Society . McArdle-Sullivan. ' The maiage of Miss May Agnes tsnllivan HaiiL'htrr nf Xfrc Sarah A tuITivan. and Philip McArdle took place Thursday morning at St. 1'eters church. The crremony was (allowed by a breakkfast at the Sul livan home. Mr. and Mrs. Baldrige Leave. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldrige will leave Omaha Friday evening for a six-week trip to California and Honolulu. Members of the Drama league are expressing regret in the loss of Mrs. Baldrige as heir publici ty chairman during this brief period. She is serving her second year as chairman of publicity for the Drama league. Her success in this capacity has been highly commended by those interested in the organiza tion. The Camp Fire gVls, Asso ciated Charitiesaiid numerous other local groups have received Mrs. Baldrige's unstinting' support nnd are even now anticipating her return and resumption of responsibility among them. ' v Attending House Parties. Misses Helen Gallagher and Be nita McCrann, who spent the last two weeks in Kearney as the guests oi airs. Niamey jvenar, are new in Humphrey, where they are visiting Mrs. Joseph Breen. During their visit in Kearney they were enter tained t a series of dinner parties and a number of dances. They will return to Omaha the latter part of . the week. Dinner Party. Mr. and. Mrs. George Brandcis en tertained at a dinner of 12 covers at their home, followed by a theater party, Thursday evening. The honor nesis were airs. Lawrence rteea of New York, who ts,the'guest of Mrs. A. V. Kinsler, and Mrs. M. J. Carney, Mrs. Hugo Brandeis of New Yorlf who are guests at the Bran ideis home. Movies at Yates School A motion picture, "Little Vom ien," will be shown in the' auditorium f ' Henry W. Yates school Friday evening, 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Parent-Teachers' association. At Dinner Dance. Mr. and MrssHarry M. Binder entertained at the Wednesday eve ning dinner dance at the Prettiest Mile club. Their guests were Messrs. 'and Mesdames E. A. Weir, Smart Gould, L. W. Smetana, J. M. Lowe and B. I. Reavis. Silver Wedding Anniversary. A reception was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grau'of Kennington, on the afternoon of J.-'tuiary 2, the occasion being their w5t!i wedding anniversary. Prettiest Mile Club. Saturday will be guest day at the children's matinee dance at the Pret tiest Mile -club. Personal A son, Robert, was born January 2 at Fengcr hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ashtoiv.' Mrs. X-.J- Hanishea has returned liome afVc'f 'spending several 'weeks in Chicago and Michigan. frc i Tawrpnr, T?pprt arrlvprl Thursday from New York to be the guest otMrs; A. V. Kinsler ; ; S. W. Hadlcy,' son of' Mrs.' F. B. Hadley. has entered Kemper Mili tary school at Boonville, Mo. Miss Lydia McCague has returned to her home here after a visit with Mrs. George Marbles in Evanston, -111. Miss Marjorie Christie has re turned from Bruning, Neb., where she visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Philippi. A son, Alfred Steadman, was born Thursday to Mr.. and Mrs. Alfred R. Cre'sap. Mrs. Cresap was formerly Miss Florence Steadman. A daughter, Virginia, was born , December 31 to Mr .and Mrs. Frank Winthrow Smith of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Irene Dyball of this city.- Misses Angelijie and Mary Cronin of Platte Center spent Thursday in Omaha with Mrs. C. M. Gruenther: They were en route to their home 7rom Memphis, Tenn. : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Canfield of Council Bluffs announce the birth of a daughter on December 31 at the Jcnifie Edmundson hospital. Mrs. Canfield was formerly Miss Bertha Brown. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Blessing and son, Michael, of Curt:s, Neb., and Mr. and Mr. M. J. Higgins and son, John, of Mayord, Neb., who spent "the holidays here with Mrs. Michael Higgins, have returned to their re flective homes. ' Spots on Carpets To remove oil or grease spots from carpets, lay a piece of blotting p iplr over the spot and' set a flatiron on top, the iron being just hot eiiough not to scorch. Change the paper as often as it becomes greasy. After most of the oil has been ex tracted apply whiting; leave it on for a day or two, then brush off, and the spot will have disappeared. ADVERTISEMENT. - FORJLUMBAGO Try Musterole. See How Quickly It Relieves Y,ou just rub Musterole in briskly, and Usually the pain is gone a delicious, sootliingcomfort cornea to takeits place. Musterole is a dean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. Use it instead of mustard plaster. Will not blister. Many doctors and nurses use Muster ole and recommend it to their patients. They will gladly tell yon what relief it gives from tore throat; bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, pain 8 and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest. Always dependable. 