Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 16

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I Society 1 1 Attractive Matron Returns I
L v II 1
; ' VogeUReeder.
Mrs. Alfred L. Reeder, 1200 South
Sixteenth street, Lincoln, announce!
the marnaee of her dauchter. Mad
elvn Mat-caret to Mr. Tame A.
Voirel. which took clace Saturday,
December 11. at Geneva. Neb. The
.,' ceremony was performed by Rev.
Father Agius of St. Josephs church.
Mr. Vogel is the son of Mr. and
; ' Mrs. Henry Vogel of Florence, Neb.
Miss Gretchcn Reeder, ister of
, the bride, acted as bridesmaid and
, ; Mr. John Little of Geneva, Neb.,
acted as best man.
After the ceremony the wedding
party went to Fairmouni, Neb.,
where the wedding dinner was
'"; served at thr Clarendon hotel.
Mr. Vogel served in the world
war and was overseas for 20
' " ironths, having enlisted in the 89th
"aero squadron. - "
" ' Mrs. Vogel was a former Omaha
girl. The couple will reside in Lin-
coin. '
Mr, and Mrs. L. F. Curtis an
: "nounce the approaching marriage pi
their daughter, Getrude, to Wil!um
Martin. The ceremony will be per
formed on January 19 atvSt. Bridg
ets church. Miss Josephine Curtis,
; nt the hride. will he maid of
' honor, and Charles Curtis, a broth-1
. cr, wil be best man.
; , Art Lecture.
' Maurice Block, art director for the
' Omaha Society of Fine Arts will
Kspeak on the "Old Masters," Wed
A : nesday morning, January 12, at 10: JO
' o'clock. The talk'will be given m the
public library on the third floor
where the exhibit is now beug held.
The canvases which the Omaha So
' ciety of Fine Arts feels particularly
, fortunate in having secured is draw
ing large numbers of art lovers from
all over the state as well as our own
city according to Mrs. Ajirea war
'-" w mihliritv chairman. The mu
seum hours are from 9 to 5 daily, and
2 to 5 Sundays, me exnioii is upcu
to the public and will be shown until
Sunday, January 16. inclusive.
1 - Junior League.
.' ' A number of additions have" been
'made to the list ofcjhose who will
'donate prizes to the-, Junior league
" bridge party to be held Friday. Janu
ary 14, at the xF6ntenelle ball room
: for the benefit o 'the ; Nurses' home
of the University . hospital. Among
.the recent donors are Mesdames
'' W. R. Matthews, Clyde Roeder, Gon-
- rad Young, Ralph Peters, N. P.
Podge, and W. F. Megeath; Misses
" Mary Fuller, Elizabeth and Meliora
Davis, Erna Reed. Dorothy Judson,
May Mahoney and Mr. Milton
Darling." , '. '
The bridge will begin at 2 o clock.
Tables may be reserved. .. ! . -
" ' Omaha Boy Weds.
The wedding of Miss Dorothy
Agnes JohnsOn, daughter of Mrs.
Mary Agnes and the late John T.'
Johnson 'of Alexandria, Vai, and
Xphn Ewin? Orchard of NeV-Yorky
took place at the home of the bride's
mother at 4:30 " o'clock, December
27. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. Charles Shears of the
Episcopal church-,- McLean, -Va. M-
Mr. Urchard is the son cJ Mr.-ana
Mrs. William T. Orchard of Oma
ha, Neb. ' He is a graduate of
Swarthmore college and Harvard
university and is at present an in
structor at Columbia university, New
York Citv. ; -" '
Mr. and Mrs. Orchard'will be at
home, after "January 31.- at 90 Morn-
mgside Drive. New i orn city.
Church Dance.
The young men of St. Philip Nerj
" parish will give a dance Thursday
evcnine at Odd rellows hall in
Florence. ., s
, , .
5 Informal Dance. r ;
A dance will be given Tuesday
evening by Oiiaska Council of Se
curity Benefit association at the
Swedish auditorium.
v , Tri-Delta Alumnae.
Delta Delta Delta alumnae will
meet for a luncheon Saturday, Janu
ary 15, at "1:30 with MrB. R. A, Van
Orsdale, 1305 South Thirty-fifth
street Mrs. Van Orsdale will be as
sisted by Mrs. C E. Cobbey
, For Mrs. Reed.
Mrs. A. V. Kinsler,:will be hostess
at an informal tea Sunday -afternoon
, at her home in honor of her guest,
Mrs. Lawrence Reed of New York
City. . . . -..!.
Masquerade Ball.
