Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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    . THE BEE : ' OMAHA, . FRIDXy. DECEMBER 31. 1920.
YouthfulFdm Star
. Visits Parents Here
Master lack Connors, 9,"XjoUiwvn
motion picture star, is in Omaha
spending the holidays with his
father. Jack Conners, manager of
the Emoress Rustic garden. Mrs.
Conners is now playing in Goldwyn
pictures. Master Jack will enter
tain with songs and dancing at the
Irish Goaded
To Desperation,
V. Says Speaker
Peter Golden, in Address Be
fore j, Omaha Women, Com
pares His Fellow Citizens
Tol Christian Martyrs.
"England and her hired mercen
aries are, goading the people of Ire
land into open rebellion so she will
have anjexcuse to shoot them down
and settle the Irish question for
ever," Peter .Golden of Cork, Ireland,
. declared in a1' speech before Omaha
women in the ballroom tne Black
stone hQtel yesterday afternoon.
"Not since tl'.e days of the early
Christian martys has a people shown
such fortitude and spirit," the speak
er asserted. "England has filled Ire
land with .soldiers and all the imple
ments of war. She has watchid the
merciless attack on women and chil
dren, and-the assassination, of the
Irish leaders, ytt she has not cried a
halt. Ireland! patiently bearing her
yoke; and only waits recognition by
the world as a separate nation until
;he will assert herself.
Oppression Never Told.
"The real history of Ireland and
the .oppression by England has never
been told. Rnoland h.i hlitlt- a wall
of fables around 4he real Ireland midnight dancing girl reviewin the
and has alldwcd the world to know rustic garden New 1 cars eve.
i " a a . . ' - i i-.,... I-- ,i.r i.
oniy wnai, ungiana wants known.
.Vow, the ; Irish people are telling
tne story as st is. ihey are show
ing the .world what the oppression
has meant to Ireland for the past
750 years. ' , ; r ,, -
V'Englahd has pauperized our land,
she has driven the best of our people
to foreign shores and has prevented
our advancement in ) commerce, in
dustry and culture, yet she has not
crushed the Irish spirit. There are
no signs of a compromise' despite
our desperate situation. ' ,'
Denies Religious Question. '
"England says we are small; that
ve don't know what' we want; that
we are always fighting among our
selves; 1 that the Irish question is a
religious question. (
. "England again ' is wrong. She
l.nows Ireland is rich in natural re
sources and geographically situated
to soon command the commercial in
tercourse all nations. There is no
internal dissension. All but two coun
ties are in favor of an Irish republic.
Religion docs not enter into the
present struggle - for independence.
Many of our honored patriots were
Protestants. In. Ireland we care not
what amanV yeligiojv may be if he
is true to Irish principles and Irish
traditions., , .; , ; ,; .
"We knq,w what we want and that
-is. an I rishj. '.republic. .We Want Ire
land that's" all. We want nobobdy's
;,'ooIs, nobody's .property, . but just
ihe, right to live and conduct our af
fairs as we "think right.'
Ireland Asks Recognition.
"England : continually harps on
'Catholic : domination vif Ireland is
freed.' England has gone to the res
cue of Catholic Belgium,, Poland and
other nationsvQf this ..religion yet she
did ' not rnrntion Catholtc domina
tion at' those times.
"When 'America entered the" world
v,ar she said she' did so to repay a
debt she oed to France. Ireland
aified, the , Colonies,. in their fight for
independence yet she does not ask
that the debt be paid. ' All she asks
i. that America -recognize Ireland
as a republic," Mri Gohjen pleaded
jn olosintf Jiis "speech.
More tijan 200 women heard the
addttts. ' I.-, x : . .
Father and Son
Week to Be Big
Occasion Here
Divorce Court
' . Dtvoreo TtccrCM.
l.iint FrtUdls from John
cruelty. , -
j - DWarce Petition.
Xlarl Manning against Vera C. Man
ning, nonUMact.
Ornce Black agalnat Edward Black,
Madeline McKamnrla atalnst Charles
Jli-Niimiirtn, no'ngupport.
Violet Mulllna Mean pantniit Dewey
It. MrUce. ,.jonupport. .
Also Blackheads. Ashamed To Go
On Street.' Would Itch and Burn.
' "My face and forehead broke out
with pimples and blackheads till I
waa ashamed to go on the street.
Tha pimples were bard and small,
and would fester up and seals over.
They wars scattered all over my
forehead, and sometimes they would
itch and burn.
