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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1921)
. THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1921. n V 4 t ratification -of the The resolution said it was .t Elimination of jj Covenant Urged By Senator King Utah Democrat Introduces Resolution to Ratify Amend ed Treaty by Congress At Early Date. ;. . Washington, Tan.5. Senator King, democrat, of Utah; Introduced his resolution nrnnosinc efiminatinn of li the covenant of the league of na- , tions from the peace treaty And amcnuca ireiy. impera tive that the acceptance by the 1 1 United States of the terms of peace J with Germany be no longer de t layeil." " . it The existence and discharge of functions ly the league and its mem- bers, it was said, is not incompatible J ! with the interests of the United J States. . a. "It is obviously impossible for the senate to agree at this time upon any acceptance, amendment or re l l vision of the articles of the treaty "constituting the league of nations," 5 ! said Senator King. "There are many J who contend that the recent election was'a repudiation of the league, ' though it is morally certain that a few million electors voted for Mr. ) Harding who are in favor of ""the JJ entry. of the United. States into the j ; league of nations when the articles i are modified, revised and amended in I certain respects, A candid view of j the present situation indicates that i the only practical course, now open '55 is to ratify the treaty, expressly. ex cepting articles which set tip the league of nationl," -' - i. t l i Survivor of Steamer Wreck Gives Graphic : Description of Scene - Corunna, Spain, Jan, S.-Most of, the 50 odd persons rescued from the wreck of the Spanish steamer, Santa Isabel, which went aground near Villagarcia early Sunday with the loss of 214 lives, vere still in such a condition of exhaustion that they were unable to supply details of the shipwreck or their experiences after- ......4 -i . . The most graphic narrative-was given by Fernandez Barreras of, Ar- riola. who drew a striking picture ! of the desperate "struggle f of life by St the passengers fend crew, thrown lito J! the sea by the "waves -after the ves J scl crashed. t Barreras said he found himself "? 1 in the water, being tossed about by terrific breakers irt pitch darkness. I ; Many of those who went overboard were killed, he said, by being hurled against the rocky shore, in some cases several personstried to seize the same projection, a struggle for ii life it the icy water ensuing, in I which the weaker swimmers were , ; drowned. The cries of the women ! and children could be heard on 'all li sides for some time, Barreras said, but one by one the struggling vie-, tims were silenced by the waves. , i Officials aid citizens of Riveifa are doing every thing possible to relieve the survivors' sufferings. 4 ' ( l Several Million Liri Gone H H From D'Annunzio'i Cash Bo I ! Rome, Jan. 5. Several million lire m in cash have, been stolen, from the office of Gabriele d'Annunzio , at . I Fiume by arditi, who forced the regency' strong box, according to a il dispatch to Tempo, The dispatch I f states that documents relating to f D'Annunzio's enterprise also were il stojen and that the poet-soldier is I I considerably disturbed by the rob- bery.l D'Annunzio is leaving Fiiime Z tomorrow for an unknown destina- ' tir thp rlisnatrh savs. - A thousand legionaries left the city 5steday en route to Venice and 300 sailors of the irregular forces left today for Pola. . J Ml I I , f p-Former Carranza Officers 1 1 Believed on Way to Border: t Mexico City, Jan. S. Gen. Fran- . ' cisco Murguia, released from prison f after a month's incarceration as a 11 Carranza aide; Gen. Rodolfo'Het- 4 1 rero, ejected f ronvthe anrtnr after ! alleged proof that he had Ordered i , the killing of Carranza, and Gen. i Juan Merigo, a former Carranza of i "ficer, have left Mexico City simul- J taneously, according" to El Demo- crata. The three are believed to be J! making their way: to the border, adds the newspaper; i i i i Allied Premiers to Meet In Paris on January 19 Paris,- Jan. S. The allied pre miers will mee in Paris, Jarwary 19, to discuss the subject of Ger man disarmament, tbe reparations question and the future attitude of the allies toward Greece, it was an nounced this afternoon. The French government accepted the British suggestion