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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1921)
V ! ' -THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JANUARY 1,1921. '( irotliers Sacrscice Is Too Late r-N-.-. " "- - Man iDies at Hospital as Doc tors Prepare 'tor Trans ' fusion of Blood From His Brother, v "S. Katleman, coal "dealer of 2560 "Cumirtff street, is slowly recovering ' from the shock of an unsuccessful attemot to save the life of his brother, A. Katleman, by bloodi transfusion. 1 A. Kttleman' died in St. Joseph's hospital while blood was being taken from his now prostrate brother. He had been ill for eight weeks and even previous to that time had not been ,-trong.-; ' "' - ''' ;' ."I was told, blood transfusion was the only hope for my brother," said S. Katleman, in, a weak voice yes terday. "My brother . and I had always been close friends and I de termined to make the sacrifice. ' ti'ttos on the operating table and the -doctors were preparing to pcr fornt the transfusion' "when a nurse came in the room nd whispered to the doctor. I heard her , say my -brothemvas dying, r . "The-doctors continued their pre paration, however. I was under a terrible" mental strain. I wanted them? to hurry. I didn't want, my brojher io die because of delay. At las they inserted a needle. It didn't . seem to work and they tried( another needle. Then a nurse glided into the operating room again and whis pered 'something more to the doc tors. .,-. "Again I overheard and I knew PAVM'Wi mu UUUt v'l. mv.w ivw Mas Funeral is Held, , The t man ceased soeakinz and sobbed. , , ' J he;, funeral was held Thursday at 1418 North Twenty-fourth 'street: Burial wwas in Golden Hill ceme tery. A. Katleman had been a resi dent of Omaha for the past 28 years and was 39 years old. He is sur vived by his widow and two daugh- ,ers, Ella, 14, and Anna. 12. r S. Katleman is 44 years old. Hubby Says Mother-in-Law 'j ', ""Threatened to Kill Him I G. ' Stephens, South Side, swore out a peace complaint yesterday in justice , court against his mother-in-law,-Mrs. Frances Mitchell, 703 South Sixteenth, street, charging her with threats to do him great bodily in jury"' 'She. won't let' me live with my wife,'' Mr. Stephens complained to Justice Collins. : "She phoned me last night that she would kill me." .-" Mrs.. Mitchell denies the charge. Stephens' wife prefers to make her home again with her mother, Mrs. Mitchell declared. Brief City News Aulabaiurb To Jjecture George Aulabaugb, Omaha fur merchant, is I to deliver an illustrated talk at the iam;jejurai uonBregauonai cnurcn. Tiirty -sixth ana ttarney streets, VndaK evening, nis euDject Deing jm thi Wilds of Canada." , .Voter Meeting Called- .Tha Inde- fJMdettt .Voters' association of Oma m will hold mass i meeting In the f Abor Temple Sunday afternoon at Z. ToCureaCpia in One Day1; ; : Take . . Grovo'o I Hi-1, ;;r, Laxaflva Br onto Quinine :tl tablets r,Be sure its Bromo ill tl H - - ' ... ' The genuine bears this signature 32c '.. V ASIC FOR IT! Expect to find the Fisherman, the "Mark of Supremacy on every bottle !-tt;. emulsion that you buv. This means that ; you will always ask for Scott'sEmulsisn T Scott Bowbo, BJocWl.U. N. JL !"'. ALSO MAKERS OF , ItMlQIQS ; (Tablets er Granules) for INDIGESTION .'V. : awssk Win $100? Here's Your Chance! "...: it,. UUAm nn nhntnirranha n The Bee's $100 movie Star umu w .,w j -B.-rw ---- - - - ---- contest will be published today. Pictures numbered 53 and 54 vwflJ be printed Sunday. ; .- ' - " : Mothers5 Pleas AndTeairsFailto x Aid THeir Sons ADVERTISEMENT. 666 Quartet of Boy Burglars Sen tenced to Kearney, Proud Of Their Underworld v Jargon. Four weeo'insr mothers stood be hind the chairs on which their four wayward and unweeping s6ns were seated in juvenite tourt yesterday. After an hour of pleading by the mothers the sentence of the court was pronounced, kearney Industrial school till the age of 21." "I ''need his help." jutlge," cnea Mrs. Rose Hekenholz, mother of Fiank Unah.15. 231S Monroe street. "And that ain'tuall I want his love." Tlicfour boys sat stolidly while Policeman Phillips told how he cap tured them a week ago while they were robbing Scot's lunch room, S20 South Fifteenth street Chased Three Blocks. "You mothers think vour boys are innocent, harmless, good boys that have never been in trouble oetore. said Officer Phillips. "Well, they Had that job organ zed like a band of professionals. One boy was the,.. 