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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1921)
The Omaha Daily B. EE VOL. 50 NO. 177. I Mm 8kM-CIU Mitttr May DS. I9M. t fOMAHA MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1921 By Will (I year). IntHt 4ttl Zst Dalit iinHy, S: 0U Only. M: Ss, 4 Out 4th Zoat (I tuO. Dally w SMaiy. lit: Daily Only. Hi; tvitfu Only. U THREE CENTS p. o. usutr ti mircn 3. i9. r' v ' r1 -si"- "I ' TT Striving to Save Cuba ' -v llepresentative of the United States Government Attempt ing to Untangle Election Snarl in Sister Republic. (Outcome Very Uncertain By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. (;hlrao Trlbiiar-Oncilm Iter tuil Wire. Havana, Cuba, Jan. 9. With talk of revolution and fear of American intervention pervading public and private discission in this city. Gen. Knoch Crowder, I!. S. A., aboard the, battleship Minnesota, is striving to &avc Cuba from disaster. As the general has only begun his labors . toward straightening out the politi cal, financial and economic muddle vhich has produced the most se ctions national crisis in the history of the Cuban republic, and as he is up against u tough job and a lot of volcanic Latin factionalism, any1 pre dcition of the outcome of his work would be hazardous. President Wilson's emissary ar rived on Thursday, called on Presi dent Menocal and then returned to Lis battleship, where he has remain- Mi ever since, receiving duets ot tac :o"ti and likening to their versions of the trouble of the island. Saturny he received Dr. Alfredo Zayas. tormer unerai Din now xne Conservative leader, who claims to have been elected president on No vember 1, last. Today he received former President Jos Miguel Gomez, the liberal "party leader, who likewise claims to hae been elected president. Electon Result Unknown. Nobody knows who was elected president, for the Menocal govern ment which supported Zayas, is in no hurry to count the votes, and even if "the result was ascertained it would be clouded with charges of fraud which have thrown the issue into the courts and made it possible there will be no president when Menocal retires. May 20, next. In- that event the secretary of state becomes temporary president. Also in that event, assert the liberals there will be a revolutioivfor Gomez will consider himself justified in taking by force, what he believes himself cheated of at the polls. Gomez started the ill-fated revolu tion in 1917 which was snuffed out by the Amercan marines. . Gomez and the liberals generally have welcomed , General : Crowder unctously. They want America to supervise the election of the Cuban president. : The conservative govern-, menl aggregation news the Crowder nission with considerable coolness. President Menocal asserts the. elec tion was on the square and that the vote is being cunvassed with all rea sonable dispatch. , Friends in Washington. His friends maintain that there was no just reason for sending Gen eral Crowder on a warship to startle the Cuba" out of their wits. GqmeC fis credited with having powerful ' friends in Washington, among them being Acting Secretary of State Davis, who is regarded by the conservatives as the chief author of the Crowder mission. Davis lived in Cuba a number of years and waxed wealthy in financial opera tions there. When the judge advocate general of the American army gets to pass ing on what took place at the polls it will be a case of Crowder on Crowder or it was Crowder who came down here a year ago at the more or less voluntary request of the Menocal government and devised what was heralded by the Wilson administration as a model election Jaw for our sister republic. It was going to wipe out and prevent all election corruption and irregularity. System Failure. ' Geneal Crowder put in several months at the job with a large corps of assistants at a cost of $200,000 to Cuba. Then the first time the Crow der system was tried it broke down. Probably nobody was more surprised than Crowder at the way it worked out. The master piece of the Crowder system was a provision that no per son) was to oe nuowea to vote un less he presentee a registration cer tificate. There was full and free reg istration and the Crowder system prematurely was pronounced a great success. When the presidential campaign got under way, however, the liberals charged that somebody with a big