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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1921)
I1 if.- - t v 12 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 6. 1921. . 3T ti:, . - '.I . - A-- I,: f r if' '- ',t V. I', A . fit Jit JL 'Jl it 5' Classified Advertising Rates ' i iw imw ivudiii vurui lu iiihtf j any ' - ls per line per day. I consecutive days l&fl per Una per day, T consecutive day 14a per lln per-day, J. consecutive days Ma ada taken for less than a total of He. These rataa apply either to the Daily r Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear In both morning and evening dally papers lor the ona charge.! CONTRACT KATES ON j I APPLICATION. Want ada accepted at tba following of. '. . flees: . i;" VAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam Sts " Couth Bids'. 23H N Bt. JsJ '. Council Bluffa 11 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BT ritONK AT If.' TYLER 1000. t't : THB BRBwIII not ba responsible for , . tnora than Nona Incorrect Insertion o an - V advertiaemept ordered for mora than ona -1. time. . - V CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. 1 , - Evening Edition 11:46 A. M. ' Morning Edition :00 P- M. ; Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M.. Saturday L " DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. DKUTSCH Mrs. Christine, 1 1727 South Ninth St., Jan. 4. Deceased Is survived 0yW her hnsband. Henry Deutsrh, wnd seven children: Mrs. Anna Vlnquist, Mrs. Elisabeth Urban, Mrs. Barbara Bints. ill. l.vdla. Henrv. William and Louis. Services from Hoffmann funeral home, ThurcHav fit 9 n. m. Interment In family lot at West Lawn cemetery. Thrf I Kev. Jalstr orneiaiing in vicrman nn the Rev. Schulla officiating in Kngnan. FUNERAL1 rlRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST "kkowAMBulance sssssf l4 Thirty-third nnd Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONKER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 South Kith St. Douglas 1 226. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embnlmers. . . Pbnre H. 2C5. Office 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call South 680. Korlsko Funeral Home, 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. ; LEE L. LARMON. v, . IS14 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. a, " JOHN BATH. 18tii and Farnam. H 300O. I. Henderson. 1619 Fsrnam? Douglas 1248. BIRTHS AN DEATHS. i-.i Eddie and Vary Brewer, hospital, girl. U. E. and Catherine Russell, hospital, fcVlncens!0 and Maria Matrlsclano, U2G ." "North Seventeenth, girl. i V, Tom nnd Josephine Campaigns, 1704 V ' South Thirteenth, boy. & - Frederick and Lucy Frosltv. :21 South i.X . I'lfteenth, girl. . -.V.m Kong nTd Gee Fung, 121 North 2 V Twelfth, girl. . 1." i John And Nellie Fltzgfrald, 4102 South 1 Twenty-Fghth. girt. -- ' " John and Agneu Bfiland, 3120 Maple, . ' cm. , h r",-' Ralph and Jessie Burgeson, , 1408 'A ? ' f ' Slilltiiry avenue, girl. ' . .... rl- Pasqunle and Lucia Marcbtn. 2731 '' tS'.ulh Twelfth, hoy. - Alflo and Glovannlna Contl, 1S02 South - Hi ! 1'ifth, boy. . ' AS.-. John aud Doris Llmas. ,1109 reenter, i girl. ' ; .i Virgil and Reglna jBrowell, 30-'7 Hamil- - f , ton, girl. ' :- " r. Hiiruo nnd Maude M.i tana, hospital, boy. t ll'i Gilbert anil Joy McMurray, ;io North i Twenty-sixth, girl. , , - , ; Joe nnd Frances Brutto, S720 Ohio. boy. 4 'i '. Easels and Cecelia Coltran, 2416 "orth - ... S sixteenth, boy. sVt'r Ilentlx. Bnby Battaglta, Infant, 121 J "South Thlr, V!' ttenth. I . ' U Mrs.' Louise Kirkpatrlck. 0. hospital. Mrs. Ella Powers. 77, 3508 Jackson... - Nora S. Mother, 40, hospital. : Olla Morris, f.l, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples have been Issued - i'., i licenses to wed: T..v John Y. Tlolmre. !fl. Omaha, and Mar- - thn Kreider, it. Omha "; i Hugo llanse, 4 5, Fremont, Neb., and .: Flla Bokowskl, 26, Fremont, Neb. 2 t"' Emmet Scovll, 6S. Omaha, and Hermlne , LMoyne, 62, Omaha. n. L. ' Q. Ben Lowgren, 28, Omaha, and Ellia- ; beth Starleford, IS. Omaha. "V"- Relnhi-d Labs, 22, Elkhorn, Neb., and .- Lena Kalner, 21, Omaha, i Ijavrenre O. Otto, 25, Qnawa, la , .and , " '' Esther Servls, 1. Onawa.n. ''"'' j, Glenn W. Joyce. 27, dm.iha, and Helen "'.., M. Sehaffer, 26, Qulncy, 111. Erlck E. Anderson. 34. Omaha, and i: i. "Edna M. Medley. 31, Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES L&ST on street cars tele phone Tyler S00. We are anxious to re. store lost articles to rightful owners. . OMAilA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT COMPANY. LOST String of pearls. Between W. O. W.v building and 10th and Harney, Je--: tween' 12 and 1 Tucs. Reward. H. 3803. LOST Lady's platinum diamond ring 7 - lit 1 DUma n'alnllt 4870 liberal reward, Phone Walnut.' 287. Douglas 1816. LOST Roll of bills near 29th and Leav- fnworth. Reward. Phone Thomas, Doui;. 842!: . - LOST In downtown theaters, leather 's covered check book and bank. Ty ler 34S6. " ONE mink necfc piece -lost at Rlalto New ; Years afternoon, reward. Douglas 3269. " LorT 1'acknge containing 8 palra of blue rompers. Douglas 8573. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home i solicits your old clothing, furniture i. magazines. We collect. We distribute Phona Doug 4136 and ou wagon will - call. Call and Inspect our new home, . 1110-1113-1114 Dodg" St. 'WILL .Mr. Brown, Miaa Carey or Mrs. Jon ' sen. who saw lady knocked down at 16th and Farnam by bicycle at noon, December 23. please call Tyb.r 1478. PATENT ATTORNEYS. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1718 Dodge. PIPKINS NATIONAL DETECTIVE i: AGENCT, Incorporated. Douglas 1,07. j. Arlington Block. Omaha. Neb. "to SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1415 FARNAM STREET. i J .EXPERIENCED dresfmaker wanta tew 5 i r . ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Har. 672t. " 'llKNT Hoover vacuum cleaner, f. months, : ff. $&; delivered once a month. Wal. 1947. jlATTHESSES remade, spring! repaired. H. 1762. - , i -aiAHNEV INSTITUTE. 150 Harney, St. 5 I'M i Tift: liltESSJUKtNO wanted. Douglas 6492. ATMENT. upert Swcd. mass. D. 6877. S r, -SWEDISH niassage. 318 Neville Block, ' . i i ).' ,nriAiau, oia rugs remsae. Ty. 1433. IA8SAGE 210 North Seventeeht St.. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME. Z. i" , Let Keep's teach you to dance. Be- p j glnners' classes, Mondays and Wednea 7 . days. 8:4S to 12: advance class, Tues- 5 t ; ' 9 8:46; assembly dances, Tues day. Thursday and Saturday. 8:45 to 12. - it- J v,,e lessons by appointment. - Phone Doug. 2581. Harney 8792. i ' 'Cal TJino School for Dancing. J424 "IVe"f Farnam. Doug. 7860. Detectives. S K. RELIABLE Defective Bureau, Railway T ' E- Bldg. "Doug. 205fi. Night Col. 3813. f f; JAMES JkLLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence Hemstitching and Pleating. ,;: Js'eb. Pleating & Button Co., 1806 Farnam f' - St Doug. 6670. Miscellaneous Announcements. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half price of ; i,' new beds. Pillows renovated and made if, 1 "P In new feather-proof ticking. 1907 i ' Cuming street. Douglas 2467. '-DIAMONDS Srpwf,hlS2 V - to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 403 N. 16lb 8L Doug- - 1 1 - las 5049. - jj- JJ lft; Sims Carpet Cleaning Co. with 21 " 5? i years' experience, aewlng, lay I lis. remod "J .. . tllng. .All work done under ooutract, 1: y. also we clean wallpaper, with years' ex . t J- perlence. Manager S. S. Sims. Dg. 7827. : T PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 17th and Martha Sta., Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine - ' tray iron castings. - h' SELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT ctn Nr if: purchased at Rlalto Drug Stors, I5th . and Douglas Sta.. Omaha. Neb. 7 . FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. ' '. , Writ for prices. The Ensign Co., 1(07 . i t Howard St "-. MAFETy raxor bladea "Bharnened. new rs- " - v tors, razor blades sold. Omaha Razor I y. . t Sharpening Co.. 11221, Dodge. 101 N. It. r -: FULL drees sulfa and tnxedos for rent, Z 109 N. 1 6th St. John Feldman. D. 1121. - '1 OMAHA WELDING CO. -The Careful ; . Welders." lttli and Jackson. D. 4397. I SECOND band Singer Sewing machine, A-l t apWvAJl atUwAmt-ta, Co,' CT. -. -k. t . . BRINGING UP Cf ' 1 , ' p DOO ."feErjT ME I t,HE 1 HERE- r- I to a ISI V ) 11 I r .itffe - .. . JJmr fl Afot.oo2.E r JzZ7- l I fc II IT j , IIS B - I' V . A W II m til lit II V I. J V I mi v c 1W1 'ASIA rH WIS rZ i . , - L Sn . . nf 'J-.' announcemtI. Miscellaneous Announcements. Oraaba Towel Supply. 307 8. 11th. P. 628. WALLS cleaned. Oaver. Olfax 28. ?OR SALE. Kumiture and Household Goods. ENORMOS ruts In living room 'dining sets, beil'oom. furniture, also auction prices on ruga. Home furnltura Co., South SlJe. ., ' OLASS door wardrobe; Emerson upright piano. 6233 S. 25th street, Phoqa South 3476. Pianos and musical Instruments. CLEANUP SALE All standard phono graphs at less than half price. ' $100 size, 139.60; $136 slie, $41.60; $160 sire. I $56. $1 records. 45c, Records ex changed, 15s. Shlaea Phonograph Co., ' 1404 Dodge. AHOSPE CO. Pianos for reHt. Everjthlng In art and music SAXOPHONE, bsnd instrument repairing. Zd-hand saxophone. Myers sraxopnone Shop. 1125 8. 29th St. H. 4793. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions fa- airing. Phone Harney sabiv ueo. m. mltn, 2761 Dvn,ort ot. CHILD'S bed and mattress. Colfax 2359. Clothing. EVENING dress suit, size 37; cheap; good as new.) 610 soutn lGtn, Apt. 8. Typewriters tnd Supplits. rTYPEWRlffeRS - AND . ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired Solo agents for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. N Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS, F. & E.'s; bargains. 320 Neville Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fnlrbanks No. 4 standard scale, SxilVi foot platform, also 28-inch Buffalo Forge Cn0exhauat fan. Inquire at Omaha, Bee office, 17thind Farnam Sts. Phone Tyler looo. -. r IN GOING through your attice, don't you rind a lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and other articles that you have no further use for? And have you ever stopped tq think, that someone might bo only too glad to have them? Then why not let the publio know you have those articles useless to you through a little want ad In the Bee? It costs very little and a 3-day ad would almost be sure to sell It fdr vou. Try It. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Want Ad Dept ' SEWING MACHINES., We rent, repair, sell needles and pacts. MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. DuOglai 1973. SURE and safe Investment, city warrants -to pay you 10 per cent interest, $100, $500 and $1,000 amounts. E. G. Solomon, 617 Karbach Bldg. Douglas 6262. WE buy, sell safes, make desks,'1 show caaes, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS. FRED C. TAYLOR, 602 SECURITIES BLDG. TY. 3685. URITI E rife FOR SALE Kife membership in Omah Athletic club. Address Box H-6, umani joee. DIAMOND ring, karat, verylgood stone. win sen .cheap. Address Box A. OA., Omaha Bee. .QATTTTQ BARGAINS. 12th A Farnam. t3tr iO j, j. Darlght Safe Co. CORN GRINDER for sale, reasonable, neveV been used. Colfax 2359. DARK gray overcoat for sals; best ma terial: size 30. Tyler f85. ATHLETIC club membership. Tyler3047. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS,. DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reee 1207 Farnam. D. 8146. WILL buy aecond-hand clothing, shoes and "urnlture. Ty. 2698. A. Zavett. 70S N. 18. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. WANTED Position by experienced meal rutter. Council Bluffs. Box Y-1382, Council Bluffs Bee Office. COLORED man wants Janitor or day wprK. good references, wen. az. HAULING ashes, 12Hcia tub. Wal. 3515. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee, I. ota of good places are alwaya advertised. Don't miss them. V SEWING, "silks', velvets, skirts. Jackets, re Ilned. remodeled. Reasonable. Har. 6804. Laundry and Day Work PHdNE your ad In to The BeeA it saves time. Call Tyler 1000 and asic lor tne Want Ad Dept. DAY WORK by experlenced-4ady, or work. K as Jantiress. competent, foutn 4481. - 2UNDLE washing, to take home. first- Class launaress. wier 43Z8. PLAIN , sewing done by day at 3570 South S2d Ave. Ay work wanted, exp. Webster" 638S. BUNDLE washing called for, ?TTCol. 497$ DAY work, cleaning, ironing. WebS 6622, WOjL blan)et s. luce curtains.' H 1130. DAY work wanted. Colored. U. 1026. DAY" work, exn. Colored. Web. 5S20. DAY work wanteu. Webster 6531. First class laundress. Tyler 4128. DAYWORK wanted. Harney 7012. