Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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Holt County to
Weather. Stormy
Financial Seas
Although Conditions Are De
pressing, Business Men and
Farmers See Better Times'
Not Far Distant.
Thl la thn ireoud of a series of nrttelea
written by Onijtha Bee rnrreapontienta in
Nftbralka. who Imve made a survey of
ei'onomlo condltlona In various section of
the stale.
O'Neill. Neb.. Tan. 12. (SDe'ciaU
Farmers and stockmen . of Holt
county, with the exception of those
few who find it necessary to put their
products on the market to meet pres
sing obligations, are holding their
crops and stock. They are planning
to continue holding them for better
prices or until they become convinced
that prices will not advance.
The effect on business is depress
ing. There is very little doing in a
business way in the towns.
Above is a consensus of answers
gathered from farmers,' stockmen,
grain men; real estate dealers, bank
ers and . merchants of O'Neill and
the county as to disposition' of crops
and the resultant effect on business.
Many Solutions Offered.
Many solutions are offered in an
swer to the question; "What re
lief is suggested," ranging - from
"immediate ratification of. the peace
treaty," to restoration of the war fi
nance corporation." .' - . . "
The remedies mostly suggested
are: Reduction of the rediscount rate
of interest, stabilizing of the foreign
exchange rate; stabilizing of prices;
re-establishnient of the farm loan
bank; withdrawal of the government
as a competitive borrower , with the
private individual; the issuance of
longtime refunding securities by the
government to do away with the evert
increasing issuance of short-time
certificates . of indebtedness; exten-
Take a glass of Salts if, your
Back hurts or Bladder
'troubles you..
.., '. '. t "
No man o?, woman who .'cats meat
regularly can make a mistake by
flushing the ' .kidneys. octasibhaUy,
says a well-known authority. ', Meat
forms uric , acid which excites the
kidneys, they.. become; overworked
from the stram, get . sluggish aijd
fail to filter the. .waste andv$6isQi3
from the blood. thi we .set sick.
Nearly all rlieumatisfti, ,j li?adaches,
liver trouble, nervousness,. djzzinefes.
sleeplessness ' and urinary disorders
come from sluggish kidneys.;
The. moment you feel a dull ache
in the kidneys;or your, oack lturts 5r
if the urine is' cloudy, offensive.' full'
of sediment, irrsgujar oi. passage ot
attended , by sepsation of scalding,
stop eating meat ana get about fouf
ounces of Jad Salts from any phiu
macy;-: take a tablespopnful in ,a
glass of water before breakfast and
in a few daysyour kidneys will act
fine. This- famcms salts' : is? made-
from the a'citkof, grapes and 'lenvoni
juice,- combined . with '. Ijthia,' and .His5
been used 'fo'P- generations td-flilsti
ana stimulate:,: the kidneys, also .to
neutralize the.: acids in urine; so. -it
no loftger cauics -irritation, thus end
ing bladder weakness. .'.';
Jad Salts, is inexpensive and'cati
not injure; makes, a- delightful ef-.
fervescent lithia-water drink; which
everyone should take now and then
to keep the kidneys, clean and ac
tive and the blood pure, thereby
avoiding - serious kidney complica
tions. . : : & ?.
sion of time at reduced rates of in
terest by the federal reserve 'banks
on rediscounted live stock and other
agricultural paper now held by them.
Holt county will be able to ride
safely the troubled financial seas,
although its farmers, its bankers and
its business men are not going to
make any large profits for a time at
least and are going to be content
to break a little better than even dur
ing the period of deflation. Bankers
of the county say that during the
period of inflation and speculation
they continued to be bankers and
were not brokers- Thev rediscounted
but very little paper. The First Na
tional bank of O'Neill, -the O'Neill
National bank and the Nebraska
State Bank of O'Neill, the three
leading financial institutions of north
central Nebraska west of Norfolk,
have not rediscounted a single
penny's worth of paper. During the
period of increasing real estate
values the money Holt county land
owners received for their holdings
did not go out of the county to be
invested in real estate elsewhere, but
went into the banks of the county
with the exception of small amounts
srrabbed bv blue-sky salesmen. Then
it still reposes and it can be bor
rowed by farmers and stockmen of
the county who have not over-bor
rowed on inflated values.
Farmers Able to Borrow. '
It is 'being so borrowed, and no
cood farmer or stockman with
security has or will be turned down.
Monev. however, is not being loaned
for soeculative DiirDOses or' for
luxnries. Manv of the stockmen and
farmers of the county possessed of
lihertv bonds now are borrowing
money on them, not selling them, and
are investing the proceeds in cheap
rattle and cheao feed, sure ot a
profit next fall.