35c and 65c jars; hospital size $3.00 IPS What's What By HELEN DECIE 1 A generation ago every young man contemplating matrimony was supposed to learn how to carve, so that, as mine host, in iater life, with skill and grace, .he could cut and administer portions of fish and meat. Jf he was an accomplished carver he managed very well, but about four times in ten, he was more or less clumsy and slow, and the embar rassing""" wait during the cutting-up process had to be screened by barrage of small ta'k. So, by degrees, the very much more sensible Russian service was adopted; the cut meat brought from the kitchen smoking; hot on warm plates, served quickly to each guest and followed by the prompt passing of the hot vegetables. In this way the dinner begins at once, each course is served swiftly, and there are fio awkward pauses Young men who marry and set up housekeeping in this age know and care little about carving. The service a la Russe has saved them infinite trouble. Clubdom Mrs. John Slaker To Visit In v Omaha Mrs. John Slaker of Hastings, president of the Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, will arrive in Omaha Friday to spend the -weekend with Mrs. L. M. Lord, enroute to Des Moines, where she will attend the national conference on parks, to be held in that city January 10-12. Mrs. Slaker will return to Omaha January 13 to remain for several days. On Friday, January 14, she will go to Valley to attend a meet ing of the Valley Woman's club and she will be the guest of the f apilhon Woman's club Saturday, the 15th. Mrs. Slaker will be honor guest at the open day meeting of the Omaha Woman's club Monday after noon,. January 17. Following the meeting a reception will be held in her honor. A luncheon will also be given for her on that day, the details of which will be announced later. Mrs. Slaker will spend Friday of this week in Lincoln. She will speak in Falls City and Aurora before re turning to her home. For Black Goods Tn freshen atwl clean Tilaclc- clflth TintVi narrcnf warm vatr?riih TTvith sponge or dark cloth; clean with water, tie sure to ruD.wun the nap. Twenty-four American girls have sailed for Belgium, where they will study the silk industry, in order to return and take charge of a largi silk factory now being erected in Virginia. Live. Strong, Vigorous Red Blooded MenTel i of NUXATED IRON Over 4,000.000 people annually are orinc It Nnxated Iron quickly helpi make rich red blood and rentaiiie wornoot, exhausted nerve Atalldragriiti in tablet form only. Bowen's Lower Price FURNITURE SALE now effective in every department of this store. Costs and profits are not thought of in the new, price markings for this sale, giving you bargain opportunities such as very seldom present? themselves. Advertisement ADVERTISEMENT. STOP ITCHING Zemo theK Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Gives Prompt Relief There is one safe, dependable treat ment that relieves itching torture and that cleanses and soothes the skin. Ask any druggist for a 35c or $1 Dottle of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you will find that irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotches, ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. Zemo, the penetrating, .satisfying liquid, is all that is needed, tor it Danishes most skin eruptions, manes (he skin sort, smooth and bealthy. TbtE. W. flow Co..i3eviaad. a ADVEKTISEMJOT. Needed at Dances And the Sea Shore (Aids to Beauty) Here is a home treatment for re moving hairs that is quick, painless and inexpensive: With some pow dered delatone and water make enough paste to thickly cover the objectionable hairs, apply and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and it will be left soft,, clear and hairless. This treatment will not mar the skin, but to avoid disappoint ment, be careful to get real delatone. Mix fresh as wanted. SKIN Americanization Feature of Club Programs:. . MUs Kathcrine Worley, member of the State Board of Control and director for the Nebraska Federa tion of Women's Clubs, addfessed the York Departmental club on "Americanization and Civics" Mon day, January 3. On January 5 the Wisner' Wom an's club put on an Americanization evening to which ,-the general public was invited. A patriotic drill b,y 16 young women, special music 'and an address by Miss Worley on "The . Spirit of Today" were features of the program. "The subject of Americanization is receiving careful study in the women's clubs of the state this year, following up the 6plendid start made last season," says Miss Worley. "Americanization and the Function of the Club Woman" was the subject of discussion -before the Miriatare Woman's club recently. Mrs, M. D. McDuffic of Madison conducted a club session on "Americanization in the Public Schools," and the Elm wood Woman's club listened to Mrs. W. N. McLenon discuss "American Art and Music as Factors in Amer icanization." Federated Club Notes. Mrs. W. L. Morrill cf Sterling, president of the First district N. F. V. C, addressed the Adams Wo man's club at their recent meeting on "Ideals and Aims of the Federated Clubs." An art program was con ducted at this meeting by Mrs. F. W. McKibben, who is chairman of art in the Fourth district. The Valparaiso Woman's club sup ports a free library, keeping it ooen Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons during the kxhool year. An appropriation for a number of new books was made at a recent meeting. Miss Mabel Johnson of the Penn sylvania School of Industrial Art, won the $100 Richard Hickson prize for her three creations shown at the school's recent costume exhibit in Philadelphia.