THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 2. 1921. 3 B .Visitor at York 1 Clubdom Chautauqua Notes. A new chautauqua circle will be organized in the Minne Lusa addi tion Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. B. A. Waugh, 2877 Newport avenue. Any woman interested in chautauqua work is in vited to attend the meeting. At the beginning of the season Tennyson Chautauqua circle was di vided into two groups for the pur pose of working for honor points, the losing side to entertain the win ners at luncheon at the end of the yar. Points are given for attend ance, punctuality, well prepared les sons and for bringing in new mem bers. At the present time Mrs. C. J. Maas' division has 124 points and Mrs. J. A. Osborne's. 119. Golf Club. The Prettiest Mile Woman's Golf club will be entertained at a kensjng ton on Tuesday afternoon, January 4, at the home of Mrs. Nettie Won der, 6012 Florence boulvard. Officers for the new year will be installed. Miss Lillian Paul as president; Mrs. Lula Norris Jerome, vice president: Mrs. Nettie Wonder, secretary, and Mrs. Robert Page, treasurer. Those assisting the hostess are Mrs. E. J. Cochrane, Mrs. L. I.. Carr, Mrs. George Greenough, and Mrs. J. C. Ludeke. s' Omaha Story Tellers' League. The Omaha Story Tellers' league will meet Thursday afternoon, 4:15 o'clock, at the Y. W.iC A. "Pollen," by Susan Glaspell, and "Old Pipes and the Dryads," by Stockton, will be told by Mrs. George Payne. Miss Isabelle Graham will tell the story Af "How Bobbie Robin Gobbled His Dinner," by S. T. Magazine. Miss Jennie Redfield, leader. Yates Parent-Teachers. The Parent-Teachers association of Henry W. Yates school will meet Wednesday, 3 p. m.,in the school auditorium. The program will in clude musical numbers by the -Girls' Glee club of Central High school, under direction of Mrs. Carol M. Pitts, and a reading by Virginia Blundcll. A feature of the program will be an address by Leon smith, assistant superintendent of schools. his subject being "The Value of Mental Test." A motion picture, "Little Women," will be shown in the school audi torium Friday evening, January 7, at 8 o'clock. The association re cently purchased a motion picture machine lor the use of the school. South Omaha Woman's Club. The literature department of tbe South Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Walter A. Nitsche, 4210 South Twenty-second street. Mrs. R. M. Marrs will review "The Man of the Ages." "Biography and Literary Criticism of the Author Irving Bachellor," will be given by Mrs. Bruce McCulloch. Miss Kath ryn Parker will give a piano solo. Mr. Syfert to Speaks Mrs. E. M. Syfert, president of the Drama league, will'speak before the Dundee Women's club Wednesday afternoon, 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Harry L. Snyder, 4922 Chi cago street, her subject being, "The Great Galeoto," by lose Echegaray. Current events, "The Tragedy of England and Ireland," will be lead by Mesdames Helen Morton and J. A. Linderholm. Musical numbers will be given by Mrs. Snyder. The program will be in charge of Mesdames J. O. Yeiser and Henry S. McDonald. The Book Club. The. Book club will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Page, 115 North Thirty-third street. Miss Eleanor McGilton will review Martin Nexo's "Ditte Girl Alive." Art Department The art department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Thursday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock, at the Y. W. C. A. sThe program will be in charge of Mrs. C. A. Sherwood. Mrs. C. J. Roberts will speak on "Art in Amsterdam. Mrs. Grase Thorn Oglesby will sing "Alone IJpon the House Tops," composed bv her brother, H. II. Thorn, and "If You Would