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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAttA. MONDAY. JANUAKY 1U, 1U21. ;i " "J if .: S -. I u : 3 Classified Advertising Rates lo per line (count words la Uriel 1 day J Be per line per day, 1 consecutive dais lAc per line per day, 7 comccuilvt days lie) per line per duy. SO consecutive dns. No ada taken for a than a Intal of 3io. These raws apply either to the Datly er Sunday Bee. All advertisements ep par In both morning and availing dally papera for the ona charge. CONTRACT KATES ON APPLICATION. Want ada accept! at tli rollowir.g of fices: MAIN OFFICE. .....17th and Farnam Ms South Side i.t IS IS N St. Council Bluffs 16 S.-oU 8t. WANT ADS HKCKIVED BY PHONIC AT TYl.EK luOo. 1 HE BEK will imt bo responsible for mora than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than ona ' CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT APS. F.vantng Kdltlon H - M. Morning Kdltlon 00 S'inday Edition 9:00 P. M,. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. HOBART Charles M., pioneer commer cial photographer of Omaha, passed away suddenly Saturday, .lanuary 8. Mr. Hobart was well known to many business men of Omaha, having beer In business here for the past 26 rears. Service Monday at 2:30 p. m. from tha Brirkct chapel. Interment at Mar seilles. 1M. DAHLltKRU John H Oas street, born March. 1810: Uleil. January 8. 19-1. aacd 80 years. 10 months. Funernl Tuesdav afternoon, January 11, at 2 p. ni.. from the residence to Forest T.awn cemetery. FA TT K ISO NN el M e Shcely, died Satur day. Jan. S. Funerii Monday at 3:30 p. m. Services at 6eotllsh Rite cathedral, "FUNERAL directors. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST 5bbro A MBUL ANCE m Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN ' PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. T01 South liith St, PouKlna 12-"- TTEAFEY- & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Kmbalniera. Phone H. 805. Office- 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Korlsko Funeral Home, 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON Fontenella Florist 1814 Douglas St. " Douglas 8244. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. 1) 8000. L. Henderson. 1518 Farnam. Douglas 1248. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on eu-eet cara tele- nhnn Tvl.. BOO W r 'anxiOUS tO TO- , store loat articles to rightful owners. company. PERSONAL. XHB SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magaxlnes. We collect. We distribute Phona Doug 4186 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Podge St. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1 71 8 Dodge. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVK AGENCY, Incorporated. Douglas HOT. ' Arlington Block. Omaha. NebM BAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOHODA." 1415 FARNAM STREET. KENT Hoover vacuum cleaner, months, IS; delivered ones a month. Wal. 1847. WEAVING, oH rugs remade. Ty. 1483. t' M AS8AOE 21fl North Seventeeht St. "-' FwEPISH manage.. 318 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL HOHH. Lot Keep's teach you to dance. Be ginners' classes. Mondays and Wednes day!, 8:45 to 12: advance class, Tues day, 8 to 8:46; assembly dances, Tuea day, Thursday and Saturday, 8:45 to 12. Children class Saturday, 1:20 to t. Pri vate lessons by appointment. Phono Doug. 2581. Harney 2792. XTsi Pino School for Dancing. 242 XVClTJTlHv; Farnam. Poug. 1858. . Detectives. .BEL1A1JI.E Detective . Bureau, Rallwgy El. Hldff. uoug. iuatt. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evldenco eecured In nil cases. Tyler 1136. Hemstitching: and Pleating. Neb. .Pleating ft Button Co., 1806 Farnam St. Doug. fi70. Miscellaneous Announcements. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over in new ticks' at half price of new beds. Pillow renovated and mede up In new feather-proof ticking. 1907 DIAMONDS Sfc VAZ laa 4 SAFKTT raior blades sharpened, new ra sTirs. rs7or blades sold. Omaha Rar.or Sharpening Co.. 1622H Podge. 103 N...t FULL drees su'.tt and ?l0 for ren'. 109 N. Hth St.. Johnjrejdman. P. 3138. w."si urrrmr.T.T. ffl. ITth and Martha Sts., Omaha. No. Brass, bronne, aluminum and machine gray Iron cast.ngs. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Stors. lBth ano uougias ot" FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for prices. Tha Enalgn Co.. 1307 tiowarn ns. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The C"f' tx-io " ,15th and Jackson.. D. 4317. ,Omaha Towel Supply. 207 .S-l.bPjii WALLS cleaned. Gnver. C9jja33j8 FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. M AH. piano bench, like new. Har 6063. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HQSPE CO. Pianos for rent. Everything In art and music Dr.OIS. traps, marimbas, inatruct.ons, re pairing. Phone Harney 29.. Geo. A. Smith. 2781 Davenport 8'. Typewriters nnd Supplits. