'4 1 1 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1920. N Classified Advertising Rales 10 per line (count ( word! to line) 1 day lee per line per day, t oonsecullvs days 10 ptr Una r day, 7 conecutiv dy 14 per tin per day, 10 eonseeutlve day No ad taken (or las thaa total of 16a Thts rates apply either to th Dally or Sunday Be. All advertisements ap pear In both morning and evening dally papers tor th on chart. CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION. Want ad accepted at th (ollowlnc of. flees: MAIN OFFICII 17th and Farnam Sts South Bid 931 N St. Council Bluff 15 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONB AT TYLER 1000. THE BKB will not responsible for Blur than on Incorrect Insertion of an advrtlamat ordered tor mor than on "cLOSINQ HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition U: A. M. Morning Edition : P. M. Sunday Edition .1:00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAiTnOTICES. BELLES John; aged 7 year. He I survived by 3 daughter, Mr. H. M. . Cran of Chicago. Jll.i Mr. J. T. Green of Fremont. Neb.; Mr. Bertha Francl of Omaha, and a granddaughter, Mr. Delia Cran Wyenbeek. H waa a member of Crook Pot, O. A. R. Funeral Friday afternoon from resi dence of hi daughter, Mr. Francl, ! So. 2th St., at 2 p. m. Inter ment Forest Lawn semetefy. LI EBENTKITT Joseph, West Dodge. Dec 10, aged 71 year. Funeral services from the residence of hi on, Adolph Lletfen trltt, Saturday at 1 p. m. to St. Ber nards church, Benaon. at 1 p. m. Inter ment St Mary Magdalen' cemetery. De caed 1 survived by five children, Charles, Mr. Thereaa Kaiser, Adolph, Joaeph and John. BKKINBON George D., beloved father of Lillian Black, at residence of hi daughter, Wednesday, 1:67 -a. m. Funeral from St. John A. M. R. church, corner iStb, and Grant St., Fri day. December It. at 1 p. m. Inter ment, family lot, Forest Lawn ceme tery. D1KTERICH Mlu 8uan, aged 32 year, Survived by parent, Mr. and Mr. J, Dietertch, two sisters and one brother. Remains shipped from Hesfey & Keafey chapel Friday, 1:68 p. m., to Verdon, Neb., for Interment. DAVENPORT Mr. Frank E : died De cember It, at the home of ber daugh ter, Mr. J. A. Fuller, Reno, Nev. ' Services Friday at 2 p. m. from the Burket chapel, 2904 Leavenworth St " funermTdirectors. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST CAMBULANCE gSgggf 64 Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN - PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. -701 South 16th St. Doug." J22J HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmer. Phone H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. KOR AMBULANCE call South 0. Korlsko Funeral Home, 23d and O 8ts. . FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON PoK0e,n,e.t!.e 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 2244. JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D 3000. Ij. Henderson, 1611 Farnam. Douglas 1248. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth. lt Joseph and Helen Mltera, 412S South 'Twenty-ninth atreet, girl. ' William and Mildred King. J602 Lafay ette avenue, boy.1 v Sylvester and .Mary Henderson, I 123 North Tenth street, girl. .,. '. ' Andrew and Sophia Micek, 4426 South Twenty-seventh street, boy. Walton and Rhoda Ball, hospital, boy. ' Frank and Irene Pence, 6636 Ohio street, , i-'arl and Mary McMullen, hospital, boy. . .l;mips and Dot Cheyne, hospital, boy. . .Maninas and Matilda Thorup, 2818 E . atreet, ftrL Death. .' , Jrweph H. Oallup, 74, hospital:? . Henry Ostenaon, 28, 2 South, Nine tefnth street Fred Sldner, 71, hospital. Lydla Dorthla Karspeck, 17, hospital. Marie Sovik, infant, S242 South Twenty second etreet. . I . Ludvika Prikryl, 42, SOU South Eight eenth street. i Mr. Mary Lupp. II, SOU Jackson street Ella McDermott, 46, hospital. Alice M. Olaxler, 42, hospital. -George Mahoney. 48. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persona were lued per mits to wed: , . Herman F. Fehlhaber, 27, Wheaton, Kan., and Dorothy Koch, 23, Omaha. Mearon E. Pollock, 26, Omaha, and Elisabeth E. Larsen, SO, Omaha. Dwight B.' Williams, 22, Omaha, and K, Marie Zimmer, 18, Omaha. Robert Hyde, 88, Vllllsca, la., and Roe Wendllng, 36, Vililsca, la. William H. Peck, 47, Creaton, la., and Lottie Mather, 44, Creaton, la. August H. Brlnkmnn, 29, Winner, S. D and Sarah Collins. 27. Carter, S. D. Clifford R. Thompson, 26, Shenandoah, la., and Lucy G. Stevens, 21, Shenandoah, la. George A. Mortimer, 23, Madison, Neb., and Reta V. Barr. 24, Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LADY'S platinum dinner ring, et with diamonds. In Brandels or Burgeas-Nash or on street car. Finder return for lib eral reward. No questions asked. Phone Douglas 1815 or Walnut 2810. FOR ARTICLES LOST on etreet cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFF3 ST. RY. COMPANY. LOST On eastbound Leavenworth car or on westbound L street car, m.e black leather brief case. Finder please tele phone Tyler 6616 or Harney 3434 and re ward will be paid. LOST Lady' gold wrist watch, mono gramed F. C. K between 114 So. 36th ' Ave., and Athletlo club. Phone Harney 4958. Reward. , LOST Slnca Christmas day. brown cow with white face. For leward call at 6710 S. 83d. Phone South' 1962. LOST Fox Terrier dog, white with black and brown spots. Answers to .name of Bummer. Col. 4426. Reward. XOST Lady' platinum . diamond ring; liberal reward. Phone Walnut 2870. - Douglas 1816. LOST Diamond ring i Brandels Stores or Farnam car. Llbt reward. Wal. 3047. LOST Bulldog, ear and tall clipped; look like a bear. Web. 4405. Reward LOST Gold cuff link initial W. W. T. Finder please call Ty. S24, Tuple. LOST Two pass book n Conservative bank. Douglas 6488. Reward. LOS T Sealskin belt Harney 1561. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home elicit your old clothing, furniture, magasines. We collect We distribute Phone Doug 4116 and our wagon will rail. Call and Inspect our new boms, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. ORIENTAL Rose Bath, soothes tired erves, beautifies skin, furnishes oil which aids In resistance of colds. Tyler 415. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1716 Dodge, PIPKIN'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY, Incorporated. . Dougla 1107. Arlington Block. Omaha, Neb. A BUSINESS woman with child over 2 year may receive board and room, also .care of child. Harney 949. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS ec a wyjvn., itie r akin AM tTK LET. .J1ATTRBSSE3 remade, springs repaired. H. 1762. T. DRESSMAKING wanted. Douglas 6492. ,.' TREATMENT, expert Swed. mass. D. 6877. v 'MANICURING, massages. 330 LeFlang Bk KENT jHoover vacuum. 11.35. Wal. 1947. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Ty. 1423. MASSAGE 210 North Beventeeht St ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. KEEP S HOTEL ROME. Let Keep's teach you to dance. Be ginners' classes. Monday and Wednes days, 2:46 to 12; advance class, Tues day, 2 to 8:46; assembly dances, Tues. day Thursday and Saturday, 8:46 to 12. Children class Saturday, 1:20 to I. Pri vate lesson by appointment Phone Doug. 2581, Harney 2722. - Vn Pirtfl School tor Dancing. 2424 AVCi-tiL5 Farnam. Doug. 7860. Hemstitching and Pleating. "ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all size and styles, berostltehlns. plcot edging, eye let cut work; buttonholes, pennants. Meal Button and Piloting Co., 308 tirnwn Hlk. DoUKlas 19j!t. isvhTpieatiiig & Button Co 106 Faroaui St -DfM. II7. v , BRINGING UP HELLO HOW ARE "COU DCIN' TREATEC5 THEbC OK1b? ANNOUNCEMENTS. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. Doug. 205$. Night Col. 1812. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evidence recured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Miscellaneous Announcements. OMAHA PILLOW COMPANY. Mattresses made over in new tick at half price of new bed. Pillow renovated and mads up In new feather-proof ticking. 1207 Cuming street.' Douglas 2467. DIAMONDS ."wlthrivSeg. las 604 JTth and Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron casting. SAFETY rasor blade harpened, new ra sor. raor blades old. Omaha Rasor Sharpening Co., 1 622 Vi Dodge. 103 w. it. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Stor. 15th ana DOUKia IS.. Ulliaua, new, Write for prices. The Ensign Co., 1607 Mowaro nt. FULL dress suit and tuxedos for rent, lo N. 16th St.. John Fetdman. D. 3128. WEDDING announcement and , printing; Dougla PrlntlngjCareh DojMa 644. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 16th and Jackson. D. 4387 Omaha Towel Supply 207 S. 11th. D. 628. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. ENORMOUS cut in living room dining . gets, bedroom furniture, also auction grlce on rug. Home furniture Co., outh Sl.le. FOR SALE All the furnishings of a six- room apartment compiuie iv bu w "t,oc keeping in. Phone Har. t023. Pianos and Musical Instruments. YEAR-END CLEARANCE SALE. Every phonograph In the house must be sold by January 1, regardless of cost. 3126 siie, 46; 2140 size. 166; 1200 elze, $76. II records. 46c. Record ex changed, tSc Shlaes Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dode. TWO wonderful used piano bargains. One Kimball and one Estey. In fine condi tion. Chas. H. Thatcher, 1410 Dodge. ArnC!PTi, CCt Everything m . XlUiOX JCi JS. art and music Piano for rent, DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing, mono narney ivdi. uew, -Bmlth, 1761 Davenport St. WILL take In a part trade, good make phonograph for upright Jimzie jumoau - make piano. Wal. 3749 CHICKERING & SONS, mahogany baby grand, like new, bargain, Doug. 35. MAHOGANY Vlctrola and records. H. 3752. OLD violin for sale cheap. Doug. 7765. Typewriters vand Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, told, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. ' Central Typewriter Exc. Douglas 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOCSKAPHS, F. & E.'s; bargains. 320 Neville r-k'- MisceP.wcoas Articles. 