The only cattle now being put on
the market. are -owned by men who
ari mrrmelled to sell. Cattlemen in
the .west have been reducing their
herds for more than a vear because
of fear of the market and many large
pastures and ranges' are entirely des
titute of stock. Thousands of acres
of hay. meadow west of here -were
left uncut; this year, because of re
ductions in the herds to consume it.
It takes four years to grow a beet.
Cattle, so the wise ones say, have:
npt. yet. reached normal, but when
they , do they' will be money-makers
with cheap feeM at cheaper than pres
ent production costs.
: Diversified Resources.
Thf rvtrnsive Jirpa of Holt COUlltV
makes it one of diversified agricul
tural interests. Its stock raising area
would make a fair-sized stock pro-?
during county, its small grain areas
would make another, its corn an
other, and its dairying another, and
its commercial tame and wild hay
producing area still another very
large one. Consequently its inves
tors and its producers have not
phtced all of their resources and en ergies
.'on one'ibet.but five. spread
them, 'i The reduction of prices of
rrre. tA. cfVt- rirfjnrr1 at. "hio-ll
febor.atHfi production" costs of .neces-
Sles,v;ewuunaies,.proiit uu,oiiir',nu
itee assistance else: they , gd : ui;vder
bcfcir."frop thtil next yjear, but' the
'rn a fntit' ' arc iit Tiosition, to 'draw' on
savings, or. to btain financial assist-
ance, n iney nccu.ji; .-. nawy; yiu:ui
ne,ed it; , .. : i nV-ii''ii'
1 , Few- Merchants Making . .Money;
V. Irfercnants '. jfts$ are't:&,ip,coridir
tion thougH- but few are. mate
iH&t&tw&i- "femerch'atrts-gaerl-.
ly '; are? not loaded up entirely . with
high-priced goods that must, be. sold
at less than, cos-fr, ; ' . ' ' - -' ..
- -T:h-l:'.tehWar.f.iitf1)i,!Ydeat.
hit of any .in.'IJplt county, , In many
instances this' jjearhe contracted for
"We-osVlrt, att; unless vhe
VI savnijjSn.ivircarjut
sfjtrted in' he $jatr beMrSidecidedTy
ba4 vshape'! But, if he .js.'.a.feal and
working ffaruier. and willing to do,
the.' local . landowners.'' business men
and; bankers -are,; willing' to stand be"
iininl-rhtm'f until, be can 'raise' another
crop and again get ofl his feet. This
'and they are ;; looking for more of his
kinfl. . 1 lie other kind is out ot iuck.
P.fl F. GaHao-hef: nresident; First
Natbnal of O'Neill and of sevr
eral banks in Holt county! said: "The
discontinuation .by the government
and the federal reserve banks of un
necessary building, and the reduction
of the rediscount rate of interest so
that the reserve banks wilt not con
tinue to make abnormal profits, will
settle our problems."
S. J. Weekes. president of the
O'Neill National bank: "The stabil
izing of foreign exchange rates and
the re-adjustment of the graduated
scale of rediscounts on scrutinized
paper should prove a remedy."
James F. O'Donnell, cashier of the
Nebraska State bank of O'Neill:
"The situation is the result of the
natural reaction following the specu
lative period of inflation coming after
all wars. The revival of the war
finance corporation might delay set
tlement time but would not do away
with it. Readjustment of rediscount
rates and stabilizing of prices will
assist in the recovery.
Reduction of Rediscount Rate.
Charles M. Daly, mayor of O'Neill,
land owner and real estate dealer:
"The elimination of the government
as a competitor of the farmer as a
borrower at least until the farmer
has had time to conform to the re
adjustment, is one solution."
S. L. Berry, land owner and real
estate dealer: "Concentration in an
effort to face the situation squarely,
the advtncement of assistance to the
producer to carry him over until
next crop time and the redaction of
the rediscount rate would be a big
Frank J. Dishner, farm operator,
land owner and rear estate dealer:
"I believe that the re-establishment
of the farm land bank would assist.
Also, concerns loaning money on
farm lands should not insist on ex
horbitant rates of interest for ex
tended periods. Rates should be ad
justed to conform to falling com
modity prjees."
Stabilizing of Prices.
.Frank Lancaster, county agent of
Holt county: "The stabilizing of
prices of all commodities will help."
P. J. McManus, merchant:. "The
stabilizing of prices and the exten
sion of assistance to weather through
until next fall to the deserving seem
to; be about the only solutions.. The
square deal to all, with none favored
or protected above another should
preyail." ......
