Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Omaha Members ,
3 Clash Over Berths
On Committees
Drucsedow Seeking to Keep
Foster Out of Clitics ami
Towns Body of Which He
Wants Chairmanship.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 5. (Special.
Lfforts were made today by uiem
)crs of the Douglas county delega
tion to irgn obt a 'tow between
Drucsedow of Oinaha and foster of
Omaha over berths in the commit
tee on cities and towns. ,
J)ruesedcw, who is a mejiibcr of
tl comniittcc oq committees, is re
ported to b putting up a hot jiaht
to keep Foster out of the cities and
towns committee. Drttcjcdow wants
to be chairman of this committee
and until he began to "knife" Foster
for appoiutmcnt as a member, it
looked as though he would get the
thakmanship which he has held for
two sessions, without trouble.
But Foster seems to have r influ
ence with members of the commit-:
tee.o:t committees out in the state
who arc nisttug that 'he become a
member. Foster claims that his
familiarity with the proceedings of
the two charter convention in Oma
ha will make him a valuable mem
ber of the committee this year
when the charter proposition. comes
Druesender Obdurate.'
Hut Drucsedow, it seems, doesn't
v.ant him, wori'. have him, and
von't consider hi-appointment.
Other members of the Douglas
county delegation with iheir mouths
watering for. certain committee ap
pointments, look upon this row
projected by Drucsedow in the com
mittee on committees as dangerpus
t.t their aspirations. Hence, their
efforts today to endeavor to effect
a compromise.
Robertson of Omaha, wants to" be
on the committee on banks and
bulking; Hascall and Dysart on the
important judiciary. Others are
looking forward to gbod appoint
ments. . ' "- V
Dyball of Omaha, serving on the
commilee 1 on committees with
Drueseflow, is reported to Ae seeV
in "peace at any price.' Dyball
is looked upon as the possible chair
man of the manufacturing com
mittee. ' . " '
Druesedow Warned.
Other members of the Committee
ot" committees tonight told Druese
dow that he would have either ti;
patch up his personal quarrel yllh
Foster or lose chairmanship -of the
committee on towns and Cities, ac
cording to a report here. Robert
son of Omaha . was . spoken of as
chairman of the coihmittee in . the
event Drensdow , refused' to sit on
the same committee with Foster ?nd
the committee members made, good
their threat. '" , . . " .:,
"Such a fight not' only hurts the
Omaha delegation in tlieir personal
desires, it weakens, our standing in
the lower houe and that hurts the
city of Omaha member, ;of the
Omaha delegation -said."', Vrf'. ., .
Governor.Will Hold Two
? Receptions This Week
Lincoln. Neb., Jan. 5. (Special.)
Official Nebraska will take- part in
two gutrnator!al receptions at the
executive-mansion this week one
Thursday night for the general pub
lic, and. the titer Friday night for
state house employes. ;.
No fortnal invitations have been
issued for the -public reception
Thursday night althoogh farmers at
tending ttie sessions of organized
agriculture are specially, invited. The
reception ' Friday night is for state
house employes, alone.
Adjt.-Gen. H. J. Paul is in charge
of the arrangements for both recep
tions. , :- ' i
Members Eagerly Await
! Gov. McKelvie's Message
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 5. (Special.)
The .political 'eye of all Nebraska
will be upon Lincoln tomorrow,
wjien Got. S. R. McKelvie is to de
liver his message before a joint ses
sion of the house and senate.
This message has been tlie means
of stifling discussion of any proposed
legislation since the solons arrived
in Lincoln. Everyone is waiting to
ascertain what the governor - pro
poses in the way of solution of
numerous perplexing problems.
Beebe Har Bill Ready to
; Abolish Reference BureaV
; Lincoln. Neb., Jan. 5. (Special.)