--- ADVEBTISEMENT. "Pape's Cold .Compound" Breaks any Cold in Few Hours . Instant Belief! Don't stay stuffed- up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up any cold. The very first dose opens clogged nostrils and the air passages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, feverishness. "Pape's Cold -Compound" - acts quick, sure, and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon Pape's! ADVERTISEM KJUTj BLACKHEADS 60 QUICK ' BY THIS SIMPLE METHOD Blackheads big ones or little ones soft ones or-hard ones .on any part of the . body, go quick by a simple method that just dissolves them. To do this get about two two okr ounces of calonite powder frorti yo; druggist sprinkle a little on a h wet sponge rub over the blac heads briskly lor a few seconds and wash on". You'll wonder where the blackheads have gone. The calonite powder and, tho hot water have just dissolved them. Pinching and squeezing blackheads only open the pores of the skin and leave them open and unsightly and unless the blackheads are big and soft they will not come out, while the simple application of calonite powder and water dissolves them right out, leav ing tho skin soft and the pores in their natural condition. You can get calonite powder at any drug store and if you are trouble with these unsightly blemishes you should cer tainly' try this simple method. ADVERTISEM ENT. KEEP LOOK It's Easy-If You Know Dr, Edwards' Olive Tablets, The secret of keeping young is to feel young to do this you must watch your fiver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in youi face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed will olive oil to acton the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that natural buoyancy which all should enjoy by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. . Dr.Edwards'OliveTabletsare known hv their olive color. 15c and 30c. Luxuriant Hair Due ToCareandCuticura Shampoos with Cuticura Soap pre ceded by light touches of Cuticura OintmtfkS much to cleanse the scalp ofdandruff, allay itching and irritation, arrest falling hair and pro mote a hairgrowing condition, (ul TrwbT fcUil. A-Mnm: "OlUrai, it rfttorlM.Dapt !&a.M&ldn 4 S.DUis " Solrl f vtry- m'rr. Moaotltc. uintnwn. fflaraw. iKiruinoc. Cuticura Soap tharet without mug. m YOUNG THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1921. Problems That Perplex1 Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Lovo Versus Snobbery. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 21' and In love with a man-of SO. lie Is very fine but somewhat cruJ In manner and education. In other words, although I love him, I would hesitate having him meet WJ of my friends, not to say of my Taniily. Now, Miss Fairfax, do you think I would be happy if I married h,im? You'll never bo happy unless you learn to value true worth. Many a fine man is criitle n his manners until some woman takes him in hand. I've known men of aristocratic fam ily and splendid training who really had shocking manners on occasion, though, of course, they knew' better. If the man you ' love is fine, be proud of his character and "make it your business to correct him gently by suggestion. Don't put him out of your life because ho thinks an oyster fork ought to be used for salad. And remember that, even if he doesn't Rnow that he ought to rise when a woman comes into the room where he is sitting, he may have deep rev erence for all that is good and pure in his "crude" heart. The Black Sheep. Dear Miss Fairfax: I would Just like to ask of you some advice. I have been the black sheep of our family for many years. But recently my father died, and I would like to reform. But yam cast aside by every one excepting iny mother. I have begged my uncles and Cousins to give me a chance. But received no reply. H. C. W. It doesn't matter how many folks cast ycu aside since tWe one who counts is standing by. Don't disap point her.