Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Alleged Bandit
Gang Held for
Iowa Robbery
Double Cross Brings Confes
sion From Gangster Who
Implicates Two
Omaha Men.
riattsinouih. Neb., Dec. 31. (Spe
cial.) The double cross administer
ed by a couple of Omaha slickers on
what they believed to be a boob from
the tall and uncut will result in the
conviction of a gang of bandits tjiat
have robbed numerous stores in
southeastern Nebraska and Iowa, ac
cording to Sheriff Quinton. He bases
ln's statement on a confession he says
Lauron Wilbur made as to his part
in a series of robberies and the dis
position of the loot.
Wilbur was arrested at Hastings,
by Sheriff Edwards of Mills
county on suspicion of being impli
cated in the robbery of the Market
parage at Nebraska City and having
information of other robberies.
According to Sheriff Quinton Wil
bur implicated two Gillespie brothers
of South Omaha, whom he said had
Rouble-crossed him. Virgil Gillespie
was arretted in South Omaha, De
cember 24, and turned over to Sher
iff Quinton.
Wilbur says he first met the Gil
lcspies when their motorcycle broke
tlown at Plattsmouth and they em
ployed him to take them to Per
cival, la., iri his automobile. He says
they obtained a load of goods at a
farm house near that town. He says
he did not suspect the goods were
stolen until they "had him make
smother trip and he noticed many
boxes of shotgun shells. He says
he drove them to South Omaha and
as they did not have the money to
. p:.y for the trip they explained the
goods were stolen and had him wait
for tie money until they sold some
of the loot.
He claimed that when he returned
for his money he wss told by a
' man at the garage police had seized
his car and were hunting for him.
He then went to Hastings,' la. He
says he later learned that the police
had not taken the car from the
garage but had found it at the Gil
lespie home when they made a
search for liquor. He asserts his
friends attempted to get his car but
were frustrated by the police. ;
Sheriff Quinton says the men will
be taken to Percival, la., for trial.
Buffaloes Feed With
Cattle on Oshkosh Ranch
Oshkosh, Neb., vDe'c. 31. (Spe
' cial.) Iu the canyons along the
south side of the ,North Platte river
, six miles southeast of this city, four
. Amei-i-buffalo feed with the herds
of eattle belonging to B. C. Rogers
of Omaha and Ed S. Wood of this
city. For several months these
animals have run at large through
the hills with the cattle, mingling
with them apparently without fear
and giving i passerby but little at
tention. They are apparently in good
condition and enjoy their surround
ings, but seem to think that all a
fence is for is to crawl through,
three and four wires being useless in
controling their desire to wander.
Wife of Aviator Seeks
Hubby's Release From Jail
Beatrice, Neb., Dec. 31. (Special.)
A. V. Green, who is being held
in the city jail on the charge of
selling stock in the Blue Star Avia
tion company without authority and
with intent to defraud, will be re
leased on bond withirr the next day
or two if his wife who has been here,
in conference with him is successful.
She left Thursday for Omaha where
it is said she will try and procure
surety for her husband. Green
claims the authorities have nothing
on him, and says he will be able to
prove his innocence when released.
Fourth Man Bound Over on
Charge of Stealing Wheat
Beatrice, Neb. Dec. 31. (Special.)
William Hohenfelt of this city was
hound over to the district court on
the charge of stealing wheat valued
at $60 from Oscar Humphrey, liv
ing near AVymore. Three other men
held on the charge arc in jail await
ing trial at the next term of court,
and another is out on bond. The
quintet were arrested by Sheriff
Schiek a few weeks ago. and he says
he recovered part ti the grain al
leged to have been stolen. -
Mother Returning for-,
Reunion WilJ. Find Son Head
Columbus, Neb., Dec. 31. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. R. A. Maloney. mother
of Dick Maloney, the traveling man
' who was found dead from heart
disease in the Conant hotel in Oma
ha, is on her way home from Cali
fornia to attend a reunion here at
the home f her son, NeVl Maloney.
T1. .. Kr-f Vipre tiafl snt for
their mother a week ago. and she
will learn the news ot her sons
death upon her arrival here. Ned
brought the body of his brother
, home,
Omaha Firms Are Awarded
. iRoad Contracts In Dakota
Pierre, S. D., Dec. 31. (Special.)
Omaha firms secured both high-
way construction contracts let by
the State Highway commission.