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. ACCOUNTANT, $200: bookkeeper. $150; experienced baluc clerk, $100; assistant machinery. $125: stenographer, law of fice, beginner. $100; traveling salesman. grocery experience. $176 and expenses. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN, , 1306 First Kat. Bank Bhlg. CANDY salesman. Hsstlngs territory; must be an experienced man. $150-$20i. THE IARTI CO.. 1128 W, O. W. Bldg. BOY wanted with wheel; short houra good pay. 1604 Farnam. Professions and grades. WANTED Men wishing pnnltion as fire men, nraxemen, colored train porters on large Nebraska roails. write immediate ly for full Information; no experience necessary; 8lo-f'.'50 month. Inter Kail' way Dept. 232. Indlanapollst Wi. LEARN the best trade. Barbers wanted everywhere. Earn while you learn. Few weeks completes our eouse. Writ today for special proposition and frf-e Illustrated catalog. MOLER BARBER PAI T PCP i in i, .1.1. . WANTED Harneamaker with exnc Hence with hardware and Implements. State age and give references In first letter. Steady Joh. Stato wages. P. O. Heauneu. winner, 8. D. TRINTER wanted January 17. Must bo able to handle Jobs, ada and presses. i ne vmserver, i,ngan, la. LESSONS given on ukulele. Tyler 4S43. Salesmen and Solicitors, YOUNG men wanted to sell Butterlrk jaagssines. 40 per cent commission. 30S j-viiang uiug. FATHER HELP WANTED MAtE. Salesmen and Solicitors; v WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMAN -Wide awaka and ambitious to sal fast-going line of yrups to soda foun tain and confectionery trade, ciders to soft drink bars and pool hall trade. Open territory. State selling experience and when you could (o to work. Glve tele phone number so interview an be ar ranged. For appointment, address Box W-96. Omaha Bee. , SPLENDID opportunity with large cor-J poration open to experienced epeciaity salesman who haa successful record In handling wholesale or retail grocery trade. Commission plan, with guaran ' teed' account afforda salesman" who" qualifies earnings to full .capacity W ability. . In answering state age.' ex perience, salary expected and telephone. number. Box T-138S. Omaha Bee. SALESMEN to sell a new accident policy protecting against Injury from or By an automobile. Everyone needs and wants one. Costs but" $6 per year. Big value for money, .quick .sales for. live wires, either as main or ante una. Mer chants' Life and Casualty Co., Mlnne apollsy Minn. ' - SPECIALTY salesmen wanted', in silver ware, .rugs and blankets. Can ,use a couple of good men. out of town work. C." F. Adams Co., 623 So. 16th. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for few sales men who write st once. McCleery Cal endar Factory, Washington, la, ' Miscellaneous. MAN wanted to set pins at Farnam Bowl ling Alley. 1807 Farnam St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young lady students to enroll in our classes of shorthand, typewrit ing, comptometer and bookkeeping. In dividual tnstruotton, day and i evening classes. Tuition payable (monthly. DWOHAK SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING, 2nd Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Phone Douglas 7416. i STENOGRAPHER, grain experience, $100 $110; typist and ledger clerk, good per ' sontfkiy, able to-ssteet public and. asaiat In doctor's office, salary open. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 913 First National Bank" Bldg: Saleswomen and Solicitors. - SALESWOMAN to travel In western territory for old established concern to inter view better class business men only. This is excellent opportunity for young business woman to get Into sealing work. Appointment by phone only call be tween 6 and 8 p. m. May Mllligan, Room 316, Castle hotel. Profession, arid Trade?. WANTED Refined woman experienced in Industrial welfare work or work of a similar character. Excellent oppor tunity for wonan who can qualify. State age and experience. Box W-72, Omaha Bee. i- EXPERIENCED waist finishers wanted. None others need npnly. Jessie F. Fox, 774 SajHiders-Kennedy Bldg. WANTED Experienced mangle girl. Dtannara iiaunury. .4Us No. Z4tn. iweb ster 0130. WOMAN to hand iron.' Apply Laundry Dept.,, Fontenelle Hotel. . . ' Household and Domestic. WANTED AT ONCE Good girl for general housework. Small family, modern conveniences Laundress kept No small children, good wages, good home to right girL' Address Box X72. Omaha B ' GIRLS - Watch the Domestic Column of The Be Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike placea always awertlaed. WANTED White girl for bouse work; small lamiiy; good wages. Mrs. U. H. Pratt, 3504 Woolworth Ave. Har. 0633. WANTED Experienced white woman to keep house. 4 in family. Can gosjnome nights If desired. Harney 7324. COMPETENT girl for general nousework. Must oe good cook. No laundry, net erences required. Harney 3014. WANTED Competent cook. Mrs. s. p. Klrkendall, 3727 Jackson St , 3717 Jack Misceilar neous. WANTED, y , 10 GHtLB BETWEEN AGES OF 17 AND 24 YEARS. 3TH GRADE EDUCATION OR BETTER. APPLY ROOM $14. NEW TELEPHONE BLDG., 1T ANU UUULA3 STREETS. LADIES wanted who would like to do art wont at home: experience unneces sary. Call forenoons. Room 30. Douglsa jaioca. - 1 HELP WANTED. Male and Female . WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn Darner trade; big demand; wages wnlle learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber Collega EDUCATIONAL DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma' chine bookkeeping, conitometry. short' hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil pervlce and all English and commercial branches. Write. call or phona Douglas 1668 for large Illustrated catalog. Adriress BOYLES COLLEGE, Boylts Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Bant School Of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. BUSINESS CHANCES. USIN slnessx; THE business 'you want may be here 2 movies, 3 -drug stores, 4 groceries, -barber shops, pool hall, shoe shop, soft drink and lunch, hotels and rooming houses. Courteous service, two autos. Doug. 1180. Erhorti. 6,16 Beg" Bug. TO GET in or out of business, see LEWIS A Co., 411 McCague Bldg. - THE best ittle dental office In Omaha, $1,000. Phone Douglas 3600. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. 1 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR.ROOMBfc. Or havs vAu ctanned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you. if so, then call Tne u want Ad Dcat.. Tyler 1000. and we wiil not only furnish you with a completeroom list or choice vacant rooms in urnnna, hnt nljio keen vour number on our "Want to Rent" list for further reference In cms vou wanted to make another chang- These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and advertisers nt The, Omaha Beo and published aoieiy, ior their convenience and benefit, fill any time. Xyler 1000. Want Ad Dept. COMPLETE RM. LIST OF ALL CHOICB ROOMS IN OMAHA FOR BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. CALL FOR IT ANY TIME. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. - - SPLENDID front room. 2d floor, modern home, private family, sensible rent, Lady or gentleman with references. 26th and Harney Sts. Har.-ftaOL ONE or 1 nice warm rooms, modern. prl vate home, close to car, garage, 3117 Lincoln nin. i. hum. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms also garago space. 2021 Davenport Harney 0263. I THREE rooms, -teat, $10 week, Wal. Hit. SEE FOR RENT ROOMS. '..Furnished Rooms. LARGE front room, private home, for i ' young men, references required. Har ney 4112. ' FOUR rooms furnished or unfurnished. well heated.' call wainui tt, xtensou Cafe. 4 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, welt heated. CaU Wal. 6848. Benson Cnti. NICELY furnished rooms, modern apart ment; breakfast If desired. Tyler. 1835. ONE large front room, well furnished, well heated. 2222 Farnam. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in private house for lady. 4303 Dodge, wal. sss. NICE clean front raom. 410 Sweetwood Ave. NICELY furnished room. Web. 4167. 1 SLEEPING rooma. 2613 Mason St. K1NOLE sleeping room. Har. 3737.- Housekeeplng Rooms. IkCALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THB. BEST IN CITT.j. CALL TYLER KfOO. WANT AD. AS ABOUT OL'n BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY .WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR' ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLEK 1000. WANT AD. - 0 TWO front rooms, furnished or partly furnished for light housekeeping. 113J No. 20th St. 2663 ST, MARYS AVE. 2 modern, warm furnished front rooms. Dg. 4432. MODERN light housekeeping rooms. South 0328. ' NICE large housekeplng room with kitchenette. 2658 Douglas. H. 1324. 1 ROOM well furnished for light house keeping. (20 8. 20th St. THREE nicely furnished rooms for house keeping. Walnut 2267. , TWO nice large rooms for light house keeping. 2668 Douglas. SMALL housekeeping roqm. D, 4688. Board and Rooms. FCR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. FURNISHED room with board for 2 gen tleman or man and wife, modern, home privileges,' Call Web. 6003. '. CLEAN, warm room, for one or - two private family; tjpakfaat ' Col. ladles, 4443. HOMELIKE furnished double room, suit- ame tor z, wun noara, siu. Har. zizs. NICE south front room for two ladles or couple employed; two meals. Har. 1313. WILL board, and room two children, pri vate home, reasonable. Walnut 1273. ROOM 'and board in private home for lady, close to car. Web. 6529. BOARDING school for children over 4 years or age. Har. 2949. gm - 2.726 Si). 19TH ST. Nice front hnavri fall rJ., RQIO. u (ms, good Unfurnished Rooms. 1WO unfurnished rooms on bath floor, modern except heat, reasonable. Web. 143$. TH" IREE rooma upstairs.' modern except heat Walnut 6380. - 1613 DAVENPORT 2 rooms. Har. 6249. Rooms J Wanted. WANTED Suite of 3 or 4 fur. rooms in Omaha University district, state price. Box W-101, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. An attractive 8-room home facing Fontenelle Park. Garage; large lot PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0544; 17th and Farnam Sts. 4-ilOOM cottage, 1905 Paul St.. $17.6 month. Call at 1160 North 19th for key, or phona Douglas 1734. ' (ROOM house, modern except beat 2737 aoutn i2tn at. Douglas 7185. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. v" Dodge, at 18th Street . Tyler 4200 ," Omaha's Newest and Finest Ex clusive Apartment Hotel. -. Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. ' " 7 6-foom Apartment very nicely fur nlshed and well located to be, leased until July 1st to a couple only. Apptl cantsmust be able to furnish references. Rent. $125. - PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. FIVE rooms furnished, sunny exposure. 412 Karbach Blk. Doug. 4194. I Unfurnished. TADOUSAC Located on 38th avenue between Far nam anT Dewey avenue; O Tirana's flneBt and newest apartment building; suites of three, four and five rooms; in Oma ha's most exclusive residence district. Prices, $100 to $160. Building now ready for occupancy, O'KEEFE REAL , ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS. 101$ Omaha National Bank Bldg., Douglas 3716. New, conveniently arranged - 5-room Apartment a very a comfortable home, located In. the Mount Vernnon at 624 So. 31st St. Rent, $140. Maid's room and heated ' garages In connection. Some smaller apartments at $106. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyhlr 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. A -room Apartment In one of Oma ha'a nicest buildings, the Ardmore Ter race In Dundee at 49th and California Street. Rent. $126. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0644. . 17th and Farnam 8ts. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management 4-ROOM heated apartment, modern, . $61.60,1' Maple court, 18th and Maple. Doug. $656. FOR RENT Business Property. SEE F. D. WEAD. 310 S. 18TH ST. Garages and Barns. CAR apace for rent at 618 S. 26th St. ptione uougius sis&. GARAGE for 2 cars, reasonsble. Wal. 119J. WANTED TO RENT. Business Property. WANT to rent small atore ' suitable for aoft drink parlor. Address Box R-909, Omaha uee. MOVING AND STORAGE. 4 FIDELITY ? . CO. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING TrniTsiru'nr.n nnnns AND PIANOS REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF . HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, 16th and Jackson Sis. Dougln 0283. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. riREpnnnr .warehouse. Separate locked ' rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and snipping. j OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 108 South lfith. ' Doug 4168. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing D storage. 1106 Davenport iioug, 1806, Regie red S. Patent Office. JJGCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL , PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE MOVING AND STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. It. Bowen Co. Tyler 3400. GLOBE VAnTTRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or ator age, call Tyler 230 or Douglaa 433$. Auto or wagon service. JL POULTRY AND PET STOCK. CHICKEN wheat, $2.60 per cwt. delivered. a. w. wagoner, km m. letn. Dg. 1142. AUTOMOBI EES FOR SALE, Buy a Guy L. Smith y IJsed Car ' ' A Safe Intestment. We have the ear you want, at the price you expect to pay'. Every body type from roadster to limou sine. All Standard makes. Wide range in prices. Every car guar anteed. -' ' ' ' ' ' "'' ' ' Hudson Super-Six Tourings. .' Hudson Super-Six; Speedsters. . i Hudson Super-Six Sedans. Essex Roadsters. . Essex Tourings. ' . . Essex Sedans. Studebaker Roadster. , Studebaken Touring. Haynes Touring. Willys-Knight Coupe.; Willys-Knight Touring. . : Buick Touring. . ; - Chalmers,- Touring. Dodge Roadster. Velie Roadster. . ? , Chevrolet Touring. . " . v Also many, others in process of renewing. , Remember our guarantee on every car. , .' ' GUY L. SMITH, . "Service First.". 26th and Farnam Sts. Doup. 1970 DODGE SEDAN. BUMPERS FRONT. AND REAR. AND OTHER EXTRAS. LIKE NEW, $1.050r -- AUTO EXCHANGE, 2204 Farnam. Doug. 6031. . v We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy 'it. . ' . Drive ItYoursell; Co., 1314 Howard St Doug. 3622. WHY DRIVE AN OIjD FORD " WHEN $1 PER DAY WiLL BUY A NEW FORD? Will trade your old Ford toward the down payment of a new. self-starter equipped touring car. The condition of your old Ford no 'object. Th older they are the better we iiae tnem. uoni on lay, but come in today and gatvour lib eral exchange proposition. Is M CAFFKKX 11UTUK .0 V15TH AND JACKSON STS, JJOLU.3oOU . SjR SALE AT A BARGAIN. v. Five-passenger Jordan Brougham. Terms if desired. Call Harney 6459, CADILLAC 4-passenger phaeton, excel lent mechanically. Looks and runs like new. Five new card Ues. This Is a bar gain for quick sale. CaU Ty. 4143, or Council Bluffs, Red. 1274. ALMOST NEW Oakland' six sedan, latest model. A blgf bargain for someone. H. S. Muntefering, -2426 aKnsas Ave. Phone Colfax 0362. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mo- carrrey Motor Co. Tne Hanciy rorn Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Doug las 3600. OAKLAND Sensible Six; MARSH-OAKLAND CO. 20th and Harney Sts. ONE new truck, six new tires, closed cab, large stock body. $6H0 cash. Owner leaving city. Colfax '2416. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. ' 2520 Farnam 8t. CHALMERS 7-pasaenger, fine shape, rea sonable, or will trade. - call south 3343 after 7 p. m. FORD Roadster In fine shape, for -nle reasonable. Address Box XXX, Omaha Bee. WANT TO BUY Ford roadster body, with top and windshield, wen. bail. FOR coupe. 1917 model, flna condition, will sacrifice. Tyler 1592. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE foe our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roos, 21th and Leavenworth, Dept. B, Omaha, Neb, FARM LANDS. For Rent- FOR RENT Sixty acres two miles west of Elmwood park, on- Paclfio street. For Rent 164 acres improved, three muea nortn or t iorence. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 101$ O: 3maha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 2715. v low a Lands. Farm For Sale.. Well-Improved 180-acre farm $ miles from town of twelve hundred people In northern Iowa. Fenced woven wire and In high state of cultivation. Owner lives on farm and never been rented. Will sell on very good terms or will accept mortgsges or gtiod securities as part payment -and leavo balance In .land. What have you to offer. - A. M. Shekleton, Lawler. la. Montana Land. $,$17tt-ACRK STOCK AND GRAIN ranch. One mile from Montana county kit Price iinfl.ooi). mortgage $34,- SdO. Will trade enuitv for Iowa land or city Income property clear. A. CL U..t h.'l Tin mk. Xlnnl. Nebraska Lands. 104 ACRES 4U miles west ot Lincoln, one block from pavement, fine little firm win sell for lea than It'n worth; ' terms ti ault, or trade for Omaha prop erty or lanu near ismaua. i,. Knshtrr. Webster 09M. invR vnn Lrnmi firaf niortsuca to trade for equity In good farm? We have some good farms to trnde. URUKN1U REALTY CO. - Douglas 196$, 141$ Yirst Nat Bank, I SHOULD t NOT HE r COMPUNN' AeOUT MUCH FARM LANDS. Wisconsin Lands. LANDOLOGY special number Just oui. containing 1921 facts of clover land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying gord farm lands where farmers .row. rich, send at once V for this special number cf Landology. - T . t- . ...- .1 .1.1-.... filil.l. ! 1 V lire UII iniUVBl. UU nr. " ' more-Rlehle Land Co., 433 Skldmoro Rlehle Bldg.. Marinette. WIs FINANCIAL. f Real Estate Loans W have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences, E. H. LOUGEE. INC, 538 Kecllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARM8 1018 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. - Doug. 2715. - $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg.. 3lL& 18th St. PROMPT service, reasoaable rates, private money. Garyln Bros. 346 Omaha Nat REAL ESTATE WANTED.y JAN. 1 finds a great numher-of people wanting homes. Tukey offers you his experience and ability in seYling your home. ' . A. P. TUKEY & SON. Realtors, 620- 1st Natl. Bk.. -Doug.' 4223. WE had three applicants yestnrda) for bungalows, five or alx rooms, all mod ern, from $4,500 to $0,500. Let us know what you have for sale. We will do the rest. ALFRED THOMAS SON, REALTORS, 004 First National Bank. WE HAVE buyers for desirable five, slJ and seven room homes that can oe sold on reasonable terms. Real service, prompt inspeoefbn. OSBORNE REALTY CO. " 530 Peterr Trust Bldg. Douglas 2282. WE buy and sell Omana real estate. C. B. STUHT- CO., REALTORS. Douglas 8787. $13 City Nat'l IF YOU are thinking fit celling we have buyers. Can make a CTtiick sale. ' RASP. BROS., Realtors, 210-12-l Kcellne Bldg. V Tyler t)721. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DPNALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1426. LIST homes and income property. GRUENIG REALTY CO. 1418. 1st Nat. Bk. Doug. 1906. IF your house Is for ale we want the listing. ' A. P. TUKEY As SON, Realtors. 620 First National Bank. Doug. 4223. $1,000 cash to pay down on the best modern home in desirable district, give heat price and complete description. Box W-97, Omaha-Bee Can pay $760 cash and $25 monthly on five .ir six room cottage, give ad dress and best price. Box W-98, Omaha Bee. ( W. G. SHRIVERrAinEe.TATB 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1136 T.TSTTN! WANTED. Western Real Estat Co., 412 Karbach Bldg. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M CAGUE INVESTMENT LU.. " 1506 Dodge St. ' Douglaa 1346. TTPlV''l?'TrP REAL ESTATE: DlXxISJ X X sella. Rents. Insures. 350. Peters Trust Bldg. ' Doug 863. P. J. TEBBENSinind Rental. $06 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Donglaa 2183 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. CUMING Near 19th St, 44 feet; must be sold to close estate, t;. a. un-wnsi. Omaha Nat'L Bank Bldg , FOR SALE cheap; 2 Iota on Ak-Sar-Ben Hill, inquire zeza jnanes.' Trackage. 113 FEET ON 11TH ST., $50 PER FOOT. i BOSTWICK, 400 Peters Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. LEAVING CITY f am letving the city and have an ex cellent, wofl built, well located brick duplex, which 1 will aelt at a bargain. This is located In good residence dia trlct and on good car line; require about $5;60O cash to handle and can show excellent net Incomo tor interested party. Box R-81, Omaha Bee. INVESTMENT, $3,500 RENTAL $45 PER MONTH. Located south of Leavenworth street, near 26th; store and cottage. Might consider an exchange tor smaller prop- 6 GLOVER SPAIN, Douglas 2860. 918-20 City National. THE BUSINESS YOU WANT may ba . here 2 movies, 2 drug stores, 4 gro. . coriee, 2 barber shops, pool nail.- shoe shop, soft drinks and lunch, hotel and rooming . houses. Courteous ' service. Two autos. Doug. 1180. ERHOSH. 636 BEE BLDG. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtors; Real Estate, Investment, Insurance, JRentala. Tyler 1536. 833 Securities Bldf. ! REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. WILL trade good lota for equity In mod ern or part modern hpnse. Doug. 0722. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE, $7,500 . Very fine S-room homo on one of the most attractive streets In Dundee. Living room across front,' square dining room, serving pantry and kitchen. Three roomy bedrooms and bath above. Oak floors and finish downstairs. Hard pine above. Full cemented basement, furnace. Paving paid. WALSH-ELMER CO., REALTORS, Tyler 1636. ' 333 Securities Bldg. DUNDEE BARGAIN. Seven-room ' house. Upstairs, $ sleeping rooms and barh room, whltt enamel finish, large closet room nnd en closed sleeping porch. Downstairs, liv ing room and dining room, finished in oak. Kitchen and breakfast room white enamel finish. All In first-class condi tion. Hot water heat. Must sell quick. 5018 Davenport. Walnut 2086. A NEW HOME IN DUNDEE. $1,600 fash; $126 per month; six de lightful rooms and tile bath; two stories and attic; large lot, east front, one block to car; absolutely complete. . MATTSON A SM AILS, Douglas 8102. Florence. NKTH A WAY. Suburban prop'ly. Col. 1400. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. MODERN 7-room house, Hanscom Park district, close to two car lines. Priced my low at $4,600. Worth much moid. ' i sv.T-r, e irrtnrT T O 711-20 Kealina Bldg. Tyler $623. MCE 4-room hou. bargain, $1,750. Will take a good Ford or Dodge for -my """" ORUENia REALTY CO., J , Douglas 19! 118 Jttrat Nat. Bank. Drawn for The Bee by McManus t'oivright. l20 Inlernatkinsl News Service VOU MKK1N' So NOISE. HMHIN- PICTURED - REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West Omaha Real Estate and Investments. .JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Tyler 4380. I CHOICE lots, attractive suburban loca tion, 6-room house, newly decorated; gas. water, electric lights. $3,000. $209 down. Douglas 422$. A FEW homes and lots for sala in Park- r Invest 8 4370. wood addition; a sat place for ment. Norrls & Norrls. Douglas J. B. ROBINSON, real N, real es' i Bldg. VP North. state and Invest- ment. 442 Bee Bldg, ouglas 8097. $1,600 CASH. v PRICE 85.600. 4 Nearly new 6-ratom bungalow, all modern, oak finish, oak and maple floors, stair to attic, full basement, furnace heat, fine hedge In front, paved street. Located near Omaha tm Owner leaving cltv. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. Ty. 0721. All modern 7-room hdtrse. south front paved at, garage; terms: also, 6-r. houaa, modern ' except furnace, south front. paved Bt. Terms, owner, coy, lies MINNE I .USA lot. Will sell $360 equity n lot located within one block of Prettiest Mile clubhouse. Will consider Ford In exchange. Colfax 1987. frEE this 6-room, all modem home, sooth front, newly painted, $4.500r terms. S-RUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 First Nat. Bank. 'Doug. 19fi. 5-HOOM bouse, paved street, for $2,000: easy terms. Col. 0176. R. F. Clary Co., North Omaha Realtors, 2414 Ames Ave SPECIAL terms on 2823 Seward St. 4-rm. bungalow. Modern. $200 cash, bal. mo. Crelgh. 608 nee. Doug. 0200. TWO large lots, 7-roora house, all modern , but heat Leaving city and must sacrifice atonce. coltax lt,8 MINNE LU8A homes and lots offer the , best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. BENSON A MEYERS CO., 424 Om. Nat'l. South, FOR - SALE By -owner. 6-rocm house. part modern, barn, outbuildings, street paved. Hair cash. Price, - 3,319. i South 4772. Bonds and Notes The following quotations furnished by the Omaha Trust company: Approx. Price Yield, Am. T. & T. Co. 6s, 1922... 5'4 $.65 Am. T. & T. Co. 6s. 1924... 92 4 8.60 Anaconda 6s, 1929 84 8.80 Argentine Sterling 4s .. .$425 per f 200 bond Armour 7s, 1930 no' ......... 7.45 8.86 Belgian Govt Belgian Govt. t $s. 1925 ...L. 90k t. Ytos, .1. r Iteel 7s, 1922 ..!; 97 t. 7.85 8.60 9.05 8.40 7.60 7.05 .65 11.90 9.06 11.35 7.95 11.60 11.16 8.00 8.10 6.80 0.50 7.80 8.10 8.10 7.95 7.80 7.70 . 