Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Revolution of
Bank Methods in
House Proposal
Bankers Offer Lengthy Bill
i Providing for Licensing
' Officers and Other
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.)
Revolutionary changes in banking
methods are proposed in a lengthy
bill introduced in the lower house
feday by Representative Dwight P.
Griswold of Tordon, Robert Lynn
of Cedar and Ellis E. Good of Peru.
The authors of the bill are bankers.
The high lights in their bill follow:
License active executive officers of
bank, license to be obtained by di
rectors. '
Authorizes banking bureau to re
voke license of any person consid
ered a poor or unscrupulous busi
ness man or a man of bad moral
: License Bank Officers.
All exective officers of banks
now serving automatically licensed
lor three months.
; Makes it felony to act as active
executive officer without a license.
Allows commercial state banks to
form agreements requiring deposi
tors to give notice and present pass
books before money on deposit can
be withdrawn.
Forbids use of name "hank" or
any .of its derivatives -as any part of
a name used by any concern except
regular banking corporations.
Violation carries a $100 fine for'
each day's use of prohibitive word.
Raises bank examination fee from
$15 to $25 and minimum capital
fjrom $10,000 to $25,000.
Requires batiks of redeposit to
carry 20 per cent reserve.'
Reduces reserve requirements to 5
per cent for savings deposits in
commercial banks.
Permits salt; at auction of shares
owned by stockholders in failed
banks, proceeds to be used in meet
in;; its obligations.
The bill carries with it an emer
gency clause. It is one of -the long
est bills presented so far in the
session. . i
49 Bills Introduced.
' Lincoln, Jan; 12. (Special)
forty-nine bills were introduced in
to the'state legislature today, 19 in
the senate and 30 in the lower house.
A bill signed by the entire Doug
las county delegation was presented
to. the senate providing for a double
election board system in Douglas
taunt v and rptnovincr the sex auali-
K'kttons tor service Oil tlie DOarl. -
' lohn VV. Coooer of Omaha offered i
. '' . . ... . 1
: bill which would provide tnat a
laii who has been convicted three
llules for a felony be remanded to
Ihc state penitentiary for life.
: Pay Riot Indemnity.
An .-ippropriation of $5,000 for
Mrs. Helen Hiykel. whose husband
t a killed by a stray bullet during
the court house riot in Omaha Sep
tumber 28, 1919. is provided in a
treasure introduced by Representa
tive Edward A. Smith of Omaha.
" Senator Louis Berka of Omaha
introduced his second ' bill for the
advancement of woman. It would
.make women eligible for jury duty in
; , R. G. Douglas of Polk" county in
troduced a measure to change the
primary law ' to provide that 'the
three highest names on a preferential
Fallot at a state convention of a po
litical party be placed on the ticket
at the primaries.
Lone slender waisti with a low waist
line or tight basque effects emphasize
by contrast the fullness and bouffant
effects of the circular and pleated
Drm Shop-
'Thursday is
real worth
State Auditor Asks
Penalty for Failure
To Report Mortgages
Lincoln. Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.)
State Auditor George W. March
is drafting a penalty clause he wants
attached to the law which now re'
quires without any enforcement
provision hat county recorders
and county clerics make an annual
report to thfc state auditor on the
number, and .amount of realty and
chattel mortgrjes made during the
year, and the number and amount of
mortgage releases in each county.
The penalty he ' would ' require
would be that the delinquent county
officers pay expenses of a special
messenger from the auditor's office
to get the returns. A similar penalty
is now enforced by law against
county treasurers who are delin
quent in their animal report.
New House Bills
H. R. 86, Byrum Creates state budget
commlsiton consisting of the treasurer,
auditor and a statu budget supervisor to
be chosen by the two branches of the leg
islature In joint session. Fixes supervisor's
salary at 15,000 and makes him the active
budiret officer. Report to be .turned over
to the governor, who may change the
figures but shall report to the legislature
the original, estimates along with his own.
