable stock In good condition. Will rent shop or sell tools without renting shop. Best opening In northwest Kansus for right man. Call on or write to George Hall, Bird City, Kan. HOTEL for sale. European 66 rooms, steam heat transient, long lease, cheap rent. Cafe In connection. One of the best paying hotels In St. Joseph, Mo. $18,000 cash to be handled, balance terms. Ad dress Mgr. St. Croix Hotel, Wichita, Kan. ' - ' FOR SALE Accessory, tire and battery business, $20,000 inventory in town of 30.000 In farming community. BoxY 1396. Omaha Beo. - FOR SALE Small restaurant, spltndld fixtures, good business; easy terms. 114 West Broadway, Co. Bluffs, l'bon Black 2722. WANTED Lady or gentleman with $2'tfl as partner to manufacture lomething everybody will eat every day. 3932. N 36th 8t. J DRUG storea for aale. mention e-vactly states Interested In. Address F. V. Knlest, Peters Trust Bldg.. omana. ieo. TO G ET In or out of business, see LEW.IS & Co.. 411 McCague Bldg. ' Rooming Houses, S-ROOM home or rooming; fine furniture and rugs. Make offer. Must sell. Har ney 4123. FOR RENT ROOMS. Fnrnished Rooms. ABB YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making, a change, which will be more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000. and we will not only furnish you with a complete room list of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Be and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler. 1000. Want Ad Dept . LARGE furnished rooms, -well heated; bath adjoining. Modern. Prlvat Farnam car line. Suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Doug. 9209. DESIRABLE rm., prlv. home; close In; reas.; garage. 3117 Lincoln Blvd. H. 69S4. 3 LARGE, well heated, nicely furnished rooms, walking dis. 2123 Cass. Ty. 2754. NICE south warm room, private en trance. 1302 So. 32d St. Har. 6030. FOR RENT Large front room. Harnpy 1833. Address 830 South 29th St. MOREDN front room, gentleman pre ferred. 2420 Burt. Tyler 6464. FURNISHED rooms In private home, ret terences. Phone Har. 3461, 1330 SO. 32D ST. Clean, comfortable rm.. on car line. Harney 6145. 2514 Jones Very desirable room, strictly modern home. Dg. 4124, NICE warm room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Call Harney Ef91. MODERN slocplng r., reasonable. H. 0504. NICE, clean, well heated room. Har. 3737. Sleeping rms., newly finished. 2ii68 Doug, Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OL'U BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OCR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLEK 1000. WANT An WELL-HEATED rooms for light house keeping. 4768 N. 24th. Colfax 2617. 2 NICE light housekeeping rooms. New ly finished. 2iS68 Douglas. PARLOR rm., use of kitchen. 'Har. 0504. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE Bf.E WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. BEAUTIFUL, large corner room tot two gentlemen. Large closet- Close to beautiful bath, with show-r. Two meals. Garage. Harney 2196. BOARD and room for 2 gentlemen or couple employed; private; references. Web. 2549. BOARD and room for married couple or two gentlemen. $10 wk. ea. Wal 30B6 HOMELIKE furnished double room, suit able for 2, with board. $10. Har. .2129. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. WILL rent 1st of March, 2-atoiy house, completely modern, 1 block from car ' line. Car service only 2 minutes. Rent, $75 month. Colfax j043. 4-ROOM cottage, 1906 Paul St., $17.60 month. Call at 1160 N. I9tn for kev or- phone Doug. 1734. SIX-ROOM, all modern, two-story house. eo. sdiio maple. . uoug. aatufr ALL modern house, 7 r. Colfax 2963. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street ' Tyler 4200 -Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For ; Future Occupancy. S-ROOM apt., modern. Webster 18:iC. Unfurnished. TADOUSAC APARTMENTS Located on 38th Avenue, bc tweeh Farnam and Dewpv Avenue; Omaha's finest and newest apart incut building; suites of thice, fom and five rooms; in Omaha's most exclusive residence district. Prices $100 to $150. Building now ready for occupancy. . O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. MODERN four-room npartmcntv close In 835 S. P. BOSTWICK. 