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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 1921. Earl Caddock md 6 Sttmgkr" Ed Eew York ior Title 10 Match Will Be ) Held January 24 At Big Garden former Champ and Manager To Leave for East Next Week, Where Iowan Will Traiu for Bout. "Bobbies" to Box New York "Cops" Earl Cadtlock. Walnut, la., heavy-! weight grappler, formerly sergeant in the 88th division in France, and who or.ce-i;pon-a time held the grap. pling championship of the world, will meet Ed "St rangier" v Lewis, lhampion. in a one-fall match for the title in Madison Square Garden, New York City, on Monday, January 24. pene Melady, manager of Caddock. Jigned the contract yesterday, erday. I v ' The fornicf champion and all his (1,000 holds will start training' for the toming match today. It is the plan tof Melady to take the Iowa grappler to New York City next week. Ar rangements are being made for train ing quarters in the east ana taaaocK will have a small army of mat per formers to work with in preparation for the tussle 'with the "Strangler." Lewis is at his .home in San Jose, Cal., where he went soon after his victory over loe Steelier. . Promoter Schulerof San Fran cisco had his line, out for the Cad-dock-Lcwis title match, but because of the large muse- Mfercd by the New York 'promoter, lost out on the bout. , . Mooi ins First Game in Cue Meet Defeats Frank Riley, 100 to 52, in State Pocket Bil , ' Hard Tourney. if W Vfl4 Playing before a crowd of more than 400 pocket billiard fans last night at the t)e Luxe parlors, Harry Moon defeated Frank Riley, 100 to 52, in the first game of the state tournament. Moon played a good game of pock et billiards from the first inning un til the 100 markers were chalked up "after his name. - His ability to send the various colored) balls sailing round on the green cloth until they found a pocket in which to fall was one of the features of his play. Moon generally left his opponent few op- 1 enings. The winner of the first game Started with a run of 24 and then played safe, scoring a run of 28 dur ing his third inning at the table. His high run of 28, two safeties and-runs of 10 and 26 gave him almost a continuous run of 8, a feat consider ed deserving of credit in 14-4 rack nool. Riley played a good game, but the ability of his oooonent to leave tew openings during the 14 frames re sulted m his low scores. The score by innings: Moon "...14 2 0 0 10 2 0 2 9 9 9 1100 Rllsy ... OS 909 1017 0 0 0 11 0 62 Riley: Tiro scratches. , Foster and Shively will play their Scheduled match this afternoon, while Ralph Stevens and Vic Bcllets will handle the sticks tonighf.. The afternoon game will start promptly at 2:30 o'clock and th evening match at 8 p..m. t Bowen Cagers to Play ' Gretna Town Tossers The Bowen Furniture team of basket-flippers, who hang out at the local Y. M. C. A., will journey to Gretna, Neb., Saturday to clash with the town team of that city in the evening. Gretna is represented this season by a good squad of basket baliers and when the Omahans and Gretna clash a hard-fought game is pre dicted, i - . ' , Monday night the Gretna cagers walloped the Ashland town aggrega tion on the latter's floor by a scor of 34 to 13. Tiger to San Francisco San ' Francisco, Jan. S.: Pitcher Crurhpler, a left-hander, has been ob tainelltfrom the Detroit Americans for the San Francisco club of the Pacific Coast . league, it was an nounced tonight." Crumpler, accord ing .to Manager Ty Cobb of the Tigers, has the reputation of. being "a second Babe Ruth" when it comes to hitting. Jimmie Hanlon Loses Bout San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 5. Tommy Cartfr of El Paso was given the newspaper decision over Jimmie Hanlon of Denver at the end of a 12-round boxing match here last night. The El Paso youth was more clever throughout, making Hanlon miss many well intended blows. They are lightweights. Tennis Stars Practice. Philadelphia, Jan. 5. Several ) court tennis stars, including Jay Gould, the titleholder, started prac tice at the .Racquet club today for r the American open championship tournament to be held next week. Cardinals to Train at