"I noticed an advertisement for
Cnticura Soap 1 and ' Ointment, . and
sent for a frae aaaiple. I bought
mors, and when I had nsed two
cakes of Cutieura Soap and one box
of Cutieura Ointment 1 was healed."
(Signed) Mrs. Jos. P. Bender, R, R.
5, Winamae, Indiana.
. Improve your skin by daily use of
Cutieura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum. Splendid for the complexion.
ZnSSm. D.M. S. IfaMH
wtan. SaapSa. Oiatmat!
MLMaaa." SoMmrr.
rtSaaaWi. Takaatala.
Affords , protection Ralnr; Jn
feottS .dlsetscs. All prudent
perintis should avail themselves
of thi dependable germicide
1 was badly Toptarad while liftinr a
trunk savaml yaara aso. Doctors aaid my
only hop- of care - waa an operation.
Trout did me bo sood. Finally I sot
hold of aotaathlat that quickly and com
pletely eared me. Years hare paiked and
the raptor has nerer returned, although
I am doinc hard work as a carpenter.
There was bo operation, so loat time, no
trouble, I haT nothicc to sell, but .will
siv full information about how you nay
find a complete cor without operation, if
. you write to me. Eugene M. Pullen. Car
penter;. 51 0 Marccllus Arenne, Hanai
qsaa, N. J. Better cut out this notice
and show it to any other who are rup
turedyou may aav a Ufa or at leaat
(top the mltery of rupture and the worry
, and dancer ol aa operation.
Gas Department to Get
Large Loan From City
"The Controversy between the city
council and the Metropolitan Water
board was brought, to a close yts
terday morning in the city council
meeting, when a resolution was
adopted, ' authorizinar the loan of
$100,000 rom the city sinking fund,
until April 15, to help the gas depart
ment in an emergency. '
With $25,000 from the gas depart
ment fund, this money' will be used
to meet the first semiannual inter
est obligation of $125,000 on $5,000,
000 gas plant bonds. The water de
partment 'funds, cannot be diverted,
according to arr opinion of J." L. Web
ster, 'attorney for the Water board.
The interest obligation will be due
January 1., 11
Question, of New Trial for
Dr. Fields Under Advisement
' District Judge Troup, at the con
clusion of lengthy arguments by at
torneys for Dr. L. S. Fields yesterday-
afternoon,- took- under advise
ment -the question of granting a new
trial to Fields, who was found guilty
two weeks ago of having caused the
death of Ruth Ayer, Hayes Center
girl, by ; performance of an illegal
operation. Judge Troup will an
nounce a decision this afternoon.
Whisky Valued at 150,000 ,
! Seized by DenVer Police
s Denver, Dec. 30. Fifty cases andi
five barrels oLbottled m bona Cana
dian whisky, valued at $50,000, were
seized in- an automobile paint shop
here 'by . the ' Denver police. - R. D.
Wills, 34, and W. Alford,v34, were
taken to police headquarters 'to await
formal ck-rges to be filed against
them, alleging violation of the prohi
bition law.
Special Services aiid Banquets
To Be Held at Churches
10,000 Omahans Expected
To Take Part. ,
- s .
With the selection of the members
of the city father and son commft
tee by each of the churches, plans
are fairly on their way for thet big
gest celebration of Father and Son
week ever held. .here. Last year 26
churches participated and '4,000
fathers and sons took part in the
banquets and special services. -
It is expected that more thau 50
Omaha churches will take part this
year with banquets, special service
or-both. It has been proven that
every church benefits by the stimu
lating of the relationships between
fathers and sons and more churches
will observe the week this year than
The week will open Sunday,, Jan
uary 16, with special services in many
churches. Banquets -"will be held on
week nights, fathers and sons speak
ing in many cases, 'with 'the main
address by some prominent citizen.
In many churches', mothers and
daughters will serve the dinners.
A mass meeting will also be a part
of the'pngram for the week. It is
expected that nearly 10,000 Omaha
fathers and sons will take part in the
observance of the week this year.
