THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1921. - Program Given, i Bv Undertakers j No Dead Affair Rev.. Titua Lowe .Addresses Lions' Club Luncheon at Ho tel Koine Mock Wedding .' i Ceremony Held. i. . " 'Although the undertakers had charge' of the' program at the Lions club .luncheon at the Pome hotel fit noon yesterday, it was not a dead if air. . .The '.'Rev. Titus Lowe, pas tor of- the First Methodist church, delivered the main address, his sub ject being, "What- We Should Bury JVith J 920." "The world is now a big- neigh borhood, modern facilities making .. ft possible to communicate with all farts of the world in a short time. Ve are inextricably blended and it is ine woria-sv outy to Know wnar fhe world' i doing." he said, i "World Should Organize." i ! "It tyas welPfor Washington . to ' lelt his people to avoi -''entangling lliances. -in Europe and to be in erested only in America. In King George's day, Londdn .'was three eonths awayyNow itis'only a mat r of hours-; '! ' . ( "It is fdTAmerfca to keep in touch rith the world, Americans cannot live unto themselves.4 The world tnust organize and America must piay a greai parr in me organiza v lion. This would be an honorable association which could easily work &ut the problems of humanity."" The speaker declared it would be Jvell to bury all the old-fashioned Jdeas and take on themodern. Mock Wedding. ' The club bade Charles Burgess farewell as he left today for Washi ngton where lie is-- to' be married jnext week. A mock wedding cere mony was performed with Burgess flaying the stellar-role. tsotties, apparently containing embalming fluid, which the under takers had placed at each plate, fcroved to hold excellent orangeade when sampled. j JCarl R. Gray Named on j International C. of C. f ' Carl R. Gray, r president . of the ' Union Pacific, has been, named a member of the American commrttee-p fcf the International Chamber of jCommerce,' created'. -in Paris last June, by Joseph-Hv-'Defrees, presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce bf fhe United States. The appoint ment was made Monday. -The no tice was received, by Mr. Gray's Sec retary, Paul R. Rigdon, -who wired ' his chief, who is spending the holi jdays in the east with his family. I Painters Meet Here. More than 400 master painters of Iowa and Nebraska are expected to attend the convention here January 32-14. ' . Convention headquarters will be Established at the Rome hotel.. Divorce Court. f Petition. Haft agafiiBt Sherman Huff, Hilt against Clarence Hill, "BrileltV. 'I .jsaizaDem utnl agajniv- junua, JtmeUy. , .v ' Margaret Bowman . Brown from On 'IBrewn, cruelty. Sranch relty. T Elizabeth Win $100? Here's Your Chance! "V Guess the identity of the moving picture stars, parts of whose pic tures are being shown daily in The Bee. Sixty pictures will be shown. The individual who guesses the largest number correctly wins $10Q. ' Other prizes arc: ' Second .$50 Fifth $10 T, . , Twenty-fiva next...... $5 each lhlr1 y Fifty next Autographed pie Fourth . .' . .$15 tur of the start. The rules are simple. Fill out the attached blank. Be sure to sign your name and address. Mail it to The Bee "Movie Contest Editor" with in three days of publication. Place your name and the numbers of the pictures on the outside of the envelope. P. . t . '! i imiiinitfiffift ""rair y1" " " "' ? " " 'W"""1""" ,"L"""Jl"" I Movie Contest Coupon No 59 is...... ... No. 60 is ..: (Your. Name.) j (Your Pkone Number.) (Your Street Addreei.) Clty or Town.) Fill in this entry blank and mail to f'Movie Contest Editor, Omaha Bee." Write YOUR NAME and the numbers of THESE PICTURES on outside of envelope. . , ....' Two pictures will be published each day, for 30 days. ' ' TWO MORE PICTURES Iti TOMORROW'S BEE. Traffic to Be Barred From 8 Streets That Kids May Coast Lhcer up, youngsters, cheer up. When the next snow falls youesn go coasting and mother won't need to worry about you at all. , ' For, Mr. Ringer, worthy police commissioner, is .going to name to day eight streets which are to be 'your slides for coasting and traf fic will be detoured from thcm. - Inspector Pattullo has picked which streets, they'll be and guards are io be pasted to safeguard the interest of Skmnay, Bob, Tom, Dick, Jack, Harry and the rest of the gang. The guards may be Boy Scouts or High school cadets or they may be common every day coppers. But cheer up, kids, it's true. Judges to Be Sworn In. Judges of the district court .will meet Ihursday morning in the city council chamber, where they will ad minister the formal oath of office to Judges R. W. Patrick, George Holmes.. and A.; E. .-Baldwin,- who were re-elected; judges -of the muni cipal court." H Budget Before Council. The city council will meet this afternoon at 2 to 'consider the de partment budget for this year. - Pioneer "Hello Girl"Resisiis m I Miss McClure Retires After 10 Years' Service With Tele phone Company. Elizabeth' L. McClure, 2405 South Thirty-second street, one of the pio neer telephone women' of the United States, retired from the service of the Nebraska Telephone Co. last Saturday, after a record of 40 years with this company. She entered the service of the Ne braska Telepphone Co. in 1880, at the time of its organization, and she quit pulling plugs the day the Ne braska company vas merged with the Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. On September 1. 