400 Peters Trust Bldg. D?Ts7KTBLE4-r7iiiod. apt.. Hnreni-e Blvd. IN PACE OF COLORS IN THE Si JNDAY FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Unfurnished. i ROOMS. Mount Vernon, 624 South 31st street. 2105. 6 rooms, Ardmoro Torrace, 49th and California streets, $125. 5 looms. Mount Vernon, 624 South 31st street, $140. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0644. "17th and Farnam Sts. Peters Trust CcnV any, Specialists In apartment management MODERN 4-room apartment. Web. 6397, FOR RENT Business Property. SUITE of offls for rent, consisting ot H private offices and one reception room. Inquire Rm. 400, 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. '-' GOOD store, two-tory brick, full plate glass frpnt. Tile floor, fronting on Far nam St. west of 201 h ,St. F. D. Wead, 310 So. 18th St. Tyler 0151. FOR SAGE or rent Tire repair equip ment in first class accessory and tire store in town of 30,000. Box Y-1396, Omaha Bee, ' ' OFFICE desk and space and , storage room for rent, good location.' Applv H. Kohnstamm & Co., 1108 D.iugias St. OFFICE space in the Wead building, -18th, and FarnBm St. Call Tyler 0151. F. V. Wead, 310 So. 18tlj St. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18TH ST. MOVING; AND STORAGE. FIDELITY and van CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS REASONABLE RUTES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF -HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th' and Jackson Sts ' Douglss 028a. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE - Separate locked rooms for household goeds and piano, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN, AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Boweu Co. Tyler 8400. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. , For real service in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 .or Douglaa 4338. Auto or wagon, service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let ua estimate your moving, packing and storage, 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908 DESIRABLE warehouse space, first-class delivery service. Box H-9, Omaha Bee. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 5-PASS. BUICK TOURING ' Here yon are! A fine ' Bnick light six touring,, just like new. Five good tires .and complete equipment Guaranteed in every way and a hargain at $800. ' HURRY! , Giiy L. Smith, 26th and Farnam. Douglas 1970. IF YOU are going to buy a used car this spring it will pay you well to call now and inspect the cars we are selling at very low. prices. Omaha Auto Sales 2060 Farnam. Tyler 0627. DODGE SEDAN. BUMPERS FRONT AND REAR,- AND OTHER EXTRAS. LIKE NEW. $1,050. , AUTO EXCHANGE, 2204 Farnam. Doug. 6031. We have some splendid 1919 newly paiuted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug, 3622. FOR SALE Two-trfn Wilson truck with farm body, worm drive. Continental motor, used less than year. First-clasa condition. $1,460. 2066 Farnam, Tyler 6299 SOME bargains in used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station. 16tb and Jackaon. Doug laa 3500. KAVE two H4 -ton truck. Will sell reas onable or trade for touring car or road- . . . n, . , ,A-a lir.k.l.. . ster. t.ail lyier Agio- ur rua,' vmv. OalT ivn tt.na.4Ma K1 MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnsm St. A DANDY little Saxon chummy roadster; will sacrifice.- t:aii xyier vow, no Mr. Huntington. . HAULING, all kinds, trucks all sizes, best service, best rates. Tyler 1976 DODGE 5-pass., newly overhauled, new wlnterdop. new tires, ineap. vui. 1920 FORD COUPE. FIRST CLASS SHAPE. BARGAIN. DOUGLAS 6454. Ford Coupe, lota of extras, $276; leaving city. Bargain. Paul H.. 322 No. 36th. Accessories. I-OR SALE New sedan top for Kissel "100 point" six. Cheap. Tyler 6299. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcvcles. Victor H. Roos, 27th and Leavenworth. Dept. B. Omaha. Neb. KIR SALE 1920 Harley Davidson with delivery car. Call Harney 0217 FARM LADS. Arkansas Lands. FARM 427 '4 acres bottom land, well wa tered, half in cultivation, 50 acres meadow land, all under fence, good or chard, church ami schools; comenlei i : does not overflow. Mrs. T. N. Uill. Owner. Arkud.Mphla, Arlt Kansas Lands. PRICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE. 120 arret Jewell county, Kcnsas. J miles northeast Manliato; 10 acr.B wheat, some alfalfa: write fir terms. O. W. Thomson, Mid-Way Hotel, Em poria, Kan. Missouri Lands. BUY 80 acres for price of "your town property: timothy, blue grass, good im provements; sll fenced woven wire; tlmlacr, all kinds fruit. Box Y-1398, Omaha Bee. Mehraska Lands. IMPROVED FARM BARGAIN. - Fourteen milei; from Omaha, easy ' trlvo to South Omaha markets, 4 miles from good rallrosd town, good house and buildings, cler.trie plant, rolling, all tlll ' ohle, good locality. 240 acres at a bar gain on easy terms. Will 'take one-half In city or town property, western land, or good mortgages or bonds. W. T. GRAHAM, Douglas 1533 704 Bee Bldg. uE-n-rnM nv T.ANI. FOR SALE AT $8,000 FOR RENT AT $200 FOR S lASON. This land lies m Ourfleld count v. Nebraska, easy accessible; hat good house and barn, two wells and wind mills; nearly all fenced; 90 a.-res broken; over $2,000 cash required, bal ance easy terms. For Information ap ply to Erlcaon State Hank, Erleson, Neb., or J. K. Lovain, Greeley, Neb. SEE JIGC9 AND MAGtilj FULL BEE COPY RICHT. I M I, SV INT'L FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. , , DAIRY FARM Underwood avenue; west of Dundee, about 160 acres. GEORGE AND COMPANY Oklahoma Lands. OKLAHOMA, farms; write for free agri cultural booklet. Board of Commerce, Shawnee, Okl. Wisconsin Lands. 1 AN DO LOGY special number just - out, containing 1921 fuels of clover land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If -for a homo or as n investment you are - thinking of buying gond farm lands, whore farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number, of Landology. It ia free on request. Address Skld morerRlehla Land Co., 433 Skidinore Kiehle Bldg. Marinette. Wla. Michigan Lands. . LOOKING FOR A FARM,? ;' ' If -you are, an opportunity Is before you. Hardwood land In Antrim and Kalkaska counties, Mich., at only $16 to $26 per acre. Small down payment, easy terms. Excellent location. Special features and ways of helping settlers. Write for big free booklet. BWIGART, J-1252, Flrat National Bank Bldg., Chi cago, III. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans WANT $40,000. 10 years first mortgag on 366 acres black, level, second bottom land land, all tillable, well Improved, mile to station in N. W. Missouri, near . Iowa line. Address Box Y-1,386, Omaha Bee. WANTED $1,000 to $3,000 for 12 montha Will pay 2 each month. Pilnclpal in full plus 1 promptly at maturity E, Pendleton Gaines, W. U. Telegraph Co., Cedar' Rapids, la. WE have casb on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, IC.. 638 Kecllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 310 S. 18th St. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros. 345 Omaha Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED To buy or sell Omaha Heal Estate see FOWLER & M DONALD 1120 'City Nat, Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1426, LIST homes and income property. GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 1966. I WANT 5 and 6-room houses in south and west part or city: 1 have tne nuy ert. If ou want to sell, give me price and location. Address box H-48, Oma ha Boe. $,000 CASH to. pay down on the best modern home In desirable amtrlcu uive best price and complete description. Box W-97, Omaha Bee. 1 WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES. C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. CAN pay $750 cash and $26 monthly on five or six-room cottage. uivo- au dress and best price. Box W-98. Omaha Bee. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT- CO., 1606 Dodge St. Douglas - 1346L RTPtfTT'T'T REAL ESTATE; DlIVlV J2. 11 sella. Rent, Insures 360. Peters Trust Bldg. Doug 0633. Taylor's Express We haul anything by tonnage or Dasnei kiuuihib ;""" ets. Moving a specialty. veo. P. J. TEBBENS Pnf .LndESffl. B6 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Douglaa 21 W. G.SHRIVEREcB.TATE 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1686 LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co., 412 Karbach Big. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. CUMING Near 29th St. 44 feet: mtut M sold to close esiaio. a. uowiwi, Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. . Trackage. 113VeET ON 11TH ST.. . $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK, 400 Peters Truet Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WILL trado good lots for equity in mot- em or part mooern noiree. wun. - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS- INVESTMENT EASY TERMS. WAREHOUSE 8-story and bssement, 66x120 feet; trackage. Elevator and sprinkler sys tem, 81500 square feet Price, $36,000; chsv terrn!1' . GEORGE A CO.. Tyler 3024. This property consists of three 6 room cottages and a two-story frame flat with 6 room on each side; ground, 112x127; $8,000 on easy terms will buy it. ALFRED THOMAS A SON 604 First National Bank Building. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtors, Real Estate, Investment, insurance, rieiimin. Tyler -1636 833 Securltle Bldg. FURNISHED flat Seven-room flat, rent $5(1. price $500. 441 l'axton bik, uoug. 5038. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop'ty., Col. 1400. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAM a. ",03 South r,Sth Avenue. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. One block from Black stone hotel; lot. 60x130 ft.: opportunity to buv rlttlit. Owner leaving city. GEORGE At CO.. Tyler 3024. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 651 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4380. ALL modern home, 7 yrs. old, choice lo cation, possession immediately. Price $3 500. $500 down $30 month. Dg. 4228. Tukey Offers you years of experience in selling your house. We arc experts in this line of busi ness; competent, energetic salesmen that are not afraid of work. Call us. A. P. TUKEY & SON 620 First National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglaa 4223 Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright, 1921 International New Service FEATURE fUlVICr. IMC. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. FIELD CLUB. New, stucco, s-otith front, first time offered; large veranda, .tiled vestibule, living room across front, with fireplace and bookcases; din ing room with buffet; large sun 00111; beautiful fumed oak finish; enamel kitchen with built-in cup boards in pantry and entry; 3 very fine bedrooms and" closets, sewing room, sleeping porch, tiled bath, birch finish, second; maid's room, 3d floor; oak floors all through; hot water heat; stationary tub&i laundry sink, extra toilet in base ment; beautiful lot 50x162; all spe cials paid; garage and drive. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS, Douglas 0046. 915-17 City Natl. FIELD CLUB HOME. Ou 36th St., opposite Field club, rood 2-etory and attic, T-room. modern, frame house; 1-car garage; lot, 60x136 ft., paving paid, choice location. Price reduced to $9,000 for quick sals, $1,$0( cash will handle. A good buy. see ua at once if Interested. FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Dong. 1426. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood addition: a safe place for Invest ment. Norris A Norrls. Douglas 4270. North. KOUNTZE PARS SACRIFICE 7-room full two-story, strictly modern house, four large rooms on first floor finished ify oak; three dandy nice large bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor. Full cement basement, fur nace heat; garage for two cars; large lot on paved street, paving paid. One block from car line, half block from Lothrop school, two blocks from Kountze park. Owner leaving city for California and has offered to sacrifice this ,for $6,000 on reasonable terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Om.'Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. Vacant Lot Bargain, Minne Lusa, $800. Paving paid to date. This Is real value and if you expect to be ii the market this spring. It will pay to take advantage of this at once at this low price. Non-resident owner needs money. Glover & Spain, REALTORS. Douglas 2850. ' 918-20 City Nat. SEVEN-ROOM , modern hous. south front, paved atreet, garage. It bought direct from owner .will acc-pt $1,000 cash first payment; balance monthly. Colfax 1168. FIVE-R. house, paved street, for $2,000: easy terms. Col. 4)175. R. F. Clary Co., North Omaha Realtors. 