Emergency.- i
H. R. 37, Byrum Abolishes secretaries
of finance, agriculture, trade and com
merce, and public works, under the code
law, and transfers their duties respectively
to the slate treasurer, land commissioner,
secretary of stato and lieutenant governor.
Increases lieutenant governor's salary
from 11.600 to SM00. Places power to
i appoint deputies and assistants In the
neaa or earn department, uoes nut ui
turb the secretaries of labor and public
welfare in their Incumbency under the
co1- law.
II. R. 38. Byrum Repeals sections of
the code law which conferred auditing
powers on the secretsry of finance.-
H. R. 39, Byrum Repeals budget pow
er of the department of finance.
H. R. 40. Byrum Takes away the gov
ernor's power to appoint inspectors and
assistants for the enforcement of pure
food laws.
II. R. 41, Byrum Supplementary bill
divesting, tho governor of his control over
the department of trade and commerce.
It. R. 42, Byrum Olves state auditor
authority to examine books, accounts and
expenditures of all state departments and
empowers state treasurer to let contracts
for printing and stationery supplies. Re
moves sex qualification for state account-
"h. F. 43, Lynn Provides that regular
graduates of pharmacy schools shall be
licensed for practice without taking ex
amination. ' , . .
It. R. 44, Lynn Admits graduates of
dental colleges to practice without taking
examination at hands of BUito board.
H. R. 45, Lynn Provides tbatt regular
graduates of medical colleges, shall be
given licenses without examination.
H. R. 48. ' lloffmelster Raises bond
limit for public improvements In second
rtass cities snd villages from 10 per cent
of assnssed value to 3 6 per cent,
' H. R. 47, Williams Provides that cream
cry and produce stations shall b taxed
on "average capital" including" all cream
and produce purchased during the year,
and that such merchandise shall not be as
sessed as tangible property on hand. Gives
assessors the right to inspect accounts and
check books to determine the amount of
such capital.
II. It. 48, WHliam.s-r.equi res nits Diaiv
,n r.av unslM
bounty In a criminal prosecution of any
Htate employ at an Institution located
legally xaxeu BBainsi any
v-Mr, th rnuntv.
II. R. 49, Anderson (Knox) Eliminates
sex requirement for election of members
of village boards.
II. R. 60, Mellor Requires special sur
veys ordered by county boards to bo made
under the direction of the state surveyor.
In the land' commissioner's office, as
sisted by the county surveyor.
II. R. Si, Sturdevant Makes the office
of district road overseer elective instead
of appointive.
H. R. 65. Sturdevant (Holt) Soldier
bonus act. Allows each soldier, sailor, ma
rine or nurse who served in the war with
Germany $15 per month, nmtted, however,
to 60. Administration placed In the hands
of a "soldiers' bonus board" comprising the
Mate auditor, treasurer and adjutant gen.
cral. Prohibits assignment of claims. Ex
cludes conscientious objectors and those
who attempted to evade service by claim
ing alien citizenship from benefits. Re
quires state board of equalization and
assessment to levy an annual tax for
10 years, amounting to 11,000,000 per year,
for payment of the bonus. Provides .that
widows of deceased soldiers, who have
not remarried, shall receive tho amounts
to which their husbands would have been
H. R. 53, Sturdevant Permits annual
reappralsement of school lands for leasing.
H. R. 64. Druesedow Bars clerk or sten
ographer of either Interested party from
assisting in -taking depositions.
Thursday and Thursday Only
80 Brand Ncw--Spring
Taffeta Dresses $28
An inspiring collection extremely Bmart decidedly new 1921 model
showing many striking and interesting advance' style features
- Sizes 16 to 42 : -
A touch of distinction is added with silk ,
floss embroidery In bright spring
colors silk braided motifs.
Halt-Inch pleatlngs row after row
trim waist and skirt.
75 W
omen s misses
absolutely the last time we offeryou this chance to secure at a fraction of their
one of these good looking well tailored warm winter coats.