The. Scottish Rite Woman's club
will entertain at a masqtwrade ball
Wedensday evening, January 12, at
the Scottish ' Rite temple. ' '
T Pershing Club.. " ',
tkjiard time dance will be given
Monday evening at Lyric hall, by
the Pershing Dancing club. .
Barristers Dance
: T . A' "Welcome-Back" dancing party
will be given by the Creighton Bar-
' ".": Sunday. : 'v'" :
Mrs. A. V. Kinsler,' tea ;at, her.
home tor her guest, Mrs. Lawrence
Reed of New York. . ; ; 4 ; ? ;
Monday. ,
Afarriage of Mrs. Etta Turner of
- iremont and Robert Miller of .New
' v York at Schneider home in Fremont.
Bess Mahoney hostess tor meet
ing of Company B canteen at Black
stone. - ; -.. -t :
. Tuesday.. v . . f. .
" Women of Fort Crook,' meeting
of bridge club at. Officers' club.
Glee. club of HatnCne university,
St. Paul, concert M Central High
, school auditorium. , - '. ,
Wednesday. :
J Mrs. Dana C. Bradford, luncheon
at her home for Mrs. Lawrence
- Reed, guest at A, V. Kinsler's home.
Carter '-Lake . Kensington club,
luncheon at' Loyal
Mrs. Heary,C White, .afternoon
bridge at. her quarters, at Fort Oma-
ha ia honor of Madam Davis of Cin--cinnati,
a isitor' at the post. '
Marriage of Catherine Smyth and
Charles : Burgess in Washington,
D. C '
Creighton Barristers, :. dance it
, Blackstone.' ; M' - :
Delta Theta Phi fraternity, dance
V at Blackstone. ) ; -
- " 'Friday. , ' I
"'' Mrs. A. L. Levenson,
Officers' club at Fort Omaha.-
Junior league bridge party at 2
p. m., at Fontenelle, benefit of
" Nurses' home of University hoi
pital. .
v Craik Roberts, studio 'tea.' " . -
: . . ' '
m I- o -r" w t - C J fit i '
f .
" v:-
An attractive voune matron who
from a holiday visit is Mrs. J- A. MacGregor. She left December 20 for
r.- : t . i i i , ' f r l if T if t:ii U-
oioux City, wnere sne was ine guesi oi ur. anu mrs, j. ivi. xvnuumc,
sister and . husband. While in Sioux. City Mrs. - MacGregor was honor
guest at a number of delightful social the Blackstone hotel on
VVednesdav evening. January 12.
The dance will be the fost Creighton
party since the holiday! and wilt be
an informal one.
Players' Club.
The EftTe. Steen Kittelson Studio
players have dramatized "From, a
Far Country" and will present it
Wednesday night at the regular
meeting of the. Studio Players' club.
Members' of the club will also offer
Austin Dobson's "Au Revcir," and
Oliphant Down's one act play, "The
Maker, of Dreams."
. Dancing Party.-
Temple ' Israel Brotherhood will
give a iormal dancing party at the
Btackstojie, Monday evening.
Qlee Club.
The Boys' and Girls' Glee club of
High School of Commerce will give
an operetta on February 4 and 5, at
the Central High school auditorium.
Johanna Anderson is in charge.
-': Lodge Dance.
'.-Welcome Grove, Woodman Cifcle,
will give a dance Thursday evening
at the Swedish Auditorium.
' . f Good Time Club.
' A dance will be given by the
Good Time club Wednesday eve
ning at Lyric half.
Hp kE ONE moment in
J- your ' life you will
never regret is the one
in; which you order a
Grafonola for your
home, especially when it
comes from Bowen,
where every model is
shown and where service
is supreme. '
We now carry a
full and complete
line of all Colum
bia Records.
We will be pleased to
place a machine with a
selection of Records in
your home any time, and
payments can be; ar
ranged to suit your' con
venience. ,
W'Bowgii (6
- mwtt
' j) " I' 1
V. ' -
returned to Omaha this, bast week
affairs. ''- t- .- , '
Prettiest Mile Club.'
; ' Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Schafef will
entertain 14 guests at dinner a', the
Prettiest "Mile Club, Saturday even
ing. Smaller parties !will 'be'iven
by Charles Davis, J. E Kirk, How
ard Hawk and. E. F. Gray ,' . . .
There' will be no Communify Din
ner Tuesday evening.' ,;, 44 ;
See Our
Mr? and Mrs. Herbert Hayes of
Lincoln spent Saturday in Oniaha.
Miss Gladys Beaumont of Lincoln
was i visitor in Omaha on Friday.
- Miss Vera Wesin is spending the
week end at Lincoln, Neb., with Mrs.