John Carr, large ranchman and
stockraiser, . with holdings,, ranges
and cattle in Holt and counties west:
"The extension of time on good
papc until the producer can adjust
himself to conditions will help."
W. V. Hunter, large ranchman and
farmer: " "The stabilizing of prices,
reduction of the. rediscount rate and
the practice of strict economy will
assist " .
Ed.' F.-Gallagher. S. J. Weekes,
James F. O'Donnell. heads . of the
banks of O'Neill: "We have money
to loan to good and deserving pa
trons in Holt county."
School Superintendent at ;
; ; Geneva Is Re-Heeled
; Geneva.' Neb.'T Tan. 12. f Special.)
L. ;W..;Weisel, superintendent of
public, schools, has been engaged as
school"' head - f or the coming " year.
The . schools have recently adopted
moral instruction and mental tests
in all grades; A motion picture' ma
chiiie:was' installed also, and a pro
gram" of educational afid high : grade
entertainment films "-are -shown
wjeekty - '. V:.':jy'-;j : ' V.' -.'. '
' i . i , . . i i
;W Uhojfanlc trerH-Nimted Iron it's like tha
Iron ra your blood and the iron in spinach, lentils
snd spplci-wiU not blacken or injure the teeth not
upset the stomach. Entirely different from metak
lie iron; It quickly helps put strentth into you
muscles snd color into your cheeks. - Get youi
doctor to make your red blood count today, the
tike Nuxated Iron (or few weeks and watch
your red blood corpuscles increase; see how much
purer-and richer your blood becomes; how much
stronger and better you feel; what a difference it
makes in Jyour nerves. Over 4,000.000 people
annually are using Nuzated Iron. Your money
will be refunded if you do not obtain satisfactory
results. In tablet form only. At all druuiats,
for Red Blood.Sirwnaihawq' Eidifrncl
l3 'V . M'
n i
ill m
akananmBH ssm i s .
Formerly. ,
Trainer's Horke
Vino X r
pleasant, invigorating
healthful tonic.
:.. ;.. i '" "'
A wineglassful 'before meals
and at bedtime stimulates the
appetite, aids the i digestion
and promotes restful slumber.
OLD RESERVE gently, regulates
the bowels and prevents or relieves
constipation. Especially good for
oI4 or delicate persons and chil
dren, too.
$2.60 a large bottle
At all Druggists.
--Jp': !' '.'''DISTItlBUTEO'. BY .r' -v
Old Beserve ales Corp.
Omaha; Neb.;
if Mm
;:.'.': ., - -, . : - ; jtS . : "
BsBa2a' ' ' '' ' '
. "v " 17 ," TT" m-SuU-:"f ' was. w wmi
City Manager
Campaign Waxes
Hot in Norfolk
Mayor Calls Public Meeting in
Opposition to Change
Election Will Be Held
Xanuary 22.
Norfolk, Neb., Jan. 12.--(Special.)
The opposition to the proposed
change in city management in Nor
folk has started its campaign with
an announcement by Mayor Dud
geon that a public meeting will be
held in the city hall, with speakers
opposed to the . city , manager form
of government. The mayor is plan
ning to make a public statement in
opposition to this form of city gov
ernment at the meeting, lie asks
that all citizens interested in the
special election, which will be held
on January ,22, attend the meeting
in order to hear both tides of the
"I cpnscientiously believe that the
citysinanager form of government is
an experiment and a dangerous form
of government for this city to
adopt," the niavor said. "I believe,
however, that it is the duty of ajl
city ollicials and hnoest-thinking citi
zens to be progressive and do what
they can for all of the citizens af
fected. For that reason I think both
sides of this question which affects
every taxpayer in Norfolk, should
be brought to light and for that
reason I am calling his public meet
ingr." ,
The city managership campaign is
waxing hot in Norfolk. The ques
tion appears paramount in discus
sions among business men, public
gatherings and in the homes. Some
argue that a change to city man
agership form . of government will
mean the cutting down of taxes,
lftghtFbodaBig Factor
in keeping one sturdy
and fit to do thiiigs
is a wheat and barley food
thatris scientifically made
For a definite purpose.
It has delicious taste? is '
easy to digest ; and con
tains all the building values
of the grains that make
for Health and comfort.
"There's a Reason
Made "by
jfostum Lereal Compazine s-.JTood"
Karri. M.L. ' I -
-W. 4,.U.tU. I "CONOMv
Frankly and,
fearlessly m
can predict
good tirrts for
every home,
where there is a
V -Style XI I
$150.00 Jj ,
V I C T R 0 L A'.