Senator H.'C Beebe of Osceola has
his bill abolishing the state legis
lative reference bureau ready fir in
troduction and it probably will be
one of the first pleasures thrown into
the hopper next week. vBeebe's bill
trapsfers the duties of.' the bureau
to the state library commission, the duty of the commis
sion to' furnish the legislature with
any information which it may desire.
Beebe believes the reference bureau
is a needless expense.'
,i . f
Members Asked to Delay
: Introduction of Bills
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 5. (Special.)
Walter L. Anderson, speaker of the
lower : bouse, .. warned ?t members
against, early introduction, of bills.
"I would advise that you wait un
til the committees are appointed . be
fore presenting bills," lie said.'
. The house and senate today met
and transacted routine business,
necessary in getting the legislative
machinery in working order. v
Executive Mansion . ..
Ban on Dancing Lifted
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 5. (Special)
Dancing, which has been under
executive ban for years at the ex
ecutive mansion, will be-a. part of
(be1 program Thursday night, the
ccasion being ' the inaugural ball.
The public is invited to the affair.
Governor and Mrs. McKelvie will
; hold a reception Friday night for
state house employes and their
wives and members of the legisla
ture and their wives. ''
Nearlv 5 per cent of the members
,of the German trade unions. are un
employed at the present time.
Pile Cured in 6 to 14 Days
Tina-lsta refund monry If PAZO OIXT
MKNT fulls to cure ItrhltiR. THInd, t3l?el
rt or Protruding MlM. Instantly re
line Itching Plica, aiul you ran net rt-
ajpife fttc inl apolteaUoa, toe.
Some Nebraska Representatives '.
- iv" f' r
, l' i
1 N
Value of State ?
Property Fixed
At $57,077,8.14
Lands, Buildings and Equip
ment Worth $45,230,671,
According to First Inven-
. tory Ever Made.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 5. (Special.)
The resources of .Nebraska are
$67,077,834 and the liabilities nothing,
according to the biennial report .is
sued by State Auditor George W.
The report places the ..-value of
lands, buildings and equipment
owned by the state at $45,230,671.
This is the first time thit an inven
tory has ever been made of state
The inventory lists $11,151,320 as
investments in interest bearing bonds.
The total value of the University
of Nebraska, all of its buildings,
grounds, improvements and equip
ment, is given as $6,692,234, while the
buildings alone are listed at $3,641,
S1S. The total value of all state
buildings is placed at, $10,521,729.
The 15 state institutions under the
board of 'control are listed at $6,t)36,
328. - ' , " '
In the item of sundry departments,
which includes the state capitol, fair
grounds, leased school lands, fish
eries" and road equipment, is a total
of $30,437,008. Of this amount $26.
228,951 is for school land, $645,896
for the state capitol, $45,000 for the
governor's mansion and $1,197,364
for the department of public works.
Valuation of the normal schools is
fixed at. $2,014.620. ' .
Howling of Dog Leads
Balloonists to Safety
(Contlnned From Page One.) '
night and' waited for daylight. With
rentwed- spirits they set out ii the
morning in a southerly direction un
til they again saw the smokestackjin
the distance. Making for it, they met
the aged Indian, Tom Marian.' He
took, to his heels, pursued by Lieu
tenant Kloor, who caught the old
man and induced him td lead them
to a refuge. He took them to 'his
hut and from there sent his wife
to Moose Factory to notify Hud
son Bay company men of. the ap
pearance of the three strangers.
After their departure from Rock
away, N. Y., they said, the balloon
drifted northward toward the Adi
rondacks until, in the "vicinity of
Fork mountain, near Wells, N. Y
it was caught by a terrific -storm.
The officers felt no alarm, however,
and decided not to send cut any of
the pigeons, reserving tficm for 'a
more serious situation. -
They expected to take a westerly
course aftr reaching the St. Law
rence river, but before arriving there
they were caught by a southeast gale
which swept them toward Canada.
No effort was made to make a land
ing until they reached Southlands.
There three attempts were made be
fore success was attained.