Love Me," by McDermott. Tea will be served following the program. Tfce meeting is open to all club members. Mothers Club. The Mothers club will meet for 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Zane Thompson, 131 North Thirty-first avenue. Mrs. J. O. Detwciler will assist. A meet ing will be held following the lunfieon. Mrs. Royal Miller will read a paper on. "Social Service Organiza tions." Roll call, "The Department of Agriculture," will be lead by Mrs. J. F. Beard. Vocal numbers will be given by Mrs. Bradley Roe. . Music Department Luncheon. The music department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet for 12 o'clock luncheon Wednesday in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. Res ervations for the luncheon may be made with Mrs. L. H. Hoffman, Wal nut 0773, not later than .Monday eveqing. Bellowing the luncheon, chorus re hearsal will be held under direction I of Henry G. Cox. Miss Youngman Entertains. 'Miss Elizabeth Youngman enter tained 24 guests at a watch party at her home Friday evening. Dancing and games were the entertainment. A program of music was given. Holi day decorations were used through out the rooms. P. E. O. Luncheon. Omaha P. E. O. association will hold its regular monthly 'luncheon Saturday, 1 p. m. in the south room. Chamber f-Commerce. ' Lasell Alumae Club. Lasell Alumnae club will meet with Mrs. Fred J. Adams. 3722 Pacific street, at 3 p. m. Tuesday, January 4. The last meeting was held No vember 30 at the home of Mrs. Henry Clarke when officers were elected and? arrangements made for charity work.' Mrs. Clarke is presi dent of-ihe club, Mrs. Rightcr Wood, treasurer, ana Mrs. .. L. Loomis, secretary. The dub numbers 20 members. Maccabees. The Maccabees of Omaha Tent No. 75 will hold a public installa tion of ofticers, assisted bjfcthe Coun cil Bluffs Tent No. 32. on Monday evening, January 3, at Swedish audi torium, 'MxteeMh' and Chicago streets. Following the installation there will be dancing and cards. All Maccabees and their friends cor dially incited. Public Speaking Department. The public speaking department of the Omaha Woman s club will meet Tuesday. 10 a. rn., at the Y. W. C. A. a mil attendance is desireu as a new course of study will be taken tip under direction of Prof. Edwin Puis. New members will be en rolled at this meeting, announces Mrs. O. Y, Kring, leader. . Kreymbourg Review. Alfred Kreymbourg,, who spoke in Omaha some weeks ago before the Drama league, is receiving consid erable attention from current re viewers. 1 lie New York 1 imes bun day, December 26, treated Mr. Kreymbourg s writings in an inter esting manner. Music Club. A regular meeting of the A. L. A. Music club was held at the home of Miss Dorothea Rose December 29. Miss Rose, vice president of the cTub, leaves January 2 td enter a s:hool in Chicago. Meeting Postponed. The meeting of the literature de partment of the Omaha Woman's club will be omitted this week, an nounces Mrs. Edward Johnspn, lead er. The date of the next meeting will be announced at a later date. Aid Society Luncheon. The. Woman's Aid society of the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will entertain at' a 1 o'clock Itmcheon Friday in the church parlors. W. C. T. U. Notes. The committee on arrangements for the regional conference of the W. C. T. U., to be held in Omaha February 2, 3, 4, will meet Monday, 2 p. m., at the Y. W. C. A. Grant Post and Corps. U. S. Grant post and women's re tirf corps will hold a joint meeting in Memorial hall, court house, Tues day at 1 p. m. Officers for the en suingvyear will be installed. Home Economics Department. The home economics department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet at the Y. W. C. A. at 10 a. m to go on an inspection tour of the Skinner Macaront plant, announces Mrs., R. i. Franz, leader. Craik Players. Oscar Wilder Craik will iuaugu rate the series of Saturday matinees at the Craik studio in the Lyric building next Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock, presenting "Helena's Hus band," bv Philip Moeller, with Mrs. Anson Biglow,. Mrs. Prawl. Mark Levings, Hart Jenks and David Rob erts in the cast. The play is a come dy. a satire on Helen of Troy. Girls Community Service League Monday Cluga club supper, 6:30 p. m. Gvmnasium class 7:30. , Mrs. Charles Musselman, director. Tuesday Lafavette club, supper. 6:30 p. m. Dramatic art class 7:30; Miss Ethel Mulholland, leader. Wednesday League entertains ex service men at dinner, 6:30 p. m. Recreational evening. Thursday K. K. K. club supper, 6:30 p. ni. Dramatic art class; Miss Mulholland. leader. - 1 Friday D. T. A. club supper, 6:30 p. m. Gymnasium class, 7:30; Mrs. Musselman, leader. Saturday Week end dance. Cluga club, hostess, 8:30 to 11 p. m. f Sunday Dramatic art program, in cnarge or miss aiuinouanci, p. m. The Railroad Station Just a very common thing Shouts and whistles, bells that ring, Just a platform in the rain And a slowly moving train. Alice Duer Miller. Miss Annabelle Whclan is one of the Omaha girls who has been lost to the city during the holidays. She spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Mary Whelan at York, Neb. While there Miss Whelan was honor guest at a number of social affairs. " YcW. G. A. Sunday, January 2 The new col ored branch of the Young Women's Christian Association,' located at Twenty-second and Grant streets, will be formally opened with dedi catory services at 4 p. m. All inter-' !,M?hS?n ested friends are most cordially in1 vited to be present. , Mrs. Frank H. Ridgley will be the speaker at vesper services at the Central building, Seventeenth and St. Marys avenue, at 5 V- m. Sunday. Her subject will be "Pressing For ward." Miss. Ruth Rockwood will sing. Social hour, after the vesper service. Monday The industrial clubs will meet for supper at 5:45 o'clock, fol lowed by a business session. A new class in expression, the leadership of Mrs. Effie Steen Kittelson, will be opened Monday evening at 7:30. The course will continue for 10 weeks and the fee is $4. Tuesday Rev. A. S. Buell of Trinity Methodist church will be the speaker for the Tuesday noon lunch tor business women from 11:30 to o'clock on the second floor, Y. W. C. A. Prof. Lee G. Kratz will lead the singing and women from - the Westminster Presbyterian ehurch. under the direction of Mrs Henry E. Maxwell, will act as hostesses This luncheon is for all women and girls of Omaha who are down town at the noon hour and is especially planned for the business women A new course in recreational lead- , - , . . 1 1 . r if .. rrsnip, unuer ine aireciion oi juis Lucy Jane Giddmgs, phvsical di rector, and Miss Winifred Raymond, recreational director, will be started on January 4 at 7:30 o'clock and will continue for 10 weeks. Lectures on the theory of recreation leader ship and demonstration of games and discussion of the principles involved, will form the basis of this .course. Registrations are now being taken. Class fee. $3 tor It) lessons Wednesday the class m tnglish history, under the leadership of Mrs. Id HanchettJt 'will be resumed Wednesday evening. Thursday The members of the Business Woman's Bible class will meet Thursday at 6:15 p. m for supper, followed by the lesson hour. Friday A new class in parlia mentary law will begin Friday at 7 . m.. under the leadership ot Mrs F. H. Cole. This course continues for 12 lessons. Fee. $2. Saturday Roller skating in the gymnasium Saturday evening from 7:30 till 10 o'clock. " 4 Calendar SUNDAY. (Iniilia Walktna- Clob Sunday. 