'lookout.' That was Harry Shambleu. When he saw me coining he gave the alarm. "I heard htm yeil to the boys in the alley. 'Duck! Here cornea the bull.' ? "I chased them three blocks.--I could have shot every one of them, but I didn't because they were beys." Talk Thief Jargon. The boys are George Snyder, 15, 4410 South Twentieth street; Clif ford Hill. 16, 4502 South Fourteenth street; Harry Shambleu, 16, 403 Nctfth Sixteenth street, and the Upah boy. s The boys, although they appeared cf resoectable families, talked the jargon of thieves and seemed to be proud of it. Mary Kyte, the -girl who gave the alarm that resulted in their capture, says one of the, boys shouted to her tc "get in or you'll get a bullet through the heart." , , " Pal Into Court. ; All the boys admitted the robuery not only of the Scott place but also of Jack Kyte's, 2U -South Twelfth street. They had been to two mov ing picture shows before the rob beries. Hill had been up in juvenile court before. . i " "Kearney is the only place for you toys," declared Judge Sears. "I can't let you off just because, you have mothers to phcad - for you They'd stand up for you no matter what you had dtme. But a bur,ch of young bu-glars can't be . allowed to runwose. And to Kearney you must go till you're 21 years old." After the boys had been removed to the county jail, Jack Pipers was brought in. Alanky, yeljowwiaired youth of 16 he is. He went to the county jail yesterday - to "(visit the four boys and while he was there an automatic revolver dropped put of his pocket. The jailors promptly put him under arrest . '- Back to jail.;' ; J "Where'd you get ''this gun?" asked Judge Sears, handling the dangerous weapon. "Why, I boughtit of a man on the street," stammered the youth. "Never saw the man before? Don't know who he was?" asked the judge sarcastically.. vi " ' " "No, sir' j Jack was sent back to jail to await further action. i A new office appliance binds pa pers together with "square ( eyelets punched from metal taps, that form holding the papers more firmjy. than round eyelets. ' - ' v Omaha Loses in First Round of Fight for'int Congressman Jefferis Details Advantages of Gateway to West Over Chicago As Location. By E C. SNYDER Washington Correspondent pmlu Bee, Vashington,' Dec. 31. (Special.) Claims of Omaha for the proposed branch mint were "presented Thurs day to Raymond T.' Baker, director of the mint, by Congressman Jefferis. Following the recommendation of the ft Jewel, Flower, Tolor Symbols for Today The. diamond brings good luck to those who wear it today, since it is both the talismanic gem and the jiatal stonp. It is credited with the power of bringing stjcess to any undertaking and aiding its wearer to overcome obstacles. ; Deep and lasting love is the good lortune of the one who wrars on the left arm a diamond set in gold, and "thus set the stone drives away premonitions of evil and unhappy fancies. ,V Brown was believed by the an cients to bring good luck, peace and serenity to those who wore it on this day. ' . The single violet brings peace and contentment to those who wear - it on this day. , . , Y." M. C A; Evening School WINTER TERM , - r- . 1; .. . . . .... ' - . .i 0f(ens Monday, January 3rd, 28 Courses "A CLASS FOR EVERY MAN".. 50 discount on all courses to ex-service men " k ENROLL NOW ' YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 47th and Harney Sts. phone Tyler 1600 secretary of the treasury in his an nual report just issued, Representa tive Britten of Illinois Tuesday filed a bill to locate a new government mint at Chicago. Mr. Jefferis called upon Mr. Baker, director of the mint, for a statement of his reasons for preferring Chicago as the location. The congressman pointed -out that Omaha is more con veniently located to the mines and had facilities well adapted to feed the middlewestern and southern por tions of the country. Mr. Baker maintains that his re commendation was made after the most careful study of the advantages and disadvantages offered by all 'arge middlewestern cities. Chicago, he declares, can 'adequately care for 4he territory to be reached and can also relieve the tension on the Philadel phia mint, permitting that mhjfr to better care for the coast cities of the east? t . Congressman Jefferis plans to con fer with Congressman Britten in re gard to the hew project, r' Western Union Ordered to Change Tactics on the Postal Washington, Dec. 31. The West ern Union Telegraph company was ordered today by the interstate com merce commission to extend credit for tolls on messages transferred to