that tfc meeting be held on this date in Paris. TABLETS I ill A. hOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED , All Work GaaranUed 1SU Deutlas St. . Tl. Douf. SS rOUQHS Apply over throat and cbet -swallow small piecea of V VapoRuo CW 17 Milton Jm U-JYaab Stowaway Mayor May Be Denied Adrhission By U. S. Authorities ii Jj Daniel J. O'Callaghan. Washington, Jan. 5. Daniel J. O'Callaghan, lord mayor of Cork, who came as a stowaway to tell the commission7 of the committee of 100 investigating conditions in Ireland about the burning of his town by British authorities, may be denied admissioh toAmerica. In announcing an investigation into circuhistances surrounding his arrival at Newport News yesterday on the Westcanhon had been or dered, State department officials in timated that unless the inquiry de veloped unusual conditions, the lord mayor would be given no greater, consideration, than is accorrtea aliens arriving without passports. Immigration authorities also are conducting an inquiry to determine whether Lord Mayor O'Callaghan is admissible under the immigration laws. Even should it be decided thatjie is. they said, the .case would be Referred to theState department. Escaped Sinn Feiner of Cork Now Under Arrest London, Jan. S. James J., Walsh, a Sinn Fein member of Parliament from the city of Cork, who escaped from Mount Joy prison, Dublin, 18 months ago, was arrested early to-' day, it is said in a .dispatch received here. s. , - Way Cleared for Hearings on New Tariff Measures . Committees From Senate and House to Take Up Both Pro tectiye and Regular Pro posals Today. Washington. Tan. 5.-rThe wav was cleared tonight for the unusual situa tion tomorrow of the congressional committees, one from each body, to hold hearings on two kinds of tariff, emergency and permanent. The senate finance commitfee will take up tli Fordney emergency tariff bill, designed as relief for farm ers. The house ways and means Committee will start hearings on re vision of the permanent tariff. Chairriian Fordney of the ways .and means committee, announced he proposed to begin tomorrow with schedule A (chemicals, paints and oils) of the Underwood tariff act and hold hearings until the - list was worked over. He also announced his intention to have a tariff bill ready for introduction early in the expect ed extra session. ; The senate finance committee will take testimony on the Fordney emergency measure five days, start ing tomorrow. Chairman Penrose said his r committee would exclude other matter until the bill was ready. Representatives of wool interests will fee first heard on the emergency tariff. More than ascore of organ izationsnmd persons ate seeking to testify, including farmers' organiza tions, live ' stock growers, foreign trade associations, exporters and textile manufacturers. The commit tee has decided also to call members -if. Aspirin lYou mii3t say Bayer" )Wkrning1 Unless you see" the name 'Bayer" on tablets, ypu are not getting genuine ' Aspirin presdribed by; physicians for 2 years and proved safe by millions. Accept only an "unbroken package' of ; "Bayer Tablets of "Aspirin," which contains proper directions 'for Colds, Headache, '.'Pain, 'Toothache; , Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago. ' Handy tin boxes, of 12 iablets cost but few cents Larger packages. Aaplrio if tb trad mark of Bayer Uanufeetura f Monoacttlcacldeiter of SaJleylieMM AltyCTTISEMEIT. 66 ia a Prescriotion for" Colds. Fever and LaGrippe. It's the moat speedy-, remedy we know, preventing Pneumonia. The Whole Fami 4 11 tin Dine For A Day FqrA Dollar CORNED BEEF and CORNED BEEF HASH :''"- ;.".''"'-.v'.- 'S'.'lr -The average family arirjits neighbors, everywhere, are qomfiatihg tre high . cost or providing three square meals a day by buying War Department Canned Corned Beef andjCorned Beef Hash, af these greatly reduced prices, f -Fill your larders for the winder and have a plentiful supply of this guaranteed f ncty pure food always ready for emergencies- f Ask your dealer to show you these palatable meats and give you a set of . jrecines for preparing them in maiy appetizing ways. - ' ' , 1 Clip this advertisement; tell your dealet you want him to buy these meats ;.;.wi,vuu. xncic is t lcguimaic proni.iui mm ax. uic wnoicsaie prices oexow ana a oig saving tot you. ' ( - a , ? cans 18c per cm cn8..............l.uo per c THE WHOLESALE PRlteS X ire printed below. They will give 7011 lorn idea of what you will saveon jtour purchaspi. tORntll Bttt HASH : i ! lb. cans.,... ...15c per caa 2 lb. cans 30c per. can CORNED BEEF , .'' No. 1 cans. ............ .15c per can No. 2 .cam ...27c per can 1 ik na ifl fb." TABLE OF DISCOUNTS ' Discftwita to apply on all purchases of surplus canned meats on and after November IS, 1920, are as follows: $ 250 to $1,000.,. '. 1,001 to 2,500 5 per cent 2,501 to . 4,000. .... .,.10 per cent , 4,uui ana over n Tbe Government will pay freight on carload lots to"iny point in the United States located ' more than twenty miles from shipping point. ; CUMULATIVE PURCHASES COUNT When purchases reach $50,001, 24 net to prevail; when purchases reach $100,001, 284 net to prevail; when purchases reach $500,001. ' 12 net to prevail; when purchases, reach $1,000,001 and over, 3S- net to prevail. MINIMUM .ORDER ACCEPTED, ' ' - 1 ' . . ., . percent . ; 1 f . V. i Dealer's orders should be sent to Depot Quartermasters at the following addresses: t- -- ' ' Brooklyn. N. Y J9th St and 1 Atlanta, Ca., Transportation . ' Flrat Ava . Bldg. , . ' 4 B ' ' San Antonio. Tax. ' , Chicago 111.,. 1119 W. J 9th St. . San Franclacor Calif. Washington SURPLUS PROPERTY BRANCH Orfica of tho Quartermaster Ceneral . Munitions Bldg. d. e. WAR DEPAlifMEHT CANNEDnJ 4 Bowen's Lower Price'. FURNITURE SALE affords thft opportunity in Overstuffie' Chairs, Rockers and Davenports to get them NOW at re ductions in price,' mak ing them the Biggest Bargains in all our mer chandising history. T; Advertisement Wo, Phone Douglas 2793 OMAHA PRINT1NO COnPAIlY .otf.Uavrecviccc . A i. -:-. . - , - of the United States tariff commis sion. . " The house committee . will hear views from all branches . of thiv. cnermcai paint ana on traae. ; Association to Advance ; -' ' Colored People Denounced Washington,'-Jan. S. The Asso ciation for the Advancement of Colored People was denounced be fore the house census committee by Representative Clark, Florida, as an organization composed of "meddling, fussing" persons "working on the ignorant negroes of the south td keep themselves in good positions.' ' "Its actions have made for racial clashes," he declared. r . Mr. Clark appeared before the committee to present further, docu mentary evidence in reply to charges of representatives of tha-association that negroes in Florida were dis criminated against in the November election; ' CommitterUrges Radical! Changes Injfaturalization hrTomen Coming to United States Most Affected by Bill Favored by HouseImmi- X gVation Committee. . -' . i, ,' j.,' . , Washington, Jan. 5. Drastic changes' in the naturalization law, especially as applying , to women, are pcayided in a bill reported fa vorably by the house immigration committee. The measure will -take the place of two naturalization bills on the house calendar and an ef fort will be made, according to Rep resentative Johnson of Washington, chairman, to have congress approve it at this session. Women,' under the bill, no longer would,, derive' citizenship from nat uralization of husbands, but would be required to make individual ap plications lor citizenship. They ; also : Would not lose their American citizenship by marrying aliens except when an alien husband cannot lawfully become an Ameri can citizen, or when a worpan re sides two ' years in her husband's country, or five years in some other country..; ', '; ' .'-. .. ' One-expatriated, a woman desir ing to, regain American citizenship would be . required to fallow the same procedure as any other slien. Women .aliens alsp would no longer automatically become - citizens on marrying Americans, but would be required to make application for citi zenship after a five years' residence. Children of naturalized parent no longer would derive citizenship, au tomatically from the oarents. al though (hey would be made eligible to apply for citizenship when be. tweemthc ages. of 18 nd ?1 and on proof , Qf their qualiticatisn and "their kttachment to the "principles of theconstitution." A Catifornian is the inventor of a captive airplane which can be flown, carrying passengers, m an amuse ment park. ' ' Sure Relief 6 BCLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief mtZ LL-ANS ISPOR INOIOCSTION lONTISfUING FOR THEOURTH DAY OUR I Great Wh i t Sal e s H The crowds whicn throrlged our white goods counters during the'pVt p tluee days provide tes policy o