roll was buying election r certificates by the thousands from the liberals, of course resulting in the wholesale disfranchisement of liberals. - The government finally decreed that duplicate certificates should be issued to those who claimed the loss of the originals. Now the liberals charge that the duplicates never reached the liberal electors, but were used, as well as the originals, to vote conservative repeaters. Former New Jersey Pastor Arrested Under Mann Act Passaic, N. J., Jan. 9. Cornelius Densel, frmer pastor of the First Netherlands Reformed church in Passaic, who eloped with Miss Trina I Hannenberg, was arrested at his ' home here, charged with violation of the Mann act. N Densel waived reading of the com plaint Bail was fixed. It was fur nished by Richard ; Donkersloot, father of William Donkersloot, Den sel's son-in-law. Officers for Year Named By Omaha Bar Association -nii'jff dent of the Omaha Bar association A at the annual election of officers r I held Saturday night In the Chamber l I of Commerce rooms. Other officers fi J- elected are: Secretary, George N. hi . Meacnam; treasurer. A. C thorn. s.on; executive council, 1. 1. JJy sart, Thomas D. Crane, E. C. Page, K S, Hton and, f. C, Matthew v Actress Renames Pet Monkey for Judge Who lGrant8 Her Divorce r Chlcagtt Tribune-Omaha tt Leaped Wire. Chicago, Jan. 9. Mrs. Sadie Morthorst of the vaudeville team. "Morthorst and Morthorst, refined animal comedy," a feature on the kerosene circuit, gave a special per formance before Judge Lewis of the superior court, to prove that she was the rightful owner of Snowball, a cat; Harry, a monkey; Dick and Cherry, dogs, and General, a pony, ,i . - , kau mgniy irameu. anc recently quit trie roan to uc her husband for divorce. He re fused to surrender the animals. She told the judge that she had trained the pets and that her husband was a mere supernumerary. Judge Lewis ordered Morthorst to appear and demonstrate that he could cause the animals to perform. Morthorst did not appear, but Mrs. Morthorst put them through their paces. 1 "You win," said the judge. "The nnitnals are undoubtedly -yours and you are entitled to a divorce. "Thank you. so much," she replied, "and to show you my heart is in the right place, I will rename the mon key for you. Hereafter he will be known as Harry Lewis." Forum to Precede Any Legislation For N. P. League Plan for Gathering at Lincoln Is to Give Free Rein to Speakers in Presenting New Ideas. Lincoln. Jan. ! 9. (Special.) Nonpartisan legislation will be in-, troduced until after the forum, soon to be held at Lincoln, it was stated by leaders. The forum, by its at tendance and any enthusiasm which it may display, ,is looked upon as a part of the legislative program to inculcate in the minds of legisla tors the nonpartisan temper and plans. The forum has no , set program or scheduled list of speakers, it was stated. As the meeting progresses, it is anticipated that a chairman will be elected, and through him the work will be systematized. It is not expected Townley will be present. The plan of leaders, as announced, was toi give "Tom, Dick and Harry" opportunities to speak at the be ginning and to come in with speeches and crystallization of ideas and leg islation at the last. The meeting probably w ill be called to order by C. A. Sorenson of Lincoln. Assertions were made that or ganized labor in Omaha would , be represented by;, a , large delegation at the meeting. "A. K. "Bigelovr.-nn Omaha attorney, will be the official spokesman for the, metropolis dele gation. " Bills covering' the entire league legislative program will be intro duced according to announcement, and these bills are being prepared now by F. L. Bollen, a Lincoln at torney. The program includes: State ownership and development by districts of Nebraska's undevel oped water power. State farm and city loan act. Co-operative bank law. Publicly owned and managed bonded terminal elevators and ware houses. . . . ) Elimination of party designation on ballot. Righj!of collective bargaining. Argentina Watching Result of Debate on Tariff in United States Xew York TimM-Chlearo Tribune, Cable. ' topyrifht, mi. Bueuos Aires. Jan. 9. Argentina is watching with the closest interest, every .debate on tne proposed tanre changes at Washington and the newspapers are printing entire col umns of cablegrams or the subject. They are paying