it from the Postal Telegraph Com pany, The commission said the prac tice, of the Westefrn Union in refus ing such credit while extending credit on messages when tendered otherwise than through the Postal, including those of the same senders, was an unreasonable practice. Dear Eleanor: ' San Francisco Last night I felt like the littlo "Lame Prince," j on remember1, who got on Ills strip of magic curpet, said a few words and rose hlgb above the world. Oiily, I stepped into a noiseless ele vator and rose to Uici Sun Lounge which Is the roof-garden at the top of my hotel. From hero I saw millions of stars and all the twiu. kllng lights of San Francisco and the liarbor. It's a perfectly wonderful view! '1 ' . Rate'' at Hotel Whlt comb from $2.00. 400 outside rooms. Write for folder containing map oi city. J. H VAN HORNE, Manager. Hotel Whitcomb Civic Centet SAN FRANCISCO Plot of 'Nationalists to v,1 Attack Italians Is Found Rome, Dec. 31. The discovery of a plot in Milan in which the Pas cioti (extreme nationalist party) and su.irchists are alleged to have been preparing a joint attack on the Ital-' an army operating against Fiume, is- V reported by the newspapers here to day. Seventeen persons have been arrested in connection with the plot, the newspapers say: , WeWBirtbtTOffictc OMAHA PRINTING COMPANY I3fk..i fARMAK muma aowuu Joula873 ran . r II II , KwU I M tONNERCIAL PRINTERS LITHOGRAPHERS STEEL DIE EMBOSSERS V LOOSE, LEAF DEVICES - .. A - The Past We , believe that this business has been ; a worthy oneone that hasplayed a distinct and useful part-in the retail-store-keeping of this city. ' ' r ; C We have endeavored to , live up to' our motto ltto be of the greatest 'service to the greatest number" and have tried at all timfa jo give to ouj friends and lastinmtisfaction s , 5. ? TV Redfuced Prices ON , v- Light For the month of January only Complete set (6 pieces) jfor Livilig room, Dining Room, KitchenJBath, Bed room and? Porch in stalled anywhere' in Oniaha $25.00 v S. s - " 1 '' Kitchen and Bath Porch I Dining Room, i Bed Room Living Room Extra Bed Room Fixtures $3.30 each. Other se . flections equally attractive and economical- Dependable Electrical' Merchandise. ' ; ' Granden Electric Co. Supplies. Tyler 0681. 151 1 Howard St. is a Prescription for Colds. . Faver and LaGrippe. It's the .'most.!, speedy 4 remedy . we . know, preventing Pneumonia. It is with great Might that we note the wonderful growth we have made in the seven shorpy ears we have.been inxhmi ness tiiM t6 know that the people look up- .on 'MM f : leaders of this, :. community i We feel that :they deseHfnmch from '.u$ for the 'confidence and4rasttHat:ihey place inu$. : : ''-''V What weare doing now seems like little compared to our future plans when we shall also occupy our nine story building, which the public by their splendid patronage, made it necessary ifor us to build. : The Future ' It is our ambition and aspiration to continue the development of our store to make greater progress every day and every month of the1 year-to sec ure the best and most trustworthy merchandise 'procurable to give to our customer8 the benefit oftfie lowest prices possible, consistent with high quality--to build a store that will gi m and keen on growifigi becoming more and more use ful to the patrons and to the people employed, therein. an apology To the hundreds of patron whom w were compelled to refuse entrance to our store Tlmrsday, due to the immense crowds on onr second floor, and to those who found our doors locked we wish to offer this . , apology. t Such overwhelming response Is gratifying as it estab". lishes proof that Omaha people are anxious to buy--, when' the right merchandise at the right price is of fered them. , , ,. We Sincerehj Hope T:hat 1921 Will Be a "Happy and Prosperous New Year to Everyone WatchSuhday's papers for news of a sen sational character regarding our January clearance. , -: It will be augmented by new featnre in Omaha mer- thandisfng a feature, that we predict will prove the " ; most successful ' merchandising achievement in the ' history of this store, . , . ' , . v ELMER BEDDEO. BEDDE0 CLOTHING GO. 1417 DouglasStreet. v J Shave! Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap.- Cuticura CatUn 8aahtlifkTarttef(ra(ityTaaaralM(nff. 2 Money back wiuioul i if HUNT'8 8alv fall in ti treatment of 1 1 vn. KUZIMA, RINGWORM, TETTER other itchins aaia dlteaaaa. Try 7i cent boa at our ruk. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. i t A f . .: ....V .