E. C. Johnson.
F. H. Davis, who has been ill at
his apartment at the Blackstone, is
now convalescing.
Mrs. Max Westerman has re
turned to Lincoln after a brief visit
in Omaha late this week.
' Verne Vance, who spent the holi
days in Omaha, has returned to the
University of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H.' Davies, for
merly of Omaha, now of Los Ange
les, are in the city. They are stop
ping at the Rome hotel
Mrs. William N. Anderson, who
has been ill at the Clarkson hospital,
was removed to her home, Friday.
Her condition is improved.
Miss Grace Meyer leaves Sunday
for California to join her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer, who
arc spending the winter there.
' Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Spens of
Chicago, who were the guests for
a.vornl rfavs rtf Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam T. Burns, left Thursday for their
Marshall Mas?ee of Spring Lake,
N. J son of Jerry Magee, has re-tiu-ned
to" his home' after speeding
the holidays with his father at the
Omaha club.
Mr anrl Mr. Robert Wood of
Texas returned Wednesday to their
home after a short visit with Mr.
Wood's mother, Mrs. Ben Wood, at
the Blackstone. . . ,
. Mr. and Mrs. W H. McCord tl
January 1 for California. They are
now at Riverside, but expect to tur
the entire statev before their re-.urn
to Omaha about May 1. ,'; .
Miss . Nathine Talbot' ha re
turned to Lindenwood serior .girls'
college, after spending the holiday
season with her. parents hare, Mr.
and Mrs.N. O. Talbot.
Mr. and Mrs. - Harold E. White
have arrived at Calcutta, India;
where they 'will make their home.
Mrs., White was formerly Miss Vir
ginia Crofoot, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. F. Crofoot. -
Mrs. Warren Rogers and daugh
ter, Miss Mildred Rogers, landed
last week in- San Francisca on the
S. S. Ecuador after a several months'
trip through the Orient. They .ex
pecK,to ".spend some.' time in CaliV
fornia. ""-.,v '
' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ' Heaney
left this week for Da'lhart, Tex. Mr.
Heaney will return after a few days
but Mrs. Heaney will remain for a
short time for a visit with he,r aunt,
Mrs. H. A. Greenough. and Mr.
Greenough.; -, '
Mrs. LE.: Baum and Miss Kath
erine Baum of Philadelphia, Pa.,
formerly of Omaha, arrived Wednes
day to spend- two weeks with friends.
At present they are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilhelm.
Following their visit in Omaha, they
will go to California to spend the re
mainder of the winter. : f i
Ray- Millard, who lauded in Van-
; 1S08-1S10
"'.,'' ' ' ' -,- 'k -
' 1 I ONDAY we
f) L misses' Suits that in 'point of real value far sur
passes, we believe, any .similar eyeht held in the
city. Nearly 225 Suits will go at prices that, in mostv
every instance, hardly pay for the material or trim
ming. It's the greatest suit buying opportunity yet
arinounced. - ,
..... ; ,
Duvetn :'ff,-:
Chamohlvn .
Evqta ;;'YaMmayMarvtUa
h Trkoiine Y clow heel ;.'v.
- Y
Rich Fur 'Trimmed, Handsomely
Embroideted and Smart Plain Ta$
bred Models. Women toho desire
Quality and Style at a Very Lon ..
Pried will see theseSuits Tomorrow.
The Julius Orkin-Storeihas for
many years maintained 4 the .
value-giving leadership in Omaha
and it's" through just such mar
velous events as this Great Suit.
; Sale Monday that this leadership
" has been held.
r,''':'V-:i;''t' ;
Our advice u to be here early, as
many of the suits involved are
one-of-a-kind models! fv
Bride of New
f - "I -
Mrs. Mearon Pollack, nee Miss Elizabeth Larsen, was a bride of Nw
Year's day, her marriage to Mr. Pollack having taken place 'ft St An
drews Episcopal church, Rev." A. H. Marsden, officiating; She is the
daughter of T. C. Larsen of this city. Mr. Pollack formerly "resided in
De Kalb, Tex. . '' '
' Mr. and Mrs. Pollack will be at home in Los Angeles at the Alex
andria hotel after January 15. " "
Chautauqua Notes.
A new chautauqua" circle, to be
known as the Minne Lusa Chautau
qua circle was organi7ed Friday at
the home of Mrs. B. A. Waugh.