At Moose Factory immediate ef
forts were made to send word of
their safety to their families and
friends and Indian runners were senf
back. Then plans for their own de-.
partttre were started. Two dog
sleds were made ready and equip
ment prepared. The balloonists told
McLcod. before they set out 10 days
ago, they planned to go to Toronto
and from there to New York.
Country Press Accorded
Recognition by the House
The country press received recog
nition in the lower house todav
Lincoln, Neb.. Jan. 5. (Special.)
when the custodian was directed to
prepare press boxes for newspaper
men from the short grass. Snow of
Chadron introduced the resolution
which called for the recognition of
the country press. Snow is- pub
lisher of a newspaper at Chadrqn, ,
?enry Averts
Saline Water Doing .
Damage to Boilers
r . At State Hospital
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 5. (Special.)
The saline water supplying the Lin
coln state hospital for, the insane at
Lincoln has eaten through four of
the, five boilers in the heating. plant,
according to Chairman" Oberlies of
the board, of control. '
'.. Two-boilers have been out of serv
ice at a .time and the entire burden
thrown oh the remaining three.' Had
the weather been severe, the in
mates would have suffered, Mr.
Oberlies said. There are 900 in
mates Jand 200 -employes quartered
at the institution and a heavy re
sponsibility is felt in the matter of
heatiner. - .. . i T
; Chairman Oberlies believes it wilt
be necessary to change the entire
heating system at the institution at
an expense of $30.000.
Row Ends Meeting
Of City Commission
, (Continued From Pare One.) -
11 children," said the police com
missioner. Commissioner Zimman stated that
half of the families of firemen are
not able to lje properly on the
present .wages.
' Women Suggest Courtesy.
Mayor Smith noted' that there was
a limited amount of money to ap
propriate to the departments and that
if the- fire and. police departments
were allowed the proposed increases,
other departments would have to be
CUt. : !
Mrs. H. J; Bailey, who attended
the meeting with a committee of the
women from the Omaha Woman's
club, Stated at the close of the meet
ing; that courtesy' would be a fine
thing to observe in the city council
chamber. Inferentially,, she made; it
known that the women heard dis
courteous words exchanged between
the men., -- :"
W. A. Fraser of the public library
tWnmission-made an appeal for an
appropriation" of "$75,000 for the
library this year. '. The council ap
propriated '$60,000 last year. . ',; -. .'
Woman Is Burned.
Gravity, Ja., Jan. , 5. Miss Jane
Otis, 75, was burned to death in her
home here last night, which shi had
occupied alone for. years. Only
fragments of her remains could be
found.. An investigation is being
made. 1 . !' " ' .:-.-
' '
Are You Full of Of e and Energy
at 50? Still Going StrongNo?
3Then Eat More Spinach and Carrots with Ofganic Iron
to Help Give You Rich, Red Blood and Revitalize
" Your Wornout Exhausted Nerves.
YOUR BLOOD. Without iron your blood loses its power to change food into
living tissue and therefore nothing you eat does you the proper amount of good
you do not get sufficient strength and energy out of it.
Thousands of people suffer from iron-starvation of the blood and are weak,
nervous and ailing all the while WITHOUT.: SUSPECTING THE REAL
' : .. .. . --..
If ytw uc not wiWn to eat th pecti of (rultf
nd vff i-ubtet and the huaka of grain to ai to
get aniificieat quantity of organic iron for your
blood, at nature intended you ihould do, thrn
you should eat plenty of irnn-eontainiat foodt
like crinach. carrott and baked apple and re
inforce them from time to time with a little
Drganic iron, which you can obtain from your
druigitt under toe name oi Nuxated Iron.