1-TON Falri.i.im No. 4 standard calc-, SVixHi :-j.t platform, also 28-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam St Phone Tyler 1000. IX GOING through your attice, don't you find a lot of clothing, furniture, pic tures and other articles that you have no further use for? And have you ever stopped to think, that someone might bo only too glad to have them? Then why not let the public know you have those articles useles to you through a little want ad in the Bee? It costs very little and a 3-day ad would almost be sure to sell it for you. Try it. Call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Want Ad Dept. BURGLARS AND SNEAK THIEVES Keep them out with a Sentinel alarm, simple and sure. No burglar ever pass ed one. $2.50 installed. Phone Tyler 4860 ffor demonstration. ' SEWING MACHINES We rent repair, sell ncedlfj and part. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Daglas 1973. SWEET potatoes by mall, we have com ing soon, car Southern Nancy Hall Sweets; guaranteed fine; half bushel, postage paid within 150 miles, 11.86; 300 miles, 11.66. WICKHAM BERRY FARM, Salem, Neb. SURE and safe Investment city warrant to pay you 10 per cent Interest, 1100, 1500 and 11,000 amounts. B G. Solomon 617 Karbach Bldg. Dougla 6212. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, baled, 117 ton; or delivered, $20 per ton. 65c per bale, retail. Phone Black 1316. A. J. Brown, 1810 Ave. G, Council Bluffs. DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS, FRED C. TAYLOR, 102 SECURITIES BLDG. TYLER 368B. WE buy, sell aafes, make desk, show cases. etc. Omaha Fixture eV Supply Co. 8. W. Cor. 11th and Dougla. D. 2724. FOR SALE Broadcloth suit, trimmed in squirrel fur; two wool dresses; classy sport coat and 6 bed pillows. Dg. 6492. GENTLEMAN'S leather coat for sale, A-l condition, size 40, bargain if cold at once. Call 406 S. 24th Ave. GILBERT & BARKER gasoline pump, practically new. Cost 1275. Sell for 125 cash. 211 Brandels Theatre. PULLMAN conductor uniform, almost new, size 28. 411 North 20th. Dg. 4100. 'R A TT'fi'.S BARGAINS, 12th A Farnam. J-rli- -tiJ J. J. Darlght Safe Co. DARK gray overcoat for sale, best ma- tenat, size an. lyier our. KINDLING for sale by load, James M ay, Web. 3632. ORCHESTRA muslo for sale. Wal. 4830. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. (140. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and urnlture. Ty. 2598. A. Zavett. 706 N. 16. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. "WANTED Position a night watchman and fireman. Reference furnished. John Ewlng. Phone 866, Co. Bluffs, la. WALLS cleaned, H. Mell. Douglas 9506. HAULING ashes, 120 a tub. Wal. 2615. WELL exp. janitor want work. Tyler 6210. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch thi Domestic column of Th Bee. Lot of good places are always advertised. Don't ml them. SEWING, sllk, velvet, skirts. Jacket, re- lined, remodeled.- Roaonnhle. Har. 6804. 1'RAi'TK'AI, nurse wants position. Dg.3136 Laundry and bay Work DAY work wanted, Webster t53L FATHER nlf OIOOU I ( ' "T HE6l.EV0Ur I I Of COLLY-XOU )l I , iFFT THE ) - VERY SELDOM SITUATIONS WANTED. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, or as Janitres.i. South 4461. DAY work, cleaning, Ironing. Web. (622. DAY work, exp. white woman. Doug. 2333. WOOL blankets, lace curtains. H 1130. CLEANING, ironing, colored. Har. 6I8. SILK bundle washing. Web. 3343. DAYWORK, exp. colored. Web. 4391. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. EXECUTIVE secretary. 1400: bookkeeper. mfg. firm, $160, bookkeeper, bank ex perience, $100; traveling aieman, gro cery experience, high-caliber man, $300; grocery ipecialty salesman, $150; sten ographer, law office. $125: office clerk. Hastings, HeU., 6125. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN, 1306 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ACCOUNTANT to assist with credits, $150 to $160; salesman, grocery spe cialty, $150 to $175; office boy, $65. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN., 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. ACCOUNTANT (iood future, $150. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY. 212 First National Bank Bldg. Professions and Trades. WATCHMAKER WANTED. We require tho services of a second watcnmaKer in our high grade .jewelry section. He must also be a good Jew elry repair man. Apply at once. MILLER & PAINE, Lincoln. . Neb. LEARN the beat trade. Barbers wanted everywhere. Earn while you learn. Few weeks completes our course. Write today for special proposition and free Illustrated catalog. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 S. 14th. Salesmen -and Solicitors. FORT WORTH, TEXAS, TO HAVE AN OTHER PACKING PLANT. The service of one of Texas' lead ing bankers and cattlemen to head thl now institution. We want salesmen who have sold pocking house securities and are ac quainted with the possibilities of a big institution centrally located. We are anxious to have good men either come ut once or wire ua for full information regarding this new en terprise. LEAVITT BROKERAGE COMPANY, S10 . Main St. Fort Worth. Tex. SALESMAN for boilers, radiators, heating mlu piumoing Buppues zor iNeorasKa ter ritory. Must be experienced in steam, vapor and hot water heating. Bee Box, W-63. SPECIALTY salesmen wanted, in silver ware, rugs and blankets. Can use a couple of trood men, out nf town work. C. F. Adams Co., 623 So. 16th. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and assistant book keener. 1100: Mtf.nna'ritnhflF. ,,n uc bright beginner, $86; general office cjerK, oo: stenograpner, small office, 2100; stenographer, Hastings, Neb., $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN. 1306 First Nat Bank Bldg. USB the Marti service in sectoring a high class commercial position. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. GIRL for clerical work, one living home ficichcu, arnHii wages. Aauress xiQX H-46, Omaha Bee. Professions antf Trades. EXPERIENCED girl wanted in collar de partment Hinchey Laundry, 2302 N St. ! South 4750. Household and Domestic. WANTED AT ONCE Good girl for general, housework. Small family, modern convenience. Laundress kept No small children, good wages, good home to right girl. Addresa Box X72. Omaha H , ' GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ad. Good, well-paid and homelike place alway advertised. WANTED Experienced cook, references required, Mrs. N. P. Dodge, 204 S. 49th street. Walnut 1182. FAMILY of two wants first-class wash woman, will bring and call for laundry. Phone Harney 0698. r WANTED Experienced white cook. 6j South 38th St., phone Miss Jessie Mil lard. Har. 0776. COMPETENT white second maid. . Mr. A. w. uoraon, 3611 Jackson. Har. 0061. WANTED A competent cook, 32nd ave., Har 206. 206 So. WANTED White laundress, reference re quired, Har. 0672. 3709 Jones. WANTED A competen't second maid, ap ply 206 So. 3Hnd ave., Har. 206. ( Miscellaneous. DO YOU WANT SOME EXTRA MONEY? Women and girls, here 1 an excellent opportunity to earn $30 to $50 a month in your spare time at home making Indian hended watch fobs, neck chains and other things. Demand for these novelties is great. We tell you how and where to sell it at a profit to your ad vantage. Just send us one dollar and we will ship at once by parcel post, pre paid, one "Simplex" bead work loom, beads for trial work, instruction and beautiful design In colors. It 1 so easy and simple that a child can do It Your money back If not aatlsfied. Don't delay! Send your order at oncet Cut this advertisement out, pin. one dollar bill or money order and send It today to Novelty Manufacturing Co., Room 18, Southern Bldg., Dept. 593, Tampa,' Fla. WANTED. ' 10 GIRLS BETWEEN AGES OF 17 AND i 24 YEARS. 8TH GRADE EDUCATION OR BETTER. APPLY ROOM 614, NEW TELEPHONE! BLDG., HELP WANTED. Male and Female . CLERKS (men, women) over 17, for Postal Mall Service, $130 month. Ex aminations January. Experience unnec issary. For free particulars, write J. Leonard (former Civil Service Exam iner, 902 Equitable Bldg., Washington, . D. C. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Barber College EDUCATIONAL. MIDWINTER TERM BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY JANUARY 8. Day and night. Catalog free. Ad dress H. y. Boyles, Pres., Boyles Build ing, Omaha, Neb. Telephone Doug las 1665. Van Sant School of Business.' Day and Evening School. -220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dougla 5890. BUSINESS CHANCES. RESTAURANT for sale cheap. Address H15 No. 16th St., Dg. 7667. ' TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS Co, 411 McCague Bids. FOUR pool tnbles for snle. , tnkes all. 27-09 Q St. First $13 RESTAURANT for sale, Douglas 6286. S-aW j , , . p. j 1 0 .r imx .atu.. ..eve. IN 11 7$"'' Jf - - ' i FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARB YOU LOOKING FOR BOOMS? Or have you planned ou making a change, which will be more convenient tor you. v If so, then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with a complete room use oi cnoice vacant rooms in umana, but also keeD your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further reference In case you wanted to make anathor change. These list are absolutely free of charge to all reader and advertiser of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. Call any lime, Tyler iuo, want Ad uept COMPLETE KM. LIST OF ALL CHOICE ROOMS IN OMAHA FOR BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. CALL FOR IT ANY TIME. TYLER 1000. WANT AD. j SINGLE and double rooms for men only, running not ana coia water, steam neat walking distance. Brown Apts., 608 No. 21st St., Dg. 6644. 1302 South 30th Ave., nicely furnished room in very nice location, very deslr- aDie, must oe seen to tie appreciated. Har. 6656. - ' COLONADE HOTEL. 2474 Harney, furnished sleeping rooms, gooci neat. FOR RENT A front room furnished for one or two gentlemen. 2201 F St., Tel. So. 2833. FURNISHED rooirA close in, for 2, In private family, breakfast If desired. Tyler 0390. LARGE front room, private home, for -2 young men, references required. Har 4J1Z. BEAUTIFUL steam-heated room.i for 2 or or e young men, walk, dlst. Tyler 2764. TWO furnished rooms, $15, gas and elec- tricjty rurnisned. Phone Walnut 4280. 