9 a. m from Sixteenth mnd locust street". All day outin-. James Baldwin, leader. v01d People' Home. Fontenella Boule vard Sunday. S:30 p. m.. Rev. A. D. ravls. paxtor of Walnut Hill Methodist church will conduct services. Omaha, TheoMtphlraJ Society Sunday. S p. m., room 215 I.e'Iang bulldlna. Six twith end Capitol avenue. Subject, "Hints on Light On the Path." MONDAY. Omaha W. C. T. V. Monday. 1:30 p. m., culled meeting, room S10. T. M. C. A. Hl.hop Vincent Chautauqua Circle Monday, 7:15 p. nr.. third floor, court house. RooneTflt Chautauqua Circle Monday, 1:30 n. m.. vlth Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204 South Twenty-second street. Omaha Woman's Club Monday. 2:45 p. m., T. W. C. A., Auditorium. Memorial nervlces for deceased members. Omaha Mothers' Culture Club Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. P. J. White, S004 Chicago street. Social meet in. W. C. T. V. Monday, 2 p. m., T. W. C. A., meeting of committee on arrange ments for regional conference to b held In Omaha February 2, 1 and 4. Woman's Homo Missionary Society Monday, 1 p. m.. T. M. C. A. Omaha dis trict quarterly meeting-. Mrs. C. C. Cis all will have charge of the program. Teanjaon Chautauqua Circle Monday, I p. m., with Mrs. E. W. Powell, 8326 Wool worth avenue. Lesson. Davis' "History of France," Introduction and chapter 1 and 1. Mr. E. Benedict and Mrs. J. T. Morey, leader. TUESDAY. Leems Chautauqua Circle Tuesday, S .1811 Clnb Tuesday. T:!0 p. m., Chamber of Commerce, parlor A. Sojourners' Club Tuesday. 2 p. m.,wltb Mrs. Mary Conant. at Conant hi. tel. Jewish ladle Relief Society Tuesdaw, a as., regular meeting and Installation of officers, Lyric building, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. II. B; 1 P. Club Tuesday evening, supper and dramatic art. Social Settlement house. 1-aarll Alumna Club Tuesday, 3 p. m., with Mrs. Fred J. Adams, 3722 Pacific street. Dundee Morning Chautauqua Circle " Tuesday. 9:4f. a. m. with Mrs. T. O. Put nam, 6002 Izard street. J. V. W. Club Tuesday. 1 o'clock with Mrs. Howard Rushton. luu iNorm iniriy-iouria street. x Omaha. Woman's Club, Public Speaking riepartment Tuesday, 10 a. m., T. W. C. A, Mrs. O. Y. Kring, leader. 1. 8. Grant Post and Corps Tuesday, 1 p. m., joint meeting. Memorial hall, court house. Installation of officer. Omaha Spanish Club Tuesday, 8 p. m., 110 Patterson block, Seventeenth and 1 urnain streets. Election of officers. Drama League Tuesday. 4 p. m., Fon tcr.elle notcl. Prof. Paul Urumann will spfak on "Danton," by Romain Holland Omaha Truth Center Tuesday, 't p. m., Id E'atterson block, Seventeenth and Far nam streets. Francis J.. Gable of Lincoln, leader. - i South Omaha Woman's Club, Literature Department Tueday, 2:80 p. m., with. Mis. Walter Nitsehe, 4210 South Twenty second street. j George A. Custer Belief Corps No. 82 Tuesday afternoon, sunshine party at the, home of Mrs. Arthur Gwynns, 3127 Grebe street, Florence. P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. X. Tuesday, 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs. F. K Thomas, 6113 California street. Mra. O. A. Dantehjon, assistant hostess. Alice R. Howard Chautauqua Circle Tuesday. 