Nuxated Iron repreaentt arcank iron in iiach
I highly concentrated form that one dose of it
l estimated to be approximately equivalent (In
rganiciroa content) to eating half a quart of
minach. one quart of greea vegetable or four
u-ge apple. It s like taking extract of beef in
Head of eating pounds ot meat. Nuxated Iron
partially predigested and ready for almost im
nediate absorption and assimilation by the
kd while metallic iron la fronjustasitcomes
a(OXE,N Sow
Committee Chairmen
Are Picked at Lincoln
(Continued From Page One.) '
of the , members t had neglected ,to
hand in their committee preferences
at the opening of the session Wed
nesday aid Chairman Bushee again
requested that members make cer
tain to outline their wishes in com
mittee work.' - ' 1
Practically lLvof the more im
portant committee assignments will
go' to tlie' veteran members of the
senate.: ' ' '. '
There sa lively scramble- on the.
for two. places the'i chairmanship of
the judiciary. -commiWee'i and the
chairmanship of the vlommittee on
revenue and taxation." ,. ,
'- v Omahang in Race. -
S.efator Cooper of.Omaha and Sen
atoV ($.' J. - Warner-, jof. Waverly a
member of the Lancaster county
delegatton, are believed to have the
best chances for leading the chair
manship 'of the judicary commitfce.'
Senator Robbing of Omaha, anbth-
j er. veteran, is regarded as practically
certain oUjis job as chairman of the
committee on cities and towns. Sena
tor Bcrka .of Douglas county has
ambitions to head the committee on
medical societies, 'it "is said, while
Seriator Davis, another Omaha mem-
cbr, may. bnd the chairmanship of
the banking committee. Davis is not
ambitious,: for -any chairmanship.
Senator Saunders: another of the vet
erans, xatr have nearly anything he
.i - r - i. i'
wants m.ine-way .oi a cnairinansuip.
The chairmanship of the committee
cn education, which is one of the
bigposts. will lundoubtedly go to
Senator Sturm foi Nehawka, whih
Senator C. B. Anderson of Lancaster
county-'is . counted upon as a likely
prospect, for the committee on taxa
tion, ; ''-.-: '. - x ' '
There is lrttlc prospect . that any
bills .will be introduced in the senate
before, the , next weelC ,
' 1 '-'V. . . ' .
Several Are Wounded ;
In Cork Bomb Outrage
Cork. Jan. i.--Another. bombing
instance,'-resulting in wounding
of six, constables, jfollpw-ed by rifle
snd machine gun firing and wound
ing of several civilians, occurred tor
night. ' jl-- ' ' '
. A detachment of police "was cross
ing Parnell bridge when a bomb ex
pioded among them. " A large :for'ce
from police headquarters promptly
turned out, with rifles and machine
guns. These, itis stated, were turn
ed on- the neighboring streets. ,
Two .women, and th,ree or four
men ' were vounded, but not fatally.
from the action of various acid oa amaj piece
of iron. .
To prove to yourself what Nuxated Iron will
do, get yowdnctor to takto a specimen of jour '
blood and make a'llopd count" of your red
blood corpuscles, then take Nuxated Iron for a
month and hae a new blood-count" made
and are now your red blood corpuscles have
increased and how muchurer ana richer your
blood has become; how much stronger and bet-.
ter you feel; also note how the color has come
back-to your cheeks, and what a difference it
has made in your nerves.
Over 4.000,000 people annual! are using
Nuxated Iran. If you are not feeling quite up
to the mark telephone for a package today.
Your money will be refunded by the manufac
torersif jroa do not obtain perfectly satisfactory
results. At all druggist.
Jobs in Senate
Chamber Start
, floated Debate
f -... - ,
r '
"Committee of One" Reed
Finds Plan of : Picking Em
ployes Not Favored; Many.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. S.-Speclal.)