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our price befora you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. " Douglas 4120. 1912 Fnrnam. PKOTECTOORAPHS. F. 6 li's; bargains. S20 Neville Bldg. ' HOLTON special tromtone (new), satin finish, gold bell. 375. Colfax 0512. Miscellaneous Articles. "SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needles snd parts. 15th and Harney. IXoglaa 197S. 6URE and safe Investment, city warrants to pay yoa io per tcui, i.'lvpm ' $500 and 11.000 amounts. E. G. Solomon, 517 Karoacn mag, wm'" -. x AVE buy. sell safes, make desks, show f cases, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. IJ. . I. Of. L wiiw " "DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. mat crt - T" A VT CV n BF.CURITIES BLDG. TY. 28i. RED RIVER early Ohio potatoes. 81.56 ne'r bushel, delired. James Anderson, iw . ,.....- r'Airav i r. h s . A-I shape, all attachments, east-nable. phone colrax CORN GRINDER, reasonable, never been used. 4413 No, Im Bi. or puoiie -o. fax 2369 O A 17 IPC! BARGAINS. 12th ft Farnam. OAJf JElO J. J. Darlght Safe Co. ORGANDY flovTirorjle. VaL0tel7. "wantelTto buy. DESKS DESKS DESKS ' New desks, uscfl desks bought, sold atM traded. J. c Keen. . - WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and 'urnllure. Ty. 269A, A. Zavett. 706 N. 16. WANT 10 buy Ford roadster body with , . ion and windshield. . Webster 6-H. SITUATIONS WANTED. Mate. HAULING ashes. 12 a tnb. Wal. 36U. , , Laundry and Day Work "HONE yeur ad In to The Bee. ft aaves i time. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the .. Want Ad Dept. AX wory .wasted, jtarney J HOI. BRINGING UP L -ynTScs- J -I SITUATIONS WANTED. Laundry and Day Work. IRONING, cleaning, daywork. or laundry, exDerleneed colored lady. Webster 63P3. DAY WORK by experienced lady, or work as JanUresa. Competent. South 441. ' . BUNDLE washing, to take home, flrat- class Isundreas. Tyler PLAIN sewing done by day at S370 South 32d Ave. DATWOHK, experienced colored lady. Satisfaction guaranteed. Webster 4391.. F1RST-CLAS8 laundress. Webster 3973. PUNDLE washing called for, del. Col. DAY work, cleaning. Ironing. Web. 6023. LAUNDRESS wants day work. Wob. 1308. DAYWORK, any kind. Exp. Web. 4425, DAYWORK, cleaning, oxp. Weh, 1977. t DAY work wanted. Colored. H. 7026.- P AY work, ox p. Colored. Web. SS20. PAY work wanted. Webster 6631. DAYWORK wanted. Harney 7012. SMALL bundle-weshings. exp., H. 7320. 1st class laundry. Web. 1877. 1st class laundress, ref. Web. 6308. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Omces. WANTED Experienced grain man for Nebraska branch office who can buy any merchandise grain in carload lots. Box Y-198S. Omaha Bee. - Salesmen and Solicitors. LARGE manufacturer wants men to open branch offices' and manage salesmen. .300 to $1,500 necessaiy. Exciuslvu rights, patented article, money-making possibilities unlimited. Pay your -x-penses to Dallas if you qualify. Address Box 1511. Pallas, Tex. SALESMAN WANTED Well . equipped salesman to call on physicians, etc. A vory exceptional opportunity la offered for Immediate work. State age and ex perience. Box 121, Philadelphia. WANTED An experienced salesman ' to represent us In Nebraska. We manu facture a complete line of suitcases, trunks and bags. Puro Trunk & Bag Co.. St. Joseph, Mo. SPECIALTY" salesmen wanted, in silver ware, rugs and blankets. Can use a couple of good men, out of town work. C. V. Adams Co:, 623 So. lth. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white cook for downstairs work only. ' No washing; two adults, two children end nurse in family; good home; good wafres. Mrs. F. L. Pevereux, 1700 S. 32d Ave. Har ney 0670. GTRL9 I Watch the Domestic Column of Ths Be Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised. COMPETENT white girl . for tfener! house work;, no laundry, lit North ' 28th Ave. -v COMPETENT plain cook at pnee. Mrs. Charles K. Hannon, 80E South. Second avenue. Council Bluffs, ' la. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced vegetable girl In kitchen. Apply chef, Omaha Athletic club, 1714 Douglas St. Miscellaneous. WANTED. 10 GIRLS BETWEEN AGES OF IT AND 24 YEARS. 8TH GRADE EDUCATION OR BETTER. APPLY ROOM 814, NEW TELEPHONE BLD9., .19TH AND DOt'GLAS STREETS. . HELP WANTED. Male and Female WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; mg demand;, wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Podge St. Tri-Clty Barber College 3186 MONTH. Hundreds railway mall clerks. Omaha examinations Jan. 'ID. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 228-K, Rochester, N. Y. EDUCATIONAL. . DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. v Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comtumetry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegtaphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Pouglas 156S for large illustrated catalog. Ad.'