Orange Orange, Tex.. Jan. 5. Branch , Rickey, manager of the St. Louis Cardinals, completed arrangements here, today, to -train his team at Orange. ; ' . "Big Three" of Pacific Coast Arrange Schedule Ran Francisco, Cl., Jan. t. Th l2t ' and 1912 ache!ul or th foot ball Thrco" of t)i Pacific coast, the University of California, Washington Stanford, was announced at a meeting of the athletic . representatives of these lnstltqlona her today. ' Th 1921 schedule follows: November s Stanford against Wash ington at Seattle. November 12 Washington against Cal ifornia at Berkeley. November It Stanford against Cali fornia at Palo Alto. 123 PrelaMy November 4 California against Washington at Seattle. Probably November 11 Washington against Stanford at Palo Alto. Probably November 18 Stanford against Callofrnia tt Berkeley. In addition each college Is permitted t'j arrange a schedule of other games. . Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Getters. - - J i t. Z- .... 1 ' . H. Mallin and 'J,- Stanley, boxing champions of the London police department, who recently arrived in New York from' England to com pete' in the international boxing tournament to be staged in New York next month by the International Sporting club. Mallin and Stanley will meet the champions of the New York police force, whila the champion boxers of the British army and navy will compete against the champions of the United States army and navy. Boston College May Schedule Creighton Francis Reynolds1, Graduate Manager of Athletics, Trying To Arrange Games.- Creighton university's foot ball team and basket ball squad may play Boston college of Boston, , Mass., during the season of 1922. Francis Reynolds, formerly ol Fort Omaha and well known in this city, who is graduate-manager of athletics at Boiton college, is in Omaha trying to schedule games with the Blue and White grid and cage squads for next year. '.. ,.. According to. Reynolds,'-Boston college is up against it, for foot ball contests next season. w The ; "Bean town gndsters plowed through the 1920 schedule with but few defeats and during the' year bucked' up against several of the ; strongest elevens in the east. , , Boston only loses two veteran, pig-: skin warriors this year and withne return to the told ot nine seasoned players and a flock of second-string men, prospects for anofher winning team in 1921 already appear, bright. The eastern, school expects to send its team west in 1922. . and is anxious to schedule a- game with either Nebraska or Creighton. Besides turning out winning foot ball and basket ball teams, Boston colleee develops base ball, tra-.k and hockey squads capable .of trouncing several of the larger eastern schools. ' 1 Reynolds is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Redmond while in Omaha. ' i , ' , i t Plenty of Basket Tossers at Central Coach Mulliean of the : Central hich school basket ball team is hav ing considerable trouble, in pickjng his hve best men lor trie nrsr game which will be played Friday;, Jan uarv 14. with South hieh. Mulligan has a wealth of material to pick from, and has about iu men who would be able to - hold down positions on the quintet. There are three men who are practically as sured : of positions on ' the ieam. Captain Clement" will, play forward, Bunnell will probamy play center, and Corenman will either r-lay a forward or euard position. , Berg, Benolken, Hunter and Keyt are showing up well at guard. Mul ligan has several good men ior ior wards in Swenson, Reyonlds and Mallory. Beerkle, who was counted forward, will not be eligible to nlav until next semester, which starts February 1. " Pitcher Is Sold. Akron, O., Jan. Si Announcement of the sale of Pitcher Harry Harper to" the Galveston, Tex., club was made todav by the Akron club of the International league. 'stanton lirlon, 29; Pierce High. 11. si.,.n v.h .inn. h. (Sneclal.) The local American Legion basket ball quintet defeated tna nerce xiigu kuw m her by a acore of 2S to 11. It was the first game of the season for tho Stanton l.cglon basketeera. Husker 1922 . Grid Team Will Play Maryland Contest With Eastern Eleven Scheduled ,for Either Wash ington or Baltimore Re turn Game in 1923. 