The City Father and Son commit
tee, composed of the Boys' work
committee of the Y. M C. A. and a
representative of every church tak
ing part, will meet on Tuesday eve
ning at 7:30 in the $oys' division
parlors at the Y. M. C. A. to arrange
plans for the occasion. J. H. Bever
ldge, superintendent of schools and
chairman Of the boys' work commit
tee, will be the chairman of the city
fathers and sons committee. '
Steel workers in Cleveland. O..
are practically 100 per cent organ
'J HE Trade Mark here
shown is on every
wrapper of genuine
The Grapefruitjof -Superior
flavor '
Omaha. 5
- Wholesale Distributors
The u inter plauttouni) of Florida an
. reached quickly and comfortably via tht
Through sleeping cars leave Kansas Gty 5:30 pm;-':
arrive Jacksonville 10:50 second morning via
Frisco Lines and Southern Railway, the direct route.
Dining ear Service all the way.
Fred Harvey meats on the Frisco.
1 1
t. The Kansas City-Flonda Special makes convenient cbnnee- I ' '
It tion at Jacksonville with trains for East and West Coast resorts. (
WtoS- ttlmtnkJ Iferalbie, Inirnalba at fe tail U
' nee1 Jam r for tkeplng ear tutnathm aiirat M
7Q9 Wahut St., Kaaaaa City, Me. H
tyj'y J. C Larries, Diruioa Paateater At eat . ' I
In the Children 's Prize
Color Contest
Will be awarded Friday morning, Dec. 31, at 9
o'clockrat the Eialto Theater. All-children and
thfeir parents are cordially' invited to be there.
, Good Program
..... .. . . .
"Y" Boys to Give
New Year's Sliovv
Movie Proceeds Will Be Used
To Purchase Projection Ma
chine for Department.
: With 300 boys seling tickets for
the Boys' division of the Y. M. C.
A.'s New Year's entertainment, the
success of the show is -practically as
sured. The Boys'V division is pitt
ing on the entertainment for the pur
pose of securing a motion picture
machine for the use of the 900 boys
in the membership and the 700 boys
in the extension work, i
During the Christmas holidays
there have been free movies in the
boys' division every afternoon. Pic
tures also are shown throughout the
winter on Saturdays for members of
the gymnasium and Bible clubs.
For the entertainment on New
Year's day the film, "Rebecca, of
Sunnybrook Farm," has been se
lected. A beaatitiful prizma also will
be shown An orchestra of Hi-Y
boys, underi the direction of Stuart
Edgerly, will play during the en
tertainment and Travis Nesbit, the
"Paderewski" of the Boys' division,
will give several piano numbers. The
Y. M C. A. male quartet will sing.
There will he three shows, at 3, X
ana y p. m. coys win dc in sparge
of everything from taking tickets
to ushering, as it, is to be strictly
a boys show. Tne shows will be
giyen in the gymnasium which is
capable of seating 1,000 persons.
Officers for Year. Named ,
At B'nai Ami Club Meeting
At a regular meeting of the B'nai
Ami club held at the Loyal hptel
the following officers were elected:
Morris A. Vann, "president; Samuel
Guttman, vice president; William
Pearlman, secretary and treasurer;
Max Fromkiu, sergeant-at-arms.
After the election a smoker and a
luncheon were held and arrangements
formulated for the leasing of down
town club rooms for the organiza
tion. Plans also are well under way
for a private dinner dance...
Brief City News
Italibi to Spouk "On the Kve of
1921" will b tha subject -of Rabbt
Frederick Cohn's sermon at the
Temple Israel tonight at 8.'
Church Holds Serves Bishop E.
V. Shayler will conduct watch night
servlcfg-tonight in TrinHy cathedral.
Other Episcopal churches of the city
will co-operate. ; ' , .
V1I1V1,U Son J. W. Adams, su
perintendent of the union passenger
station,, will leave for Chicago to
morrow night to spend New Year's
with his son, George Adams.
Holdup Siispti'ts ArreBted Re-r
ports of five holdups by negroes re
sulted In the arrests yesterday of
15 negro suspects by Detectives
Francl, Graham, Burt a and Aughe.
Clolhera to Meet The Nebraska
Retail Clothiers' association will hold
its sixth annual convention here dur
ing the first three days of February.
Headquarters will be at. Hotel Fon
tenelle. . r '
Annual Bull The firat annual ball
of the Metropolitan Protective and
Benevolent association,- CQm prising
police, firemen and street car men,
will be held Saturday night In the
Auditorium. y.
Community1 Dance Thb ' third
dance of the season will be held to
night in the Benson city hall, under
the direction of the Benson com
munity center organization. Resi
dents of Benson are invited.
f T IT 1 .1 A
nut a u, jvuvvr iiuicnwuiu a.