.rets BOYLES COLLEGE, ' Boytes Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Pay and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Pouglaa 6890. HIGH school students, tutored In all subjects. 415 N. 40th. Harney 2949. LESSONS given on -Ukulele. Ty. 4843. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business, ee LEWIS Co., 41kttcCague Bldg. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE TOU LOOKING FOR BOOMS Or have rou plunned on making a change, which will be more, convenient for you. If ao, then call The Bea Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with a complete room list of cho'ce vacant rooms in Omana. but also keep your number on our "Want i to Rent" list for further reference In case you wanted to make another change. These lists are absolutely free of charge ' to all reader and advertisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Tyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. SINGLE rooms for-men only, running hot and cold water, steam teat. Within walking distance. Browu Bachelor Apts., 608 N. 21st. Doug. 6844. SINGLE and double rooms for men only, running hot and cold water,-steam heat, walking distance. Brown Apts., EOS N. 21st. Douglas 6644. LARGE furnished room, well heated, bath adjoining, modern, private, Farnam car line; suitable far 1 or 2 gentlemen. llmirlftji 9209 COZY room for . to teachers or business women, who are willing to stay with child few evenings each week: ref erences. Harney 6914. SOUTH room private entrance, large enough for 2 young men. Steam heat room, always warm. 140 for V 130 for 1, 1S09-8O. 32d. COLONNADE. 2474 Harney St.. furnished rooms with lavatory, steam heat. Doug las 4913. PERMANENT home, room and board for one gentleman, nice cozy rooms, strictly modern. Call Colfax 0639. ' BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room, suitable for two, on car Una Har. 7378. - BEAUTIFULLY furn. rm. In strictly mod. prlv. home, near. car line. Har. 1913. 4 ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, well heated. Call Walnut 6848, Benson Cafe. 1911 FARNAM Connecting front living and bedroom, steam healed flat for gents or couple, also single room. FURNISHED rooms In modern flat: walk . lng distance. Call at 614 North 21st or pnone Dougiaa ssfiz. ATTRACTIVE south room, gentlemen prcrerred; references. Harney 2BII un til 4 o'clock. NICELY furnished room with private family Hi) 8. istn Ave. Har. itii 2F1S Jones St. Desirable room. pi'ivue , i . 1 1 1 1 . . i-.ii m ..i. mvw'i. SLEEPING roosi, 1041,3. 2Stb St. liar- near aos FATHER DO NtU Think fttrRE THE ONLY EE) iprrTA ONE Tha.t'5 MARR1EP . FOR RENT ROOMS. T Furnished Rooms, FURNISHED tind unfumlshtd rooms, also garage sp.tve, 3026 Davenport, liar. 0203. ATTRACTIVE south room, gentleman pre ferreed; breakfast If dealred. Wal. 1313. 3220 PRATT Comfortable rn. for emp. married couple or 2 ladles. Web. 6267. 1 OR 3 rooms, private, close to-car: ga rage. 3117 Lincoln Blvd. Har. 6984. MODERN furnished room, 2 gentlemen, or couple employed. Colfax 2127 102 S. 41st -Nice large front room for 2 . young men; references. Har. 4112. L NICE warm room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Call Har. 5291. ATTRACTIVE southeast room, rrodern home, best of car service. Walnut 3319. DESIRABLE room. Apply The- Stei-llns. phono, Tyler 0409. HEATED furnished rooms for rent down town district. Call Douglas 802 . 2316 PINKNEY Two warm south front rooms, modern, near car, fine location. 266? Bt. Mary ave., 2 furnished frlodern whrm front rooms. Pff. 4433. NICE, clean, pleasant room In nice loca tion. 702 S. 29th St. Har. 373T. 1720 DOPGE Furnished rooms, modern. SLEEPING rm., 1041 3. 29th. Har. 736j. THREE rooms, heat. 31(1 week. Wal. 6237 LARGE south front room. Wa!. 8183. 3 SLEEPING rooms. 2613 Mason St. NICELY-furnished room. Webster, 416H Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVH THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT -OUR BEK ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISER AND READERS. - TILEH 1000. WANT AD. NEATLY furnished room for light house- Keeping; also Bleeping room. iu et, 29th St. Har. 7866. 2223 Pratt Comfortable room for employ ed, married couple, or 2 ladles. eb ster C267. FURNISHED light housekeeping roomy, walking atstance, on car line. Doug. 8304. TWO furnished rooms, part linen, gas and electricity furnished. sis montn. Walnut- 4280. -ml Davenport St., 2 modern. bright rooms, range, heat, electric Rights. Har ney 4988. S20 SOUTH 26TH STREET, one two-room apartment for light housekeeping. TWO large rooms and kitchenette. Web- iter 1069. Kountze Place. 117 N. 23D ST., two largo -housekeeping rooms, Btrictly private. ROOMS, everything furnished. 2204 Maple St. SMALL housekeeping rooms. Doug. 4688. 1720 DOPGE Housekeeping rms. for rent. 4713 PAVENPORT. 3 housekeeping rooms. NEATLY fur. hskkpg rm. Harney 736d. 4718 Pavenport. 3 housekeeping rooms. T WO Bleeping rooms. Webster 6205. f SLEEPING rooms. 