special attention to reports on the wool hearings and are featuring every item giving the slightest hope -that the efforts to raise the duties on wool will be de feated. This morning's papers are featuring a short sentence at the end of a small cable stating that Presi dent Wilson will probably veto the bill if it is passed before his retire ment. United States, up until recently, has been the principal market for Argentine wools and the impression already exists that Americans are largely to be blamed for the present stagnation in the wool market here. Member of Parliament Howled Down by Crowd London, Jan. 9. John Robert Clines, labor member of parliament, former food controller and presi dent of the National Union of Gen eral Workers, was howled down while attempting to address a meet ing of the unemployed at Camber well. He was obliged to desist, a large section of the audience shout ing, "We want revolution." "We want soviet." Steamship Lines '.Reduce Rates to United Kingdom Seattle, Jan. 9. Reduction in freight rates on canned salmon, canned milk, tallowi fish oils and lumber between Puget Sound ports and the United Kingdom were an nounced by Seattle representatives of the Harrison Direct line, Euro pean Pacific line of the United States shipping board and the Blue Funnel line. , Jackies Charged With Theft Will Stand" Court-Martial Norfolk. Va.. Jan. 9. H. W. J. Meyer, yeoman, and A. M. Ashmor, apprentice seaman, aboard the de stroyer Satterlee, , arrested recently in Miami. Fla., charged with the theft of $72,000 from the vessel, will be tried by court-martial. The Navy department assumed, jurisdic jiofl of the caiej, Item Struck Fro ni Bill $1,250,000 Apptopriation Is Dropped From Postoffice Measure on Point of Order Jefferis Objects. ! Will Appeal To Senate) t By E. C. SNYDER. Washington Correspondent Omaha Br. I Washington. D. C, Jan. 9. (Spc- j cial Telegram.) The appropriation of $1,250,000 for the operation and maintenance of airplane mail service went out of the postoffice appropria tion bill Saturday on a point of order made by Representative Tin chpr of Kansas against the protest of 'Congressman Jefferis of Omaha. Anticipating that a point of order would be made. "Big .Jeff" was recognized before the item was reached and in a five-minute speech told of the interest the business men of Omaha and other cities had shown in the development of the air mail service. Laying the foundation for a speech in behalf of the appropria tion, he read from the report of the postmaster general for the fiscal year ending June, 1920, wherein Burleson speaks about he 'second extension of the trans-continental air mail service from New York to San Francisco, and its extension from Chicago to Omaha, which was inaugurated on May IS. 1920. Speed Up Service. "The distance of this route is 440 miles by airline," the report states. "The planes leave Chicago with Chicago and eastern mails for Oma-( ha, at which point they arrive in time for afternoon delivery. Had this mail been carried by train it would not have reached Omaha in time to effect its delivery to the postal pa trons before the following morning! Eastbound, the mail leaves Omaha abouf noon and reaches Chicago that afternoon in time to catch all con nections out of Chicago 12 hours earlier than if it had gone by train. The commercial interests of Omaha have co-operated splendidly with the ajr mail service by furnishing a large air mail field, and perhaps the larg est civilian hangars in the L'nited States." . - Congressman Jefferis then read from the report of the postmaster general's observations on the third extension between Chicago and St, Louis and concluded by reading ihe following excerpt: i Landing Fields Established. "The citizens of North Platte Neb.; Cheyenne, and Rock Springs, Wyo.; Salt Lake City, Utah; Elko and Reno, NeVj and San Francisco havt-;fad-''ouf-Targttibfif'aMdif fields and have erected hangars for the exclusive use of their mail ex tension. The service was inaugurated on September 8, 1920, and the ini tial westbound trip was made, at the rate of 79.9 miles an hour and was effected without a forced land ing. The plane carried 16,000 let ters, which arrived in San Francisco 22 hours ahead of the best possible time by train, had the train made all its connections." The report further says that: "Re gular night flying with the mail has not been