4 Batting Records of , ' National Leaguers Name and dab. - B't O. AB. R. II. Pet King. N. Y. Pick, Boston . . Janvrln, 8t, 1 Barbare, Pitts. Rauff, N. T Lamar, . Brook. . . . hllduff. Brook. .. Allen. Clncin Carlson, Pitts. ... Boeckel. Boston . Nt-hf, N. Y Rath. Cincln Brestsler Cincln. . Kelly, N. Y Maranvllle, Boston I.uque, Cincln. ... F.srber. Chicago .. Wlngo. Cincln. ... Schultz.' St. U' ... Pllihoefer. 8t. L. Wrlghtstone, Phila. Tylr, Chicago ... Whltted, Pitts. ... Urlfflth Brook. . . LeBourvean. Phil. McQuillan. Boston ...R Bchupp. St. I.. Nal, Cincln. Olson, Brook. Miller, Phlla. Nels. Brook. I. ear. N. Y. .. filler. Cincln. . Culshaw, Pitts. Snyder, N. T. ..R 3 2l' 32 72.276 .1. 15 SS 24 105 .274 ....R 8T 270 33 74 .Z74 ,...R 67 186 9 61 .274 ....X. 65 167 SI 43 .274 ....I. 24 44 S 12.273 ....R14147S 62 130 .272 ....R 43 85 10 23 .271 ...,R 39 85 3 23.271 ....R 163 682 70 )511 .268 . ...L, 40 97 11 26 .263 129 6l 61 135 .267 ....R 21 30 4 8.267 .R 166 690 9 157 .261 .R 134 493 48 131 .264 .R- 37 64 17.266 .1. 94 340 27 90 .265 .LI08 364 32 98.264 .R 99320 38 84 .263 R 76, 224 28 69.263 . L 76 206 13 64 .262 .Tj 29 65 6 17 .262 .R 134 494 62 129 .261 .1. 93 334 41 87 .260 .t, 84 261 29 87 .2117 74 8 19.257 ..R 39 86 11 22 .256 ...7,150 630 55 135 .265 ...R 143 627 71 162 .234 ...R 98 843 41 87 .254 ...R 95 249 38 83.253 ...R 31 87 11 22 .253 ...R 38 87 7 22 .553 ...R 131 488 (123.252 .R 87 2(4 2 C6.250 O'Farrell. Chicago ...R 94 270 29 67 .248 R'.xoy. Phlla, Rarlden, cincln, Kopf, Cincln. , Pfeffer, Brook. .1. 43 101' 26 .248 . R 39 101 It 25 .248 .Bi;468 D6 112.245 R SO 74 IS .243 Washington, D. G, Jam 5. (Spe cial . Telegram.) The University of Nebraska and the University r of Georgia foot ball teams will appear on the University of Maryland's schedule in 1922. Both contests are to be played either in this' city or Baltimore. The announcement that the west ern and southern grid elevens will clash with the University of Mary land' team in 1922 was made this aft ernoon.: Negotiations were begun for i the two games about a month ago, and it seemed sure from the start 'that the Georgia , contest would, be scheduled, . but - the one with the Cornhuskers wa'$,Jield up owing to Nebraska's desire'to begin arrangement next fall with a contest An - attempt J'was made' 'tft ' rear range the Maryland schedule in or der to accept the invitation to play Nebraska, but without success. Thc game' with Nebraska- in 1922 will involve a return: game in VMS. Luehring Denies Report Of 1922 Husker Game Lincoln, Neb., Jan. S. (Special Telegram.) According to Director Luehring of the University of Ne braska, the 1922 Husker grid team will not- play the University of Maryland eleven, as announced at Washington, D. G, this afternoon. The local athletic officials are try ing ' to schedule games with the Notre Dame officials for Thanks giving. . .;..- .: I 1 : r ' Catton and McAndless Give Cue Exhibitions Marcus Catton, son of William Catton, former three-cushion cham pion, scored a victory over David McAndless, former amateur balk line champ, yesterday afternoon in a 25-point exhibition match at Symes' billiard parlors. Gatton chalked up his 250 tallies during 32 innings of play, in . which several difficult shots were pulled' off..; He had high 'runs of 45. 40 and 24 while. McAndless ran 43, 29 and 22 for high scores. . ' During the evening's exhibition, McAndless turned the trick on his opponent and defeated the latter after 28 innings of shooting. Catton ended with a score of 147. Although he lost the match, Catton had high run of 38, while the best Mc Andless ' could do vwith ..the cue was 37. x Omaha Whist Cluh to Meet JNext Friday The Omaha WJifetclub will hold a meetine next Friday evening, Jan uary 7, at the rOntenelle hotel. Members of the club are urged to attend the meeting as several mat ters of importance requiring the at tention of the club will be discussed. Nonpareil Basketeers Withdraw From League With the Council , Bluffs Non pareil first team out of the Greater Omaha leaeue the basket ball com mittee is undecided as to the num ber of games to be piaycd m that circuit Thursday night, when