7:30 p. m., with Miss Ellen Wal lace, 1944 South Thlrly-second street. Mlsa Grace Rowland, leader. Current events will be in charge of Mrs. Howard. Omaha Woman's Club, Art Department Tuesday, 10 a, m., T. VV. C. A. Sher wood will have charge of the program.. Tea will be servd following the program. All club members invited. Omaha Business Woman's Club Tues day, 6:16 p. m., Y. W. C. A., dinner fol lowed by regular monthly business meet ing. Musical and literary numbers will be given by ciub members under direc tion OI Miss Emma McRae. WEDNESDAY. Ma Sigma Wednesday, 9:30 . m., with Mrs. Frank Boyd, 8860 Harney street. i Parent-Teacher Association, Henry W. Yate School Wednesday, 3 p. in., school auditorium. Clan Gordon Ladies' Auxiliary Wednes day, 2 p. m.. with Mrs. Ben Morse, 1618 Spragua street. Omaha Business Woman' League Wednesday, 6:16 p. m., supper and pro gram, Loyal hotel. Georare Crook Woman's Relief tirni Wednesday. 1:30 p. m., special meeting, Memorial hall court house. Royal Q. B. C. Club Wednesday eve- ; ning, supper, dramatic, art and gym- . naslum. Social Settlement house. Omaha Woman' Club, Music Depart-; ment Wednesday, 1 o'clock luncheon, Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Ward Shafer, leader. Dundee Woman's Club Wednesday, 2 ' p. m., with Mrs. Harry I Snytier, 4922 I Chicago street. Mrs. E. II. Svfert, presl- i dent of Drama league, speaker. J The Mothers' Clul) Wednesday. 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs, Zane Thompson, 131 North Thirty-first avenue , Mrs. J. O. Detweiler, assistant hostess. ' St. Pauls Episcopal Woman' Auxiliary Wednesday, 2:30 p. m., guild hall, an nual election of officers and reports ct the year' work. Mrs. J. llammon. i hostess, r j A. C. A. Book Review Section Wednes- ; day, 4 p. m., with Jliss Helen Sommer . 614 Park avenue. 'Mrs. Rellg Hecht will ! review "Eminent Victorians," by Mr, i Lytton Strachey. . American War Mothers' Kensington i ' Wednesday. 1 :30 p. n, with Mrs. Minnie ; Bulloch. 4616 North Thirty-fifth street. I Mesdames Charles Lighten, Camilla ! weens, jam's uordick and George Par rish will assist. THURSDAY. W. . L. L. Club Thursday, 7:30 p. m.'. sewfng class, Social Settlement house. Omaha 6tory Tellers' League Thursday, 4:16 p. m., Y. W. C. A., Mies Jennie Red Held, leader. Omaha Woman's Club, Home Economies Department Thursday, 10 a. m., Members will meet --Y. W. C. A. to go on Inspec tion toui of Skinner's Macaroni plant. The Book Club Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Roy Page, 115 North Thirty third street. Miss Eleanor McGilton will review, "Ultte Girl Alive," by Martin Noxo. , P. E. O. Sisterhood. Chanter E Thurs day, 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. Dean Smith, 3306 Dewey avenue. Mrs. T. H. Matters, assistant hostess. A program will be given following luncheon. Dundee Chatauqua Circle Thursday, 2 p. m., with Mrs. Thomas Ehurtz, 1310 North Forty-fifth street. Mesdames J. O. Wentworth and Otho Johnson, leaders. Currenf event will be led by Mrs. M. I. Vleno. FRIDAY. Federal Art l lnh Friduv. R n W. C. A. m T. Round Table Chautauqua Circle Fri day, 7:15 p. m.. Y. W. C. A. Lone-fellow Chnutniinna CIpmIj, 7:30 p. m.. 666 Bmndels Theater building! Lowe Avenue Presbyterian Aid Society i o clock luncheon In church Friday, parlors. Minne Lusa Chautauqua Circle4 Friday, 3 p. m , with Mrs. B. A. Waugh, 287, Newport avenue. New circle. All inter ested cordially Invited. ' SATURDAY. Omaha P. E. O. AMoHiln 1 O'clock lUncheun. smith rnnm rh.mhi. of Commerce. Katina Sigma Club nf Omaha Cnn ell BUffx Saturday. I2:::o to 2 p. m. iuncneon ana meeting, University club. Art Lectures on " Better Homes Scheduled Ross Crane, the head of the ex tension department of the Art in stitute of Chicago, who conducts the lUtter-Ilomcs jnstitiite and gives lectures on home-building and beau tifying, will give afternoon and eve ning lectures in Council Bluffs Jan uary 3 to 8. All his lectures are said to be entertainments filled with variety and illuminated by a keen sense of humor. He draws pictures to illustrate his lectures. Three of the scries of lec tures are illustrated