practical with the present types of planes in the mountain sec-' tions, but it is practical in the level country of the middlewest and the department is making preparations in, the way of lighting regular and em- (Turn to Page Two, Column Three.) Soft Coal Production During 1920 Second Larges st in History Chicago Tribone-Omaha Bra Leased Wire. Washington, Jan. 9.Production of bituminous coal during the calen dar year 1920 was greater than dur ing aty year on record with the ex ception of the war maximum 'peiiod of 1918, according to a tabulation by the geological survey, 'Bituminous coal produced in 1920 totaled 556,516,000 tons. The rec ord production in 1918 was 579,000, 000 tons. The coal strike in the latter part of 1919 kept the produc tion in that year down to 458,000.000 tons. The total in 1916 was 503,000, 000 tons and in 1917 it was 552,000. 000 tons. . Production of anthracite totaled 89,100,000 tons in 1920. In the rec ord year of 1917 the total was 100, 000.000 tons. The total in 1916 was 88,000,000 tons, in 1918. 99,000,000 tons and in 1919 it was 89,000,000 tons. Judge Given Banquet in Honor of 25 Years' Service Lexineton. Neb.. Tan. 9. (Spe cialsJudge H. M. Grimes of this judicial district was the guest of honor at a banquet .given by tne Dawson County Bar association andJ the occaston celebrated the con elusion of 25 years service on the bench." The judge is beginning his seventh consecutive term as judge in this district. , The banquet was held at the Cornland hotel. E. A. Cook acted as toastmaster and speakers were: D. H. Moulds, G. G. Gillen. ' V. A. Stewart, Mrs. T. M. Hewitt. Judge H. M. Grimes and Mrs. H. M. Grimes. Poor Painter Disappears Paris Artists Are All Busy Paris, Jan. 9. The poverty stricken painter of Trilby and other Paris1 legends has disappeared, and in his place is a corpulent individual smoking expensive cigars, dining at the Cafe de Priris and sleeping t tiight in an appartment costing 20 times as much as-Gerald du Maur icr's heroes paid. . This is briefly the charge brought byEmile Henriot, a noted Paris art critic; who devotes a column in Ex celsior to criticising Mrs. George BlumenthalV foundation of $120,000 for scholarships for "poor French artists," - " :T T' ,v rfinnl Gihhnna "Suggests a Memorial For "Home-Run Babe New York, Jan. 9. Cardinal Gib bons has proposed a memorial to "Babe" Ruth, champion home-run hitter, instead of accepting a simlar honor himself. . In a letter from Baltimore, (read at a meetig of the supreme board of directors of the Knights of Col umbus, the cardinal urged that St. Mary's industrial school of Balti more had proposed to erect a new cathedral in honor of the cardinal, but that he suggested their efforts be diverted to rebuilding the school. Financial Pinch But Little Felt By Dodge County President of Nebraska Loan Association Say6 Relief Be ing Felt as Farmers Sell . Part of Crops. This I the first of a terie.x of articles from Bee correspondents in all parts of the state giving a survey of economic condition., Fremont. Neb., Jan.; 9. (Special.) Dodge county and vicinity are only slightly affected by the stirred finacial situation. The leading ques tipn in the mind of the farmers and business men seems to be the low quotations on grain, which gives the farmer a loss if se sells, and keeps trade from the business men if he holds his products. It is the tendency in this territory for the agricultural interests to hoard crops and await an advance in the market. Business in town, the merchants complain, is slower than iti former years. Relief is now being felt as farm ers, are selling part of their corn crops Returning to Normal. , T. L. Mathews of Fremont, presi dent of the Nebraska Building and Loan association, in Close touch with farmer, the home builder and the merchant, says conditions are slowly returning to normal. "In regard to the present acute situation, I would say in short, the biggest relief would come in the marketing of our crops and stock, as far as Nebraska is concerned." Mr. Mathews said. "We are not exporting now, 'and that has much to do with present prices. An ac tive export demand would stimulate an advance in wheat, corn and cot ton, si would say further that prices are Seeking, a normal level and there must be a general realization on the part of the manufacturer, merchant and farmer that we must all stand 4 share of the