A minor insurrection broke out in
the Nebraska state ' senate on the
second day's session of the 40th
legislative ' session over the" matter
of employes. .'' : '.' .,
The storm broke around the head
of Senator Perry Reed of Hender
son, who has been entrustei withrthe
sole responsibility of hiring trh-
ployes tor the state senate. ;
Reed's appointment-as the com
mittee on employes - for the, state
senate was announced at the open
ing of the session Wednesday" morn
ing and was immediately approved
by the other members.-"., v. ,
' Abolish Easy Jobs. "
Then Senator Reed announced
that the 'committee on employes'
would attempt to abolish some of the
easy jobs and . to save as much
money for the state as-possible. He
said , that one clerical position and
three or four custodial positions
could just as well be dispensed with
and their duties transferred to other
employes of the senate.
Mr. Reed said there would be no
attempt to reduce the stenographic
force, inasmuch as a majority of the
members had a voluminous corre
spondence with their constituency
and every effort would be made to
see that it was handled expeditious
ly. He thought, however, that no
senator should use the time of
stenographers to type priyate letters
not connected- with the state's busi
ness. : . . y :r - .. . -Places
:Were Filled., i;
Senator ReeJ then followed ; his
announcement up by stating that all
of the positions, with the exception
of a clerical job and several steno
graphic places,' had been filled: and
no more employes would be needed.
Those already ..employed ' would be
retained only so' long as1 they gave
satisfactory service. "; Reed's ; state
ment brought Hoagland to his feet
with a protest. 1 ,
"I'm going to insist that enough1
stenographers be employed to handle
the correspondence and business of
this senate properly," the North
Platte senator said..' "There , is no
economy in asking a senator to per
form clerical wor,k." , .,; '
Senator -- B. K ;Bushee followed
Hoagland with assurances that the
coVnmittee on employes did not in
tend to restrict any necessary em
ployes. . , T, -;Sf, . ;
y. No Pay Boost' :
"We do object, however, to having
resolutions cpme in during the middle
of Jhis session or towards- the tail
endj to boost salaries. - Every, "em
ploye necessary to carry ort th busi
' ness xif this senate will be employed,
but we do not propose to have salary
boosts rurt in on. us." (
Senator Cooper of Omaha contri
buted to the debate with some rather
pointed remarks, t . ,
"IT wouW like to submit a few
proposals for employes," Cooper
said, replying to a statement made
by Keed that he would bke to have
members turn in "their -applications
for employment to him, ' "This is
the irst in&natiotv" I have received
that the list-of employes had been
made-up. We have a few worthy
applicants and I want their applica
tions to receive consideration.
' Gannon Has Friends.
Benjamin "Gannon closed. the de
bate by observing .that he repre
sented threeor four, of the largest
counties m the state and he had run
ahead- of the republican ticket in his
territory. He had three or four ap
plications he thought were deserving
of attention. :'.'
After disposing- of the . employes
matter, the senate 'recessed to meet
with the houseful joint session to
canvass the vote.
There 'were indications that the
senate might overrule Senator Reed
in his employes' program. - .
" In .a machine for fastening hoops
around casks by hydraulic pressure
magnetized rings hold the hoops
cear until the casks are raised to the
right position to receive them.
THE ONE' moment in
your life you wjll '
never regret is the one
in which yon order a.
Grafonola for your
home, especially when it
comes fl from ., Bowen's,
where ; every model , is
shown and where service
13 supreme.
we now carry a
full and- complete
line of all Colum
bia Records. -
We will be pleased o
place a, machine with a
. selection . of Records ,jn"i
payments can be 'ar. "
; ranged to suit yrjur' con
venience. ' ' ' ,
W'Bowen (b
astsiriwnsaa .
. gaat, am
' t( . . . 5...
Defendant in Murder
Causes Big Sensation
By Kissing Widow
Chirac Tribune-Omaha Bee LeaAd Wire.
Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. e. Panic
gripped the crowd at the George B.
Xott murder trial here today, when
Elwood G. Wade, 23, milk peddler
on trial for's murder, leaned
over as he was 'passing Mrs. Ethel
Hutchinson Nott, wife of the mur
dered man, and : kissed her full on
the lips.