2 LARGE steam heated front rooms. suitable for two. 618 South 19th St. BEAUTIFULLY furnished well heated, large rront room. Harney 7378. NICE steam-heated room for 2 gentlemen. mzft N. Zlst St. Doug. 2657. NICELY furnished sleeping room, newly furnished. Har. 7324. SINGLE room. 1633 Park Ave. H. 7378, Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE. BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. TYLEH 1000. WANT AD. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, strictly moaern in new private nome; reason able. 1010 So. !6th St., Ty. 4096. COLONADE HOTEL, 2474 Harney, furnished housekeeping rooms; good heat. TWO newly decorated front housekeeping rooms, everyining lurnisnea; children taken. Web. 0586. 2 furnished light housekeeping rooms. moaern, preier couple employed, garage. Webster 0551. 1111 PACIFIC, light housekeeping rooms. everytning lurnisnea; $7 per week. ' TWO modern housekeeping room within warning aistance. uoug. 5349. NICE large light housekeeping; newly furnished. Har. 7324. 1-ROOM. well furnished, for light house- ONE suite of housekeeping rms. Ty. 69GJ. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Webster 6079. Board and Rooms. FCB CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH TMJS BK1S WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL TY. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. ATTRACTIVE room witn board for 2, muurrn, wim nome privileges, con veniently located. Har. 3166. 1546 So. 28th St FURNISHED room with board for two .cii.iGiiicn ui uian nun wiie, moaern home privileges. Call Webster 6005. BUSINESS woman with child ove 3 years mjj reueiva puara ana room witn care of child. Harney 2949. NICELY furnished sleeping room, with or 613 CALIFORNIA Modern rooms, board if desired. Tyler 6914. Room and board. 1041 S. 29th. Har.'7366. Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR rooms, sleeping porch, with garage, "ww i y papereu. uail weD. 62UD. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. -, v FOR RENT Six room and sleeping porch; fine corner lot, with garage. In heart of . Dundee. Elegantly , furnished. Will lease. BURR-SPIER & CO.. REALTORS 304 Peter Trust Bldg. . Doug. 4857. EIGHT-ROOM house, with garage, two lots, 4318 Ames avenue. Rent $60. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0644. 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR RENT Five-room cottage, 2444 S. 16th St, $20; 3-room brick flat 2618 N. 31st St., $14. S. a and R. E. Mont, gomery, Doug. 1313. Walnut 2136. 8 ROOMS, sleeping porch, garage for two cars, newly papered throughout. Will lease for a year. Call Web. 6205 NICE 5-room house, modern, except heat, walking distance, 17th and Grace, $32.60 during winter. Web. 0630. ' THREE unfurnished rooms, heat, light and water, $26. Harney 0987. I-ROOM. modern but heat, 2d floor, $36. 2705 Q St. Douglas 3666. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. THE EL-BEUDOR. , Dodge, at 18th Street Tyler 4200 Omaha's Newest and Finest elusive Apartment Hotel . Reservations Filed For Future Occupancy. Ex- walking distance west, beautiful 3-rni. and bath apt, with EVERYTHING FURNISHED. Ideal for working girls or nurses, $95 mo., no lease. Douglas 1734 or Douglas 8867. TWO and 3-room furnished apts., Bteam heat within walking distance. Browu Apts., 608 N. 21st St. Dougla 5641 Unfurnished. FIVE-ROOM apartment In Monticello. 620 South 31st street. $106. 6-room apart ment In Ardmora Terrace, 49th and California street. $125. 6-room apart ment In Mount Vernon, 620 South 31st street $140. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, Tyler 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. Peters Trust Company, Specialist In apartment management STRICTLY modern, 6-room brick flat in good neighborhood; posnesalon Jan. 1. inquire H04 First Nat. Bunk. MODERN 2-rorimheiited apartmentTlSiis i Park Ave.: private home. on. car line. Phone Harney 2110, SEE J IOCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Unfurnished. TADOUSAC Iwcated on 3Sth avenue between Far nam and Dewey avenue; Omaha's finest and newest apartment building; suites oi inree, tour ana tlve rooms; in Oma ha' most exclusive residence district, i-rices, $100 to $160. Building now ready ror occupanoy. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, REALTORS. 1011 Omaha National Bank Bldg..' " Douglas 2716. FOR RENT Business Property. 8EE F. Ji. WEAD. 810 a 18TH ST. Garages and Barns. FINE garege for rent, for 3 car. 2408 N. 18th St.' Webster 2329. MOVING AND STORAGE. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Boweu Co. Tyler 3400. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY TkD CO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Douglas 028S. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and phipping. , ' OMAHA VAN .AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 416 WE can save you money on automobiles ana Household good to California to through cars. -Omaha Van & Storage Co. 800 So. 16th St. GLOBE VAN, TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or stor age, call Tyler 230 or Dougla 4338. Auto or wagon service. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport, Doug. 2908. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. WHY. DRIVE AN OLD FORD WHEN $1 PER DAY WILL BUY A NEW FORD? Will trade your old Ford toward the down payment of a new, self-starter equipped louring oar. The condition of your old Ford no object. 7he older they are the better we like them. Don't de lay, but come in today and get our lib eral exchange proposition. , ' M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., , , 15TH AND JACKSON STS. DOUG. 3500 COUPE Willya-Knight four-passenger coupe, in excellent condition throughout. Car is fully equipped with five wire wheels, heater and many other extras. The In terior Is 'rimmed in gray fabrio and is Just like new. Would be an Ideal car for a lady to drive as it Is quiet, smooth, and easy to handle. Closed cars are a great comfort during th9 cold weather and good ones are hard to find. Call at our show rooms and see this one. It is ready for you and we can make terms to responsible parties, GUY L. SMITH !6th and Farnam' Sts. Doug. 1970. GOOD CLOSED CARS AT REASONABLE PRICES LIBERAL TERMS - 1921 Ford Coupe , Driven less than -1,000 miles New 1921 Nash Sedan, 7-passenger $500 under list. 1920 Doufrlas 4-passenger Sedan 192(1 Ford Coupe, a bargain 1920 Ford Sedan, refinished. 1918 Dodge Sedan, overhauled and re paired. 1918 Oakland Coupe. 1918 Cadlllao Brougham We also carry a full line of open cars. 100 to select from. LIBERAL TERMS ' MEEKS AUTO CO. . 2047-48 Farnam St. ' Doug. 4101. DODGE SEDAN. BUMPERS FRONT AND REAR. AND OTHER EXTRAS. LIKE NEW, $i,u.w. ., AUTO EXCHANGE, 2204 Farnam. Dour. 6031. We have some splendid 1919 newly painted Fords for sale, cash or terms. Try one and you'll buy it. Drive It Yourself Co., ' 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622 80ME bargains In used Ford cor. Mo Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford service station. iota ana jpemon. uoug la 2500. WILL sacrifice Ford touring, 1917, ,in ex cellent condition, ror $176: leaving city. Phone Doug. 3340. C. Brownnll DANDY Chalmers, 7-patsKenger, fine snape, ror eaie reasonable or will trade. Call South 3343 after 7 p. in OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH-OAKLAND Co 20th Harney Sts. 2H OR 3-TON dump truck, with Wood's holat, for sale very reasonable. For particulars call Tyler 1976. THE DIXIE FLYER, W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. BOWSER gasoline pump, same a new. Complete, half price for cash. 211 Bran dels Theater. GOOD Ford" touring, for sale very reason able, or will trade. Address Box X-3-X, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Good' 2-ton White truok, run only 500 mtlos. Phone Douglas 6454. WILL RRcrlfica late model Ford roadster, Address Box R-222, Or.inha Bee. 1920 FORD COUPE, in A-l condition, bargain. Call Dougla (454. FORD sedan, 19:0, brand new. never used, Cash or time. Tyler 0?'4. DODGE Touring, fine condition, very rea. sonabb. Call owner. Tyler 35s7. Accessories. 1 NEW TIRES 30x3' tire, $ 8, SO Tube, 11.95 3nx3H tlrea. $ 9.60 Tubes, $2.46 32xVt tires, $13.76 Tubes, $2.70 34x4 tiros. $17.95 Tubes, $3.70 VULCANIZERS SUPPLY CO., 2912 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. Motorcycles and Bicycles. WRITE for our list of guaranteed rebuilt motorcycles. Victor H. Roos. 27th and Leavenworth, Dept. B. Omaha. Neb, FARM LANDS. Nebraska Lands. FOR WALK 160 acres of land in Cheyenne County, Neb.; 100 acres fine winter wheat; price $so per acre, J, I. Ben nett, Wayne, Neb, Drawn FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. ACRES, 1.440, Prowers county, Colorado; grain and stock proposition; well lo cated; level wheat land; Improved; $19,400; eaay terms; possession. Louis Miller, Frankfort. Ind. Iowa Lands. 120 acre one mile east of Loveland, Iowa, 66 acre In corn, 25 orchard, bal ance pasture. A fine location for stock and poultry farm. Will trad and as sume on Income, resident or lands. M'VEIGH REALTY CO., Doug. 1966. 1418 First Nat'l Bank. Wyoming Lands. 2240 ACRES Oil land for lease In Osage Wyoming on iieia. Any part or all. Producing well adjoining it, addres ueu jr-nettepiase, Nefsy, Wyo, Miscellaneous. 200-Acre Equipped Farm, With 4 Horses, 11 Cattle and 15 Hogs, all equipment necessary to worn iarm, on improved road, con venlent advantages; leamy soil, ideal al falfa; 65 aeres creek-hvatered pasture; vaiuaDie wooaiana, mill on place; fruit new 5-room house, new bungalow, run, nlng water; 2 barns, poultry house, gran ary, all A-l condition; owner called out state makes price only $8,500. easy terms. Details this and other eauiDocd' Mid- West farms, page 84. Strout's Free lllu- tratea catalog, 1,200 bargains, postpaid. STROUT FARM AGENCY. 831 B-F, New York Life Bldg., Kansas Ctly, Mo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have caah on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Kecllne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 141$ Ora. Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2711 2100 to 210.000 made nromotlv. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg., 210 & 18th St f-ROMPT aervlce, reasonable rate, privat money. Garvin Broa 346 Omaha Nat Stocks and Bonds. $2,000 WILL buy, half interest in patented article, on market for three years, uni versal demand, carrying profit of 300 per cent, tbrougn wholesalers. Net profit should be $10,000 this year. Box W-90. Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE buy and sell Omana real estate. C. B. STUHT CO., REALTORS. Douglas 2787. 913 City Nat'l To buy or sell' Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk, Bldg. Douglas 1428. LIST homes and income property. GRUENIG .REALTY CO. 1418 1st Nat. Bk. - Doug. 1966, UT fl CXITTn?T REAL ESTATE . VJT. OUUl V AJAV jiwiinc. 1047-9 Omaha Nat Bit. B'.dg. Doug. 1S3 LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 412 Karbash Bldg. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1245, rTPTfTPrPrP REALESTAT El.KJY.rl 1 1 Sell. Rent, Insur E: Insures. 350. Peter Trust mag. Doug 0622. P.J. TEBBENSfnra. 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldg. Douglas 212 LIST your house for sale with Glover & Spain, Realtors, ms-au uuy national. Douglas 2850 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. A NICE 320-acre farm, close to a good town near Aberdeen, S. D., about 200 acres under fence and about 70 acres under cultivation. All smooth land, black loam and clay subsoil; 1 miles to market, price $S5 per acre; encum brance $30,000. Will trade equity for good income property or residence prop erty. A good 480-acre farm, good buildings, land lays smooth, one mile from the town of Waubay, S. D. Price $96 per acre; encumbrance $20,000. Will trade equity for Income property or residence property. . Have a good 160-acre farm, well Im proved, . 1 y miles to market. Price $125: encumbrance $11,000. Will ex change equity for good residence or in come property. SQUIRE LAND AND LOAN CO., . . 201-03 Van Slyke Block. Aberdeen, S. D. A Resolution Worth Making and Keeping "I will buy a home of my own this year and save the money I am losing in rent." Creigh, Sons, & Col Established 1868 ' REALTORS 608 Bee Bldg. Doug.' 0200. V USED CAR CARNIVAL SALE Your opportunity to purchase a RE-NEW-ED Cadillac, or a good used car, at a wonderful bargain price t Annual sale begin at noon. De cember 30th. An unusual line of car at very unusual prices 1 ' The condition of these cars at the prices asked, offers an opportunity for you which you may not find again for years ! Take advantage of this sale. Buy from a concern In which yon can rightfully have confidence. COME IN NOW I We may have just what you want at the price you want to pay. THE SAFE PLACE TO BUY. J. H. HANSEN , CADILLAC CO., v Farnam at 26th. Harney 0710 Open until o'clock tn the evenings. for The Bee by McManus Copyright. 1920 International New Servlc REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, WILL trade good lot for equity In mod ern or part modern house. noug. vn.. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED, CUMING Near 2th St., 44 feet; must be old to close estate, c. A. urlmmel. Its, Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Trackage. 11J FEET ON 1ITH 81., $50 PER FOOT. BOSTWICK, 400 Peter Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS, VALSH-ELMER CO., Realtor. Real Estate. Investment Insurance, Rental Tyler 1536. 382 Securities 31d. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. NF.THAWAY. Sub-.rban prop'ty. Col. 14. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. BEMIS PARK' Beautiful 7-room house with heated garage, vapor heat and hardwood fin- isn tnrougnout. D. V. SHOLES CO., REALTORS, Douglas 0046. 215-17 City Nat'l. Omaha Real Estate ana investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phone Trier 4220. 2 choice lots, attractive suburban location, 6 r. house, newly decorated; gas, water, elec. Its. $3,000. $200 down. Dg. 422$. A FEW home and lota for aale In Park wood addition: a aafe place for Invest ment Norris A Norrla. Douglas 4270. J B. ROBINSON, resl estste and invest ment 442 Bee Bids. Douslas 807. North.. NEAR PRAIRIE PARK, $1,500 CASH. 7-room strictly modern, full two story house, consisting of three large rooms on, first floor finished in oak and oak floors. Four bed rooms and bath on second floor. South front lot on paved street, pavinp- paid. Garapre., Price $6,000. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, ' 537 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. $3,800, CASH, $800. 6051 Pinknew Street. A cottage of ( rooms and bath: good basement and ex tra fruit rellar, fine furnace; electric lights. Water system in house, consist ing of gas engine and pressure tank, Cor noc lot. . Price. $S.no, rash $800. AMERICAN 1 SECURITY CO., Deug. 5013. JSth and Dodge Sts. J-ROOM house, paved street, for $2,000. Easy terms. Col. 0116. R. F. Clary Co., - North Omaha Realtors. 2414 Ames Ave. SPECIAL terms on 2823 Seward St. 4-rm. bungalow. Modern, $300 cash., bal. mo, Creigh. 