inevitable shrinkage, T,hjs mitftb sustamed beforcjp rices (Sin teaCnlforni'at" and rbe stabil ized." x Banker is Optimistic. Herman Beckman, vice president of' the First ' National bank of Fre mont, one of the largest and richest institutions of its kind in Dodge county, is inclined to be optimistic and believes that the conditions are now liaving an upward trend. ' "We feel that the bottom of the present money situation has been reached and things are about to go the other way, he says. The present condition of the country may be compared to a man who is in the depths of a huge forest, and as he approaches the edge, he is able to see a ray of light in the distance. I think that the 'ray of light' is now- in sight." ' v E. J. Fououet and Iver Johnson, both successful farmers in the vi cinity of Fremont and authorities in their line, state what they believe to be the general feeling and opin ion among the farmers of this coun ty. Mr. Fouquet. said: Farmers Hold Grain. x "It is sM evident that the farmers in this part of "the country are do ing what we are all being forced to do. We are holding our crops and only selling what we must turn into money fon present use. As the expenses eat into the pockets of the farmers, he must haul a load of wheat or grain to market, to help meet that expenditure. Other wife the crops are staying on the farms awaiting more reasonable prices. The effect of the" farmer's action is undoubtedly depressing business in town because the man on the farm with" a big crop on hand, and no income, is only spend ing for just what he needs. As to the future we can say little and can see no change, except a raise in the price of grain at sometime in the future. The only relief that we are able to suggest, is some means of legislative action which will gov ern the pice of grain and not allow the men higher up in the grain world to fix prices." The only portion of Dodge coun ty which is doing much grain busi ness is centered around Scribner. About four cars of corn leave that town daily. Although the market duction, the farmers in that vicinity price ts still helow the cost of pro seem 'to view the situation more broadly, and fall in line with the merchants in town by taking'a loss. Crop Moving Slowly. Northwestern Trainmaster E. O. Mount speaking of the corn move ment said: "We have an order to deliver four to seven cars daily at Scribner and 75 during the month." Arthur H. Schultz, manager of the Farmer's Union Co-Operative Co., at Scribner said that his com pany was receiving about 4,000 bushels of corn a day, and that the movement was so heavy it neces sitated someone at the scales most of the time. Mr. Schultz believes that the farmers are able to sell their corn for 50 cents and still have a profit In the Vicinity of North Bend and Nickerson, there is, little action in the' grain business, mostly, due to the bad condition of the roads. Ordered to Fort Crook. Washington. Jan. 9. (Special Telegram.) Capt. Rowan A Greer, judge advocate, is relieved from duty at San Francisco and will proceed to Fort Crook, Mr. Lugubrious Blue and Mr. Smiley Gladd Discuss the Situation Mr. Glad " Why, what 'a the matter, Mr. Ble? "Why do you- look so depressed r Mr. Blue "Because I am depressed. The country' going to th dogs. 1 neo nothing ahead but trouble and distress and hard timea. , ' Mr. Gladd" O, don't look on the dark aid. There are two sides to it. Our troubles will, paaa if you giv 'em a little time. Tou must try to be cheerful." Mr. Blue--" Cheerful! There ain't ne auch word. They've stopped coining it. Look around you and what do you see? Factories closing, unemployment growing, distress and hunger stalking through the land, and a hard winter ahead. . " ; " , Mr. Gladd" That's your way of looking at it, and If yon kb on preaching it yon'll help bring on the dis tress. Why don't you look at some of the good signs? All the money that was flooding the country in the last two years is still In the country, business has had three fat years and can weather a period of smaller profits. There's oceans of food in the country,' the cost of living is dropping enormously, low prices will bring the long delayed building boom, and people will have to give op their extravagant habits and settle down to a sensible scale of living. And, furthermore, a business administration m Washington will soon end the orgy of waste in