With a scream, Mrs. Nott stag
gered from her seat, just as Deputy
Sheriff Frank Pasanella landed with
his fist on young Wade's jaw.
' Wade's pretty , young wife, sitting
a few feet from Mrs. Nott, the
"other wofnan in the case," screamed
as she witnessed her husband's action,-
threw her hands to her face,
and then with -a moan, fainted into
the arms of Wade's mother and an-!
oth,er woman friend.
Mrs. Nott, who is also held on a
charge of first degree murder in con
nection with her husband's death,
went into hysterics following Wade's
"Take her out " yelled the
crowd. Two deputy sheriffs rushed
her from the coUrt room. It was the
second' time during the day that the
wife of the murdered man had been
carried from the court room.
Two Unidentified Men
Killed by Explosion
Williamson. W. Va., Tan. 5.- Two
unidentified men were killed in a
dynamite explosion near the mine of
the Crystal Block Mining company
at Gates, 10 miles from,Williamson,
last night, according' to' information
received by thei Williamson Coal
Operators' association.
The bodies were found near the
boarding house of 30 negro employes
of' the Crystal Block mine, and a
large hole in the ground bore evi
dence of the explosion. Informa
tion available was that the president
and secretary of the local miners'
union in the region were reported
missing. Strike headquarters xcould
not verify the Tfeporft
Now Gets 48 Eggs
A Day Instead of 3
Mr Vincent Curwd Hi Hen of the
Loafing Habit. Easily Don.
"My egg; supply has increased wonder
fully. Early in January, I started using
Don Sung. ' I had been getting about
eggs every other day from 70 hens. By
the end of January I was getting 80 eggs
a day. In two weeks more, I waa getting
48 a day." G. W. Vincent, South, Ky. -
Mr. Vincent' results, in January, prove
that you can get the eggs when eggs are
high. It' no trouble and costa nothing to
try. , , t .
: Give your hens Don Sung and watch re
sult for one month. If you don't find that
It pays -for itself and pays ycj a good
profit . besides, simply tell us and your
money-will- be cheerfully refunded.
Don Sung (Chinese for egg-laying) is a
scientific tonic and conditioner. It ia easi
ly given in the feed, improve the hen's
health, and makes her stronger and more
Jctive.' It tones up the egg-laying organs,
nd gets the eggs, no matter bow cold or
wet the weather. .
. 'Don Sung can be obtained promptly from
you druggist or poultry Temedy dealer, or
send. 52c or $1.04 (includes war tax) for
ar package by mail prepaid. Burrell-Dug-ger
Co., 214 Columbia Bldg., Indianapolis,
id. )- ;
Let the
A. B. C.
! Gentler- Than Human Hands
v I'ou can enttyk your daintiest pieces laces, blouses, negligees to the A. D. C .
. Ekctric Washer. 1 - ..;
: ' .'.'. ; : - :;
A few Copper ;Body Thors with Stationary Wringers, regularly,
priced at $173.25; First Annual Clearance Sale Price, only;
- Lf it is real
Shop, where
at a saving.
.r warn gam w - r m t
cant sav
II I a-r-
is jfood for anv
there arc many
imitation loaves ot
on the mariwt
insist m
our little tiadeV
marli-its oarr
guarantee of its
5,500 square feet of office
' space with additional
27,000 square feet for
files or storage at re
markably low rental of
80c per foot.
Private offices, fixtures,
pneumatic tube equip
ment, etc., complete. Im
. mediate possession. Ad-
dress R-85, Omaha Bee.
limited number of these liigh-grado cylin
der type' Washers1 which were used for
display purposes only at our
Annual Clearance
Sale Price of $11 8.75
These Washers are regularly priced at $157.50,
$128.5. ' These few Thors were used
poses and are as good as new.
values you desire to secure, then visit the Electric,
.Electric Appliances for thehome can be purchased
,' i
I IS i".
much that
for demonstrating pur-'