114 No. 18 St. ! V Board and Rooms. r'CR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT,. COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. HOME LIKE furnished double room, suit able for 2. with board, ?10. , Har. 2129. NICE south front room for two ladles or couple employed: two meals. Har. 1313. NICE room with board for two gentle men, also slttglo room. Pouglas 4669. WILL board and room two children, pri vate home: reasonable, wal. 1273. ROOM and board In private home for lady; close to car. Web. 6629. ROOM and board for two gentlemen. North Side. Webster 6339. EOARPING school for children over 4 years of age. Har. 2949. 2726 SO. 19TH ST. Nice front rooms, good board. Call Tyler 6940. , 915 S. 20th In' rear, ona or two rooms. walking distance: reasonable. Dg. 634!. ROOM and board in private family; nice part of town; reasonable. Kouth 2258. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms on bath, floor, inuuein exvepi ueai; reasuiiuoie. weu. 1438. . TWO . unfurnlahed housekeeping rooms, Webster 6205. TWO unfurnished rooms, good neigh borhood; no children. $15. Wat. 1150, ONE basement room, reasonable. Pg. 6349, FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. 3 ROOMS, two acres, 34th and Poppleton avenue, sis. 5 rooms, all modern, 232 Ida street, JSO. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 17th and Farnam Sta. Tyler 0644. Unfurnished. 1506 SO. 32nd 14-room, all modern, steam heat. Elmer Neville, SOS Ne ville block, Pouglas 2454. FIVE-ROOM house for rent. Call eve nings. Pouglaa 3330. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. FOR RENT A sunny, six-room apart ment, furnished. Harney 6023. Unfurnished. 5 ROOMS, Mount Vernon, 624 South 31st street, 1106. 5 rooms, Ardmore Terrace, 49th and California streets, $125. . 5 rooms. Mount Vernon, 62 4 South 31st street, 8140. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0544. 3 7th and Farnam Sts. TADOUSAC APARTMENTS i Located on 38th Avenue, be tween Farnam and Dewev Avenue; Omaha's finest and newest apart ment building; suites of three, four and five rooms; in Omaha's most exclusive residence distrfct. Prices $100 to $150. Building now ready for occupancy. O'Keefe Real Estate Co.. 1 Realtors. 1016 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . Douglas 2715. A f-ROOM apartment In qrle of Oma ha's nicest buildings, the Ardmore Ten race in Dundee at 49th and California Street. Rent, $126. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. Tyler 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. 8 ROOMS, 70S4 North 16th street. $15. PETERS TRUSI COMPANY Tyler 0644. I7th anil Varnam ts Peters Trust Companj, Specialists to apartment njanagemet.t. Registered L', S. Patent Office. AriO I HAVF . I vish AGREED TO MY WIFE and i coat) OWORCE FOR RENT Business Property. SUITE of very desirable second-story of fices for huI) lease. Phone Doug. 8714. ebfTd7 w1sap731o s. isth st. WANTED TO RENT. Business Property. WANT to rent small store suitable for soft drink parlor. . Address Box R-909, omana Bee, MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY am? van CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOOPS ANP PIANOS REASONABLE BATES. FREE REN"IAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AN D A PARTMENTS, Kth and Jackson Sts. Douglas 0283. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 808 South 16th. Doug. 4188. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by II. R. Bowen Co. Tyler $400. GLOBE VAN. TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service1 in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4381. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage, 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOH SALE Fresh mlloh cow. Col. 4625. FARM LANDS. Kansas Lands. EIGHTY acrns, mile town, house, barn, 40x60 out bldg., 25 pasture, 14 alfalfa, i timothy meadows, 25 wheat, town school; possession; price $100 per acre; terms. P. H. Atchison. Waverly, Kan. Wisconsin Lands. l.ANPOLOGY special number Just out, containing 1921 facts of clover land In Marlnetto county, Wisconsin. If afor s home or as an investment you re thinking of buying goid farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landolngy. It Is free on request. Address 8kld-more-Rlehle Land Co., 433 Skldmore Klehle Bldg.. Marinette. Wis. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans WANT $40,000, 10 ysars first mortgage on 363 acres black, level, second bottom land land, all tillable, well Improved, mile to station in N. W. Missouri, near Iowa line. Address Box Y-1,386, Omaha Bee. - WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC., 538 Kecltne Bldg. I HAVE two real estate mortgages, one for $2,600 and one tor $2,000 to net pur chaser ten per cent. Security ample. H. M. Eaton, phone Walnut 1414. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ooug. 271$. I OFFER eastern Nebraska farm loans, tax empt, rates 6 to 7 .percent. Paui Peterson, 264 Brandeis Theater Bldg. I MAKE farm loans, eastern Nebraska, lowest rate, best option. Paul Peterson, 364 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WANTED Loan of $10,000 on 80 acres fully improved Irrigated land; give bonus of $300. Box Y-I387, Omaha Bee. $100 to $19,000 mad promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 310 8. 18th St. PROMPT service! reasonable rates, private money. Garvin Bros. 84S Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. WE will buy a small amount of Martel gas and oil stock. The Bankers Invest ment Trust, 906-6-7.- Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul, ' Minnesota. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. DODGE SEDAN. BUMPERS FRONT AND REAR, AND OTHER EXTRAS. LISE NEW, $1,050. AUTO EXCHANGE, 2204 Farnam. Dour. 6031. Rebuilt Truck Bargains 1- ton White, like new, good tires, ex traordinary value. Guaranteed. 2- ton Republic, completely over hauled, new tires, good body and cab, 1-ton Republic, new cushion tires, A-l condition. Only $445. Nebraska White, REBUILT TRUCKS ARE DEPENPABLE Tyler 3436. 1411 Capitol Ave. WHY PRIVE AN LD FORD WHEN $1 PER DAY WILL. BUY A NEW FORD? Will trade your old Ford toward the down payment of a new, , self-starter equipped touring car. The condition of your old Ford no object. The older they are tho better we like them. Don't de lay, but come, in today and get our lib eral exchange proposition. M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., 15TH ANP JACKSON STS. DOUG, 3600. 1918 CHALMERS TOURING. IN FINE MECHANICAL CONOITION. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. CALL TYLER 0027. OAKLAND Pansiblo Six. MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. ONE new truck. 6 new tires, closed cab, large stock body: $600 cash. Owner leav!n g clty1 Colf ax 24 1 6. FOR SALE OR TRADE-Chalmers 7-pas-senger, fine shape. Call South 3343 alter 7 p. m. SOME bargains in used Ford csrs. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackaon, Doug Ins ?500. . ttUT OVERLAND roadster. $60 down. balance easy payments. Twenty other THAf"VF.n AUTO CO., 2210 Farnam St. 2fc, OR 3-TON dump 'truck, with Wood'n hoist, for sale very reasonable. For particulars call Tyler 1976 or Web. 622(1. 1919 Scrlpps-Bonth, wire wheel, roadster. Call owner. Tyler 1600 evening, or Ty ler 1369 day time. THE PIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOS COilPANT, 262U Farnam St. H"iUe-. tm r JW r i ah i i -s r r SEE J1CGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE OWST think My wire says ! HAVE NO LOVE TOR NATURE , OR THE BEAUTIFUL. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD Roadster In fine shape, for -r.le reasonable. Address Box XXX, Omaha Bee. rt'RD coupe, six months old, with extrar; excellent condition; $576, rart , cash. Call Monday, Tyler 2469. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt i motorcycles. Victor H. Roos, 27th and Leavenworth, Dept. B. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE have some live buyers for good 8 and 0 room houses, well located. If vou hava property for sale list it with us. D. V., SHOLES CO.. Realtors Douglas 004S . 915-17 City Nat'l. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER MI'DONALD 1110 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1428. LIST homes and income property. , , GRUENIG REALTY C6. 1418 1st Nnt. Bk. Doutr. 19CS. IF your house Is for sale we want the listing. i A. P. TUKEY & SON, Realtors. 620 First National Bank. Doug. 4223. Can pay $760 cash and $26 monthly on five jr six room cottage, give ad dress and best price. Bos W-9S. Omaha Bee. IF YOU are thinking of selling we hava buyers. Can make a quick sale, i RASP BROS.; Realtors. I S10-12-14 Keelina Bldg. Tyler)721. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNREE HOES. , C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l B'.dg. Douglas 8787. ilST NOW We can. get you results and get them quickly on five or six-room bungalows, west or northwest. Alfred Thomas ft Son. 604 First National Bank. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1306 Dodgo St. Douglas '1843. ntnTTnmm i ! i r". rstth Olri iVili i. J. aM. R.nts Insures. 350. Peters Trust Bldg. Dong 0681. ! Pt rrTrnRTPTCREAL estate. . J. 1 JllAJDiliiNoina and Centals 80S Omaha Nat'l B!t. Bldg. Pouglas 2U5 W. G. SHRIVERf ATE 1047-1 Omaha Nat Bk. wag. uoug. isss Western Real Estate Co.," ii 2 Karbach Bids. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. 2 ACRES FAIR ACRES DISTRICT Tha most desirable unimproved piece fronting on Podge street. Very high and sightly. Adjoined by ona of the finest on tha hill. . . . . Tot a short time only we are authof IzeS to sell at $7,600. This Is at the rate of $3,760 per acre. Nothing near can, be touched at that figure. Buy now. Tou will Bave money even though you don't build for several years. Reason for the bargain, non-resident owner want money. WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors Tyler 163$. 