government,"- : J r Mr. Blue" Aw. I don't believe bunch of politicians running things. And, remember, this is Isll! Add It up! It makes 13, and that's a bad omen. Mr. Otadd "Konsenoe! Nineteen hundred and three was a prosperous year. Some of us may feel the pinch in this wholesale shrinking process, but it's better to get it in one dose and have it over with. Just remem ber the country is enormously rich, our business is sound at the bottom, and we are in a better condition than any other country in the world. Come on, Mr. Blue, cheer up." 1 League Issue Due Before Action Question of Association of Na tions Will Not Come Up in . Senate for Several Months, Is the Prediction. Chicago Tribune-Omslut Bee Leased Wire. Washington, Jan. 9. It will be a long time 'before the senate, under the new administration, , actually reaches cbnsideration of a dulty ne gotiated treaty creating a new asso ciation of nations, displacing the league of Versailles, according to senate leaders who are, in close touch with President-elect Harding and who know something of his plans regarding international affairs. " .The impression prevalent in many quarters that the senate, immediate ly or shortly 'after reconvening in special session, will proceed to the ratification ot some new sort of league or association of nations -is erroneous, they believe. The senate, they say, will devote itself to the restoration of peace conditions without delay, but the constitution' of a new international arrangement tt keep the peace of the world is a long way off, in their opinion. . Opposition to World Plan. - Mr. Harding . realizes, some of these 'senators said today, that any international plan would be almost certain to- encounter formidable op position and operate as a blockade against all the important domestic legislation imperatively demanding attention after March 4. If the op position does not come from the "ir reconcilables" it may come from the democrats who stood by President Wilson through thick and thin. Sen ator Pat Harrison of Mississippi has already served notice that the demo crats will fight lo the last ditch any attempt to scrap the league and sub stitute some new association. . For this reason, Mr. Harding's friends declare, he will proceed slow ly. Assurances have come, from Mar ion that he will submit nothing , to the senate until he has laid it infor mally before every faction - and ob tained guarantees that it can. com mand the necessary two-third vote. Long Time Needed. Such procedure would necessarily take a long time, since past expe rience has proved that few members of the senate can be brought into agreement about matters pertaining to leagues and associations. Further more, it is understood that Mr. Har ding will take no final steps until he has called in authorized representa tives of other nations and definitely ascertained that they will be willing to accept the plan, This does not mean, howe-cr, that thd United States will continue in the present technical state of war .with Germanv and Austria. It is the plan of leaders to bring the Knox resolu tion, formally declaringxthe war at an end. to a vote at the earliest pos sible date after the opening of the! extra session, iney aiso expecr 10 proceed at once, during the present session if possible, with the disarma ment resolution, along the. lines, of the Borah plan tCaayrlfBl: lttl: By Ta Ctalcm TnTwaa-J in the premises ot politicians. They're Big Crowds Greet Daniel, O'Callaghan ( Given a Rousing Reception Upon Ar rival' in New' York Citv. New York,' Jan.-9. Daniel O'Cal laghan, lord mayor of Cork, on his arrival today, was greeted by crowds of "Irish republic" sympathizers. J Accompanying him was Peter, Mac Swiney, brother of Cork's late lord mayor; Harry Boland, secretary of Eamonn Be ' Valera, and Acting Mayor. ,Gannon and Deputy Mayor Malone of Jersey City. During the trip to his hotel, O'Callaghan's automobile was fol lowed by a procession that " waved Sinn. Fein and American flags. Crowds gathered before the hotel and ' O'Callaghan responding to calls, appeared on a balcony. He spoke of his trip as a stowaway, ex pressed appreciation for the wel come and said he probably . would remain , in America-several months. O'Callaghan. said - Ireland 'would not accept home rule. "We don't jWjKit home rule; we want nothing Jjut, freedom," he de clared. . .'; ,' . Hundreds crowded