'" Coat Shop Third Floor 1 : .rrrr
Ihe Store of Specialty Shops
frVMelvie State
; Appointments
Are Confirmed
Sectorial Tradition Broken
By J Failure to Have Execu
', j'tive Session Over Ap-
i i pointments. ,
' : ;
JJncoln. Neb.. Tan. 12. fSoeciaU
-wJithout even so much as a rippki
the',' Nebraska senate Wednesday
mojning confirmed Governor Mc-
keiyies appointments to the state
nor mal board and the appointment
of t Jiairman L. C. Oberlies. of the
boarv ot control, tor another term.
. tonal traqitions were shatter
ed in the confirmation nf I. T-T. T'rps.
son, tlie governor's chief cierk, who
serveI as messenger in bringing the
appointments before the senate and
rqad the list, -contrary to all estab
lished traditions. The senate) oro-
cejodecf to the confirmation without
thie traditional executive , session,
which i bars all spectators and news-
I Tie normal board appointees on
firm Vd were, T. T. Majors of Peru
and Aten Morris of Kearney, six-year
termsV H. IS.. Reische of Chadron
and iredetfck J. Berry of Wayne,
four-yrar tjerms, and H. E. Gerhart
of NeVmam Grove and Miss Etta
Young WOmaha, two-year terms.
' Senat or ,B. K. Bushee and Senator
C. B. Anderson of Lincoln, the two
administ.tarion leaders in the upper
branch ofrvthe legislature, praised the
work of ('Chairman Oberlies of the
board of fcontrol, Bushee saying that
Mr. Oberflies had proven to be the
right rriars) for the place.
Chairmifn .Ferry Reed, who" is serv
ing as thjs committee on employes,
submitted I his reoort. Senator Hast
ings, appointed to investigate rooms
for senate! committee meetings, also
filed His. report. i He found sufficient
room at' the executive mansion for
cosimitJfce meetings.
Palmer Would Increase
i Deputy Register's Pay
Liricoln. Neb.. Taji. 12. rSDeciaU
The salary of the chief deputy
register ot deeds ot .Douglas county
would he increased from $1,500 to
$2,000 in a bill introduced by Representatives-Palmer
of Omaha. Palmer
also wofcild limit the salaries of other
deputies un the office to $1,800. The
bill contains an emergency clauee...
Palmerlalso introduced a bill pro
viding thn in cities of the metro
politan class the local registrar's fee
for death scertificaies , shall be paid
by the city instead of the county.
Provides Punishment
For Habitual Criminals
Lincoln. Neb..' Tan. 12. Snwinl 1
State Sertator John W. Cooper of
Umana todaty introduced a bill in the
senate, defiii'ng , a habitual criminal
and prescrilng punishment at life
imprisonment ( in the state peniten
tiary. i
Ihe Cooper ibill provides that anv
person convictfcd and. imprisoned for
two different fcf onies shall be known
as a habitual criminal and upon con
viction for the khird offense, his sen
tencc shall be life imprisonment.
Berka WouldWake Women
Qualified for Jurors
. Lincoln, Nab., ijan. 12. (Special.)
Senator B erica of Douglas county
today introduced. a bill in the senate
providing for Jury service bv women.
The Berka bilft changes the quali ica-
,, r :. ,' M ... ,,
tions of jurors to read anv citizen !
ot the United btates instead male
citizens." .
To finish out this season and fulfill
many duties of the ehort-in-betw
season now at hand one of these
lightful little taffeta dresses w"
swer every purpose.
' ' Third Floor
Coal's $10
Tax Commissioneris
Provided for in Bill
Offered by Anderson
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.)
Senator C. B. Anderson intro
duced a bill to carry out the pro
visions of the constitutional amend
ments adopted at the special elec
tion last September.
Under the Anderson bill, the of
fice of state tax commissioner is
created, to be appointed by the gov
ernor and confirmed by. the senate.