Price has brought an action in dis
trict court againsteroy Corliss of
the Waterloo Creamery company and
thfe . Corliss Land company, to re
cover $12, 118 on a promissory note.
Watch Services Watch night
services will be held tonight In the
Dietz Memorial Methodist church!
From 8:15 to 10 a musical and liter
ary program will be given. From
10(, to 11 a social hour will be ob
served. . . 5
Man Asks Divorce After 33 years
of married life. Jacob Cohen brought
a divorce actipn in district court
yesterday against his wife, Lena. He
alleges his wife has developed a
quarrelsome - disposition. Their
oldest child Is 32 years.
towns of Kearney, St. Paul, Gibbon-l
and sneiton brougnt action in united
States eourt yesterday against the
Central Power company of Nebras
ka, seeking to restrain that com
pany from Increasing its rates.
To ' ADnrove tiara iro Site T. G.
Mallalieu of Washington, special
agent of the motor vehicle Bervlce
of the Postortlce department, ia here
to approve a location for a postal
truck garane. Proposals will be
opened on Wednesday January 12.
Charged Willi Making Liquor
cnarles Briethurt, 24, son or a weal
thy farmer living 14 miles north of
west Point, Neb., wan brougnt to
Omaha yesterday by a deputy United
States marshal on u charge of al
leged manufacture of "moonshine"
whisky. " ,
Married tu Onuiliu. Miss Sarah
Collins of Carter, S. D, and August
H. Brinkman of Winner, S. D.. were
married Wednesday by the Rev.
Charles W,- Savidge. leaving Imme
diately after the ceremony for an
extended honeymoon tour through
the south.
Stone Buralarlxed The front plate
glasH windows of the soft drink parlor
of John Sorenson, (103 Military
avenue, were broken yesterday morn
ing by burglars who rifled the cash
register. The place is opposite the
bank of Benson which was robbed
a year ago today.
Street Appropriation Approved
Tne city council autnorizea an ap
propriation of $2,500 to cover half
of the expense of straightening a
Jog in Twenty-third street, Drexel
boulevard to A street, and for neces
sary grading. Work will bo started
during the early spring
Bootlegger Sentenced William
Lamb. 1J17 ' South Twenty-flfth
street, referred to by police as the
"aristrocratio, bootlegger," was sen
tenced to 30 days yesterday in police
court. He was charged with having
had 20 quarts of bonded liquor and
one quart of wine. ;
Dies of Polslonlim; Mrs. Valada
Dillard, 24, of Ralston, died at the
home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. S.
A. Dillard, 2j17 Leavenworth street,
following an attack of ptomaine
poisoning.' Dewey Dillard, her hus
band, also . was stricken, but It is
believed he will recover. -'
Boats For "Gobs" The Navy de
parment will , assign one 36-foot
motor launch and four 38-foot cut
ters for service in local waters, ac
cording to an announcement made
yesterday by the Nebraska naval re
serves. These crafts will be used
in connection with instruction work.
Says "Shoo Fly. Shoo" J. H.
Hanley, federaf prohibition enforce
ment officer for this state, said.
"shoo, fly, shoo," as his comment
to the statement of F. N. High, su
perlntendent pf the Nebraska Anti
Saloon league. Mr. High recently
took exceptions to a report made by
Mr. Hanley. -Few
Permits Revoked J. H. Han
ley, federal prohibition enforcement
supervisor for Nebraska, reported
that during 1920 office revoked
only 12, or about 1 per rent of all
permits issued to handle alcohol.
He explained that the confidence of
his department lias been respected
by nearly all with whom It had to
Shoplifter Fined Henry Martin,
postal clerk. 841 South Thirty-flfth
street, fined $13.50 and costs yes
terday In police court on a charge
of shoplifting, told Judge Foster that
he took two sillt waists and a silk
veil from Brandels stores because the
clerks were too busy to wait on him.
He said he Intended to send the
articles to his wife In Logansport,
Ind. 1 ,
Dance to Close Meeting. A New
Year's dance and banquet with
cabaret in the Strehlow Terrace club
house will close the annual conven
tion of the salesmen of the Orsco
Building Materials company which
has been in session at 701-711 South
Eleventh street. Sales managers
from' various factories who ad
dressed, the convention ' Included
W. B. .Wilcox of the H. F. Watson
company, Krle, X'a.; J. E. FltzgertiW
of tha ( Mound City Roofing -TIU
company of St. Louis; F. R. Leslie,
of the Waldorf Paper Products com
pany, St. Paul, Minn.; J. V.'Kast it
the,. Union Fibre company, ef
Winona, Minn.; R. A. Plumb of thfc
Truscon laboratories of Detroit. -
Laundry Dispute Alrcd-Tu(io .
