I TV TUTtl J XTT? All niTD 'tritTKT O.I S. Vv 1 . W AV ' . -T i 1 U , ' . II Xm i i) 'ft ft ft From REPRESENTATIVE FIRMS to THEIR FRIENDS and CVSTOMERSi . . odk.M miimv xsttv aeiakMWL MiAiaiSKiiattkvttiiNab oeiSbiiCb.(a4Miibea iijnA( p!iiftrrrwwviiu3WMrMftn,4ibta4vtaiKk to i 1 : .' .v. .. i r I ri I Neble-Overholt Co., JEWELERS 671 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 5326 7 HAPPY JJEW YEAR From Birkett & Co. 350 Be Bldg. Doug. 0633 May tli Now Year BT Most Prosperous One to You and Your. BENJAMIN & FRAN KEN BERG 624 Bee Building May the New Year be a good year to you and yours is the wish of the FARNAM BOWLING ALLEY 1807 Farnam Street Douglas 1780 We Extend Yuletide t Greetings and best wishes for the New Year to our many friends and patrons; Geo. A. Roberts Grain Co. 320 ; Grain Exchange Building HAPPY ; NEW YEAR D. V; SHOLES CO. 915 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. HAPPY NEW YEAR V We with you on and all a moat prosperous New Year. ; Van Arnam Pleating and Button Company Doug. 3109. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Chiropractor." W.rsh Their Many Friend A Happy New Year Drs. S. & L. Billingham Room 1, Creighton Blk. Dg. 7508 -C-i Omaha 'Towel 'Supply Co. wishes every one of its many patrons and friends a jtiost prosperous New Year.' , , 207 South 11th St. Douglas 0528 My cordial with for a New Year rich in blessing. Henry M. Johannszen 114 So. 14th St. May the New Year - " Bring You Prosperity. - HENRY HAMAN Meat Market 1704 Clark St. Web. 2871 I wish you a Happy New Year, year big with success and achievement, a year rich with affection of those who are dear to you, a year mellow witii hap piness and contentment. ( DR. 17. F. CROOK 206 Neville Block A Happy New Year To All Our Friends and Customrs APOLLO THEATER 2S24 Leavenworth St. -i Har. 1806. "The Horn, of Good Pictu.-e." Best Wishes for a Prosperous Year I the Wish of the Harmdhy Cafeteria 1509 Harney St. ' Doug. 8797 May the ' NEW YEAR Bring You PROSPERITY McCaffrey Motor Co. (THE HANDY FORD , ' t SERVICE STATION) Phone Douglas 3500. 15th and Jackson Sts. New and Used Cars, Cash or Terms. Heartiest of Greetings to Our Many Friends and Patrons This New Year. BuehletBros. 212 North 16th Street, Tyler 5054 2408 Cuming Street, , Douglas 5878 4903 South 24th Street, South 4821 634 West Broadway, Co. Bluffs 4822 A HAPPY NEW YEAR A. Guenette THE Butcher ' !"v "' ' extends to all his friends and patrons the heartiest of greetings on this Happy Day. 608 South 16th Street Douglas 5817 With the season's best greetings to ' our many friends and patrons. Qmjiha Printing Company 13th and Famam Douglas 2793 A Happy New Year to All J. L. BETTS . HOTEL AND RESTAURANT 2422 Erskine Street Webster 5262 INfew Year's Greetings to All . With every passing year you will find us endeavoring to give you prompt, efficient service Thank you for your patronage. " -. - . CONSUMERS COAL & SUPPLY CO. "Dealer in GoW Coal." ' 1223 Nicholas St V Douglas 0534 Happy New .Year to Our. Many Friends and Customers LAKE STUDIO , H. Matsuo, Photographer 2506 North 24th St. Web. 6311 7 A Happy Jew Year ' To out friends and patrons. . A. B. Sweet Shop, 16th and Jackson Sts. Dainty Lunches, Candies, etc. Season's Greetings " y . ' And Best Withe. Mo All Friend, and Patront. . .' - Wiens Omaha Brush Co. : 4301-03 No. 28th St- Omahb Phdhe Cofas 0031. , A Happy NV Year , j To One and All SILAS JOHNSON Western Funeral Home, 2518 Lake Su Web. 0248. Season's Greetings To Our Friends and Patron. v " GEO.'t ROSS ;; '4 The Firat-Clats Quality Houie . Groceriet, Meat., Etc.;' , , 24th and Ames Ave; , Colfax 0402. My Sincere Appreciation I. Gfven to Thote Making- the Succes. of My Butinets Possible. - JAMES ALLEN ' DETECTIVE AGENCY 312 Neville Block, . Season's Greetings To All Friends and Patrons, Vinton Xjarpge 1630 Vinton Street Tyler 3587 Expert Repairing, f Satisfaction Guaranteed. Storage,, Etc. ': Our Best Wishes for a Happy New Year HARTUNG'S TRANSFER CO. 1501 Marcy St Tyler 1976 Hauling of A Kinds Best Service Best Rates