2414 Ames Ave. SPECIAL terms on 2823 Seward St 4-rm. bungalow. Modern, $2Q0 cash. bal. mo Crelgh. 608 Bee. Doug. 0200. TWb large lots, 7-room house, all modern but heat- Leaving city and must sacrifice at once. Colfax 4168. MINNE LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. J. B. ROBINSON real estate and Invest ment. 5-42 Puters Trust. Doug. 8097. BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat't Oil Struck in Texas Near Land Owned by Omaha Men Morris Milder, 1717 Douglas street, states that he has received information of an oil strike at a depth of 96 feet near Fort Stockton, Pecos county, Texas, said to be the first oil well in this county . He and various Omaha business men have considerable acreage five and six miles from the site ot tne well. Reports received by Mr. Milder state that the well is pro ducing 2,500 barrels a day, that the oil shows a high lubricating test and is selling for $10 a barrel. Farmer Denies Assault On Nebraska City Doctor Nebraska. City. Neb. Jan, 14. (Special.) C. C. Borland, well known farmer, pleaded not guilty m countv court to a charge of assault ing Dr. W. S. Yager, owner of the land occupied by Borland. The case was continued to February 21. It is said tne trounie was causcu vj Dr. Yager ordering Borland to va cate the farm. Real Estate Transfers Hattle Small to Jake J. Smith. 87th St.. 60 ft. N of IJ St. a,' tn.. t fift . 1.900 2.000 3,600 23.00 7S0 ,8,700 1,400 8,600 360 7.00.0 2.J0O 4,260 Miiry Thomscn'and i husband to W. L. Fierpoini. s. - . . . c- K(ia-41 ana iMv.-y .-... fI GoorBO C. Flack td Iva M. Hat- ton. SW Cor. uisi ""- -" Anna E. Qumhcr and husband to Edward Peterson. n. -ft. N of Davenport St.. w . a, Paul W. Kuiins'and wife to 1.11- lle Miller, upencur o... -- Lillian M. Tabor and husband to Marlon A. rrutien. .-n, Glsel Nemcc "Konlchek. nln" iHlratrlx to I'raim ivrna, .,, 10th SI I 647 ft. N of 10th St., t. ARwa.7e Dora K. Hendrlck to Nathan Som- berg. William ki., ov. ii. v i a. a, a V- U IT.vRA ............ Mary Gencvle ' Bralnerd, et al to Nathan Homnerg. J row., oi., u ft E of 40th St. S 8. 120x126, Tlrown St.. 120 ft W of 38th St., ci u sA.lvK avirian and . John T. Jepnen to Kdl?f Jepiien I. Ek UA L- O At VT A una wuw, i)in s?. Cuming St., W 8, 4x108 und. Ella L." Paulsen and husband to Henry w iscneer, nc . T.r. a. m ... (ii.mi a i.n.iKa .. C. George Carlberg and wife to William ir. lvoirc. i ai. oao si., 124.5 ft N Ot Spring St., W S, 41x130 Air Mail Pilots Battle Storm to Finish Flights Cheyenne-Omaha and Omaha Chicago Flyers Complete Trips , in Teeth of Gale ! Threatening Lires. Pilot C. Z. Pickup of the Omaha Cheyenne air mail division arrivct at Ak-Sat-Ben field Thursday after noon at $5:33, after an all-day battje with a winter storm which threaten ed to force him to land on several occasions. He struck the worst part of the storm within .50 miles of Omaha, he said. None the worse for his experience, however. Pilot Pickup left for Cheyenne yesterday on regular schedule? Chicago, Jan. 14. A roce with a storm while a mile up in the air was the experience of Air Mail Pilot William C. Hopson, while speeding from Omaha to Chicago .with his daily load of mail. Racing his en gine, he got into the city just before the storm covered the streets and fly ing field with a blanket of snow. His comrade. P. H. Winslow. on his way to Minneapolis, was forced to land by the storm two miles from the field, but later i succeeded in starting his engine and completing' the trip. Election Recount Favors Leader in Thayer County Vote 1 Hebron, Neb., Jan. 14. (Special.) County Commissioner Birkholx gained 17 votes in addition to the 16 majority given him in the count at the fall election in, a recount insti gated by ex-Commissioner A. L. Scott. '- Downtown Programs. . ' Rialto "Earthbound." Sun "Madame X." Strand "The Charm School." Moon "Out of the Snow." Empress "The , Woman and the Puppet. Muse "Seeds of Vengeance." Neighborhood Houses. Grand Louis Bennisort in "Th Road Called Straight" Hamilton