Lamreaux Bros, were warded the
contract for the Gregory county con
tract between the towns of Dallas
nd Burke, and Peterson, Shirley and
Gubther got the contract for the
ftra1 aid nroiect on what is known
as the Custer-Hermosa-Rapid City
road in Custer snd Bennington coun
ties. i
Shorthorn Breeders Are
Entertained at Columbus
Columbus. Neb., Dec. 31. (Spe
cial.) Columbus entertained about
100 shorthorn cattle breeders at the
H. C McKelvie combination sale.
The visitors were entertained at the
Elks club rooms by the commercial
club at a; buffet luncheon.- A num
ber of speeches and a program of
' athletic stnnts were given.
Beatrice Woman Scalded
When Tea Kettle Overturns
Beatrice. Neb.. Dee. 31. Mrs. Lee
Johnson of this city sustained pain
ful and' possibly serious injuries
when a teakettle of boiling water
overturned on her feet at the home
of her father, Judge Pemberton,
white sha. was at work in the kitqhen.
Former Omaha Man to
Manage Fourth Bank
At Norfolk as Lasnier
Norfolk, Neb., Dec. 31. (Special.)
Charles J. Hulac has been selected
to manage the Security State' bank,
a new banking institution which will
open its doors in Norfolk about Jan
uary 15. This announcement was
made today by those interested-in
the new bank, the fourth in Norfolk,
and the second state bank . in this
citv. .-
George Gutru, president . of the
Newman Grove State bank,' who is
interested in the B radish and Pilger
banks, and who is considered the
wealthiest man in Madison county.
will be president of the Security
State "bank. The other officers will
be announced later.
Mr. Hulwc is 30 vears old. He was
born in Omaha and has been cashier
of the. Norfolk. National bank, with
which institution he has been con
nected since 1907. He has a wide
acquaintance in north Nebraska and
is one of the most popular young
business men of Norfolk.
Two Held for
Alma Burglary
Sheriff Recovers Loot and Ex
pects to Arrest Other Mem
bers of Bandit Gang.
ai. T-t i r'QoArsoi
Charles Lindsey of this city and John
Wheeler, who says his home is in
Indiana, were arrested by Sheriff
Grant Starjcey and Deputy Andrew
Legg a few miles north of Wood
ruff, Kan., at the home of Alfy Gipe.
Lindsey is wanted by the sneritt ot
Richardson county1 to answer charges
of. being implicated in store ' rob
beries, i
The sheriff asserts 'he found a
auantitv of stolen sroods in the pos
session of the two men. Goods have
been identified by the Mead grocery
and Burkey Bros, hardware stores
of this city and stores at Orleans.
After a grilling fa the omce ot the
sheriff Lindsey is alleged to have
confessed. Wheeler refused to ad
mit having any part in the bur
Al Mathews, farmer, at whose
home the sheriff says he found stolen
foods, is being held as a witness,
he sheriff is of the opinion he has
the ringleaders of a-ganjr that has
been operating in this vicinity ana
expects to round up the other mem
bers of the gang.
Wealthy Affiance
Oil Man Sued for
Divorce and Alimony
"Alliance, Neb., I?ee. 31t(Special
Telegram.) Jay O. Walker, former
cashier of the First State Bank of
Alliance and prominent oil man,
holding large interests in the Usage,
Wyo., fields,: has been made defend
ant in a divorce suit filed by his wife.
who is reported to be living at
Broken Bow. '
The petition is said to contain an
application for alimony and an equi
table division of property owned by
Mr. Walker: He Is reported to have
made a fortune of several hundred
thousand dollars in oil within the
past eight months and is one of the
largest stockholders in the Carroll company of Alliance, which con
trols the Osage fields, where nearly
a dozen productive wells have been
brought in since last March..
Many Improvements in
York During Year 1920
York, Neb., Dec 31. (Special.)
York made many improvements dur
ing the year 1920. New business
buildings nave been Completed as fol
lows: Lincoln Telegraph and Tele
phone Co., two story building and
garages, $28,000; Rystrom Imple
ment Co., fireproof garage, 75x120
feet, $45,000; addition to the Luth
eran hospital, "26 rooms, $85,000;
Country club house, with graunds,
$15,000; Clinic hospital, 16 rooms,
520,000; Public Service Co., 10-ton
ice plant and storage room, $25,000;
H. W. Brott," business house, $3,000;
improvements on business houses,
$75,000; York Briick and Tile Co.,
improvements, $35,000; York Water
Co., new wells, etc., $7,500; new
electroliers and cables for 'street
lightging system, $800; Stine's
Beach, $3,000; eight new residences
have been completed at a cost of
$6,000, $9,000, $8,000, two at $10,000,
two at $12,000 and one at $15,000. Im
provement on residence property,
$65,000. The underground telephone
system is about completed and will
soon be in working order and all
the roles in the business section of
the city will be removed. At this
time there is not an empty storeroom
in the city nor residence rental prop
erty to be had.