into the sta tion to greet the lord mayor. When O'Callaghan appeared, a prolonged welcpine: was , 'shouted. A path to the automobile was cleared and police . escorted j the lord mayor to his car. v.. i . , . i-f Lord Deeded Is First Candidate to Come Out 1 For "Irish Parliament , ; ; - : . Dublin, Jan. 9, The first candi date to offer 'himself for election to the southern Irish parliament is Lord Decies, who has written a letter for publication in, which he admitted that the home rule act is far from perfect, but says "it represents a gift of self government which is ours for the asking." . " .. . Expressing the belief that the home rule act can be made better, he announces his purpose of asking some southern' Irish constituency to elect him a member of the southern parliament. ,.: . , .. , The action'is supposed to be part ol . tbe'.plan, of the government .ta' encourage. Willingness to work' for the new act. Lord Dccic's married Vivien Gould, daughter of' Mr. .an-d Mrs. George J. Gould of Lake Wood, N. J.' He is a representative peer of Ireland and sits in the house of lords. 1 . 1 Cass Cotinty Pioneer Dies At Home in Elmwood, 85 Elmwood, Ncb Jan. 9. (Special) George W. Worley, 85. died at his home here Thursday. He came to Nebraska with his parents in 1857, and with the exception, of the four years -spent in the civil war, has lived in Cass county Besides his wife he is survived by three children, Mrs. Richard C. Oldham of Dids bury, Alberta. Canada, and Jay E. and Miss Katherine F. Worlew both of Linco' , , Gork -ted Mayo aC alike. TonU find the same old 5,000 Men Resume -Work -in ? Detroit Auto Factories General Survey for Past Week Shows Revival of Industry Further Improvement Predicted. -Detroit, Jan. 9. A beginning of industrial revival here was noted the last week in a survey ot conditions made by G. W. Grant, secretary of the Employers association. Approx imately .5,000 . men have been , put back to work and indications are that a gradual improvement will continue until the automobile industry re turns to normal, Mr. Grant said. He added that the manufacturers expect the end of the slump in retail busi ness to follow the annual tutomobile shows. . . Although some' of the larger fac tories, including theiFord and Dodge plants, are closed and no definite date set for their reopening, there are in dicationsj he said," that the inactivity may not be extended. Numerous other factories are maintaining skeleton forces to which men are being slowly added. The Liberty Motor company announced several hundred additional men would be taken on Januarv 17. while unofficial report was that the Conti nental Motors plant would partially reopen Monday. ' The Dodge plant, it is said, is held ready to resume within a week, should it be decided to open. While a notice at the Ford plant says it will not reopen this month, there are reports that the suspension may not be for that long a time. At the Ford plant preparations are being made for the payment of the profit-sharing bonus of practicallv f9.000,000. Kalamazo Brick Masons Voluntarily Cut Wages Kalamazoo, Mich., 'Jan. 9. The Kalamazoo Brick and Stone Masons' union voluntarily lowered the wage scale of its members from $1.35 an hour to $1.25. ' Union officers an nounced that the action was taken as a move to stimulate building and thereby , afford employment for idle workers and that it was justified by a decline in the cost of living. Cork Authorities Place Guard on Relief Steamer Queensland, Ireland, Jan. 9. On the.i-arrival from New York of the American steamer -Honolulu with provisions' for the relief of the un employed in Cork, the authorities placed an armed guard on the vessel. Notwithstanding the protest of the captain, the guard remained on the steamer when it proceeded' for Cork. The Weather , Forecast , Nebraska Generally fair with lower temperatures. Hourly Temperatures. m. . . , ...ti ...38 .,.28 . .. ...: ...At ..13 1 p. m . . 1 p. m . . 8 p. m . . 4 p. m.. 6 p. m . . 