. . . - . -
There is no. surer source of satisfaction and of per- f
mauent. good times than through the possession of-.
a Victrola bought at . t i
' The House of Pleasant Dealings '
1 5th and Harney
Douglas 1973 V
lu. r I
It is the RICHEST
malt extract made.
At AnyDtaUt't ' .'.v.
it No. M.rkrt Html. Chicato ;
The Windows of
Your Home
as seen from the outside,
are the passerby's sole im
pression of you and the inside
pf "your home.
Make a good impression
with Curtains and Drapings
chosen from our carefully
bought apd complete stock.
Tasteful design and color and
high grade quality are special
features of the large range of
materials we show, and at un
paralleled . price reductions
now at Bowen's during tha
Lower Price Sale.
. Phon Pouga 2793 (ph
"til ( PRINTING K2ST .
tig l&gftTfti pji
CmmKciai Privters Lithographers - steeiOie Ehbossers
tooactcAroKvices :
which have suddenly become so high
and which have much to do with the
popularity of the city manager form
In other circles it is said that with
a city manager the police department
would become more efficient. This
is partly !he reason why the move
ment is being given the reform or
"blue Sunday" stamp. Some of the
city oflicials take the movement as
a criticism of the work done by the
present council, tnd those who ap
pear honest in their convictions de
clare the change would take city
government out of politics and that
the business of the city 'would be
conducted under one head and made
as .efficient as the business of a
nvate' corporation.
Congregational Churches
To Convene at Fairmont
Geneva. Neb., Jan. 12.-r-(Special.)
A conference of the Blue Valley
Association of Congregational
churches will be held at Fairmont
January 25. The gathering will be
attended by both clergy and laymen
to consider the world movement and
evangelistic ' campaign. The main,
address is to be given by Rev. John
Andress of Norfolk.
666 will break a Cord, Fever
and Grippe quicker; than any
thing we know, preventing
pneumonia. ' f
Sseoml Churrh si ' thrill. " firlrnlUt, st
OmalM, Nibrtika, AnnonncM
Oy BICKNtH-l Y0UNH, C. S. B..
I Phlsasot IllloaU
St. Mary's Avs. snd .'IIH SI.
Frltfsy EvMilni. Jas. 14. 1921. st t O'clock
Sunday Alttrnoos, Ij an. 18, 1921, 3 O'clock'
The Public It Cordially Invited ta
Bs Prtunl
Mr. Ynung It a mtmlior of tha Rarrt
of LMlurrihlf sl.ths Motnar Church, tna
Flrit Church ot Chrlil, Sclcntlit, In Bni.
ton. MaiiachuMtU. ,
Bee want ads are business getters.
'' :, - tsta bh shed tii 1670 ,
-. ; i . , .
De Luxe
those choice examples of the season's fashion that have
been admired, that haVe been envied, that have set the pace '
for all .the lesser breed, but have been' avoided because of
. theircost' '.'";. '' :v - '-.'V:' . i
Will Be Placed on Sale Thursday
in due grand exhibition at prices that startle because of the ;
drop theV have made. The choicest models of the season will
be sold Thursday at a fraction of the present price. '
ightirig the Individual Garments
Including Fur Coats, Coatees and Fur Pieces
' - Naturally we cannot describe them all. These but
; indicate the opportunity prepared for quick bxiyers
on Thursday. . ' '
Fur Coats, Goatees, Scarfs
:- c
and Fur Pieces
$895.00 45-jnch French Seal Wrap, double cape effect; sale price $447.50
$595.00 42-incli French Seal "Wrap, deep Australian opossum col- ono? rn
lar; isale price . ,' ! o4y'OU
$875.00 38-inch Hudson Seal Coat (size 38)j self collar; sale price $437.50
$795.60 34-inch Hudson Seal Coat (size 38), Skunk collar and' p?07 Cfl
CuffsjfialJpi-ice,.. . .. . My.M
S29a.00 32-inc4 TVench Seal Coat (size 15), sale
price . $125.00
$350.00 34-inch Black Russian Pony Coat with
Australian Opossum collar and cuffs, $175
$595.00 Siberian Squirrel Cape Coatee, sale
price t $295.00
$595.00 Kolinsky Coatee, sale price $297.50
$595.00 Jap Mink Coatee (choice pelts) tail and
' claw trimmUigr, sale price $297.50
$356.00' Eastern Mink- Collar (tail trim), sale
price,;,..,..,, $159.50
$275.00 Scotch' Mole Coatee effect, $129.50.
$125.00 Red Fox Set, sale price $79.50
Animal Chokers, greatly reduced .to
.:.: : .' 4 '.'...-,..' .,'.