Experts who have examined the
coal deposits of Spitzbcrgen have es
timated that they contain more than
1.000,000.000 tons of fuel of remark-
lySPHi1' .
Action on Unit
Rule Postponed
Qy Nebraskans
Disagreement on Patronage
Already Is Evident and Mem
bers Are Playing Individ
ual Politics.
W-.hln.tan CorrMpoadeat Omaha Be.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 1. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Congressman
Reavis, who was absent from the
meeting of the republican members
of the Nebraska delegation this
morning on account of illness, post
poned action on the unit rule which
some of the members are seeking
to have adopted as the hard and fast
action of the delegation.
Already there are signs of dis
agreement among the members over
the question of patronage and it
would not be at all surprising if
three or four of the members should
decide to "hoe their own road,"
rather than submit the names of
competent men for positions only to
see them bowled out because of tie
una with nthrr members in narcelinz
out the patronage. Notwithstanding
the absence ot Mr. Keavis xne mem
bers of the delegation, who met in
Senator Norris' room in the Senate
office building, Informally discussed
the "pros and cons of the unit rule.
Senator Norris is outspoken in favor
of such action, believing that the ac
tion nf th maioritv should govern
in all matters , affecting , recom
mendations tor places.
If such a ru'l; should be finally
aA tA a mAinnlv of the delega
tion can control the recommenda
tions amf Senator Norris would
be compelled to send in the . names
thnco f awnrahlir voted on with
the unanimous recommendation of
the delegation. By the same-token
the negative' votes of four, could kill
any recommendation.
Every member of the delegation,
with possibly one or two exceptions,
has commenced to play individual
politics,, with the result that a kil
kenny cat fight will be a puritan
celebration alongside what' is
thri9tininr tn take nlace in the Ne
braska delegation before the patron
age question is settled.
The republican memoers oi con
frrc from Nebraska will make
another try in getting together to
morrow. ;?:. !
Former Nebraskan Dies
At Home in California
Falls City, Neb., Dec. 3k (Spe
md1 1 Turin- T. I.. Lewis died at
his home in San Diego, Cal. ac
cording to word received f5y his
brother, E. O. Lewis. Mr. Lewis
came to Richardson county with his
parents in 1869 and graduated from
the Peru normal and tne lowa law
school. "
He practiced his profession . m
Oakland, Neb., and was elected to
the state senate in 1885 from Burt
county. Later he served two terms
as county attorney. He resigned as
county attorney to move,to au
fornia 30 years ago. ' :
He was appointed judge of the su
perior court of San Dieg county
and has been re-elected without op
position several times. He was
in Her at the time of his death. He
hart a larae acquaintance among the
early settlers of Nebraska.
Danish Pioneer Dies
West Point, Neb., Dec 31. (Spe
cial.) yhe funeral of Mads Nelson,
89, one of the oldest settlers in Cum
ing county, was held here. He was
a native of Denmark and for many
years was leader of the Danish eof
ony in this community.
A Happy
and Prosperous
New Year
to All Our Patrons and-:
Friends . .
Ihe Purity
Provision Co.
2424 Q Street '
THERE wiir be
a shortage of
cars in 1921. The
man who waits tp
take his pick and
savafew dollars
as well is likely to
keep right on
Collier's, Jan., 1921.
Card-All am s
Motor Co.
Omaha Lincoln
666 will break a Cold, Fever
vinppe quicKcr man any
thing we know, preventing
W n mm ft ft tft.
Woman Defeats
Two Kidnapers
Valuable Coat and Diamonds
Worn by Woman Prove At
tractive to Two Men.
Alliance. Neb..' Dec. 31. (Special
Telegram.) What is believed by
police to have been an attempt to
kidnap an Alliance woman by two
unidentified men, one a white man
and the other a negro.'was frustrated
by the woman's screams and her suc
cessful struggle with her assailants
on a darkened street near the main
business section of town about 7
o'clock last night. The intended
victim, is Mrs. J. fc. Castineau, a
young woman whose husband is em
cloved here bv the Burlington.
According to her story, to police,
she started to walk alone from the
rooming house where she and her
husband stay to a cafe-on Main street
for supper. When within half a block
of Main street the woman said two
men,' one a small white man and the
other a large egro, seized her bv the
arms and attempted to drag her to
ward the street. At the same mo
ment a large touring car with cur
tains closed drove up and halted at
the curb with the engine left run
Her assailants attempted to drag
her toward the automobile but she
screamed and fought desperately
until the two men, released her and
ran into an . alley and disappeared.