The salary is to be. $5,000 a year, the
tax commissioner also serving as
secretary of the finance department
under the code bill.
The bill makes drastic changes
in the taxation laws. It provides for
a reassessment of real estate every
two years instead of four as the
present law provides, and also calls
for the taxing of intangible property
under the intangible property taxa
tion section adopted to the amended
New Senate Bills
S. F. 21, Dutton Resolution calling for
special committee to codify the' rates
charged by newspapers for legal notices.
F. 22. Dutton Resolution declaring
for Philippine' independence.
S. V. 23. Dutton Declares for Great
Lakes waterway. .
S. F. 24. Hastings Corrective on statute
defining contributory negligence In dam
age cases.
S. F. 15. Dutton Provides for annual
statements of receipts and expenditures of
towns under township organization.
8. F. SS. Hastlnes Liability of rail
roads under pica of contributory negli
gence. - .
S. F. i!7, Boeb) Grants quo warranto
proceedings to any Individual. Present
law Drovldes that only attorney general
or county attorneys may bring quo war
ranto action.
S. F. 28. Beobe To make statute con
form to - now constitution, permitting co
operative associations to- limit votes of
stockholders to one each. Emergency.
S. F. 9, Saunders and Robblns Allows
Omaha Water district to asses cost or
extending gas and water mains against
property benefitted.
a v sit and Robblns Pro
vides machinery for the creating of water
districts in Omana.
s v 91 Ronnilfc-i and Robblns Allows
Omaha water district to propose bonds for
Rny public utility, and maks bonds draw
instead or d per cbhi. bui,b.iw,
S. F. 32. Cooper-r-HeadJusts probate fees
for county judges.
S. F. S3, Cooper Includes Douglas coun-
make up all real estate assessment books.
t i, ..ff.mmnflr pnuntv assessor to
a F S4 Conner Allows Douglas1 coun
ty attorney a chief dork at 12,600 a year.
in ir. rvn.r Strikes out limit ot
five deputies for Douglas county attorney.
e 2 'niittnn Permits Merna, sen
ator Button's home town In Custer poun-
tv. to .vote un to Zo'jnius xor municipal
heat and light plant.
S. F. S7. Dutton Penalty of 1200 to
Knn a., twrt tn to five years in pen
itentiary for peace officer to photograph
suspect Derore n is cwnvmicu,
detain him for questioning wunoui an
order of court Questioning must be m
the presence of court. Emergency.
S F. 88, Dutton Makes school, district
treasurers subject to fine for falling to
publish itemized yearly receipts , and ex
venditures. '
s v. as. Button Amends motor ve
hicle license law apportioning 25 per cent j
of tax to county grading, i per cent ,
to state treasury and 70 per cent,- wh.cli
now goes to treasurer and back to..county, .
to remain In the county In the permanent j
road fund. ' ' . I
S. F. 40, Dutton Special law covering
theft of motor trucks, fljing penalty
five to 25 years In penitentiary for either
the theft or receiving of stolen property.
S. F. 41, Dutton Cuts out money fine
for auto stealing and raises penitentiary
sentence now one to 10 years to 10 to
25 years.
S. F. 12. Berka Makes anyone aiding
or abetting any offense felony or not
:i principal in the offense..
, S. F. 43, Dutton Eatcnds female labor
law to cities of second class and villages,
shortens dally hours from nine to, eight
and hours a week from 54 to 48, and
requires same wages as men for similar
work. -
' S. F. 44, Dutton Requires township
funds be deposited - In reguarly .organized
. S. F. 4E, Dutton A compulsory teach
ers' pension law.
F. 46, Dutton Forbids children under
X t0, work more than three hours
day during school and six hours a d:
.when .chnot u not in
S. F. 47. Hastings Reoulroa . three full
(!ays in which to ask new trial, even if
court adjourns In the meantime.