Season Greeting To All t Our Many Friends and Customers ROGERS , Confectionery 24th and Farnam Streets Phone Douglas 127 J Extending the okh f Heartiest of Greetings lia to All Our Many Friends and SSS r IKilL C. 0. TALMAGE, Mgr. ' ' ' jSSff I WWU R-'H. WALLACE, Assistant Mgr. Wl3 v ' H. U. LUND, Agency Supt MJS '" i, SffijMi Monic Temple Building jsjrW ' - Douglas 0450 JrfllM Jr A Happy NewYeap To Our Many Friend, and Patron. Carl A. Anderson, Inc. Jones at 16th St. Dg. 2418 Stromberf Carburetor Service Station., K. W. Magneto., Everaady Storage Batteries. GREETINGS 1 To All of OursFriend HULSE & RIEPEN , J Undertaker -701 South Sixteenth Street. May the New Year Be a Good Year to You and Your i - John 'A. Gentleman . Undertakers 3411 Farnam. Har. 0392. Happy New Year To Our Many Friend and Customer. Busy Bee Cafe NEW YEAR'S DINNERS Our Specialty - 218 S. 14th St. Douglas 6550. Wi.hing All Our Many Frend and Patrons the Heartiest of Greetings KING -FONG CAFE . 315 So. 16th St. Tyler 2707. New Yetfr's Greetings - To Our Many Friends' Eddy Printing Company, New Location, 212 South 13th St. v , -.- ; v .. ..." ' , - Telephone Douglas 8647. May the New Year . Bring you Prosperity North West Ready Roofing Co. . Office and Warehouse 3122 Leavenworth St. Phone Harney 2574. Our Roof are our Proofs. - All Work Guaranteed. Our Best Wishes i To Everyone " Guy L Smith "Service First" , Hudson Super-Six 2563-65-67 Farnam St May the New Year ; Bel a Good' Year To You and Yours." ROYAL Pry Gleaning Company 942 No. 24th St. Phone Dg. 1811. Best Wishes 1 j for A Happy New Year f Hoist Pharmacy 2702 Cuming St. Har. 0681. NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS . to Our .Friends and Patrons O. N. BONNEY MOTOR CO. Distributors of Studebaker Cars 2554 Farnam Harney 676 " May the New Year Bring You Prosperity.- Joseph Duffy ' Furnace 'and Tin Works. Omaha Steel Ceiling Co., 414-20 No. 18th Dg. 6260. I wish, my friends and patients A Most Joyous and- Prosperous ,")New Year, Dr. G. A. Angus Physician. Douglas Bldg. Room. 31-32 DoupUt 5515. ' Bett Withes , ' For A Happy New Year j H. Dopier Cigars and Tobacco. 1339 Park Ave. Har. 2583 NEW YEAR GREETINGS . ":''; " From , ' w , Dr. L. A. Schoonover Chiropractor PALMER SCHOOL GRADUATES 203 Shugart Building Hours: 9 to 11 A. M., 2 w'V? jlo 8 P. M. Tel. 354 Council Bluffs, Iowa Bett Withe. for A Happy New Year THE TODD PRDTECTOGRAPH CO. D. A. Holbrook, M(r. 430 W.-H. Bldj. V Ty. 0658. THE TODD CHECK WRITER, The Cheapeet and Safest Form of . (piuranco Known. Best Wishes for A Happy New Year Heafey & Heafey Undertakers and Embalmers. (In Omaha Since 1882.) 2611 Farnam St. Har. 0265 May peace and happiness Beyours in the New Year. May fortune smile upon you and favor you with many blessings. Schroeeler In v. Co. 538 Railway Exch. Bldg. ' We Extend New Year Greeting! s to' Our Many Friends x I 'and Patrons. Spend an Hour New Years at - Farnam Billiard Parlor, ' 2553 farnam A Happy New Year To all oir friends and customers. Chs. E. Lathrop ' Druggist. 3927 Farnam St. ' - Har. 3216. Happy v f NewvYear To all our customers and friends Hibbeler & Co. : Hardware-Groceries-Meats ' 2312 Vinton St. - Tel. Douglas 0556. Money to Loan on Diamonds $25 to $1,000. Reasonable Rates Fred C. Taylor (Pawn Broker and Jeweler) 602 Securities Bldg. Ty. 3685 Best New Year's v J . Wishes to All. New Year Greetings to Our Customers and Friends Jewel Tea Co 1911 CuminR. Doug. 7276. That Your New Year May Be a Very Merry One Is the Wish of the DE LUXE POCKET BILLIARD PARLORS 1516 Farnam St Tyler 5974 Happy New Year To Our Many 1 Friends and Customers WEST SIDE GARAGE Burwick & Perrin, Props. Open Day and Night, Taxi Service . 1 and 1 Repairing Service. 