333 Securities Bldg. CUMING Near 2$th St., 44 feet: must be old to close estate, u. a. umuiun. Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Trackage. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST., $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK, 400 Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. INVESTMENT FOR HOME Rental property $4,000. equity $2,760. Rr-nts $46, to exchange for home, 6 or rooms. . GLOVER & SPAIN. 918 City Nat. Bank, Douglas 2850. GET IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF. I have restaurants, groceries, two movio homes, a drug store, rooming houses, garages and others. - See Erhorn, C26 Peters Trust (Bee Bldg.) WALSH-ELMER CO., Realtors. Real Estate, Investment, Insurance, Rentals. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WILL TRAPE 160 acres of Keith cnuntv grass land, all clear for residence or Income property. S. C. Brogan, Key stone. Neb. WILL trado good lots for equity in mod ern or part modern house. Poug. 0722. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. NETHAWAY. Suburban prop'ty. Col. 1400. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T: BOHAN, 621 Taxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4380. CHOICE lots, attractive suburban loca tion, 6-room house, newly decorated: gas. water, electric lights. $3,000. $200 down. Pouglss 4228. A FEW homes and lots 'for sale In Park wood addition; a safe place for Investment- Norris ft Norrls. Pouglas 4270. CHOICE 8-r. brick and gar., flno location, west, Im. poss. Owner. Wal. 0697, J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and invest ment. 442 Bee Bldg. Pouglas 9097. North. 5-ROOM strictly modern house, block to car. 83.600, half cash. Would con sider lunch or soft drink parlor In small Iowa town. Box W-108, Omaha Baa, SEVEN-ROOM modern house, south front, paved street, garage. If bought direct from owner will accept $1,000 cash first payment: balance monthly. Col. 1169. M1NNE I.USA lot. Will sell $360 equity In lot located -within one block of Prettiest Mile clubhouse. " Will consider Ford in exchange. Colfax 1987. 5-ROOM house, paved street, for $2,000. Easy terms. Vol. 0175. R. 1 F. Clary Co.. North Omali.i Realtors, 2414 Ames 8 VS. $6,000 will buy eqnlty In fine suburban home or will consider trade on close In home. Call owner. Colfax 4158. SPECIAL terms on 2323 Seward St. 4-rm. bungalow. Modern. $200 cash. bal. mo. Crelgh. 608 Bee. Doug. 0200. .v TWO large lots, 7-room house, all modern but' heat. Leaving city and must sacrifice at once. Colfax 4168. MINNE LU8A homes and lots offer tho best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187 - BENSON ft MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. South. I'OR SALE By owner. room lious,-, part modern, barn, outbuildings, street paved, half cash. Price $3,S0O. Thone South 4772. The Readers of The Bee Have Faith in Our Want Ads. Why? Because They Are Mutual Friends. i -ii WTLL. 7 I RIGHT'. I WER! COPVRvOHT. 1MI.BY INTL More Truth -By JAMES J. THE WOMAN CHILD Look at the way s!v hangs onto the cover; Look at the cute little fuzz on her lid; Look at that smile; it just makes people love 'er Gosh! but she sure is one wonderful kid. Talk? Stick around when she yells for her dinner Gets every single darn word she is told. Rotten, I guejra, when she's just a beginner; This is her birthday; she's seven months old! Fond of; her mother? Well, so's every baby, But look at her balancing there on my knee, Look at the smile that she hands me, and maybe You will decide she is fonder of mel When about midnight she starts in to riot With colic or something like all babies do I am the guy that can make her keep quiet By taking her up for an hour or two. Why does she look like say, some how or other 1 Before she arrived I was strong on the hope " That she would grow up as the split of her mother, An' yet I ain't sorry J had the wrong dope. She's some little peach is this lady well rather She's got 'em all licked in the beauty show game; That's more than a person can say of her father, An' yet she's the image of me just the same. I got to step out and go after the dollars; That kid can't be dressed like a small village hick; She'll need pretty clothes, an' swell shoes an' fur collars " An' all that a girl ought to have pretty quick. It's goin' to take money, I tell you, to dress her. But when she's dolled up she will be a joy; "A boy is less trouble!" you ARE a bum guesser! Say, what made you hink that I wanted a boy? THPV VlTPr Too bad they didn't wait to fireproof the Chicago river till after the price of coal came down. i CAN'T BE TOO CAREFUL. ' The halls in which Dempsey fights are usually suffocating. He doesn't like a draft. " TOO DULL. Blue isn't the kind of local color that will give dramatists much of . Dog Hill Paragrafc -By George Bingham Slim" Pickens was caught yester day i while trying to flirt with a voung lady at Tickville. The at tention of "the Town Marshal, about a block away, was attracted when Slim began clearing his throat right loud at the girl. Dock Hocks, who was extremely popular with the fair sex just be fore Christmas, says he hasn't even been smiled at now for two or three weeks. . While Poke Eazley's mule was noticing what it was doing this week it walked off into an old cis tern on Musket Ridge. Poke says if his mule don't use more prudence he is gting to have to get it a pair of specs. I'M THE GUY I'M THE GUY who is always too busy. . , , And that's the plain unvarnished truth. I'm so busy I haven't time even to think. I'm the busiest man in two counties. 