1880. when she was 16, "Miss Mac," began her service in the Union block, Fif teenth and Farnaui streets, with Revel France a"s manager of the company. The telephone business was in a primitive stage at that time. Miss McClure served as chief operator for 35 vears and during Lihe last three years she was assign ed to special work tn the general offices, 9 A farewell banquet was given for her in the toll operators' rest room on the day of retirement. President W. B. T. Belt. Manager A. A. Low nan, L. M. Holiday and other of ficials of the company responded to toasts'. Miss McClure was given a watch by some of her old associates. This veteran of the switchboard was a memher of the Telephone Pioneers of America. Board Prevented by Court From Closing Road Contracts The three democratic county com missioners were frustrated yester day in an effort to obtain a modi fication of a restraining , order against awarding $1,500,000 founty paving contracts at this time.' John P. Breen, representing sev eral clients, stated that the action of the commissioners was "a strange movement," which' probably meant that they wanted to include the con tractors as parties to the restraining order. The restraining order will be heard before Judge Sears Thursday morning. A. . D. Compton. demo cratic commissioner, will be suc ceeded on Thursday by T. F. Stroud, republican. . ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Red Pepper Stops Rheumatic Pains Rub .It on Sore, Stiff Joints, and Muscles, and Rheumatism, Lumbago and Pain Vanish -Try. It and See! Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch" from sore, stiff, aching joints It can not hurt you, and it certainly ends that old rheumatism torture at once. When you are suffering so you can hardly get around, just try "Red Pep per Rub," and you will have the quickest relief known. . Nothing, has 1 DREXEL' Si MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE WOMEN'S HIGH AND LOW SHOES Starts Wednesday, January 5th, at 8:30 a. m. -, x . . This year our Annual Sale brings bargains that are bigger and better than any we have ever offered before. All discontinued and broken lines in both high and low shoes have been cut to the quick for complete clearance. In cluded are all our regular makes of high grade shoes, such as Hanan & Son, J.. & T. Cousins and others. Each pair is from our regular stock and is of strictly DREXEL QUALITY in every respect. We cannot mention all the wonderful bargains here,- but suggest that you be here early Wednesday .morning an$ get your share. ' 1 3 trr nn I ) i I ! I Qur fjnest Mat, Black, Blue and Brown kid, Brown Suede lace Louis heel shoes, also Brown kid with Military heels that pold np $10.45 to $20 now Cousins & Armstrong's Tan and Brown Calf and Norwegian Grain Military heel lace oxfords that , sold up to $15.50, dQ AJZ X now v -r Black kid, Black calf, Brown Russia t calf and Norwegian Grain lace Military heel shoes, also Patent leather lace and button shoes with cloth and buckskin tops, that sold up to $18.00, Q A C now pOT'0 Black and brown kid with Louis heels, black kid and brown calf Military heel shoes, also several lines brown calf Military heel orfords that sold up to $15, &T A C now, .. ...... y. . P Black kid button and lace Military heel, black kid with Louis k heels, high shoes, also tan and brown calf oxfords AJ- in Brogue and plain styles, worth to $12, now . (l P"0 Several lines patent leather and kid beaded Slippers, also one lot gold colored Satin Pumps with embroidered CfA Att vamps, worth to $10, now VTmXiJ Brown and mouse kid lace, Louis heel shoes, .brown kid and calf Military heel lace shoes, worth up to $15,, also gold and silver cloth, grey suede, black kid, black satin and dC AtZ patent leather turn, sole, Louis heel pumps, now .. yOtW Several styles black kid lace and button shoes, 49 AtZ splendid values, really worth $10, go at . . . .Y. . . Patent leather cloth top button, also several short lines in black calf with kid and cloth tops, all worth much more, J IE now ip One lot consisting of several styles of black and white satin pumps, mostly small sizes, but wonderful fc 1 I C values I........ ALL SALES FINAL NO DELIVERIES SEE OUR WINDOWS DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 FARNAM STREET Permits to Carry Firearms Issued to 33 Street Railway Men Tcnnits to carry firearms were is sued yesterday by Mayor Smith to 33 conductors and motormen v. the request of officials of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany, in an effort to shut down on the small wave of crime" which is sweeping the outlying districts" of the city in the. form of street' car holdups mi attacks on tra.n crews by hoodlums who persist in be coming intoxicated and creating dis turbances on the street cars. Permits were given to C. A. Moore, R, O. Kerns, Henry Tomas, Sam Harvey, Charles O'Brien, George Troxcil, R. B. McDermott, Roland Becker, F. K. Ogan, 11. J. Collins, G. L. Harlow, John So daro and J. M. Reasoncr. Twenty others had been given permits jirwr to yesterday. Rail Wages Reduced Detroit, Jan. 4. Wages oi all it.. ploycs of the Detroit United Rail way company, other than platform men, have been reduced approxi mately 20 per cent, it was announced. such concentrated, penetrating heat as red peppers. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you will feel the tingling heat. . In three minutes it warms the sore spot through and through. Pain and soreness are gone. Ask any druggist for a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub. It costs but little. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. announce The Formal Opening of Their New Home 1514-1516-1518 Dodge Street Arjd Extend to their Friends and. Patrons an Invitation to Call and Inspect "The Most Complete Music House in the West" The House of Schmoller & Mueller Store Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings for Inspection To make our opening a notable event and one long to be remembered, we are going to give away ABSOLUTELY TREE the following instruments: One High Grade Player Piano; One Sweet-Toned Schmoller & Mueller Phonograph. Our New Home Will Be Open for Inspection Thursday January Sixth How to Get One of These Instruments FREE ; , Every visitor to our store during the month of Janu ary who registers his name and address will be given a coupon. The holder of one of these'eoupons has an equal chance of winning one of these beautiful prizes. A high grade Player Piano or a sweet-toned -tSchmoller & Muel ler Phonograph Supreme, described below,, will be given ; away ABSOLUTELY FREE .on Saturday evening, Janu ary 29th, 1921. There are 'no strings tied to this offer. We want the name and address of every family that calls at our new show rooms during January. If anyone pur chasing a Player Piano or a Phonograph during this con test should win any one of these prizes, we will gladly, refund money paid and deliver the player or phonograph. A Word About the Distribution of ffhesa Prises The duplicate coupon that we keep goes in a sealed box, which will be turned over to three of Omaha's prom inent newspaper advertising men, who will have complete charge of awarding the prizes at our show rooms on Saturday evening, January 29th, 1921. Only 23 Days to Register Your Name Drawing to Be Held on Saturday Jan. 29th To Be Given Away Absolutely Free! m v First Prize: A beautiiul Player Piano. Excellent tone and equipped with all the latest expression devices. Choice of Mahogany, Wal nut or Oak case. Prices and Terms All, in Your Favor on These New Player Pianos During our formal opening we will place n sale two carloads of Brand New, Latest Model Player Pianos.. Regularly $700 and $750 values. This is an exceptional opportunity to pur-, chase at player at a remarkably low price. Handsome bench , and liberal ; assortment of music rolls FREE. Priced at opening sale at only $485 and $535 Our New Store Contains Twelve Complete Departments PUyer Piano Department Reproducing Piano Department Grand Piano Department Upright Piano Department Automatic Initrument Department Phonograph Department Sheet Muiic Department Band Instrument Department Orchestra; Department : Record Department Music Roll Department ' Repair and Moving Department Phonograph and Record Department , Our Phonograph Department con tains eight sound-proof demonstrat ing rooms, where you will be able to sit down in comfort and enjoy the selections you desire to hear played. The famous Columbia Grafonola and our Schmoller & Mueller Phonograph Supreme are displayed in this de partment. We guarantee the best record service in Omaha, and will maintain a complete stock of the latest popular, operatic and sacred Columbia Records. Phone Doug. 1623 The Steinway Piano if To, uphold a reputation for tone quality unequaled; to build a piano that has fixed basic principles for all makes; to create a world standard and keep it at a level unap proachable by others; that is the Steinway achievement through four generations. Quality should be the only determining fac tor in the selection of a piano. To Be Given Away Absolutely Free! Second Prize : A lA Schmol ler' & Mueller Phonograph Supreme. Perfect in tone and vfp to date in design. "Plays all records and is fully guaranteed for one year. Choice of Mahogany or Oak finish. J Sheet Music Dept. Our Sheet Music Department will, without a doubt, be the most com plete in the west. We will carry in stock at all times the latest popular and classical music, also a complete line of teacher's supplies. Player Roll Dept. Our Player Roll Department has ' every convenience to make it pleas ant for' our customers to select their favored music from our' complete stock of Q. R. S. and Imperial Plaver Rolls. Band and Orchestra Dept. We are representatives for the celebrated J. W. York & Sons band and orchestra instruments and acces sories, also carry a large assortment of violins, banjos, nkeleles, guitars, banjo ukes and mandolins, in fact, can- supply you with everything in the musical line at lowest prices. Exclusive Representatives for The world renowned Steinway, the cele brated Hardman; also 'the old reliable Emerson, Steger & Sons, McPhail, Lindeman & Sons, Behr Bros., and our own sweet toned Schmoller & Mueller pianos, sold at a saving of $100 to $150. T Reproducing Pianos The Hardman Welte, a piano that reproduces with astounding exactitude the playing of the greatest pianists of the age. Also the Behr Brothers Welte, endorsed by world-famous pianists. MIW 4 FiANOCQMMltt T 'lf-lDl 'i Phone jJUjj ' (V Doug. 1UM ft I m 1514-1516-1518 Dodge Street, Omaha, Neb. I .-1 uiilii.itg:;a,J!:.ii,.iHi.-il