Fouler will hear a dispute belween
L. J. -Sanderson of Herman, Neb.,
and ' Dewey Wan, Chlneso ' laundry
main, 319 North Fifteenth street. In
Central police court today. Tha
trouble arose over the effort of
Sanderson to obtain a bundle of
washing without observing the for
mality of presenting a ticket
the Chinaman alleges he issued..
Dogs Must Uo Llt-wised City dog
license tag No. 1, for 1921 will bn
worn by C N. Dlotz" pet dog, "Gen
eral Byng," Dog tags for the new
year ,will be placed on sale at he
city . clerk's office beginning next
Monday morning. A city ordinance
requires that all dogs shall be
licensed and after a reasonable time
the .ordinance will be enforced by
the Humane society officers. ; ;
Muke Your Reservations Now at the
Meetew Call
for--' -;- i(
Year's Ew
The management has arranged for special
; music, dancing, singers, and
- other entertainment
' WF.M.U BA.M;..'
v Call and reserve the table1 you want.
(ir . .. ...
That Defy
Flannel " Garnients
Even the Chill of Winter's Zero Blasts
Along with the cold wintry blasts, with snow whirling and the thermometer drop
ping to zero and below, comes this opportune offering in Outing Flannel garments.
Soft as furand almost as warm, they afford a protection that is as comforting as it
A 1 .1' V I T L I'll- . 1 .1 f V
is sure. And the prices! Just look and see them!
. , . ' Mala Hoar New Buildinc
Children's Flannel
Night Gowns
... "
1,000 Children's Flannelette Gowns,
made o heavy flannelette, in white and
colors, sizes 6 to 16 years.
v Children's Flannel
Night Gowns
at $1.45
Made or best domet flannel, in white or
stripe effects, daintily trimmed in contrast
ing colored braids.
Women's Flannel
-Night Gowns
at $1.45
1,000 Women's Outing Flannel Night
Qowns, made o heavy outing flannel,
stripe effects, tailor trimmed.
1,000 Women's White Outing Flannel
Gowns, made of heavy flannel, braid trim
med, cut extra wide and full. ,'
1,000" Women's Outing Flannel Gowns,
made of fine domet flannel, dainty stripe
effects, silk braid trimmed.
--'--. A
Women's Flannel
at $1.95
Women's Outing Flannel Panamas, in-1
numerable, styles, in white and color
elaborately trimmed. '
Women's Flannelette
at 95c
Women's Petticoats, made of heavy
flannelette, in white and stripe effects
braid trimmed.
Men's Outing Flannel ;
Gowns at $1.65
A big purchase and sare of Men's Outing- Flannel Gowns,
made of the finest quality outing flannel, in aJarge variety of neat
striped color combinations and plain white. Made in V-neck, mili
tary collar or flat collar Styles, either plain or trimmed with braid,
or silk loops and large pearl "buttons. All garments cut full and
roomy throughout. At this price they are being sold at less than
one-half the regular price. Sizes 15 to 19 .
Men's Outing Flannel '
Pajamas at $1.85 v
A big selection of Men's Pajamas, made of extra good quality
outing flannel, in either plain white or neat color combinations, in -a
large variety of military collar or V-neck styles. Choice of either
two-piece or one-piece suits. All garments are well tailored and
trimmed with braid silk loops or large pearl buttons. This is one
of the most exceptional values we have ever offered. These are
being sold at about one-third the regular price. All sizes, A to D.
Children's Outing
at 95c
Insure your child's comfort , by
having some of these Outing Sleep
ers for them. There are 500 gar
ments in this lot, but not all sizes
left.. , '
Boys' Flannelette
Night Gowps
One Piece Sleeping1 Suit and 'Pajamas
All made from good
standard outing . flannel-"
efte in neat pink and blue
stripes. Nearly every gar-,
ment has silk frogs.
75 Suits Pajanfas
300 Sleeping Suits
60Q Night GoWns
Sizes, 8 to 18 years.
Mala Floor New Building
Children's Outing
; Flannel
Pajamas '
at $1.45 v,
v These garments are made of
heavy outing flannel, in white and
stripe effects, and , are an excep
tional valuer Broken sizes.