with the cray ons t in Ross Crane's very best fasluoii. f. Crane believes in the pictorial method of presenting truth. He holds, with Emerson, that nine tenths of what we learn we get through the eye. So he uses chalks, paintings, furniture, rugs every thing and anything to catch the eye and enhance the imagination. In his dramatization of interior decoration, he paints pictures, with furniture. The walls of his port able room he utilizes as a canvas a huge canvas, thirty feet wide against which he splashes window draperies, rugs, davenports, chairs, lamps, tables, books, people, bric-a-brac, ' flowers, to illustrate the "How" and the "Why" of home furnishing and decoration. Every Crane lecture is a dramatic production. Various organizations of Council Rlurfs, including the Woman's club, are bringing Mr. Crane here. Mem bers of the Omaha Woman's club have expressed an interest in the institute. To Clean Marble To clean marble, take two Darts of common soda, one part of pum ice stone, and one part of finely powdered chalk. Sift it through a fine sieve and mix with water. Then rub it well all over the marble and the stains will be removed. Wash with salt and water. I ' lllllHlllimilliiii"i''"ii .l - :-i ii ' ! ::i ni! m M:i:;i.ii:i'::i:ii'iN.MI'!M .! ,. : '.siirii !!T.::i 'ji; i a y ;;,,, ; i :i r :!.! :; . -:,!-.:!: Til. ;?, , i ,:, ; ,pTi.:i i.,',;;;: ji ;, h : jr. .:; ' :::ir.S.i::ii;: !:! ,! !! iB! "! , ., :..:a ' .".i MOM 1 -Up to $12.50 BLOUSES Clearance Sale $2,89 0 $4.89 -1510 VmOas St Mius Mum's Entire Stocks in a Up to $15.00 SKIRTS Clearance Sale $4.95 & $7.95 WMnterti Jaiiiary C Hundreds Upon Hundreds oi Magniiicenl New (L(fMl Brought Down to the Lowest Price Level in Years THE new season styles are on their way! A clean sweep of all present stocks is absolutely necessary every Winter garment must go regardless of former prices or values. We promise the women of this city the most stupendous and extraordinary Money-Saving Event in local retail history. Come expecting high-class, fashionable new apparel of extreme desirability at prices cut so low they are fairly staggering. PRICES REDUCED ONE-HALF AND IN MANY INSTANCES MORE THAN ONE-HALF ' THE ENTIRE STORE IS REAY TOMORROW IS THE OPENING DAY! THE MERCHAN DISE IS ARRANGED FOR EASY SELECTION NOTHING HAS BEEN LEFT UNDONE TO FACILITATE EASY HANDLING OF THE BIG CROWDS. DURING THIS SALE NO C. 0. D.'s NO MAIL ORDERS NO CHARGES NO EXCHANGES-ALL SALES FINALS Hundreds of Lovliest Dresses Season's most successful and exclusive ere ations in all wanted Street, Af ternoon and Evening Models. 1 Dresses That Were up to $35 Now Reduced to Dresses That Were up to $45 N Now Reduced to Dresses That Were up to $65 Now Reduced to Dresses That Were up to $75 Now Reduced to Dresses That Were up to $110 Now Reduced td $14H $.18E Beautiful Coats and Wraps Distinguished models of soft, luxurious, fabrics, enriched with the season's finest and costliest furs. Coats That Were up to $39.50 1 Q75 , Now Reduced to 10 Coats That Were up to $59.50)Q1$ Now Reduced to dO Coats That Were up to $69.50$AO75 Now Reduced to TtO Coats That Were up to $95 $CQ75 Now Reduced to uO Coats That Were up tol25 $JQ75 Now Reduced to UO le Starts' Promptly 9 a, m. Monday Be here early is our best . advice High Class Tailored Suits In fur trimmed and plain models. January Clearance Prices that will Startle, the Entire City 17Z5 $32H $4775 SuitsThatWereupto$169.50 $'7,775 Now Reduced to 11 Suits That Were up to $45 Now Reduced to Suits That Were up to $75 Now Reduced to Suits That Were up to $115 Now Reduced to Suits That Were up to $135 Now Reduced to " ii mmmm iiiiilliiiiim ibiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!M iiiiiiiiiiiSiM y MB