60! Bee. Doug. 0200. . MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to tnvest your money. Phone Tyler 187. ' BENSON MEYF.PS CO iU Om. Nat'l Miscellaneous. Just What You Want Kellestone two-story; seven rooms and breakfast nook; tiled bathroom; beautiful lighting and i plumbing fix-, tures; large closet space; artistic deco rations. This Is an up-to-date house and the price is right. C. A. GRIMMEL, Realtor Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone D. H15. More Truth L By JAMES J. THE BLESSINGS OF PATERNALISM No wonder that we think a heap Of our free institutions. When Uncle Samuel helps us keep Our New Year'i resolutions. The fear that they are far too good To keep, no more will fret ua. We could not break them if we would, The government won't let us. If we resolve, through self-control, I To go upon the wagon. Eschew the jug, the flask, the bowl, - The seidel and the flagon, It's likely that we'll keep this pact Exactly as we make it, - Because we'll find the Volstead act Has made it hard to break it , If we resolve to save each day A part of our per diem, Instead of tossing it away As did old Omar Khayyam, The government will see us through And make us strong and steady, For when the income tax is due We'll have to have it ready. If we resolve to do more work, Our annual vow renewing, That we will never dodge or shirk v The task we should be doing, The government again will aid . Our energies to fire, For many recent laws have made The cost of living higher. The coal mine owners, while admitting that Providenes .--.:. t the coal to their charge, are deeply grieved because the same Providence tv permitted a mild winter in the north. v'S dc river aici Meat prices are coming down, but you won't notice it iml.. use a microscope when you read your ivopyngav'f. aj tat Common Sense By I J. MUNDY. v Plunga In. Uaiu a no . f pIaIii a si mA V what may be termed "mental shad- .. ' J owsf ' - You contemplate some undert$ ing winch would prove a winner vour clans carried out. but vou ft to tackle the proposition beeaus,. A . yon fill your mind with possibilitiiP o! failure. t. Nothing was ever done without a certain element of danger or iinctr tainty either mental or physical or financial Look back at your opportunities and see how much better you mitfht have been if you had followed the inclinations you have had. The older you get the harder it is for you to break away from habit and branch out independently. Are you going to let this feeling gain in strength till you have no power to move initiatively? There never was a better time than now to carry on along the line for which you have been almost a lifetime preparing yourself. ou are better able physically to stand the strain now than you will be later. Are you waiting to be thrown into the water, where you must sink or swim, with no prepar ation for the jumpl No time better than the present, so make the plunge. If your education and knowledge is right, what is to hinder you? Copyright, 1920, International Feature Service, Inc. Do Ships Have a Water-Line? ' Anything which floats in the water jarring such extremely light ob jects as merely rest upon the sur-face-naturally have a portion f their bulk beneath it, the amount m this ranging in proportion from ice bergs which have approximately seven-eighths of their structure under the waves, to the modern type of motor boat which draws only a few inches. In loading a ship, it was formerly difficult to .'ell just when the danger-line had been reached, and a number of ship-build ers took the precaution of painting a broad line around the hull to in dicate that the addition of more cargo Hvould imperil the craft and incline it to "turn turtle." In 1886 an Englishman. Samuel Plimsoll, introduced a bill into Par liament dealing with what were then known as "coffin-ships" boats tha! were sent to srfa overloaded and heavily insured, so that owners might recover more than the value of the cargo m the event that the ship was lost. After a bitter fight, I'limsoll succeeded in having hi." water-lined bill" enacted into a law, and from that time on, English ships were required to have a water line clearly indicated, and no boat coutd be loaded so that this lint was beneath the surface. Copyright, 1920, Wheeler Syndicate, Inc. Where It Started The Gasoline EngirUx The principle of the internal-com bustion engine has long been known, and various models were exper- imenter! with from the earlv rlavfc" WHY engineering,! but it remained for Dr.Tf? Nicholas A. Otto, in 1878, to work V Aitrh Ae j-tjl nfiMAtna -Mil mkiLb W uunuc iuui -Ljrvic Ji mi,! lt it nou in an v. the gasoline engine practical. . The application of electricity for ignition at a somewhat later date, was the final step toward establishing this form of motive power. (Copyright, 1920, by the Wheeler Syndi cate. Inc.) . ' Bandits Rob Bank Newhampton, Mo., Dec. .30. Five masked bandits in a motor sedan drove up to the Farmers' bank here early today, bound and gagged- the watchman and robbed the safety de posit vault of $5,000 in Liberty bonds, after chiseling through a 14 inch brick wall. An attempt to blow the safe failed. Then they leisurely entered their; closed tar and drove away. ' Than Poetry MONTAGUE butcher's bills. pu eynatoavs, auc.X ' - - m 1 I.