The first meeting will be held
Monday afternoon, 2 o'clock, at the
home of Mrs. A. D. Nunn, 2730
Redick avenue. The, lesson will be
the introduction ia "History of
France." Mrs. B. A. Waugh. leader.
couver Thursday ' after a year's
journey htrough the Orient, is ex
pected home the first of the week
and will be with Mr. and Mrs. Bar
ton Millard. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mil
lard and Joseph Millard are expected
to land . this week . at Cape Town,
Africa, on their way around the
world. .
Dons St
Filial Disposal of
' ' .r ''.''
will hold a Sale of women's and
Dihel de Lame
Years Day
,,,1 nam mi . 3f ,;0 ,
Columbian Club..
Mesdames, J; W.'Kennebeck and
William Fletcher will entertain the
Columbian club at the club rooms,
Twenty-second and Locust streets
Wednesday atternoon at 2:30
o'clock. :" ...
For Miss Falk.' ;
Mrs. N. Weisman entertained " in
formally at tea, at her home, Wed
nesday afternoon, in honor of Miss
Minnie Falk of Sioux City, la., house
guest of Mrs. Sam Sniead.
.Canteen Meeting.
Miss Bessie Mahoney will be host
ess at the meeting of Company B,
Red Cross canteen,- Monday after
noon at 2:30 at the Blackstone Hotel.
Sale Starts
9 a. m. Sharp
Worth to $45
.' '
Worth to $75
Worth to $125
Daughter of Mrs. Stanton
, ' tWrites
(Continued From Vt One.)
parents dined in Dublin, Ireland. She
asked the Irish liberator, as O'Cbn
nell was called, if he expected t'o win
liberty for Ireland. "No," he replied,
"but always demand the uttermost,
then you will get something 1"
. "Of- course .those on the platform
were furious at her for springing
her resolution in the convention; it
created hot debate, but the brilliant
defense of Douglass, and her own
eloquence , and logic so roused the
audience 't1iatmany arose and spoke
for her side. And 4fl$r a Iwo hours'
tussle the resolution was carried, , so
tljat Elisabeth Cady Stanton's de
mand from the first svas those three
Httle words: "Votes for Women."
"Susan B, ?Anthony was not pres
eqt at thatTirst convention. , She did
not come into the movement till
three years -later, 1851. But almost
from the day of their; first meeting
she and my mother- became the
warmest friends, and Stood jaobly by
each other for over 60 .-yean. Theirs
was probably one of he most beau
tiful friendships that ever existed be
tween two women. '
RENCE. . :,
Edgehill Inn, Spuyten-Duyvil-on-Hudson.
Bostoh's oldest woman voter is
Annie Stone, who at the age of 101
has registered so that she will be
eligible to vote at the coming elec
tion. .
It is the RICHEST
malt extract made
.. AiAny Dtakr't
H No. irktl Strati. Gktct .
i ' -Homelike
combined with a con-
' venient location and the
hopeful religious at
mosphere which should
prevail characterise our
'Residential Funeral Tariffs
2616 Farnam St. !.
Phtnt Harney 045
r Cash Market Specials for
At 4903 South 24th St. i 212 North 16th St
. 2408 Cuming St
Sugar Cured v
1 Regular Hams
(V2 or Whole)
Every Ham Guaranteed
Special at 1C '
Fancy Small Lean
Pork Chops
; ! Special at 23C
I Choice f '
Leaf Lard
Special at J
Strictly Fresh
Special at 15C
Fancy Sugar Cured
O2 or Whole Sides)
Special at 246
Choicest Cut
Chuck Roast
Special at 12 V2'C
Choicest Cut
Porterhouse Steak
Special at 23 C
Compound Lard
Special at per lb,
Chew More; Eat Less
It sounds 'absurd to say that we
do not have time to chew our food
sufficiently, yet scientists tell us that
we do not chew it enough to get
full benefit of its nourishment ' ,
The more thoroughly pur food is "
chewed, the more nourishment we
receive from it. and consequently,
the less food we require.
Everything we eat or drink should
be taken slowly so as to be wt-ll
mixed with saliva,' Even milk
should be slowly sipped instead of
being drunk as water'.'
At present the Women Police
service is only a semiofficial or
ganization, working in London and
otner large English cities, but an
attempt is being made to have it
incorporated into the regular po
lice orce under the home secre
tary's office.
Dry Cleaning,
Properly Admin
istered, Covers
a Marvelous
We, for instance, will
successfully clean any
thing and everything
from a suit of cl6thes to
the interior upholstering
of an automobile.
Or, to take it from
another angle, anything
from a fine lace waist to
a Turkish rug.
Phone Tyler 0345.
South Side Branch Phone
is number "South 0050."
Cleaners Dyers
2211-17 Farnam Street
Pure Lard
Special at per lb.,
1 I