Wisconsin Bank
Robber Pleads
Guilty at Trial
Others of Trio Arrested Here
Expected to Offer Alibis
Prisoner Cuises Girl
Superior. Wis.,, Jan. 12. (Special
Telegram.) Herbert Ryan, one of
the trio alleged to have robbed the
Superior State bank, November 16,
pleaded guilty at the trial here Tues
day afternoon following testimony
by Detectives Ben Danbaum and
Fred Palrutag of Omaha.
John JBohmcr, alleged leader of
the bandit gang, cursed Nell Mulli
gan, bookkeeper at the bank, when
she testified that he kicked ' her on
the shins as she lay on the floor
during the robbery. The low oath
was audible only at the tabic where
Bohmer sat.
- . Ryan Remains Calm.
Ryan remained as calm as the
spectators throughout the proceed
ings, although his -companions,
Bohmer and Stewart, exhibited con
siderable irritability.
The state rested its case at 3:30
in the afternoon.
It is believed that the defonse will
spring sensational alibis for two of
the alleged bandits. Mrs. Bohmer,
wife of the prisoner, '.estified that
she and her husband were in St.
Paul on November 16, and-went to
Omaha a few days later, meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan there. Mrs.
Bohmer , said that she had known
Mrs. Ryan as a waitress in h St.
Paul restaurant. ' The Bohmers
were visiting ,'with the Ryar.s when
arrested in Omaha.
Testifies for Prisoner
J. Newman, St. . Paul attorney,
testified that he had talked to Stew
art in St. Paul between 10 and 12
tlie morning of November 16, and
at 5 . in the afternoon of the same
day and that he personally paid
the man $955 which he had collected
for him.
Mrs. Dickson, -manager of the St.
Paul Y. M. C. A. cafeteria, said that
a man resembling Stewart had -om-plained
of being short-changed in
the cafeteria the day of the 'obbery.
Ryan and Stewart were post'vely
identified by E. H. Erickson, cashier
of the bank, and the bookkeeper.
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days.
Druggists refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleed
tng or Protruding l'iles. Instantly re
lieves Itching- Pil"n, and you can get rest
ful sleep after first application. C0c Adv.
I v'
3V rf4rxi.isxKHii
11: J SI S
M 'I LT r( ( P-i HI J. 11
I 1 1 1 in rvsailK
a am
"WW" C
m wmmmmmmr
Hascall Sponsors
Lesion Fight Bill
Lincoln, Jan. 12. (Special. J A
bill legalizing boxing in. Nebraska is
being prepared by ' Vincent C." Has
call of Douglas county to be intro
duced into the lower house of the
legislature. The measure is drawn
up by the American Legion attor
neys and is sponsored by that organ
ization. The- measure would create an ath
letic commissioner with a. salary oi
$10 a day and traveling -expenses
the total not to exceed $2,500 a year.
This commissioner would name dcp;
uties to be paid $5 a day with travel
ing expenses not to exceed $330 a
Under this measure, the commis
sioner or his deputies would ar
range boxing bouts under the aus
pices of organizations or ' clubs in
towns or cities where no objection
is held to the sport. These Organiza
tions would be required to pay the
state government an annual tax of
$1,000. Under the bill, promoters
would be barred from arranging
. Five ounce cloves are specified in
the bill, with bouts to last no long
er than 10 rounds of three minutes
each. .
American legion adjutants of Ne
braska, meeting here today, decided
to ask the legislature to approve the
home aid recommendation made by
Gov. S. R. McKclvie in his mes
sage, and also ask the legislature to
enact the legion's boxing bill.
Over 100 of the 180 legion posts
in the state were represented at 'the
meeting.- .
Nebraska Parole Board v .
- Holds First Meeting
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.)