She ran towards Main street and the
automobile followed her, driving
close to the curb, and later disap
peared at high speed down the
Mrs. Castineau told -police she be
lieved robbery was the motive for
the attack. She wears an expensive
fur coat and several large diamond
rings and believed the men had
planned to kidnap her, spirit her
away in the automobileand rob her
of her coat and diamonds. She told
police that two men had followed
her on two previous occasions re
cently. Oshkosh Public Service
Club Elects Officers
Oshkosh. Neh.. Dr 31 rSn.
cial.) At the annual meeting of the
Oshkosh Public Service, "club B. E.
Robinson was elected President. H.
T. Curtis, vice president; - J. T.
Shields, secretary, and " John T.
Wood, treasurer.
Coal Prices Cut
St. Louis. Mo.. Dec 31. Thret
large local coal ' dealers today an
nounced price reductions of from 25
to 75 cents a ton, effective tomor
row, on bituminous coal. The re
ductions result from declin!ngprices
at the mines, and from genera busi-
ness depression, it was explained.
Lonesome Woman N
Hangs Herself in
Bethany Hospital
Despondency ,at Separation
.'From Loved Ones at Yule
tide Believed to Have
Prompted Act.
Kneeling in prayer with knees
barely touching the floor, and arms
crossed on her breast, the dead body
of Mrs. J. A. Erickson, 56, Hern
don, Kan., was found hanging to a
clothes hook in a closet at the Beth
any hospital at 7 o'clock yesterday
Despondency Mused by lonesome
ness yat being forced to spend
Chg'stmas many miles from her
loved ones at home is believed to
have led the woman to take her
own life.
The body was found hanging by
a sheet from the patient's own bed,
face to the wall on bended knees
near enough to the floor for the
hands to have touched.
Search for an Hour.
. The discovery was made after a
search of nearly an hour all through
the hospital when Nurse Larimore
learned on entering Mrs. Erickson's
room that the patient had left her
The police were summoned and
after a brief investigation pro
nounced the cise suicide. The fam
ily of the dead woman has been no
tified. There will probably be no
For several weeks Mrs. Erickson
has ' been despondent because she
could not reach her home in time
for Christmas, Miss Larimore said.
Mrs. ' Erickson was convalescing
from a surgical operation.
Two weeks ago an unfinished
letter, to her husband was found on
her table. The letter contained but
five lines of handwriting, all fairly
sobbing the grief the woman was
1. WftU f
For Infants
& farafida
Tte "Food Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and
Fountain. A$h for HORLICK'S.
AToii Imitations ft Snhttitates
. N, J
f Old Fashioned
: V. ' , '
suffering at being separated from
her loved ones at Yuletide.
Wanted Xmas at Home.
On the day before Christmas, Miss
Larimore said, Mrs. Erickson asked
"What's the use of living without
Christinas? Here it is Christmas
and I'm alone in a hospital, far away
from my children and husband at
Just Thursday a big box of home
made candy, nuts and other sweets
arrived for the mother from one of
her daughters iu Kansas.
' "Isn't that fine to get such a nice
box from home," Miss Larimore
said she asked her.
"Why, that's foolish to send such
a bigbox to me," was the eply she
"The body will probably be taken
to Herndon for burial.
Congregational Church at
Alma to Be Dedicated Sunday
Alma, Neb., Dec. 31. (Special.)
The new $10,000 Congregational
y church built here to replace the
structure destroyed by a tornado a
year ago will be dedicated Sunday.
Services will be held every day dur
ing the week. The buildirg is of
brick and contains class rooms, and
basement, kitchen and dining room
Bowen's Start the
New Year With
a Lower Price
The oeorjle of Omaha
and vicinity are going to
have bargain opportuni
ties such as are enjoyed
by very few communities
during this Lower Price
Furniture Sale, which
starts Monday morning,
January 3rd.
This is not an odd and
end sale, but it means
big reductions in Every
thing in Furniture, Rugs,
Carpets, Drap eries and
" Note the place
The time Monday,
January 3.
See our ad in Sunday's
Warrant Issued for Arrest
Of Columbus Resort Owner
Columbus. Neb., Dec. 31. (Spe
cial.) A warrant is out for the ar
rest of Ed. Branigan, formerly pro
prietor of Shady Lake, a resort near
here, the charge being the isauauce
6f four worthless checks on Decem
S we
problems of life given therein and
t live them in a spirit of friendship
and good will by so doing all present
r well wishes are extended and accepted'
each day thtoughout the year now
dawning upon
May this year
happiest of all
wish of the
Nebraska NNPowe
ber 18. Uranigan left town shortly
after. His wite and little son Jiv
Bank Clearings. '
Bank clearings for this weeklo
taled $33,198,760 as compared to
$31,656,936, the total for the preced
ing week.
close the year book, oj
1920 and pick up the suc
ceeding volume of 1921, let
us; all decide to master the;
be the brightest and
years for you, is the
5 N