Will Rogers in "Cupid the Cowpuncher." " In William S. Hart's newest pro duction for Paramont, "The Testing Block," a current release, the old song "Darling Nelly Gray," which was written in 1858, is revived. In the story a young girl wins the lov of the bandit, "Sierra Bill" with tht song. In a parade held in Los Angelei recently in behalf of the starving children of Europe appeared Douglaa Fairbanks, Charlie Chaplin, Chestei Conklin, Ben Turpin, Charles Mur ray, Larry Semon and other world famous comedians. Whiskers. Charles Rav's caninf chum, who has appeared in several of his recent pictures, barely escaped a dire fate the other day by the top pling of a heavy table lamp. It took the united efforts of one star, two leading ladies and 30 or 40 actors and technical workers to locate whiskers after the event. He was firullv found in a corner of his master's auto mobile, ready to go home as soon as the latter was willing to call it a day's work. It is said that the mother of Con stance Talmadge makes no secret ol her disapproval of her daughter's recent marriage to the son of a rich Greek tobacco , importer in New York. The mother of Dorothv Gish, who was married at the same time, is cheerfully accepting the situation. Nearly $1,000,000, according to re port, was paid Charlie Chaplin for his film. "The Kid," by First Na tional Exhibitors. This is approxi mately equal to the -entire sum thai was to have been paid by First Na tional to the star for eight pictures in the original contract. Doris May, former co-star of Douglas MacLean, has admitted heir marriage engagement to Wallace MacDonald. who has been leading man for most of the screen's feminine stars. AT THE THEATERS THIS afternoon Arthur Pearson's "Stop Lively Girls," who have bee-i doing that very thing ever since they left New York, in their nnxlety to reach Omaha, open for a week at tho Ooyety. As principal comedian of the organiza tion comes Don Barclay, whom Omahani have not seen here In five seasons. Mr. Darciay will quickly rewln the publla favor that was his half a decado ago. Youth and beauty predominate In tn chorus Mr, Pearson has assembled for this season's tour and the production is elaborate. Tomorrow's matinee starts at i. The "Greenwich Village Follies" will conclude Its engagement at the Brandols today with two performances, matinee and evening. Manager Sutphen la negotiating for a return engagement of the company-for next spring at ihe conclusion of Its transcontinental tour. There is no No 2 company. The eoe seen here all this week Is the same that created uch a furore in Now York and Chicago and which, for the past 10 montha, has played to capacity houses in all the larger cities tf the country. Though now on It seventy-seventh week, the "Follies" Is s fresh and smart as on th night of IU premiere In the quaint little Greenwich Village theater in midsummer ot 1919. With tonight's show starting at o'clock, the engagement of th current Orpheum show will finish. This Is the bill heeded by the Ford Danrer. Frank Ivn Ardell comes to head the tew bill, beginning with the ma'lnoe tomorrow. With a company of seven other care, funy chosen players, he will appear In tin farcical comedy, "King Solomon. Jr." A featured act will be the absurdity pre serted by Moss and Frye. who solemnly debate "How High Is Up?" Their non sens la aald , to be exceptionally laugh able. The show at the Empress, which closel 11 engagement with tonight's perform ance, ia headed by Casson Kirk and Company, who race through 30 minute of snappy songs, dances nnd musical spe cialties. A delightful blend f musk, song and comedy prettily igd J pre sented by Arthur Angel nV7,,L 'f hr. Song that remind old-timers ol their younger day and the youi'lJW STfn cratlons that their ancestor had a hu. moroua streak are carried on. to th de light of th audience. James Kelo and Edgar Smith, twe n.ember of George M. Cohan a com riilan in "Mary." in conjunction wtth Ceorire K. Mack, execute an eccentric, rt-ine that is decidedly Cohnesqu. U . but natural that It would be so, a tho famous Vanke Doodle comedian, iieorge- M is the producer of "Mary," which come to the Brandei UUr next week. nvVI5 V) if