1 I haven't time to listen to your proposition, even if it meant a mil lion to me. I've so much work be fore me, I haven t time tor anyming else. As for listening to mere gossip don't dare mention it to me. nf ,.e T tinvc lots of time to fiddle around things that don't help msiness any. IJt oodles oi umc ior ixing up an old chair or a broken typewriter instead ot sencn g.ioi someone wno couiu uu mc j" few minutes. And I can stand around bossing a job that would bt aonc better without my interference. But for everything else, I m too bus v. I haven't time. Don't try to tell me I m really as buy as a moth circling a light, or a dog chasing his tail. I know hetter. j So take yourself and your proposi tion to someone else who isn t too busy to talk to you. $ Q ' '& All El Drawn for The Bee by McManus f'npvriirht. 1 1'L'O International News Service) FPATUIIESE.RVICF.lNa Than Poetry MONTAGUff- TT NfW e... . Romance in Origin Of Superstitions By H. IRVING KING. Thowing the Shoe. The question of throwing an old shoe after a bridal couple is regard ed by most authorities as the sur vival of a very ancient custom con nected with the transfer of property. Among the peoples where the cus tom is first found existing women were regarded as a species of prop erty and in some ancient civiliza tions, that of the Jews especially, the removal and giving of the shoe or sandal confirmed an exchange or 'sal(S a custom asserted to have been derived from the Egyptians or some other peoples with whom the Jews were brought in contact. A superstition with regard to tnc worn shoe was very widespread and existed even among the barbarous races. Some have even tried to as cribe it to the time when the brine groom carried off the bride by force and the bride's family threw things after him as he decamped. In old Saxon marriages the bride s father handed the bridegroom the brides shoe and he touched her with it on the forehead in token of authority.. The idea of luck, which attaches to the throwing of the shoe, would indicate that originally it had to do with some religious rite the propi tiation of some god or goddess. Copyright. 1920. by The McClure Newspaper Syndicate. WHY- Does Steam Appear When Water Is Heated? While we are accustomed to think of water as a liquid, it is, m reality, a combination 'of gases which mav be separated by the application ot heat. In addition, water is constant ly evaporating, whether the tempera ture be hot or cold, and this evapor ation" is nothing more than the changing of a portion of the water into the form of a gas which is, ot course, invisible. But when heat is applied this change occurs very rapidly and the surrounding air becomes saturated with the gas and is unable to hold it all. Moreover, the gas from the heated water is so much hotter than the surrounding air that it is cooled and turned into drops of liquid water once more. It is this cloud of minute water-drops in the air which we recognize as "steam" and, pro vided that the surrounding atmos phere does not become overheated from the sieam, the latter will slow ly mix with air and disappear in the form of a gas( though the portion which has been rapidly cooled will settle on. the ground or floor, just as dew settles on the grass in summer. A motor wheel mounted in a frame that terminates in a single runner supporting a saddle has been invented in Switzerland to combine the sports of motorcycline and skat ing. . fun Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's New Phase oi Revelations of a Wife The Way Madge and Dicky Made' Their Long Journey. Dicky's' prophecy was only loo truly fulfilled. The train was so late that waiting for it became one long-drawn-out agony of fat'gue. It was due at Aberdeen' at V;30, yet midnight found us slill silling on (he long bench seat which ran around threy! sides of the room. A number of other travelers shared our vigil, and for awhile I amused myself with watching the manner in which the different people took the long delay. One tall, thin woman with a lorgnette which she kept in constant use, walked regularly to the ticket window every ten minutes and asked the perspiring ticket agent how late the train was. 1 marvelled at the unfailing courtcsv with which he answered her. all hough l:c had announced shortly after the