8.10 7.70 Bethlehem Steel Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1923 British 5 lis, 1922 British 5Hs, 1929 .-. British 6s, 1937 C. C. C. A St. L. 6s, 1929. C, B. & Q. Jt. 4s. 1921 . Cndahy Pkg.- 7s, 1923 j.. B. F. Goodrich 7s. 1925 French Govt. 8s. 1945 9441 94 4i ' .. ..'S6?i ..30 .. ew.v .. 9S5j ..85 ..looi. .. 7R .. S7U ,.1$0 .. 9S' Japanese Govt 4s. 1925 Japanese Uovt. 4s, 1931 Norway 8a. 1940 Morris A Co. 7Ha. 1930. N. T. Central 7s. 1930... 101 Pennsylvania R. R. 7s, 1930.108 U. S. Kubber 7V.S, 1980 .... 96 Swedish Govt. 6s, 1939 80 Swift A Co. 6s. 1921 98 Swift A Co. 7s, 1925 9 Western Electric 7s. 1925 .. 97 i Swiss Govt Ss. 1940 103 Denmark 8a, 1945 98 Westlnghousa Eleo. -7. 1931 94-i New York Coffea. New York, Jan. 5. The market for cof fee futures showed, rather a steadier tone Jl,.i.1n- tnitttv'- -1.. ,-.itl - .V.- r .., v-. ,u ,, and higher foreign exchange rates. First prices were 7 points lower on January, but generally uuehanged to 7 points hlrher. and ttiw ..... with March soiling at 6.45o and May at 6.88c before the end of the morning, or aoout 11 to 13 points net higher. There was scattered realising, howerer,. at this level and the market reacted later on re ports of unset Uj'd markets In Braill, with March selling l ack to 6.39c and May, 8.76s. The close was net 1 points higher to 2 points lower. January, 5.36c; March,, $.36c; May, $.7$c; July, 7.13c; September, 7.40c; October, 7.61c; December, 7.74c . Spot CoffeeNominal; Rio 7s, 414c CKc; Santos 4s. 84 69140. . New York GenWal, New Tork. Jan. 6. Flour Easy; spring patents, $9.25 9.75; spring clears, $7,604!) 8.25; winter straights, $3.7509.25: Kan' aas stralghta, $9.009.60. Wheat Spot, eas?; No. 2 red and No. 2 hard, $1.894 c. 1. f. track New York shipment for January; No. 2 i mixed durum, $1.96 c. I, f. to arrlv. Corn Spot, easy; No. I yellow. 9o; No. 2 mixed, 93o c. 1. f. New York to days' shipment Oats Spot, quiet; No. 1 white. lt,c. Lard Easy; mlddlewaaV $13.25913.36. Other articles unchanged. New York Sngar. v New Yosl:, Jan. 6. Raw sugar was steady today at 414 c for Cubas cost and freight, equal to 6.62o for centrifugal. No sales were reported, with flneg ranulated listed at 7.90W8.OO& Renewed selling pressure appeared m sugar future" and prices at midday were jw m ii points lower. .Business was ur usually active, but most of it was tn th iurm oi rswucning. Sugar futures closed easy;- sales, M,930 tons; January, 4.60c; March, 4.69o; May. 4.84c; July, 4.96c. j V Nfw York Sugar . , New York. Jan. 6. The local marVet for raw sugar was unchanged at 414 o lor Cubas, c. L t. .equal to 6.63 for centrifugal. There- wera additional sales lata Tuesday of 25,00 bags of Cubas and today's busi ness amounted to only 25,000 bags, old and new crop, all at the 414c 'level. There was ro change In refined prices. Which continue to be listed nt 7.90 to 8 cents for fine granulated .and there is said to be a good steady demand. New York Dry Ooodn. New York, Jan. 6. Yarn, dved colored cottons, particularly staple ginghams anl cbambrays, were acttve In the dry goods market here today, Grav goods held steady. Yarns were firmer. Knit goodj were priced for spring on a lower basis nnd new business began to come forward. Some worsted dress good of fine con struction, chiefly fine trlcotlnes, were re ported as aold up for spring. ' Turpentine lad Rosin . Savannah, Oa., Jan. 6, Turpentine Quiet; 9214c; no sales; receipts, 152; ship ments, 196; stock, 16,936 bbls. ; Rosin Qnlet; no sales; receipts, 216; shipments, 810: stock, 85,181 casks. Quote: B. D. E, F, O. H. I, K, M, N, WO, WW, $11.00. Last sale November 12. New York Metals. New York. Jan. 6. Iron Nominal; No, 1 northern, $33.00$4.00; No. 2 northern, $30.90632.00; No. 2 southern. $31.00$2.OO. Tin Firm; spot, $36.(0036.75; futures. $37.26037.60. Zinc Easier; Eatt St Louis delivery. $.606.65c. Other metals unchanged. Lendon Money, London, Jan. (. Bar Silver 42144 per ounce. Money 44 per, cent. Discount Rates 8hort bills, unchanged; three-month bills, 614 per tent. New York Dried Fruits. New Tork, Jan. (.Evaporated Apples Neglected. Prunes Unsettled. Apricots and Peaches Quiet. Raisins Steady. - N Ioadon Metals. London. Jan. 8tsndard copper. C72, Ifla: elertrnlvtle. unchanged; tin, f205, 13s; lead, 123, (a; alnr. 126. 7s, (d. Unseed on. Duluth, Jan. (.Linseed On track and arrive, $1.9$ ' b've Stock Omaha, Jan. I. Rtcetfts were! cyfia TfllJ Hega (.228 (.461 She pi Official' Monday JJfflctal Tuesday ..-7.35 $.ootf- 19,490 14.590 16,7t 17,15 29,49s Estimate Wednesday ,oo S days this week.. 10,777 Same last week ... 16,784 Same 9 weeks sea.. 9.690 10,70$ 34,409 $ 18,400 Same 8 weeks ago.. 27,613 $3,454 Sam days year ago $2,(32 39.69$ Receipts and disposition of Mvt stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at $ o'clock p. m., Janu-, ary 6, 1931: jteici'.irra i;akiju. Sheep. C. M. A 8t P Wabash Missouri Paclfio ...... Union Paolfio C. A N. W east C. A N. W., wsst C, St. P.. M. O C, B. A Q, east.... V., n. ic Q. west.,.. C, R. I. & P., et.. t . R. 1. A P.. west.. Illinois Central Chi. Gt. West 21 3 6 1 4 2 67 10 11 1 (0 40 7 25 a. 9 7 2 4 4 41 27 7 18 ! $ 6 3 8 e ' i 1 V . 272 141 (3 Total receipts v DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogn. Sheen. 97 2.31K 2,01 2.8-15 Morris A Co. ...... 636 Swift A Co 1.244 Cudahy Packing Co. 988 Armour A Co 1,086 . Schwartz A Co J. W.' Murphy v Dold Pkg. Co air Lincoln Pack. Co.. 63 S. O. Pack. Co.... 30 U?den Pack. Co Klggins Pack Co.. 61 Hoffman Bre. .... 3 Mayerowlch A Vail 62 P. O'Dea 20 Wilson A Co 40 W.B.Van Sant A Co. 19 LISA' 1.407 1,654 1.6i; . 614 1.004 2,026 2Si i: Teuton -ft Van Bant. 4 F. P. Lewis. n V C4 Huntztngvr & Oliver 192 ... I J.x B. Root & Co.. 122 J. H. Bulla .. ... 65 Kosenstock Bros. .. 63 .... F. G. Kellogg 145 .... Werthelmer A Dagcn 137 .... Ellis A Co ..... 17 .... Sullivan Bros 33 .... Ji G. Christie .... 82 .... John Harvey 52 .... Jensen A Lundgren 11 .... Dennis & Francis.. It .... Cheek A Krebs 1 .... Omaha Packing Co. f! .... Midwest. Pack. Co.. '11 Western Meat Co'. 312 Other buyers 1.387 .... 