the league is scheduled to open. The committee will meet today. Report of Demotion of Texas League Is Denied Dallas. Tex.. Jan. 5. Reports emanating from Fort Worth yester day that an attempt would be mane tc bring about the reduction of the Texas league to "B " classification" were without foundation, according to Doak Roberts, president of the league. t ' i West Point Asks Yale for Hockey Game During Month New Haven, Conn., Jan. 5. An in vitation to the Yale polo team to iy at West Point late this month has been extended by Col. Lewis Brown, manager of the West Toiut team Oppose Crap Games Among , BallPlayers Rickey, Gleason and Cubs' Boss Clamp Lid Down on Poker Chips and "Gallop ing Dominoes.' i C'liioHito Tribune-Omaha Bee eased Wire. h "Chicago, Jan. 5. Loyalty and dis- cipline, known in army life, as morale, will be tin important factor in.-base ball during the season of 1921, if one may judge' by advance statements of club owners and man agers. Both the manager of the Cubs and Manager Gleason of the White Sox, have openly ; declared against crap games,, poker sessions for .big stakes, and .'other forms of gambling; 'which not only tend to take the players' minds toff base ball, but cause' them to break the rule against late hdurs. s r Branch Rickey, boss of the Cardi nals, always has opposed gambling in his club, and is said, to have laid down a strict rule prohibiting it in atiy form next season. .Miller Hug gins, leader of the Yankees, is an other who has declared himself, and it is known that many other major league bosses are of the same mind. Until last season gambling for large stakes was seldom seen among the White Sox, players and it was noted, that no big gambling was done at any time by . those members who came through the crisis with clean records. An incident of lat; sum mer will illustrate: ' Traveling east in July, the players were in .a parlor car, and Manager Gleason wasn't present, having gone on art earlier train. One of the party innocently displayed a pair of dice, another, one of the squad, remarked that he would shoot just once, for a dime. In a jiffy a crap game was stasted. , The innocent fellows beat it at once, and the stakes' jumped from a dime to a dollar and then to $5 and on up, until as much as $40 lay on the carpet' for a single roll of the ivories. The fellows who were shooting for the big stakes are among those indicted by, the Cook county grand jury. y I . Because of the probable oresence of many young and ambitious ptay erson both Chicauo teams, it seems 1 likely that the managers may be able to develop a high morale. Commerce High Five Meets Nebraska City at "Y "As a preliminary to the Com lnerce High-Nebraska City . High school cage contest at the local Y gymnasium Saturday nipht the First M. E. Baracas will chsh with the M. E. Wops. Both teams are members of-the Church league and Saturday night's contest isT'ji regu lar : scheduled affair, as the game was not scheduled in the first half of the season. . . Iowa Track Coach Quits. . Iowa City, la., Jan. 5. Jack Wat--soh, for eight years track coach at the University of Towa, has resigneflj it oecame Known today, some time ago he refused the tender of a neT contract. , Nebraska Athlete at Oxford Wins Shotput In Intercollege Meet Oxford,1 Jan. 5. Several of the Americans who came into residence at Oxford last October have made a place for themselves in athletics. Alfred K. Reese of . Nebraskal now at Lincoln college, Qxford, won the shotput in the inter-college fall meet, with F. K. Brown of Washington, at Exeter, a strong second. Three Americans were scmirinalists in tne . university freshmen tennis tournament, R. W. Shaw of New York, at Lincoln col lege; J. M. Clarke of Pennsylvania, at Exeter college, and A. K. Davis of Virginia, at Balliof. Davis beat Clarke in a very close match.' the set scores being 9-11, 7-5, 6-2. Both play a 'hard back-court game, with very little to choos be tween them as .to ground strokes. Davis has a little the edge on court tactics, but both are potential ma terial ; for the: Oxford univcrsiy team. Davis was defeated in the fin its by Hall," two sets to one, after a ycry hard match. i Minnesota Guard, Down in l i Studies, Leaves School Minneapolis, Jan. S. Festus Tier, ney of North St. Paul, Minn., guard on the University of Minnesota foot ball team last year, has left school because of scholastic difficulties, it be came known here tonight. Tierney, who was a senior in the college of engineering, was unable to stay above grade in 50 per cent of the ftudjes required. . ' ' Milwaukee Fight Fans to"' Have Train for Prize (Bout Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 5. Fifty Milwaukee fight fans have cigned up for a special , train to New York, which will carry enthusiasts to with v.