$89.50 Australian Opossum Collar and Stole ef
fect, sale price
$197.50 Hudson Seal and Fitch Combination
Collar, sale price $125.00
$59.50 Nutria Collar, sale price . ' $4.50
$125.00 Beaver Collar, sale price $79.50
$97.50 Marten Collar, sale price $69.50
," .$125.00 Black Lynx Animal .Scarf's $69.50
" $69.50 Black Fox Animal Soarfs, '. $39.50,
$395.00 Squirrel Stole (shaped). , $275.00
$395.00 kolinsky Stole (cluster tail trim), gale
Price , ; $250.00
$39.50. $59.50. $69 50 $79 50 -
Frocks and .Gowns
-" " : ' $175.00 Black' Sequin' Govm (size 40), sale price
$125.00 Rose Panne Velvet Dinner Govm (size 18), at
$135.00 Black-Satin and Lace Dinner Gown
(size 42ya), sale price ';1;$89.50
$98.50 Black Lace and Kitten's Ear Crepe Din
ner Gown, elbow sleeves, size 44;. $59.50
$97.50 Black 'Meteor and Lace Dinner Gown
, (size 38), sale price $49.50
$79.50 Peach Color Radium Taffeta Dance
Frock (size 38), sale price $39.50
$79.50 Rose Taffeta Dance Frock (size 16).
sale price . $39.50
$57.50 Deep Rose Satin Dance Frock (size 3S),
sale price ? $29.50
Individual Suits de liixe
$325.00 Taupe -.1l)uTet' Superior Suit (size 16), both? jacket and
skirt elaborately embroidered; and" with Scotch mole collar ; priced
$375.00 Seal Brown Suit (45-inch length), all-over silk embroid
ery, fcize 36, with deepcollar and cuffs of Kolinsky; sale price
: ''"$167.50 Dragon Fly Blue Suit, 34-inch, box coat
'effect (size 18), collar and border of Australian
.f.Oppssum.. Sale price . $79.50
v i ;$250.00, Roie Taupe Belted Model Lady's .Suit
(size s), mole collar; tnmmea
?,T price;'
skirt: sale
$175.00 Black and French Blue Stripe Suit (size
.y 36), Hudson'Seal 'trimr Sale price 879.50
$197.50 Navy Suit (size 16) with taupe and
black Chenille trim. Sale price $89.50
$187.50 Navy Tricotine Suit (size 36), hand
tailored, pussy willow fancy lined, Chenille
trim; sale price $98.50
$179.50 Duvet Superior Suit; slit box offect,
embroidered jacket and skirt, . $98.50
individual Coats de luxe
$295.00 Evening "VYrap of light ;blue Paunc Velvet with Nutria
collar; sale price
$475.00 'Evening Wrap of plum color Panne Velvet and gold f07 Cl
metallic with deep Kolinsky collar-and cuffs; priced y'OU
$395.00 Evening Wrap of navy Panne Velvet
and silver metallic, Chenille fringe trim, with
. extra large black lynx collar and cuffs; sale,
.gprlce ..-, , ; - $149.50'
:v $197.50 Black Silk Velour Wrap (size 38) with
Australian Opossum collar and cuffs; sale
5rice $98.50
$197.50 Black Silk Velour. Coat (size 42), set-in'
sleeves, pussy willow lined, with largo Austra
lian opossum collar; sale price $98.50
$295.00' Dragon Fly Blue Wrappy Coat of Vcl
..dyne (size 16) with large Siberian Squirrel col
lar; sale price $169.50 '
$275.00 Cut Bolivia Coat, mole shade (size 40).
silk stitching and button trim with huge shawl
collar of raccoon. Sale price $125 OO
This Is Strictly a One-Day Sale of
Plush and Cloth Coats
r , - ,'
, (Also some wrappy: effects) ',
. Both tailored' and fur trimmed cloth" coats, mainly in the rough weave aiatciinis
which style devotees insist upon" having. Also Fur Trimmed Chappy Coats and
a splendid assortment of plushes in lengths from 36 ta (U vS' 'f f
40 inches, some with collars of Raccoon, Taupe Nutria ?S ")(
nrl OnnEGiim Tlia sola otnrla TlmwirlaTr mnninc of kv H V
9 a..m. and enqs at the close of business on .that day.
Values to $97.50; sale price
1 7
... The Above Garment Digression Should Not Detract
From the Importance of Our
; January Sale of Products of
k Linen and Cottbn vNow in Progress
' Tblt Liacns,iTols, .Spreads, Sheeting, Sheds, Ucdding, Outings, UaigUams, etc
'' "' Also Huslia Underwear for womcu and children,