3001 Q St. South 2434 y' . , May the New Year Be a Good Year to You and Your. '.: , Baker Ice Machine Co. 19th A Nicholas. Dg. 1361 ll" .' The Omaha Bee Extends the Season's Greetings New Year's greetings to our friends and patrons. X FAR EAST CAFE 1408 Farnam. Douglas 2209.' r We ExtendV Our Compliments Of the seMon to oar many friend ana patr. nt. - : Rogers' Flower Shop, " "Say It With Flowered " 319 South 16th. Phone Doug lat 3400 N We Extend The Season's Greetings r ; : , , To, Our Many Friends ' " and patrons, and V we assure you that it is our intention to maintain our present service and add to ' -it whenever possible, - t- Ideal Button & Pleqting Cp. 308 Brown Block Douglas 1936 --- -----;-. We With Our Many Friends and Patron, a Most Joyous New Year " HENRICKSON r' "The Loyal Jeweler"x 201 North 16th St. Doug. 1574 ; - May the New Year Bring You Prosperity Cameron's Repair Shop 19th & Leavenworth Sts. Phone Tyler 3777. Expert Auto Repairing. Happy Neiv Year To our many friends and patrons FRANK ROBERTS Groceries-Meats. 1434 South 13th St. Douglas 5557. KING JOY'S CAFE Thanks their many friends for patronage in the past year and wishes them a Happy New Year. KING JOY'S CAFE 1416 Farnam Douglas 7776 Happy New Yeai Best Wishes to Our Many Friends and Patrons "The Store That Appre ciates Your Business" Kocher Bros. Grocery Harney 0163 -; 215 South 36th St RVICE... fn the Careful Handling of All Orders for Grain and Provisions for Future Delivery in All the Important Markets We Operate Offices at j Omaha, Nebraska. Private Wire Connections to All Offices Except Kansas City Lincoln; Nebraska . Hastings. Nebraska Chicago, Illinois Sioux City Iowa Holdrege, Nebraska Geneva, Nebraska -Des Moines, Iowa Milwaukee, Wisconsin ' Hamburg, Iowa . ; - Kansas City, Missouri WE SOLICIT YOUR Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO; MILWAUKEE, KANSAS CITY and SIOUX CITY " Every Jgar Receives Careful Personal Attention This Updike Grain Company THE RELIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE f n $5,076,486 Represents 1920 Business of Postoffice Business done by the Postoffice de partment in Omaha during the last year was $5,076,486.12, according to a report issued today. " Stamp sales for 1920- exceed those of the previous year-by $11,130.79. Increase in money order business re corded at $292,381.22. The amount of mail, including parcels, increased 26 per cent over the year 1919. ""Information on what the Postoffic. department spends annually in Omaha in the way of wages and up keep of the department is withheld. Men of Man Crafts Enlist in Army Here The army is getting recruits from practically alt crafts and professions in civilian life, according to Col. J. A. Benjamin, one of the officers of the local recruiting station. Colonel Benjamin kept an ac count of the various professions and trades of recruits accepted for serv ice during the period of December 21 to 27, showing that many and varied are the occupations of the men now. enlisting. During this period common laborers topped the list with 28 enlistments, with farm ers second with 23. The others were as follows: ' Box nailer,-' 1; carpenters, 2; plumbers, 1; prfnters, 2; sign paint ers, 1; brick masons, 1; concrete workers, 1; sailors, 1; riggers. 1; mechanics. 6: motormen. 1: machin ists, 1; chauffeurs, 4; auto mechan ics, 1; railroad foremen, I; truck drivers, 1; teamsters, 1; painters, 1; millers. 1; butchers, -1;., cooks, 3; candy makers, 1; barbers. 1; illus trators, 1; ranchmen, 1; electricians, v 1; musicians, 2; engineers, 2; stu dents, 1; joldiers. 3. City Spends $107,601 on Parks In Course, of "Year City Commissioner Thomas Fal coner reports that the park, boule vard and recreation departments for the year cost the following amounts for maintenance: - General park fund,. $107,601.55; . garage fund, $7,500; recreation fund, $21,182.90: road fund. $23,278.18; park bond fund. $37,546.40. i The principal improvements of the " year were keeper's house, new ani mal fences and ovwis in Riverview park; filling in depressions of Ath-, letic park; grading Christie park: golf course irrTonteiteHe park and rebuilding sections of Carter park boulevard. ... " . . This department expects a larger appropriation for recreation purposes in 1921, when a series of summer band concerts will be given. No park concerts were given during 1920 by the city, 1