- She would-be the proud est of mortals if the one she trusts when all else have lost faith were to disprove their theory and prove hers. Your mother believes In you. That's enough to fight for. Justify her faith in you. You say you want to reform. Then go ahead and do it. Many, a person makes good when there isn't a soul, in all the. world who trusts. You- have your little mother. Don't fail her for now For Her Whose Gift. Has Been , "A Purse of Goulde" An EnHh f cntleman of the time of Quera EHiAeth made hi daughter the sift of "a puree of goulde' that ehe might indulge her childish fanclee. Many maida of 1920 have received "a purco-of fou'w "' year, in the form of a check, and to them we extend a cordial invitation to view our extensive showing of jewel fancies, gifts at prices you will be pleased to pay. HenricksonV Established 1882 HELP IS OFFERED, and b freely given to nervous, delieate women, by Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Re member no alco hol ingredients on label in Tab letorLiquldform. There is but one thing that holds old age bck, and that is health. Sickness and weakness bring old age, wrinklea and hollow eyes early in life. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a building-up medicine for women. It makes them healthy and strong when they suffer from women's troubles.' xjt keeps them looking young by keeping tnem well. Affords protection against in fectious diseases. All prudent persons should avail themselves of this dependable germicide. AT DRUO STORES EVERYWHERB i The Picture i of Health The greatest picture is the Art Gallery of Life is Nature's "Pic ture of Health." Every woman wants to be the embodiment of healthandstrength.foritisperfect physical condition which brings happiness and beauty and wins general admiration and popularity. The Oruf ocnwal Tonic is a wonderful aid in keeping the im portant bodily func tionsstomach, bowels, kidneys in normal, active condi tion and th! meant Yifor. vivacity, beauty. Thousand! are dally ben- cntint by thii splendid laxative tonic, enjoyinc radiant health, anima tion and mental and phyiical itrenfth. Purity Lyko la prepared by expert! in aanitary lab oratories from drug of reeog-nixad therapeutic value. It is para medicine. Ask Your Druggist Lyko cornel In the original packages only. . Too can eat it at any reliable dro giet'a. Ask for bottle today. Seh Manufacturer LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY Now York . Kansas City For silo by Beaton Urug Company, 15th 1 and famam Stt., and all retail druf gUU. 1 ADVERTISEMENT. I ;SSmmmmtmmmmmmmmammmmmmmaSSmimmmmimmmmammmmmmmmi 1 1 . i jj that your father is gone, what has she to make life worth while? You can do it. Go ahead and make good for your mother's sake and for your own honor. Pitch, Tar or Auto Grease. Te remove pitch, grease and tar stain soak in turpentine. Scrape off carefully with a. knife all the loose surface dirt, sponge clean with tur pentine. There is nothing better to remove tar from white clothing than lard. Rub it well into the spot and then wash it out with soap and warm water. x Do not despair, li machine oil gets on your dainty fabrics when stitch ing, but rub the spot gently with a cloth dipped in turpentine and it will soon vanish. Aspirin Then It's Genuine Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufac ture Monoaceticicideater of Salicylicicid. 16th at Capitol HE'S ON I Old Man Dollar Here's your luggage good-bye and good luck. I hope you find the right place. If you need any help, just call for Grandpa. - . The Youngster Dpn't worry about me I know just where I'm going right now. Every body will be glad to meet me just watch the papers and see the welcome I get. Who Is He? That's the Question! ' White Veils. To clean white veils put the veil in a solution of pure white soapy water and allpw. it to simmer for 10 minutes. Drain .carefully and put it in some waj-m, water, squeeze it two or three thjles (a rinse it free from soap, and then pass it through clean DREXEL'S ' Semi-Annual Sale ' ' water to which ha? been added a little liquid blue. Four a pint of boiling water upon a teaspoon of starch dampened' with coldNwater and pass the. veil' through it. Clap it well between the hands, pull out the ish'ape carefully ; and pin every point down, keeping the edges all quite straight. Women's High and Low Shoes a Huge Success It Was Bound to Succeed. The SALE VALUES Are Irresistible. The SAVINGS So Immense. The STYLES and QUALITY of the SHOES So GOOD. WE INTENDED THIS, we started out with the full intention that this sale sheuld excel any sale we have ever held, should beat all pre vious records. The immense reductions make our sale prices the lowest we have offered in years dollai i lower than Spring prices 'can posibly i. Reputable, reliable shoes from America's fore most makers in every size and width, both high and low shoes of all styles at vast savings to you, and we take every care to properly fit you. k . ' New Styles Included in This Sale All dark brown suede lace with welted soles and military heels. $15.00 CinA values pllri3 Same style, in all black suede $9.45 AH Sales Final. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street HIS WAY! 9 To Wash Calicoes Dissolve 5 cents' worth of sugar of lead three to four quarti of pure water (rain water is best). AftQf the garments are washed and rinsed dip them and wring ont; thii sets the color and keeps it. NoJ5eliveries.