-hich will carry enthusiasts to wit Benny Leonard on January 14. Husker Basketeers Beat IlKni Wesleyan Bloomington, III., Jan. 4. (Special.) Playing a short-passing game and guarding their opponents close at all stages of the game, the University of Nebraska basket ball tossers tonight trounced the 'Illinois Wesleyan uni versity five in a hard-fought game by a score of 30 to 1Z 12 Teams Are Entered in , Chicago Six-Day1 Bike Race Chicago. Jan. 5. Twelve teams will compose the field for the six-day bicycle race which opens at the Col iseum January 16, it was announced today. Charles Osterritter. who won a six-day event in Australia a year ago, is sthe latest foreign entry in the race. Osterritter, an Austral ian, will be teamed with another foreign star. John Farrell May Be ; Chosen Secretary of Base Ball's New Chief t'hieavo Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. 4. John II. Farrell of Auburn, secretary ' and treasurer of the National Associa tion of Professional Base Ball leagues and known as the "walking encyclopedia of base ball," is the likely candidate for the post of sec retary of Federal Judge Landis, base ball's new "one-man commission," it became known here today. Farrell is a man of whom little mention is made in the base ball al bum. Yet he probably knows more about the fact 'concerning leagues and players than any othenman. Last season he kept books- on 22 leagues embracing 156 cities and towns in the United States and in Canada. How Would You Feel? If Your, Employer Told, You: t "I don't care if you have become4more useful to me and that the cost of maintaining your home has increased -during the past five years.. You shall be give? even less salary than you received in 1915." That's Our Situation You Are Our Employer ADVERTISEMENT. IS GRANDEST ON EARTHi STATES MRS. V7ELD0N 1 i' Kansas City Woman Thought Case Hopeless Tanlac Restores Health.' "I suffered until I thought I never would be well again, but Tanlac has built me up 15 pounds in weight and got me to feeling just fine," declared Mrs. Hattie May Weldon, 623 South Eighth street, Kansas City, Kan., re cently. "I just want to tell everybody about what Tanlac has done for me. Why, at the time I began taking the medicine I had been in such a poor state of health for two years that I was constantly having to stay in bed for weeks at a time, and when I wasn't in. bed , I was hardly able to creep around. Everything I ate soured in my stomach and formed gas which pressed up into my chest so bad I could hardly get my breath. I finally lost my appetite completely, and got to where I seemed to have no energy at all.. I couldn't sleep at night, would just roll and tosa the hours through, and mornings I felt so tired I couldn't do my housework. My head ached terribly and I often got so dizzy I couldn't stoop over wuriuui iainng. t. limes DiaCK spots came before my eyes and I couldn't see. I had pains all through my body and always had to be tak ing something for constipation. . Well, I kept reading about Tan lac in the paper and, although I had little idea it would help me, I finally decided to try 'it as a last resort. You can imagine my surprise when after taking nearly a half bottle I found my appetite coming back to me. . When 1 finished that bottle. I got another, and then another.' and kept right on taking it until now I don't feel like the same person. I am eating just anything I want without suffering the least hit after ward and all my strength and energy has come back to me. All the pains have disappeared from my body, I sleeo like a child every night and am doing my housework without the least trouble. I only hope my state ment may lead others to try Tanlac, for it is the grandest -medicine in the world, and I wouldn t think of bemg without it, even if the price was 10 times what it is." i Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all Sherman & McConnelJ Drug Com pany s stores. Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also in south Omaha and Benson Phar macy, Benson; ueorge Mert, Flor ence, Neb.; Saratoga Pharmacy, 24th and Ames. North Omaha, Neb., and the leading druggists in each city and town throughout the state of Ne braska,, i ... .. , ! : The: Bricklayer's Y p : l, 4v. hr why?. 11 --s y """' ';y ! S Laborer Coal Fmblem In 1915 a bricklayer was earning 75c an hour was given an increase This gave him a wage of $1.25 an hour; $4 a day more than he was receiving in 1915. An increase of 66 per cent. But he needed it! The price of street car transportation for his family had increased 25 per cent. The cost of maintaining a home had almost doubled. , , . The price of coal increased by leaps and bounds. Taxes increased. ' The cost of everything he touched increased in price. .... u We have the Same m to meet We had to pay similar increases to our help as was received by the bricklayer. Our labor costs increased one and one-half times between 1915 and 1920. We had' to meet the increases askea in order to keep up our serv ice to our customers arid to provide a living wage for our family of 450 employes. Taxes . Our tax rate in 1920 was one and two-thirds that of the 1915 rate. This is a big item in our expenses and we have no alterna tive but to pay the taxes levied. oa It cost us $7.73 a ton for coal. In 1915 a ton of the same coal cost $2.78. Freight alone on a ton of coal is now $2.96, which is more than the price of the coai plus the freight in 1915. Coal is the greatest item of our expenses. More than $1,000,000, or about one-third of our total earn-' ings, was spent for this one commodity. So we were compelled to ask an increase Our petition The increase asked We petitioned the, city council for a maximum increase in iates of only ' 2 cents per kilowatt hour because we were compelled to do it. We had to either ask for the increase orper- ; mit our properties to "run down." The income we are receiving is not enough to pay our manufacturing , costs; to replace vorn-out machinery, and to pay us a fair return on a fair value of our property. Less than 1 per cent has been received on the last five million dollars spent by us in ex tending our service to the people of Omaha. Continued satisfactory service v in your home and the growth of Omaha demands that our properties be kept in first class, tip-top condition. Isn't that fair? The increase we ask adds only 2 cents to our present rate one of the lowest in Amer ica which would give us the same rate we received in 1916. 'You' cannot operate your home on the in come you received in 1915. Can you? ,, In 1915 we were receiving a rate of 8 cents, but in 1917, on figures based on 1915 costs, our rates were decreased. The Gas Company, officially and "unof ficially," made five increases during the past year as follows: The general increase on each 1,000 cubic, feet, used. The service charges. Thay pay no taxes. Their taxes were elim inated; ours were increased. The pressure of the gas has been lowered, giving the consumer less gas for his money. It takes the housewife longer to cook with gas than it used to because the heating ability has been decreased. ' Our increase will add only SO cents a month to the average residential bill, which is much less-than the increase made to the public in any other commodity. i Nebraska Power Company Speaking of Service We stand, unafraid, to state that our service ranks with the best in the United States. This is a bold statement, but it also goes as a challenge. If letters of thanks are an indication, our customers are aware of our excellent, instant service. But itshould be evi dent also that this good service can not long continue unless we have enough revenue to keep our proper ties in good, serviceable condition. I 7 7 i.