value-giving, g - price regulating anysrvice to ouk customers. Thursday, the fourth day of our January p j , White Sale,. we wil continue to' sell the best in alThite (goods at the low prices for B :whfcli our, feature scales are noted , The prices listed elow give just a hint of the values Q ;fto be found in every departmeiit. iy Turkish Towels Four Gresit Values in Linens and Toweling '1 iS; tt :&A&?if j 95c k-r ri 23 r Aeroplane Linen Worth 139 500 yards of the well-known " aeroplane linen, 36 inches wide; -makes attractive spreads, overdrapes, children's , rompers, doilies, scarfs, table cloths and furniture v slips; while it lasts, , per yard, Beautiful fall bleachsd, heavy quality Turkish towels; very pretty borders, in elaborate colorings, pink, blue, heljotrope or yellow; large size; lay in a supply now while they are spe cially priced V , c Turkish Towels About 100 dozen bleached Turkish towels; plain or weaves; hemmed ends; soft and fluffy; a good service able towel for every day use; worth 49c; your choice, ribbed 219c Bleached Huck Towels full bleached huck towels, hemmed ends; fancy border&vLsoft and absorbent quality; 18536-inch size; a good service- able quality towel; worth 22c; special each, . JL C ;V Main Floor South Special Reductions In Curtain Materials rvLJ wvwi w -. V Marquisettes and Voiles Good qualities that make up into dainty coxtain; odd lota worth 50c to 75c; special, per yard, 25f 500 Yards . Printed Voile With lainty noraers and nrDon edges; makes a splendid bedroom .cur tain; worth 75c; special, per yard, Scotch M a d.r a s In dainty colors? regular 1.00 quality; special, per yard, , ( v v 59 Cretonnes-I-Many attrac- five color combinations; 36 fftches wide; one lot ' worth np to 1.00; special, .per yard, , 50? Fourth Floor East Mid-Winteri Sale of ' Knit Underwear Separate Garments Odd lots ot children's wool and part wool vests and ' white; from regu- Aftej Xmas Specials In Handkerchiefs Irriported Swiss Handker ' chiefs-fWith Madeira- em . broidery and eyelet edge; also embroidered corners; a dainty little kerchief and specially priced at ' 25t Women's Ail Pure Linen Handkerchiefs - Hein: stitched ?,and'' , hand em broidered initial; in white and colored; worth 70c; specially priced for ' this sale at 39 Children's All Pur Linen Handkerchiefs Embroider ed corners; hemstitchedNwr ders; will please little tole; very special, each, ht Men's All Pure Linen Hand kerchiefs Hetnatitched, with embroiderad Initials; good size; special, each, 594 Main Floor East f . . and pants, of the well known Itttnsinc and Thomas atoral la stock, bat some are. slightly mussea irom Dalby makes; na fH handling; 1.68 to 8.00 Talues;-,- . TQo per garment, v t ' w w Children's Sleeping Garments Peter Pan fyfe, ia the natural coyjrj a cotton napped garments; foot has wool sole; very eom- fortable and! warm for the small tots; U0 to 1.7 5. values; special. oer garment, 98c p Women's Union Suits llf In a variety of styles; la flesh and white; in knee . fand ankle length; long sleeves, halt sleeves or sleevoteos; mart of thfese garments are from regu-', p; lar stock bat slightly soiled from hand- f fe W 'tag; 1.75 to 2.00 value; special, per salt, leUU . P Third FldOr Center White Satin Ribbon Wotthl39 79c yd. ; ... . - . This is 'a very special of fering in 7-inch white satin, ' . also white moire Antique; specially adapted for the new'"Buffalo Sash;" also ? a suggestion for graduating gift. Former price 1.39; special, per yard, 1 79f Main Floor North v.. White Sale of Fine Hosiery Womcn'-s "White Hosiery ' All pure thread silk;" full fashioned, high spliced, double lisle toe end heel and garter tops; soma are all sBk wit doable thread toe and heel; mad by well known Boaiery manufacturers, C( apeciaJ, par pair, - leOll v Infants' Silk and Wool Hose -- , Silk and wool, and all wool; remarkably fine , bargains which ' wilj be appreciated ; regular $1.00 values; special, per pah- f , Infants' Hose" White silk and wool; an exceptionally good bar gain for thrifty -mothers; with silk too and feeiai all sizes; ' sell regularly at 9e; ' sate aa . ' - .saal7U Main FlMiwSooth 59c price Does. -Yd u r 0 h i n'a "a n d K i t p he n War e If e e IfB e p 1 e n i s h i n g ? ; , Our N6w Spacious Fifth Floor Offers Complete Selections in Hoiisefurni s h ing s and China Complete AMdrtmental g Great Bargains I Baal Valuet '" J' vstuvnvimyMVnKiiAvkTvvai . A.