Governor McKelvie was elected
chairman and Secretary, of State
Amsberry, secretary, of ' the new
state board of pardons and paroles
at its meeting today. The boaird
deferred action on the selection sof
a secretary until the next meeting,
w hen it will also take up the 100 pa
roleable cases now pending.' ,
Members of the board said that; in
ihc minor cases the recommendatfoti
of the warden and the parole offijeer
would be followed, but in all capes
involving more serious offenses, the
judge who presided at the trial tand
the prosecuting attorney would' be
notified. - '
Increased Maximum School
Levy Is Plan of Boards
1 Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special;)
Nebraska school boards . meeting
here decided to ask the legislature
to raise the maximum levies fair
m sv mk rm bh sssi m bh v - Bar sh h mm ... m a m w h mm .ma sai ,y:., w a, m
f WM 4kL-. kjl lav- hi I? 5 'I kl
school' purposes. In: 'the smaller
towns of thetati the boards desire
the maximum lifted' from 35 mills to
; 100 mills. - In the -cities -the boards
would raise the maximum levy from
100 to 150 mills.
Lengthy Report Made
By ; Code' Gomrhisslon
Lincoln,. Neb..; Jan.' 12. (Special.)
The report of the Children s code
commission,' contained " in a 340
page pamplet, was presented to Ihe
lower house today , by , Gov. : S.' R.
McKelvie. ' The report was instantly
referred to the new : committee on
the children's code. ' ,
Along with the .teport Governor
McKelvie urged serious consideration
of the lower house on the sugges
tions contained in the report. In
his message, the governor lauded the
spirit which prompted the report and
the commissioner's work, but pointed
out that by "keeping, the home fires
burning brightly and, snugly" the
greatest safeguard of the child was
being maintained.
Fillmore County School
Puplis Establish Record
Geneva, Neb., Jan. 12. (Special.)
Four children of Irvie Ford in this
county have an unusual school rec
ord. None of the four has been ab
sent or tardy jn their lives, and the
eldest has completed the eighth
grade at Burress. The children were
presented with perfect attendance
certificates and pins by County Su
perintendent Haughawout as they
passed through Geneva on their way
to Kansas, where their parents are
taking up residence.
Tells How To Open Clogged Nos
trils and End Head-Colds.
You feel fine in a few moments.
Your cold in head or catarrh will
be gone. Your clogged nostrils
will open. ? The air passages of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more dullness, headache;
no hawking, snuffling, mucous
discharges or dryness; no struggling
for breath at night.
Tell your druggist , you want a
small bottle 'of Ely's Cream Balm.
Apply a little of this fragrant, anti
septic cream in your nostrils,
penetrate through every air passage
of the head; soothe and heal the
swollen, inflamed mucous ; mem
brane, and relief comes instantly. .
It is just what every cold and
catarrh sufferer needs.' Don't stay
stuffed-up and miserable.
. ,
Rub pain away with a small
trial ' bottle of old
"St Jacobs Oil." ,
. What's . Rheumatism? , Pain onVjC.
Stop drugging 1 Not one case in
fifty requires internal treatment.
Rub soothing, penetrating 'St. Jac
obs Oil" directly upon the "tender
spot" and relief . comes instantly.
"St. Jacobs , Oil" . is a harmless
rheumatism and sciatica liniment,
which never disappoints and cannot
burn the skin.
Limber up! ' Quit' complaining I
Get a small trial bottle from your .
druggist, and in -, just a . moment
you'll be free from rheumatic and -
sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and
swelling. . Don't suffer! Relief
awaits you. Old, honest "St. Jac
obs Oil" has cured millions of rheu
matism . sufferers in the last half
century, and is just as good for sci
atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache,
sprains and swellings.
During Bowen's Lower
Price Furniture Sale
All Furniture Uphol
stery, Draperies and
Rugs included in this
Sale of Unparalleled
Values. This is an event
of great importance to
those needing or con
templating furniture pur
chases, owing to the un
usual reductions offered
and the superior quality
both in design and manu
facture of the furniture
stocked by this company.
' . Advertisement
All Work Guaranteed
13 IS Douflu St. TL Uong,
a ya.
'.'w-I'3i;.rof. W.'J-T'j ma. mm m
t 1 t