train was due, that it was delayed, and that he would call out the hour of its arrival in plenty of time for everybody to get thir things to gether. The Long Wait. Another stout, middle-aged wom an, with a strong, good-humored face, amused me in far different fash ion. She was accompanied, by two attractive-looking children i and a lanky Wcsf Indian maid, and she was evidently accustomed to making herself comfortable and at home in all sorts of places. She wasted no time in questions. After the first announcement of tb ticket agent, she improvised a coticli on the seat out of a steamer ni. which rolled tightly in a shawlstrau was one of her bundles, put the fw children on it, and covered them with their outer coats and her own heavv English topcoat. Then with a kindly question to the maid as to com fort, she opened a large suitcase bulging with an assortment of cloth ing hastily and badly packed, and an immense portfolio like a lawyer's, brief case, overflowing with all sort? of papers, and proceeded to sort and repack in as leisurely and unper turbed a fashion as if sh? were in her own bedroom at home. I guessed that she had prepared for this journey upon very short notice, had been compelled to "throw things together," and was seizing the first opportunity to arrange them properly. I also decided that she was one of those women who have so many irons in the fire that they never get any of them properly tempered, and I was guilty of a pharisacial gladness as I contrast ed my own preparedness of packing with the haste and confusion which her suitcase betrayed. The other travelers ran the gamut hetween the nervousness of the tall, thin woman and the placid compos ure of the stout one. The men spent their time in traveling back and forth hetween the station and what m old times had been the bar room of a small hotel across the courtyard from the station. The Journey End. Dicky and Maj. Grantland inves tigated the. accommodations of the' hotel and ruefully reported that there was no suitable place for a woman to rest. Thev made me as comfortable as possible in a corner of the room, with my feet on -a suitcase, a topcoat behind me for a pillow and another spread over my knees. In this fashion I read aiid dozed the time away, except for the intervals when, cramped be yond endurance, I rose r.nd walked up and down the platform. It was past 3 o'clock wen after two or three false alarms .which brought everybody out on the plat form in readiness to go, and then sent them back to the shelter of the station again the long-expected train finalK' screeched it way down the track, and the fatigued and exasperated passen gers clambered on as hastily as pos sible. "Good-by!" Huglj Grantland held out his hand to Dicky and then to me when we were safely aboard "I do trust you have a pleasant journey." "Why! Aren't you going north on this train also?" Dicky and I stammered the question in concert. "Unforunately, no," he answered. "I am not going north for two or three days. But I'll try to see you when I do get there." "Be sure you do," Dicky reptfrd. as the officer lifted his hat and jump ed from the train just as it w;as about to pull out. But I, who understand his every inflection so well, knew that there was no real cordiality in the invita tion. I knew also, as in his wake I followed a grinning porter down the aisle to the drawing room Maj. Grantland's ' thoughtfulness had proved for us, that the fact of the of ficer's remaining behind had in some ' curious fashion made him angry. I did not find out his particular grievance, however, until near the end of our journey. We were both too exhausted to 'do anything save crawl into our berths when the porter had made them up, and we slept until nearly noon of the next day. as apparently did most of the passen gers on the train, fqj many of the berths still had the curtains closed when we passed through the cars to breakfast. Following breakfast, the news that we would have to travel from Wash ington to New York in a day coach so upset Dicky's fastidiousness that he evidently forgot all other griev ances. But as we rushed into the biK station in New York, he !-poke sud denly and caustically, as I called to his attention a bag he had left be hind. "It's too bad Faithful Fido couldn't have continued his watchful caret" he snapped. "If I had known that he wasn't coming north himself and that he was only dancing around there to be sure that I looked after you according to Hoyle, I'd have landed him one." But I paid no attention to his ill humor. I had caught sight of Lil lian on the platform, eagerly looking toward the train, and I ' forgot everything else. (Continued Tomorrow.) Parents Problems Should the play of small chil dren be supervised or should thev be left to follow their own inclina tions? Children should as much as pos sible be left to follow their own inclinations when playing. Thi will develop resourccfulnes of many kinds, 1 ft n n