7 p. in., s p. m.. . .! ..41 ..4 ..S ..41 ..9 ..35 a. m. . a. - m. . a, m.. a. m. . a. m. . BOOU Harding Is Opposed to Cut in Navy President-Elect Against Any Reduction in Force Until General Disarmament Is Reached. Reserve Army Favored Br The Associated Prm. Marion, O., Jan. 9, A naval poli cy to keep the United States one cf the strongest sea powers until a binding disarmament agreement can be reached, was discussed at a con ference yesterday between President-elect Harding and Kepresenta tiv Butler of Pennsylvania, chair man of the house naval committee. It was- indicated that, although a final decision must await develop ments, the attitude of Seintor Har ding pointed to a continuation, of tin fleet construction program now ir progress. Coupled with this pro gram, however, would be a materia curtailment in civilian employes o the Navy department and 'various economies in the land station" undei navy jurisdiction. . - . , Mr. Harding long has favored at efficient navy and he is understood to feel a big navy policy might be continued practically if steps are taken to curtail the strength )f the army along lines he . approved ye ' terday in conference with Chairman Kahri of the house military committee.-" Favors Reserve Plan. He also favors the reserve sys tem for both army and navy, and is understood to have indicated to Chairman Butler an adequate naval ; reserve should be considered a req uisite to naval defense. The navy hinges, however, on what progress may be found possible in the movement for a general reduc tion of world armament. Mr. But ler, who is inclined to vlace little faith in the proposal, expects to de velop in committee hearings next week, all information available on the probable consequences ( of disarma ment. This information' he will tprn over to Mr. Harding, v. "I am determined to know," - he said in a statement, "what other na tions sincerely desire in the . way of an agreement to limit armament." ; K Urges Canvass of Sentiment. , Mr.' Butler called Mr. Harding's attention to the provision of the naval appropriation bill of 1916 re questing the president to make a., canvass of world sentiment on dis armament. He recommended that the new administration take ad vantage of this, authorization. Another Tof President-elect Hard ing's callers today was Daniel G. Reid. New York manufacturer and financier, who talked over the gen eral financial situation and gave his opinion on the problem of" getting money systems back to a sound basis. i B. R. Inman of Indianapolis, man ager of the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, presented Senator Har- I ding with the results of a study made' by his organization into financial conditions. He advised that there be no attempts to remedy tht situa- , tion by piecemeal measures, but that . I farmers, manufacturers and all other groups be prevailed upon to take ther share of after-war depression. 3 Towns Rocked , By Explosions Series of Blasts Resembling Earthquakes Reported in Villages Near Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Jan. 9. The towns of Covina, Glendora .and Azusa in the San Gabriele valley, 20 to 25 miles east of here, were rocked Sat urday night by what was declared by inhabitants to be a seriea of ex plosions, according to reports re ceived here. Lvefy house In the town was shakened and windnw- j glasses were broken in some, it was said. The first shock was fert about 9:30, it was stated, and was followed i by two more within half an hour. Jiach was accompanied by a loud re port. Otherwise the tremblings re sembled earthquakes, it was said. Solution of Cuban Problems Easy Matter Minister to U. S. Says ( lilraco Trlbanr-Omahm Iwwd WIr. Washington, Jan. 9. That "there is no problem in Cuba which cannot be solved satisfactorily within a short time" was the ontimistir as. 1 sertion made here by the minister from Cuba, Dr. Carlos Manuel De Cespedcs, in a brief statement is sued from the legation. The minister declared that the economic and financial problems i could be taken care of in short order. by the Cuban congress, and that thes patriotsim of the Cuban people would be the solvent to . clear up their political differences. The minister's statement declares tlt the first in terview between president Menocal and Major General Crowder, which was held on Thursday, the day fol lowing General Crowder's arrival at Havana, was "highly satisfactory" and indicates the holding of other similar conferences. Lodge Installs Officers. Columbus, Neb., Jan. 9. (Special.) The following oflicers were in. stalled by the local Woodmen Circte Grove: guawlian, Mrs. H. J. Mile?;-1 secretary, Mrs. Roy Farnsworth; hanker; Mrs. B. J. Preston, advisor: Mrs. W. W. Whittakerj chalaln, , Mrs. William O'Brien; attendant,' Mrs. Arthur Mills.