1.4HI Total 7,098 $,$40 10fpl Cattle Receipts of cattle were much the same ns on Monaayi and TuesaaMk about 6,300 head, and in most respects tu murket today was a repetition of Tues day's trade-. Best of the cornfed beeves found a lair outlet at Steady to easier prices, while less attractive offerings of both beef steers and cows wera slow sals at price weak tn quarter lower thnn Tuesday. Best fat cattle on sale brought around $10.00. There was a very good local and country demand for desirabla stoclt cattle and feeng steers and prices vicre generally quoted"" strong In this branch -ot the trade. BEEF STEERS. 1 No. . 12.... 30.... 4C.... 36.... 16.... 21.... 19.... Av. Pr. No. Av. .. 8$7 .. 944 ..1190 .. 913 ..1081 ..1145.' Pr. 7 30 7 65 $ 00 8 60 8 75 t 80 .. 672 .. 814 ..1187 ..1215 J.109S S 85 7 60 7 80 8 49 8 0 9 00 26.. 30.. 30.. 19.. 27$.. 43.. 1088 1418 .9 (0 STEERS AND HEIFERS. (.. 18.. 34.. 21.. .. 790 (01 7 00 14.. 24.. 13.. t70 810 908 7 10 7 40 7 75 8 26 y , 5 50 5 65 6 25 6 40 6 65 7 00 6 00 8 60 7 10 7 50 9 00 7 20 7 90 6 2S 7 00 6 76 8 00 9 00 10 00 7 23 10 00 goo'i fair 7 25 7 10 8 10 10 00 ... 516 ... 725 ,,..1042 14.. ,139 V ' COWS. IS.... 18.... 21 11.... 25.... 11.... 14.... 14 26.... 13 27.... S3.... . 67 .1125 .1115 .1169 .1168 .1029 . 627 . 640 . 441 . 766 . 810 . 659 . 740 S 00 10 5 60 19 .1049 ..1118 .. 966 ..1116 .. 171 .. 920 6 00 8 35 ( 60 ( 75 B 60 6 $5 7 06 7 35 7 76 ( 35 12... 8... 11... 36 16 886 15 786 23 1117 9 990 9 960 , 1. 12. 736 7 25 .1169 BULLS, (75 1. 60 1. ...1379 ...1387 .1800 , . 950 CALVES. 482 450 380 110 840 6 50 8.. ?45 380 135 ' 140 446 165 00 8 60 9 (0 5 50 406 S 00 QuoiatlonM .on cuttle: Fair to ceves, 88.00I0.25; common to beeves. (6.7608.25: fair to arood vearlings. ?J.OO(r10.08; common to fair yearlings.. rs.60ff8.on: choice to prime heifers. 7.i- i ti6.50; good to choice heifers. 8S.2607.6O; choice to prime con's, $7.50 8.00; good tj choice cows, $6.2507.25; fair to good cows, $.256.25; common to fair cows. 82.25$; 6.08; good to choice feeders, $8.009.0o: fair to good feeders, $7.25 8.00 ? common t fair feeders. IS.0fl7.00; good to choice stackers, $7.C0$A60; fair to goorstorkerc. Ci. 75I&7.50; common to fair stockers, $5."0 410.50; jttock heifers, 4.2696.25; stock cows, fl. 0005. 25; veal calves, $S.60jji 10.00; buts. stags, etc. $4.6007.00. Hogs A liberal run of hogs arrived for today's trade, the yard estimate railing for a total of 10.700 head. In spite of the generous receipts, demand from all quarters had plenty of activity and a gen erally steady market was the result oc- , ,. , ,-,,.,. ... ,u ..j TTfew loads of hogs went nver the scale at shaded figures. Bulk of supply sold at a spread nf $8.8(09.(0 with best butch er weights selling both to packers and snippers at s.z, tne day. top. HUBS. No. Av. 43J1351 04.. 3.13 67..2K2 63. .164 18. .257 Sh. 440 Pr. No. Av. Sh. 40 Pr. 8 85 8 95 9 OS 9 IS 9 2$ 80. ( 90 9 00 9 10 9 20 61. .291 62. .20$ 66. .260 60. .226 T4..232 110 72. .269 9 30 Sheep Today s receipts of sheep and Iambs were nf fair size and packers mads a little effort to cheapen cost. Trade finally shaped up with fat lambs selling at prices wsk to a quarter lower with fat sheep ruling slow but gonerally steady. Best killing lambs topped at $11.00 snd other sales wera reported at (10.40$) 10.75. Good awes brought $3.7604.00 In dicating a to of $4.15 on choice handy weights. Feeder - trade was nominal owing to scarcity of thin sheep and hnrtb In the receipts. - FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 166 fed 93, 10 23 FAT EWK8. - 80 fed 109 4 00 Quotations on sheep: Best fat lambs, $10.75011.$'!; medium to good lambs, $10.2610.7 Plain and heavy lambs, $9.0009.60; yearlings, $7.(008.25; weth ers, $6.0006.26; good to choice ewes. $4.00 4.2i; fair to good ewes. $3.2504.00; cull and canner ewes, $1.5002.50; feeding l.vnH. II T.AAI tC. ...., . '50- 73 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Jan. 5. Cattle Receipts, 11,000; beef rtcers opened slow to steady. -closing steady to 26c higher, nothing toppy; best here, $11.00; bulk, $6,600 $10.00; best heifers and canners, steady: other she stock unevenly steady, to 25e lower; bulk butcher cows, $5.(007.00; I bulls, steady with yesterday's close; bulk bologna, $5.7(06.50; heavy calves, steady; vealers, 60c lower; bulk, $12,000 12.25: stockers and feeders, steady. Hogs Receipts, 26,000; opened stead? tn 10c lower, later mostly steady to 16s higher than yesterday's average; top. $10.00; bulk, $9.2509.(0; pigs, lOo high er; bulk, desirable, (4 to 130-pound pigs, 9.8510.OO. V Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 13,000; mostly 25c higher; top lambs, $11.75; bulb $10.(0011.(5; choice 90-pound western ewes. $6.00; bulk fat ewes, Jl.7itf4.25; feeders, firm. City Iva Stock. Kansas fclty. Mo., Jan. (. Ctttle Re ceipts. 6,500 head; beef steers uneven, but mostly steady, with beat kind bulls; f sarly sales, $7,600( 40; best offerings held at (10.(0011.00; aha stock, calves, canners and feedeis. steady; bulls and stockers, strong to 36o higher; good and choice cows, (6.2607.36; good heifers. (7.60; best vealers. (12.60; bulk bulls. (5.7508.(0. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market un even, steady to 16e lower; mostly 10a lower: early weakness segalned at close; top. (9.(6; hulk of sales,1 (8.(009.(0; plga. steady to ISo higher; good and choice fat pigs. 89.7H59.9l). Sheen snd -Lambs Raceinta. (.009 head: ' sncep ana lamns. steady; fed western ewes. (4.1S; yearlings. $8.60; lan-bs, $10.35. Sienx City Live Stock. Sioux City, I., Jan. $. Cattl Receipts, 4.100 bead; market slow and lower; feil i.teers and yesrllngs, (ti.OO0H.OO; fat cows and heifers, 65.00W6.00; canners. $3.9004.60: vests ((.009.(: common calves. $3.50tJ9.oo; reeaera, feeding cows and heifers, stockers. (6.000 (.(0. $$.0008.(0; ($.00$)$.00i Hogs Rseelpts. 9,100 head: market 1(9 (So lower; choice light, (9.o089.1(: com mon lights (8.(008.80! mixed, (6. 850 9.00: heavy. $1.9(09.16; hulk ot sales, $8.8509.08. Sheep Recelptst 900 head; marks.) ; i v ,r p- Live Stack. ' .. Jsn. f CatUe R. : market steady; steers. . St. Jeep St. Joseph. Mo, retpta, 4.100 head 36.S0C 10i60: , cows and heifers. It lia 9.60! calves. $7.OO01l.((i stockers and feeders, $.601r(.00. Hogs Receipts. 7,090 head: market un even, about lOo higher; top. $9.20; bulk of sales. $$.9(9.1(. Sheep and Iambs Receipts. 4.09ft htsAfl swes, $1(0 (.( V hi- .41 r If v